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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 8, 2024 12:10pm-12:41pm MSK

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each drawing contains happiness and joy through the eyes of children, christmas gifts in art style from young artists of the borisov region. the thematic exhibition new year's kaleidoscope was located in the promenade gallery of the borisov central district library. 40 works where little creators demonstrate their imagination and first skills. in fine arts, i love to draw, i go to school in fireflies, there is a very interesting lesson there, very good teachers, i painted an ice house for the new year, i painted a christmas tree, watercolors and with gouache, i painted butterflies, and i used white gouache and blue gouache for... happy new year, i wish you happiness and
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health. for the holidays, the borisov central district library has prepared several projects, this is an exhibition of christmas tree decorations, an exhibition of embroidery, an original project for new year's mood. next we have sports news, projects of a television news agency, also available on social networks, in our mobile application qr code on the screen. new information already at one o'clock in the afternoon. see you. in the next match of the nhl regular season the washington capitals defeated the los angeles kings on their home ice 4:3 ; the hosts’ belarusian forward alexei prodos spent 16 15 minutes on the ice. the vitep resident made three shots at the opponent’s goal, made one power move, made two losses and earned zero according to the plus-minus system. but another forward of the belarusian national team, yegor sharongovich, has a negative minus efficiency. 3:4
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, the minsk resident played in the first line, he spent 18.5 minutes on the ice, during which time he managed to shoot twice, but did not score any effective points. arina sabalenka remained in second line of the updated wta rankings, victoria azarenka has moved up one position, now the former world no. 1 ranks twenty -second on the table. let us remind you that last week victoria reached the semi-finals of the tournament in brisbane, where she lost to sabalenka, alexandra sosnovich made a jump by three positions, now.
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an enterprise whose territory is 500 hectares and which is three times larger than the state of monaco. there are 60 km of
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roads and 45 km of railways along it, there is a narrow gauge and a wide one. indeed it is city, this is more than 1,200 buildings, each urban village still boasts so many buildings, plus such a building density, we produce about 3,000 urea per day, 3.0 tons per day, one ammonia workshop produces 65 tons of ammonia per hour, one ammonia workshop per hour consumes 80 thousand cubic meters of natural gas, the total consumption of natural gas per year is about 1.6 billion cubic meters of gas. and also technical equipment, a unique production line, all this open joint-stock company grodno-azo, its scale impressive that at that time
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it was also generally quite unexpected if in 3 years it was possible to build a huge nitrogen plant in grodno, it was this enterprise that became... one of the leading producers of nitrogen fertilizers in the soviet union, it all started with the adoption in may 1958 resolution of the cpsu central committee on accelerating the development of the chemical industry to meet the needs of the population and the needs of the national economy. for the soviet union this was a fateful decision. in the ussr there was a period of general chemicalization. the country was in dire need of only in fundamentally new products. kano had her food security. the focus on expanding acreage and developing new lands, including cylindrical lands,
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did not bring the expected results. it became clear that it was necessary to increase soil fertility. agriculture was in dire need of fertilizers. virgin lands proved that even with an increase in these agricultural lands, expansion of areas, it cannot lead to an intensive improvement of agriculture, first of all, this was proven because there was not enough water to irrigate these new areas, and there was not enough fertilizer. with all measures taken in agriculture in the bssr . work to improve them is extremely important for belarus, and this is much-needed fertilizer. the right decision was made to focus on the state of
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soil fertility and the use of fertilizers. 8-10 centers of grain was what was collected at that time. there were problems. and types of fertilizers, especially nitrogen, were in short supply, and the highly acidic belarusian soils required constant liming, this is the only way was to solve the problem. nitrogen fertilizer is the most important element for literally all crops that have been cultivated in our country. in 1970-75, we used 97 kg per 1 hectare. this is a very low level, which did not guarantee or ensure high yields, so the most important direction was to create our own plant
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that would provide our country with nitrogen fertilizers. for the republic, this problem had its own specifics. in the gomel region and the brest region they predominate to a greater extent soils with light granulometric composition are sandy and sandy loam soils. in the vrodnitsa region, these are already more supisi, these are slightly more cohesive soils. vetebskaya mogilev is a loamy soil and even heavily loamy and clayey soil, there in the northern side, sharkovshchina, miory, there is very heavy soil and there are also certain difficulties there. in 1959 alone , capital investments in this industry in the ussr increased by 57% compared to the entire soviet period; in the sixties, 43% more funds were invested than in the last
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year. according to the document adopted at the level of the union leadership, the regions of the country where new construction was planned were also determined. enterprises, one of them was the bssr. large-scale production was to become basic in the soviet union. a recent meeting in the state planning committee of the bssr in may 588 , once again ended without results.
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why don’t you want to consider this particular region of grodno, a developed railway , a gas pipeline passes nearby, the berezovskaya ridge is being built. it will be enough for them to provide such a large enterprise with energy is it possible, why not the capital of the chemical
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industry of the republic? by the will of fate , the decision was made in favor of grodno, why? because here, firstly, the river basin is closer, and secondly, it is close to the border of both lithuania and poland, and this was an enterprise that... planned to supply the belarusian region with fertilizers, so the decision was made to build in city ​​of grodno. what should the new production be like in a simple comparison? before the war, eight ammonia production plants already operated on the territory of the ussr. but even everything together, they were smaller than the enterprise that was planned to be built in the thunderstorms. the construction was declared an all-union project.
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specialists from all over the soviet union began to arrive in grodno for the construction of a nitrogen fertilizer plant. the pace of construction of industrial new buildings in the ussr was amazing. i don’t have the technologies that modern builders have today. talk about the ineffectiveness of the extensive path of development, but the fifties and sixties
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are rightly called the golden age of the management system in the soviet union, as well as the industry. on december 1, 1963, just 3 years later , the first tons of weak nitric acid were produced at the grodno nitrogen fertilizer plant. it became the first product. measuring instruments are in operation today at our enterprise, it
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all started with one workshop for the production of ball nitrate, no more than 200-300 control devices, here is the order of the numbers, 100 in 100,000. the first stage of the enterprise was put into operation, construction work was completed, and equipment that was unique at that time was set up. simultaneously with construction of factories. in the bssr , training began for work at chemical industry enterprises. new specialties appeared in the republic: chemical technologist, technologist.
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in the soviet union before the war. the fifth workshop was a workshop for the production of weak nitric acid, the third was a workshop for the production of amium nitrate. since this workshop produced ball nitrate based on nitric acid, it was called shot shop 5.3. our group of guys, eight people, were all sent to the catalytic converter under construction shop. i made the first smelting of a pulp synthesis catalyst. the specialty of chemical technologist was then becoming fashionable and prestigious. the young people demonstrated their knowledge in practice. the equipment was mastered at the stage of its installation, simultaneously with the construction of the enterprise, especially since at that time it was from leading foreign companies. the main equipment of the
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mesatini company and the air separation units were french. we had to set up this equipment for installation, carried out jointly with foreign specialists under their supervision everything, everything, setting up, setting up, finishing everything , fine-tuning it, and getting it to condition just so that it all spins and works at an accelerated pace and without regard for time, when no one considered their personal time , somewhere something broke. it took 12 hours to complete the construction, and no one asked for overtime, it was necessary, everyone stayed to work, but the contractors and machinists in the building hall worked in three shifts for 8 hours each, they changed three shifts, it was tough for them, they worked 8 hours and went to work as repairmen it hasn't been here for 80 minutes, it already
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worked out here, maybe 12, maybe eight. everyone was set up, started up, something didn’t fit together somewhere, it was necessary to fake, adjust, repair everything on the go. on december 3, 1963 , the first tons of fertilizer in the republic were produced in the ammonium nitrate department. for agriculture, this became the starting point for... the transition to a fundamentally new level. today, few people think about the fact that the good harvest that the republic has traditionally received for decades is not only the heroic work of farmers. this is also perennial the labor of grodno-azot workers to produce various types of fertilizers. work of belarusian
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scientists, academy of sciences of the republic. this was the case when science and production were united. the soil itself changes over centuries, centuries, to form 1 cm of the soil that we have today, the arable layer, it took from 200 to 300 years, this is a millennium, our soil was formed over, so to change it today, well, this is not what we have, what we have we have the soil, we need to work on the soil. but the main goal was set as how we can achieve it so that gomel received high harvests, as did brest and vitebskelevo. in the late fifties, special attention was paid to science and its main headquarters, the academy of sciences. there are serious changes in it, both structurally and in the training of scientific
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personnel. in 1959, on the basis of the institute of chemistry. then they began to leave unseeded stakes when sowing grain crops so that it could be carried out with subsequent nitrogen fertilizing and the use of chemical plant protection products. the grodno nitrogen fertilizer plant began rhythmic deliveries of the much-needed ammonium sulfate production,
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urea, sulfuric acid, other important soil additives, plant nutrition. this was a breakthrough in agriculture. the increase in productivity during that period was precisely achieved through the scientifically based use of fertilizers. this was the one...
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at the beginning of 1964 , there was an unusual silence in the laboratory of the nitrogen fertilizer plant, and this despite the fact that all its employees were assembled, with bated breath, they watched ... a new experiment, thanks to which another discovery is about to happen. zaflab academy of sciences mixed in a flask reagents, demonstrating their new scientific research to colleagues from the factory laboratory. water, alcohol, ether, amines, organic acids. it seems that everything is the same as what they do. and exciting. moment: instead of the usual phenol, benzene was taken as a basis, and it gave
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the desired result. formation of polyamide resin from which fiber can be obtained. the silence of the laboratory was broken by applause. everyone rejoiced at the success, their joint success. the production of coprolactam, thanks to which it became possible to obtain threads and fibers, turned out to be akin to a scientific revolution. in sixty-five has already begun. assimilation of the area under the coprolactam behind the fence, here is the first coprolactam. coprolactam is a derivative of benzene , benzene is a derivative of oil, benzene is isolated from oil as a waste
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product, by hydrogenating benzene we obtain cycloxane, then we oxidize cyclohexane , we obtain cyclohexane oxim, this cyclohexane is a product of the production of coproloctam at our site, their fiber, we also obtain polyamide threads and anid and cord fabrics, more than one and a half thousand types of products, which cannot be released. the product line is truly the widest, you all like to drink mineral waters and so on, so the carbon dioxide that is used is what produces national nitrogen. we have such a product called hydroxine sulfate, this is a substance that is used in the production of videotapes. in the sixties, seventies , the entire film industry in india was shot on our hydroxine sulfate.
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to this day, the bulk of world consumption is accounted for by filament filaments, but the range of applications is the widest, and this is not only plastic, this is packaging film, fiber threads. on april 20 , 1967 , the state quality mark was officially established in the soviet union with the aim of stimulating improvements in the quality and efficiency of social production.
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soviet space, well, for the world in principle , the fact is that the quality of our, our products has always remained at its best, always, let’s say, the quality of our kaprolahtam was, our competitors were able to repeat it decades later, and we achieved it initially, that plant , that was built in the early sixties, it is still the flagship, producing products not only for domestic production, but also...
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home to the entire center of the chemical industry of the republic. in the early seventies, the established chem fiber plant produced the first batch of synthetic fiber. another azot chemical enterprise began producing much -needed household chemicals, liquid fertilizers, and various types of consumer goods. the time of great chemistry marked the beginning of the construction of large enterprises in the industry. in almost all regions of the republic, whose products are still in demand decades later, recognizable in the world, among the leaders is still grodnoazot, about 60% of the domestic market, 40% of exports. previously, we covered the whole world, we even supplied the united states; at one time, when china, let’s say, rose from its knees and rose to its height, we supplied a
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lot of products. supplied to the people's republic of china, we supply a lot of products to latin america, we supplied a lot of products to africa, our the enterprise is among the best, it is difficult to knock us out of the list of leaders, then it was difficult to imagine what unique products enterprises in the chemical industry could produce. today these are nanotechnologies, unique materials that are used.
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at the same time, during the years of the fifth and sixth five-year plans , more than 50 large chemical industry enterprises were built in the bssr. the mogerevsky chemical fiber plant, where lavsan was first produced, produced plastics and polymers. gomel chemical plant, which produces mineral fertilizers. vitebsk.
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for the first time, for the first time, for the first time, these words apply to every chemical industry enterprise that began its history in the distant sixties. they still make up a significant part of the belarusian economy and are its pride.


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