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tv   100  BELARUSTV  January 10, 2024 10:00am-11:01am MSK

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it’s still so mocking, i don’t know, you can see it, you can’t see it, they’re sticking their noses out from there , watching, and the city guy is cleaning up after us, okay, the project is from the village, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. dear customers, our store is closing. dear passengers, minsk metro wishes you a merry christmas and a happy new year.
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every week we review the main topics that aroused the greatest interest among our viewers and followers on social networks. we offer you to learn the belarusian language while walking with our tv guides, and we also introduce you to amazing people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. broadcast 2. a project that everyone should see. watch us every friday on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. music, dj, applause, hello everyone, in a minute the hero of our program will take his place and answer your questions. oleg olegovich, what do you expect from the children you will meet now? i'm waiting for the positive. you promise to speak only. and hematology, doctor of medical sciences, oleg
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olegovich rumov, meet our guest, oleg rules on... programs, if for some reason olegovich, i want to warn you that for some reason you cannot or do not want to answer, you have the right to refuse the question three times. understandable, and be very attentive to the questions, at the end of the program you will have to choose the best one. well, now, oleg olegovich, you have one minute to briefly tell us about yourself. time has passed. good afternoon, my name is oleg rumo, i am 52 years old. i love my family very much, i love my job very much. i really love my homeland, my friends, i don’t like being pressured, i don’t like lying, i don’t like being lied to and i feel uncomfortable when they praise me, you did it in a minute, but now
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questions for an adult, we are starting, red sector, please, you grew up in a family of doctors, it turns out that you had no choice about who to become, only a doctor, is this true? well, to be honest, of course there was no choice, but i didn’t imagine that i had no choice, and of course, like many children, i dreamed of being an astronaut, i dreamed of being an athlete, i dreamed of being a military man, at some time i was a pilot, a driver, and so on . further, but analyzing now that time, i am clearly aware that i had no choice, i had to become a doctor.
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i came up with some restrictive measures , but nothing worked out for me. the next question, yellow sector, what do you not like at all, what is in last place for you, i don’t like a lot of things, i don’t like it
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when they give me instructions and i have to carry them out, i don’t like it. when they speak badly about someone behind their backs, that’s what i probably just hate, well, probably in private. i probably don’t give a damn about the fact that someone who i
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not very dear, thinks badly of me , what do you think, love your job, this is mandatory, mandatory, mandatory, once again mandatory, if you don’t like something, if you go to work like a qatari, hello, my name is milana , were you allowed to eat sweets as a child? i was like that, i was my mother’s favorite son, so they limited me in little and what’s more, they tried to give me even more than they did with the foxes, i got all the best that the family had and something like that. there was a big, big threat to grow full selfish, although there is a sister in the family who
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is 5 years older than me, so i love sweets, i’ll tell you a secret that all men love sweets, there are just those who don’t admit it, but what were you forbidden as a child? i was forbidden almost nothing, but naturally there were things that were simply unthinkable in general and... they understood that i wouldn’t do that, steal there, uh, i don’t know, uh, beat up, uh, something, something... then do something bad like that, well, but if somewhere, somewhere you have done something wrong, somewhere, something, uh, from i tore my clothes there, trying to get into some construction site where it was forbidden to go, well, for this, for this they simply scolded me, for this they did not beat me and mistakenly did not ban me. because they knew that they would do it to me anyway. the program contains 100 questions for adults; we also do not
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prohibit children from asking interesting questions. purple microphone. what are the most important words of your parents that you will remember for the rest of your life? like all parents, they want me to be honest, to be successful, but most importantly, not they want me to be healthy, when they... in this or that situation instruct me in something, they tell me, they proceed primarily from this, that i am the best, like you all for your dads and moms, and that i have to make everyone around me think that i really am the best, microphone, please raise your hand, my name is khatya and my question is, what were you like at school, i studied well at school, there was not a single year that i didn’t graduate from school with absolutely the best
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grades, then they were a’s, for us, you probably had nines and tens, now, but i don’t was distinguished by exemplary behavior, do you have certificates of merit now or not, at the end of the year, we had certificates of merit if you behaved in an exemplary manner and received all a's. at the end of the year we were given a certificate of merit, and so there were years when i did not receive a certificate of merit, because i did not behave like myself, so from here we must judge what i was like. olek olegovich, what offenses did you most often receive failures for? got into a fight with someone, somewhere, somewhere a remark that your teacher writes here?
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you won't get the fourth, don't go for a walk you go, and you take the fourth, you get it, then you take the laundry and the whole thing, boom , no one knows, dad comes and dad is okay, and then the teacher wants to check his remark, but it’s no longer in the diary, and he runs to to the director to the teacher and complains right away, the usual story, in general, i think it ’s about the same with you, we continue the conversation, yellow microphone, my name is ulyana, you were afraid of doctors as a child, but my mom and dad are doctors, like i could be afraid, i wasn’t afraid of mom and dad, that’s it, but when i had to, of course, go to the doctors, have the tooth removed
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there or have this tooth treated , there was trembling in the knees, of course, my name is ksenia, i have one small request for you: please tell me, as a child i always laughed a lot when the doctor asked , show your tongue to look at my throat, could you do the same now, show your tongue and you look at my throat, what is this, i can do this, at what age and under what circumstances did you find out where children come from, probably, probably, it was early in fourth, fifth, well... the medical family there specifically all these things, they treat this more simply than in other families, it’s all not taboo, although there was no internet, but mom and dad had books called obstetrics, gynecology, everything was written there, where the children came from appear, so it was possible, while mom and dad, no, to read,
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so, so it was early, maybe not even in the fourth grade, maybe... even earlier, as i learned to read, in short, when you do surgery on a person, you see, you see the bones and muscles or the living person himself, well, i see bones, muscles and the living person himself, but more often i see internal organs, to be honest with you, which are located in our stomach, but if we talk about your question, it ’s like an adult , then of course i see the person first of all, because i don’t do this just to tell someone that i’m doing well, i do it so that after this very action of my operation, the person will feel better,
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well, now over to the yellow one, hello oleg olegovich, my name is arseny , i have a question for you: this is already an operation, when i received my doctor’s diploma, it was one of the patients, he seriously injured his arm, he developed inflammation, he had to undergo an operation, relatively speaking, to make additional incisions to remove this abscess and for... for me it was emotional, because besides me, the operating nurse, there was no one, no one nearby, there was such a feeling that, whatever i was doing, i understood that i was not doing anything so great, no complex i don’t do surgery, but i
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was quite worried then, but thank god, everything was fine, my name is lisa, i used to have a fear of blood, do you have any? fears , well, of course, i have fears there, but they are connected with the fact that something, something will happen to my loved ones, someone will get sick, or that i will not be able to help in some situation with my family, friends, well, that’s probably where my fears lie in this aspect, yes, well, are you afraid of death? difficult to answer, i 've seen this many times, but i've never i’m used to it, every time i experience the same emotions, emotions of some kind of endless grief, misfortune, it is clear that a person is designed in such a way that
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these emotions then, then they decrease. pain, pain, it dulls, thank god , but it seems to me that i am not afraid of death, and if, if this, this happens, then, then, probably, this should happen, because i, i will have nothing more to do here and nearby, i heard that all surgeons are atheists, you believe in god, surgeons... are divided into two categories: those who believe in god, and those who believe in god, when they feel bad, sometimes you feel like you kind of did everything well. but everything turns out badly, and then you begin to think why this happened, sometimes you can’t find an explanation and think that it was the lord’s will,
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sometimes on the contrary, everything is fine with the patient, and you cannot understand why this is happening, you think again that god helped, i know a lot of surgeons, everyone believes in something in their own way, that without faith a person cannot live. very personal, next yellow sector. hello, oleg olegovich, my name is miroslava, what do you think, is everything in the hands of man, a surgeon, or is everything in the hands of god? you can answer this: trust in god, but don’t make a mistake yourself. do you believe in life after death? honestly, honestly, no, no, i don’t believe it, that’s why?
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because i don’t believe it, i can’t imagine it, i can’t explain it to myself, i understand what the soul is, but i don’t know where it lives. “i saw everything about a person, and i didn’t find a suitable place for her, probably she lives in all our organs, our senses, and these organs i know for sure, if they are not there later used for transplantation, they cease to exist, so it’s difficult for me to make this transition at the moment when a person stops his earthly path. it turns out that in heaven, i, i still don’t understand how this happens, earlier you said that you encounter deaths
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very often, have you ever had patients die on the operating table? if we talk directly at the time of the operation, then never, and if we talk about the period that happens...
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in the end they pay me money for this, i don’t i want it to be like this, i generally want everyone to live forever, but i understand that this does not happen, have you ever had to personally inform relatives about the loss of a family member, unfortunately, yes, unfortunately, and not so rarely , and what did you tell them, if it’s not a secret, everything is different, everything is different, again i told you that i don’t like to lie, so i say...
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hello, my name is stas, can a miracle save person? well, i believe in miracles, who doesn’t
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believe in miracles, to live... okay, but this has happened in your practice, of course, a person lives, he’s feeling pretty good, you think he’ll open his eyes in 2 weeks, but he asks for porridge for tomorrow, so you stand there and think, a miracle has happened, and we’re transported to the red sector, my name is amalia, have you ever been in an operating room? table and were there any injuries, yes, yes, this, this was... connected with my childhood, so to speak, my childhood pranks, when i broke my arm there, cut myself, my dad took care of me, because he is also a surgeon , now, and already in adult life it was connected with football, during during the game, i seriously damaged the ligaments in my knee, and i had to have surgery and... that’s how i
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became acquainted, as if i became the subject of my own efforts. do you listen to music during surgery or does this only happen in movies? if you ask me after the operation what kind of music there was, i won’t tell you, because music plays in the background very often, everyone can have their own favorite playlist, doctor, i generally don’t have one, although if i really wanted to.
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films, but there is some complete nonsense there, either idealization, or, on the contrary, denigration profession, or just complete nonsense that has nothing to do with work, but in fact, like the vast majority of films, there is dr. house, ambulance, it combines elements of everything, both nonsense and truth, well... i like to watch films of checks,
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and we move on to the black microphone, black sector, do you have any rites or rituals that you observe before entering the operating room? i can’t say that i’m a completely non-superstitious person, but well , probably more non-superstitious than superstitious, the shoes in which i performed the first liver transplant operation, i kept them, of course, but not in order to... constantly walk in them, but in order to simply have some kind of memory, no, i don’t get up from the left leg, i don’t go into the operating room on the right, in general, in general, no, what was the longest operation you had, 14 , probably 15, there are operations that last longer, but they just go in stages, you come, do which one - part of the operation, then you take some kind of break, you can
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sometimes allow yourself to drink a cup of coffee there, then go back again to continue, probably, if you take the time that i did not leave the operating table, there were probably cases when i had to do this for 14 hours, and we are transferred to the red sector, i heard that for a surgeon, hands are most importantly, how do you care for them? yes, well , hands are like a tool, uh. the most important thing for a surgeon is the head, you need to take care of your head and think, think, as they say , with your brain, yes, think with your head, so i don’t specifically take care of my hands, i naturally, when i don’t want to do something work, cleaning, let’s say at home , washing dishes, i say that i need to take care of my hands, but i’m probably lying in this situation, because i can do the cleaning and wash my hands,
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but in general they don’t suffer from that... you have to work with them often, they suffer more from the fact that you often have to use products that are supposed to destroy germs, products... of course, not very useful for the skin and hands. i read that you were the first in belarus to perform a liver transplant operation. do you remember your feelings during this operation? yes, i remember , maybe i would have forgotten, yes, journalists don’t let us forget, because on april 3 we celebrated 15 years since this very liver transplant operation was performed, and of course, of course. i had to replay everything again , i had to watch the film that we were filming then, i wanted to look at photographs, a thousand operations since then, but of course during these thousand operations all sorts of things happened, but
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something like this has probably never happened and will never happen, because it was for the first time, it was, well, me i would have given a lot to make it work, it worked out. and this was all a novelty again, it was tense, it was on the nerves, because many wanted this not to happen, this, all this, of course, never gore, do you remember your patient, well, of course i remember, i i talked to him for 10 years after that, in general, our patients, they do not leave us, well, i remember many with many supports. connection, there are some who have become my friends, who are close to members of our family, the specifics of the profession are such, because you you give a person the most precious thing he has, life and health, and naturally, people
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treat you this way in a certain way, so this is the best profession on earth, a hand with a purple microphone is already reaching up, and what are the achievements in belarusian? no one in the world has performed it, and this is also a confirmation of our highest level, the fact that
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our specialists were invited to perform the first organ transplantation operations in armenia, georgia, kazakhstan and kyrgyzstan, the fact that they come to us for treatment from such top... if we say, then we are not the worst in europe, not the best, but not the worst , in general you need to compare with the best, then you yourself will grow, in terms of transplantation we are somewhere in the top 20
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, top 25, probably in the world , in some other positions, somewhere a little worse, but there are more than 200 countries in the world, this must also be understood, we turn around, the red sector, please, hello, oleg olegovich, hello, my name is pavel, so you said that you love our homeland, you value your family and friends very much, you are an honored surgeon of our countries, and you even performed the first liver transplant operation in our country, but have you ever thought about moving and starting work in another country, especially since i heard salaries are higher there , opportunities and others, if already - to answer an adult, then probably the whole world. price, and i received offers of this kind, and well - here, there are many factors why i did not accept these offers, yes, on the one
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hand, the business to which i dedicated myself, on the other hand, the team for which i am responsible responsibility on the third side, well, a life that i like and which suits me completely; on the fourth side, things that must be done here.
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they are dedicated to their work, special children need us, our task is to prepare them for independent life. is it worth marmalade or fruit? well, of course, it’s better to
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have fruit; it’s enough to develop an approximate menu according to the established norms twice a year, taking into account seasonality. the teacher-defectologist sits with the child at the mirror and shows the child the articulation gymnastics a child, looking in the mirror, sees himself and the teacher. watch on tv channel belarus 24. hello, oleg olegovich, my name is vladislav, can you please give me advice on how to meet a girl, you ’ve been on this one for a long time, i’m just unlikely to help, because i forgot when.. i tried to do this, probably, probably, those my
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methods, they probably won’t work now, because then there was no internet, no selfies, no special video files, then, then we went to the some kind of dances, which are like... attempts to make acquaintance with her, she
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won’t answer, then it’s not yours, and there’s no need, there’s a lot of light and guys and girls, and girls can get to know the guys themselves now, they say: this is the time , thank you for your answer, oleg olegovich, i have a question for you, you were the president’s confidant in the elections, why were you, because? i think that alexander grigoryevich lukashenko has done a lot for our country, because personally, i am grateful to him for what he did for the cause that i really love for my cause life, for transplantation, because i am grateful to him for trying to make the republic of belarus good. a comfortable country to live in, because he
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loves his country very much, that’s why he was there, do you listen to your wife’s advice? try, don’t listen, you, you think it’s so simple, but seriously, i love my wife, we ’ve lived together for 30 years, even more, and... she’s a very reasonable person who is better at many things, than me, especially in everyday life, that's... when i i obey, i usually feel good, so why not obey? next question, black sector, please tell us how household responsibilities are distributed in your family, what do you do and what does your wife do? i absolutely can’t stand the store, i absolutely can’t stand it, i don’t like them, i
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feel uncomfortable in them, choosing clothes for yourself, for example, is a whole story, so usually it’s something for the spouse. sees, or she leaves a deposit, it brings home, i measure it, it fits, we decide what we take, which means then the deposit remains there, where it is remains, but either if they don’t give a deposit, it means that for several weeks she has been asking me to find time after work, stop by, try it all on, and it would be desirable for her to drive there at that time and we decide on the products, i won’t tell you now, you’ll ask me, how much does bread cost? i won’t say how much meat costs there, i won’t say, not because we don’t buy it, we buy it, but i don’t do it, and as for some household things, cleaning there, washing dishes, i don’t know, there , well, it’s no problem, it’s easy for me, i can do it, i
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generally like to wash dishes, although there is a dishwasher at home, but lately we’ve been living together, we hardly turn it on, i’m relaxing. when i wash the dishes, i don’t think about it, it’s also useful to do this sometimes, so as for household things related to cleaning, but i can do that, i can handle it. oleg olegovich, i want to ask you three questions about the last time. first, when was the last time you felt happy? at 2:00 am when i was returning from surgery on liver transplantation. home, it’s such a good feeling, an empty city, turned on the radio, music was playing there just from my youth, so i sent a message to my wife that everything was fine, i arrived with a feeling, with a sense of accomplishment, joy, i lay down
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to rest there, well, that’s happiness, this is the feeling when you feel good, so this often happens, and unfortunately. as well as some adversities and failures, but the more you appreciate all the good things in life. when was the last time you told a lie? i don't remember now, but i don't like to lie, i probably don’t know how, but that doesn’t mean i don’t tell lies, sometimes you have to put it together, and i ’m calm about it, i just don’t remember, but it happened. happened, happened, when was the last time you were betrayed? if we talk about if the people who did me such a betrayal that i can’t forgive, then probably never, either i’m like that, or there haven’t been such
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cases that i have to live with this, and that’s me i was constantly eating away like a worm, and i wanted to take revenge or do the opposite badly. there is no such thing, a yellow microphone, oleg regovich, they say surgeons don’t operate on loved ones, but you could perform an operation on one of your loved ones, but again, it’s different for each surgeon, i told him that my dad performed operations on me, and it was his choice, he believed that no one could do anything better for me than him, i was a little different. and of course, if it is necessary for my close people to operate on someone, i would rather trust someone, because for me it will be emotionally difficult, but again, people like me have most professions from people like my dad, for example, minority. again, hello, oleg olegovich, this is what you think, why today
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there is a very big role of money in medicine, although every doctor took the hippocratic oath, well , i think this is such a deep misconception, who says that there is a hippocratic oath and money in general things are absolutely unrelated to each other, and such a social stereotype, how come, you took the hippocratic oath, why should you treat everyone for free, well , in our time in our world, free doesn’t mean good at all, and secondly, you have to understand, that this is a profession, right, well, these people? earn money for a living - this is one of , so to speak, one of the criteria that distributes... people along the social ladder, then you will agree that it is probably fairer
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to place on the higher rung of this ladder the person who worked more, who read more, who strived more and who has greater abilities than the one who did it less, i believe that - if there is no other world, then it means that it is necessary, you need to play by these rules for now, there will be some others reconciled, we will discuss them, let’s move on to the black sector, have you ever cried, if so, then for what reason, i’ve had enough. i watch good films that touch me , i am a sentimental person, i cry when
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i cry, even with joy, when something good happens there with my daughter, i cry when i talk about the successes of my patients, my team, those people who they are very dear to me, and this is also a cry of grief, yes. of course, when i lose people close to me, i also cry, and if we talk about tears of joy, such a pleasant feeling, then then again, it was probably not so long ago, if we speak there in tears of grief, then unfortunately it also happened at the end of last year, well, well, it happens, not every day of course, and not even once. a week is much less common, but it happens. the next question is from the red
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sector. my name is daniel, and as you already said, you have people under your command. tell me, please, how do they treat you? do they fear you, respect you, or treat you as a friend? you need to ask them, not me. you see, daniel, well, if you say so. honestly, of course, i wanted it to everyone respected me, all 2150 people, i’ll tell you a secret that i think that this is not so, although they don’t tell me about it, this is such a complex thing, human relations, i hope that the absolute majority of my subordinates treat me respectfully and as they say: they evaluate me based on my professional qualities, i do n’t need more, but i also think that there are
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a significant number of people who tell me to my face how much they respect and value me, but behind my back they say something completely different, and what they think only god knows. it's the turn of the yellow microphone, tell me, what thing would you not be able to live without for a single day? i don’t even know, but could you live without your job? well, of course, i have weekend vacations, i live without her, there are even days during these vacations when no one, no one in general calls me, and of course i feel uncomfortable about this. i feel time, but somehow i live, i can live a certain number of days, without a family, well, i can, without food
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, i can, without water, i can, without a book, well, too you can go without reading for a day, i don’t know, without sleep, well, this happened more than once, sometimes you had to go without sleep for two days, so there are no such things, probably, if you could start everything over again, what would you change in your life? i can’t tell you that i would change, because uh, in general, i think that i live a good life, of course, there are things that i would like, relatively speaking, to learn a foreign language earlier, to learn how to water ski ski, learn to ski, earn more money, there much more than i earned. but i
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wouldn’t want to start living all over again, to change everything in life absolutely radically, to become there, to become not a doctor, but an engineer or a teacher or an astronaut. i like mine. this signal means that the time for asking questions to the hero has expired. oleg olegovich, now you have to choose the best question of this program. probably, you asked me, the last time, three questions, these with a very big meaning, and about betrayal and about...
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which the format of the program suggests, we have prepared a small souvenir for you, it is connected with our center, you better come visit us , we will tell you, show you what we do, what kind of people we treat, what equipment we use, welcome, yes, thank you, amalia - this is for you, this is from our center, and from me personally, yes, all the best to you, oleg olevich, now you have an excellent opportunity to ask the children three questions. the first question is this: which of you wants to become a doctor , who after this program wanted to become a doctor? are they the ones who want it? but all this is still ahead of you. okay, but still me. i see
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that, in general, it’s not in vain that i receive my salary and it’s not in vain that i live in this world, because there are at least 20 percent of the audience like me , it’s very cool and pleasant, the second question is, what do you think, who generally lives better in the world, adults or children? but it seems to me that children live better, because they have less worries, as if their parents are responsible for them, they just... tell you, they still have their whole life ahead of them, it’s good for those who are adults, like those who have family, but because when they get old, they will have someone to talk to, someone to live with, to go on all sorts of hikes fishing, you can look at it from different angles, there are children who are not very loved in the family, on the other hand, an adult, because, especially an adult who does not have
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children or a wife there, he will get along. i mean your gadgets, mobile phones, that’s all, theoretically , which of you could live there completely calmly for 5 days without them, and now honestly, who has managed without gadgets for at least 5 days in their life is already less , but - what i wanted,
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all the time when we argue about the fact that you are different, i always say, well, others, that’s does not mean worse, and no gadgets, even the coolest, most, ordinary human things, such as love, kindness, human life, mutual assistance, lack of betrayal, no, and if you had a good time with me, that’s great, but i got real pleasure from you , thank you very much, oleg olegovich, it’s time to say goodbye to our audience, director of the minsk scientific and practical center for surgery, transplantology, hematology, oleg rumo, today i’m visiting the program 100 questions for adults, oleg olegovich, i’m waiting for you leaving for the site, thank you, here i am...
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i ask you to stay, oleg olikovich , tell me which of the questions asked today was the most difficult for you, well , i can’t live on food, well, it seems you start to think, i’ve never thought about it, that’s why. .. you had to go through all sorts of different things, was there a moment when you wanted to run away from the studio? no, no, good guys, i love children, i didn’t spend this time in vain, today you managed to answer 49 questions, you will come to us again to beat your result, if you call there, i am addressing our audience, do you think that our hero was as open as possible today, who thinks so, raise your hands, why do you think so, who is ready to speak out? oleg olegovich never used his option to refuse questions, even when it was clear that it was difficult for him to answer, that well, it seemed to me, he even practically burst into tears. it was clear
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that he sincerely answered our questions, but on the other hand, why lie to him, because he should be honest with us. oleg olegovich seemed to me very open, kind, a positive person with whom it was a pleasure to have a conversation and listen to how he answered the question. after this conversation, are you no longer afraid of doctors? no, i’m still afraid, but i would go to cleg olegovich, he is very kind, who thinks that oleg olegovich was not sincere today? and i think oleg olegovich was sincerely honest, the one who even thinks in his heart that he wasn’t, well, didn’t answer his questions...
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i want to thank the guys for being like that, it was great, i was very interested, and i positive, good, kind, and i am sure that they will definitely have a very big and bright future.
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