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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 5, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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the project route has been built, watch it on my belarus 24 tv channel.
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the highway to lake baikal is the deepest lake in the world, of course people go to the irkutsk region just to at least look at it, but for belarusians there is a place that is much closer to home, turgenevka, a belarusian village where traditions have been honored for more than 100 years. during a few days of business trip around the irkutsk region, we visited, in addition to the capital of the region , this bayandaevsky district, and also in badaibinsky, usolsky, alkhonsky, many saw through the car window, once the taiga, then fields of farmland, when livestock are savages, but it only visually seems so for every cow.
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i grated it inside with meat with onion seasoning, now i’ll show you the grater i have on which i grated, my grandmother kept saying, let’s rip the woman or shingle the shingles, the village of turgenevka and there were about a dozen of them with belarusian roots in the irkutsk region during the stolypin reform here abroad the ancestors of today's siberian belarusians were traveling, the main part from the pruzhany district of grodno. region for several months
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went on the road, my grandmother , she came here in a diaper, it was during the stalupin reforms, when everyone was driving them here as if to develop new territories, they seemed to come here with their parents, this is already a long story, as it were we have already lost it, we essentially came to an open field, built dugouts, and after harsh winters the springs came, they were drowned, there was no harvest, it’s not easy to start from scratch. this museum in turgenevka still keeps a reminder of the homeland. they brought a lot of their own, but why? because we traveled by train, the carriages were well equipped, which means we traveled here for two months to irkutsk, and from irkutsk here on horseback. and so they brought a lot with them, well, then they settled down here, built houses, they naturally began to continue their business. so they
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worked with clay, began to grow flax, in our village , for example, not in the village, then there was nothing yet, to an empty place, more than 60 of them came , well, what do we know, we know everything, and we know your life, i know everything, i even know what kind of program does lukashenko have for these agricultural towns, i studied it, that one person from the family must work on the farm for at least 5 years, well, yes, and a house is given. yes, it gives a house, i looked at the wicker there and some furniture there, well, good conditions, but such belarusian agricultural towns are already appearing in russian regions, we were on sakhalin, the khabarovsk region said, we want to develop it, i also observed, well, they are developing , you see, where agriculture is profitable , we have the bayandaevsky district here, this is the inisei watershed, we have it here eternal, that is, the earth.
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while in this village they are waiting for the crops to ripen on the windowsill, in irkutsk rape seedlings are sprouting in open ground, for example, so much so that they decided to reduce the crops this year. russia has introduced a ban on the export of rapeseed. the region has good vegetable harvests, but they need more potatoes. there is someone to contact. we see prospects specifically in zoning and testing varieties. potatoes, at the moment we have enough; we also need to provide ourselves with potatoes and open ground vegetables, lead of course , logistics are quite problematic in siberia, it exists, it is good, but nevertheless, you understand, if a region feeds itself, this is its food
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security. soybean flour and water are delivered to belarus from the irkutsk region - this is for food, in general, 90% of supplies are aluminum and products made from it, the region is famous for mining, and these mineral resources are not rich in anything , drills and coal, gold, iron ore are mined, rock salt, cement and facing raw materials. we are in the northeast of the irkutsk region, this is the city of badaibo, from where such a name, according to one version, people at one time asked: “god grant, god grant,” and he gave it. they have gold, here is a monument to the gold miners of the bodaibo region; back in the middle of the 19th century, the first placer of gold was found here. in the badaibinsky district there is the largest gold deposit in russia, this is a dry log. its depths contain about 30%
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of all russian gold reserves. we are heading to vernenskoye, one of the most technically equipped enterprises in the gold mining industry in russia is part of the holding. pole, he works not only in irkutsk region, but also magadan, krasnoyarsk territory, yakutia, in vernenskaya in badaibo, plus a few more hours of travel, we arrived when it got dark, but is this a reason not to mine gold? we receive initial ore at this site, which is transported to the factory directly from the vernensky quarry, that is , the ore is delivered to the factory using a dump truck in kamatsu; we also use belast brand dump trucks. who work for us directly in this area, how many belaz trucks do you have working here? in general, our business unit employs about six belaz workers, but at the crushing and sorting site there are two or three beelase workers working every shift. how have the beelases generally proven themselves? well, in general, it’s a good reliable
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machine, quite easy to operate , and at the vernenskoye deposit they process 470 tons. of ore, 3.5 million tons per year, and this with an initial design capacity of 2.2 million. we set a course for total automation of production, uh, it should be noted, it is the highest in the country for factories like ours, uh, you saw , you we were at the factory yesterday and saw how much equipment was working at the same time, and now imagine that it all starts with one button, and is only controlled.
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in an overload, it’s not how it should work , so we can disable the electric motor, change it, and this is a very long downtime and, in general , absolutely all parameters are controlled, what we saw inside the factory, the filling in a nutshell and you can’t tell, huge territories, mill crushers, a lot of russian- made equipment. the operating principle of this mill. this is work in a cascade mode, that is , steel balls with a diameter of 100 and 120 mm are loaded into the mill, which directly break the original ore, but also due to the fact that the principle of operation is cascade, the ore rises to a certain level upward, and
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when falling down it occurs, the process of self-grinding occurs, that is, it begins to break up, the size of the ore that arrives at the factory is up to 150 mm, the powder is crushed, we each need to take such a wonderful device , a gas mask, we are now at hydrometallurgical department, where actually all processes, almost all processes take place under the influence of poison, under the influence of sodium cyanide, the gold recovery rate is more than 90%, this is the best result among existing gold mining enterprises in russia. the factory was built more than 10 years ago, after gold mining began in badaibo. before we see the very transformation of powder into ingot, let's go back to the beginning of the journey. skoe field, amphitheater, visually, they say, there is such a depth here that the eiffel tower would hide with
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the top, how to understand that there is gold , our geologists are very experienced, they determine by eye, even some can determine what the ore content is, and this is how we constantly conduct exploration, if briefly about the technology, first the drilling areas are cleared, drilling blast holes, filling with explosives. then this block explodes during blasting work , here it is in front of you yesterday's explosion, here is a fresh one, here it is, when drilling into explosive clouds through ore, it happens sampling, there are always two samples at each well; sampling is where samples are taken, which is interesting in the quarry because we found belarusian, and this is not without reason, you even see, yeah, right?
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well, what is called the most interesting thing about this , the bit does not pass through very hard rocks, the furnace is 1600 degrees, and gold is already boiled there, the original product is loaded here, which we received after hydrometallurgical processing and after gravitational enrichment, and reagents are added, these are soda and borax in order for us. the most unhealthy components that are all are still contained there, they are there, so that they are sort of separated from the gold
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, we are separating the cutlets from the flour, you can look at this forever, a golden cascade, so she ran, now at this very moment the gold is already settling to the bottom , that ’s it, it’s already falling there, at the bottom there’s this... the same ingot is formed in the mold, after the ingot is ready, you need to go over it with a hammer, my hands, i honestly admit , were shaking, listen, what’s it like to work like that with gold all the time, what the wife says, asks for gold, we turn it over, this one is drained 12 kg, what? to get it, they processed more than 500 ore, and this is the work of almost a thousand
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people, now they get 1 kg of gold here, that’s it, who knows, maybe some percentage of that, to which the hands of a belarusian journalist are involved, will be exported to belarus for scientific or production purposes, because we also use and... also irkutsk heavy-duty jacks, pumping stations lift multi-ton structures during the repair and construction of bridges throughout belarus, this is the enerpred company. in general, with belarus for a long time started collaborating? well, we have been working with belarus more globally for almost 17 years now. during perestroika, this issue was more difficult to resolve, because that is , the economy of russia was so weak, and of the republic of belarus, it was not on a high rise. in the eighteenth, even in the nineteenth year , more of this probably happened. we also have a belarusian metallurgical plant, we are now working with belazam and minsk automobile, yes, that
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is, naftan, mozorsky mpz, we grodno-azor, we counted about 200 companies from belarus the sales representative, by the way, has its own design bureau here, they are ready to make products to order, this is like an exhibition, some are being prepared for shipment to us, recently there was a presentation for the ministry of emergency situations of belarus, they are planning for the ministry of internal affairs.
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like an automatic machine, and it can be used even by, well, an untrained specialist, because it is light, it can be held in one hand, hello, hello, hello , dear owners, we’ll have some tea now, we ’ll take you to your house, show the cow there. we need to film the filly you have, yes we are from they arrived from minsk, they came from minsk , well, that’s it, then we return to the belarusian village, the doors in turgenevka are always open for our own people, just like that, having agreed right away, after 15 minutes they open the house for us, what’s the name, dobrynya, dobrynya, oh, this is zoya , this is a
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small torlik. this is one beauty , the second princess, well, where can i go without them , it’s beauty to live in the village too, but you can’t keep a farm, you prepare the firewood yourself, the children help, he’s the husband coming, you’ll be chopping wood, like in russian villages, girls firewood, if everyone can do it, oh, come on master class, she’s in the barn, don’t call me, she’s in the barn, she didn’t inject, and i was there all the time samala, who said that i’m not hagolo, i say, well, of course, oops, that’s it, well done,
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somehow we went to the market and they said, oh, the ukrainians have arrived, well, in the sense... that the ukrainians , i say, no, we are not ukrainians, we have a dad, a dad, but what, what a dad, you haven’t seen him, haven’t i heard on tv, they say, after all, his name is daddy, well, we too, i say, it’s not our daddy, but why do they value the daddy in irkutsk, well, you know, well it’s still as if it wasn’t, here in our village, we are considered belarusian, yes, but he is, as they say, ancestors from belarus and... the belarusian president is already and also we call daddy, well, he is already so full of character okay, yes, yes, she said , in general, of course, you need to come here for the color, ordinary people, open-minded with strong roots, hardened by the harsh siberia, working and retired, it’s difficult to stop, here is a barrel,
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water is poured, drained, this is where you take the water ? well , i brought it to my neighbor, i brought water to myself, yeah, well this is right here your throne, you sit down to rule, everyone makes a device for themselves, you have a belarusian tractor, well, in all of them, some have it, some don’t, yeah, who has a horse, who has a tractor, ever i forgot to say that he, kolya, don’t recognize me, you’re also an accordion player, yes, but where is the accordion, at home, and the house is here, but it’s nearby, it’s nearby, right? are you going home now? home, well, sit down, we’ll film you driving home to get the accordion, and you and i, only we’re driving, we’re going to the pope,
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we’re just following him across the field. we went very deep into economic relations, but for some reason we forgot about cultural ones, we are basically alone...
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it’s a shame it’s dangerous to go out, but there is something to see in the irkutsk region, and it’s not just lake baikal, here then i really want direct flights, well, why not, let’s think about it, why not, so i want to say that for me belarus, well, since soviet times, is the republic that i visited almost every year, yes , you probably know such a place as...
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but in general what not the location we had in the irkutsk region was with the belarusians, this is it close integration, where are you from belarus, this is my homeland, i was born there, grew up and graduated from school, when we moved, in 1991 after the army, alexander savich, an engineer, met us at the entrance to the company’s territory. yunik, it is more than 10 years old, and initially specialized only in the sale of belarusian equipment, but we remember the harsh siberian conditions, and everything has an expiration date, we needed a service center, they opened it on their base at the end of last year, and in general the proximity to china, of course, it adds competition. now there is, uh, a flow of technology, which people don’t know, which will either show itself on the good side, or show itself on the not so good side.
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they serve the irkutsk region, buryatia, farmers from large farms, the trans-baikal territory, they say here, they are ready to buy more and serve, but the distance, this is their request for consideration of direct purchases, directly.
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ours, because future farmers are also taught. i will remove this, of course, returning to the agro-industrial complex; at the end of the third year, our students go to practice, which means passive practice, that’s all the knowledge, all the language that they receive here, they apply without practice, and very successfully, this is a laboratory-gift from the minsk tractor plant to the irkutsk agrarian university, from the new academic year, children of all courses can undergo training.
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the guys will be able to practice in the service center and there is even an agreement at the minsk plant, we are united not only by roots and history, but truly by the willingness to learn together, having acumen, but what can stop us from moving upward? new year is a time of miracles. at this holiday anyone can become a wizard. to do this you need very little, to do good. after all
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, the warmth of the hands of people who do good deeds is transferred to those who receive them. do good and be happy in the new year.
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how do holy saints help believers with their invisible power? it is not the saint himself who is the source, he is the conductor of our prayers, he is the intercessor before god. why do people change their lifestyle and go to a monastery? something in my heart sounded like it was necessary.
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12:00 am
spoke, i had a problem with speech, i, of course, in my own eyes, of course, a successful person, in my opinion, for the simple reason that i have a wonderful family, i have a favorite job, watch the belarus project on the belarus 24 tv channel, together with the belarus 244 tv channel we will plunge into our cultural life.


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