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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 8, 2024 4:20pm-5:01pm MSK

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[000:00:16;00] watch everything that modern belarus lives on today on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from a foreign country. broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting trips around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries of finland,
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sweden, norway. denmark, the netherlands , germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus , austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish express am8 satellite. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus. editors club. what distinguishes a national leader from a politician? the fact that the leader thinks about the next generations, and not the end of his tenure, and the united states of the west is always hooked on their technologies. then sanctions are introduced, we
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are deprived of technology, we are forced. thus acting the way they want. the transition to a green economy is also like this technological needle. we in parliament are constantly considering bills related specifically to the green economy. we proceed only from our national interests. we never ruin enterprises for the sake of europe. global elites exploit the earth's resources, suck those resources, and exploit other populations. yes, that is, this is a classic of the most advanced, wild capitalism. no one takes anyone into account. the main thing is to earn money for the sake of this profit, there is no isolation and there cannot be for one simple reason that we are in the trend of reasonable normal countries and states, of course everyone wants to do business with us. don't miss it on the belarus 24 tv channel. together with the belarus 24 tv channel, we will plunge into the cultural life of our country. now they would say the opera and ballet theater, because
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look, our stage is quite high. bright reality. let's remember folk traditions. there was an outstanding garad tradition going on here. it's daytime for the skin, and the day's visible dancing heads are chanting the sounds of belarusian fanfare.
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geta is a trumpeter, like the people of grodzen. dear customers, our store closes. dear passengers, minsk metro
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congratulates you. happy christmas and happy new year. one of the oldest. no matter how much it was burned or destroyed,
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it was rebuilt every time. of course, it is not milk rivers with jelly banks that flow here, but the dnieper and small oil rivers, which cannot but please the local residents. each city has an object that is its symbol, and in this regard, it is said to be in no way inferior to other
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populated areas, only its main symbol is not just the calling card of the city. the chapel of ifrasinius of polotsk was erected in 1995 according to the project. during a pilgrimage to jerusalem, she visited rechitsa, and several hundred years later in 1910, when her holy relics were brought back to polotsk, the first belarusian city where a big stop was scheduled was rechitsa again, an interesting coincidence,
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right? at this historical place, where the koplitsa now stands, once, according to the old-timers, a squadron of gunpowders stopped, and to speak... the cancer with the holy relics of st. euphrosenia was demolished. they arrived at city ​​april 25 at 9:00 am. long before the indicated time, pilgrims and believers of all classes and ages were awaiting this miracle on the pier. local residents say that tourists, as a rule, go to this very stone. they say that if you touch it and make a wish, it will certainly come true soon. believe it or not, it’s, of course, a purely individual matter, but i think i’ll take advantage of the opportunity. in general, this version of the embankment is one of those that you can rightfully be proud of, picturesque
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and cozy. what else do you need for peace? walks? from here you can see the amphitheater, which seats up to 800 people. it was built in 2007 for the republican dozhinki. in the distance you can see an object that has become a favorite place for selfies. boys, a flying plane, well , we will continue our promenade, about the events of the military , with your permission, a little later. walking along the embankment, you can meet many interesting and legendary characters: jack sparrow. oh, sorry, captain, jack sparrow. here you can even climb onto the deck of his ship; they say it offers a magnificent view. on the floodplain of the dnieper. for the first time in chronicle sources mention rechitsa in 1213, when the city was part of the chernigov principality, but it is believed that people began to populate these lands much
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earlier, even during the misolithic era. the city received its name from the name of the dnieper tributary, the rechitsa river, which flowed into it. the antiquity of the word is indicated by the suffix it, possessed. from the same ancient centuries, the modern coat of arms of the city. on a pink field is one of the ancient symbols of the grand duchy of lithuania. today the coat of arms can be seen on a stone located at the foot of the fort. his installed at this place when the rechitsa turned 800 years old. from this place you can begin a chronological study of the history of the city, or do the minimum task - remember. the number of his full years , there is a local landmark
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, again on the embankment, or, to be more precise, on the right bank of the dnieper, there used to be an ancient settlement here, just one chance to show their strength, who wrote a poem about a man scattered from the street swimming pool? which family was the last owner of a worldly castle, demonstrate their intellectual potential throughout the country. the main thing is, of course, your knowledge, well, how savvy are our participants? let’s find out right now what the hockey expression “to throw off the mitts” means? maxim, the players are preparing for a fight, mikhail sanata, sanata, sanata, clarify, sanet,
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sanet, sanet. show on the tv channel belarus 24, i don’t know , in general, people who are happy about the fact that this war seems to be going on, in general, no one is happy, we ourselves have given the opportunity to our enemies, as if yes, not only to dismember us, but also force each other to fight, there, behind the lines, everyone is rubbing their hands like this, they, so to speak, the slavs , kind of forced each other to kill each other, and we didn’t have enough inner wisdom to avoid this, in war you already understand that nothing is more important than a person, you, despite the fact that you have no resources, have built
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maximum justice, justice is not something that is trending now, but in our state, our people have a request for justice, including international arena, once you become the same beasts, like your enemies, you lost, even if you won, if we stop being people, we will lose, even if we formally win, this is our success, this is the fact that we are still holding on to this, the mark project is nothing . watch on the tv channel belarus 24. i know that at one time the place was the childhood home of the city, once the great vitov had his eye on it, built a wooden castle here, which stood on this... together for more than 200
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years, accurate confirmation of the information that the castle was built there are no vitamins, we can only assume, unfortunately, the example of wooden architecture has not survived to this day, but the fort remains, as you understand, this city has a rich history, right across the road from the fort i notice this unusual object, i can only assume that this is exactly what variations look like... what's the point of guessing? we are heading to the regional museum. the exhibits of which will certainly shed light on this story. since we have entered the territory of the local history museum, it is worth saying a few words about it. a little more and he will become history. he is a little, no less, more than half a century old, or to be more precise, 66. this is what the river guy looked like. which stood on the site
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of an ancient settlement, the exact date of its construction is unknown, what is clear is that it stood for approximately two centuries, until in 1654 it was burned by the cossack troops of ivan zalatarenok. the wooden castle, surrounded by a fortress wall with five towers, was surrounded by a deep robe filled with water from the dnieper river. residents began to settle around it and this is how a castle was formed. in the middle of the 16th century the castle was still original the core of speech. by this time it had five polygonal towers and was connected to the city by two drawbridges. urban. the pasad surrounded the old fortress in a semicircle, with a trading area, temples and residential buildings. the hallmark of the rechessky district and the special pride of historians are the exhibits of melograd culture. at one time , the most significant archaeological monuments were found near the villages of goroshkov and milograd. by the way, some scientists still
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consider this culture as slavic. in the same room is a byzantine coin of the emperor. john tzimiskes, discovered in 1909 on the banks of the dnieper river. the find indicates that the city already existed in the 20th century. nearby is a coin treasure that a city resident noticed while working in her garden. 2,500 round-shaped coins, half pennies, pennies and a half pennies. we go up to the second floor in the ethnography department and see objects that eloquently tell about folk crafts. household utensils, a kufor where clothes and weaving items were stored, a red corner, a bed, a stove, this is what a typical belarusian hut looked like. exhibition in the next room dedicated to the soviet period and modern
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times. the sixties of the 20th century became a landmark for the history of the river, as a result of many years of searching near the city. an oil field was discovered. this news spread across soviet and world news agencies overnight, and a different life began for the regional center of the gomel region. rechitsa began to be called nothing less than the capital of belarusian oil. a little information. in 1998, the belarus oil association produced the one hundred millionth ton of oil, and in 2015 - the 130th millionth ton of oil. every year they receive more than. except black gold, without any doubt, this city is famous for its people, there are so many of them here, talented in various fields of activity, that many things are initially, to our great sincere regret , doomed to remain behind the scenes, i hope i will have time to tell you
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about at least some. let's start with a personality who was not entirely understood by his contemporaries during his lifetime, but was still recognized. alexander. isochev is a multifaceted person. the world- famous artist became a sensation in the world of fine art in belarus at the end of the 1980s. c 3 lived here in rechitsa for years, and therefore is rightfully considered one of his own. since we are talking about artists, this is a reason to get much closer to contemporary belarusian art by visiting a local art gallery. it was opened in a renovated building. architectural monuments of the late 19th century. so, in the entire post-soviet space, this museum is the only government institution that houses the original masterpieces of alexander isachev. the artist worked using the technique of fox writing. transparent layers of paint overlap each other or
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onto the already prepared base color. alexander isachov painted paintings based on biblical, historical and mythological subjects. his frequent topics. one of the central images in the work is jesus christ. the master of the brush tirelessly sought the answer to the eternal mysteries of existence. who knows, maybe that’s why fate measured out almost the age of christ to the artist. bulgakov's hoax is true. after his death , his family remained in his hometown, unfinished work in the workshop, about 20 icons made by the artist for the holy transfiguration church. and materials stored in the museum. in such a short life, 32 years, the master made a name for himself, creating almost 500 paintings and hundreds of sheets of graphics. unfortunately, it is not possible to trace their exact number today. the painter's works are kept in private collections in western europe, the usa and the middle east. they cost
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incredible amounts of money. and a 10-minute walk from the art gallery on sovetskaya street there is a monument to another native of these lands: mitrofan dovnar zapolsky, belarusian historian, ethnographer, folklorist, one of the founders of the belarusian national historiography. the achievements and discoveries of dovner zapolsky have not lost their relevance today, although his activities at one time were subject to repression in a veiled form, his works were condemned as... ideologically harmful, the harmfulness was as follows: dovnar zapolsky collected and published folklore materials, studied and described family life, wedding rituals belarus. advocated the development of native culture, science and literature, eventually published more than 200 scientific works, but the dramatic
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circumstances of his personal life, persecution and lack of demand within the soviet system, of course, significantly hampered his activities. despite this, mitrofan dovnar zapolsky was able to discern the main thing and distinguish gold from other metals similar to arum. now the international scientific conference dovnar is being held in the ethnographer’s hometown. and reading. a permanent city plan was first approved only in 1800. then the central building of rechitsa became proboynaya street, now called soviet street. by the way, it remains central today. this is a two-story building. how could not be better, illustrates the era of the last century, built around 1903, and
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perhaps in 1909, a private house, the city government rented from august kröger, according to information that has reached us, for some time it housed a postal and telegraph office, a little later to the house they made an extension, where already in 1912 they opened the first modern electric theater. later they said a definite no to art. the river revolutionary committee was placed here. of course, the authorities did not stand on ceremony and did not recognize the rights to private property. the buildings were simply taken away benefit of the state. however, party structures did not stay here for long. soon the building began to teach high art to children. a music school was opened in kreger's former home. these walls are still empty today. they have a regional department of ideological work of culture for youth affairs and... a logocultural center. by the way, the main attractions of the city are compactly located right here, in the center. in the most
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prominent place is one of the oldest city buildings of religious architecture. svyatousmensky cathedral, 19th century. object initially curious, it began in 1842, its construction was completed only 30 years later, which the locals actually stopped believing in, and therefore they began to steal the temple behind their backs. call it a church that does not want to be built. and the reasons for the long-term construction are downright mystical. first , the bell tower at the temple unexpectedly collapsed, bad rumors immediately spread around the city, saying it was a bad omen, and therefore for the next 20 years no one dared to take up the work, only in 1864 construction resumed, thanks to the money of a minsk merchant and the city mayor part-time speaker svechnikov. but... despite all the efforts, attempt number two was also unsuccessful, the official went bankrupt and work was suspended.
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this time they turned to minsk governor tokorev for help, and he allocated a considerable amount for the temple. thus, only on the third attempt did it happen. the church was illuminated in honor of the dormition of the blessed virgin mary. less than 100 years have passed since the soviets took power. this meant only one thing: all efforts were in vain. in 1934 , the cathedral was closed... and later rebuilt into house of socialist culture, only in the nineties the building was handed over to the city orthodox parish, which took up the task of transforming it. when we were given the walls of this temple, birches and trees grew, and you know , it probably would have been much simpler, cheaper, to build a new temple, because ... everything needed to be healed, these old wounds, we destroyed those branch masonry, destroyed
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the old branches, little by little the hay was restored, and in 2003 we already had our first service in this church for easter. today the temple is rightfully proud of its iconostasis, five-tiered with 24 icons; in 1011, two kyotos appeared here in honor of st. nicholas and the kazan mother of god. among the unique shrines are icons with the relics of st. euphrasine of polotsk and john of carmian. a church shop and chapels for the blessing of water appeared here. nowadays, the temple is a decoration of the city, which was recently given the proud status of historical and cultural value of belarus. in the same list, i’m not afraid of this word, is one of the fionites on the city map. church. holy trinity, gothic red brick, in what only it was not transformed at different times.
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first, the church was converted into a warehouse, then the authorities became so creative. and placed a power plant here, later retraining the building into a beer hall, and then a vitamin bar. the time for mocking the door has passed; this year the church will turn 116 years old. and now our film crew is landing on naumov street, and by the way, nothing surprising will happen. berets, those whose life positions sound like if we meet guys in blue here , no one else but us and my first shot is on target, here guests are frequent, not because military units are spoken and stationed , the destination, the margelov museum of the history of airborne troops and special forces, but just as the theater begins with a hanger, so do museums with a certain kind of
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prelude, in this case the bust of the hero soviet... legendary vasily margelov, in fact the founder of the airborne forces. the soldiers among themselves call this man batya, all the paratroopers, in his honor, as it happens, uncle vasya’s troops. the largest exhibit on the bmd1 street. this combat landing a car under the leadership of that same bati, at one time with the crew inside, was parachuted from the aircraft. it’s incomprehensible to the mind, fortunately the flight passed a blow. the museum itself appeared in the building of the local gymnasium in 2013 as part of the celebration of the anniversary of rechitsa. to preserve the history of blue berets, special services and intelligence officers of the ussr, and later of all the cis. the exhibits of the first museum of paratroopers in belarus, there are more than one and a half thousand of them, are real. i mean combat, non-sham, not written off due to
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length of service. so, who do we see at the entrance? i guess the reconnaissance parachutist. special purpose, only about 200 officers in russia have undergone such training, these guys can perform parachute landings from altitudes from 100 to 10,000 m, imagine, if you flew to turkey, to egypt, then at this altitude there is a board, after 4,500 he can no longer breathe, so he is equipped with a special system, you see, a special mask, there is a cylinder with a special mixture, and that allows him not to hang himself. yes , such jumps are very difficult to perform, plus he is equipped special thermal underwear, special all protective equipment, navigators, night vision device, active headphones, ballistic helmet, glasses, weapons, combat kit, medicine, etc., etc., etc. until recently, all the exhibits served their homeland, and if not for a fatal accident, they would have continued to carry out their proud mission. the museum was visited by
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vladimir chizhik, the only one in the history of belarus awarded the prestigious title of honored test parachutist of the ussr. he conquered three mountain peaks: peak of communism, lenin peak and elbrus. thus established six world records, four of them in one week. native of rechitsa. there are needle cartridges, hats, all kinds of stripes and badges with pennants, uniforms, flasks and parachutes, from different units, eras and countries. astronauts. for the same scouts, we once had the legendary mir orbital station, which has now been drowned in the ocean, and the scouts also receive various books, cds, music and so on for their leisure time, one of the books was there, they read it because the crew is also international, it is bilingual, they put the stamps on the mir station, it was right there, and this one, but can i at least touch it, it flew in space
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then its cargo progress, you see the stamps, the station. here is information about military equipment, about the latest developments , the astronauts have flown, read, between you and me, among these exhibits there are some that can’t be found anywhere, it’s easier to buy a machine gun than to buy something similar, they say here, well, i guess i’ll use official position and try on combat ammunition when i still have time such an opportunity, so we just stretch out our hands, oh, oh, mommies, okay, mommies. mommy here doesn’t dress themselves or this is more than once all for i’ll tell you that by the way he’s not easy, how much space is he in? yes, this one is not light, this one will be about 8 kg, in my opinion, even if it’s probably more,
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so, thank you to the airborne forces, guys. the airborne forces museum is an important factor in the education of youth. vladimir gabrov and his comrades are training future special forces soldiers. the list of disciplines includes hand-to-hand combat, assault mountaineering, jumping with... parachute, that's it. they definitely won’t teach it anywhere else, and they’ve been doing this for about 20 years, it’s time for us, the final point of the route is victory park, let’s make sure once again that they remember their heroes in speech. we are on the alley of liberators, where the memory of fifteen heroes of the soviet union is immortalized. it was laid in the city victory park. back in 1973. probably not many people know, but fanny kaplan is the one who attempted the life of the leader of the world proletariat, originally from
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rechitsa. in any case, this is one of the versions of its origin. here are the belarusians for you, those that won't hurt flies. and here are some more facts: the war has only just set foot on belarusian soil, in speech already. from the first guards tank complex at the grave of fallen tankers. this happened on november 19, 1943. according to old residents of this city, the tank is not a sham, but a real
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combat one. they say that in one of the battles this tank damaged a roller, which was immediately replaced with ones similar to those from another damaged vehicle. so he managed to continue the fight and, moreover,... survive intact to this day. if you noticed, in many historical collisions here we can see the proud motto, no one but us. although we are not always talking about military operations. and then life taught local residents not just to go with the flow, but to act. well, if you swim, then only in the right direction. i hope that you will choose the right route soon . you will find yourself here, in a small,
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cozy corner of the gomel region. i consider the main task of a teacher to raise a worthy generation so that our country can develop in peace and creativity. i was born in... in the city of ivanovo, brest region. i i graduated from school number one, entered the brest pedagogical institute named after pushkin, and after graduation, i returned to my city, because i
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love it very much, it is not expensive and will always remain expensive. i have been working as a teacher for 30 years, and if i had the opportunity to rewind time, i would probably choose the same professional path. the most interesting profession is promoting. child, that’s when they come to us in fifth grade and we study their abilities, their needs, mentally imagine how this child can develop. a teacher must be demanding, be able to rejoice for children, and instill in them faith in their strength. the most valuable thing for a teacher is when his students reach heights. this is a great reward for me. how do i feel about this? of course, pride, joy, working with... modern children, i would like to instill in them, first of all, responsibility, to themselves, first of all, and to the world around them, until a person begins to demand something from himself,
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he does not has the right to demand something from others, the child must understand that he is coming from the parental family to the school and he represents his family at school, in society, and family is the most valuable thing, for me teaching is a mission, sometimes this mission... is difficult to achieve, but it must be accomplished by someone, why if it weren’t me , on the other hand, this is an opportunity for self-realization, when you succeed in a lot at school, then it comes... with this excitement you capture children, maybe not all, but many, then these children are grateful to you for being in at the right moment i tried, well , to give them some acceleration, they began
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develop the way i saw it.
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or manuals, objects, so that it is easier for them to assimilate any material, show one day from their life, it is better to put marmalade or fruit, well, of course fruit is better, it is enough to develop an approximate menu according to the established number twice a year, taking into account seasonality, teacher - the defectologist sits with the child at the mirror and shows the child articulation gymnastics, the child, looking in the mirror, sees... and himself, the teacher. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. every week we review the main topics that caused of greatest interest to our viewers and subscribers on social networks, we offer you to learn the belarusian language while walking with our tv guides, and we also introduce you to amazing people who live in belarus and do everything
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for its development. broadcast 24/7, a project that everyone should see. watch us every friday on the belarus24 tv channel. the news is now live with you lyudmila kazak, hello, regarding the collapse of an unused bridge in the litsky district. the investigative committee has opened a criminal


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