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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 6, 2024 5:55am-6:25am MSK

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we are in the church of the nativity of the blessed virgin mary, let's talk a little about the history of the parish, how it began to take shape. when i came, i was appointed metropolitan in 94 to the village of tarasovo, to revive church and parish life, i knew practically nothing, i just received a decree that this is the village where it was needed.
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progress, and the history is very interesting, it turns out that tarasova is the former estate of konstantin vasily ostrozhsky, who put a lot of work into the education of belarus, under him the first bible was created in the church slavonic language, he greatly served there for the revival of churches and the revival of theological schools. schools , monasteries, so he bought a maentok here , and then tarasova began to develop, and here was the first church in honor of the holy apostles peter and paul, then there was a church in honor of the nativity of the mother of god, so we found archival records, yes, which indicate that , that the church is wooden, large, in 911
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the new church was illuminated and it was consecrated in honor of st. george the victorious, this is such a spiritual story. in '37 this church was closed, priest mikhail rubanovich, at the age of 83, was brought to mary magdalene.
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asked how we would illuminate this new church that had been built, he blessed the honor of the nativity of god, mother, how to restore that tradition that had been interrupted, and so we consecrated this new church in honor of the nativity of the blessed virgin mary, in 1997, 15 october the first stone was laid in the foundation of the temple, in 2001 we already lit it, but at the same time as the construction of the temple we also devoted to social service. while, when i came here, it was a village , there were a lot of lonely old people, that’s when we organized a kitchen, on sundays we served lunches for lonely stories, that is , this is such a small social work, then here next to the zhdanovsky orphanage, we have them...
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. buy a store, this is what they are taught here, to take care of yourself as much as you can, without feeling sorry for yourself, but the mother, as not a specialist, sometimes she often raises such a child alone, she shows overprotection, and she is much calmer if he sits on the sofa in a chair, not doing anything, this means this is a guarantee that he won’t hurt his hand, that nothing will happen, everything will be calm, so moms are worried, what are you doing?
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there is such a child in the house, what is everyone's attitude? they try to protect their children from such a child, but here they are together, and you know, sometimes we need to learn how they help each other, help each other overcome all the obstacles that arise, there is probably a special understanding, because i myself am in such situation, yes, yes, yes, yes, especially in the church up to this point, if there is such a child, then this is the mother... sinned, that’s it, that’s what you sin , that’s what you have, that’s why children are born, somehow i once - reading a gospel passage, there - there is one when the disciples with christ
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pass by the blind man and ask the question: lord, who sinned ? this man, blind from birth , or his parents, and the lord... says, but no one has sinned, he is needed in order for the glory of god to be manifested on him, this thought comes to me, so maybe these children, they carry or young people, they bear their feat, suffering, so, they bear their there are some restrictions, but through these children and young people our human essence is revealed, our compassion, who is our neighbor? the one who needs to be helped , to show compassion, and we must help, this is where the human essence certainly manifests itself, our perfection, our love, to help such a person live the same life as you and i live, they have the same feelings, like
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us, and of course, when we offend them, reproach them, they also suffer, just like you and me when they offend us. that's why i i always say that never judge, and maybe what is next to us is so that our human essence manifests itself, our... unlike the urban one , there is, but i wouldn’t use it on the urban one, when i was appointed here, i already told the metropolitan during my lifetime, metropolitan philoretta , that i was then still a young priest in the hearts of...
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always ready, i thought it was a joke, just how to support me, support, after a while the call again, so where is your passport, we already need to open a visa, i say, well, that’s not joke, no, that’s how i first visited jerusalem, when i visited jerusalem, i had to visit churches, monasteries, where i remember one monk, he is the abbot, he is the dean, he is the singer, he is... the father, he performed everything , at the same time, all the services , at the same time he received guests, he also
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treated us to coffee, told us everything, showed us everything, at his service, as he said, there was one two, here you are, now there will be three of us, and then one does it, and for me then some kind of, i don’t know, well, everything turned upside down, after all, we had to serve in order to be full temple, then it’s considered that you serve, you’re a priest, and if it’s not enough, then what kind of service is this? it turns out, no, that’s how, this became such an example for me, i arrived , then i had already arrived strengthened, i began to understand my service as a priest in this parish in a completely different way, well, when the metropolitan called me twice to return to minsk again, i already said: “vladyka, the first time i’m honest, i told him, i’m being capricious, so you removed me, so i won’t go.” well, it was, well, what is it, yes, well , we are all human, and then for the second time, i just told him
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i explained, i said, vladyka had plans with his arrival, to create a temple, to build , there are already certain developments, collecting donations, i say, we need to bring it to fruition, and then i was already delayed, why, because parish life, rural life, it different from the city, i entered the family. i baptized, i married, i performed funeral services, i already knew the families, we communicated with them, and it became a big family for us, now, this is so captivating, it makes me feel completely different as a priest when i walk into the temple, they all know me, we welcome, we all know each other, we smile at each other, we are welcomed to the holiday to the mountains, to joy.
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brings this one to baptism, and here it stands 2 m long, you knew him, yes, but to build
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a temple in the village and even, probably, you can say a temple complex, because not only do you have this church located here on the territory, in the village , probably, it’s more complicated, probably, yes, but you see how sometimes, from my practice, when i was allocated territory... for the construction of mikhail vladimirovich drazhin, director former greenhouse plant, i came to him and asked him to allocate 40 acres, well, for a temple, so around. the temple could be cared for with the cross, a temple could be built, but he tells me: here’s 2 hectares, he’s allocating this whole hill, and so that there would be beauty here, and this land was at a distance, it was the metropolitan who chose this hill then, i still had my doubts , i say , my god, but whoever comes here to climb this hill, the whole universe lives down there, and you
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still need to get to this hill, and he says: this is the place, this is for the temple. well here i'm still 2 hectares were taken away, i’m walking on this land, and honestly i was depressed, i thought, my god, where to start, i lit water for baptism, four buckets, and out of four buckets, two remained, that’s how many parishioners there were, how to build a temple here, but you see, it’s built up, so sometimes , probably, not always according to our strengths and capabilities, but...
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everything is very complicated, difficult, i turn to everyone for help, i once addressed in a sermon that let’s get organized, let’s let’s complete this project, because the children are waiting, and the temple is waiting, but many people are outraged by this, this insatiable father sergius has a temple and another temple, well, i wouldn’t build it, you understand correctly, for me the temple is enough, i could generally... refuse all the buildings and not do anything, but if it’s necessary for the parishioners, for those children, for those young people who need such a temple , that’s why we are building it, please tell us a little about yourself, let’s introduce our tv viewers to you better, have you been brought up in the church
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tradition since childhood, or this will come later arose at a serious conscious age, i brought up in the world. of course, my grandmother put more effort into nurturing the faith , well, that’s natural, the parents, they are at work, only on weekends when they are free, and often the grandchildren are there, they spend more time with their grandparents, well , we had a tradition in the family during the great lent... our great-grandfather was a very educated, religious man, he had his own large spiritual library, but in those distant years he was subjected to exile, like the whole family, but the family was large, then they left the family, but what do i mean, and the library was burned and this is what the spiritual libraries could have remained with the grandmothers, these are the books we
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used, these books, and there were certain books, here was a book that was read during lent...
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the area to enter, they returned him, i have this certificate with us i tried one in ours , i heard, well, you know, somehow, maybe i wasn’t quite ready yet. so i entered the technical school at the insistence of my parents, after graduating from the technical school, the army, well, i was also in a dance group, danced, the desire arose to devote myself to club work, i entered the institute of culture, planned to return home, but at all stages of my life i remained with faith, visited the temple, when i studied at the institute,
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i was ready to help, then churches were revived, construction was also necessary, all the time, i’m ready to put in my efforts, works, in what way can i be useful for the church, he, well, okay, so our first conversation was the law, then the second conversation, well, he asked me, he said, well, how are you there , i say, well, we talked like this and so, oh well, then apparently they played the second the meeting, well, things already went a little differently. but again, you see , i couldn’t help but say, vladyka, i’m ready to be a priest, or take me as a priest or something, or write a statement for me, it was
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very difficult to say something, so again we ended up with i am ready to help, to help, to be useful for the church, but after the second conversation, when i left, seraphim’s office next to the metropolitan, brings me into the office so urgently...
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is the level of education better or are there other reasons? i was already in charge by this time department for interaction with the armed forces. in warsaw, or rather not in warsaw, in the polish orthodox church there is a very good relationship, work experience, building with the armed forces. they have a chaplaincy on a professional basis, where worship is organized. and i wanted to explore.
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on various topics, always happy to serve others, thank you, thank you, all the best.
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we know exactly how to start the morning right. my secret is to wake up with a smile, then the day will go positively. olga, what are we going to cook today? today we are with you let's prepare rice pancakes with a delicate vegetable filling. can not wait to. let's start cooking already, together with you we will prepare a delicious breakfast, today we will prepare the champion's breakfast? well, let's try, i want to surprise you today, we usually eat cheesecakes, and i'll make greek pancakes, is there a place in your life for a hobby? mash, i learned a long time ago to relax at work, work on vacation and get the boost of necessary energy, put nut-vegetable pate on the pancakes, roll them into
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a tube, serve the sauce. made from yogurt, your home champions will appreciate this breakfast. watch the breakfast of the champion on the belarus 24 tv channel, up, hello, baby, oh, well, finally, the prodigal husband is back. who is it, and then?
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“we decided to get married, what do you know, we will have a child, watch the series desire on the belarus 24 tv channel, their every day begins with tension, there are such trills, that is, you are sitting at home, there is such birdsong, especially in the evening, nowhere else in life i’ve never heard of this, it’s even worth coming and seeing for this. yana is talented and beautiful, a man who grew up on the earth, who feels his land under his feet, who stands on it and wants to put order on it, to bring beauty, in general for the reason that a person will always find something to do, he just needs to somehow realize himself, the underlying stone, the water does not flow, incredibly
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looped history.


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