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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 6, 2024 2:10am-2:31am MSK

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i sharka oglavlyaya sharka na pasashok na morozika zhusho and hare chergovaya glassa otvarovayata є chergovaya glassa allova charka na bas na morozі yes zhusho and zayal chargovaya charkavaya. cover the christmas season and the rich community sings heavenly songs on the kalyadas.
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plіny palms and squash with sour savory sunshine fur fur burdens behind the back kalada kalada galyadai what for the name kaladatz became the door of the vigilant i love the sparkle of kaladaray. the holy bright eye, the memory of the memory, the galloping cossack from the farm, the fox fly, the kalyaga, the words of god at once motsitsa naukola, here and there, the train is hot, kalyada, kalya yes, kalyada, what a dziva kalyada, karagodzitsa, litrytsa, i adore the vigilance. on
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the table there has become a festive and rich feast, singing heavenly songs, packs of chalyadas, pancakes, pancakes and welding, with cabbage, relish, una fur of the skill, burdens behind the back of the kalyat. paishla kalyada, carols, carols on the streets, yak come from the same roads, dze kaza horns, there zhyta haystacks, dze kaza naked, there zhyta kapoy, kalya yes, kalida, what for dziva, kalada, karagovitstsa games.
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for 14 years now, his work begins when the sun sets, she continues to sleep for several hours at dawn. again , every evening, without holidays, weekends and vacations, you don’t think that they are still stewing, they ask, and you fill them with water in the morning, he is the only representative of an ancient profession in belarus, in the archives they found what the uniform of a lamplighter was more than 100 years ago, this is where, in the past, he was an ordinary electrician, who at one point turned into a tourist symbol of the city. in order to see how
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he does his job, people travel thousands of kilometers on purpose. once upon a time in those days there were people of that age. golden hearts, wooden crosses, and now, unfortunately, everything has gone the other way around, wooden hearts and golden crosses. he is often compared to a character from andersen's fairy tales, and this is not only due to the authentic costume of the vintage staircase. victor kirisek, a lamplighter from the city of brest, a man who not only lights large lanterns on the streets of the city, but also small lanterns in people’s souls.
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it’s the middle of a hot summer day, the start of the evening shift is still far away, and viktor petrovich and his wife are driving. to the dacha, here is a place for them attraction, you can rest your soul, although it’s unlikely for your body, judging by the ideally planted beds of vegetable and berry plantations, a lot of work has been invested here, we hardly see each other, when we arrive, we don’t talk, someone strokes the roses, talks to the roses, someone... then we do our own thing, we cope because we have to love the earth, so... then - communication with microorganisms, with the earth, you don’t feel tired, you seem to be tired, you go home, well , such fatigue is pleasant, looking at podzharov, fit and constantly smiling you can’t even tell viktor petrovich that he is 66 years old, however, he himself says
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this about his age: divide us by half, well, you have to ask natalya, but i figured it was half, 15. still a teenager. viktor petrovich always had an easy and positive attitude towards life, but the most surprising thing is that with age this trait not only did not disappear in him, but manifested itself even more. the motto is so vital, smile more often. in general , a person lives as long as he wants. we have no problems, never. all problems can be solved, no need to some little things. get hung up, it’s just that we often create problems for ourselves, and they go around whining about something, there’s not enough money, then there’s not enough money, there’s an old parable, a grandmother went to the sage and said,
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i don’t have gold, there no, there’s no car, there’s no house there, there’s no cottage, but he listened and said, you don’t have a lot of things, you don’t have any sick people. not colleagues, you have hands, you have eyes, be glad that you woke up, because many are not given this. perhaps it is precisely this attitude towards life for oneself and for people played a decisive role 14 years ago, when viktor kirisyuk, among a huge competition of applicants, was chosen to become the main and only lamplighter not only of the city of brest, but of the whole of belarus. then he worked in brest-gorsvet, as an ordinary electrician
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, he got used to the role that, imperceptibly for himself , became a symbol of brest, and the tradition of lighting lanterns in the evenings turned into a calling card of the city, even without a costume of a vintage staircase, everyone knows the famous lamplighter on the pedestrian sovetskaya street : artists, artisans, street actors. good evening, yulia, for example, she comes here very often, she is an actress in the theater of living sculptors.
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to the city leadership in 2009 on the eve of the next anniversary of brest. 17 stylized lanterns with kerosene lamps were ordered especially for the main pedestrian street sovetskaya. under the 19th century, we delved into the archives, found information about what a lamplighter looked like from peter the great’s times, ordered a uniform and cap based on an old sketch, this is the lamplighter’s costume, in the archives we found what the uniform of a lamplighter was like more than 100 years ago, here whose buttons were torn off, but there were spare ones, but they are now beautifully screwed on the wires... in fact , a lot of buttons were torn off over so many years of work, but viktor petrovich was never angry, he only
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laughed it off. we tug at the swimmers, some even forcefully, but i ask them, more gently, girls, more gently. there are a few minutes left before the appointed time for lighting the lanterns; warm summer twilight is slowly falling on brest. an old waltz sounds from somewhere in the distance and a lamplighter comes out of a small closet. in a frock coat with shiny buttons. the fairy tale comes to life before our eyes. people come and say: you are like from an andersen fairy tale. adults, yes, i’m even somehow surprised, oh, how i am, it’s like i ended up in a fairy tale, or i ended up in a fairy tale. give a fairy tale, and indeed, looking at how
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sincerely, in a childlike way, adults react to the brest lamplighter, how they smile from ear to ear, rush to reach for the button to make a wish, it becomes clear what viktor petrovich is talking about, health to you, any kind of happiness, for sure, well, everyone is happy, 100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of them has a question for an adult: the takeoff of a rocket is similar to the takeoff of an airplane; what is more scary for you: launching or landing? well, i probably,
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either unfortunately or fortunately, was not present at the time when they flew to the moon, but at least alexey arkhirovich leonov said that yes, they had a flight and they visited there. the heroes of the program will have to open up to the audience. what is strength for you? well, the common expression is that there is strength in truth, i will say that there is strength. in fairness, the main task is to honestly answer all original, and sometimes and awkward questions, can you show a working technique that can help someone hit from above, and then i throw the person, and just like that, what advice can you give to modern youth, based on your own experience, to love the land where you were born , look at the project 100 questions for adults, on the belarus 24 tv channel. we will take a tour of the main
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enterprises of our country. there are a number of blocking positions; the automatic control system will stop the workshop if there are any deviations in the operation of the workshop. we lead 100% control to ensure that these products comply technically, with regulations, and comply with the sample standard. let's learn the history of production development. the production of phthalion hydride no longer exists in belarus. in 1974 , the management decided, as they say, to build and launch this workshop. 70-80% of our products are exported. and, of course, we’ll talk about achievements and work results. the difference between our equipment is that they have very large capabilities, this is knitting in a regular way.
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about belarusian organizations about the people who work there in the quality mark project. watch on the tv channel belarus 24. the legend is that if you rub a lamplighter’s button and make a wish, it will certainly come true for a very long time, but for adults, this fairy tale game turns into something more, good evening, hello, someone really makes a wish half a dozen, someone takes this ritual much more seriously, asking for important things, sincerely believing that the magic
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buttons of the brest lamplighter will definitely help, well, people are looking for salvation. “if you believe and wish , it will always come true, i tell the little children, you always have to make a wish, i want, i can do it, no problem. ” it takes viktor petrovich about half an hour to light all 17 lanterns, but even closer to the end of this action , the crowd
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of tourists does not disperse, and there are no fewer people wanting to take pictures with the famous breda character. in order to see how the lanterns are lit in brest, people come from all over the world. we came on an advertising and information tour, we are travel agents from the tyumen region , we came to meet you from belarus, we arrived from minsk to brest today and the first thing we did was come here. the guide said that it was always like a fairy tale, and we were also waiting for him to come out, so there was an atmosphere, it is conveyed by the fact that people follow him, not that someone looked at one lantern and went away, namely... such a unity of all people in one place to observe such an unusual action. anastasia and her daughter liza came from the city of bolokovo, saratov region. we learned about the ignoramus from the intellectual game quiz please. we arrived in brest this morning, visited the brest fortress and stayed here overnight in a hostel in order to go and
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visit it in the evening. this is very unusual, very impressive, the child is not very good yet. understands, for me, i didn’t see those times when lanterns were lit manually, and to see how it was, it’s very interesting, very educational and something new, but like any fairy tale and ritual of lighting lanterns, it comes to an end. there are fewer people on the soviet side, and viktor petrovich is photographed with the last tourists for today. in that half hour, he not only did his job, he withstood the noise and din of the crowd. a touch of ten.
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dusk has fallen on the soviet one, the lanterns are burning, the show is over, but for our hero the work continues, in just a few hours, when it begins to get light, he will come here again to turn off the lanterns. it doesn’t occur to anyone that they are also stewed. they ask: do you fill them with water in the morning? i go up, i raise the window, in just 24 hours he will have to go up and down the stairs no less 50 times. so 14 years, without days off, holidays
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and vacations, in any weather, winter and summer, this is a profession, although from earlier times, but also today. you can’t call it simple; there are very few lamplighters left in european cities, and there they are worth their weight in gold. when asked if he’s ever wanted to work somewhere in another country, viktor petrovich answers without even thinking: i didn’t even think about it and wouldn’t go, well, i’m a patriot, one might say, of my own brest, here my nature is here, everything is yours, everything is familiar, everything is original, it’s kind of needed here. i feel needed, in demand, and well, everything, but who, if not me, will turn on the light on the dark streets?


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