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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 7, 2024 8:10pm-9:00pm MSK

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you know, there are no analogues in the world , attention was drawn to this temple , work is being carried out to this day, and every year is marked by new discoveries, this parish also has its own unique history, but polovsk is a big rich city, but in terms of churches it is very poor thing, when i came , there was a small church here, which is now a sunday school, the same house stands , which can accommodate 50-70 people, and here there was an old bathhouse, so... the building was from soviet times, reinforced concrete and the first problem is to remove the building it was like that, well then it’s like that too there was, well, such a place, they allocated it, and here there should be a temple, natalya ivanovna kachanova came and things went on in literally two 2 years , the temple was built, there are two temples, the lower temple, we are now located and the upper temple, the upper temple in honor of the icon joy, and the lower temple in honor of adrian and natalia , the patron angel on... illuminates this part
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of the city, this is the western part of the city, that eastern part of the city, and by the way, the temple that they began to build before ours, now it is already also adorns the city, this is a unique temple that adorns the eastern part of the city, not external bows, not, say , some external feats, they are needed, but as an auxiliary measure for the growth of the inner man, son, give me your... heart, and the lord sees our thoughts, our wishes, they say so that he sees and hears our words and actions. this, this is the meaning of church revival. in our countries, in russia and belarus, so far there has been a church revival, that is , opening churches, monasteries, religious processions, opening a monument, programs, in peace, here in area, in this spiritual, church area, but now the next stage is a spiritual return. this is the revival
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of our inner state, so that we are christians inside, not in name, but in content. the lord teaches us his commandments in the gospel, and we must hear and fulfill them in our lives, and thus our whole life is like an ascent along the steps of earthly life, which ends in the kingdom of heaven.
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i am belarusian, i am happy on this cossack land, between the forests and the forests of the land once upon a time, i am a belarusian, i hate that i call this name, and the good glory of belarus in the world knows that i am ill. i am a belarusian, and i am happy that matsimov gave me, that i can smell the songs of my relatives from far away, i am a belarusian, and even though today i am small, i will say, i am born into a tribe of ungrateful people, and i will not tremble with hell. in
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2024, the world will face changes, perhaps the most serious results of the past year and the main trends of the coming one, but the king is naked, kirkorov went to ivleeva’s birthday party, now both are cancelled, we’re having a party today, like from the catwalk, fashion and propaganda of permissiveness, the dim future of the polish tv channel donald tusk. cleans biased pis television footage. lessons from artificial trends. hollywood is suffering record losses, but continues to make films for the masses about minorities. the neurolink company will begin conducting experiments with brain chips on people. this is the trends program. we begin. microphone.
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on the one hand, this is another year, the third year in a row of great upheavals , the tension is only increasing, there is no respite. on the other hand, it’s still not all right gloomily, as we were told by various heads of state, threatening to grind us into powder, their promoted transnational media and various traitors got drunk. in general, for us this is, perhaps, the very moment when we showed that we do not give in to difficulties and adversities, no matter how large the predator that is trying to devour us may seem. the economy did not collapse, although it was buried there in the west several times. we don’t change our plans exactly like spoken words and thoughts about what is happening, but our opponents, it seems, are starting to look for suitable shoes for the subsequent geopolitical maneuver, their idea that they are a garden of eden,
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with some kind of jungle around them, albeit not so quickly, but inevitably collapses in their own heads. summing up the year. the volurek concern was closing. their german factories, these are workers seeing off the last pipe that came off the assembly line, the enterprise could not withstand anti-russian sanctions, there is no available gas, no break-even production, four large metallurgical plants have already closed, since february 22 the european union has spent on imports gas 304 billion euros, having overpaid after the introduction of sanctions against russia 185 billion euros. according to surveys, 37% of eu residents.
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the trend towards the return of prodigal oligarchs to russia is very interesting. the loudest was the arrival of billionaire friedman, the most ridiculous was the latest statement by the fugitive to london chichvarkin, who has long been experiencing problems with business development. in britain, it would be absolutely logical now to sell everything, go to moscow, and build a tourist village there for domestic tourism, which eats everything. geopolitical photo of the year consider a piercing look into the emptiness of the zelensky nato summit in vilnius, the widely advertised counter-offensive has become an equally loud counter-offensive in... ukraine is suffering huge losses, it is running out of people, weapons and ammunition, and the economy is literally on its last legs, with nothing to pay for basic social benefits . in chernigov, bread is being distributed to pensioners in the cold; more than 20% of the population of ukraine has left their homeland.
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it will take more than 700 years to clear the countryside from the mines, and more than 400 billion to restore the country. dollars. against the background of this from the main page of the site "influential".
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house of deor, whose face she was, scandalously fired hadit, replacing her with the israeli fashion model mai tager. the war between israel and palestine itself confirmed the trend towards impunity. the western world and its partners, despite the death of children and journalists in the conflict zone, demonstrating the cannibalistic hypocrisy of a unipolar world. the pope allowed priests to bless same-sex couples, as well as to baptize representatives of sexual minorities and to be godparents parents witness a wedding in a church, although 2 years ago the vatican even issued a document stating that the roman catholic church considers such a practice unacceptable. 2023 has become the year of the victorious march of artificial intelligence, or rather neural networks, doing the work of creating texts, graphics, videos, faster and often better than the average person. in the future, these technologies will clearly help the western media create an artificial picture of the world for a mass
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audience. well, about what to expect from the twenty- fourth year, about its main issues, challenges, let's talk about threats? with political scientist dmitry yastafiev. dmitry, what topics, issues of geopolitics can already be identified as the main ones for the twenty-fourth year, well, for example, in the arc of russia, west, east, maybe china. no, i would have come from a completely different direction. the main question of 2024 is whether geo-economic regionalization will resume or not? question: 2024, the weakening united states, the united states, which, well, it’s already obvious, this can be said, is in a state of internal political decline. will it be possible to continue to restrain these processes, or will we still see an acceleration of the processes
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of formation of macro-regions, and by the way, this will be a very serious answer to the question: what is the future of eurasia, that is, this is what concerns us. question number two. and here i agree with you, of course, this is the question of the relationship between the united states and china. for now. and these relationships are like, you know, like a drop falling from a leaf of grass, so it hangs and it’s neither here nor there, in fact, to predict where sino-american relations will go very difficult, almost impossible, it depends on too many factors, both internal and external, more difficult, it begins to depend on accidents, on incidents that...
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it will be the situation in east asia, the situation in relations between the united states of america. and china, and what are the main issues for the west in the confrontation with russia, and vice versa for russia in the confrontation with the west? as for relations between russia and the west, everything is clear here, the west is not ready for a substantive dialogue with russia on security issues in the format that was formulated by moscow in december 2021, until it matures to this, but this is impossible, and then i will remind you. that it will be extremely difficult for him to mature, because 2024 - early 2025, this is most likely
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the period of election processes in a number of european countries and the united states, and here, of course, no one will be ready for any dialogue, do you think, for belarus does the west have any unpleasant surprises in store for this year? i won’t please you, just for you i can say that neither russia nor belarus in battle, which is to a greater extent, and i don’t foresee such, you know, mm, peaceful news, uh, there were hopes that the attitude towards the union state and, above all, towards belarus on the part of poland will be stabilized, but i look at what this is doing... tusk’s coalition, and i think that we are entering a period of very serious
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internal political turbulence in poland, within which many unpleasant processes related to security issues are possible . in this sense, of course, i think that those decisions which were hosted by two presidents, alexander grigoryevich lukashenko and vladimir vladimirovich putin, to strengthen security. this is the fourth year, and this video
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shows crystal clear who is who in world politics, who the united states is in reality, if we discard their annoying pr about the city on the hill, the beacons of democracy, the vote in the un security council on an immediate ceasefire in gas and the release of all the hostages, against the backdrop of deathly silence, rose up against. us representatives only. great britain abstained. everyone else was in favor ceasefire. usa v. this is at the very moment when people were dying every day in gaza. 100 children each. on the one hand - horror. on the other hand, if the united states remains completely alone on some issues, not everything is lost for the system of international relations. us first lady jill biden shared a christmas video from the white house. a troupe of dancers tap dance through the slippery corridors
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of america's political heartland in a very playful interpretation of the nutcracker. reviewers noted the allusion to the aesthetics of such a provocative film as a clockwork orange stanley kubrick. the dance company itself from manhattan is known for supporting blm, radical leftist ideas, including the abolition of prisons and cuts in funding for law enforcement agencies, which has already led to a rise in crime in the united states unseen in 30 years. the very production of the black nutcracker in the white house is an example of struggle, in quotes p. in quotes, that is, world classics are being reformatted to suit black culture, or here’s an even clearer example: in boston, the homeland of the famous tea party, which became the beginning of the american war of independence, the city hall held a christmas party, without inviting whites, this is the fight against racism, by the way, new year's shelves in the united states are filled with nutcrackers
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with gays and black santa clauses in wheelchairs. microphone. it is no coincidence that hollywood's second name is the dream factory. once upon a time , she relayed the dream of the average american, and made good money from it. however, the modern american dream, as interpreted by disney authors, apparently does not reach the masses, that is , the majority who can and do sympathize all sorts of minorities, but like professor preobrazhensky, he won’t even give a quarter for it. a year for this. the legendary , seemingly indestructible company like disney has become a terrible failure in commercial terms, although it seems to very accurately introduce the latest western values ​​into its products, from racial and gender diversity to meowing dogs, such are the trends. the company's total losses in the future will probably amount to more than a billion dollars, this is what
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happens when you film not about the plot, but about the strong and independent in quotes, of course. in general, of course, it’s surprising that a corporation that has made billions precisely on traditional family values ​​is actively promoting something that destroys them, this movie, it turns out that if you make films with a feminist transgender agenda in the genre for a family audience, then they won’t be watched, what kind of discovery, this is a long-standing question that does not have an exact final answer, so what about this life? defines art or a creative idea makes reality transform, it’s most likely the same as with the chicken and the egg, both true and true. 10 years old ago, an ideology was born, which in russian has not yet acquired a final name, it is either wakiism, or wakiism, or maybe wakiism altogether. the meaning of wakiism is simple,
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the world is full of injustice, it is the foundation and pillar of all things. let’s open a person’s eyes to this, and already he, awakened, will turn the wrong world upside down, and don’t think about it at all, but you need to act, and only then a justification will be found for the correct vakiist action, hit, burn, destroy, you have right to this, because your black ancestors were oppressed for 300 years. and the disney corporation immediately publishes a cartoon proclamation: yes, this world was created by slaves, give it to us so that we can turn it into ashes. this country was built on slavery, which means it was built by slaves. we fought for the freedom of this country, while remaining slaves. we deserve
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reparations for the suffering of our ancestors. and the process of collecting reparations began immediately, and the gopniks from the outskirts of san francisco are collecting from american businesses what they owe. but the same gopniks receive moral compensation for a century of oppression and suffering of their ancestors. there are no legs, or flesh at all, but they prefer to be among those whose boots they kiss, and not among those who kiss, that’s the company. don't make tv series with
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white people in the lead roles. finally, disney films have finally stopped entertaining, but have begun to instruct. here, let's say, is a film where there is almost more wakiism than there is in wakiism itself. sorry buddy, we're too different. mine will boil you, do others really know better how you should live your life, this propaganda the abscess gave birth to a whole string of films, where they won’t tell you a fairy tale, but will invite you on an excursion into the world of progressive ideas , this is how the little mermaid of nigra appeared, and for the new year they planned to release a reimagined snow white, but the seven dwarves turned out to be so revolutionaryly colorful and heterosexual that with the premiere considered it good... wait, polls promised failure at the box office, the public seems to be seriously tired of buying a product in which strange people teach the viewer at his own expense,
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from the disney streaming platform in a year 14 million users unsubscribed, the company’s total losses for 2023 are estimated at 900 million. conflicts began with regional authorities. after such fun that disneyland offers children, the governor of florida ordered to deprive the company of benefits and build a prison next to the amusement park. in response, the corporation announced that it was leaving the state altogether. it's not just disney that has problems with wackeism. here, for example, is a beer advertisement, because of which its sales fell by a quarter.
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365 days as a woman, but don’t delude yourself, the notorious vakiism is not a blessing corporate management, this is clearly a decision of people higher up, those who don’t care about profits, since they are busy with social engineering, they will write off disney’s losses, they will forget, they will find new directors who will advertise the gender transition and come out not directly, with soul taste, in extreme cases they will donate : disney, because the main thing is to reforge human souls, even if you lose trillions, but the new person will firmly know, the main thing
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is the right of a man to become a woman on the contrary, everything else is freedom, satiety, opportunity changing management is a blunder that is not worth a damn.
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in 1903, and only four such photographs are known in the world. watch in the program of the city of belarus on the belarus24 tv channel. together with the belarus 24 tv channel, we will plunge into the cultural life of our country. now they would say the opera and ballet theater, because look, our stage is quite high, you see the bars below, yes, an artist could unexpectedly come out from there and say, hello, there’s more there. magileo is a city where harmonic suffering, pain and goodness are achieved everyday life, rich history and bright reality. let's remember folk traditions. here
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there was an outstanding garadian tradition: skin day, and on the day, behind the visible dancing heads, the sounds of belarusian fanfare were heard, this trumpeter, like the apavyashchie grodzenians, who are so happy and calm. let's return to the historical past. this whole theatrical pabudova adzinaya in belarus since 19 centuries, which was greedy for these hours. geta statute of the vyalikag of the principality of lithuania, geta aryginal.
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this is the so-called definition of inconvenient true, it even leaked into the report of experts of the council of europe, and has been enshrined in the unesco guide for journalists since 1923. the liberal translation of the new term into russian is a leak, but it is still more. true information is harmful for a person, or an organization, or for a country, well, if it turns out that, for example, the northern streams exploded in the usa or great britain, the person who told about it falls under this very malinformation, because for the uk this is a harmful truth, something like this. donald tusk, who recently became the prime minister of poland, practically the first thing he did upon joining...
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is to provide informational support to the coup attempts in our country. it turns out that the poles became victims of representatives of this propaganda resource. and for those who, with the money of polish western funds, are engaged in an information war against belarus, let’s talk to the polish independent journalist ognieszka piwar. ognieszka, hello, you filed a lawsuit against agnieszka romoszewska guza, the director of such a well-known to us.
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and what’s most interesting is that the lawyer did this; besides, he wanted to help me because he saw the kind of hate that had risen against me. such a human gesture of selfless kindness. in addition, lawyer chug is a person who is well aware of how harmful the belsad company is. the chuga lawyer knows that belsad is responsible for setting us up against our neighbors, against belarus, against russia, this is contrary to the interests of the polish state. if i'm not mistaken, there was also an agreement that romoshevskaya should give you the opportunity to comment on her apology, but first she tried to deceive you, right? her lawyer said that if she apologized to me, then we would no longer
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deal with this case, then the case would be closed, she gave in, she simply understood that she had no arguments to prove her thesis to me, but on the contrary, i had arguments , aces up his sleeve to prove it.
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what is known is that they are all in the same boat, but this has been reported here and there on a few niche friendly portals. mistress romoshevskaya never discussed in essence what i published, which is a pity, because i brought quite interesting content, because, for example, i talked with very interesting representatives from the russian federation, and never, this concerns not only her, but also the so-called mainstream in poland, they never discuss, do not speak out in essence about what i...
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this television really only exists to slander our neighbors, the poles don’t like it, because that’s where the money actually goes, was a situation when several years ago in poland we had... the minister of foreign affairs, witald waszczakowski, and there was a moment when he did not really want to continue financing belsad, because the ministry of foreign affairs also contributes to this financing, but it all ended the fact that mr. waschakovsky is no longer a minister, and ms. romashevskaya remains, but in any case, as far as i know, people really don’t like the fact that there is such a tv channel that has no importance, and i think that it also does not have a special viewership audience, this television's main task is to turn viewers against their neighbor.
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and, unfortunately, i am also afraid that he may have serious plans to take part, because this is what propaganda media are for, to take part in an attempt to overthrow the government in belarus. i am afraid that there may be such actions, which, by the way, are evidenced by some articles on the belsad website, which say that they clearly support movements of this kind. poles, i'm talking about sensible people. this is such a mouthpiece of propaganda in the idea of ​​overthrow
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authorities in belarus. thank you. it was the polish independent journalist agnieszka piwar. 2024 could be a turning point in human history. media reports elon musk's startup has received permission to test a chip with a brain-computer interface on humans. there are already thousands of volunteers. the neurolink company is developing brain implants that can put the paralyzed on their feet or give the blind sight; ideally, in practice , such a chip is the dream of a shrink, theorists proposing the concept of a so-called lazy society, total digitalization, put on augmented reality glasses and you’re at the resort, asked the neural network to write a book, now it’s ready, they’ll do everything for you for nothing, but we know that free... happens only in a mousetrap, in fact
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, today each of us already has such a chip: a mobile phone with access to the network, imagine if it is installed in you, it will find a route to get from point a to point b, write an essay, you know that young people today have a hard time remembering, not to mention analyzing, texts of more than five pages or long videos, clips, reels, stories with a duration of up to a minute are another matter. welcome to a new reality that can be designed by ranking, for example, a news feed. it would be interesting to conduct an experiment, turn off the internet, blackout, how people without the skill of searching for information off the internet will begin to act. question for oruval and his novel 1984. microphone, monkey see, monkey do. quote from the mass. describing the formula for almost
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any trend. imitation is inherent in human nature, just like the desire to be or although would seem successful. but if earlier the needs of society formed trends, now trends are aimed at destroying traditional society. the modern beauty industry is literally cutthroat. this happens on the podium. satan's ball from bulgakov's novel the master and margarita will seem like a model of taste. it used to be that the phrase “the king is naked” was a shame for bad taste, today it is a way to loudly declare oneself. what kind of style icons does modern fashion depict, that all kinds of opinion leaders, such as ivleeva or kirkorov, remain almost in their underwear, without seeing it's nothing like that. fashion show session followed by exposure.
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president putin's press secretary dmitry peskov asks people's artist kirkorov about his adventures at nastya ivleeva's birthday party, which the media called a naked party.
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at first, the exposed opinion leaders misjudged the consequences and issued an explanation in their accounts in a slightly boorish manner. in the spirit that it was an artistic performance, an art exhibition from ivleeva, the former editor of playboy magazine. you just don't understand anything. it was important for me to event, and i'm glad that it took place and we did it. that we were going to an art exhibition, an art object. i reacted with irony to the fact that... someone didn’t like it, however, as soon as the party participants began to be cut out of new year’s programs and concerts were cancelled, that is, they were deprived of earnings, and vleeva was no longer wearing a sweater ala sergei bogrov from the film brother, i tried to ask for forgiveness, i’m just like you, a girl from the village, she didn’t really succeed, it’s just a vulgar
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excuse, she’s her mother’s wet nurse and even dogs, she needs to earn a lot of money, and she asked her food for forgiveness . subscribers and guest artists, so guess whether this is an apology or a continuation of bullying, a demonstration of material superiority. if i could have foreseen all the consequences, of course i would simply never have done what happened. bottom line, the rapper who showed up in one sock got 15 days in prison, advertising contracts with ivleeva were terminated, two lawsuits were filed, one for a billion from the public, the second for 70 million from clubs. to whom everything happened, searches were carried out in the offices of her companies, they write that ivleeva faces up to 5 years in prison for tax evasion on a particularly large scale. posts that do not support the start of the svo have disappeared from nastya evleeva’s instagram. other artists who showed off at
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the party also began to apologize. i have one question: why did you arrange this? why did you photograph all this, why did you dump it all on the internet? what did you want? tell society, you don’t care about this society, yes, about public morality and morality , well, as they said in the soviet union, if you spit on the team, the team will wipe you off, and if the team spits on you, you will drown, the so-called naked dress is not a product of the imagination of a russian video blogger, this is one of the trends of modern fashion, ivleeva regularly attends shows in europe and from there he draws his aesthetic inspiration, especially when something like this is the easiest way... to attract attention to oneself, which means gathering an audience that can already be sold to advertisers. this is exactly how it works: monetization public attention is the goal pursued by western style icons. when they tell you that, for example, such a phenomenon in fashion as unisex is the result of the development of women’s rights, their equality with men, think
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about whether the potential clients of the manufacturer of such clothing expand if it is made for both sexes at once, or? here is another fashionable phenomenon: body positivity: once upon a time , a slim and toned body was in trend, beauty went hand in hand with health, and a passion for fitness and sports. today they are trying to make the erasure of gender differences a cult, sometimes it is not clear who is who? here the problem of inadequate ideals of beauty arises, promoting unkemptness and promiscuity, rather than human rights. few people say that the so-called icons of body positivity are dying. at a very early age , fashion houses produce such original outfits, indistinguishable from a garbage bag, for example, costing $6,000; in this context, it is not always possible to distinguish a model from a prankster who entered the new york fashion week show in a bathing cap and a plastic raincoat. there is a restaurant called heart in las vegas.
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attack grill, literally can be translated as heart attack grill. a client of this catering weighing more than 160 kg can eat there absolutely free of charge. the guy in the video is just the right weight and seems very happy. if we put aside the marketing of the restaurant, then this is a real trend in the destruction of health. yes, we understand that obesity is harmful to your health, perhaps even killing yourself, but from the point of view of the positive agenda, it’s okay, you’re beautiful. and thus, physical... destruction of the body is encouraged, somehow it doesn’t turn out to be very humanistic, although it is presented in form as caring for a person, but what next will be alcohol, drug positivity? the radical approach influenced the original ideas of body positivity, turning them into a farce, a dangerous farce. this was the
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trends program, all the best to you.
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we are embarking on expeditions in the depths of our land, you are more than aware, we are gathering a friendly campaign, in order to save the charge van, acquaintance with our talented fellow countrymen, saving the agul cultural decline, modern worlds and sacred people. things will happen again and again in the past. aktsyabrskaga district. let's follow the history and myastsovaya abrady. here your ukrainian lankans got a happy drop of plowing
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shukevich on the 19th century. chow grass, lay it on the scythe. on the night of the night the bridegrooms gathered from the church to put the candle, and the bride who first put the candle got married. immediately with projects ahead of time on the tv channel belarus 24.
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this is the main broadcast! good evening, we wish all orthodox christians a merry christmas and wish happiness, peace and quality to your home. yes, the topic of quality is central.


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