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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 6, 2024 8:05pm-9:01pm MSK

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our life, including to patriotism, because if we see improvement in everything, of course, patriotism will grow, including towards our products and products that will be produced in our country, this is worth a lot, and we are going that way steps towards this, and of course, in general, the economy will only benefit from this, so i am happy that i live in this country, and we really have tasks that contribute... to improving the standard of living, and i am already participating in this has approximately 20 agreements. on
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today with universities, centers, enterprises of the people's republic of china. if we talk about closer cooperation , then we are implementing three educational joint programs, with three universities, the people's republic of china, with northeastern university, this is the city of shinyang, and we are working to...
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spread the culture of china, introduce residents of all countries world, yes with chinese culture, with china, but our confucius institute is also distinguished by the fact that we deal with issues of scientific and technical cooperation interaction with china, there is an urgent need for specialists who study the chinese language not just at a basic level, but also have a fairly deep command of scientific and technical terminology, just like this... the problem, let’s say, was raised 10 years ago, when it was adopted the decision to open the confucius institute for science and technology at bntu, as ksenia valentinovna has already said, it is the northeastern university that is our partner in the work of our confucius institute, at the moment, for example, one dictionary has already been published, scientific and technical terminology , its second edition is being prepared for release, which will be supplemented, we have 22 teachers from china teaching china... the language at different levels,
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from beginner to advanced, to the level for business, this is chinese for workers of the great stone, this is the chinese language for everyone who, let’s say, cooperates with china in the scientific and technical field, but how many of your students study from china, and what specialties are their priority? today, about 500 students study at bnto. students from china are students who are taking full educational courses. those who come to us on academic exchange from other universities in china, students often choose economic specialties, despite the fact that we are a national technical university, we provide extensive training for specialists in economics, but it is focused specifically on the work of industrial enterprises, scientific and technical work, these students also often choose and are not afraid to study in technical specialties, students are studying at the faculty of mechanical engineering, in the automotive industry.
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a conference on new horizons for our youth is being held at our base, this is a very interesting event when representatives of embassies come. and representatives of the chinese belarusian youth side at the conference talk about their achievements , the guys talk about those interactions that in the future they can, well, sort of take it to a more practical sphere to do innovative projects, we also have a one-belt- one-let-one competition, this is a translation competition technical with chinese universities on implementation in all technical and economic areas, so that
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scientific and technical issues can be resolved jointly.
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poland is on the verge of a global crisis after the victory of the opposition and no one intends to give in. trends in the new world order, events that force you to keep your finger on the pulse of the times. what should each of us pay attention to? let's figure it out together. microphone state on prosthetics, population of infinity, budget on western castes. dying people in ukraine received an invigorating injection adrenaline. on december 15, the european council decided to begin negotiations on accession to the european union for countries with limited
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opportunities. it is understandable; ukraine has been setting trends in the rule of law and democratic standards for a long time. there really are old ladies in europe. what to learn, welcome to hell, somehow from him, if we dispel about this dark time, we will sing to you about love, about love on loan,
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the wandering look of a local traffic cop, which cannot be forgotten or confused with something. bribery from the grassroots level to the very top tops. this is a relic of the past; the ukrainian state, once corrupt to the core of its essence, was able to overcome its illness. ukrainians themselves proudly state this during surveys. tell me, kindly, in our region, corruption is increasing and the rate is falling? it is growing rapidly. why? the deputies are being stolen, here. go to the doctor 's office, you need swag, all that, damn it, you're kind, we're just taking the video, and we'll be against it, you could just say on camera, say that the level of corruption in the country is falling, well mi so it’s not your time to take away your trifles for
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what we pay, kindly, and without food, say kindly, our corruption is growing and the rhubarb is falling, perhaps it’s falling, so everything is getting better, the roads are being repaired.
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just think about the scale of the hypocrisy of big european politics, it will soon be the second decade since the notorious maidan, where the state system was turned inside out, the western vector of development was determined, they have only now been decided. negotiations, what’s next, after all, it’s a long procedure of humiliating losses on the way to status candidate for entry. the first example was the abandonment of the project to build the danube-black sea canal at the request of romania. and even after all the state interests of ukraine are trampled into the dirt by dear partners, you will have to stand in line. for example, turkey has been in the status of an accession candidate for three decades now. serbia, montenegro and north macedonia languish in second. we will discuss a dozen ukrainian success cases with political scientist sergei mikheev. i’m interested in your opinion on
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what ukrainian politicians are saying now. it was precisely rahamia who said that in 2022 it was possible to complete a special military operation on the territory of ukraine by simply agreeing to one of russia’s demands - the neutral status of ukraine, non-alignment , and so on. how can you say such words now when half of them died.
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and not just a military-political orientation, that is , creating a threat to its neighbor in the form of russia, but from an economic point of view, frankly speaking, corruption and theft have become the main content of the entire ukrainian in reality, that is, by and large , those who considered themselves statesmen in ukraine are not, never were, when we start counting from zelensky, poroshenko, you know, this is also a mistake, unfortunately, the ukrainian elite begins with kravchuk and ends. zelensky followed the path of degradation, demonstrated a complete inability to understand what
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is the real state interest of ukraine, we see the result, war, loss of territory, economic devastation, huge the number of victims, the flight of the population , and this is the flight of the population, when almost 10 million people simply fled, and beyond the borders of the country and much, much more and a complete collapse in terms of meaning, absolute degradation, so to speak, where children are sold for sale by all pedophiles, they believe that this is how they... in the greater western civilization, these people are not capable of governing the state in principle, it is very interesting that if earlier orban with his statements was a certain phenomenon in european politics, then with the advent of fitz - this is already a certain trend. what is the reason for this, european politicians are tired of feeding ukraine with this, in fact, their taxpayers’ money, they began to demand the return of these resources, they began to play with their national interests, what is the reason? i think this is due to the fact that, after all, despite the fact that. the americans , of course, tied them very strongly, which means
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that all the european elites, in my opinion, have castrated them, because there are practically no politicians and prominent figures left there, nevertheless, there is the reality of life, and the reality of life is is this: american interests are not equal to european ones, you can rosin your brains for a very long time, so to speak, about this, but those who still retain the ability to think understand this, by the way, there are quite a lot of people in european countries, they just have nothing to do with adoption there decisions that are dissatisfied with this... demands, so to speak , from you people, demands from you to destroy your own countries, destroy relationships, but here it is clear that the time factor begins to play, the americans promise success, the americans promise victory, but where is it, russia, which they were going to bring it to its knees in 2-3 months, as it is, so it will be, yes, we had, there are difficulties, they will, so to speak, some continue, we will overcome internal problems,
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russia is not going anywhere and you don’t hope for it, yes, then the simplest question is, you promised us dividends in the horizon, so to speak, but where are they? they don’t exist, then people start counting money, but why help us, so to speak, pour these resources endlessly into a black hole, and why does our money, our production, go to america, why did we refuse cheap , so to speak, cheap energy from russia, and why are you putting us on the brink of the heder war, we will all burn here, and you are sitting there overseas, that’s all, that is, you know this, such after all, there is common sense , there are sprouts of common sense, it’s not that they know there, they love russia or something like that, there are just sprouts of common sense, so they will still... make their way, that’s another question, that of course, while this is still an isolated phenomenon, that’s also interesting, by the way, against the background of the above, again a logical question arises: why these proposals now, which brussels is voicing that we are about to include moldova and georgia again, why did these conversations start again, they are trying to somehow keep them in limbo, because they also understand , that for so many years they have been hanging and nothing happens, well, there are two
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factors, yes, firstly, after all , there is this american consensus, which... this is to ensure their interests, among other things, this conflict with russia, he allows europe to be tied to himself very tightly, yes, well, the second is, of course , such an internal vibration, those means those countries of the european union, which in general they were counting on , as it were, are beginning to express their opinion, so to speak, well then, let’s get some fresh blood, let’s have moldova, here georgia, ukraine, the fact that these are completely unequal replacements, well, this is
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obvious, but nevertheless, here it is partly you know, a feeling, a feeling of internal illness and problems. makes you rummage around with your hands like this, as if yes - in search some kind of medicine for these internal internal problems. well, it’s clear that ukraine is a huge chunk of problems. they say: we are supposed to include ukraine in the european union. and what? the european union will become healthier and more powerful from this. he will load himself with such a load of problems that cannot be cleared away at all. don't rake it. and how will it end? i do not rule out that ultimately all this expansion to the east will end in the collapse of the european union, simply collapse. another question is that this can be extended historically. so to speak, in the future, yes, well, and happen there, well, not on our eyes, we follow the sporting life of our country. shakhtar advanced to the top division of the russian basketball championship 3:3; in the second stage, which took place in arkhangelsk,
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in the tandem of the challenger, the belarusians won all matches. and we were allowed to participate in the licensed world championship, and we... hoped and believed that we would still be able to perform at the olympic games, this cannot but rejoice. we review the most interesting events. the other day, the belarusian cycling federation summed up the results of the year, which, despite the ban, turned out rich and fruitful. sports of a new reality. the second stage of the republican tournament on digital banking of the game of the future has ended in minsk. we listen to the opinions of competent specialists. i have to be in some position. to be a stronger player , now we have signed a big one, because we feel that we are a little lacking under the ring, at least this is a difficult game, as i said, a massacre, it showed that we have a team, and we are not in vain, so to speak, we worked for a whole year, all this in sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel, every day of their lives it starts with a bang, there are such trills,
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that is, you are sitting at home, there is such singing of birds, especially in the evening...
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our attention is naturally drawn to the conflict in ukraine due to the proximity of its origin. but if you look at the world a little more broadly, it becomes clear that regional conflicts have become a trend in international relations. diplomacy has given way to force. according to the study, the past year has become the most conflict-ridden in the last three decades, with 183 regions. conditionally around 1960 under pressure national liberation movement of the peoples of asia and africa. the system that allowed the west
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, considered to be the end of colonialism , to openly and unceremoniously parasitize around the world has ceased to exist. we will not go into details of how this turned into a hidden form and that the ost-insk company became the progenitor of modern transnationals that successfully continue its work. us today. a trend towards the revival of that same national liberation movement around the world. in one of the programs you and i discussed argentina's desire to reclaim the falkland islands from british occupation. now venezuela has actively taken up the task of restoring historical justice. territorial disputes between venezuela and guyana, which was a british colony for a long time, have been going on since 1819. at first, london did not contradict venezuela's claims to the border along the essakiba river, but already in 1831 britain united under its leadership the former
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dutch territories, berbice, demera, essakiba and gave them the name british guiana, which later became goiana. in 1899, the dispute was considered in an international arbitration court. the decision, let's say, is extremely unexpected. was ruled in favor of britain , the confrontation continually moved from the legal plane into open armed confrontation. in 1969, pro-venezuelan rebels in guyana attacked a police outpost. several employees died. this is a problem that always plays in favor of barbarism and never in favor of civilization. we already know the result of nationalism, that happened in the last century, i think. based on national honor, this cannot be
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simply handed over, this is the truth of this dispute. in november of this year , the border conflict between venezuela and guyana escalated due to the disputed territory. caracos decided to hold a referendum, in which the population expressed their attitude towards the acute crisis. nicolas maduro declared esequiba the country's 24th state and also called on the national assembly to pass a law to protect the disputed territory. today the people spoke loudly and loudly and clearly, and we are about to start a new one, a powerful stage, because we carry the mandate of the people, we carry the voice of the people. venezuela's roots in the 19th century are fueled by recently revealed circumstances. in 2015 , axonmobile discovered
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enormous oil reserves on the shelf, comparable to the qubeit fields. given guyana's sparse population, it immediately took first place in the world in terms of oil reserves per capita. the local government intends to produce more than a million barrels of oil daily. analysts estimate that guyana's economy will grow at least 30% per year. the president maduro ordered exon mobile to leave the region within 3 months. brazil and other latin american countries, fearing armed confrontation, put their troops on high alert. i want to assure guyanese that they have nothing to fear. in the coming hours, days and months, of course, our guardian. and numerical
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superiority. the bolivarian republic has approximately 350 thousand fighters, including paramilitary forces, against ugayana's 110 thousand. it is important to note that behind exon mobile, developing deposits of the controversial territory stands the white house and the bayonets of american democracy. despite the active participation of the united states in hostilities in ukraine and israel. there are enough warehouse stocks for one more regional one. we pray, we hope, we have faith that nothing negative will happen, you know that all these rumors that are happening, we just pray, hope and believe that all this is a lie, since we are not the type to suffer distress , we are not the type to create problems, we don't want to be with people like that, we want to continue living a peaceful life on our beautiful land. both sides made an attempt to peacefully resolve the controversial issue and...
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on december 14, a summit meeting took place , following which a decision was made in a joint declaration to avoid a forceful scenario. the problem is that big money rarely allows you to maintain composure. extract and sell is a simple business model that sets the tone for international relations, and not only mineral deposits become points of tension. but also logistics routes, and that same ukrainian danube-black sea canal - only part of the current trend. whoever controls the transport infrastructure, bays and straits holds the world in his hands. there are two thin bottlenecks in all world trade. a fifth of the world's oil supplies and a quarter of liquefied natural gas supplies pass through the strait of armus. any incident in this area inevitably leads to fluctuations in the energy market. through.
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the babeldeb strait passes through 80% of the world's maritime trade and 12% of all ships plying the seas. the fact is that it is on the way to the suet canal. israel's war with palestine led to a reaction from the yemeni houthis, who actually staged a blockade of israeli ships. the naval forces of the yemeni armed forces carried out a high-quality military operation against the norwegian ship astrind, which was loaded with oil... heading towards the israeli formation, it was attacked by a suitable ship missile. dozens of similar incidents have been recorded in the strait recently. world leaders in container shipping are suspending operations in the red sea. the ships will are forced to go around africa through the cape of good hope, significantly increasing the length of the routes and, as a result, the cost of transportation. over the past few weeks
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, the israeli port of eilad has sunk. experts predict the possibility of food shortages. american ships are concentrating in connection with the strait. we will discuss the situation in the region and iran's foreign policy with an analyst from the ministry of foreign affairs of this country. hello, iran was under western sanctions for a long time, while the country managed to achieve quite large success in the development of modern technologies. how did you achieve this? “ hello, thank you for organizing this interview, you correctly noted that iran has been under sanctions for a long time, and these sanctions are in completely different areas, perhaps such a long-lasting impact of the sanctions was the factors that played a role in the iranian people decided to act in order to defeat the sanctions. naturally, we do not like sanctions, no country wants to be under sanctions, we have always welcomed political and
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diplomatic methods." belarus and iran, what could be the prospects for bilateral cooperation as the driving force of this interaction? iran and belarus have always had good relations. i believe that there is a very good prospect for the development of bilateral relations, and the main driving force for the development of bilateral relations there must be a will for the independence of our states. iran has always been and remains one of the large countries that pursue an independent foreign policy. this is exactly what
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may be a fact.
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iran, in addition, iran has exceptional potential in the field of transit transport corridors. we are ready to share our advantages with the brix countries with other interested states, in
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turn, to use the capabilities of the brix countries and other countries to counteract the victory over sanctions. i believe that this will be a mutually beneficial collaboration for all parties. thank you. thank you. we will introduce you to belarusians who deliberately exchanged the city for a village, just a country house. and in one beautiful day, we just arrived in minsk in winter, stayed for 2 weeks and realized that it was very noisy, well, that’s how the circumstances developed, we already lived here. well, that is, we already came here, we liked it, despite the fact that our apartment was on fire, they believed in themselves, their strengths and achieved results in their favorite business. the main goal of our farm is not to earn money, but to provide ourselves with good
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quality products, how to build a house and not get divorced, that’s what helped? probably, after all, there is a desire to be together, and a miracle that the leader from the capital will have to experience. all the delights of rural life, apparently a tv presenter with experience in construction work, well, i have a wife, i have a mother-in-law, i think, as a man, you understand what this smells like, it’s also so mocking, i don’t know, you can’t see it, that’s where they stick their noses out , they look, the city guy cleans up after us, okay, i’m from the village, watch the tv channel belarus 24. microphone. the world around us is, to one degree or another, reflected in popular culture.
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global confrontation worries everyone without exception. and the saddest thing is that we are already we know what failure leads to. the cold war is considered over with the collapse of the soviet union. millions of people. what is happening, enterprises are closing, confusion and complete misunderstanding , unemployment and hunger are stimulating a colossal increase in crime, morozov’s gang or firefighters from gomel were at one time in the ears of everyone in our country, robbery, racketeering and dozens of corpses are behind them. thieves' romance rolled out onto the streets, where young people, left to their own devices, became fertile soil for germination. in belarus the spread of such a social lecture was quickly stopped; the authors of the sensational series the boy's word remembered what it was like to live in kazan in the nineties. fur hats, fur coats, scarves, caps, fishnets, young people
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are literally crazy about the aesthetics of the eighties. the sensational series the boy's word blood on the asphalt has surpassed the peak performance of the south korean squid game from netflix in terms of the level of viewer interest. why, i lost money from you, 3 rubles. there are a lot of controversies and discussions around zhora kryzhovnikov’s film work, the series is widely discussed. outside of russia. the crime drama has even reached the western media. a thematic column was published by the british publication the economist; songs by artists from the post-soviet space returned to the charts. tracks from the groups mirage and tender may are trending. so why is everyone heatedly discussing the romanticization of gangster themes and whether the series poses a real threat to... commissioner for children's rights in tatarstan irina volynets
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appealed to roskomnadzor with a request to check the series for compliance with the decree president of russia on the preservation and strengthening of russian values. and despite the assurances of the film's authors that the film has a moral, at the end of the film the main characters have a very tragic end. however, children who do not have the same critical , analytical thinking as adults, without having the same life experiences, perceive. what is happening on the screen literally, so in many regions of our country children have already been noticed, starting at the age of 12, who are still in games, thank god, but nevertheless imitate what is happening on the screen, when a huge crowd of young people - 30, 40 people, 50, on the screen during the series they attack one, and are ready to kill him, that is, there is blood, violence and... at the same time a romantic song, popular at
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that time, is played group mirage, with the words: where are you my new hero, i dreamed about you, but you must admit, this is very similar to propaganda, so i turned to roskomnadzor, roskumnadzor checked and confirmed, no violations were found in the boy’s word, well, really, why not, i seriously thought, i can do it, they gave me theirs assessment of the scandalous series in the federation council of russia, such... debates around cinema have arisen not for the first time, you and i remember what a wide public response the series, school, stuffed animals, brigade caused, for example, the series brigade, where banditry was romanticized, we watched in general , the whole country, but in general no one followed the path of these heroes in this series. the creators of the series remind those who knew this time, show those who did not know how it all happened, our common task, so that, of course, this does not happen again. nobody does not want all this cruelty
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to return to the streets again, but does everything in the picture really correspond to reality. the series is based on a book by a boy, criminal tatarstan, a russian journalist from kazan. in it, gorayev tells the story of the city's street gangs. after the release of the second episode of the series of the same name, the popularity of the documentary book reached a new level. sales quadrupled. in the series, albeit fictitiously. names hide real crippled destinies, lives cut short, in the sixth episode showed how the lives of other universalists would end. can children who cannot consciously perceive, let alone... evaluate, what is happening understand the real message of the series? senok,
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are you being insulted? if you are offended, you should definitely say something. can a boy’s word massively influence the behavior of teenagers, why keeping a child at home, isolating him from bad company, is not an option. we asked these questions to an educational psychologist. there are many factors that influence the behavior of teenagers, and this is just one of them, yes, that is, what they watch. and of course, long viewing is different. information that contains violence and crime can have an impact, but there cannot be such a direct mass effect, because - after all , first of all, a teenager is influenced by family upbringing, education, social circle in general , his personality, yes, that is, what he has life principles, that is, it is unlikely that a child who has the correct concept of good and evil, and who grew up with respect for personal boundaries, will watch such a series and... popular
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the proverb says: don’t raise children, they will still be like you, educate yourself. hello, our mother was taken to the hospital, what happened, they say psychosis. belarusian answers are a correct example of what it really means to be a kid. the workers of the minsk tractor plant confidently, and most importantly, authoritatively said their weight. word: in a healthy body, healthy mind, i will play sports, i will keep my word so as not to repeat the mistake, i will remember the boy’s past word and... in word and deed, i will defend my homeland, the boy’s word, the law is harsh, but this the law, i will be law-abiding, the boy’s word, the forbidden fruit is always sweet, especially for teenagers prone to negativism and protest, because the prohibition of indignation only
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motivates to watch the series secretly. informal groups and youth associations have always existed; cruelty always has a reason, a purpose. the period of their youth and partly contributed to the rapid growth of popularity, but what for some is a relic of time, for others is the harsh reality of these days, a video with the reaction of a native has gone viral on the internet georgia, who first found himself in the urban slums of latian steel. and so with the baltic states, so i just came to riga and a little bit of the capital, it would seem, yes, latvia , which joined the union more than 30 years ago, you know, when i came here now, i was a little freaked out, this impression, well, for me a person who has lived several dozen in kharkov, a person who comes from georgia, i know perfectly well, this is not new to me, there are such drab houses there that are about to fucking fall apart,
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there are fucking dead roads, but i i don't understand how yes, when you come from england, when you come from central europe, you go to the baltic states and think, guys, what ’s going on? it seems that you know, the concept of cutting the budget, it takes place even in european countries. yesterday, when i took a taxi from the airport, i said, tell me, please, how is it even possible that your roads are broken, your houses are like this, i don’t understand, it’s as if no one is doing anything here at all, you look like a scoop just came out yesterday, these they just want steal more, they steal, steal, steal, i’ve already left, well, he says, we say we’re cutting the same budget as you, well, that is , guys, i’m just in shock. looking at such a reaction of a foreigner in riga , one can safely assume what synonym the local population uses for the openly gay and part-time president of latvia edgars rinkevich. the appearance of cities is a reflection of the affairs of the country's economy. a fifth of latian land, including the best
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agricultural land. directly or through intermediaries owned by foreigners. the largest sold in 2008. the brewery practically stopped production, maintaining only the release of exclusive varieties. in 2016, the only large metallurgical enterprise, lee piece metallurgs, collapsed, its annual turnover was close to 500 million euros. those who live normally are officials. the ministry, everyone has an increase, well, you said, everyone has some kind of additional increase, how are people living, has anyone thought? can be called a poverty budget, so there is not enough for everyone, the budget, the economy is small, we are everywhere as always we are lagging behind, besides, our national debt is 19.3 million, 19.3 billion, and the estonian one is 9 billion, that is, the budget has already included a million
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a day in interest, we will pay a million euros in interest every day on the national debt. similar situation. occurs when there is complete chaos in the public administration system, when the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing, and each of them, no, no, will grab the tidbit without a budget. a similar situation is brewing in poland. the economic miracle of the hyena of europe was based on a clear fulfillment of brussels demands, or rather, on the free subsidies that were received for this. in recent years, they reached 12 billion euros for 38 million people. application. to the population of belarus, this means that someone would give us 3 billion every year. in fact , every 2 years it would be possible to build nuclear power plants for free. after the polish ruling party began to show its temper in brussels, the feeding trough became considerably smaller. full-fledged economic midnight has arrived, carriages in pumpkins and
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further according to the script. on promises to return a miracle to the country and unfreeze blocked assets, donald tusk came to power in the country with his affectionate government. gaining power is always easier than maintaining it. ukraine is proof of this, but unlike square, the polish opposition chose an exclusively peaceful, but no less thorny, path to rule. over the past week, donald tusk and koo have been enjoying their triumph, making promises, making plans, and even taking their first political steps. the newly appointed prime minister made it clear. everything that was under peace’s rule will burn with fire, from which the country’s pro-european course will be revived, and liberal values ​​will become fundamental.
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for example, the leader of the never-ruling party had already tried to cause confusion in the new government, he decided to prick tusk and unobviously hinted at his grandfather’s service in the german troops. there is a procedure in parliament when someone insults another person. i don't know who your grandparents were, but i know one thing: you are a german agent, just a german agent. i didn’t come for a long time to get a refund. came when the opposition came to power, it dissolved the state commission that investigated the version of russian involvement in the crash of the plane with
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the president of poland and lech kaczynski in the smolin region in 2010. yes, yes, the brother of the pis leader. the decision was made by the new minister of defense, vladislav kasinyak, kamysh. the explanation stated that the commission was spending public money for purposes other than ilgal’s. this, in short. however, for the newly elected head of the ministry of defense, this is rather a step towards rapprochement with another newcomer, the speaker of the sejm, shimon golovny, who in 2020, being presidential candidate, released a controversial video in which he promised to fight for every tree, and not just one. then many accused him of mocking the deceased president; kaczynski’s plane hit a birch tree before the crash, but now it becomes clear that this is how he speaks. against the authorities’ version of russia’s guilt, everything is not so simple with ukraine, the crisis with truckers and the border remains
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unresolved, despite the fact that tusk promised to further support kiev, his comrade-in-arms, the same kosinyak kamysh, representing the polish peasant party, stated that financial assistance to ukraine, the influx of ukrainian refugees , flooding the polish market with ukrainian products undermine the stability of the country, this is for sure... something needs to be done, not in favor of kiev, and the deputy minister of agriculture of poland, mikhail kaladey, who passed to the polish sejm on the list of the civil coalition, said that it is necessary to close the agricultural market for ukraine for 20 years if it suddenly joins the eu. they say poland must protect its interests, which somehow does not agree with tusk’s words. regarding the position on for israel, here, too, not everything is so obvious, but...
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the real dictator duda still holds the reins of power, that is, the right of veto on bills initiated by the government is in his hands, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to overcome it narrowly, despite the majority of seats there are still not enough in parliament, and a patchwork government is most likely not simple. that's how i got this nickname. the polish model of statehood
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has long been based on selling political services to global players. either they will place the systems at home, or sit on ford trump strive. the main thing is to be desired and in demand. but they didn’t follow the trends in warsaw. the munroe doctrine is back on the agenda. by the way, this month she turns 200 years old. the us is increasingly forced. leave your zones of influence, pay attention to what is happening in your garden, so that the frivolous relationship of money in exchange for democracy comes to an end all over the world. that's all for today, it was the trends program, disparate facts packaged into a single concept. until next time. each program has new heroes over time during the filming, the game participants drink 10 liters
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of water, our team is worried about my name. wheels, pedals, saddle and handlebars are attached to the bicycle, more than 100 tons, what kind of fruit please tell us which part is used at the famous annual spanish culinary festival on the last wednesday of august ancient. the greek goddess of justice fimis is always depicted the same way, she has scales in one hand, and a sword in her other hand, name the third, distinctive feature of this goddess, and unexpected answers to them, ball, ball, i i accept the answer, the ball, how she holds the ball , this is not a shiva, who has many hands, unfortunately, we are not strong in operas, we can therefore, we can accept prince igor, the correct answer,
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build a tower, watch in the intellectual show,
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