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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 10, 2024 9:30am-9:51am MSK

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if magat works according to a country profile, then the belarusian nuclear power plant today personally works with vao, this is a global association of organizations operating nuclear power plants, this is constant support on all issues related to the operation of power plants, that is, we can receive any competent assistance regarding the operation of our stations completely; we employ 2,660 people, that is, it is very huge. a team that has been taking shape for almost decades, and those people who accompanied this object from the first day, this is mikhail ivanovich mikhadyuk, a person to whom, well, i emphasized a lot from him, because he worked with me from the first day of my move here, now a short advertisement, further exchange rates, more important tax innovations. in belarus, a new edition of the tax code has been in effect since the new year.
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our region through the eyes of foreigners, i am very glad that minsk is a clean green city and a safe city, this is now noted even by those artists who come foreigners to our circus when we arrived here for the first time, which i noticed. it was crystal clear air, i wanted to drink it. how did they end up in belarus and why did they stay here? i was born in the city of vilnius, the capital of lithuania. then the family moved here to minsk, that is, the father was appointed here to serve in the military mission. i come from kazakhstan, from the city of almaty. by decree of the president of our country, my husband was appointed ambassador to the republic of belarus. project look at belarus. so i realized that.
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this is an area of ​​interest and we continue to exchange rates : the belarusian ruble has strengthened against the dollar and weakened against the yuan, euro and russian ruble. so, the current rates for the national bank: a dollar costs 3 rubles 19 kopecks. the euro has added a little, its exchange rate is 35. for 10 yuan they give 4.45 belarusian, and for
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100 russian 3 rubles and 53 kopecks. by the beginning of the year, our country traditionally updates the tax code, and this year was no exception; about a dozen noticeable changes affect almost every belarusian. so now we have new ones the amounts of transport and land taxes, a single property payment and changes for entrepreneurs. there are also more drastic ones, like a growth tax. or excess profit, but first things first. veronica buta asked representatives of the relevant department about the main novelties of the updated tax code. what's changing this year? first of all, probably, this is the so-called unified property tax payment. there were a lot of different interpretations in the media, and we commented that this is not a new tax, it is method of paying all property taxes.
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in one amount, this is much more convenient for the payer, because previously, if you had real estate in minsk and a dacha somewhere in the periphery, then you had to open one budget, a second budget to pay taxes there, now one amount is paid and the tax authorities independently distribute tax received by budgets, the amounts do not change, the amounts do not change, taking into account that every year the number of payers and objects of taxation increases, respectively, tax authorities send notices, this year these notices will be received before october 1, and tax payment remains unchanged on november 15. increased taxation is introduced for individuals with high incomes and high consumption. for example, the transport tax is the taxation of luxury vehicles, the list of which will be determined by the government by a separate resolution. and the second condition is that for such vehicles no more than 3 years have passed since the year of manufacture. maybe, it is important to remind you that we will pay these taxes for the twenty-fourth year in november 2025. by this time it will already be accepted. income from the sale
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of real estate, which can be a one-time sum, will include three types of income: these are dividends, this is income from an employment contract under civil law contracts, the subject of which is the performance of work, the provision of services, the creation of intellectual property. what are the changes for legal entities this year? and at rates for legal entities, which are set in belarusian rubles, their adaptation to the level of inflation and basic rates are provided for. which are set as a percentage of the tax base, remained largely at the same level, but there is also an innovation; in particular, the republic has established a zero rate for value added tax, which is applied when exporting goods, as well as when selling
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certain types of exported work and services, so, from the twenty-fourth year , cabbage services will be subject to a zero rate of value added tax road transport of goods. what innovations should we expect in tax administration for organizations? we pay special attention to such an area in the digitalization of tax administration as the introduction of matching of tax returns for organizations. since last year, we have been running a service for organizations that use a simplified taxation system, so that using this service they can calculate the appropriate tax. this year we will refine and improve this service for this purpose. so that payers using the simplified taxation system, with its help they were able to calculate other taxes by the payers of whom they are. in addition, by the end of this month we will calculate the land tax for the organization for 2023 and present them
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with the corresponding tax returns, and from january 1, 2024 , changes to the tax code came into force, according to which prefiling is introduced for transport tax. drew attention to entrepreneurs, this is a separate category, which, unfortunately, periodically enter into tax competition, which is not the best with organizations, with more organized businesses, therefore, for entrepreneurs, the rate, the basic rate for income tax remains at the same level of 20%, the only thing is that an increased rate of 25% is introduced, but only for those entrepreneurs whose gross revenue from the beginning of the year will exceed 500,000 belarusian rubles. also for entrepreneurs to simplify things. administration, one principle of keeping records of payments has been retained, previously there were two principle, for simplicity, one is provided. another measure that concerns entrepreneurs is the restriction on paying value added tax on sales. accordingly, entrepreneurs are no longer payers of vat on
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sales. and that’s all for today, look at your area of ​​interest, three times a week, tuesday, wednesday and thursday. good luck in your business and see you soon. teraz zarasnіk ініyu in the early forest prabiraetstsa tsikhusenka so bated breath hatatsya would not...
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there are, of course, obvious themes that make the coming year is special because on the surface it is the elections of parliamentary deputies and local councils, plus the formation of the all-belarusian people's assembly with its new powers and responsibility. and what’s more, 2024 is also a year of preparation for the presidential elections of next year, but it feels like the head of state, as always, has some other global task on a national scale, which he asks us all to carry out, and if necessary, then
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thank god he will force it. in his new year's address to the nation, alexander grigorievich he said many times: “thank you to all of us, every belarusian,” with an amendment, to those who conscientiously and efficiently. works, thanks to everyone who devotes themselves without reserve to the most difficult work, to working with people, day after day justifying the trust of millions of their compatriots. this is our path, the path of creation, the life-long road along which we walk day after day. i will say stubbornly how lukashenko decides to declare the year, of course, he is offered options, but most often, and i would even say always, this is precisely the personal decision of the head of state, in decisions of the highest level, it is very important to monitor their dynamics. we had a year of peace and creation, it was replaced by a year of quality, i repeat, this is a personal decision of the president, so even. from this naming one can and should draw certain conclusions: peace and creation, let’s focus
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on peace first, i will say, as i understand, the life of the state in recent years, the priority goal of belarus for several years was one simple one: preventing hostilities, that is, war on our territory, as well as not involving our army, that is, belarusians in war, when there is some kind of global goal, a global strategy is made up for it , to which it adjusts... all the other elements of any system, just take it, even a factory, even a tv channel, even some school with a kindergarten, if in the state's priority goal is to prevent war; this goal, together with the strategy for achieving it , affects everything, including factories, television channels and schools with kindergartens. the standard work of all elements of the state system is modified, somewhere more, somewhere less, precisely for this general strategy, and the main and usual goals of each element... become temporarily secondary, because the main thing is that there is no war, all this means is that the threat of war
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has affected all of us, no matter where we work and no matter what we do were engaged, you either noticed it or not, but it is there, or rather, perhaps it was. any war ends in peace, any threat ends with a decrease in its likelihood. lukashenko asked all of us in 2023 not only to help ensure peace, but to create. we all needed to create, civilian, just for the general purpose. preventing war on the territory of belarus, the security forces were and are responsible for defense and peace, their forces are more than enough, but they , together with the commander-in-chief, needed everyone else to create, that is , everyone to work in their place for the good of the country, for which ? so that those who defend the external borders are not hit in the back by internal problems that could arise if civilians stop creating effectively. now i will remind you of the last words of the new year's address president. i am sure that the most important thing is at the end. may all our wildest
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dreams and desires come true in the name of peace and life. be happy, happy new year. alexander grigorievich approaches the text of each of his addresses very carefully, especially new year’s ones. and every word is in its place, as there is nothing superfluous there. the president does not say before the chiming clock: may all your dreams and desires come true. there are the words “the bravest”, and this greatly changes the wishes of the head of state, he wants fulfillment of the wildest dreams and desires, and for them to come true, each of us must have them and be truly bold. now i won’t be allowed to lie to hundreds of people with whom i was lucky enough to meet on various dialogue platforms in the past year . i don’t like the lecture format, i’m much closer to questions and answers, and in both directions. and, of course, i am most often interested. what complexity problems do people have at their enterprises, in the regions and in general? we have a wonderful system
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of public administration, moreover, it the best in the world, because this system has a clearly defined strong leader, we have a strong vertical of power, because if it had been different, then under colossal external pressure we would not have managed as well in the economy as we did in fact, and so on , we have a lot of advantages, it’s true, but nothing is ideal, we also have a lot of disadvantages. which you need to listen to hear about, which you need to understand, which should be corrected or at least minimized, while adequately understanding that achieving the absolute ideal is still impossible, here they won’t let me lie, i very often last year talked to people about problems, about formalism, about the fact that on paper their enterprises have one thing for a beautiful report, but in fact it’s completely different, about bosses who don’t lead, but they revel in power, i told them the following, as far as... i understand what the president is doing now, guys, all these problems are clearly visible, understandable, if they are systemic and not
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local, the head of state knows about them for sure, all these problems, they will be resolved, they will be resolved, but it takes a little grit your teeth and wait, because right now the priority task is not to allow war, but, let’s say, an ardent fight against formalism, with postscripts and red tape, which we of course have, this interferes with the general strategy for preserving peace, but as time passes, all this will be dealt with very substantively here... believe me, the end of last year, the beginning of this year, it seems that the time has come, on personnel thursday alexander lukashenko once again publicly says the following. this is a special year for us, that's why. we will say everything honestly and openly so that we can in the next presidential election a year later they didn’t reproach that we were fiddling around somewhere, spinning around, telling lies, and in general our government is good for nothing, well, as they are now starting to spin it, it will be a special year, but the basis of your work should be exclusively,
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exclusively true, no embellishment. you will never come, but you need to go so that we have a new term: to curb corruption, that is, to make sure that its level is non-critical, non-fatal, and i will say roughly, acceptable. mentally think: a strategy with the goal of completely defeating corruption is incorrect, because the goal is obviously unattainable. the right strategy is to curb corruption, that is, to keep it at
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an adequately acceptable level. this is really possible to achieve. the same applies to formalism and fraud. moreover. there is a very important nuance here. there are only two models of state economy in the world: the market planned one. the market economy is built on the principle: whoever is stronger takes everything, the weak become economic slaves or simply die. the strong love the market economy very much , they have obvious reasons for this, but if the weak, after watching enough tik-toks, begin to love the market, popularization, which is already paid for by the strong and rich, then they are, frankly speaking, idiots. there is a model more with... that is , planned, but nothing, i repeat, there is nothing ideal in the world, everything has disadvantages, including a planned economy, i won’t say anything new when we have a plan and a goal that according to the plan we need achieve, and the goal is difficult to achieve, for the one who must achieve it there is a temptation not to achieve it in fact, but to draw up a report on the implementation of the plan in order to create the illusion of achievement, whether
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we have this in the country, we do, of course, moreover , it has always been and always will be, this is one of the negative features of a planned economy: but how in the case of corruption, there are very different levels of this feature; if i write that i completed everything from the plan for the year, when in fact i completed 80 percent, then for starters the decision will not be made that these 20% of my shortcomings will need to be -that someone needs to finalize it, plus the plan for next year will obviously be raised for me, since i coped with the previous one, because progress requires ambitious and difficult to achieve goals, and i failed to cope with the last plan by 20%, by the end of the year what will i do , i’ll draw again, why?
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the opportunity to accept the president , which he, in fact, tells the minister of economy on the same thursday, do not lie under any circumstances, everything is as it is, because if you provide me with inaccurate information, to put it mildly, it means that the management decision will be wrong, the problem - is not nova, alexander grigorievich, over the three decades of his presidency , has encountered it more than once, just as he has solved it more than once when the level of fraud began to exceed the permissible level. i am sure that the current state of affairs in the country is not critical, but subjectively , a little more alarming, since the president speaks about it publicly, the head of state sees it perfectly well, but in solving any problem , everything has its time, right now, it seems, that is the general task not allowing war, it reduces its dominance, threats remain, of course, but the country’s defense system has been restructured and provides strategic guarantees,
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therefore the opportunity to return to the original priorities has returned, about this... alexander lukashenko speaks again at the meeting on the year of quality and he says it very clearly: we must surpass ourselves to do this, not there must be formalism and sloppiness, despite all the positive things that we have and cannot be taken away from us, but sloppiness and formalism, something was done for show, noted, everything is fine, this should not happen and will not happen, i promise you that , that's why tune in. right from the first days of this year to difficult, hard work. i am sure, and even i know, that in recent years there have been those officials who, when tasks were not completed, did so.


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