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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 11, 2024 9:00pm-9:46pm MSK

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two easters, we are truly multi-religious and most importantly, no one ever asks us when hiring you what nationality or faith you are, let’s keep this, because , strictly speaking, this is our belarusian one.
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good evening, panorama is live, ekaterina tikhomirova is with you about the main events of this thursday. should there be an amnesty in belarus, what principles should underlie criminal policy? the president's agenda includes improving legislation on criminal liability. 5,500 plots, more than 12,000 electoral districts, one and a half months until the single voting day. we'll tell you about the progress of preparations, and whether there will be any in between. people's observers and dictatorships have come together in a difficult battle, the poles are preparing to say a decisive no to the regime, the only question is which one, how will the confrontation between tusk and duda end? my colleagues will complete the picture of the day. who can count on an amnesty in the anniversary year of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders and the upcoming changes to the criminal code, alternative types of punishment. the legislative innovation was discussed on...
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everything needs it, the prosecutor's office strengthened control over the implementation of legislation in the field of fire prevention, how people relate to personal safety and what violations were identified, together with the prosecutors , we learned from the example of the klichevsky district. details in the panorama report. president of belarus alexander lukashenko expressed gratitude to media workers and doctors. let's meet the happiness of a large friendly team that has shown high-quality coordinated work in the healthcare sector. good
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news for families with many children in belarus, the new size of family capital, how much the increase was and who is entitled to support, all the details will come soon. wow, how long will cathelion dance with the christmas star? festive balls were organized for ladies of silver age in all regions of belarus. who was united and what did this event give from the heart? let's share the details. upcoming amnesty from. changes to the criminal code with current legal issues today our president dedicated a discussion meeting in the palace independence. this year the amnesty will coincide with the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. invariably , the president's key demands are fairness and an individual approach. only those who have sincerely repented, have made full compensation for the damage and do not pose a threat to the country can count on pardon. every.
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the pardon commission will consider such a case individually. another question is the upcoming changes to the criminal code, we are talking about the proportionality of punishment for crimes committed. and here the trend is identical. the principle of justice must be at the core of everything. it is planned to review sanctions for less serious crimes. vilovna krasudskaya will tell you in more detail about all the proposed innovations. two high-profile documents.
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should have a difference, it will be necessary to look more carefully at women and children, at women with children, other categories of convicts, it is necessary to approach the issue of amnesty in a non -traditional way, it is clear that the bill will also be discussed and analyzed in parliament all sides, especially since a new composition of people with fresh views, ideas, and certain ambitions will have to work, but we must take into account the crime situation in society, pay attention to the shortcomings of previous amnesties so as not to repeat them. humanity is about the very gesture of the state to hold an amnesty on the most significant dates and events, about how they will determine who can count on it, our president
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always focuses on justice and an individual approach in this matter. if you accept comrade president decision on the preparation of a draft law on amnesty, it is proposed to base it on the structure of the law on amnesty of the twenty-second year, enshrining in it the following conditions: first: unconditional release from all types of punishment, as well as termination of preliminary investigations in criminal cases against persons who have committed a crime , not posing a great public danger or belonging to the less serious category of the following category of persons: minors, pregnant women, women of single men with children in under the age of 18, persons of retirement age , disabled people, the first and second groups, patients with an active form of tuberculosis, patients with cancer and those infected with hiv, veterans of military operations in the territory of other states, citizens affected by the disaster at the chernobyl nuclear power plant. in addition, it is proposed to reduce the sentence by 1 year for the following category of persons
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who committed crimes under the age of 18 related to the illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors. committed. corruption crime, by the way, right during the meeting its participants proposed expanding the category of those who could apply for amnesty, the president supported it. there are different cases in life, someone stumbled, there is also such a factor as a coincidence, so there must be a chance. one of the innovations , we offer this for discussion, comrade president, is a proposal to reduce the sentence by 1 year for women with many children, who have three or more children under their care, under... years of age, who have not been deprived of parental rights, who have been convicted of committing murder or causing grievous bodily harm resulting in death without signs of liability. it is planned to apply this initiative to about ten convicted women, there are 20 in total. this proposal is of
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a socially humane nature and is aimed primarily at the speedy reunification of mothers with their children. let me give you one example. convicted. tarasenko is serving a sentence of 6 years imprisonment for the murder of her husband, before his conviction his character was satisfactory, he worked cafe administrator, has a higher education, has three young children, is not deprived of parental rights, the children are in the care of their grandfather, she committed the crime during a quarrel over an unpleasant relationship with her husband, stabbing him once in the chest area. on the day of the crime, the victim grabbed his wife by the clothes, threw her on... smashed her head, snatched the phone out of her hands, did not allow her to make calls to seek help from leaving the apartment, after the crime was committed, she called an ambulance herself, and provided assistance to her husband before she arrived. first medical aid, well, why was she imprisoned at all, if she was defending herself, if her husband abused her, well, this is
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just one example, well, that’s why we need to fundamentally deal with each person, and not just free them or punish them, we are this. the principle of justice is generally a guideline for all government agencies and managers when making decisions. our policy is unchanged, the main thing is the people. therefore, the president always demands an attentive approach to human problems, be it a reception of citizens or any other appeal from a higher authority, what can i say, especially when it comes to human destinies? administrative codes in belarus have been updated, and now the criminal code is next. justice must permeate all criminal law and the practice of its application.
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that is, people hear, people understand, we just need to wake up and engage in practical prevention accordingly, let’s say, not just call a person and shake a finger near his nose and warn him, but practical prevention so that people understand that any a crime, any offense, will inevitably entail appropriate punishment. a number of articles are planned to be updated in the criminal code, we are talking about alternative sanctions for less serious crimes. when
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the sanctions in the article replace screeds and non-violent crimes there is nothing other than imprisonment, of course, it is very difficult for the courts to comply with the necessary principles of sentencing such as proportionality, individuality and fairness. therefore , in order to facilitate the work of the courts, the supreme court continued to adjust these sanctions, provide for mandatory alternative ones. composition in which such alternative sanctions can be introduced. the upcoming amnesty
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will take place in the year of the election campaign on february 25 on a single voting day; we will elect deputies at all levels. there are presidential elections ahead of us. alexander lukashenko has already indicated that the year will not be easy. there are enough people who want to shake up the situation from all sides, people naturally have questions about whether there is an amnesty, whether this will have a negative impact on our internal crime situation. on today , there is no forecast for the development of the crime situation in the republic.
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approach as bringing to justice through the judiciary, but
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first of all we need to look at who we are dragging to court, i think we have a lot of work ahead of us in this regard, we need to dig through this criminal code, maybe even other codes, especially as i say, that the situation in the country is characterized as normal in terms of offenses, therefore it is necessary
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in certain territories, so i want to be heard by the relevant district and city leaders, they know exactly who works for them and who doesn’t.
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do not apply amnesty to this category of convicts. following the meeting , the press secretary of the head of state told reporters how the president views the initiatives put forward, including in terms of changes to criminal legislation. it is important
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to emphasize two principles on which the entire discussion that took place throughout was based.
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with crimes under narcotic charges, and here the role of the commissions on juvenile affairs is clear, it is clear that the president is waiting for the strengthening of the work of these commissions, such a signal was given today, as for law enforcement agencies, there was the following emphasis, the same principles of justice, i have already spoken about them more than once, the absolute unacceptability of canes...
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how the campaign will proceed. by this moment, the stage of creating voting stations for the elections of deputies has already been completed. there are 5,411 sites created throughout the country. the largest number of voting stations was formed in the gomel and minsk regions (955 and 899), respectively. 870 in the brest region, 693 in the vitebsk region,
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the same number in the mogilev region. 602 in grodno. in the city of minsk 699. precinct election commissions will be formed no later than january 25. citizens of belarus, as well as citizens of russia permanently residing in our country, have the right to participate in voting. however, as for russians, they can only vote for candidates for deputies of local councils. to do this, you will need to present a residence permit. in total we will elect 12,624.
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we will have them, today there is a reverse communication from the cis mission, feedback has already appeared from the cis interparliamentary assembly. i would like to emphasize right away that we
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are holding elections for ourselves, and not for foreign countries. the function of any observer, including an international observer. this is the answer to the main question: did the electoral process comply with our legislation ? was everything organized in accordance with this legislation? a single voting day in belarus will be held on the 25th. february stipulated and early voting, it will begin 5 days before the elections, about the progress preparation and conduct of a single voting day can be found on the official website of the cec, as well as in instant messengers and social networks. elections are always a period of stress for countries. neighboring poland has been experiencing storms for several months now.
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well, i think it won’t come to that, i emphasize, because the people won’t allow it. and here is today's footage in poland, a political crisis and a head-on collision. at first
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, tusk’s supporters brought crowds into the streets, when in 2023 the democratic opposition seized power from the conservatives, changed the government, duda began a political a carnival according to the training manuals of our 2020. there were even political leaders who were arrested for corruption. for alleged corrupt officials, incredible, but true, and such reminiscent footage. warsaw prepared to suppress the dissatisfied: 300 police officers took to the streets of the polish capital. earlier it was reported that
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reinforced squads would be deployed near the building of the pre-trial detention center, where the former head of the country's ministry of internal affairs and his deputy are currently being held. organizers point out that this is a protest against tusk's government, a violation of his election promises. there are cries about political affairs, murder, freedom of speech.
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state, depending on this, how this rally will take place, if it takes place calmly, nothing will change, in the sense that the crisis will continue with some attempts to solve it, and i don’t really believe in the success of these attempts, and if there are any -violent protests, and, say, people will try to solve their problems and protests on the street, this can be fraught with very... serious results, one thing is clear, in my opinion, regardless of what happens, poland will remain very divided on two povsha. germany is picking up the chain of protests. the level of discontent among local residents is growing. the german farmers were joined by railroad workers. they demand higher wages and reduced working hours for train drivers. a strike is threatening.
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social crisis and civil war, and the protesters offer scholzeu his entire so-called traffic light coalition to resign, then peace will come to germany, and citizens will get rid of unpopular politicians.
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start of negotiations with ukraine, accession to the eu is puzzling amid the protests of german farmers, because german farmers are now opposed to the abolition of subsidies , tax breaks for the agricultural industry, ukraine's accession to the eu will lead to the redistribution of such subsidies and their reduction for other european countries. however, the allies are sending conflicting signals to kiev in brussels. a meeting of the ukraine-nato council took place. at which zelensky was promised 50 billion euros of assistance, although the ambassadors promised, not a single head of state confirmed the fact allocation of money. in search of support, the leader of the kiev quarter visited the baltic states. they promised amounts with large zeros, but not here and not now, ever. but the main donors, the independent united states and the european union, have so far refrained from even promising money for kiev.
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zelensky will soon have fewer of them. demanded that the eu restore the customs border in the east, brussels is going to extend the agreement with kiev on a free trade zone until 2025, but warsaw promises to block the decision. ecuador is at war with gangs drug dealers. the president of the country made this statement. the army police continue to confront the gang formations that have staged armed riots in the country. the army is given the right to open.
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details in the author's section menzeleva's table. the rebellion is especially dangerous and the country is in a state of war. a prison escape that turned internal. conflict after the start of hundreds of criminals, shootings, explosions, riots in ecuador delayed more than three pogroms attack, a step ahead. previously , the country's president planned a referendum in in which the key issue concerns the participation of the armed forces in the fight against organized crime. authorities against drug cartels, who will get the state in south america? let's look at all the political elements and put them in their places. this is the periodic table. hello. what
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is happening in the country, the territory crossed by the equator? the day before, a state of emergency was declared here. if you dig deeper, serious changes have begun in ecuador. occur in 2017, then rafael corea, who advocated independence, left the presidency countries from the united states and wanted to lead ecuador to a new multipolar world, but his followers changed course and turned to the right. and these are the completely logical consequences of aligning with washington. for a number of years, ecuador was part of a group of latin american countries that opposed the united states. developed an independent sovereign statehood, there was a bolivrian union, and the president of ecuador, corea, of course, a leftist president, a socialist, of course, did a lot to defend the independence of ecuador, now the situation is completely different, we see
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that the current president of ecuador is an absolutely dependent figure, this is the situation that has now developed, this is the impasse that ecuador is in. started talking about american politicians, a wave of riots swept through the prisons, and the leader of los choneros , nicknamed fito, escaped from the colony. the gang is known for daring crimes, as well as authority in the criminal world. the leader of the second largest gang, los lobos, planned to be transferred from prison to another place of detention, but did not have time. a riot began, and drug war captain picco also managed to break free. the head of the joint command of the armed forces of the republic said that the members of the criminal.
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walk, because indeed attempts - attacks could be, well, quite real, but i wouldn’t look at it like that, uh, how can i say, catastrophic, why? because this is the traditional political culture for this country, and it has already been experienced to a greater or lesser extent more than once, and most likely they will experience it again. and another question is, in whose favor will the new balance be? a wave of terror violence has swept through ecuador in capital.
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efforts of the state authorities aimed at quickly overcoming the current critical situation and restoring peace and tranquility both on the ecuadorian streets and in ecuadorian society as a whole. in buenos aires , what was happening was called a problem for the entire
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continent. argentina has announced its readiness to send security forces to help restore order. and the peruvian authorities deployed special police forces to the border with ecuador. the situation is criminogenic, the bosses of the two. powerful ecuadorian clans dared challenge the authorities. on january 14, 1944 , the village of alla, modern svetlogorsk district, was burned. the liberation of belarus was underway, the nazis, creating defensive fortifications, destroyed houses and burned villages. the remote village of alla has become a refuge for thousands of people. but the wehrmacht soldiers came, killed 1,758 people in a few hours, poisoned children with dogs, threw grenades at people, set houses on fire with flamethrowers, and burned old people alive. memoirs of survivors, interviews with witnesses, and archival documents formed
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the basis of the documentary film. this is a project television news agency on the eightieth anniversary of the tragedy. allah, ashes of genocide. on air belarus 1 and belarus24 today after the panorama. the telenews agency bel tv and radio company presents a documentary film dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the tragedy in the village of ala. alla: the unhealing wound of belarus, archival documents as opposed to modern lies. little lakes like that sparkle there, there, when they approached, it was frozen human fat, the destruction of a village in the swamps, you will witness the torture and atrocities of the nazis from the lips.
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the bell tolls in alea. 1758 shot and burned people, known and unknown victims, wehrmacht soldiers. germany still believes that wermuh did not commit a crime in the occupied territories. documentary. ala. ashes of genocide. on
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air belarus 1 and belarus 24. january 11, after the panorama. from the heroic past to scientific achievements. the brest region days started today at vdnkh in moscow. according to tradition, the grand opening took place in the belarusian pavilion. those present, and these are diplomats, governors, ministers and ordinary passers-by were able to learn about the best there is. in the region, this is the bresse fortress, the legendary citadel, which was the first to take the blow of german troops and forever became a symbol of the courage and fortitude of the soviet people. belovezhskaya pushcha, also called the lungs of europe, has more than 2,000 giant trees and is home to the largest population of bison in the world. by the way, the famous russian actor andrei merzlikin, who is with the brest region, spoke about the belarusian pavilion on his telegram channel.
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if there is such a goat, go to vdnkh, don’t walk around pavilion number 18, you will be happy. also at the exhibition you can learn about the scientific and innovative potential of the brest region. today it closely cooperates with almost all russian regions, producing and developing gas pipes and remote automation devices, led strips. joint projects are being created in industry and agriculture. the breska region in russia is, of course, associated with the breska
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fortress and belovezhskaya pushcha. the goal is to destroy this stereotype to show that the area is much more multifaceted, much more interesting, this is a unique platform for establishing these ties, not only economic ones, this is a priority, this is important, today brest has already appeared within the framework of a free economic zone, four new proposals for russian investments there, these are cultural ties, these are humanitarian communication is number one in our relationship. scientific cultural potential of vitebsk
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region. until july 3, presentations will be held in all regions of belarus. the priority is an individual approach to helping those who need it most. needs. the prosecutor's office is concerned about the problem of deaths and injuries in fires. as statistics show, the situation is disappointing. in just this short working week, the fire claimed the lives of almost two dozen people. as for last year, he died in a fire. situations and, as a result , do not take effective measures. this forced prosecutors to strengthen control over the implementation of legislation in the field of fire prevention. what is the situation in families classified as dysfunctional and how do people relate to personal safety along with
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victoria radevich learned from prosecutors using the example of the klichevsky district. we heat it in the morning and heat it twice in the evening. here's how much is enough.
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on behalf of the prosecutor general , inspections are carried out in regions with the most unfavorable situation in terms of compliance with fire safety requirements. security, the main attention is paid to assessing the effectiveness of the work of local executive and administrative bodies, internal affairs bodies, the ministry of emergency situations, other subjects of prevention, as well as the participation of public groups in the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations situations. as for the klichevsky district,
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as a rule, local residents approach the issue of fire safety consciously, pointed out the shortcomings, corrected them, however, there is still work to be done. as a rule, fires in the klichevsky district occurred due to careless handling of fire, as well as as a result of violations during the installation and operation of food heating. based on the results of inspections carried out by the district prosecutor's office, we have complaints about the quality of fire safety inspections, as well as individual preventive work with the population, especially with people who lead a social lifestyle, are not engaged in work, are prone to drinking alcohol, nine deaths, only in the first day after birth. in just this less than a week, according to the latest statistics, there have been twice as many deaths. this is not just a listing of numbers, but a shocking number of lives that the fire element carries day after day. the problem gets worse, including with the arrival of cold weather. the prosecutor's office gives an example. last november , twice as many people died as in october.


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