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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 9, 2024 4:05am-4:50am MSK

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help, except that i don’t know, nothing , maybe it’s something from household, household appliances, no, these are not appliances, look, these are not appliances, i’ll help you all right away, these are not appliances at all, these not a rock, these are not instruments, this is something tangible, you can touch it, it is inanimate, and at the same time, already inanimate, perhaps, but we have leading questions, you don’t have any more leading questions, you need to take risks and express some version, no , there is not a single element in the tower, there is nothing terrible in the fact that you build something, we don’t have one element yet fell never, so, your answer would be suggestive, give me anything, give me glasses , give me glasses, glasses, i accept, i accept the answer glasses, we will think for a very long time, especially since i see at your table there is not even close to the correct answer , points are the wrong answer, denis, i ask you to install one element, and the opposing team will do the same now, give a version and install the element. come back to yourself, thank you,
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winning team, your version, you had time to think, now i want to hear something from you, then we will tv viewers want to see something from you, and then i’ll give you a hint, come on and 3 2 the winning team, fire, fire, it’s possible.
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china produces more than a quarter of the world's volume and consumes it more than anyone else in the world. jellied fish, you again have the opportunity to ask leading questions, these are tea petals, well, tea leaves, tea, and what is it that bothers you so much... i came across this one, well, at first i actually wanted to answer that he tore out his eyelids and threw them away, i thought these were petals, just something, that is, like yes, that is, but the hint is tea, chinese province, tea, tea plantations, this is the absolutely correct answer, bravo, bravo, this is tea, look, he wanted to sleep, well, he began to want to sleep, tea also contains caffeine, by the way, in some types of tea, more than in coffee, even more than green tea. for example,
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five points goes to your team, the score is 5:11, continue, the third question: in the boxes where various devices are transported, there is a lot of free space, usually it is filled with foam plastic, so as not to break, not broke, but then it is difficult to dispose of it, and the production of polystyrene foam is environmentally harmful, a new material for replacing polystyrene foam has been patented in the united states of america, it is environmentally friendly...
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jellied fish, what is our leading question, right? it's edible. according to its data, it is very similar to foam plastic in one way or another. let's move on. it's edible , we've decided on that. reasoning logically, it means that everything that is not edible is shallow. and now we ask all our leading questions about edibles. which one is edible, which one is possible? what size? time, under what circumstances is it edible? 3 2 1 is yours something sweet? yes, as a rule, as a rule, as a rule, it is usually something sweet, but we actually have a version, i tried to imagine what it looks like in polystyrene foam, corn, popcorn, corn balls, sticks, no, it’s necessary choose one thing, corn, popcorn, popcorn. i accept the answer
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popcorn, in general it agrees, the time for the third round is up, you managed to give an answer, and therefore, in case. it turns out to be incorrect, you will have to come out here to the site install the element in our tower. this is not scary due to the fact that the killer element of the first second round is not yet present ; it will not be used in construction; there is no time; all that remains is to check whether this is the correct answer. you have some kind of duty version out of the competition already, of course, you are out of the competition, and you are still in the competition, sweetie, did you think that there was something there? well, this fits, this option fits for me, i was kind of thinking about it, well... in principle it’s similar, but i doubt it, don’t doubt it, it’s popcorn, absolutely correct answer, this is popcorn, the score becomes 16.5 in favor of the winning team, thank us for the modest name, yes, as
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we knew, as we knew, today you won and you receive our crystal symbol, the heart of our project, these applause sounds in your honor, thank you very much for the game , you saw everything yourself, here you can answer correctly, you can answer incorrectly, but the last word always remains with the tower , with those who build this tower and what elements they choose, i was extremely pleased, i am convinced, that our tv viewers also hear this applause in your honor, in a few minutes a super game, well, right now another musical gift. this night will throw me off again, your eyes are
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crazy, come to me. take a closer gentle hand, we will break everyone’s borders, svaim, svaim, svaim, i invite you to dance , there are only people in this city, i invite you to the front, don’t be sorry for the libermans, you... let’s come again gadus, let’s kiss your taste, i invite you to dance , turn you on even more, this night
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is calling me again. you and i don't have enough of it at all, look at me more handsomely, kiss nataya, we violate all boundaries, piles, piles, ours, i invite you to dance. in this city of adni, i invite you to dance, the igarmens did not sting, let’s mix it up again, with a kiss on your side,
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i invite you to dance, looking for strength. i invite you finally in this city alone i invite you to the end of the ibormen of kezha. we raise the syllable, kiss the bass, i invite you to the dance, there’s always more strength!
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today is the new year's program, new year's rules, so we'll change them a little, and the team that took second place, will stay here to really see how the super is going on here and maybe even cheer for the opposing team, i understand correctly, for you the rule is that there will be no more questions, there will be no answers, your task is the super game and its main the mission will be to build a tower, this tower should consist of as many elements as there are errors:
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i understand, you will build, right, i understand, right, you tell me only there in honor of the new year, i want to allow you
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to take an assistant, throw them just yes i am as i understand it, sergey or who it will be alina , look at a couple of nuances, girls, wait, they ’ve already seen the discounts, already two dresses for the price of one, that’s it, they’re already in the same mind, i ’ll tell sergey now, it seems to me you’re not listening to me , we will have a stopwatch. at the end of the second, don’t come closer and closer, i enjoy your company, but the rule is the rule, the stopwatch will end with such a characteristic boom, this means there is no more time, that’s it, you need to let go of the element, and no matter where it is, you understand what’s the matter , how as soon as you hear this signal, you need to let go of the element, no matter how much you want to go on a trip, well, otherwise i wish you good luck, the team is the opposing fish, let's support you guys, okay, i'm counting down three 2 1 time has gone 16 seconds and six elements 1 2
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of course we have 56 arrange once neatly carefully this was a little yoshkin matryoshka time stop stop that's all but we built two towers season 16 come back to your team to this applause. girls, you are great, well done, you are great, well done, you chose the very right one, perhaps the only correct strategy with so many points and so many elements is to throw them without looking at our podium, these applause sounds in your honor, you are the winners of the show tower, well, we will meet with you in exactly a week, here in the show tower, bye.
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we are belarus, white people, fantastic souls, give birth to lands, we grow, we are strong, we are in the framework
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of the cherished battlefield. glory to the land, our bright name, glory to the people's union, our beloved mother, city, forever live our belarus, our people. my mother forever life in different countries can be seen at home, we have damaged our native peoples, we are in your hands, we are in your
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our beloved, mother, bradima, all yours, and i’ll clean up, our beloved, matsi, against, these are yours, fucked up.
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live panorama in the studio elena nasacheva, hello, in belarus the campaign to prepare for a single voting day is in full swing, this time for the upcoming elections in our country. does not expect observers from the osce, which the european side was notified about: a complete stop on land and water. protests in germany resulted in a large-scale collapse. and a kind fairy tale for little belarusians, guests of the magical marathon, our children hosted the action today in mogilev. my colleagues will complete the picture of the day. exactly one week remains until
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the end of the stage of nominating candidates for deputies; this is the time of active collection of signatures, which citizens need to pay attention to. today we will tell you how the campaign to prepare for the single voting day is progressing in general. tax code 2024, specialists from the relevant department will tell you what has changed for organizations and individuals. almost -29 on north of the country. has the weather record been broken? belarusians today lived by the rules of real winter. are motorists ready for the cold? what advice do doctors give? what do they think about the future harvest? is our country capable of completely meeting its defense needs? answers in the new issue on the forum. another scandal in
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the american education system, the head of harvard left his post due to political pressure. why the american dream is cracking and how an opinion can make you an outcast. and also the bribery system in elite universities who don’t give a damn about general rules, corruption, repression and other scandals in understandable politics. the use of quantum technologies for highly sensitive measurements to the best minds of the country the national academy of sciences awarded prizes, we will show the developments. preparations for the single voting day in belarus are picking up pace; there is exactly a week left until the completion of the important stage of nominating candidates for deputies. this is the first election campaign that we are entering with innovations in the electoral code. changes are dictated by time. own experience is primarily related to strengthening electoral sovereignty. now belarus will not organize polling stations abroad, and citizens of a foreign state
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cannot apply for elected positions. however, for the ordinary voter the rules remain the same. supporting signatures of a potential candidate at the nomination stage and active citizenship on voting day. yulia alferova will tell you how we are preparing for the elections of deputies at all levels. so globally, belarus has never approached changing the parliamentary composition, from village councils to the house of representatives it is planned that in total more than 12,500 deputies will be elected, the more active the preparation stage is, although not as noticeable for ordinary citizens as, say, the campaign period; as practice shows, not everyone who submitted documents to the district.
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it turns out that nine out of ten are left, that is, they do not comply with the current legislation, and there is not enough of the required number to register the initiative group. tell me, is there still a chance in such cases somehow? re-register? no, the fact is that the citizen submitted the application already on the last day of registration of initiative groups, he no longer had the opportunity to change. changes can be made to the initiative group of members until it is considered by the commission. the stage of nominating candidates for deputies is still a week away, this is the time to collect signatures at pickets on door-to-door visits for those who are applying for local councils in this election campaign, the number
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of signatures has been changed to 1% of those living in the district, for example, for those who are applying for minsk city ​​council, it is enough to get an average of about two hundred, those who are targeting the house of representatives need to find at least 1,000 like-minded people, by the way, they themselves find candidates they trust, how to sign in support is one of the most frequent.. .immediately after the completion of the nomination stage, in fact from january 15 to january 30, 2 weeks for document verification, after which belarus will enter the most active phase of the election
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campaign: election campaigning, it is prohibited until january 31, and there is a clear line, what can the initiative group talk about today, about biography and no details of the election program, and during the campaign period , attention to what the candidates say and do will be no less. of course, there are certain conditions there, this...
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it is known that international representatives from the cis and the sco are expected, those who will give an objective assessment of the pitfalls of political games. yulia alferova, alexey martinyuk and andrey novgorodtsev, tv news agency. for the upcoming elections, belarus will refrain from inviting osce observers,
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our permanent representative stated this. to abse prastors. at the same time, there are three-fourths of degradation of the atmosphere of the inter- unit, both on the double-tank line and
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inside the organization, yes. krytychna kropkі, practical heta is revealed in acute krіse daver, in parashenny tradіtsyі pavzhlіvaga, dyplomatychna-karektnaga dyyalogu, pryaўlyaetsta taksama ў increasing virulence, astrakіzm ў adnos another memory for the dzyarzhavas. all this, it’s a pity for us, it’s a pity that the magic of tradition, the dzyazhurnaga of the dzyarzhavy sabram.
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by the way, electoral changes are far from the only innovation in 2024. an updated version of the tax code has been in force in the country since the beginning of the year. the document provides for more than a dozen fundamental changes. veronica buta asked representatives of the relevant department about his main novels. the president has repeatedly said that the tax system should be clear, transparent, understandable to everyone, last year we changed a little the rules for the work of individual entrepreneurs and the self-employed, this year there are also a number of new changes, that’s how we can say that the new tax code 2024 meets the requirements of the head of state. andrey alexandrovich, let's start with you. belarus has been formed for a long time, annually introduces
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various additions that are aimed at... the code will be adopted for a five-year period, say, and not updated annually, maybe this way it would be easier for businesses to work, and it would be easier for individuals to somehow plan their life? in the modern world, when the economic situation is constantly changing, unfortunately, we are forced to make something every year, do some adjustments. what's changing this year? first of all, probably, this is the so-called single property tax payment, there were a lot of different interpretations in the media, and we commented that this is not a new tax, it is... a way of paying all property taxes in one sum, this is much more convenient for the payer, since previously, if you lost real estate in minsk and somewhere else a dacha on the periphery, then you had to open one budget, a second budget to pay taxes there, now
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one amount is paid to the tax authorities independently distribute the received tax among budgets, the amounts do not change, the amounts do not change, taking into account that the number of payers and objects of taxation increases every year, accordingly the tax authorities send a notice in the current year. year, these notices will be received before october 1, the tax payment deadline remains unchanged at november 15, for individuals with high incomes and high consumption , increased taxation is introduced, for example, for transport tax - this is taxation vehicles, luxury vehicles, their list will be determined by the government by a separate decree, the second condition is that in relation to such vehicles, the year of manufacture has passed no more than 3 years, it is probably important to recall that we will pay these taxes for the twenty-fourth year in november 200 ... income tax? an additional norm is introduced in the area of ​​personal income tax, this will apply to those persons whose annual income exceeds 200,000 belarusian rubles, and this is not all income,
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income from sales will not go there real estate, which can be a one-time amount of such an amount, it will include three types of income: these are dividends, this is income under an employment contract under civil law contracts, the subject of which is the performance of work, the provision of services and... the creation of intellectual property, what changes in legal entities this year? and the rates for legal entities, which are set in belarusian rubles, provide for their adaptation to the level of inflation, the main rates, which are set as a percentage of the tax base, remained largely at the same level, but there is also an innovation in the republic, in particular, a zero rate has been established for value added tax, which is applied for exports. goods , as well as in the sale of certain types of exported work and services, so from the twenty-fourth year , services for coastal road transportation of goods will be subject to the zero rate of value added tax, according to income tax, for those
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organizations that have taxable profit on an accrual basis from the beginning 2024 will be 25 million or more, an increased income tax rate of 25 is introduced. since january of the twenty-fourth year , a new tax deduction for young professionals has appeared in belarus, how this scheme will work and who can apply for it. indeed, in order to ensure that young professionals are interested in places of work, a new tax deduction was introduced. this deduction amounts to 620 belarusian rubles per month, and it is provided to graduates who have received higher, secondary specialized, vocational education sent for distribution to the place of work. this deduction is provided for the period of work on distribution and...
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since last year we have been running a service for organizations that use a simplified taxation system so that using this service they can calculate the appropriate tax. this year we will finalize and improve this service so that payers who use the simplified taxation system can use it to calculate other taxes for the payers they are. except in addition, by the end of this month we will calculate the land. tax for the organization for 2023 and present them with the corresponding tax returns, from january 1, 204 , changes came into force in the tax code, according to which prefiling is introduced for transport tax, i would also draw
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attention to entrepreneurs, this is a separate category, which, to unfortunately, they periodically enter into tax competition, which is not the best with organizations with more organized businesses, therefore, for entrepreneurs, the basic rate is income... but only for those entrepreneurs whose gross revenue from the beginning of the year will exceed 5,000 belarusian. in addition, for entrepreneurs, to simplify administration, one accounting principle has been preserved: by payment. previously there were two principles; for simplicity , one is provided. another measure that concerns entrepreneurs is the restriction on paying value added tax on sales; accordingly, entrepreneurs are no longer payers of vat on sales.
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even the river workers and stock exchange workers went on strike they blocked the mietheland canal in minden, and tomorrow german farmers will be joined by colleagues from the netherlands, they will begin blocking roads, too...
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schols diligently showed photographers his rubber boots, supposedly at the height of the flood he was emphatically on the same wavelength as the people. but the current polish authorities were forced to agree to the demands of the protesters. the minister of agriculture promised to extend subsidies for... ruza, increase loans and maintain the level of agricultural
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tax, so polish farmers suspended blockade of a checkpoint on the border with ukraine. the blockade was postponed until the law was changed, but a queue of trucks formed at the border. since november, not only farmers, but also truck drivers have been blocking border crossings; their demands relate to the abolition of benefits for ukrainian carriers. large-scale protests by german farmers are caused by the short-sighted policy of the official. berlin, this opinion was expressed to our tv channel by bundestag deputy evgeniy schmidt. according to him, following the notorious climate agenda, introducing new anti-russian sanctions, the german government launched the process of economic destruction of the country. still, the protests, it must be said, are simply a consequence of the government’s inability to solve pressing problems. moreover, with his incompetence he leads the situation into economics. germany is at a dead end, on the one hand, thanks to this
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environmental agenda, which is promoted by the government, nuclear power plants have been closed, coal power plants are being abandoned, and there is nowhere to get electricity, in fact, that is it is necessary to export at an expensive, three expensive price from the same nuclear power plants of neighboring countries, on the other hand, this sanctions policy towards the russian federation, when... the supply of pipeline cheap russian gas is cut off for ideological reasons, plus someone, well in quotes, someone is blowing up northern flows, all this, of course , brings a heap of problems to the german economy, ultimately to german business, to the consumer, and naturally this causes enormous discontent among the ordinary population, who are now forced to live in new reality. with high prices, with huge galloping inflation, which
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the germans have not seen in a decade, with problems in the economy with a recession in the economy, on the other hand, business, which, also thanks to these high energy prices, simply cannot be competitive in the world, and some enterprises they simply decide to move production to countries that are more prosperous in terms of energy resources. the harsh, almost arctic winter tests the strength of literally everyone in the north of the country. it's frosty in the town area today it reached almost 29°, but still the record of 37 years ago has not been broken. the severe frost became a serious test for car enthusiasts. the crew and goyim came to the rescue. red cross volunteers did not stand aside either. doctors urge people to dress warmly in such weather and, of course, not
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to forget about safety during winter activities. report by marina romanovskaya. we are approaching ezerishche. here. the cameraman is filming from the car, because the temperature outside denis’s window is about -25 and it’s already warmer, they’ll remember this day as sunny and frosty residents of the north of the country. the ezerishchi weather station recorded almost -29 today, the coldest morning of this winter so far. registered -28.7, our observation by a meteorologist technician is made at 9. local time at 21 pm, and we have an automatic station installed, takes readings, selects data, compiles summaries, while the video camera is warming up in the car, we try to film it on the phone, everything but to work in such a minus for equipment, then there are more tests, the gorodok district once again confirmed the status of the
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coldest in the country, by the way, for real christmas frosts have been recorded here for the second year in a row. observations in the gorodok region have been carried out since... in january 1940, -41.5 was recorded here, the record has not yet been broken, but local residents, apparently, have not been afraid of such large minuses since then , they say, snowy frosty weather has its advantages. both the january frosts and the february blizzard only strengthen character, zhanna erofeeva has no doubt, and at -29, no one canceled the morning run. winter is the best time for me. fresh, good, i don’t like wet weather, of course, that’s more so cold, what happened to you , the road is frozen, frozen, yes, help , please, get the car home, car enthusiasts were not happy about this minus, for help starting cars stalled from the frost, the traffic police were the most frequently contacted by drivers in sharkovshchina, stavy, polotsk and vitebsk. just
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this morning in the regional center there were about five cases when the driver’s car stalled, our employees were nearby and...
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on the street they were not taken to the hospital ward, doctors advise you to follow very simple rules, wearing warm shoes, gloves, mittens , covering all exposed areas of the body, in no case should you warm yourself up at home using a radiator; if a cold injury occurs, your hands must be isolated.


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