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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 10, 2024 5:05pm-5:36pm MSK

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quickly move to threatening directions and, if necessary, inflict fire on saboteurs and illegal bandit formations. and this is the last news for the moment, see you at 19:00. ready for an exciting adventure through the cities of belarus, on the banks of one of the cleanest rivers in europe and in the second most populous city of belorus.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of especially important events, live broadcasts from the field events, current ones. interviews with famous
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belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands , germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania. serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus.
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68% of people, according to internet sources, use it for work. 21% for entertainment , only 9% for education, although the person who first spoke about its creation saw it as a tool for schoolchildren to study the world, but more on that a little later, today we will talk about one of the most powerful scientific inventions of the last 50 years, about laptops, this... project science is nearby, my name is ekaterina beretskaya. hello, don’t change the tv channel for the next half hour and you will find out. a portable computer the size of notebook, who first started talking about
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creating laptops and, most importantly, for what purposes it was needed. why the first models did not become popular and how they are created today. laptops in our country, great program report. the assembly process is quite complex, it involves approximately 70 people. the first laptop was more like a suitcase and weighed 11 kg. let’s learn about the history of the creation of one of the most popular gadgets today together right now. the idea of ​​creating a flat screen computer without a huge amount of wires, so that children can easily use it while studying, belongs to alan kay. the american voiced his thoughts in 1972 at
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a scientific it conference and for the first time uttered this word: laptop, implying that the device should be no larger than a notebook. the ikea idea could not be fully realized at that time simply due to technical capabilities, but in 1973 the xeerox company, where alan kay worked, assembled the world's first laptop. of course, this version of the pc was extremely far from the one we were used to. the computer was heavy, 11 kg and small, contrary to hopes, it did not become child-friendly, and often these laptops were called luggage laptops, because in... outwardly they resembled suitcases. an easier version was invented in 1981 by adam osbron, an englishman who lived in the usa at that time. but due to a marketing mistake, the company announced sales of the next laptop model. because of this, people
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didn’t buy the first option; they were waiting for a new product. so the company went bankrupt literally within a year, so the name of the creator is not heard, but it is well known in the business. circles, there are even the term “osborne effect”, which describes the situation of the ruin of a company at the very peak of its development. and a year later, in 1982 , at the request of nasa, william maulkrich creates the first laptop, most reminiscent of the current laptop. this device was used only by astronauts. it never went on sale for free. and until the end of the eighties of the last century , laptops remain. rather expensive exoticism, but already in the nineties, gradually a variety of companies came to the format that we are all familiar with, the form of a book. weigh the laptop became no more than 5 kg, the memory capabilities are much more serious than those of the first models. they could store information of
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no more than 100 kb. it’s just that today any photograph hangs more. and the brains of these laptops began to work much faster, since in 1900, in the nineties , intel introduced the first specialized processor for mobile personal computers. by the end of the nineties, laptops could already work for 3-4 hours without recharging. and in the first decade of the 20th century, specifically on january 15, 2008, steve jobs demonstrated a laptop model that he literally took out of an envelope, the gadget was so thin. however, that model is due to its high cost. and the people's weak productivity disappeared. steve's company corrected the mistake at the end of the same 2008, releasing the first people's favorite. a thin laptop with high performance at an affordable price. this moment is considered to be the beginning of the era of modern laptops.
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well, i'm offering it right now. this year you launched a new laptop from the hbook mac 4 series. tell us what is special about it, what are the technical characteristics? this probably worries everyone who knows a little about it. the main feature of this model is its accessibility for consumers of the belarusian market and cis countries. this model also has many technical characteristics that can compete with famous brands. such characteristics as a front camera of 2 megapixels, as well as screen diagonals of 14.1 and 15.6 inches,
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there are also such characteristics as irish graphics and a dts audio system, and this model is just one of several models of a given series, that is, a line, yes, yes, that is. there are several models in this line, which differ in various configurations, such as processors, these are i3, i5, i7, ram, solid-state drives, how is everything good with the memory of our laptop in terms of volume? yes, our factory ram ranges from 8 to 16 gb, however, since this memory is soldered, then... before our interview with you, the audience told
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a little history questions, yes, the first laptops weighed 11 kg, how much does our belarusian one weigh? laptop? our laptop weighs from one and a half to 2.5 kg, that is, light, yes, good in technical characteristics, with good memory, but if you want to tell us more about the filling, what ’s belarusian about it, i understand that... well, let’s probably , let’s see how our belarusian laptops are created, my
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colleagues have already visited the production site and are ready to show and tell us everything. it only takes a little more than a minute to assemble a laptop, but only before that the main components must be ready, some of them are created at the computer equipment factory. which is part of the horizon holding and some are purchased , first we receive components, from these components we produce the laptops themselves, that is, the assembly process is quite complex, approximately 70 people are involved in it, that is, these 70 people produce this laptop from start to exit to the finished product products - 65-70 seconds. it all starts with incoming inspection; this stage already
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guarantees that no defects will enter the new product. the conveyor specialists select a supplier for the battle, let’s say, that is, they look at the quality, then they let it onto the conveyor, and people collect these nodes step by step. that is, each employee has a specific operation. the brains of the computer are the motherboard, a wire connects it to the display, the matrix is ​​inserted
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into the case, in which a webcam and microphone will be built in. the display is connected to the laptop using hinges, and the last stage of assembling the upper part of the laptop is pressing a thin metal frame around the display. the bottom of the laptop includes speakers, a motherboard, a fan to keep the computer from overheating, and memory, wi-fi and bluetooth modules, of course, battery and keyboard. after the assembly itself, as the two halves of the laptop are assembled, that is, the keyboard display itself, a process occurs. docking, that is, after the docking process , it is put for testing, to determine glare in a dark room, and, accordingly , output control, that is, specialists, just like at the input, look at the complete set and performance of this
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laptop, if everything corresponds, they affix tc stamps and finished products come out. how testing a laptop is a long stage , for example, just to check how the computer opens and closes, and whether anything in its operation fails during this time, it takes up to a month and after that the products go to the warehouse, the last place in the factory, after which the new laptop will be delivered into the hands of the consumer. you watch the science project nearby and don’t miss it. in the final part of the program, why exactly blue, we’ll talk about the design of the new belarusian laptop, we chose blue for a reason, because blue is the color of cornflower, and cornflower, like everyone else do they know that this is a symbol of the belarusian people, what is currently in development at the domestic manufacturer of laptop computers, and
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why even in the modern world are laptops, tablets, smartphones? it’s definitely not worth using in the program after a few minutes. we will take a tour of the main enterprises of our country. there are a number of blocking positions: the automatic control system will stop the workshop if there are any deviations in the work of the workshop.
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achievements and results of work, the difference between our equipment is that they very great opportunities, this is knitting in a regular way, these are wide design possibilities, we are the only company on the eec market that carries out the deepest processing of raw materials, we produce resins from the produced autolevanhydrides, resins produce the final pigmented varnishes , paints, about belarusian organizations, about the people who are there are working in the project, a quality mark, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. for those who have just joined us, i’m telling you that this is a science project nearby, and today we’re literally analyzing it scientifically... laptops in particular the belarusian novelty , it’s worth a separate mention, ekaterina, let’s talk about the design of the new one, the blue color, as i understand it, for our laptops this has already become a tradition, a classic, yes, at the moment we chose the blue color for a reason, because the color blue - this is the color of cornflower, and cornflower, as everyone knows, is a symbol of the belarusian people, friendly, hardworking, beautiful. exactly the same as our laptop, but - there are no technical problems in terms of color, we can make this laptop any color, that is - i know that your company, for example, we are ready to make televisions, including transparent ones, and are probably already making them to order, that is, you are also ready to make laptops to order, well
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, it’s quite realistic if there are such orders, i think we will be able to satisfy consumers. what are your plans, because, well, you surprise belarusians and not only belarusians with enviable regularity with your new products , are you probably planning to surprise you with something again in the near future? of course, at the moment we are trying to increase the share of manufactured products to 20% by the end of the twenty-fourth year and by 50% by twenty-fifth year, but this should not affect the quality. our products, but this is not only our only plus, we want to show you the release of a new #book in the near future. pro, which will surprise everyone with design variations and also technical characteristics, that is, pro will be even more powerful, yes, even better, intrigued,
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ekaterina, thank you very much, good luck, still, even if sometimes, it’s worth putting modern gadgets aside, at least in order to pick up a book. yes, any work today you can download a paper book to a tablet, but not just one screen, you must agree. will not replace, especially if we are talking about real cultural monuments, books of historical value to the nation, and there are a lot of them in the presidential library of belarus, which turns 90 this year. my colleagues have already congratulated the heroes of the day. the constitution of 1927 in four languages, here on the coat of arms. we see the presence of the belarusian language as the titular language, of course, all the documents by which one can see how belarusian statehood became, in
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our days can be read and even held in the hands of the presidential library of belarus. our main task is to inform the authorities, the entire vertical of power, from the head of state to local authorities and self-government, this is our priority user, that is. for them, it is we who work as an information and analytical center, but nevertheless we are available to all users; according to the code of culture, we provide the right to free use of information to all citizens of the republic of belarus, regardless of their place of residence if they have a passport and have reached the age of eighteen, that is, absolutely any adult can visit the presidential library on weekdays. when a reader comes to the library for the first time, he signs up, this is the first thing he does, he signs up in our reading room, or on a subscription, he receives a library card, and like in all libraries
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and in general any information center, we have a lot of information , in order to navigate it, of course, he needs to turn somewhere, and he contacts our information and reference service; a bibliographer helps readers navigate this sea of ​​information. firstly, this is our electronic one. a catalog, an electronic catalog that the library itself creates , in the electronic catalog we have both books and analytical records, that is , newspapers, magazines, collections, some monographs are signed, so there are a lot of records, we have to help the reader somehow find these records. in addition to the electronic catalog, there are various electronic collections, databases of their own generations, and also databases which when... we are creating a database of legislation of the bssr, this database currently contains more than 42 thousand
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documents, it is full-text, everything is digitized, and full texts are presented, full texts in all state languages, for some time, in our the state had four official languages, this is hebrew, this is polish, belarusian and russian, for some time now... there have been two languages, so all documents are presented in two languages, you can use these documents on any computer. use this data you can not only in the library itself, but at any other point, the main thing is that you have access to the internet. speaking about the library website, i would like to note the following: a global revision was carried out, which managed to integrate our electronic catalog with internet search engines. 15 million documents were indexed , and such stuffing was done on the internet, thanks to which the user, without going to our library’s website, has the opportunity to order a document, that is, he searches for it on the internet
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through various search engines. of course, the presidential library is a center of innovative technologies; the global web30 trend is also being developed by us to create a semantic social-intellectual network. for this purpose , a script module was developed, thanks to which a semantic search is available through an electronic catalog for documents in the public domain.
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bills, again, all this information can be found in electronic form, the legislation of the cis countries, which is such a database, deputies often use this database because when writing various bills, you often turn to the legislation of neighboring states, the experience is very interesting, how it is there, how it is with them, then some kind of comparative analysis is done, well, they also take it during rule-making, this is very... unimportant. it is convenient to work in this library for those who write scientific papers and master's theses. one of our main areas of activity is the linguistic support of all our subsystems, including our electronic catalogue. all our publications that arrive to our library, undergo intellectual processing. and we are creating a database of authoritative records that allows our readers to conduct intelligent searches, that
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is, as quickly as possible. to find the information they need as accurately as possible, for this we work in a belarusian machine-readable communication format, which, in general, is understandable and accessible not only to residents, one might even say, not only to our country, but in principle to the whole world, because it is being created based on brand, universal formats, each country has already developed its own formats, so we can safely say that our electronic catalog is our information resources, our library. can be used not only by residents of our country, in principle, but also by residents of the world. from authoritative records, the reader can not only read the information he was looking for, but also learn additional information about the author, and spending a minimum of time. initially, by looking at an authoritative record, our users can get minimal information about the object they are interested in there subject, as if to already know from the beginning, that
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is, what they were. pseudonyms, what this person did, that is, in what field of activity he worked, based on this he carries out his further belt, moreover, in any language, if this author wrote there in foreign languages, you will definitely have this information too, enough press one button, select one authoritative record, but the employees themselves call the fund of rare and early printed publications, which is about 70 thousand unique documents, the pearl of the presidential library’s collection. in the font old printed and rare publications are stored documents that certainly reflect the profile of our library, law, politics, economics, parliamentarism, public administration, they, one might say, these documents form the basis of the fund, but other areas of science are also represented in our library, as our readers say , we didn’t even expect that, for example, our library’s collections contain
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four collections in... and so that, again, the reader can get acquainted with real printed cultural monuments, the library organizes unique projects, one of the latest employees is preparing just in time for the ninetieth anniversary of the presidential library; it will be a digital archive of the sacred scriptures of various faiths. considering the fact that today our society is going through a rather difficult period caused by the processes of, so to speak, this global transformation of the world, now the issue of preserving our historical cultural heritage and passing it on to the future generation is very relevant, in this regard, for the year of peace and creation to my anniversary ninetieth year, the presidential library of the republic of belarus initiated the project spiritual heritage of belarus. the main goal of the project is to show the versatility and richness of the spiritual culture of our people. in connection with this project, an agreement has already been created
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with representatives of the belarusian orthodox church. church, as well as with the museum of the minsk cathedral mosque, within the framework of which, for subsequent scanning of our library , ancient kitabs, hamails, and korans dating from the 16th and early 20th centuries were transferred. scientists call the book intellectual trainer. when we read, according to the latest data from neuropsychologists, almost all higher areas of the brain are involved. this is an excellent prevention of alzheimer's disease, and it can be free, but it doesn't have to be. you can buy a book, for example, borrow it from the presidential library completely free of charge. of course, the advent of laptops has made human life easier in a variety of areas and has made it possible to quickly exchange data from various parts of the planet. however, in free time, modern neuroscientists advise putting gadgets aside.


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