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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 10, 2024 2:00pm-3:01pm MSK

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the year 2023 became a turning point in the process of transition to a multipolar system of international relations; their path to their own happiness is incredibly interesting, complex in its own way, seeing the response of modern ones.
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blossoms, then it matures, grows, for me it all gave a huge spatial path that i will find throughout my life. watch the belarus project on the belarus 24 tv channel . watch everything that modern belarus lives with today on the belarus 24 tv channel. news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live inclusions from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries
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well, why are you sulking? well, accusing me of
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an arranged pregnancy is normal, that’s why you, well, of course, you know how long my husband and i wanted a child, but it didn’t work out. it’s just nothing , you haven’t taken any precautions for a whole year , i congratulate you, forgive me if anything happens, oh well, it’s my own fault, i just forgot that it’s not easy for you to understand why this is, well, of course, you have a sport always comes first, and personal life is always in the background, listen, what about you in general? is there anyone, the personal life of the prima, in full view, floated, look, this... i didn’t think that you were afraid of me to such an extent that you were collecting incriminating evidence, oh, it would be something to collect, the cat cried, yes, it’s not me who is collecting incriminating evidence against you, it’s your favorite coach, by the way, he has developed the know-how of how personal life
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affects an athlete’s results, and if you look at certain notes in the margins, you can trace a direct connection between the peak of performance, alleged sexual activity, finished , not no finished, and the last sexual activity we had was a drum roll on march 8, attention to the question, perhaps this is why in the new season we have no skis, do you think that such a young greyhound is alone, or something like that, but joins our team every year in batches these kind of things come with such an active sex life, right up until the moment that after a couple of years it disappears.
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i’m smart enough to report to the coach that you started a fight, i don’t even doubt it, i just didn’t want to deny myself the pleasure, we’ve been taught for 14 years not to point a weapon at a person, but sometimes you just want to make a fool of yourself with blanks, we agree. girls, why are we still here? after 5 minutes of control training, the team rating will be compiled based on the results of the day. what's the matter? who decided this? primakova, maybe i should discuss the training plan with you, and not with the coaching staff? no, well, i just would like to be in the know. now are you aware? damn, this is yana, how
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she knew about the rating in order to deliberately piss me off and herself, because when i’m angry, i run poorly. what about sports anger? it isnot mine subject. thank you, alyokhina, this is him when the evil one runs well, and you, and i only when i’m happy. by the way, that's why he combed me out. what a day, people, and i have prepared a secret weapon for you. did you leave daddy on the porch on purpose so that everyone would laugh at me on such a wonderful day. what are you talking about, luda, i don’t have a second thought at all, i forgot, it’s better for you to take your pills, you forgot for the sake of memory. “i don’t accept them, it’s obvious, well, i hope daddy did n’t do any business, our paparas didn’t see her, no, well, on straight legs, bend over in tights, already better, i want to introduce you to one
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person, alexey will be your sparring partner today, so is he a secret weapon, well then i am for disarmament and world peace. i warned you that you were standing there, come on, come on, come on, the carrot is where it should be, in front of the recipient, blow, for some reason alexey trains with the girls, but because he trains individually, that’s who he wants with, that’s what runs. well, hello, i was slowing down, i
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’ll catch up with you now anyway, i’ll catch up with you.
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what are you doing? is the rating being updated today? la, don’t bother yourself with nonsense, it’s always nonsense for you that is important to me. oh, well, just don’t generalize, it’s important forever, never. everywhere, why? here you are again as always, i mean never, that is, you got me, oh well, people, why are you bothering, well, the rating is intermediate, think, well done, and one more, come on, well done, oh, how well we are doing, here we are one more time for mom, let ’s put things in order for mom. oh, tem, sorry, now tem, temich, temich, temich, temich,
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temich, temich, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, oh-oh-oh-oh, we’re all dirty, i’m sorry, you’re my baby, who? came to us, this is a fisherman, hello, tyomych, this is a fisherman who sailed, tyomych, the fisherman says hello to you, tyoma, tyoma, tyoma, don’t cry, please, well, well, we did everything right, well tyom, dad is with you, we ate, ate, drank, drank, went to the toilet twice, tem, well, well, still for you, the folder is for you, mom is for you, yes, about the folder, she doesn’t think at all, the folder is on her side, the folder is her ring , she tells him where the washing machine is, you think that...
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and oh my god, everything is fine with you, no, excuse me, let's go from this side, oh , it hurts, lord, what is it, what's the story, lift me up somehow, i'll try it, oh, i'm now, oh, oh, oh, oh, it's far away , it was far away, now i’m hobbling home, oh, no, i’ll accompany you, yes, no
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, yes, no, well, what is this, and what is this, well, since the snow will fall, and these utility workers have been in the yard for weeks they ca n’t clean it, i didn’t clean everything quickly, you see, it’s falling in the morning, yes, that’s when it’s not necessary, they’re quick, they cleared the snow a little, and under the snow they have ice, they could, if not chip it off, then at least sprinkle it with sand, i ’m telling you, they have a limit on sand, sand is also running out, let’s be the judge. bitch, you better press the code on me , why are you silent, hey, people, what kind of upholstery
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, where did you go, stand, well, sorry about the folder, it’s my fault, by the way, stanislav lvovich wants to talk to you about this incident with yana, here very right on time. why smile , you wonderful fucker, where did you lose your sparring partner? so what, will your heart find its way? what, you did this on purpose for me did they slip something in? who said that he cannot live without love? you had love with lyosha, it was there and it surfaced. lyut, well, admit it, lyoshka is the best option, and a proven one at that. uh-huh, you’ll say, do your hands remember? no, i won’t say, you ’ll break a ski on me, but it’s an interesting idea
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, then, people, alexey himself is ready to continue the relationship, but really, so if you ’ve thought of everything wonderfully, maybe you can tell me how to explain to him that i just want to give birth to him, this is after he begged me to give birth to his child, i said, no, just after sports, what is there to explain, people , you are a woman, you could change your mind, after 4 years, i don’t see a contradiction, so, well, okay, okay , so let’s suppose i got pregnant , well, i’ll have to somehow explain to him that he will soon become a father. darling, you get pregnant first , i’ll kneel in front of lyoshka myself, i’ll just take all the sin out of myself, he ’ll hate me, people, you tell me, we ’re discussing this now only because theoretically you already agree to the option with lyoshka, i don’t know , liu, lyosha, great guy,
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kind, sociable, handsome, who argues, never say a bad word about anyone. he’ll say how he loses, yes, sometimes more beautifully than he wins, remember how last year he lost two hundredths of a furgada, and he’s missing, and they have something to give, and the guys on his team love him, and the coaches, yes, everyone loves him , i remembered, and i think that i was stupid to divorce such a treasure, i remembered, everyone loves him, lyudmila, i’m not suggesting you live with him.
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you won’t see it, but how can you see it here when you have to look at your feet all the time, oh, wait, before i forget, right, otherwise if you remain silent, they will completely stop working, really, but des, dzes, i have a question , tell me, please, are you ever going to sprinkle sand on this skating rink, or are you waiting until all the arms and legs are broken, and, now, just a minute, wait, now, what? you’ve run out of sand, so , of course, it means that winter has come unexpectedly again, and if i’m given a disability, you know, you ’re very unlucky, i fell on my left hand, and i’ll be able to file a complaint against you with my right hand, that’s it, ugh , well, now we can drink tea.
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bring it to the receiver, i want to hear his voice, how about that? maybe he’s teething, but he’s already teething, you fed him, are you kidding me, he fed him, of course, he changed the diaper, i’ve run out of options, well, it ’s just a child missing his mother, and masha is good too, where did she go, hello, hello , is it possible to issue a refund, unfortunately, no, why is the check crumpled, you know, products made from draco metals and draco stones cannot be returned for exchange,
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except in cases, girl, and i have just such a case, except in cases of detection flaws not identified by the seller , girl, let's... find some flaw, but only if the stone is poorly attached, you know, yes, in my opinion, it’s somehow not very good, but i remember this ring, just yesterday young man i bought it, joked, and said that the surprise was not for you, yes, for my mistress, how could i not have guessed right away, yes, such rings, of course, are not given to wives, you know, let ’s not make a refund, but cancel the receipt, girl, you know, i changed my mind, my husband gave me this ring, it’s just very expensive, sorry. look, you like this , look, it’s just for my mom, good one,
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you miss your mom, you’ll have a mom, you’ll recognize mom’s robe, and it really smells like mama. work, well, a fool understands that an intermediate rating is just for show, so to speak , i’m even ready to close my eyes to the fact that you haven’t improved your result, my mount is broken, i know, so maybe i’ll pay more attention to my equipment, and not the fair sex, i think, the fair sex is a woman, well, for men, yes, but for women , men, there is an objection, no, okay, but from team you will be relegated, not because i will cure it, i will not allow the team spirit to be destroyed, what kind of skirmish was with volkova this morning, oh
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, they have already reported, here is the team spirit, yes, the team spirit, all for one, one financially a responsible person, people , well, you don’t have any sponsors, the whole country is working hard for you to look decent at the world level, and you are squandering the property of the national team, well, it’s not me who is squandering, but volkova, if you want, i’ll compensate for that heap of money they bite, yes, as far as i... know, the last place in the ranking does not add material incentives , but i don’t mind the last pennies for my native team, when i told you with volkova that you would have to fight for a place on the team, i meant fighting on the ski, in general, if you don’t stop your affairs, you’ll fly out of both teams, have an objection, no, free. max, well, how did you eat here? and you made a big
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fuss, they said a lot of things, and it’s up to me to do the laundry. under these very hands, hello, pere, that’s right, look, learn, why should i study, i can do better, of course, and then the bad cunning one, amazing. kosyanakh i haven’t called yet with wild screams, how did it go? it went well, he said that he would kick him out of the team, if anything happened, well, it’s a standard horror story, okay, we’ll get through it, head
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coaches, too, you know, leave, he’s like the fifth in our lifetime, the fifth, fifth, and we’re here, people, if we have to make up for it there for the skis, i will pay, because it was because of my forgetfulness that everything turned, well, no, in half, well, you yourself told me, if the victory is mine, if... the defeat is in half , well, in half, then in half, to to our sheep, the gathering is over, now the audience will leave, but you still have a debriefing with a shooting coach, i understand, by the way, lyosha, i also asked to be present, and lyosha, lyosha, lyosha, you make me even brighter here, here, hold it, watch the video, what other video, are you raman stepanovich, people, this is not what you thought, this is a recording of the mixed relay from the past. what, hold it, so people, if the victory is yours, but if the defeat is also yours, okay?
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we do not have the moral right to live only for ourselves, we must look beyond the horizon of another house. we do not and will not have, african countries, as well as the arab world, latin america and asia, why are they ready and willing to work with belarus, because the leaders of these countries have deep respect not only for belarus as a country, but also personal respect for alexander lukashenko. belarus forced nato to hear itself as an instrument that is very clear to this north atlantic aggressor. reproaches about the deployment of russian tactical weapons in our country.
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power turns on, well, a common expression is that power is in truth, i will say that power is in justice, the main task is to honestly answer all the original, and sometimes awkward questions, can you show me a valid technique that can help someone hit me from above, and then i throw the person, and just like that, what advice for modern youth? you can give , based on your own experience, to love the land where you were born, look at the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. nikolai dmitrievich, what is this, how nice that you remembered my name, patronymic, nikolai dmitrievich, what is this, why? due to the fact that you now have problems with your arm, it is difficult for you to go to the store, and your husband, like me i noticed that you don’t, but you immediately check the marital status of all unfamiliar women, no, only the pretty ones, but my name is antanina andreevna. it’s very nice, antonina andreevna, it’s very nice that the doctor talks about the hand, but i wasn’t there, i somehow decided to use folk remedies, so that means our clinic is still working, we don’t need this yet, please wait, where to the clinic, no, i’m not, i can’t exploit you, i’m pleased when i’m exploited, please, how nice can it be when i’m exploited, what are you talking about say, cool, oh well, well, cool, oh
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well. look at the technology , what’s so cool about it, it’s just like a rocket, well, yes, it starts soberly, i agree, quickly, but ends up like a young virgin, that is, even faster, or what? fool, fool , fool, sitting, also his mouth, okay, that is, you like it, svens, like it, yes, yes, like it, okay, then i know who i like, who, then i like it... yes, here you go, kaisa, kaisa, yes, you like her for some reason, and for everything, well, with her movement, shooting, stability, than and the woman, she’s blonde, you see , that’s what i knew, i knew that you’re only fooled by appearances, and what else can i do, my successes have always been a lantern for you, that’s why i’m still without gold, by the way, yes, yes, you motivated me poorly, what, motivated, bad, good, you
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motivated me, yes, yes, i did nothing but motivate you, well, like this, better like this.
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and maybe those who didn’t sprinkle it, well, you know, i myself mosh like a shovel sometimes, on a voluntary basis timur, timurovits only retired. but to be honest, the janitors work under my command, i myself am in jacket, so it’s not entirely voluntary, yeah, why do you have such attention to all those who have fallen, well, what are the statistics, who falls more often, grandmothers and kiss your grandfather’s hands too, listen, take it, this is for your treatment, i can take it as much as i can, just please don’t write, what is this? this is why i ’m sitting here with you, drinking this drink of yours, listening to your stupid jokes, why are they stupid, i’m not asking for myself, people will be deprived of the bonus, they already they get a penny, don’t write complaints , i beg you very much, yes you are a swindler, yes you are a swindler and don’t
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be shy, you are bribing me on purpose so that they don’t give you a slap, i’m not asking for myself, if someone broke their hip neck , then take your money. take it!
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something is wrong, not everything is right, lesh, everything is super as always. and how sometimes these adorations of yours infuriate me, everything is as always, super, now in 2 minutes you will tell me that this was the last time between us, yes, it’s late, it’s time to go home, but now go home, no, well in my opinion, once... you are seasoned professionals like you and me, this is not enough, go home, well, go home, i obey, i obey.
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oh well, i finally have something for you, what is it? pregnancy tests. expelled, can you imagine, even there it is , roman stepanovich, tests don’t show it so quickly, especially since i have a worse problem, i forgot to turn in the witch’s certificate, but it’s not a problem, i signed for you at the gunsmith’s that you took the rifle with you, and take the tests, but they are not needed, just as they are not needed, people, i
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heard everything myself, roman stepanovich, but why was i rooting for well, i heard you, in part, the most powerful, so to speak, moments? yes, i’m ready to eat my hat if you say that this didn’t happen, no, the sex was, well, safe, like, well, without children, ah. and where are my clean shirts? there aren’t there either, so there’s no dryer, there’s only one, but it’s wrinkled,
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march, well, you can’t, mash, and you haven’t seen my blue folder, shirt, thank you.
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and again the sandwiches smell like pancakes, and these are sandwiches, normalized ladushka, uh-huh, mash, what do you think, is your mother... out of commission for a long time? max, listen, you should... you can’t iron your shirt in the evening, give everything a sandwich for breakfast, you start, where’s mom, where ’s mom, i didn’t say that, i just asked about your mom’s health, it’s a simple sprain, today i’ll go and visit her and if you want, i’ll make an agreement with her to come tomorrow, well, that’s it, the worker woke up, thank you, max, i’ll be hungry, but you’ll be, oh, in an ironed shirt, yes.
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health, that is why i would not recommend eco to you. in what sense, why? what's
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most important right now? get pregnant? as fast as possible? so. so. and be on time for the games. and these the two events are in no way related to each other. lyudmila, but you want too much. well, why so many? are you just getting pregnant at the games? if you and i now decide on iko, then, unfortunately, we will have to forget about games. because the shortest protocol is at least a month, and then the introduction of hormonal drugs is necessary. but i can’t take hormones. here, lyudmila, well, you see, you have perfect health, but why don’t you want to get pregnant naturally? well, because even the shortest protocol will take at least maximum. segorich, what should i do? get pregnant naturally. what, what did he say? he said that iko, in general, was a stuffy
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number, but did he offer any alternative? of course, healthy sex, oh, golden words, excuse me, then the plan is this, listen to me and do what the doctor ordered, if i found myself younger, there would be no problems, but it wasn’t she who found me, it was i who found her in a regular school in nafizere . have a nice birth, you heard, at school with a minor, mom, you don’t need to warm anything up, but i ate a dog and a cat with sprains, just peace, i’ll come to you, which means don’t come, now i’ll definitely come, come on, bye.
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"hello, yes, hello, accept the order, please, this is for me, well, there seems to be no other, it seems no. sign, please , another request, sign here, thank you, thank you, all the best, goodbye, goodbye.
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ligament rupture, this is some kind of horror, but he said a sprain, but what difference does it make, 2 weeks, a bandage, and then actually there is a difference, 2 weeks, two weeks, well, mom, you didn’t tell anyone, but you didn’t tell anyone, mom, you, well i don’t know, you, you’re some kind of one-armed bandit, that’s who you are, it’s clear, that’s why i didn’t tell you anything, that... you weren’t worried, he’s still laughing, and look, your mother has no conscience, how is that possible, wow, masha, look , mommy, did you drag all this with one hand or something, no, girls, it’s a certain nikolai dmitrievich from deza, he tried
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to bribe me so that i wouldn’t write a complaint, but i thought that he liked me. secrets of good morning and good mood. dobroya ranitsa belarus. on air on tv channel belarus 24. program good ranitsa belarus. on air svetlana borovskaya is with you. tatiana, hello. tanya, he’s wet so he doesn’t get frostbite, he says he’s already dived many times. oh, that turned out a little bit wrong. meeting amazing people.
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marina, marinochka, i understand you very much like a mother, but look how smooth and nimble he is, he says, and i’m bouncy, mom, don’t be afraid, and the logo, good morning belarus, but i don’t know how to draw him, but you can whistle, watch good morning belarus with svetlana borovskaya on the belarus 24 tv channel, our ecology planet is located. under attack, and this was discussed a lot at the climate summit in dubai. alexander lukashenko spoke to world leaders with an inconvenient truth. this speech is already part of world history. those who even performed here during the first births, who are concerned about their grandchildren, are the ones who are fighting these wars. and wars are terrible pollution of the planet.
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the european commission and the united states continue to sponsor belarusian fugitives, extremists, and swindlers. however, while the appetites of the latter are growing, trust in them is falling. from the research of the liquidated office press club belarus. according to all sociological studies conducted, the belarusian population supports alexander lukashenko. three visits in a week, trampling sanctions into the sand in different parts of the planet, synchronizing watches with the emirates and equatorial guinea. the east asian wind of change is like a lump in the throat for the west; there is nothing that does not work. this is about belarus and china. main topics on the main broadcast. watch on tv channel. belarus 24 to whom? emdezovets? yes, so courteous, so
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polite, he brought food and took him to the clinic, he worried about everything, but his hand didn’t hurt or, just... oh my god, girls, where did the men go, and lord, they all died out, okay, at least i know what it is, because i had your father, oh, by the way, my husband gave it to me, and you’re mom, by the way, you praise max yourself, because she’s trying, trying, re-educating herself, not like lyoshka, oh, mom, and you know, the little girl got involved with lyosha again, and lyuda, again, why bother twice? the same rake, why? mommy, so you want to say that my eight-year marriage for a second was a complete, complete, complete mistake, a mistake, because that you are complete idiots, you are completely. everyone is obsessed with their biathlon , you only shared living space, and no family, but he has changed a lot, oh-oh-oh, and i brought such
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a bouquet, and before, by the way, he never gave me flowers, at least you thank him she said, otherwise you didn’t say thank you to them before, it’s us, is dinner ready? thank you very much for dinner, but you know, i haven’t worked up an appetite yet, i’ve been working up, well, that ’s good, thinking about food when i’m around is a crime, yanochka, yanochka, yanochka, well wait, well, you know, i’m kind of- then i have well a state of inability to stand, or something, yes, well, let’s be in a sitting mode then, no, well... i just have sports injuries that hurt, yes, it hurts, something is pulling on my shoulder and my knee too, you
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sit and it gives, i feel , what oh, clicked, heard, yes, heard, let's look, here , yes, or here, i, i'm nachka, i, well, please, well, i beg you, well, let's get through all this, well, i don't.. .with the ability, and you know why you are not able, because you overworked yourself with mica, how to run with it like a carrot, so please, but as with me, so with your knees hurt, goodbye, ian, what are you doing, ian, i’m being honest with you, but...
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hello, hello, mm, it smells delicious, someone was preparing it, or what? well, like yes, oh, lyokha, what a wonderful evening we spent with you, also these flowers, a note, oh, my favorite chair, listen, imagine, but i left my half of the headset like that, well, not like that. to torture me with nostalgia, you just know, i can’t get around to buying new furniture, the same bullshit, lesh, your door is not closed, i
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forgot my phone, and why did someone mix up our schedule today, people, no, wait, what are you doing, people, wait , and that’s why you were clinging to me, or maybe your ex -husband, or maybe you were jealous, listen, i ’ll explain everything to you now, you don’t need to explain anything to me, i just can’t understand one thing, you why did you send flowers, or did you just build all this on purpose, to humiliate me? i swear to you, i didn’t send any flowers, i didn’t write any note either, i give you my word, we have nothing serious with yana, yes, of course not, where did you go, you ’re the one i’ll go, and you stay, you lyokha needed please, the second grade is not a brother, and you are incorrigible, this cannot be cured , you still had to listen to your mother, listen to your mother, we are in the third grade, don’t... listen, what’s wrong with you? so you came for the phone number , well done, well done, but your plan is stupid, roman
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stepanovich, there are only idiots all around, yes, and only maniacs send me flowers, but it doesn’t matter, i’ll sleep with the first person i meet, then you’ll jump, but that’s okay, i said everything , but i can’t calm down, but can i really sleep with the first meeting? humiliate yourself for the sake of a big dream, you gave are the kings going to meet the princess tomorrow? hello, morozova 17, drop off, sit down,
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it’s straight here, and then to the left, yeah. and i ’m ruslan, lyudmila, why is it so late, ruslan, you like to have a blast when an opportunity arises, and this is someone else who ’s crazy under the car, with vegetables in the intensive care unit, there’s no desire to lie down.
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yes, it’s normal, it’s already healed, it hurts, no, but you’re cute, you were, now you’re generally handsome, come on, hold on, i’ll go to the bathroom for a second, and then i can treat you to tea, thank you, well, in general, feel at home.
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it's just the first person you meet, one night, i'll never see again. ran away or what? didn’t run away, but i see you really feel at home, i haven’t seen such a useless kitchen for a long time, why do you need it? not here, i’m playing table tennis, but
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will you have some tea? i have a better suggestion. and wow, what is this, i had everything, i thought i had nothing, and i ’ll scratch the bottom of the barrel, and what are these carrots, mm, delicious, okay, we’ll assume that we’re even, let’s get home , three antiseptic patches, costs exactly 720 calories, where does such accuracy come from, and accuracy is my strong point, yeah, that’s where men come from knows about calories? and the man works as a cook in a cafe, our establishment is small, not popular, but the food is delicious, what is your favorite dish? listen, let's not, otherwise it's so close to your favorite color and movie, my favorite color is the orange movie, this one, it's like an alarm clock, yeah, it's time for you to get up, sleep, sports mode, ordinary
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people, they get up on the alarm clock, athletes they also lie down, yeah. seriously, do you need to sleep? well, in an amicable way, yes, i got the hint, thank you, it was delicious, are you leaving, or you can stay, otherwise the metro is already closed, i would stayed, no question, stay, stay , in the bedroom over there, no, don’t worry, i’m here on the sofa, on the sofa, the service is like... for speed, more questions, yes, you have a tv kitchen, if you have any questions, ask you have a minute, then i fell asleep, the athletes fall asleep, the first aid kit in the bathroom, the tv remote without food, the gun in the trunk, with the racers you are not afraid, you know up to the minute when you fall asleep, who are you, terminator , so there are no questions, yes, this is a rifle, not a gun, rifle,
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people, lyuda, are you sleeping? good night, terminator,
2:58 pm
ugh, ugh, the men and i, very often we like to go out, stop, stop, now. let's open up, let's, here, ugh, but there is an unspoken rule of women, that is , of course, don't take women with you fishing, because they're chatterboxes, and fish, well, you know , don't like noise, and they're always lovey-dovey , is silent, and she is so silent that you don’t get tense with her, that’s why we always take her with us, alexey, yes, how did you meet people? "she knocked out good skis for me, so i stayed with her out of gratitude, just a joke, yes, well, to be honest, we were 17
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years old, carefully, well, casually, so to speak , we knew each other, carefully, hello, hello, bye, bye, well, she’s the kind of person who would never ask for anything for herself, but she will do everything for others, here she is, go to my coach, tell him, why is it that you are running straight on such bad skis, and you know that he can run better, then they gave me good skis, and i the city came running first, alexey, how did you break up mica, and he, he forgot, lyosha remembers only the good one, yes, lyusha, yes, listen, let me i’ll answer all your questions, i have... fresher information, now i’ll change the point, let’s work, come on, what is people’s favorite dish, ishnitsa with black bread,
3:00 pm


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