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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 8, 2024 2:05pm-2:40pm MSK

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on our tv channel. the tv news agency presents in the public domain. we have no secrets from our people. we baked a loaf. what a beautiful one.
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was not and will not be easy for those who raise it, bread was obtained in hot sweat and cold mud, bad weather was torn out, oh difficult, priceless, rolls and loaves are baked so that we do not know the fear of hunger, and bread becomes light and
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respectable for us , because the pork is small, there are many attempts at fish and poultry, and salt - 9 tons at the day, eight saugasau, 10 kalgasau, three enterprises pa perapratsoўtsy production, its own project organization, our towns and gardens, branded stores, and direct connections with foreign partners, and a great currency, all this... firsts in the republic itsy agrapramyslovy kombinat zakhodni bukh. for any and all of your land , we will do our best. what mararyli nekali kamunara ab future? vyadoma. and the sunny day becomes more subdued than their most cruel thoughts. only kalgasny lads with a high culture of agriculture will allow the peasants of the baranavitsa region to grow such riches ўrajay. ganusa experimental station dapamagae kalgasam unyadrats.
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the state security committee of belarus , together with the television news agency bel tv and radio company, is presenting a project about the genocide of the belarusian people during the great patriotic war. khatyn tragedy. we break sealing wax. from archival documents,
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for so many years we could not tell the truth that actually happened, lishchenko fired number one from a machine gun, the information was closed, today there are no white spots, what happened in a forest village 80 years ago, eyewitnesses of the bloody events, they were rounded up, they screamed a lot, that's... it was very kryg that i remember to this day, the people who were looking for, arresting and interrogating the executioners of khatyn. the purpose of our trip was to apprehend the bassera and deliver him to thunder. let us name by name those who burned and shot 149 people, set fire to the barn, and the threshing floor.
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a trick when people started running out and shooting at those running out, on the eightieth anniversary of the tragedy, a documentary film from a series without a statute of limitations, they burned huts, watch it right now, hundreds of volumes... employees of the state security committee of the bssr, the files are stored in
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the central archive of the kgb, belongs to the state secrets of belarus. i came to the archive as a young employee and got acquainted with the archival funds, me. our veteran introduced me, i drew attention to a very large criminal case, it took up more than a whole shelf in the storage room, and then i asked, what kind of interesting case is this, that is, all the cases , there are several boxes, well, a maximum of five - six, he said in one succinct word, this is khatyn, when he asked me, and you know, who burned khatyn, i told him, of course i know, of course the germans burned khatyn, he said, no.
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joseph kaminsky, the only adult who managed to escape from the burning barn, said during interrogation back in sixty-one that the executioners of khatyn were ukrainians, but ukraine was one of the 15 fraternal union republics, a neighbor, a close country, a slavic sister, so the first secretaries of the central committee of the party of belarus and ukraine decided not to push the situation. for a long time we did not open our archives, and we...
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1943, this operation was not developed was not included in the plans in advance, the decision was made spontaneously, they acted in retaliation. the tragedy of khatyn began a few kilometers from the village at a turn, the partisans cut the communication wires and waited for a repair
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team, set up an ambush in a convenient place for this, on a hill, when the first car appeared, they opened fire, as it later turned out, the chief of the first company was riding in it 118 .the chest got hit. 24 civilians were killed by kozyrevsky lumberjacks. some still
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managed to escape, they were able to escape into the forest. it was on the morning of march 22, 1943. the partisans who set up the ambush retreated to khatyn. the 118th police battalion was sent from pleshchenitsy to deal with the residents of khatyn. since the connection was damaged and the unit did not know what happened on the road, only after the return of the wounded little fellow. personnel.
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the people doomed to death, including me and my family members, cried a lot, screamed, opened the door of the barn, and the punishers began to shoot with machine guns. machine guns and other weapons of citizens, but the shooting was almost inaudible due to the strong scream of the howling people, i with my fifteen-year-old son adam i found myself near the wall, dead citizens were falling on me, people still alive were rushing about in the general crowd like waves, blood was flowing from the wounded dead, the burning roof was collapsing, a terrible, wild cry, the howl of people... intensified, under it the people who were burning alive were screaming and tossing and turning so much that the roof was actually
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spinning, there was a flame, there was an infestation, it was the yans who set khatyn on fire at about 7:00 in the evening , it was already getting dark, they were screaming a lot, crying, shouting, everything was scary, they saw it,
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for a few terrible evening hours on monday in march, the punitive force burned alive 149 people, 75 of whom were children under 16. one and a half to two kilometers from khatyn. today there is a forest, in 1943 there was a field. residents of mokrodi, hearing the shots, began to run into the forest. nina abelyakova somehow inexplicably found herself on the field today with buckets of water. today no one will tell where or from where she carried them. the girl was killed by a random bullet. she became the first
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victim of khatyn at the same time. except for the fifty-six-year-old. blacksmith joseph kaminsky, several more children survived. vityuzh labkovich’s mother covered her body with her body. volodya yaskevich was hiding in a potato pit, his sister sonya was in the cellar. my peers were in the pit, covered with boards. here. so they told me that the germans opened the board, and the children were sitting there.
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my mother was alive, she died immediately , i got up and couldn’t move, but soon my brother-in-law, eskevich joseph antonovich, who lived on a farm about one and a half kilometers from the village of khatyn, came up to me and took me to his home, or rather, almost carried me. the village of khatyn was already completely burned out. pominsky was treated on a farm.
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they were the first to reach lakusta, he lived in donetsk , he was arrested on april 1 , 1973, on the same day at 12:30 the first interrogation began, then he was transported to grodno, four more accused were gradually brought here, they were in grodno before the trial prison number one. today it is difficult to say whether it was accidental or intentional, but the case against the punitive forces of khatyn
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was opened on the thirtieth anniversary of the tragedy, march 21, 1973. a native of the chernovidsky region of ukraine, grigory lakusta, worked in trust, donetsk, shakhtostroy. he headed a team of carpenters, a team of 35 people, he coached the management’s football team, which took first place there in district and regional competitions, and a children’s football team. lasta had two daughters. nadezhda worked as a gas dispatcher in the city of dakuchaevsk, and lyudmila was a student at donetsk university. a young girl jumps into our office: dad, where were you during the war? and i still didn’t know that you served with the nazis, he silently waved his head, she turned around alone from the table to the window and tried to rush down. took second
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kurku, lived in his homeland, in the village of a great citizen of the lviv region. worked on a collective farm, he had two children, a son and a daughter, four brothers, one of whom ivan was a security guard at the opera and ballet theater in lvov, two sisters, pensioners, when the investigation was carried out, the vakusta did not identify one, did not identify one, by the end they draw up the documents, and he says, let him get up, this one got up, let him pass, he went, so this is the skin, in october, one by one, the sakhno knap ilazinsky was arrested, the knape ilazinsky people lived. kuibyshev, everyone was taken to grodno. consequence lasted until december 29, seventy-three . of the five accused, only they were taken to khatyn. it’s been empty for seventy-three years, the memorial is already in operation, but for the duration of the investigative experiment, the complex was closed. at the site of the former village, lakusta saw concrete obelisks in the shape of a chimney and open
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gates in place of houses that do not exist. they were burned by lasto, along with the rest of the 118th ukrainian police battalion. the last time the defendant was here, he heard screams, people crying and machine gun fire in seventy-three. every 30 seconds the silence was interrupted by the ringing of a bell. lakusta didn’t say a word. since lakusta, kurka, kna, plazinsky sakhno were civilians before serving in the 118th ukrainian police battalion, their case was considered by the grodno regional court. the verdict was announced on march 15, 1974. the obrazhny court sentenced them all to death, except for.
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work, you know, when they already start talking, you don’t need to interrupt them, let them speak out. criminal case 26615 on charges of meleshek consists of twelve volumes, interestingly, the witness in the case is the attention of basyur. on the same day, from the story of the battalion commander smovsky, i learned that the police of our battalion participated in the execution and extermination of citizens of the village of khatyn. i did not take part in this operation and do not know the details. company commander vinnitski said that meleshka, lukovich, and lakusta especially distinguished themselves in this massacre, that they
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acted there mercilessly, sadists. this ruthlessness and sadism was expressed in the destruction of civilians . the doomed were driven into a barn they set it on fire, when people started screaming and tried to run out of the barn, they were shot with all types of weapons.
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march 27, 1986 april 24, 1986, we detained him, he was sick. bronchial asthma, when we admit it, he was already brought here, he asked, boys, wait, let me catch my breath, but we stopped, waited,
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then again. the punisher was taken to gorodno, kept in a pre-trial detention center on the territory of the prison, was extremely reluctant to testify, and did not confess to the crimes until the very end. as for khatyn, he called immediately.
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on the sixth , he was alone, food was prepared for him alone, he went out for a walk alone, he could afford to say that today the weather is bad, and i don’t want to go for a walk today. criminal case 26613 on charges against vasyura grigory nikitovich amounted to 17 volumes. the investigation ended on september 3, eighty . information about what he basically said.
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what was his reaction? he was silent. on october 13 , 1987 , a notice was sent to the head of the zaks bureau of the bravarsky district committee of the kiev region. i beg register the death of the convicted vasyura grigory nikitovich. date of death: october 2 , 1987. the battalion commander smovsky
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escaped. lived in the usa, died of natural causes. the ukrainian commander of the first company, vinnitsky, lived in canada, headed the ukrainian diaspora, and was not brought to criminal responsibility. another executioner from the 118th battalion, vladimir kotryuk, settled in canada. he was a beekeeper, that is, he raised bees, which is what he lived for, he led a reclusive life, and did not like to talk about the past. although he did not deny his participation in the transition to the side of germany and participation in the 118th battalion. the nakatryuk case was initiated in september 1987. the soviet union, and later independent belarus, repeatedly sent requests to canada to no avail. there was enough information about katrik, that is, about his atrocities. why, at that time.
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he is the conductor of our prayers, he is an intercessor with god. why do people change their lifestyle and go to a monastery? something in my heart. it sounded like we had to leave this social life, just as the grand duchess in her time left the luxurious, rich, social life and devoted herself to monastic work, as faith gives strength and supports in difficult times. our prayer requests to the lord, the mother of god and the holy saints should be aimed at acquiring spiritual virtues.
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tv channel belarus 24 broadcasts for you around the clock, don’t switch. our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad . more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch projects from our tv channel. so what is it like,
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belarus? business and developing. hospitable, bright and festival, generous, picturesque and monumental. sports and team.
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we tell you not only about significant events. we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, to understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, the belarus24 tv channel is on air. watch us every day.


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