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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 8, 2024 3:00pm-3:11pm MSK

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watch the breakfast of the champion on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. lyudmila kazak is with you live, good day in this episode: pickets in public places, door-to-door visits, a week before the end of an important stage of the election campaign, nomination of candidates for deputies. the collection of signatures continues. european anger has burst the pipe of tolerance. german farmers are pouring manure into local government buildings and are determined to paralyze traffic for at least a week. rats as an integral part of the free world, rodents in new york metro, this is the norm, a giant samovar, the largest portion of porridge, a regional winter festival, the persian sleigh is ready to host pinsk. exactly one week remains until the end of the important stage of the election. nomination
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of candidates for deputies. the collection of signatures continues today. initiative groups organize pickets in public places and conduct door-to-door visits. during this period , any campaigning is prohibited; all information about a potential candidate is limited to his biography. until january 15, inclusive of territorial and district elections commissions will accept documents. the deadline for verification and registration is the end of january. only after this, candidates for deputies have the right to begin election campaigning. in the city of minsk. 132 initiative groups have been registered to collect signatures for nomination to the local council of deputies, as well as 50 initiative groups to nominate persons to the house of representatives of the national assembly of the republic of belarus. well , we will probably see the collection of signatures when it takes place, how many there were, but i repeat that for local councils of deputies this is not a big deal number, somewhere from 170 to 260, it is necessary to collect signatures in order to be elected in a specific constituency, we have 60 of them, this is the minsk city council... on february 25, belarus
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will hold a single voting day for the first time, when we will elect deputies of all levels, one at a time and the same person can be nominated as a deputy of the house of representatives in local councils, and it is permissible to use several methods of nomination. belarus will refrain from inviting osce observers to the upcoming elections, this was stated by our country’s permanent representative to international organizations in vienna. according to andrei dapkiunas, belarusian.
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revealed in the acute crisis, in the parashenny traditions of pavzhlivaga, the fiery-karektnaga dialogue, the taxa in the growing ferocity, astracism in the adnosins of the dzarzhavam. all this, it’s a pity for us, puts the magic of the tradition of the journal on all of our obligations within the framework of the organization. according to the diplomat,
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belarus has more than once drawn attention to the lack of common norms and approaches to international election observation, but was never heard. moreover, due to the sanctions policy of the west. grossly violating the fundamental principles of the osce deprived belarusian representatives of the organization of the opportunity to fully participate in missions to observe the electoral process in other states. the brutality of polish security forces against refugees continues to cause injury and death. two more foreigners became the latest victims.
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soldiers are animals, they are not people. siriz told law enforcement officers that they were captured in poland by armed men, beaten and forced out. after this, the migrant from yemen felt unwell, fell on his back and died. the investigation of the incident was entrusted to the kamyanets district department of the investigative committee.
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a forensic medical examination has been ordered to establish the cause of the migrant's death. after the poles threw the refugees out through the animal gate, citizen. it got worse, he practically could not move on his own, and the man had to carry a comrade, while the poles were in military uniform they blinked their flashlights, watching the results of their atrocities. later, our border detachment found the foreigners at the gate, despite the help of doctors, one man could not be saved. investigators are already investigating the incident. but all is not lost for poland; there are many sensible and constructive people left there. organization podlaska alternatives. published a document containing a vision of the relationship between warsaw and minsk. it contains a number of proposals for the polish government, including the start of negotiations with the current government of belarus and refusal to interfere in the affairs of the neighboring country. members of the organization also call on warsaw to improve the situation on the border, open
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border crossings and abandon the us presence in the border area. time will tell whether they will heed the call in warsaw. never biting the hand that... feeds itself, german farmers are protesting under this slogan. more than 700 tractors and other equipment blocked major highways today, at the entrances to cities across the country, and also lined up equipment brandenburg gate. farmers oppose the abolition of tax breaks and discounts on diesel. in the morning , heaps of manure began to be dumped on the streets as a sign of protest. despite the fact that the authorities have already proposed adjusting plans to make the abolition not a one-time, but a gradual one, the german peasants' union demands the preservation of all subsidy benefits. the farmers are determined in
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their demands, they are ready to paralyze traffic in the country for at least a week, water transport workers have already joined in the anger of the farmers, barges have blocked the mitheland channel in... rats as an integral part of the free world , a new folk pastime has appeared in the new york subway: passengers do what the authorities are unable to do, fight rodents with all available means. it is estimated that in new york there are approximately. 2 million rats roam the streets with absolute impudence and have already become one of the reasons for the mass outflow of the local population. over the past year alone, about 102 thousand people have left the rat city for another. another scandal in the american education system due to political pressure, he left his post
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head of harvard. why the american dream is cracking and how an opinion can make you an outcast. who else was thrown out onto the street? and also the bribery system in elite universities? who spits in general rules, corruption, repression and other scandals in understandable politics, watch today after the panorama.


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