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tv   100  BELARUSTV  January 9, 2024 1:05pm-2:00pm MSK

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according to the requests of one personnel customer, if the competition as a whole for all the guys who participate in this area did not take place, this is seen as a significant plus, since the personnel customer will definitely receive a well-trained specialist. thus, the new adjustments will help increase the number of television workers in universities; about 200 people and about six more are currently studying at the linguistic university alone under the conditions of targeted training.
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there must be a stronger player, now we have signed a big one, because we feel that we are missing a little under the ring, at least this is a tough game, i would say, the massacre showed that we have a team, and it was not in vain that we worked for a whole year, so to speak, all this in sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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prepared music dj. guys, applause! hello everyone, in exactly a minute the hero will come to us and answer all our questions. are you ready to meet our guest? yes! vladimir vasilyevich, you often communicate with children, right? when i'm filming a movie, my partners are often children. you ever taken a lie detector test? no. now, in fact, such
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an opportunity will present itself. good luck! so, we welcome our hero, people's artist of belarus, theater and film actor, vladimir gostyutin. vladimir vasilyevich, i want to warn you that according to the rules of our program, you have the right to refuse to answer a question three times. hope. you will not use it and please be attentive to the questions, at the end of the program you will have to choose the best one, well now vladimir vasilyevich, you have one minute to briefly tell about yourself, time has passed, in general, i am a people's artist, theater and film artist, in my biography there are already 140 films, of which 100 films where i played leading roles, many of these... films
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have been awarded very high awards, awards in berlin, at the berlin golden bear film festival, in venice, the famous golden lion film festival, i received state awards from the soviet union, the bssr, that is, i cannot say that my work was ignored, in general i enjoyed fame, and my works usually aroused interest among the viewer, from critics. thank you, vladimir vasilyevich, it took a little more than a minute, but for you we are making an exception. we have 100 children in our studio, each with their own question, let's see how many of these 100 questions you can answer, who is the first to ask their question. is it possible to explain to parents? the fact that their desires, to
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some extent, dreams do not necessarily have to coincide with ours, i tell you from my life experience. i will say that i went against the will of my parents by becoming an artist. i studied at the radio technical school, and my father, my dad really liked this i liked it, i had such a very good specialty in the future, related to rockets, then our yuri gagaririn flew into space. this theme of space, the theme of technology was very, very popular, but i understood that this was not my thing, in the end that’s what happened, i didn’t finish my studies at the technical school, i went to moscow
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, i entered the theater institute, my parents didn’t believe, for there was a lot of drama between them, we didn’t understand each other, yes, i learned a monologue by oleg koshev from the young guard and a song, well, i learned some i sang a folk song then, which my mother taught me, she could sing very well, she knew a lot of songs. or maybe you can
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show us something, or even sing? and i can sing, but not what i sang then, i’ll sing you the belarusian song, eh. your horse is running, on gimbela gryva, oh, i'm happy, i 'm happy, i liked that little girl, i liked that little girl, i liked that little girl, bravo, thank you very much, vladimir vasilyevich, applause! and we are moving to the yellow sector, right now, the actors are used to playing different roles, tell me, how to distinguish that a person in real life is himself and not pretending, i ’m actually a very sincere person, well , it happens at work, when the mood on set
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is very difficult, it happens that you break down, sometimes in such an emotional outburst you offend people, this also happens, then of course you go to apologize, so go openly to people and if you feel that sincerity and openness are also coming towards you, then of course you can be friends with this person and communicate further. hello, my name is anastasia, in what situations you took in as a child, what situations can you put together now? well, sometimes i had to, of course, i call it a white lie, when i committed some
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unseemly act, and i had to get out of it in front of my dad, because my dad was strict, so i was afraid, sometimes in general. i had to deceive, well, now it’s not always possible to tell the truth, life is difficult, sometimes you have to make compromises, but i always tried to act honestly in my conscience, especially in some generally important matters for me moments, like at work, according to my civic position, how to understand that you are in... well, i know how to deceive like that, i’m a good artist, so it’s impossible to understand, but most often, as they say, a lie, it is revealed when
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everything - the truth comes out , you have to justify yourself, and you blush when you lie , you know, i blushed, as a child i always blushed on any occasion, i was a very shy boy, i was a mother’s boy, because my mother spoiled me, i even i remember... i was about six or seven years old, my mother and i learned a poem for the new year, and i i was supposed to perform this poem at the christmas tree, they put a stool for me, i saw a lot of people around me, and i fell from this stool, i just fell into the frill from fear, i blushed until i was thirty, probably embarrassed not because i cheated there , but i just felt awkward. there, when i appeared in front of a large number of people
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, it’s strange that i chose this profession, i built my life in such a way as to overcome this quality of mine, natural shyness, well, sometimes now, when people come up to me there, they thank me for my work, there at the airport somewhere sometime you move. i feel embarrassed, i feel embarrassed, i blush. the next question, vladimir vasilyevich, is on your right. hello, my name is egor. tell me, as a child were you an exemplary boy or a hooligan? as a child, i was not a hooligan; on the contrary, i got it from the more active boys in the pioneer camp. someone saw that i was such a little mama's boy, shy, began to pick on me all the time,
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at the same time i had a manner, at school, for example, somewhere from the sixth grade, the teacher is teaching a lesson, they ask me, and i start, leading some kind of humorous line, i liked how my class starts haha. but in the end i was kicked out the door, my father was called , a b appeared in my diary for my behavior, but i was not a hooligan, it was probably the artist in me who was already working, that’s the nature of an actor, and then with age i turned into the storm of the city of sverdlovsk, in general, uh, guest, it was such a formidable nickname, i became a hooligan, very
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famous sverlovsky, i had 28 police records and i could have gone to prison, but fate brought me out, i found myself in the theater, in the cinema, and this, of course, saved me. vladimir vasilyevich, you have to turn around now. “i read on the internet that your mother died when you were still a student, sorry for reminding you of this tragedy, please share, if possible, how to survive the loss of a loved one, the worst thing in life is the loss of a loved one, there is nothing worse , than to lose, and so unexpectedly. "suddenly, a person very dear to you, my mother was everything to me, i was her
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i loved her very much, and this, you see, after her death, i couldn’t come to my senses for a long time, i had this feeling that, well, i stood firmly on the ground, i entered the '. “and oh she died, but she didn’t immediately, i spent two
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weeks, no, a week somewhere around her, she was slowly fading away, there were very serious injuries and before my eyes she was fading away, it was of course a very very difficult moment, i just when i got into the army, uh, the service there forced me to get ready, and after that i , of course..." came to my senses, as they say, so it was three, about 4 years, i was out myself, i lost myself, this is very. when the soviet union collapsed, but you did not live, you grew up, were born, took place in
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soviet cinema, i love it very much.
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there are different approaches to mastering works or prose , or you can memorize a poem, but you won’t understand what the poem is about, but if you delve into the essence of the content of a poem or a story or prose, for this you have to work with your brain, you need to feel this meaning , uh. understand it, then, then you’re not just cramming, but for you the words, they’re like express some meaning, could you read your favorite poem? well , i have a lot of them, i’ll read them to you, wait
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for me! i’ll be back, just wait , wait, when the yellow rains make you sad, wait, when the snow is here, wait, when it’s hot, wait, when others are not expected, having forgotten yesterday, wait , when no letters come from distant places, wait, when those who are waiting together are already tired, wait for me, and i will return, do not wish well to those who know by heart that it is time to forget, let the son and mother believe that i am not there, let friends get tired of waiting,
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they will sit by the fire, drink bitter wine, reminiscent of the soul, wait, do not rush to drink with them at the same time, wait for me, and i will return to all the deaths to spite , whoever did not wait for me, let him say, lucky, i don’t understand, who did not wait for them, how in the midst of the fire, with your expectation you saved me. how i survived, only you and i will know, you just knew how to wait like no one else, we are moving to the yellow sector, vladimir vasilyevich, to your right, please tell me, scientists promise
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that soon all people will live 100 years. but this means that half of their lives they will be old, do you think this is good or bad? well, i would like to live to be 100, of course, i don’t like artificiality, here is the artificial extension of life, the elixir of youth, that you are artificial. life should proceed naturally, here are evil people who, well, carry evil qualities within themselves, they do not live long. because envy destroys a person, destroys him physically and morally, mentally, spiritually, his
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contents, a person is destroyed, and he will not live long, but a person who belongs to he is open to the world, with a soul and leads an active lifestyle, without... such a special medicine without scientists, he can live up to 100 and 95 years there, i know such people. we set off with an expedition through the corners of our country. you are also, and therefore, aware, we are gathering a friendly campaign for the sake of the charg vandruk, acquaintance with our talented fellow countrymen, with the passage of the agul cultural decline, the current moors and
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sapra good people. this happened again and again in the past in aktsyabrskaya district. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. here you are urochyshchy lanfeshki grabbed a happy drop of plowing shukevich 19th century. chowka grass, cut it. lay down, on the cover of the wound, the bridegroom went from the church to paste the candle, and the bridegroom who first put the candle on got married , and she was jumping around on her own , and she was raising the price. i wove a new life from these old traditions, and how i'm going to thousands of people, i'm going to hell... i don't know people at all
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who are happy about the fact that this war seems to be going on, in general, no one is happy, we ourselves gave the opportunity to our enemies, as if, yes, not only to dismember us, but also to force us to fight with each other, behind the lines, behind everyone, they rub their hands like this , they, so to speak, the slavs, as if, yes, forced each other to kill, but we didn’t have enough inner wisdom in order... to avoid this, in war you already understand that nothing is more important than a person, you, despite the fact that you have no resources, have built maximum justice, justice is not that , which is now trending, but in our state, our people have a request justice, including in the international arena, as soon as you become the same beasts as your enemies, you have lost, even if you have won, if we stop being human, we will lose, even if we formally win, this is precisely our success, in that. markov’s project is nothing personal, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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well, now the purple sector is on your right, please, but hello, my name is ilya. i have a very important question for you: how did you earn your first money? i was 16 years old, before that things were so difficult situation, i almost ended up in prison, that’s all, well, these are trucks, i went in for sports there, was a good boxer, and sometimes waved my fists there on the street, well, so to get off the street, to distract myself, in the morning i studied at a technical school, in the evening... i went to work, i had my own pocket money, good money, and of course, i had no time for some hooligan things, and
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it brought me back to normal life, but was it such that you had no money at all, yes, uh, when i studied uh, in gitis in the theater institute, when my mother died, she told me... i was forced to go to work again, i got a job as a janitor watchman, i studied in kindergarten for about 2 years and worked as a
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courtyard watchman. and i even invited my fellow students to this kindergarten where i worked, after the children there was a lot of food left, we arranged this feast that i fed for half the course, but yes, i even remember this feeling that you were walking down the street you start to feel dizzy because you’re empty, you haven’t eaten, you’ve been there for the second 2 days. there they were such moments, i had to study, go to classes, so i know what hunger is, the next question is right from you, if you had enough money not to work, would you work or not, you know, without i can’t stay at work for a long time, now
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i’m already... well, i’ve been around for a long time, i’m a pensioner, but nevertheless, i act a lot , i earn enough to provide not only for myself, but also for my relatives, to help my daughters there, of course, it’s very difficult to film now, it’s hard, it’s difficult, the modern filming system is like that. this is hard labor hard labor, this is not what it was like in soviet cinema, there is a big difference, there we were more creative, we somehow enjoyed the process, now they squeeze all the juice out of you like a lemon, so now it’s not very me it drags on, as they say, because it’s hard to just
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sit back. i do not like. hello, my name is svyatoslav. i know that you have had many roles, which ones influenced your character, behavior, why? this is the profession of an actor that you have.
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i've always taken it very seriously material that i chose, this is the role that i choose, that i start acting in, i always brought it to the maximum and i don’t have a single passable job, even in weak films, then it’s the turn of the yellow sector, and... and which ones movies you starred in that you would recommend your grandchildren watch? well, first of all, in search of captain grant, this is based on the famous novel by zhulvern, the children of captain grant. i think that i advise you all to watch this film, you will enjoy it greatly, i...
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i guarantee that such films are not made now , unfortunately, and of course, i would advise you to watch my film, the botanical garden, which i shot as a director, it’s just about love, uh, here are the guys of your generation, well, about an orphanage, it’s a film about orphanage, i remember showing it in the bison school, there were 600 of them, here are kids your age, i was very worried how they would receive this film, but when the film ended, i went out to them, they applauded, shouted, and i had to give 600 autographs, i 3 and a half hours, they all stood there, no one left, they need was signed, they really liked this film, but is there a film that you wouldn’t
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like? show them uh children yes yes there is such a film uh it’s called the humble cemetery. a very tough picture , so black, it’s at the turn, just when in our country everything, everything was falling apart , everything was creaking, everything was collapsing, so i starred, well , a very good script, it’s not for children, of course, i played it uh , a grave digger of this guy, there’s a cemetery guy there, a cemetery story, it’s very dark,
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yes, in my memory there are a lot of beautiful ones destinies were broken, some actors, just young ones take off, immediately become very famous, this is a celebrity, she
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begins to, uh, break it, like, uh, company, when you constantly, ah, ah, oh, oh, how wonderful you are, oh, how wonderful , they sing defirambs for you, but we can have a drink with you, or we can sit, well, come on, uh, this is especially drinking, a person gets used to it and loses himself very quickly, it fades away, they stop filming it, and it goes into circulation, like they say his destiny is broken, there are a lot of them, well, did you have a stellar disease? no, i sincerely and honestly admit to you that there are 140 films in my biography, because i did not allow myself to relax
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about this, that is, fame - it seems to exist in relation to me, but uh, i don’t pay attention to it. tell me, my grandfather often says that during the soviet union, films were much better than modern ones, what do you think about this ? i agree with him, you know, the film production system was different, unfortunately, we have moved on. after the collapse of the soviet union, perestroika to production according to the american production system, you know, uh, and they didn’t take the best from this system, where
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the producer, uh, the main person in film production, in soviet cinema... the main person in film production was the director, this forced people, who were responsible for the cinema, look for masters, look for personalities , that is, it was such a very careful selection, now the producer decides, but the producer does not always understand deeply, the main thing for him is how to get it going, the money process is very important, as quickly as possible, film them, because these series,
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films that are now, they, they are not worked out so deeply, i have something to compare, i acted a lot, so... your grandfather is right. there used to be a lot of films for children.
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i fell in love with belarus while filming
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a film here on belarus, i fell in love so much that i left moscow and came here. i fell in love with belarus, thanks to this love.
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bright guys, i’m fighting for one person who worked as a taxi driver himself, he earned money and made a movie with his own money, a very worthy movie, i’m trying, in general, but somehow to suggest someone i know, in whom i believe, i...
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i have friends with whom i am always happy to meet, including at the table, just like that with someone in particular. an outstanding figure in modern history, the modern world, but no, i don’t think about that, i won’t answer this question for you, i say, i always have a pleasure with my friends,
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the wheels, pedals, saddle and steering wheel are attached to the pedals. more than 100 tons of the fruit are used in the famous annual spanish culinary festival on the last wednesday of august. ancient greek goddess of justice phimida always portrayed the same way. she has scales in one hand and a sword in her other hand. name the third distinctive feature of this goddess. and unexpected answers to them. ball. shar, i accept the answer shar. how does she hold the ball? this is not a shiva with many hands. unfortunately, we are not strong in operas , we can therefore, maybe prince igor is accepted , the correct answer is, build a tower, watch the intellectual show tower on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. my name is matvey, i have the following question for you: have you ever had an unhappy love ? well that's a long time stories, but there was this, this is my first love. i was 17 years old, i fell desperately in love, very strongly, deeply, and this was the very first feeling that seemed to overtake me in my life, her name was natasha, uh. at first she responded to my feeling, well , she was pleased with how i looked after her, how i looked at her, but then i found out, somewhere in the subconscious and in consciousness,
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she had another object, who served, he returned from the army and our relationship immediately began to break down and collapse. for me it would be was a very bitter event, there were moments , just desperate, again my mother was very worried, she went to her mother, because for me it was a very big drama, in the end, of course, we broke up, but that’s how it happens in life it’s interesting that after... some time she realized that well , he served in the army for 3 years, he changed, she changed, that’s it, they broke up, she decided to come back to me, she started stalking me, she was waiting for me near the house somewhere, she wrote me letters, but i didn’t tell her anymore
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believed, i could not return to her, i was very worried. well, i got another girl, in the end she got married, and i went to moscow, went to college, and we sometimes met there, but of course, everything was already gone, but it left a big imprint on my life, it helped me in my acting life, here are the emotional memories of this love, the artist has such... such a quality of emotional memory that he uses in the process of working on the role. next question: my name is lera and i have the following question: are you in love now? now no, how
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can i say it, i have a wife, my friend, this is , of course, love, but not like that,
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“i can’t influence my personal life, they are, of course, adults, i wanted one thing for them, they we chose a different path, of course , i feel guilty, maybe i’m not the best, father in this sense, but it so happened that we broke up, it was better to separate, here after all, apparently, the main thing was for me.
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black sector, vladimir vasilyevich, have you ever been sad, yes, very often, you understand, well, the state of sadness, different it happens, there is a very pleasant feeling when you are in nature, when, autumn, when...
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to survive, not to fall into despair, because it passes, then it all starts again, again, in general, a person finds solid ground life begins to live normally underfoot, so there is no need to despair. vladimir, hello, my grandmother often says that at her age it is...
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difficult, unpleasant and difficult, now, in general, i live now, well, how can i say, such a life is probably not so rich, as before, because, of course, these are not the same years and of course i don’t have as much strength, but nevertheless i am very... keenly looking at those around me with interest, grandma, tell me that
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i still have to be surprised, so don’t, don’t, don’t think that i already know everything, nothing interests me. this signal means that the time for the hero’s questions has expired. vladimir vasilyevich, now you have to choose the best question of this program? well, you know, i, i will say that, i will sincerely say that all the questions were interesting, everyone, you are great, several questions that really, uh , sort of excited me, so, the most important question is that a person... it was interesting about how the roles shaped me,
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sometimes there was despair. it was catching up with me, but in the end, in general, i took this path, this road, i had an interesting road, so thank you for this question, let's get to know the person who asked such an interesting question as your name is gudko svyatoslav, i study at gymnasium 33, minsk, i really like everything there, the teachers, the approach is better just our director. according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift from our guest. what a score? go out onto the site. thank you, vyacheslav. this is an album, uh, about my work, called ascension. here you
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will learn about my work, a little about my life.
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some of you are thinking, for example, to devote your life to a creative profession, raise your hands, yeah, my name is eva, i ’ve been playing the guitar for a year now and i would like to give people the music that not only me, but everyone else will like , wonderful, wonderful. well i really like reading poetry, at school , i really like it when we are asked to learn from memory, sometimes i learn poetry myself at will, i tell it at school, i really like it, i would like it, when i grow up, maybe i don’t know , read some poetry somewhere, i do n’t know, on stage, somewhere, i wish you this with all my heart, i dream of becoming an actress, and i
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started studying this year. in a theater studio, i previously tried myself as an extra in the main child role, i want to continue my life in the same spirit, and i like it study. so, people's artist of belarus, theater and film actor, vladimir gostyukhin today is visiting the program 100 questions for adults, i’m waiting for you at the entrance to the site.


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