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tv   100  BELARUSTV  January 6, 2024 1:30pm-2:31pm MSK

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the belarusian balcony, it is the most important for western countries, they will not leave us alone, so we need to prepare, consolidate within the state, hold our elections, and most importantly, understand that as for the external vector, the elections are still ours, western countries do not recognize, we choose in the twenty -fourth year of people who will largely determine the future of the country for decades, these are truly popular elections, belarus is a beacon, it holds for me a more mature, wiser,
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everyday task is to talk about belarus in a country abroad. more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch projects from our tv channel. so what is belarus like? business and developing. welcoming, vibrant and festival-like. generous, picturesque and monumental, sporty.
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we tell you not only about significant events. we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus maybe. to understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, broadcast on the belarus24 tv channel, watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer.
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get ready, music, dj, applause, wow! hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come to us who will answer everything, but first, according to tradition, our questions from the heroes. alexander, why do you think the children chose you for the conversation? well, i think, for one simple reason, one of the presenters in belarus once called me the first belarusian cosmonaut. are you ready for children to sometimes ask tough questions? i'm ready for any question. you promise to be
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honest? yes, then good luck! dear participants of the program, today our guest is the honored artist of the republic of belarus, alexander soladukha. alexander, i want to warn you that according to the rules of our program, if for some reason you cannot or do not want to answer, you have the right to refuse the question three times. and be attentive to the questions. at the end of the program you will have to choose the best one. well, now you have one minute to tell us about yourself. time has passed. good afternoon, dear friends, i my name is alexander soladukha, i am a belarusian singer. i was born in the moscow region, my dad served there, my father was a military man, my mother was a teacher. when i was 6 years old, my father was transferred to serve.
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to kazakhstan, to lake balkhash, to the military town of priozersk, there i graduated from a secondary school, in parallel to a music school in the class of piano, guitar... independently and unexpectedly, unexpectedly after graduating from school, i entered the karaganda state medical institute, three courses in karaganda , the fourth, fifth, sixth i finished already at our house in minsk, almost 41 years ago i took the hippocratic oath, worked for 5 years in my profession, a year as a doctor and 4 years as an inspector of the fisheries inspection of belarus, cap uniform, pistol, a very interesting life, unfortunately, the story of your entire life cannot be contained in one minute, from 1 march 1987, i’m on the professional stage , 36 years old, now let’s move on to
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the questions from our audience, we have 100 participants in the studio, each has their own question, let’s see how many of them you can answer, let’s go. so who's ready to ask the first question? hello alexander, my name is fedor, i know your hit, hello, someone else’s dear, is it true that you earned 1 million dollars from this song? yes, it’s true, what did you spend it on in your life? i would, of course, like to know the details. well, i think everything is ahead. great, let's continue then. you were born in russia, but everyone considers you a belarusian artist. who do you consider yourself to be? of course, belarusian, father and mother from belarus. let's move on to the red sector, anya, you are already a little over 60, the red microphone does not allow, hello, is this what they call you when they ask about your age, they remind you of him, but no, of course, a man
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should always speak honestly about his age, he turned 64 on january 18 of this twenty-third year. congratulations. then tell me how much you feel, 64 or maybe less, more? well, i always tell sasha soladukhi, eternal 33, 33 someone else’s sweetheart came to me, my megahit, it was 1992, and what do you have left from a teenager, from adolescence to this day, well, i think a lot remains, enthusiasm,
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you really even goes, please tell me, why did you cut them? and i went through everything stage, yes, when i came to the professional stage, i had a short haircut, like the guys, yes, a jacket, a shirt, a tie, then i started growing my hair, long hair, a beard, a ribbon, then a tail, then wet gel , bob, then there was a beret, then a shaved head, the next... question: how do you feel about envy, is it good or bad? but there is white envy, yes, like, for example, i have always envied valery leontiev and many artists with white envy, and there is black envy, unfortunately, yes, i’d better tell you right away, try to avoid it
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get rid of it, yes, it interferes with a person, but tell me, you were jealous with black envy of one of the artists, never. hello, alexander, my name is matvey. why did you graduate from medical university if you were not going to work in this profession? after graduating from school, i really intended to enter either a physical education institute or a music school, because at school i only got two a’s in physical education and singing. maybe it was influenced by the fact that my dad was hit by an ambulance when i was in tenth grade in graduation well, that's how it happened. yes, and although already in the first year, i was 17 years old, i had my own vocal and instrumental ensemble, in the second year i realized that medicine was not for me, but i feel sorry for my parents and the prestigious profession, a sanitary doctor, so from course to course in karaganda, minsk, i was transferred because i
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, with a guitar in my hands, defended the color of my native sanitary and hygienic faculty, this is how it turns out, if you want to become a good artist, become one. we continue with 100 questions, up to a hundred more far. red microphone. hello, alexander. my name is kirill. have you ever had to use your medical skills in any way in your life? to latvia the hippocrates, which i gave, i repeat, on june 26, 1982, i am faithful to this day. i heal people's souls from the stage. let's continue with the black microphone. hello. my name
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is ann. tell me, do you have a musical education? yes, a piano school. it was thanks to music school and musical literacy that i myself mastered the guitar. in the yard the boys showed me the first three chord. i remember how i locked myself in the bathroom, i had a guitar for 7 rubles. small. and my fingers were bleeding. i wanted it so bad. learn to play the guitar and here i am, although i didn’t like salphage, or musical literature, or a specialty, my parents persecuted me, the only subject i loved was choir, why didn’t you leave to conquer moscow, but stayed in belarus, i tried to do this many times, fate constantly brought me back home to belarus, the moment came... in my opinion, it was 2004, when i realized that i didn’t need to go anywhere twitch, you don’t have to go anywhere, here
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, sasha, your place is among these 10 million belarusians, these 120 cities, these six regions, and 100 young people who ask these tricky questions, today for you, alexander, red microphone, please, my name is lova, i want to ask a question, your parents were at your concerts, yes, but how did they generally react to what you became? not a doctor and a musician , they treated me rather painfully, when i came he said that i was leaving from the fisheries inspector of belarus to the anniversary restaurant, i want to sing, what does dad need and my mother said: come on, son, go ahead , it was a bar, on the second floor there was a restaurant where musicians played, a dance program, i didn’t fit into this program and they gave me 45 solo minutes with an acoustic guitar, i didn’t have my own repertoire then, i sang the city. dolsky, rosenbau, malazu, yuri antonov. and just imagine, from the first days i
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already had my own army of fans. there were three categories, yes, lads, foreigners and girls. alexander, answer honestly, which category do you prefer? to me everyone is nice, one of the foreigners gave me a concert costume, these guys are my lads. always after the end of the music program on the second floor they bought it, i gave such jazz there with a guitar that the office staff clutched their heads, and the girls gave flowers, hello alexander, my name is polina, and i have this question: do you have children , and did they choose their profession themselves or did you influence their choice of profession? well , natasha and i have two children, five grandchildren, applause, we have twins,
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alexander and anton, my sons, and they graduated from different universities in our country, but have been working with me in my business for sixteen years now, antonina graduated from the institute of physical education, tourism, and now she works in a separate profession. artist, designer, my youngest daughter varichka is finishing sixth grade. alexander, would you like your children to continue the musical dynasty? i always answer this question, we’ll wait and see, everything is in their hands. in what ways do you think children can follow your example? well, i think, from my creative destiny, from how i move through life.
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they made a wish, well, i think that i have already caught more than one goldfish in my native country, having conquered a sea-sea of ​​grandiose venues, giving a large number of solo concerts, and my most important wish was, and will always remain, that there be a peaceful sky over our
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country . hello, alexander, where was your first concert? the first ticketed concert took place in the minsk house of officers, it was march 7, 1994, the hall was full, the parents were alive, and dad, mom, the boys were small, they were sitting in the hall, so i had long hair, a ribbon, a leather suit, cossacks, a white shirt, how much did you pay? were able to raise money for the concert, oh, i don’t remember, perhaps, probably , everything came together then, because a lot had to be invested in advertising in television, in the russian press, in the press, posters, i wasn’t trying to make money then, the hall was full and television version, this concert was shown three times on belarusian television, next question,
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please, yellow microphone, my name is varya, i read, yes, our daughter’s name is varvara. i read on the internet that when you were young, you were a very hot-tempered person, in what situations did this manifest itself? in my youth, yes, indeed, i was a very hot-tempered person, and i reacted quite painfully, yes, to any situation in life, that if it was not so, it was not for me, you know, yes, and i could allow myself to shout and swear swearing, that’s what, of course, i was very worried about later and tried to apologize and ask for forgiveness. and the question is: did the police detain you? alexander, let me remind you that according to the rules of the program, you have the right to refuse the question three times. no no, we will continue, of course. yes, i was in the police once. well, i saw off my
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first wife to the airport. yes, when she flew away, i went into one of the bars. i took a little alcoholic drink, why did you decide to stop the taxi and go after her to pick up the plane? well , they took me away, and in the morning my dad, wearing an officer’s uniform, came to pick me up, that was the first, only time, i must admit that artists are not the most decent people , they have problems with alcohol and drugs, and you had such problems, of course, i had them. problems with alcohol, yes, very much serious, very serious, yes , i said goodbye to life three times, and when i was already saying goodbye to life, some voice from above, he told me this, this is the voice from above, you do not have the right to go to the next world, you are obliged to raise your sons, and this helped me, precisely from august 1
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, 1994 to 2:30, not a gram, nothing, with 2ve i...
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character, yes, quit the addiction, if there is one, and go up. we travel around belarus and discover new sights. every city has sculptures with their own symbolic meaning, and they are usually located in center. meet, this is valentin and valentina, let’s get acquainted with the original belarusian traditions, i didn’t hit you, well, i’m immediately
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scared, you’re not afraid, but i’m scared, hitting, of course, hurts, no, tell me, what could a woman in such an outfit do , probably, to control the work of the servants, the most important thing is that we experience vivid emotions, so, guys, how did i fit into your team? take it, yes, i ’m really thinking about buying a jacuzzi, i’ll add milk and honey to it every evening and feel like cleopatra, project route built, watch on belarus 24 tv channel, i don’t have the strength,
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the tone of what fruit is used at the famous annual spanish culinary festival on the last wednesday of august? the ancient greek goddess of justice fimid is always depicted the same way: she is with scales in one hand, and a sword in her other hand, name the third distinctive feature of this goddess, and unexpected answers to them ball, ball, i accept the answer ball, how she holds the ball, this it’s not shiva, which has many hands, unfortunately, we are not strong in operas, we can therefore boris godunov? watch in the intellectual show tower on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. we continue our frank conversation with a question from the violet sector: and alexander, when and to whom did you last ask for forgiveness? probably in front of my daughter. for what? why did you ask your daughter for forgiveness? but i don’t remember anymore. you must always, if you have made a mistake, you must admit it; if you have offended someone,
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you must apologize, you must apologize, then it will be easier to move on in life. well, let's continue, red microphone, please tell me how you choose the repertoire for your songs? well, as a rule, what about composers? basically, of course, yes , they send it to me, show it, and if the three components of the word, melody and harmony hit the top ten and penetrated the soul and heart, then this song gets into my repertoire, and please tell me how much you are willing to pay for a 100% hit , the amount, well, the amounts vary for songs, if i feel that it is a strong hit, i am ready to pay. the most precious song, of course, in my life for 36 years, is the song hello, someone else's dear. we all know this one song, alexander, name the amount: 29. it’s
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worth it, alexander, thank you. who do you present your new songs to first? well, as a rule, at home, of course, natasha, his wife, varichka, his daughter, yes, his sons, at home, as a rule. i sit down at the grand piano, we have an expensive instrument, a guitar, but have you ever had something like this, that your friends or colleagues criticized your songs or called them strange, it also happened, yes, that they were criticized, and i perceive it normally, necessary i keep it for myself, i skip what is unnecessary passing by, and hello, alexander, my name is mikhail. and not so long ago you released a video dedicated to agricultural workers as an agronomist, tell me, do you like to dig in
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the garden? well... i sometimes dig up trees in the spring, natasha asks me about this, by the way, today after the transfer i’m going to the store to buy paint for whitewashing the trees, so there was a period when i mowed the grass with a lawn mower, now our gardener does it, well, in winter i clear the snow myself with a shovel, everything else is done by natasha, our eldest varechka daughter, antonina. yellow microphone, next question: it seems to me that you are a confident person, but do you have any fears? i really really believe in myself, in my star, in my victory, in my success, fears, well, i’m probably very overly worried about the lives of our children, my children,
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yes, both sons and daughters. i always pray to the lord god that everyone is alive and well. alexander, just be honest, are you afraid of germs, germs? well, everyone knows, the whole country knows how sasha soladukha washes his hands, what kind of training program we have in country house, yes, how clean and orderly we are, i graduated from the faculty of sanitation and hygiene, sanitation, hygiene, epidemiology. on my diploma, so i'm not afraid of germs, purple microphone, please, my name is artemia, i have an interesting question, what is the difference between a good artist and a bad one? i’ll answer this: i’m a good artist, and also very modest, well, let’s continue with the purple microphone, please, i would like to ask you what advantages your:
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different life situation gives you, while i was preparing for the transfer, two came to me order for concerts, i name my price , customers say: we are ready to pay that much, we find a common denominator, everything always happens well, we continue to ask questions, red microphone, as you know, many celebrities use the services of plastic surgeons, cosmetologists, have you had a similar one experience, no? and what do you do to keep in shape, you are very handsome, yes, thank you, many people ask me this question, and my fans don’t even believe, and even artists, for example, alena lonskaya, yes, yes, he hides, he uses, botox, yes it’s called correctly, yes, i always smile, of course, i react to it, i always tell, yes, that i have three components, sun, soap and water, that’s all, nothing more, good mood,
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one hundred percent. into yourself, into your success, into your star, into your victory, and smile 24 hours. the next question, yellow sector, how do you understand when you smile honestly, when you just have to, it’s necessary, well , basically always, of course, honestly, sincerely, you come to people, in any place, yes, you go on stage, well, of course, you have to smile, but don’t be sad, you know, although... many professionals told me that tragic songs still need to be sung with a smile, oddly enough . alexander, admit it, today the program has 100 questions for an adult, you smile sincerely, of course, of course, black microphone, please, do you even believe in horoscopes, in some signs of fate, and if so, how does it help you in life? the most
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important? but it was opened and we signed at 15:15. varichka was born on the twenty- tenth, twenty-tenth. and you also say that you are not popular. this is me about zacks. at all weddings in the world, on the bride's side, there is one witness, a witness, on the groom's side, there is one witness, a man. belarus made an exception; on natasha’s side there was a daughter from a previous marriage, antonina, on my side, two sons, two witnesses. red sector, please, what superpower would you like to have? well , it’s probably the same for sasha solodukha in this country . let’s continue the theme of the supernatural,
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superpowers, because the biggest record is seven performances in a day, seven corporate events per day, yes, i think it’s unlikely that there is still an artist. i learn a lot from him, i always set him as an example for myself, i said the minsk arena will be done, i said the dynamo stadium will be done, i said there will be a new station, it will be done,
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so i set a goal for myself, i said, i’ll take the minsk arena, i took it, said, i’ll take the dynamo stadium, i took it, and so on, tell me, do you like to set records, of course, i have records... please, a question from you, don’t you argue between a businessman and a creative person? i am both an artist and a businessman on my own, and since 2006, when natasha and i created our own individual entrepreneur, we
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have a bank account, our own seal, and i work as a businessman in this country, paying taxes honestly, one woman gave me a book, it has been my reference book for many, many years, internal feng shui, it is written there in black and white: that every person’s brain consists of two hemispheres, so one is responsible for numbers, and the other for creativity, when both hemispheres work together, a person achieves maximum success, there are businessmen who are not friends with creativity, they have no success, there are artists who are not are friends with numbers, they have no success, black microphone, please, among your former classmates, are there any celebrities and do you communicate with them?
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it would be with joy, for free, of course, that i would sing there for my boys and girls with whom i studied.
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to develop a menu twice a year, taking into account established standards , seasonality is sufficient. the teacher-defectologist sits with the child at the mirror and shows the child articulation gymnastics. a child, looking in the mirror, sees himself, the teacher. watch on belarus 24 tv channel.
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who have never experienced anything serious and terrible in their lives, fascist foundations, they are very deeply incorporated into the very spirit of western civilization, that system that is collapsing, it included us in the mechanism of robbery, but in the end i am convinced that we will win, the project tell me, don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. we continue the program, the next question is from the red sector. most of your songs are about love, so i had a question: what if it turns out that love, well, not mutually, what should i do? don’t worry, don’t get upset, don’t despair, look for your destiny, look for your soulmate, no matter how difficult it is. i’ve been working towards this for 45 years, did you find it? yes, we touched on an excellent topic, i suggest we continue, yellow microphone, tell me? do you know how to part beautifully? but you should
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always part gracefully and remain in good, decent human relationships. alexander, did you manage to maintain a good relationship with your first wife? with his first wife, her name is lena sotnikova, she is a doctor, and rarely, but sometimes i call and find out how you are doing. violet sector, next question: there is usually music around. session until the last viewer, i don’t leave
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mine, of course, i love to communicate, i don’t hide it, the black sector is ready to ask its question, your wife was also your fan, she says she knew one song: hello, someone else’s dear, yes, and not i was a fan, how did you two meet? i came to buy a towel for my sons at the store where she worked, and my mother, my sons, my second wife sent me to this store, and this store, a week later i came to buy a towel for myself, alexander, who confessed his love first, natasha and i have been since april 2004, now it will be 19 years, somehow everything went by itself, little by little, little by little, i at that time i rented an apartment, so... we talked, walked, i said: let's go to a store,
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i want to give you a present, we came to the opening of the store, i gave natasha a mobile phone, it’s just that sooner or later i realized that we should live under one roof, and this was from november 20, 2004 to today, yellow microphone. hello, alexander, please tell us about your most interesting and unique gift that you were ever given. probably the most expensive gift was from. a friend from our belarusian businessman, his name is sergei prokopovich, on april 22, on ilyich’s birthday in 1994, he gave me a car, zhuguli, seventh model purple, yes, you have an expensive car, i have several, i
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have a fleet of vehicles, yes, most importantly, so that it would be warm, so that i could fit in, so i call it there small tank or swallow. yes , here, here, i have one of my sons, alexander soladukha, i have a driver, he is also a security guard, he is also a director, so, i gave him a car for the birth of his daughter 3 hours after my daughter was born, a t-shirt, gifts generally happen in our family, almost every day, for natasha and for varichka, yes, but the biggest one is probably for natasha. on march 8, she woke up in the morning in our country house at 8 am, opened the curtains from the children's bedroom, and there was a new expensive car downstairs. natalia all the women in our country were jealous.
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red microphone, please. tell me, alexander, when you are offered new projects, what does it mean to you? have the size of the fee, the size of the fee is not the most important thing for me, i probably, perhaps, hold the record for the number of offers, remember, wings, butterflies, yes, a pink suit with wings, twine on muzzle tanks and so on, a lot -they offer me a lot of everything, i never refuse, i always go, and if they also pay money for it, i say, thank you, we continue further... sector, purple microphone, and you work very hard and constantly captivate the public with your creativity, but still, how do you like to relax? there is a catastrophic lack of time for rest, as a rule, this happens, well, probably at night, when everyone is sleeping, i come to our country house, we have a street of six
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houses, it’s quiet, it’s good, so i like to heat up some delicious food , open the bottle. dry red wine, drink a glass, eat, concentrate a little, calm down, then go to bed, sometimes watch a good movie on tv, ride around, and around our village on a bike in the summer, yes, go for a walk on the lake, go for a swim, black microphone, black, black, black, alexander, i have three questions for you, hello, the hair is beautiful , thank you. first, when was the last time you used public transport? public transport, i sometimes like to take the subway with varya and my daughter. when was the last time you fixed something in your home yourself? well, sometimes i screw in light bulbs. third question, when was the last time you were on someone else's concert? i love attending concerts
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of my colleagues, where have i been? i don’t remember either, probably yes , it’s okay, thank you, we are moving on to the yellow sector, hello alexander, at the beginning of the program you were introduced as an honored artist of the republic of belarus, how important is recognition and awards for you, well, the most important recognition and award is the love of the people , the love of the public, but i won’t hide it, i thought you would ask the question differently, when will you stand on...
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well, how can i say it correctly, conquered, except that all that remains is to put together a solo concert at october square. my name is still vova, and i would like to ask this question: how do you see yourself in retirement? as for pensions, i ’ve been retired for a year and a half now, the money is still coming to my card every month, i... immediately from the first day i said that this money will be used for education after school, a good amount has already accumulated there, yes, but she still has 5 years to study, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, i think it will be decent. which is enough for everything there is 4 or 5 that i will sing until i am 99 years old, so at 100, years at the university, i say at every concert,
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i’ll probably just sit down quietly, relax and calmly play with my guitar at home. do your children help you and provide for you? and i provide for myself and everyone who is with me. performance, i told him a little about my fate this way and that, i’m at igor
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yakovich’s cool place, i regularly bring money from belarus, the money is invested in broadcasts, the money is running out, the broadcasts are running out, to which alexander yakovich razumbaum, after a short pause, said: sasha , you have two paths, either substitute one place for them and turn into them, or go your own way. you are strong, you will get there. do you have any advice that you could give us, any parting words, i want to do this, for each of you to remain yourself, believe in yourself, choose the right profession, after graduation, for sure. your heart , your inner voice, it will never deceive, you must do what you love in life,
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when you wake up early in the morning with joy and run to work, money is secondary, life with your loved one is a must, if it didn’t work out the first time , it’s okay, second, third, don’t be afraid of anyone or anything, believe in yourself, do what you love and live with your loved one. this signal means that the time for asking questions to the hero has expired. alexander, now you have to choose the best question of this program. there were really a lot of questions, cool, bright, just, thank you very much to all of you, but perhaps the brightest question was the final one, who asked it, please show me. charming girl, please introduce yourself, my name is masha. masha, where are you are you studying? i study in the city of minsk, at secondary
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school number 111, 111, three units, yes. this is the magic of numbers, alexander, which you were talking about. according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift from our guest. go out onto the site. with great joy i want to give you my new fourteenth album called we are alive for the best question in today’s program, thank you very much, alexander, now you have the opportunity to ask the children three questions. so, my first question: dear friends, how much alexander saladukha once conquered vitebsk with his solo concerts.
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hello, stranger, dear, yes, that was mine, how could i not love you until the very last days, it’s a pity that we could not, no, cherish with you, everything that is called love, that it costs us to drown our lives in the past inconsistency. the trace won't help, i want to kiss your daughter's eyes, let's try together, the past won't come back, a tear won't help, i want to kiss your daughter's eyes, and now everyone rises in their places, hello
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alien dear. my personal joy, i don’t once loving you, until the very last days , will respond with pain, the autumn of that friendship for us, maybe we will have to regret it in the spring together, a tear will simply not help... i want to swim, i want the daughter of your eyes, i don’t hear you, she will rush and a tear won't help, i want to kiss your daughter's eyes, i want to kiss your daughter's eyes, i want to kiss my daughter.
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alexander soladukha, alexander is visiting today, thank you, it was super. singer of the program 100 questions for adults. alexander, i’m waiting for you to leave for the site. alexander, here here, i ask you to stay. thank you for participating in the program, do you think you managed to cope with this audience? yes, what was the most difficult question for you? yes, in my opinion, they were all easy. alexander, today you managed to answer 65 questions. i address our audience. do you think that our hero was as frank as possible with you today? whoever thinks so, raise your hands. why do
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you think so? i believe that alexander was sincere, because he talked about his life, shared his impressions, emotions, which he experienced, and i think he has nothing to lie about. i believe that alexander saladukha was sincere with us, because this is alexander saladukha, he cannot lie. you saw his amazing smile, he looks you in the eyes and you realize that he is really honest in his answers. so, who thinks differently, who thinks that alexander soladukha was sometimes cunning when answering your questions. i noticed that he cheated in one question, when i was there, the conversation turned to some operations regarding appearance, he probably cheated, because it’s worth paying attention to his smile, which is very, very white, but it seems to me that these are not his teeth after all, i still think that the sweetheart was somewhat cunning,
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because in response to my question, which was... enjoys is it his popularity? he answered: no, although after a few questions he said what zachs specially opened for him on wednesday, this is quite strange, if you think about it like that, then he is a little dark, i think that alexander himself is a very sincere person, of course , i can't deny it that it is quite possible that he still kept something personal, something that he keeps close to his heart, to himself, but i think that he tried very hard. thank you. alexander, we have this rule: the hero always has the last word. summarize the conversation that took place. the program is super, what else can he say? class! honored artist alexander soladukha was a guest today on the program 100 questions for adults. see you in a week.
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we do not have the moral right to live only for ourselves, we must look beyond the horizon, we do not have and will not have another home, african countries, as well as the arab world, latin america and asia, why are they ready and willing to work with belarus, because the leaders of these countries have deep respect not only for belarus as a country, but also personal respect for alexander lukashenko.
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nuclear weapons are absurd, we are simply learning diplomatic, so-called etiquette from those who made the language of force a global trend. we have a new political line for the first campaign. only supporters of the state line should get into parliament. those for whom the words belarus, unity, sovereignty, family and peace are of decisive importance, step aside and do not interfere, no one is forcing anyone to do anything, for one simple reason, we are already the absolute majority. the propaganda project, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel . watch everything that modern belarus lives with today on the belarus2 tv channel. this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene,
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and discover belarus. hello, my name is daimari, i am also from venezuela, i really like belarus and the people here are very kind, and here is the most delicious fried potatoes, and my name is zakaria, i came to belarus from libya to study it technologies, i’ve been living here for a year and a half, i like belarus, kind and calm people live here, and i also love boxing and potato pancakes. today we saved up, which means an adventure awaits us, yes, they count a lot of adventures, but please tell me how...


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