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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 8, 2024 4:50am-5:40am MSK

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hail to the land, our bright name, hail to the union in frapel, our people, may mother, farewell to your belarus, our beloved.
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miley is not at war in the field, the argentine economy is storming from libertarian reforms, vicious ties with western democracy, which the clinton list was silent about. there is no delay for british medicine, since when the hippocratic oath is not held in high esteem by the united kingdom, her majesty will retire, how will the throne cards of the dada court fall. you look around the planet, we are on the air on tv channels belarus 1 and belarus 24. in the daria tarasova studio. hello. not a nice thing for miele. against the background of the collapse of pessa's course, the argentine court intervened in the presidency of the libertarian. the subject of shortcomings is the restructuring of the economy, weighing three hundred reforms. the politician's emergency decree in the field of labor legislation became a red rag for the general confederation of labor. as a bonus, the country's largest trade union announced a nationwide strike. dismissal of civil servants in the thousands, increase in the probationary period from three to... months
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, zero payments to employees who lost their jobs. this is just part of the way to getting the argentine economy back on track. the decree may not go well in congress, where miley’s party does not have a majority in both houses, but while the country is maneuvering between recession and default, the foreign policy course of the new argentine leader is being outlined. all roads will lead to washington, not to beijing. about the shock scenario for the silver country, olga davidovich. in 15 years, visible results, and in 45 years, life like in ireland, president javier miley promises the argentines in his first new year address to the people. stormy the celebration in the country of tanga, caused by his recent election, quickly gave way to protest rallies and preparations for a major strike scheduled for the end of january. the policy of shock therapy has hit the well-being of millions of citizens, but the head of the argentine state, apparently, does not intend to listen to his own voters.
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truth, national deputies and senators in a few weeks, when the moment comes , will be faced with two options, they can reject the law to continue with the model that has brought us to poverty for 100 years, or they can pass legislation to make profound changes. re-embrace the idea of ​​freedom. the argentine leader calls the moment of truth the day when the country's congress, where milee's party does not have a majority in either the upper or lower house, can approve or reject his emergency mega-decree on economic liberalization. it contains more than 300 items. miley decided to take advantage of the so-called exceptional situation, which gives the head of state the power to change legislation without prior parliamentary approval. this is stated in argentine constitution. some points already.
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these changes are harmful to people, i work in the trade and food industry, and people will not be able to pay for food, what will happen.
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aimed at reversing this process, inflation will tend to decline, everything will go on as usual, but for now the peace of mind of argentines can only be dreamed of, they say that the proposed cure is worse than the disease, they continue to take to the streets, someone is chanting , the homeland is not for sale due to plans to allow foreigners to buy lands, some are dissatisfied with state budget cuts, while state employees are afraid of losing their jobs because of permission to privatize. enterprises, they cannot be so corrupt, so corrupt, i am outraged , they want to sell our lands, they are going to sell everything, everything, you cannot sell the country with a decree and for necessity or urgency, if they want to take the measures
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about the elected president announced, this should be on the basis of law, and not on the basis of a decree, reforms in the country are on pause, imiliy decided to adopt a number of... foreign policy decisions, and no less resonant. so he refused to join argentina in brix. buenos airos does not hide the fact that this was done for ideological reasons, and also called on great britain to begin negotiations on the problem of the falkland islands. and if it is already known for certain that the author of argentina’s new economic course does not belong to meley at all, but to a professor of economics from los angeles, fedorica sturzeneger, who, by the way, previously headed the country’s central bank, then who is responsible for the argentine foreign policy course, for now dont clear. despite the fact that he considers him a creature of the united states, the leading american media have not yet expressed much enthusiasm for his election, calling him populists and a mini- trump. according to local experts, argentina has embarked on a path that has never been taken before, tera incognito. i think
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the combination of him being an outsider with little political experience and someone with a very strong ideology makes him an enigmatic figure when we consider how he would govern. on new year's day, german residents grabbed a trailer old problems. the strikes are aimed at railway communications, agriculture and transport, but the clock in civilized europe will be remembered for the berlin police by a pyrotechnic manifesto, a haul of hundreds of detainees and dozens of wounded
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law enforcement officers. about new year’s triggers for tolerant europe, nikita makhotkin. the main event of this week was, of course, the new year, they say that how you meet it is how you will spend it, the beginning of the year on monday promises further time to be interesting, but for some, new year's proverb, not a reverent look into the future, the mournful life of the present. on january 1, just after midnight , riots broke out in german cities; people took to the streets in berlin, leipzig, sollingen, frankfurt and many others. hundreds of pro-palestinian protesters, over 230 people were detained, dozens of people were injured, including children. in confrontation with law enforcement agencies, protesters used pyrotechnics, as a result, some had their fingers torn off by explosions of firecrackers.
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the night was no less stormy in france. in the first hours january vandals across the country burned a total of 745 cars. over 380 people were detained during various incidents. the british will remember new year's eve not only for the fireworks song. and dancing, but pogroms organized by migrants. ethiopians and eritreans clashed in south london. young men with clubs showed up at the meeting of the diasporas of the two countries and began beating each other. the arriving police also suffered, and the law enforcement officers did not even dare to detain anyone. the situation with the influx of migrants in britain is becoming critical. only in 2023 more than a million people entered the country - reports. skynew. overall, the number of migrants has already exceeded 9 million, which is
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comparable to the population of scotland and wales combined. tragically, the new year's party in downtown los angeles has ended. an unknown person opened fire on people. two people were killed and eight more were injured. it is known that the festive event was uncoordinated and took place in a warehouse . previously, the washington post estimated that almost four dozen cases were registered in the united states in 2023. mass shooting, the highest number since 2006. the problematic us cities of portland and san francisco greeted 2024 with an outbreak of shegela. it causes dysentery and fever, as reported. in portland alone , more than 200 cases
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of this bacteria were reported last year, with 45 of them detected in december. shagelos is often found in africa, but has now reached the states, with an army of illegal immigrants. as luck would have it , the pandemic also spread to the uk. in contrast from the usa, the beach is called chasotki. fog. albion does not have enough medicines for treatment due to problems with supply chains, which appeared against the backdrop of rising costs of pharmaceutical raw materials and the conflict in ukraine, reports the guardian. in a number of regions, the incidence rate was twice the norm . dermatologists say the situation has become an absolute nightmare. outbreaks are recorded in nursing homes, hospitals and student dormitories. for the first time in history , the $34 trillion mark has been exceeded. us national debt
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has set a new record, data shows american ministry of finance. for the first time , the legislative ceiling of the country's national debt of 301.4 trillion was exceeded in january last year. after this, financiers repeatedly warned about the threat of default if the limit was not raised. biden suspended the action in june. national debt until january 2 , 2025, but problems come to the states in the dance of kienka years, one after another, an absolute historical record has been set in the country, which we are watching so closely, this time in terms of the influx of illegal migrants, according to fox news, the number of people crossing the border between mexico and the united states in december exceeded 302.00 people. this is the highest monthly figure ever recorded, and also the first time when
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the number of migrants exceeds 300,000, american journalists specify. moreover, over the past 3 months, the number of illegal migrants has exceeded 785,000 people, this is the highest figure for this period in the entire history of statistics. the us is striving. to ever new conflicts, there is a shortage of them in the army, this is a natural outcome when the citizens of the country they see how former military personnel are treated. 35,000 us veterans live on the streets, while authorities let in hundreds of thousands of migrants and provide them with life, said the former governor of arkansas. mike huckabee emphasized that in total there are 650,000 citizens in the country without shelter and support. but people who crossed the border illegally are paid for everything, including their college education. in
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developments in international relations, saudi arabia has officially joined brix. the kingdom became a full member of the organization. in addition to saudi arabia argentina, iran, ethiopia, egypt and the united arab emirates were invited to join on january 1. however, a couple of days before joining. opposition party leader eli jae-myung was attacked in south korea this week. the criminal stabbed him in the neck during a meeting with journalists in usan. the moment was caught on video. the politician was urgently hospitalized. the suspect , a sixty-six-year-old real estate agent named kim jinsung, has been detained. in 2022
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, lidim was nominated for the presidency, but... this week there was a terrorist attack in iran during the funeral processions in memory of general qasem soleimani, two explosions occurred, the lives of almost a hundred people were cut short, and about three hundred more were injured. against the backdrop of the terrorist attack, the country's supreme leader called on commanders to avoid direct military confrontation with the united states. the entire civilized world condemned and bowed down. heads before the tragedy of the iranian people and only the united states rushed to protect itself and its israeli charges. the terrorist group islamic state claimed responsibility for the attack. norway under pressure the united states bypassed its own legislation.
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we are talking about a law that has been in force in the country for more than six decades, prohibiting the sale of weapons. and ammunition to regions where there is a war or there is a threat of war, but oslo will supply weapons to ukraine. companies will only need to obtain a license from the ministry of foreign affairs. a release on the website of the norwegian cabinet of ministers states: just because the government is now allowing direct sales to ukraine does not mean we are allowing direct arms sales to countries at war on common grounds. grounds. oslo explains its ... rationality by the difficult conditions in which the country and its allies find themselves. in moldova , they are suing the country's parliament and government due to financial pressure on citizens. reason: parliament’s refusal to amend the 2024 budget aimed at
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increasing funding for social assistance, education and infrastructure of the capital. mayor's initiative. which states that city residents contribute about $1.3 billion a year to the state budget and receive pennies in return. last week trump challenged the decision to exclude him from maine's primary. the secretary of state of state does not have such powers, the politician asserts in the text of the appeal. the ex-president insists that he did not incite the riot in the capitol in... the year, and was not a civil servant in the sense laid down in the amendment to the us constitution. it was this that secretary of state mena and the colorado supreme court referred to, which also disqualified trump from participating in the primary. in total , lawsuits were filed in sixteen us states to
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prevent the politician from participating in future presidential elections. elections. many experts agree that. then similar legal loopholes that democrats use in the election fight can be mirrored by trump supporters. stop realities for the hippocratic oath. while the british prime minister is chatting pleasantly on the phone with zelensky, the national health service of the united kingdom has taken another technical break. british doctors with the status of interns are demanding higher wages amid high inflation. and these requests are accompanied by damning statistics. the fatal numbers of foggy albion over the past year exceeded the standard figure by 53,000 people, and doctors had not yet recovered from the covid marathon, when a new disease appeared on the radar of the ministry of health in the uk. the provocateur of infection in the north of the kingdom is a shortage of medicines, that is, a logistical collapse from the square. about an urgent case for the office of rishi sunak
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and british medicine, tatyana volkova. cancellation of consultations for planned operations, queues and exceptional workload of working staff of medical institutions. the british health care system is once again being tested for strength, but not by the insidious coronavirus, but by an unprecedented action by intern doctors demanding higher salaries. they stopped work for 6 whole days. this is a significant blow to the operation of the entire system. junior doctors, that is, working less than 9 years after graduation, make up.
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we preferred to work, but for our work to be valued, this is the essence of the problem: the government intends to reduce our wages from year to year, over the past 15 years wages have decreased by 26%, and what should we do? meaning reduction real incomes of doctors against the backdrop of unprecedented inflation in the country. at the end of 2023, as goldman sachs analysts calculated, it could be 22%. stuyuschie demands to raise their salaries by 35% to compensate for the rising cost of living and constant overload at work, especially after the covid-19 pandemic.
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free healthcare is a source of pride for britain, but we need doctors and nurses who can deliver the care. we must show that all personnel in this area are valued - doctors, interns, and junior medical staff. after numerous strikes , british prime minister rishi sunok agreed to increase doctors' salaries. payments depend on the length of qualification, but in the case of interns we were talking about an average increase of 6%. in december they added another 3%. however, the committee of junior doctors refused, saying they would wait for a more convincing proposal. the only response the protesters heard was an accusation of carrying out a merciless strike. strikes,
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the only thing that understands is the government, because they refuse behave like responsible adults, they kicked us out of the meeting room , they are trying to blame us, although the fact is obvious, their solution to the problem is to cut our salaries, ignore our demands, this does not matter. sense. inflation, which affects every briton, is an important, but not the only factor in the health crisis in the united kingdom. experts have repeatedly expressed concern about staff shortages, which inevitably impact the quality of patient care. the uk has fewer doctors per capita than any other country in europe. in addition, decades of underinvestment have left the british health service. proved extremely vulnerable during the outbreak of the covid pandemic, especially compared to some eu countries. even today, more than 70% of british gps
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report stress, much higher than their european counterparts. we see that in the last few years more and more doctors are leaving, for example, to australia or new zealand, where the labor policy is better, or they take sick leave. maybe a salary increase is not necessary. a combination of negative factors formed into a perfect storm , according to the bbc, in 2023, the protest of british doctors lasted 38 days, more than 1,2000 appointments were canceled, including 86 thousand hospital examinations of planned operations, a sad result of the strike movement of doctors... summed up the telegraph publication, linking it with record mortality in the united kingdom. last year the number of deaths exceeded the usual the figure is 53,000. this is the highest figure
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for a non-pandemic period since the second world war. and unlike the pandemic, such a crisis was definitely preventable. find the government a way to negotiate with doctors. but the program promises also concerned reductions. waiting lists in the national health service. here's the result: as of september 2023, the list of people waiting for treatment amounted to a record 7,770 thousand people, and for almost 400 thousand the waiting time exceeded a year. for comparison, in 2010 year, the list totaled less than 3 million. the prime minister and his government have all the time to correct the situation. less for the uk 2024 is the year of general parliamentary elections, according to polls, the conservatives, who have held power since 2010, are in popularity. britain
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may change its ruling party for the first time in 14 years. tatyana volkova, around the planet. you are watching a program around the planet on belarus 1 and belarus 24. the scandal surrounding the epstein case, which broke out last week, promises not to really flare up, it will just rise a little, without attracting much attention, and go out. it is unlikely that anything
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really will come of attempts to use this story in the american domestic political struggle. british-american. they bathed their heads in mud, there were no clean people left there, with the exception, funny as it may seem, of donald trump, against whom the entire progressive press, all the democratic forces of the planet are now looking for dirt. in the new iteration of the scandal surrounding the epstein case , what is interesting is not the revelations, but the way in which everyone treats them with indifference. now it turns out that something like this is not capable of even just ruining anyone’s career, not complicit in the most serious sin known to mankind, not complicity in... by the decision of a federal judge in new york, the united states began publishing documents in the case of geslaine maxwell, the assistant of the famous billionaire pedophile jeffrey epstein. some episodes of this story were made public in iran, some even found existence as independent criminal cases, which, however, were quickly closed. for example, prince andrew, the younger brother of the current english king, was convicted of several episodes
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of pedophilia. for a long time he persistently lied in an interview that nothing of the kind was registered against him, and then entered into a pre-trial agreement to settle the claim. such crimes are classified as the most serious. another would not have paid off forever and would have gone to slurp the gruel, but we understand that there are commoners, and there are aristocrats. the anglo-saxon themis subtly senses this difference. now prince andrew is threatened only by the moral judgment of his fellow citizens, but you know, who here has a better chance of going to jail, you
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called him... lolita express. we went for a drive to visit jeffrey epstein. from american presidents. the clinton families, both george bushes, the eldest and youngest donald trump, whom, however, the witnesses immediately acquitted them unconditionally. american business was corrupted by mark zuckerberg, the owner of metafacebook, the owners of google, microsoft, and countless billionaires. in addition to them, there are stars and starlets of popular culture, from david copperfield to tom hanks and jim belushi, that is, the guest list jeffrey epstein's caribbean brothel and... was not a secret before, but now a number of positions in it have been clarified, and a number have been corrected, and if anyone believed that patented pedophiles are now hiding their eyes, then it is completely in vain, they laugh into the camera and say that - like “yes, i’m such a bastard” and what, you’re short-handed, any comments about the alleged allegation of your connection with jeffrey epstein, i think
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the evidence is obvious, the indicator: in this story is that this time no one tried to prevent the publication of court documents, and after all, there certainly were ways. moreover, geslaine maxwell herself never committed sudden suicide, and this was almost inevitable in the story of the clintons, pedophiles and epstein. as the scandal with the billionaire libertine developed , a lot of people died, for example, ruslana korshunova, who traveled to the island more than once at the age of 15. she left the window of the skyscraper, the police did not doubt for a minute that it was suicide.
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epstein's assistant, identified many participants in the orgies, but they were not charged, the criminals are given a signal: “you are not subject to prosecution, you are too powerful to go to jail.” but in fact, there is information that the current king charles ii, the experienced opstein and elizabeth ii received him privately and prime minister johnson regularly flew to the island. and almost all hollywood stars could be sent to jail, from tom hanks to jim belushi. agree, when to imprison ... everyone, the only way out is not to imprison anyone, but according to the principle of anglo-saxon case law, this also follows one inevitable consequence: the rich, powerful and famous receive lifetime immunity from prosecution for any crime.
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it’s clear, no one will say this directly, occasionally, probably, someone will even be tried for harassment or illegal parking, but those mortal sins that are criminally punishable, they have now been forgiven in advance to the top officials of world politics and economics according to trump and his his comrades also hope that bill clinton has some kind of authority, if not the law, then at least accomplices. this is a game of strength saying, you belong to me, epstein showed who in their relationship is the master and who is the servant. this is a naive delusion, the clintons no longer have masters, just like the bushes, winsers, gay bills, zuckerbergs and other public. they are taken beyond the limits of any forms and types of law, and are also no longer subject to any earthly law. to the court. they can devour each other, but it will no longer be possible to punish them for crimes against the lower classes. this is not even a revival of the feudal system of relationships. then on the aristocrat, although not always, it happened to be found management. there were also
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religious crimes, for which the higher were responsible equally with the lower. otherwise , now the elites have gained complete and absolute permissiveness from all power. the form will certainly be brought into line with the content very soon. technology of deprivation of peoples. any rights were tested during the covid quarantines. then it turned out that you can give any order with a spit: do not leave the house, inject yourself with whatever you order, do not use this or that type of transport, do not grumble against covid propaganda and so on. now a new height of permissiveness has just been taken. the elites, as it turned out, can do whatever they want with human children, and at the same time remain completely unpunished. it seems that this is already the limit; it is impossible to take more from an ordinary person, except perhaps life itself. they don’t renounce in love, millions of danish residents will say, health is more important, so it’s time to leave responsibility to the next generation, the queen of denmark, margrethe ii, sternly retorts
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, leaving the throne, a graduate of the french sarbonne, an archaeologist by vocation, illustrator of the lord of the rings trilogy, and simply daisy for elizabeth i, she became her father's successor after a constitutional amendment allowed women to... inherit the throne, europe's record-breaking monarch will step down after a term of 52 years, responsibilities delegates to the eldest son, crown prince frederik, the title will not go away from the queen, the danish royal court reassures fans of the royal family. her majesty will be called her majesty, in reference to the monarchy in higher party politics. the crown's task is represent the nation on state visits. we will evaluate the diplomatic successes of the future heir on january 14, when... fredk officially ascends to the throne. what else happened over the past 7 days, what events will not leave you without emotions, which is definitely worth finding out about.
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nikita makhodkin has prepared a special selection for you. what kind of procedure is carried out year after year at the london zoo? who makes beer from bananas, where treasure hunting has become a popular hobby, what is the name of the baby. panda of the moscow zoo, we will not only learn about this in our review, let's start with roll call. roll call at the london zoo, this procedure is annual and gives emotions not only to the zoo employees or its visitors, but to the animals themselves, because during this period the inhabitants of the animal park receive a tasty treat. we, of course, know how many animals we have in the zoo, because we actually count them every single day. this is a formalized process that we conduct once a year. actually, it takes a good couple of days, because out of about 300 species, we
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count somewhere around 14 thousand animals. very rare inhabitants of the park, listed in the red book, are also subject to roll call, although it is difficult for us, ordinary people, to recognize them. a certain individual, the caretakers have long taught everyone by sight. it can be quite difficult for us regular employees and guests to identify a penguin, but the keepers. the penguins work with them so much that they can recognize each one by the different markings on their bodies, the different markings on their beaks, they work with them so closely that the process of identification is actually quite easy for them, but difficult for others. hunting in english, in great britain, treasure is the technical legal term for anything that is over two hundred years old and contains some kind of precious metal. and
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there are hundreds, even thousands, of people from young to old who are keen on such searches , according to preliminary data published by the uk department of culture, media and sport, the number of treasures found in 2022 in england, wales and northern ireland is the highest since the nineties , about 1378 finds, here is a pendant. 7th century, fragments of a sword, eight and even bronze age gold ring. this is a real treasure hunt. you go out into the field and sometimes find garbage all day long, but you never know for sure the result. one day you may hear a metal detector that tells you that you might get something that will change your life forever. if somewhere, but not here they cook it. moonshine, then in uganda the home-made drink
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is called beer, only its production has recently become illegal, but here is its recipe: ugandans peel bananas , throw them into a wooden vat, then crushed with feet, the sweet juice is filtered, sprinkled with sorghum grains, and then left to ferment for 12-24 hours, the result is an alcoholic drink that ugandans call: when it brews, i go to barara to
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sell it. this week we have accumulated a pile of news from the world of pandas. the cub dindin from the moscow zoo has finally been given a name. katyusha. more than 112 thousand people out of 380 participants voted for him, and no one can be blamed. the baby is already crawling all over her mother, whose dissatisfaction... remains unnoticed by the playful animal. the next one independent water procedures became a stage of the baby’s growing up. footage was published in which she awkwardly lowers her front paws into the water, and then boldly climbs into the improvised bathtub entirely. but a sensitive mother interrupted katyusha’s unscheduled bathing and took her to the other end of the enclosure. a park of frozen waterfalls in the chinese
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city of tingzhou, shaindong province, has attracted the attention of tourists. recently, china has experienced a severe cold snap with record low temperatures, which has allowed us to admire such unusual phenomena. like with celebrating the new year with health benefits is known to residents of the hague who took part in the traditional festive dive into the north sea on the first day of 2024. according to the head of this project, people associate diving with the opportunity to start life with a clean slate, so many people join the event every year, this time their number has reached 10 thousand. translated from dutch, holiday adventure means: new year's dive. this idea came from several swimmers from
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zandvard, who organized swims in the north sea in 1960 in honor of catholic christmas. later they repeated the swim on january 1, timed to coincide with the onset of the new year. local residents positively assessed the idea, so over time it became a tradition. and this spiritual tradition refers believers to biblical history. recalling the appearance of the savior at the beginning of the new era. the celebration is preceded by a forty-day fast; dialogue with the inner compass of the sacraments of confession and communion is encouraged. last. hours before the great joy of christmas eve. the day before orthodox churches host festive services followed by all-night vigil and solemn liturgy. one of the brightest holidays, the second most important after easter in the church calendar, came into its own the day before with the arrival of the first star. it is customary to celebrate this day in the warm circle of your
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loved ones, and the gastronomic menu traditionally consists of a dozen lenten dishes, symbolizing the 12 apostles. date of. week january 7th is the most long-awaited day of the christian calendar, the bright holiday of the nativity of christ, you looked around the planet, thank you for being and staying with us, go to the website, watch your favorite projects of the tv news agency online, goodbye.
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how is life for foreign guests in belarus? i am lithuanian, i came here from vilnius and currently live here, i am very happy with it. a wonderful country, good people, by the way, very similar in mentality to
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the kazakh people, that is, open, friendly, kind, i am the artistic director of this circus, our circus is... the only church in the world that is located in the very center of the city, our women's club, and we are for the sun to shine, for the children to laugh, for them to be happy, and if we can help, we are obliged to do so. watch the “look at belarus” project on our tv channel. we have a very good gold collection, these are films.
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the theater at magilevo is dramatic, the elizim of the indiscriminate adapachynku in the distant hell of the misfortunes of shtodzennaga life. the nearusian temple has the glory of the tragic and ancient greek muse melpamena. the theater where chaliapin slept, the musician rakhmanin, i applaud mikalay ii. the men's theatre,
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amal 20 years ago, descended on the temple of melpamene , not to be missed by all the cities, so much trampled.


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