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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 7, 2024 10:30pm-10:45pm MSK

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so what will you do for us? any comments regarding the alleged allegation of your connection to jeffrey epstein. i think the evidence is clear. epstein was first jailed 15 years ago. well, once he was incarcerated, he spent 13 months in the private wing of the palm beach county jail, then he was released, although he raped a minor and coerced a teenager. prostitution was proven, the american fimida knows how to be soft, for the second time they took the pedophile seriously. in 2019, he realized that he would go to prison for a long time, and even influential defenders they won't save you. epstein decided to speak, but suddenly killed himself, and in such a way that the 24-hour surveillance cameras did not see the suicide process. in general, this is a common hobby. those who are going
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to expose representatives of the american establishment, as soon as a person gets around to, for example, inform the world about the crimes of the clinton family, when they suddenly change their minds and kill themselves in some intricate way. in the story with epstein, everything was as usual, then clinton’s assistant in middleton , for no reason, for no reason, was disgusted with his life, then jean-luc brunel, supplier of teenagers to an elite caribbean brothel, dies.
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through a pre-trial agreement, now his highness lives in peace, knows no grief, well, ill-wishers stage scandalous performances near buckingham palace, but if they get impudent, they will be sent to prison, you know that prince andrew is a pedophile, hey, british, these guys they protect prince andrew, a good friend, pedophile epstein, and also a pedophile, here on the american ones. a portrait of clinton in a blue dress began to flash on television screens; it hung in epstein’s office. this playing from a position of power, saying, you belong to me, epstein showed who is the master and who is the servant in their relationship. this is definitely nonsense, they are passengers of the notorious lolita express, and they don’t even consider their visits to epstein as incriminating evidence. there is no trial for them, no moral condemnation for the polebeys, all these owners. the united states of america and
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the owners of the british kingdom simply spit. there is no crime they cannot commit with impunity. moreover, the worst thing you can think about them, multiply by 100, and it will be true. actually, about this and speaks of everyday life, of an unbroken scandal. the planetary elites are completely uncontrollable, like the law. and citizens, but now they are busy organizing this. nikita makhodkin, oleg romanov, in the main broadcast. the epstein scandal is not the only one in american politics that has come under attack; the head of harvard has left his post due to political pressure. why the american dream is cracking and how you can be made an outcast for having an opinion, as well as the bribery system in elite universities, who cares. are common
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rules: corruption, repression and other scandals in understandable politics on monday after the panorama.
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let's leave the americans to stew in their own juice. i propose to summarize another important outcome of the past year. the author of the disposition project closely monitored the military situation in the country and region throughout 2023. today we bring to your attention the top five steps that have outlined the path to strengthening our defense over the past period. on the air disposition egarin went, today about the rating, five main events related to belarusian army in the twenty-third year. this period was certainly the most difficult in the annals of the armed forces. on the nato side
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, groups have increased on our borders, military operations continue in ukraine, and provocations, again at the borders of belarus, from kiev do not stop. i didn’t see any aspirations either.
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planets. at the same time, we understand that the path to multipolarity will not be easy. the transformation of the system of international relations is expected to encounter active opposition from supporters of unipolar models of world orders. in general,
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the isolation of minsk turned out so-so, which is also due to the military. of course, the army’s main platform was not international fields, but its home training grounds. the basis of the fourth is also located here. rating positions are changes in action tactics. throughout the twenty-third year , the army was retrained on the fly, pmcs were involved in the process, and the developments of their colleagues in the csto were studied. the emphasis was placed on working in small groups in autonomous mode, countering and using drones, introducing tactical medicine into all training programs, use of fortified areas. by the way, one of them was inspected in the obreshchina by alexander lukashenko, who, however, kept it under control all year. all aspects of security, in peacetime , just like today, we will work out all the measures so that in good time, if we receive a signal that our neighbors are behaving badly, we will occupy these points, they will be at
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least difficult for the enemy to pass, there will be several such larger-scale centers, taking into account... modern wars. the third line is also directly related to commander in chief. in the twenty-third year , the president signed the law on the people's militia. this establishes the legal basis for the voluntary participation of citizens in ensuring martial law. a simple mechanism has been launched to connect people to the defense of their families in their country. the mission of the militia is to assist internal affairs bodies in protecting property, protecting facilities, and maintaining order. during a series of squad training. the militias showed not only the efficiency of their work; what seems more important is that there is a queue of people who want to join the unit was lined up, which means that what needed to be developed and launched. popularity is also a weapon. the silver step of our pedestal is also connected with weapons - this is the arrival
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of new and modernized models. i don’t even remember a more productive year regarding the saturation of troops with modern equipment. the system was replenished with the best-in-class missile systems. iskander m, anti-aircraft missile systems s-400 triumph, zrk2k, mi-35m helicopters, improved domestic polonaises, characteristics. which, according to some parameters, increased multiples, the most important difference from the old complex is the missile’s flight range in the old complex is minimum 50 km, maximum 200, here up to 300 km, it changes its trajectory, it can fly higher or lower to hit the target, well, accuracy doesn’t affect anything, it’s just will bypass all obstacles that the enemy will create. so, we have reached the very top, the main military event of the twenty-third year, i believe... consider the appearance of nuclear weapons in belarus, the country was forced to take this step in
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a response to the openly aggressive policies of the west. minsk did not just receive special ammunition of russian origin on its territory. the belarusian military, i repeat once again, the belarusian military, have adapted their carriers for the use of these charges. we are talking about su-25 attack aircraft and iskander m complexes. rocketmen and pilots underwent appropriate training. as part of the planned training, the flight engineering and technical staff of our aviation base underwent additional training at the training center of the russian federation on su-25 aircraft. it allowed we will not only improve our practical skills, but also master new ways of using modern aviation weapons, including special ammunition. the first position of the rating actually excludes aggression against belarus, or immediately transfers it to scale. the state demonstrates that the military atom is by no means
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a priority, an extreme option, and even a last resort option for defense. this is not even really a weapon, but rather an indicator of an unshakable determination to defend the country and protect people. stop signal so bright for those who consider our safety as a bargaining chip. those who served know that the armed forces are about valor, strength, ingenuity and creativity. the new year's video of the brez paratroopers, which they filmed with the help of journalists from the tv news agency, has already received tens of thousands of views on the internet, and the content still remains in the top. but the fame of the most creative was assigned to the servicemen from the 38th brigade long before that. one of the popular videos is a parody of an elite presentation. sedan thanks to the original military humor more than a million
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people have already watched it. our correspondent yuri shevchuk met with the producer of original content in the military style and became convinced that army humor is not only jokes about ensigns. this cosplay of belarusian paratroopers on the video clip of bentley’s presentation on the internet has already received more than a million views. soldiers of the thirty-eighth brigade from... it is worth admitting that the creative component among the military is not so common, they have other tasks, but these are definitely not the probrese paratroopers, among the guardsmen from thirty eights have official pages and channels in almost all social networks and instant messengers, eagles over the bug, and these are more than 2000 subscribers.
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includes everyone who is at least somewhat familiar with the everyday life of military personnel, a creative group with creativity or television production, for example, we recently had to look for a new video engineer, the old one went on demobilization, and he comes to us every six months.
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