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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 10, 2024 5:35pm-6:00pm MSK

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alzheimer's disease, and it can be free, because you don't have to buy a book, you can, for example, borrow it from the presidential library, completely free. of course, the advent of laptops has made human life easier in a variety of areas and has made it possible to quickly exchange data from various parts of the planet. however , during free time, modern neurophysiologists advise that gadgets from
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an approximate menu according to established standards should be developed twice a year, taking into account seasonality. teacher defectologist together sits with the child at the mirror and shows the child articulation gymnastics. a child, looking in the mirror, sees himself and his teacher. watch on tv channel belarus 24. hello viewer, my name is igor tur, this is my propaganda, let's begin. you know, as a pool journalist, in recent weeks i have been haunted by the feeling that the president has planned something very large-scale for 2024, and alexander lukashenko is right now thinking about how to most effectively implement it. and
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underline twice, with whom? there are, of course, obvious themes that make the coming the year is special because on the surface, these are elections of parliamentary deputies and local councils, plus the formation of the all-belarusian people’s assembly with its new powers and responsibilities, and what’s more, 2024 is also the year of preparation for the presidential elections, the year already next, but according to it feels like the head of state, as always, has some other global task for the state. thanks to everyone who devotes themselves without reserve to the most difficult work, to working with people, justifying the trust of millions of their compatriots every day. this is ours. way, way
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creation, a life-long road along which we walk day after day, i will say stubbornly how lukashenko decides to declare the year, of course, he is offered options, but most often, and i would even say always, this is precisely the personal decision of the head of state, in decisions at the highest level , it is very important to monitor their dynamics, we had a year of peace and creation, it was replaced by a year of quality, i repeat, this is a personal decision of the president, so even from this naming... certain conclusions can and should be drawn. peace and creation? let's stop first on the world. i will say, as i understand, the life of the state in recent years. for several years, the priority goal of belarus has been one simple one: to prevent combat operations, that is, war on our territory, and also not to involve our army, that is, belarusians, in the war. when there is some kind of global goal, a global strategy is created around it, and all the others are adjusted to it. any
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system, don’t even take it, even a factory, even a tv channel, even some school with a kindergarten, if the state has a priority goal there is the prevention of war, this goal, together with the strategy for it... the standard work of all elements of the state system is modified, somewhere more, somewhere less, precisely under this general strategy, and the main and usual goals of each element become temporarily secondary, because that the main thing is that there is no war. all this means is that the threat of war affected us all, no matter where we worked and what we did, you either noticed it or not, but it is there, or rather, perhaps it was. any war ends in peace, any threat ends with a decrease in its probability. lukashenko asked all of us in 2023 not only to help ensure peace, but to create. all of us, civilians, needed to create, precisely for the general goal of preventing war on the territory of belarus. our
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security forces were and are responsible for defense and peace, their forces are more than enough, but they, together with the commander-in-chief, needed everyone else to create, that is, everyone to work in their place for the benefit of... the country, for what? so that those who defend the external borders do not get hit in the back by the internal ones problems that could arise if civilians stopped creating effectively. now i will remind you of the last words of the president’s new year’s address; i am sure that the most important thing is at the end. may all our wildest dreams and desires come true in the name of peace and life. be happy, happy new year. alexander grigorievich very carefully approaches the text of each of his addresses, especially new year’s, every word is in its place, as there is nothing superfluous. the president does not say before the chimes: "may all your dreams and wishes come true." there are the words “the bravest”, and this
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greatly changes the wishes of the head of state. he wants the wildest dreams and desires to come true, and for them to come true, each of us must have them and be truly bold. now. i won’t be allowed to lie to hundreds of people with whom i was lucky enough to meet at various dialogue platforms in the past year to talk, i don’t like the lecture format, i’m much closer to questions and answers, and in both directions, and of course, i’m most often interested in what people have problems of complexity at their enterprises, in the regions and in general: we have a wonderful public administration system, moreover, it is the best in the world, because this system has a clearly defined strong leader. we have a strong vertical of power, because if it had been different, then under colossal external pressure we would not have managed as well in the economy as we did in fact, and so on, we have a lot of advantages, this is true, but nothing is ideal , we have enough disadvantages that we need to listen to, hear about, that need to
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understand what needs to be corrected or at least minimized, adequately, while understanding that it is still impossible to achieve the absolute ideal, that’s it... they won’t lie, i very often last year to people who talked about problems, about formalism , about the fact that on paper their enterprises have one thing for a beautiful report, but in fact it is completely different, about bosses who do not lead, but revel in power, i told them the following, as far as i understand what the president is doing now, guys, all these problems are great visible, clear, if they are systemic and not local, the head of state knows about them for sure, all these problems, they will be solved, will be solved, but we need to grit our teeth a little, wait, because right now the priority task is not to allow war, but let’s say, an ardent fight against formalism , against postscripts and red tape, and what we, of course , have, this interferes with the general strategy for preserving peace, but as time passes, all this will be dealt with very substantively,
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believe me, the end of last year, the beginning of this year, it seems that the time has come , on personnel thursday alexander lukashenko once again publicly says the following: we have a special year, so we will say: everything is honest and frank, so that by the next presidential election in a year we will not be reproached that we were fiddling around somewhere, spinning around, telling lies, and in general our power is not what is it not good for, well, as they are now starting to promote it, the year will be special, but your work should be based solely on the truth, no embellishment, sooner or later. i will notice this, i have enough leverage for this, and i have mastered this technique, i will say something important thought from afar: corruption , it is impossible to defeat it, there is not a single country in the world, neither now, nor in the past, nor in the future, where absolutely no one would steal or take
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bribes, somewhere the hands of corrupt officials are cut off, where -they are shot anyway , but victory over corruption is that point on the horizon that you will never reach, but you have to go in order to, we have a new term: to curb corruption, that is, to make sure that its level was not critical, not fatal, i’ll say roughly, acceptable. think mentally. a strategy with the goal of completely defeating corruption, it is wrong, because the goal is obviously unattainable, the correct strategy is to curb corruption, that is, to keep it at an adequately acceptable level, this is actually possible to achieve, the same applies to formalism with fraud, moreover, here there is a very important nuance: there are only two models of state economy in the world, this is a market planned one. the market system is built on the principle: whoever is stronger takes everything, the weak become economic slaves or they just die. the strong love the market economy very much, they have obvious reasons for this, but if the weak, after watching enough tiktoks
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, begin to love the market, the popularization of which is already paid for by the strong and rich, then they are , frankly speaking, idiots. there is a more equitable model, that is, a planned one, but nothing, i repeat, nothing is ideal in the world, everything has disadvantages, including a planned economy. i won’t say anything new when we have a plan and a goal that needs to be achieved according to the plan, and the goal is difficult to achieve, for... the one who has it must achieve, there is a temptation not to actually achieve it, but to draw up a report on the implementation of the plan in order to create the illusion of achievement, do we have this in the country, of course we do, moreover, it always has always been there will always be, this is one of the negative features of a planned economy , but as in the case of corruption, there are very different levels of this feature, if i write that i completed everything from the plan for the year, when in fact i completed 80 percent, then to begin with the decision will not be made that these 20% of my shortcomings are well ... someone will need it somehow finalize, plus the next year’s plan will obviously be raised for me, since i coped with
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the previous one, because progress requires ambitious and difficult to achieve goals, and i failed to cope with the last plan by 20%. by the end of the year, what will i do? i will again draw a report that everything has been completed, to this 20% another 15% will be added . morality, long-term fraud leads to the fact that every year the share of actually completed tasks in my drawn report decreases, but this problem... it means to me there will be wrong management solution. the problem is not new.
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over the three decades of his presidency, alexander grigorievich has encountered it more than once, just as he has solved it more than once when the level of fraud began to exceed the permissible level. i am sure that the current state of affairs in the country is not critical, but subjectively, a little more alarming, since the president speaks about it publicly, the head of state sees it perfectly well, but in solving any problem , everything has its time, right now. it seems that the general task is to prevent war, it is reducing its dominance, threats remain, of course, but the country’s defense system has been restructured and provides strategic guarantees , therefore, the opportunity to return to the original priorities has returned, alexander lukashenko speaks about this again at the meeting on the year of quality, and he says it very clearly, we must surpass ourselves so that this should not happen formalism and sloppiness. with all the positive things that we have and cannot be taken away from us, but sloppiness and
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formalism, they did something for show, noted, everything is fine, this should not happen and will not happen, i promise you that, therefore get ready for difficult, hard work right from the first days of this year, i am sure, and even i know that in recent years there have been those officials who, when tasks were not completed , drew up beautiful reports. the fact that everything was done, i’ll tell you straight, gave them a thrill, which, i’ll say it again, gave them the feeling that they had already grabbed god by the beard, the sea was knee-deep, and so on. as far as i understand the head of state, it is not recommended to continue doing this now; in recent years they have constantly thrown us some new priority goals: to save people during a pandemic, then to prevent civil conflict in our beloved country, then to resist sanctions, then to protect the homeland from war, everyone who... they saw plans without fulfilling them, but there was little time for them , or something, now the time has come, yes, we
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have been fighting the enemies of the state for years now, from among the fugitives, from among the hidden sleeper cells, this is all clear, but in my opinion, the biggest enemies for the state are nominally our own, but those who can't cope his tasks, but hides them behind beautiful reports and loud words about patriotism and homeland. in march 2023, in his address to the people, alexander lukashenko said one short phrase, which i loved with all my heart and tried to love with my brain, and this is a very different love. the context there was about international relations, but the phrase perfectly applies to everything. my dears, do not suffer from globalism. as a child, i read something very similar from bulgakov. the president declared 2024 the year of quality. what does it mean? the country will give high-quality economy, enterprises will raise the quality of products, all as one we will hit the quality of services with quantitative indicators. this all sounds, of course, beautiful and good, but as for me, the year of quality begins with something much less global. our
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slavic soul, of course, requires the accomplishment of feats, for the sake of them, what will go down in history, what we will... tell our grandchildren about: we will tear our shirt with an open visor, we will rush at the enemy, sparing neither him nor ourselves myself. but the most psychologically difficult thing for us, including me, is monotonously, methodically, calmly, but efficiently doing your regular work every single day, without visible global heroism, without expecting any fanfare, medals and other laurel wreaths, just doing your simple work efficiently, striving for ambitious goals, this seems to me , you need from us for... in 2024, if someone doesn’t know where to start, start with yourself, come to work on time and do your job very efficiently, we have come to a situation where we need to rise a step higher, and maybe two steps, firstly, they are pressing us from all sides,
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it will not be easier objectively, and secondly... we cannot stop, if we stop, decay will begin, as has often happened in the history of our state, and not only our state. alexander grigoryevich, an excellent historian and analyst, and also an intelligent person draws conclusions from his own mistakes, and a wise man draws conclusions from the mistakes of other people, and lukashenko is definitely wise, and about the danger of stagnation, he speaks very timely, and i, as a citizen of belarus, am glad be sure that... while standing he is not admits, he tells the officials in plain text that it will be difficult, but frankly speaking, it will be difficult for all of us, because he will force us to avoid stagnation. i was born in the eighty-ninth , i didn’t really see the big common homeland, but after reading a lot and listening to smart people a lot, i come to the conclusion that the soviet union was actually killed long before the ninety-first, and in many ways not by external enemies, but by stagnation, formalism,
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fraud and class inequality. people saw it all and wanted it. correct, but as they hoped for a new general secretary, for new party leaders, new programs, plans for congresses, and for the sake of a bright future they were even ready to perform feats and be heroes, the most obvious, to catch up and overtake america, perhaps simply defeat it, that is, they were thinking about something global, but it seems to me that in many ways a very simple thing would be enough, so that everyone in their place does their job efficiently and that the quality is ambitious and most importantly honest, a year of quality for... a very important year, not only for the country indiscriminately, but for everyone individually, it feels like the president is in everyone believes us, i propose that we all together not let him down, my name is igor tur, this was my propaganda.
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"we recognize you from the architectural memories of belarus from different eras and centuries. here we are familiar with the french baroque with elements of saxon embellishment. these palaces themselves are unpainted, great jumpers, byzantine architecture, i which had passed its hour with a grunt, yana sur'ezna swam to the stars , this is the name of the old russian style. let's look at their history and basic facts. gets cartouche, not looking at changes in time, wars, different penal codes, could acquire two heraldic plots. elkartusha gave such a softening just like a business card of sunny. uyaulenne, hto gaspadar, chy geta budynak. the pseudo-russian style
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is given to such people in their own culture, the theater as a center, public events in the city. in the twenty-second year, trade turnover exceeded $70 million, belarusian exports prevail over imports, we supply colin fertilizers, milk, medicines, and agricultural equipment. and all the best from belarus
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presented at the vietnam expo exhibition, where new contracts were signed. 36 belarusian companies presented their products. belarus and china will make a joint film, the parties have signed a corresponding agreement, what will the film be about and how are preparations for filming going? the film is a fictional one, it will be about the friendship of our two states. and, of course, about love. the scenario of the film at the finish line. now there is a preliminary casting of actors and selection of exteriors for filming. until january 2024, the main actors will be decided. news, analytics, expert comments and interesting facts. watch the program events on thursdays on the belarus 24 tv channel. we are the only ones in the world.
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i haven’t experienced anything serious or scary in my life. fascist foundations are very deeply incorporated into the very spirit of western civilization. that system that is collapsing, it included us in the mechanism of the robbery, but in the end i am convinced that we will win. project say don't be silent. don't miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. we do not have the moral right to live only for ourselves, we must look beyond horizon, we don’t have and never will have another home.
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african countries, as well as the arab world, latin america and asia, why are they ready and willing to work with belarus, because the leaders of these countries have deep respect not only for belarus as a country, but also personal respect for alexander lukashenko. belarus forced nato to hear itself as an instrument that is like... nuclear weapons are absurd, we are simply learning diplomatic, so-called etiquette from those who made the language of force a global trend, we have a new political line for the first campaign, in only supporters of the state line, only those for whom the words belarus and unity should enter parliament. sovereignty , family and peace are of decisive importance, step aside and do not interfere, no one is forcing anyone to do anything, for one simple reason, we are already the absolute majority,
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the propaganda project, watch on the belarus 24
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tv channel. navina stalitsy is broadcast live in the region volga myadzvedz studio, good evening!


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