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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 8, 2024 8:15am-9:00am MSK

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the burnt body of the owner, he was 69 years old, the rescue service reported. the neighbors of the deceased - the landlady, her disabled brother and her husband, sensing the smell of burning, got out on their own before the fire crews arrived, they were awakened by the fire alarm, all three, like their apartment, were not injured. one of the men tried to save his neighbor, but the pensioner’s home was already in smoke. the ministry of emergency situations is considering the possibility of careless smoking. law enforcement officials have identified the pedestrian who died as a result of a collision with a toyota near minsk. this is a thirty-one year old resident. road tragedy happened last saturday evening, according to road guards, a sixty-year-old driver of a japanese car was driving along the m2 highway from minsk. at the time of the accident, the pedestrian, whose identity could not be immediately established, was walking along the road near the road without a flicker. the exact circumstances of the accident are still being determined. in vitebsk , an eleven-year-old girl found herself under the wheels of a car, the moment of the accident was caught on video, it was published in gi. according to their information, the chevrolet driver was driving along sovitsky street when he hit a young pedestrian (thirty-one years old). the man didn't have time
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it is possible to react in time to press the brake because the schoolgirl, according to the preliminary version, suddenly entered the road outside the zebra crossing. she was taken from the scene of the accident to the hospital. handcuffs closed on the hands of two residents of the minsk region. according to the police , the young people, one 25 years old, the other 28 , came on a work trip to the capital to distribute psychotropic substances into hiding places. they were on an official assignment for a drug market where they worked together in an attempt to solve their financial problems, but instead they made new ones. drug control operatives. at with the power support of the lynx special forces detachment , the pawnbrokers were caught red-handed. a criminal case has been opened for drug sales; the defendants face up to 15 years in prison. was it worth it? so what were you missing in your life? why do you need these drugs? i had problems with the law in terms of the state. on their person, in bookmarks that the defendants managed to place in hiding places, investigators discovered and seized more than 150 g of the particularly dangerous psychotropic substance miphedrone. illegal proposal. the detainees found their earnings in
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online, we managed to work as drug couriers for less than a month. it is known that the defendants are officially unemployed and have not previously been brought to criminal liability. i worked for the internet and left. why did you get a job there? what shortages of material resources, money. who will feed your family? nobody. that is, it didn’t stop you , it still stopped you, you thought about it, let’s say, co-operatively. a similar fate awaited our partners from near brest. their area of ​​responsibility, according to the operatives, was the entire brest region. working part-time for virtual drug shop, boys 24 and 26 years old made caches of psychotropic substances and believed that they would remain undetected for a long time until they met drug control officers. in total , 48 g of the especially dangerous psychotropic substance mephedrone was seized during the arrest. the defendants managed to work as drug couriers for about a month. investigators gave a legal assessment to their actions and initiated a criminal case.
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local resident, that a man, to put it mildly, was out of his mind and threatening to kill, his sixty-four-year-old partner reported to the police, asking him to calm down the family brawler, he’s already had problems with the law before, he’s also putting knives in my basin, i don’t know, he sat on a horse, crazy eyes, he’s at home now. at home, he has crazy eyes, oh, i don’t know, okay , we’ll get there now, by the time the law enforcement officers arrived , debashir was walking near the house along the street with a bladed weapon in his hands, there were neighbors nearby so that none of them would get hurt, the law enforcement officers blocked the nearby territory, so over time, the person involved ignored the demands and warnings of the police officers, shouting threats at them, at some point they became quite real, a man with a knife went at inspector gai, he shot him in the leg, the attacker was taken to a hospital for medical care.
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this was news from zone x, stay tuned to belarus 1.
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good morning belarus, good morning belarus, good morning! country, we continue to be with you, anna kviloria, mariana murenkova , january 8, i almost forgot, monday, yes, we are starting a new week, and we slightly forget what date, we hope that you remember, despite the fact that it's cold, you you are going to work or school now, and you are warm, yes, some viewers have forgotten what my voice looks like during this time, 8:21 on our watch, and now we will tell you what we will talk about today on our air, with all our hearts, how there was a festive concert,
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family. to prepare them we will need wonderful pies that will definitely please everyone : champignons, boiled potatoes, eggs, flour, onions, salt and pepper. prepare the filling, coarsely chop the champignons,
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finely chop the onion. first add the onions to the pan, after a couple of minutes add the mushrooms and fry well. add salt and pepper, everything to taste. let's move on to the basics. grate the pre- boiled potatoes into a deep bowl. add one egg, salt and pepper to it. add three tablespoons of flour there. mix everything. the dough should be tender. pour flour onto a board, roll the dough into small balls and knead them into flat cakes. put the mushroom filling in the center, form the pies, giving them a round shape, roll the pies in breadcrumbs, fry in a heated frying pan for 3-4 minutes each sides, place the finished pies on
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a paper napkin to remove excess oil, the pies turn out to be a treat, crispy crust, inside there is a tender potato with a juicy mushroom filling, fast, beautifully tasty, we have such a wonderful breakfast, bon appetit and good mood, let's make 1 , 2, 3, step back , deliver the hand, slide, knee, turn, well, i would say this is a very old style, a power style that has long been established, in which there are acrobatic elements, mostly boys do it, but sometimes girls too they come, well, because here
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they still need male strength, toprock is, roughly speaking, a top break. and the lower project already has many other branches, subdivisions , footwork, power move, trix, prizes, here, but we explain all this to the children over time, over time... usually there are simple elements at the beginning, which children are quite good at it turns out, but then over time , after a month or two, maybe six months, we are already starting to gain momentum, more serious elements appear there, where much more is needed use your muscles, stretching, that's all, that's all used. to a greater extent, then the children begin to whine a little that
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i can’t do this anymore, well, someone , someone stays, someone always goes along a different path, this will be a big plus, but without physical training, if that we also do some kind of physical exercise here. which develop muscles, stretching helps in the future, it’s better to use it all to perform breaks, to perform more serious elements, it’s not all at once, of course, from now on it’s a little bit. there is such a division into two camps, someone says that after all, breaking is not a sport, someone says that breaking is
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more suitable for a sport, for me, well, this is always a subjective opinion, that’s all for me - still, this dance remains, because when i come to my training, i enjoy the fact that i am training, it’s not like you came, you specifically need to do so many approaches here, there are so many, you come, the fantasy begins inside work, come up with new elements, this is in any case for... because in our age of technology, now a lot of children are sitting on tablets, phones, and so on, constantly watching something there, well, well, this is good for children in any case, in this place, that is, in this area of ​​breaking, they do not forget about well, developing themselves, not in the game of some character. here you can already develop as a character, but in life, this is roughly the vision for me.
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different eras of modern times, it includes works by wagner, tchaikovsky, strauss, malinelli. yes, the program of the musical evening includes the most striking fragments from the outstanding works of world opera classics, including mozart, verdi, sviridova and kalman, in general, there will be something to enjoy. yes, it will be a surprise. a performance by, let’s say, artists with amazing voices from the bolshoi theater of belarus, as well as a saxophone, don’t tell me, it’s a surprise, by the way, quite recently a concert was held at the bolshoi theater , the guests of which were representatives of the golden age, our correspondent olesya boyarskikh also visited there, now he will tell us everything it will show
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that on the tenth we have festivals of creativity, where our elderly will exhibit their creative products, on january 11 the whole republic is dancing. more than 6,000 in pairs will perform the pulsation, there will be tango, all the dances of their youth, the third important event will be on january 12, these are volunteers of the silver age. representatives of the golden age from minsk and the minsk region gathered for the festive concert, about a thousand people in total, these are
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labor veterans, volunteers, representatives of senior councils, as well as visitors to the centers social services. today we have 120,000 single citizens in our country; of course , it is also very important for them to feel this holiday atmosphere, to create this holiday atmosphere, we all help together with such events. the program of the event at the bolshoi theater of belarus was bright and intense. before the concert, guests actively took part in interactive games, took pictures near the decorated christmas tree, and also enjoyed the performance. little ballerinas, the concert itself began with fairy-tale wizards in whom they were reincarnated minister of labor and social protection irina kostevich, as well as minister of culture anatoly markevich. i really want everyone, small and
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adult belarusians to have new year’s magic. and... also, so that we give a piece of our spiritual warmth to those who need it, the program of the festive concert included famous fragments from musicals, scenes from ballet, as well as favorite songs. it was very nice to hear. classical music, young ballerinas performed, generally great, i would like to wish everyone health, good mood, happiness, such events continued, i, for example , am attending it for the first time, it’s just a great mood, it’s so nice that they organized
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such a charity concert today, it’s great, they met us and in general we get great pleasure. this event, organized with all my heart in this large theater, lifts the spirits of even the adult population, which means it has a beneficial effect on health. the republican charity event will last until january 15th. don’t forget to help all your loved ones and not only to do good. it’s so simple, it’s so simple, so beautiful, and it gives so many amazing emotions, but they say that emotions are what stay with us for a long time, unlike other material gifts. and now we invite you, maryana vasilyevna, i simply nodded in agreement, we invite you to go on a virtual tour, the museum of natural
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history in new york offers to immerse yourself in the secret world of elephants, here i will not just nod, here i... previously, there were more than 200 species that lived on all continents. animals have had a huge impact on human culture. in some countries they are still political and religious symbols. the exhibition is divided into five sections dedicated to evolution, physiology, intelligence, behavior, and habitat. the galleries have many interactive areas. thanks to them you can find out how difficult it is for such large animals to survive and how much water and food they need every day, how they move, why they have conflicts with people, and they have conflicts with people, who is in these conflicts wins, well, that’s a good question, dear friends, we won’t simulate this situation, but i think that if a person doesn’t meddle too much in this natural world, then probably elephants probably
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don’t either, they said here that there are 200 species used to live on all continents, that is, it turns out that way. gomel palace and park complex in the museum, this is exactly the skull of a mammoth, which was found in one of the most ancient sites where people lived on the territory of belarus, the village of berdysh, and this is really amazing, as far as i know, conservation is currently underway on this, and this, as it is called, artifact, well, yes, you can say so and... these huge tusks deserve special attention, friends, it’s surprising that on our territory for so many years ago, this is living proof that everything was here, there was life, and there was this baby, little baby. yes, well, let 's move on from big animals to pets, we 'll get to know bounty, you know, she's looking for
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a new home and maybe you'll become her owner, good morning, meet me! this is bounty, a sweet , playful, playful girl who will be looking for her way home today. bounty was picked up on the roadway; unfortunately, the woman who found her could not take her home because she is allergic to wool. this beauty is only 4 months old, she is full of energy and enthusiasm, so she will never be left without attention. bounty behaves well on the street and does not run away. this girl has an inquisitive, flexible
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character, and if you train her , she will know everything teams. the bounty is nearby, nearby, let's run, run, run! our girl, the most affectionate fluffy ball. all over the world, she loves it when fusika scratches her and pays as much attention as possible. bounty is unpretentious in food, well-treated against parasites, this beauty gets along well with other animals, so it will fit perfectly as a second pet in the family. both an apartment and a private sector are suitable for our beauty to live in. the main thing is that there is always someone at home, since bounty does not like to stay. one. our the baby is given as a family member to adults and responsible people who will give her care and affection, and most importantly, will never
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betray her. if you want to get to know the bounty better, call the phone number indicated on your screen. she is really looking forward to meeting her future owner. this is our kindest section, yes, friends , indeed, respond to such calls , this is a small life, then you will be answered with such love and affection that you will never regret your decision to have a pet, yes maryana vasilievna, yes, anna valerievna, if you think that the last few days have been very cold in our country, i’ll move on to this synoptic news, then you are deeply mistaken. it’s still warm here, because compared to the countries of scandinavia, it’s still just a flower, extremely cold weather has affected finland, sweden and norway.
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last week, thermometers in some areas of finland and sweden dropped below 40° celsius, and a number of winter cold records were broken there. and attention, in the village of nikola octo, in northern sweden in last tuesday the temperature dropped to -41, well, almost 42°. loplandy last wednesday was hit by frost down to 43°, more than the lowest in the country in the last 25 years, can you imagine, it hasn’t been this cold for 25 years, i don’t know at all, here we are worried about vitebsk -26, and what to do when -43? you know, i understood why this name is quiker.
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it was necessary to say that i didn’t say something, so i wait, even let me tell you the theory, why in the quikiorka orenyark there is no r, quiet, quiet, i’m not spoiling the story, so that’s why there are so many letters, yes because the swedes are shocked by such temperatures, they don’t get a tooth on their teeth and it’s cold. perhaps, but in any case , of course, we want to keep people warm and not freeze , they probably don’t really go to work for school in such cold weather, why would we let you down, why would it matter if you go to work, don’t go out to work, we clearly know only one thing: you need a fluffy warm sweater, and how to choose it in order to be fashionable, and not just warm, our fashion sweater expert knows... and jumpers are considered an integral part of the winter wardrobe. such knitwear will keep you warm on the coldest day and help make your look not just
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cozy, but also fashionable. the predecessors of the sweater are knitted shirts, common in the countries of northern europe. in england, such a model was one of the wardrobe items of fishermen and sailors. a style closer to the modern one was invented in the 19th century in the northern part of europe. people's need for warm knitted clothes became a key factor in the creation of this wardrobe element. of course, in everyone's closet fashionistas can find basic options for all occasions. life, but you shouldn’t forget about trends either. we are talking about current models for the cold season, with which every outfit will look stylish and expensive. the moderately shaggy model is considered the main trend among knitwear. usually such soft things are made of delicate angora. if you want to wear the product for longer than one season, make sure that the composition is not 100% wool. with sweaters you can create interesting
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and creative designs. images that are easy to fit in like in everyday life, as well as in the office. on the first model, we got a more business-like , collected look, in which a girl can easily go to the office or to a business meeting. we styled the shirt with a soft floor sweater and a beige skirt. notice how beautifully the basic shades combine with each other. our second look turned out to be more relaxed, especially for me. i love the brightness of the sweater, which sets the mood, but pay attention to the skirt: a touch of glitter brings its own touch of sass to this look. if if you are a fan of old many or frepi styles, you simply need to try on a warm polo this winter. discreet fashion trends do not limit the choice of jumper. ultra-loose options that are best worn over blouses, tops or shirts and are stylish and functional. years ago we
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were actively buying torn sweaters, later such things went out of fashion, but today we are seeing their triumphant return, pay attention to this trend, of course, we paid attention to this trend, and not just the sweater over a t-shirt , we we’ll wear a sweater on top of a sweater and wear a down jacket, so anna valeryevna said, because she’s already getting ready to talk about the weather, don’t wear sweaters with holes, they’ll... sleep in -26 this morning it was around the country, and why did you pour espresso for this man ? what about this afternoon? let me tell you about daily temperature indicators: in minsk -12-14, up to 12° below zero in brest, in our southern region, you can’t tell, but -14-16 in vitebsk, up to 14° below zero in gomel , 10,12, also with a minus sign in grodno in mogilev -14, -16, so what? i told you that
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you don’t need a sweater with holes, i said, of course, of course, you don’t need it, please dress warmly, because it’s really very cold, not that i discovered anything like that, just stated, we have something today - then with speaking, well, as we have, not with me in this story, let’s move on to the next topic better, friends, in this weather it is important not to forget, of course, to joke, because humor always warms us up, but also to be careful on the road, both drivers and...
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the situation creates a risk of winter injuries. the main reasons for going to emergency rooms are simple inattention. slippery shoes, steps not cleared of ice and snow from the streets in time, and inability to fall correctly. when a person cannot group himself, either he falls on his back or falls on his back. if your back falls, it could be a spinal injury, a fracture, maybe through. brain injury, if you fall sharply on your side, then this may be a fracture of the femoral neck or a fracture of the humerus, if by chance your arms are extended forward, then this may be a displaced fracture of the radius, or severe bruises of the chest. elderly people are especially susceptible to fractures; this is due to the age-related characteristics of the skeleton, so
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it is best for grandparents not to leave the house unnecessarily in slippery weather. the products can be bought either by relatives or there is a delivery service, if you really need to go out on your own, then be sure to look after your shoes, a cane must have a tip - it is advisable to walk in a cleared area, if the place if it is not cleared, then it is advisable to walk along the edge of the road, where there is loose snow, which minimizes the risk of falling, always go around places at an angle, be careful on steps, if you still understand that a fall is inevitable, try to remember simple rules, they will help you will remain unharmed. when falling, try to fall on the ground with your side, shoulder and forearm. this option avoids serious injury. never try to brake with your hand extended forward. body weight and fall speed can cause sprained hand and even broken wrist. many people think that landing on your buttocks is safest, but they
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are wrong. falling backwards can cause serious damage to the tailbone and brain. i understand that you cannot maintain your balance and fall on your back, press your chin to your chest, arch your back. another, it will protect the head most of the spine. do not forget that injuries can be sustained not only when walking, but also when riding tubing, which can reach high speeds and even twist around its axis during descent. people often get injured when they ride on unequipped places, that is, homemade slides. over the weekend , three people turned up after the fall of the guns. fortunately , we managed with hematomas, without fractures, but there were hematomas.
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the model indicates the maximum permissible weight, but if you do get hurt, consult a doctor immediately and do not self-medicate under any circumstances, remember, it is always easier to prevent an injury than to pay for its consequences, do not get sick and be happy winter!
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a city without people, at the end of the day , with its silence, filled me with the light of lanterns, pressed me to where, in the depths of the night trees, i met you, but everything in this world has a beginning and an end, everyone thinks that it is his a happy ending awaits, but reality is not at all what you expect, but you wait , we never... know which of us was right, who was wrong, we were the wind and the cloud, but the end came
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, we thought that we would be forever we are on the ground, circling, the choice of the village... the village is conscious not to bury on your lips the words that i had dreamed about for so long melted away, without saying sorry i let go why do you deserve me without love? i, but everything in this world has a beginning and an end, everyone thinks what awaits him, but reality is
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not at all what you expect, but you wait, we will never know which of us was, we were on you in the wind and clouds the order has arrived. we thought that we would forever be above the ground, circling, the choice was made consciously, not to give in,
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we will never know, the choice was made consciously. let's learn to live, these are the words with which singer and composer alexander sukharev addresses the audience, and today we have not only these words will be heard, but the words of the entire song, because the premiere is in dobraya ranitsa belarus, yes good!
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from the group the group breaks up , so fundamentally, i have already gone through a lot in the life of my own, my groups, so it was fundamentally important to do a musical project, where the artists who take part, in general, to be honest, about 10 people in 2 years went through the musical project earth and the sky, for sure, and i’m waiting for you to name this name, earth and sky, and the guys who worked with me are working, let’s say they leave, do their own projects , they like it that
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way, everything will be clear, you don’t allow talking, they only sing, you know, this is their function, girls of heavenly beauty, a man who stands firmly on the ground should always be next to them , so okay, okay, persuaded, persuaded, yes, this explains a lot, but why such words, let’s learn to live, ordinary simple words, girls, well, let’s learn to live in the end, well, that’s understandable, that is some kind of philosophical subtext, well, to the fact that we’re laughing here, of course there’s a lot of laughter.
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let's learn to listen to all those who are opposite us, let's learn to think about what is important now, let's learn to cry and not hide our tears, let's learn to mothers not to cry in vain, let's learn to live, let's learn to believe, not only in ourselves, but
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in others , let's measure by conscience the actions that we commit, and there is no need for lies. to disturb the heroes of the past war, maybe someday we too will become a page, let's learn to live, let's learn to live, value time, and not waste time. let's learn to live, let's learn to listen, let's learn to think, let's
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learn to believe, come on! let's learn to live, let's learn to live, let's learn to live, value time, don't waste time, let's learn to live! let's learn to live, let's learn to live, cherish time, don't waste time, let's learn to live.
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good morning belarus.
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news live.


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