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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 9, 2024 11:50pm-12:11am MSK

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it plans and directs the economic development of the country, a course that affects the well-being of each of us. it’s not for nothing that it is believed that the economy will be good, and you won’t have to worry about the rest. new minister yuri chebatari explained in detail how to ensure development: improve the quality of life of the population, strengthen economic potential, give impetus to regional development, promote more initiatives and proposals. these are the priorities from the new head. prior to his appointment, he held the position. first the deputy minister of economy, and therefore all tasks and the specifics of the work of managers are well known. the development of the investment cycle is one of the key tasks; the second half of last year was marked by an increase in investments by more than 20%. enterprises as a whole in the real sector are noticeably updating themselves, and do not intend to slow down this pace in the future. alina lopo will tell you how to keep him. the ministry of economy is,
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in fact, the central link in the economic sphere; it plans, controls and largely directs the development of the country. there is no doubt, today it is important to be flexible and quickly respond to changing conditions, therefore from first of all, departments are waiting for more initiative in terms of economic strategy planning. in the long term, they are quite clear to us, firstly, this is the completion of the current five-year plan, goals, objectives, priorities are defined there, the key is... income, wages of the population, in this regard we are moving within the framework of the five-year plan, the implementation of key quality tasks of the socio-economic development program, this is the provision of housing, the construction of social infrastructure, and so on, and of course, we are already thinking about today we need to approach a new five-year forecast, the socio-economic development program essentially sets the country’s growth trajectory for an entire five-year period, now... the department’s agenda
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is work on a national strategy for sustainable development until 2040, its concept has already been prepared, and this the document will be used as the basis for the five-year program. another key task is the development of the investment cycle. this year we managed to really turn this pyramid around, and the investment directions we really see significant enterprises, projects being implemented, investment growth rates. the last six months more than 120%. are you sure that this is the dynamics it will have in the coming years, why? and we have launched several directions, firstly, one region, one project, this year we already have almost 200 such projects, and that is , not only not everyone, but a number of regions already have two or three projects for implementation. measures to stimulate investment were included in the new legislation. the document has already been supported by two chambers of parliament. so
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the time frame for implementing projects will be significantly reduced; the new law will eliminate the need to agree on a number of additional benefits with various departments or local authorities. in general, the main task is to create conditions for the implementation of large projects, including import-substituting industries, as well as to stimulate investment activity in the regions. by the way, investing in the regions remains one of the main priorities. one of the areas that we decided on in 2023 is this. implement the corresponding resources of the development bank, its there are partners, interest rates have been determined and they are comfortable enough for them, and resources for the construction of infrastructure facilities have been determined, regional development is also a key agenda, uniform development, accelerated development of lagging regions, 80 plus cities and so on, well, these are the tasks we set for ourselves. with you, so we will
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do it together with the team. today we can say with confidence that we are adapting to modern challenges, there is a positive trend in both gdp growth and investment volumes. the real sector is being updated, equipment purchases reach 150% for a number of industries, we manage to sell our products, develop new markets, and yes, all this under the pressure of sanctions and restrictions that have not gone away. alina lapon, nikolai lashkevich. sphere of interests, and now let's go to ostrovets, the city of belarusian nuclear scientists, where our belaes is already working in full force. the total production amounted to 23 billion kilowatt-hours, and this made it possible to replace 6 billion cubic meters of natural gas. these are undoubtedly new opportunities for the development of the economy as a whole, and as well as new projects, for example, in nuclear medicine or the creation of lithium batteries for electric cars. in addition, more and more new electric houses are appearing and... rosatom. among
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other things, belaes plans to adopt approaches in working with its personnel. the new general director of the station, sergei bobovich, told my colleague svetlana lukinyuk about this. sergei olegevich, hello, we, of course, congratulate you on your appointment, your position is unique, the only one in the country, so we can say that you will manage a real single-industry town. here's for you belos personally, what does it mean? for me, belos did not immediately reveal itself as an object; when i came to the state production association beloenergo in 1920, i agreed to supervise the direction of the belarusian nuclear power plant, and at first it seemed to me that this was an ordinary energy facility, but year after
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year i realized that this was a completely different direction, with her the unique specificity of the nuclear power plant and of course it won me over , it’s clear that we probably don’t have that much experience, the fact that the belos station is the first station on the territory of belarus, are belarusians qualified enough, that’s to manage such complex systems? well, personnel training began quite a long time ago, for more than 10 years, and there was more than one state program, including a program for universities, today we have, well , four, at least specialized universities that are engaged in training specialists today, that is, these universities have already successfully these...
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i want to say that today we have a very good training center based on the belarusian nuclear power plant, which works on a systematic basis with all the staff, with all 2660 people annually according to certain programs, that is, they all undergo retraining, and some of the personnel, if necessary , undergo this training in the russian federation. a separate issue of training the personnel reserve, that is, these are the top managers who work at our station, these are the heads of workshops and above, that is, they generally go through an individual program, all these things are reviewed monthly , the assessment is always made by our gan, this gosatomicnadzor, we have more than 100 people
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who must have permission to conduct this or that activity, well, being on their positions, we are constantly adding some positions, all our staff today... with partners from rosatom in the near future? i want to say that probably the most important point that can be learned from rosatom is working with personnel. we will, of course, adopt these approaches from them. we take part in youth forums held by rosatom. they have a very serious - the training system in obninsk is organized, that is, without the support of such a company, that is, it would be impossible for us to implement all this, although at the same time i want to say, that we have a very great interest in our chinese partners, that is, they have a lot of experience
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in repairing units, in terms of speed, in performing operations, so we will study all the world experience, but at the same time, the russian side, of course, remains a priority as regards cooperation with international... organizations, others, do we plan further cooperation, do we keep in touch? yes, that is, magate has a lot of missions, and we went through the priosart mission before entering the first block, this is preliminary mission, that is, security checks and it is planned that somewhere around the year 25 there will be an asar mission, that is , these missions are carried out by almost all countries that cooperate with magat. if magat works according to a country profile, then the belarusian nuclear power plant today works individually. works - with wao, this is the world association of organizations for the operation of nuclear power plants, this is constant support on all issues related to the operation of plants, that is, we can receive any competent assistance regarding the operation of our
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station. fully. we employ 2,660 people, that is, this is a very huge team that has been taking shape for almost decades. and those people who accompanied this object from the first day are mikhail ivanovich mikhadyuk, a man from whom, well, i learned a lot from him, because he worked with me from the first day of my move here. yes, now there is a short advertisement, then, currency rates, more important tax innovations in belarus , a new edition has been in effect since the new year tax code. every week we review the main topics. which aroused the greatest interest among our viewers and subscribers on social networks,
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we offer you to learn the belarusian language while walking with our tv guides, and we also introduce you to amazing people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. broadcast 24/7. a project that everyone should see. watch us every friday on the belarus24 tv channel. the belarusian balcony, it is the most important for western countries, they will not leave us alone, so we need to prepare, consolidate within the state, conduct our elections, and most importantly, understand that with regard to the external vector, our western countries still do not recognize elections; in twenty years we are electing people who will largely determine the future of the country for decades.
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this is an area of ​​interest and we continue to exchange rates : the belarusian ruble has strengthened against the dollar and weakened against the yuan, the euro and the russian ruble. so, the current rates for the national bank: a dollar costs 3 rubles 19 kopecks. the euro added it a little. exchange rate is 3.50, for 10 yuan they give 4.45 belarusian, and for 100 russian - 3 rubles and 53 kopecks. by the beginning of the year, our country traditionally updates the tax code, and this year was no exception; about a dozen noticeable changes affect almost every belarusian. so, now we have new amounts of transport and land taxes, a single property payment and changes for entrepreneurs. there are also more drastic ones, such as a luxury tax or excess profit, but first things first. veronica
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buta asked representatives of the relevant tax code about the main novelties of the updated tax code departments. what's changing this year? first of all, probably, this is the so-called unified property tax payment. there were a lot of different interpretations in the media, and we commented that this is not a new tax, it is a way of paying everyone and... the amounts do not change, the amounts do not change, given that every year the number of payers and objects of taxation increases, accordingly the tax authorities send notices, this year these notices will be received before october 1, the tax payment deadline remains unchanged on november 15,
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increased taxation is introduced for individuals who have high incomes and high consumption, for example , transport tax - this is taxation.
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the rates, which are set as a percentage of the tax base, remained largely at the same level, but there is also an innovation ; in particular, the republic has established a zero rate for value added tax, which is applied when exporting goods, as well as when selling certain types of exported work services, so from the twenty-fourth year at a zero rate coastal road transport services will be subject to value added tax. cargo, what innovations should be expected in tax administration for organizations? we pay special attention to such an area in the digitalization of tax administration as the introduction of registration of tax returns for organizations. since last year, we have been running a service for organizations that use a simplified taxation system, so that using this service they
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can calculate the appropriate tax. in that this year we will continue to refine and improve this service. so that payers using the simplified taxation system can use it to calculate other taxes for the payers they are. in addition, by the end of this month we will calculate the land tax for the organization for 2023 and present them with the corresponding tax returns, and from january 1, 2020 , changes came into force in the tax code, according to which prefiling is introduced for transport. i would also like to pay attention to entrepreneurs are a separate category , which, unfortunately, periodically enter into tax competition, which is not the best with organizations, with more organized businesses, therefore, for entrepreneurs, the rate, the basic rate of income tax remains at the same level of 20%. the only thing is that an increased rate of 25% is being introduced, but only for those entrepreneurs whose gross revenue from
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the beginning of the year exceeds 500,000 belarusian rubles. also for entrepreneurs. to simplify administration, one principle of keeping records of payments has been retained; previously there were two principles; to simplify it, provide for one. another measure that concerns entrepreneurs is the restriction on paying value added tax on sales; accordingly, entrepreneurs are no longer payers of vat on sales. and that’s all for today, look at the area of ​​interest three times a week, tuesday, wednesday and thursday. good luck in your business and see you soon. how long has it been since you held a book in your hands, flipped through page after page, greedily
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