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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 11, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm MSK

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the tv agency bel-telerdiocompany presents a documentary film...
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occupied territories, documentary film ala, ashes of genocide, watch right now. to me. relatively recently in 2020 in
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memory of the village destroyed by the nazis. on january 14, 1944 , 1,758 people (950) , of whom were children, were shot and burned here in a few hours. we saw a shadow, a village, that is, a shadow of life that was and is not, because of wars, because of human stupidity, cruelty, it felt like it was silent, silence, moreover, the silence is not typical for the forest, despite the fact that...
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just the name of a civilian, but local officers who liberated these lands and did not know that their relatives were also buried in a mass grave, so flowers were brought to the memorial not only in memory about the liberators, but in memory of his relatives, his sons , his wife burned, and he jumped out,
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in the forty-first year, how many families lived there is no value, there is only a date, well, the number of the thirty- ninth year. over the course of several years, the number of residents could change, because children were born in families, old people died, with the beginning during the great patriotic war, men went to the front, so it is impossible to say how many people lived in ala, but it is known for sure that during the occupation the village became a salvation for thousands of people, it was located deep in the forest, getting here was extremely... difficult, except swamps, the ala river, it gave the name of the village. in winter, when there was severe frost, the river froze, you could come to the local residents without any problems, old people, women and children from the settlements of the parichsky and streshinsky districts flocked here. went they asked to go there from them, from the germans,
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and they had small children, so the yans asked to live with the people, well... of the third reich. in the south of belarus already by this time, many settlements were not living a peaceful life, but here the front stopped, the swampy forest area became a serious obstacle for the army . the wehrmacht gives the order to build a powerful line of defense, for this purpose houses in nearby villages are dismantled, some settlements are completely destroyed, often with civilians, terrible battles around, land was shaken by shells, soviet troops
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were recapturing every meter, people were waiting for liberation, because back on november 27 , 1943, the red army entered into shaky territory, today this is the city of svetlogorsk, she was pregnant, she had to give birth, he asked, let’s go into the forest, the nazis can kill, and the family , you, no, me, it’s not difficult, she ’s giving birth at this time, so they come into this house, this little child is raised on bayonets, they
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are all shot, they were in the forest, it was so hungry, they ate buds from the trees , they ate bark from trees, and to find something sesnoye... they went to the alai to find some frozen potatoes, some frozen cabbage leaves. on january 8, 1944 , the kalinkovichi-mozor offensive operation began under the command of rakosovsky. the 61st and 65th soviet armies were opposed by the center army group of the second german army. on january 11 , the yelsky region was liberated, the front was approaching aleya. the village in the front line was still surrounded by german troops. two.
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january 1944. the first of the red army soldiers to come to alu were those who served in 74 military construction detachment under the forty-eighth army and lay down before the general offensive.
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in which german soldiers combed the forest, looked for old people, women and children, and sent them to a remote forest village.
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perhaps the soldiers of the rear units of the german army knew about the upcoming massacre of the civilian population. it’s just that no one here has ever studied this story, so deeply, in order to put all the dots on what happened to this village. the problem is completely possible that they collected, so collection points were created, including and... since the autumn of forty-three , wehrmacht units began to create dozens of collection or distribution points where the civilian population was driven. young, healthy people are sent to germany for forced labor, old people, women and children, like unnecessary food, must still serve the wehrmacht before their liquidation. it was a general technique, that is, therefore , the creation of any obstacles for the rapid advance of the red army, therefore any methods were suitable. they didn’t go to any lengths, the front was close, and how to use it for cover, in order to leave under the cover
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of civilians, it was in their style, they drove people to their grandmothers and families, i don’t know whether they wanted them to germany or to azararichi . january 1944 became a kind of belarusian stalingrad for the army of the third reich. in the polesie swamps, as well as on the volga, the wehrmacht had an order that did not take a step back. hitler's soldiers left their loyal positions on their own. could after a failed attempt to use chemical weapons at the front, nazi germany is implementing a plan to use bacteriological instruments. the reich publishes a special brochure manual, where the algorithm of actions is detailed point by point, how to deport civilians, how to infect defenseless people with typhus, why young children are the most reliable shield against the advancing units of the red army. in places. the wehrmacht strictly followed the training manual, indicative from the point of view of reliability should have been the
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death camp ozarische, atala, about 30 kilometers away. the civilian population accumulates either in villages or in specially created sites, a dozen typhus patients are placed there to infect the rest. a war of extermination, the main goal of organizing a death camp. we were already there tephosnye. whoever is alive, there have already been thousands of corpses there in four-five days, and there is no way they are being transferred to a hell of a gala, a cramped pit.
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from one fire to another, everything, so what happened in ale: a remote forest village in the swamps, which was not even indicated on maps of local significance, today there are more questions than answers, unlike khadyn, the chronology of the destruction of which is established by hours, we reliably know the nazi units that dealt with the villagers, we can call them executioners, and the tragedy in ala, where 12 khatynias were destroyed in a day, we know practically nothing, nor what became... the cause of the bloodshed, not that, who committed a brutal massacre of the peaceful unarmed population. to date , no one has conducted a serious scientific study; our film is the first fundamental attempt to restore one 937 day of the great patriotic war in belarus, the day of january 14, 1944. in a few hours
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the nazis destroyed the jack 1758 people, this is the official figure included in modern historiography. the basis for the data was a document dated april 10, 1945, an act of the extraordinary state commission of the paris region on the atrocities of the nazi invaders, it says. quote. at 8:00 a.m. on january 14 , 1944, a group of german soldiers, unknown in number and military unit, broke into the village of ala, where the population was rounded up. other settlements of the village councils, blocking the village, set fire and shot people of any age, the corpses of those executed were burned, citizens were caught and thrown alive into the carriage. during the day of the atrocities committed in the village of alla on january 14, 1944 , only 1,758 people were shot and burned alive, of which 100 were men, 58 women, 950
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children, 200 old people . flock like the little ones with the little ones in their arms, like the grabenchyk at the galava , like everyone else is already flocking, like they are alive, only they are all black, so you take it, so you claw, so you flock, you claw, so i but i was sent, and so the evenings are inflated, with dusters. meager information, this is mainly information from the soviet side, that is , we have no german documents on the destruction, at least not available. there is another document marked top secret, but it dates back to march 1944 and is stored in the national archive of belarus.
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we read a memorandum addressed to the secretary of polesky, the regional committee of the communist party of belarus levitsky, the state of settlements liberated from the german occupiers for the second time. virgin ala, consisting of thirty courtyards, completely burned by the german occupiers, both residential and outbuildings . 20 people were evacuated from the population. the german monsters brutally tortured 1,200 people. in addition, 500 people were burned alive; in total, 1,700 people were killed by the invaders in the village of alla. after the war, investigative authorities were looking for people who miraculously survived the ala fire. their memories are the argument against it. distortion of historical truth. punitive detachments raided the village of ola, surrounded them, drove everyone out into the street, and built them in the column, then began to be divided into groups of about 50-70 people, closed in the building. afterwards, when everyone was locked up, they
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opened fire on the buildings, began throwing grenades at the windows and setting houses on fire. in the country where i was with my family. the german machine gun failed, at that time we broke through the door to the construction site and rushed to run, my family and relatives died, nine souls. on january 14, in the village of alla, the germans gathered up to 2 thousand civilians, children, women, old people, they locked everyone in a barn in riga and began to shoot. i, with my family, five children and a husband, ended up in the same barn with other residents. all 30 people who were in the barn were shot, including my relatives, with the exception of me and the child vitaly, who was wounded. at the moment of the execution, i sat down and those standing on me fell. in front of me was my husband , children, under the corpses i remained alive, then i ran away with my wounded child, after the execution the village was burned, whoever was there
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not far away, they said that there was a crowd of people, they opened the doors, he says, one grenade in one side, another grenade. here's the deal grenades were thrown into the barn, oh, how there is already a squeal and a fire, we are all, then one heap, then another heap, well, we are all here in this place, and the sparks are set on fire, and the roofs of the salamin step, lard, the patch is yum, well, the chicken and the lard, and the fire is already in the barn, a thousand-strong armada of wehrmacht soldiers, except for the military ones, came to the village...
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they tried to escape into the forest, it is very close, but few managed to escape, people were shot at, dogs were set on children. there was a cousin there, villager semyon from
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the village of sdodichi, they were in the last house from this house everyone started to run into the forest, and the germans chained up a shepherd dog, and he was the youngest, the last one runs, the shepherd dog catches up with him, jumps up, pushes him in the back , he falls, plunges into the snow, is picked up, he wants to live, he runs further, again the glass catches up with him, again he falls into the snow, and so on several times... but he reached the forest, he remained alive, because the german simply didn’t shoot, he regretted that he would shoot his fellow soldier. one of the versions of the reason for the liquidation of the civilian population in ala is that the wehrmacht took care of the killed soldier. bridge over the ala river, here in december forty-three, two young men killed a german, a febbel of the postal service. the village was a few hundred meters around the bend. the nazis did not forgive the murder of the soldier and carried out massacres against the residents.
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and a grandmother, a neighbor, was walking nearby , she says to this grandmother, you look after my children, and i will return home, and she fell to the most ardent fascist and said: i will go to my house and there i will burn with him, they mock me, pour gasoline on me , throw the match.
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stepped aside, he threw a grenade into the crowd of victims, he was amused by explosions, screams and moans people, the burnt woman became a symbol of the burned village, her name was oksinya kurlovich, the wife of the collective farm accountant, the grandmother to whom aksinya entrusted the children, alexandra dekun, the oldest resident of alla, at the time of the tragedy she was 110 years old. historians have an assumption that
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during the construction of a memorial to soldiers, officers of the 45th and 707th divisions, on january 14, 1944, all residents of the village of alla were herded into barns and set on fire. 1118 innocent villagers of alla died, can you give an account of your cruel actions? in the declaration signed roosevelt, stalin and churchel, the responsibility of hitler's fascists for the unthinkable cruelty they committed was indicated;
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the perpetrators would be found under... their circumstances , even at the ends of the earth and brought to justice. four nazis, two corporals, karl theodor stein and martin adolf lemler appeared in the dock. in the soviet orang report card they were equated with majors and the two highest military ranks, lieutenant general friedrich gustav berng, former commander of the rear district of the second panzer army, then the ninth infantry army, and general major adolf gamon, former military commandant of the cities of orel, bryansk and bobruisk, chief.
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one of the eyewitnesses, artyom ustimenko, fell. on january 14, 1944 , german units and the gendarmerie arrived in our village of ola, surrounded the village, this was at 8:00 in the morning, they began to set the village on fire, the population was driven into courtyards and shot with machine guns, and they also threw grenades at people. in my yard , up to 100 people were shot, civilians, including my relatives, the germans threw all those killed
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into... the fire, when my house began to burn, i managed to escape into the forest. on december 30 , 1945, at 11 a.m., the verdict was announced in bryansk. stein was sentenced to 20 years of hard labor. bernhard hammann , to death by hanging, the sentence was not subject to appeal, carried out just a few hours later, the execution took place at 15:00 on the city square of bryansk, years will pass in the world's only cemetery of burned villages in khatyn, it will be immortalized as an unregenerated village, but here...
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light, connections and roads. the village was considered unpromising and was planned for resettlement. in in the early eighties, the last resident of aly, vladimir dekun, left. for a very long time , the status of the village was not removed in memory of the tragedy, and only in 2014 the gomel regional executive committee removed the status of the village; before that, for 30 years there was a village of alla without a single house, without a single resident. today there are bells on the site of the barn in which people were burned in january 1940. 12 dumb one in... the number is not random, this is the number of villages whose inhabitants died in ale, ringing bells from horror. when they
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live peacefully here they resemble fruit trees, apple trees of the alla variety, crimson fruits against a snowy background, like drops of the blood of dead people, only at the moment of the tragedy, because of the blood, the ground was not visible. the snow melted from the flames, the blood froze like puddles. at the memorial in alla we see the names of the dead red army soldiers, but not a single name of a civilian. we do not know the names of the children who were not destined to become adults, the women who did not become mothers, and the men who never heard the laughter of their sons. research work continues, seven empty steles at the entrance, the place where the names of those executed will be engraved from those burned. to the praise of the people, 1758 taken lives will forever be inscribed in the history of the genocide of the belarusian people, this page has yet to be written by our generation,
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the former village, there was a tola, the nights weep, its gola-gala, then the angels cry for everything. and souls fly to heaven on wings, remember people, remember us, remember eternal children, the names we were not destined to rise up as adults, do not let the war happen again.
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all childhood. i painted myself on stage, and it was just such a dream, a dream of youth, a dream of childhood, but then medicine appeared, a family appeared, it’s cool when a certain magic happens during a session, when you are a child with behavioral characteristics, i can finally sit on a chair, when he looked up at you, when he told you...
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i always wanted to be a pediatrician, i entered the pediatric faculty at the belarusian medical university, worked for 6 years as a local pediatrician and at some point burned out, went to primary retraining, and there i already fell in love with the profession, now i don’t regret it at all. that i am a psychotherapist, but i miss pediatrics a little. hospital
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medical rehabilitation is a department for children with trauma-orthopedic pathology, this is a multidisciplinary department, where both cardio and gastropathology, pathology of the respiratory system, this is an ophthalmology department, by the way, in my opinion, it is the only ophthalmology department with inpatient stay for children. my work is counseling, identifying defects in a child, working with mothers, children come with requests, sleep disturbances, there are children who cut themselves, children after physical abuse, there are also normal children who have tics, stuttering, there are children who have frequent cephalalgia, with neuropathies, that is , this is not necessarily also... psychiatry, at the beginning
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of my practice i was very lost when children came, so very traumatized, because here the mother’s heart always begins to tremble, quite often it happens that the mother does not understand and does not accept a special child, and it happens that the child is absolutely normal, but the mother is attracted to some of his specific patterns of behavior, and this does not suit her, she, as they say, looks at the child through a narrow...
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their children, twice a week, but this is minimal, every day before concerts, and we have been dancing for a year and a half, we come up with dances ourselves, we come up with costumes ourselves, we come up with themes ourselves, what will we depict, so now i can already say that our the team... has established itself as a person
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, vera is very cheerful, very energetic , very, i would say, proactive, cheerful, with faith you can consult, you can rely on, and in some matters, in the day of work i am learning, now i am studying at the gestalt institute, a lot of time we spend time in nature, as soon as the snow melts , we have a river almost every day , we live on the river and also relax on the river, in the summer, as a rule, we spend the whole weekend spending the night on the river, water skiing, riding on bananas, on buns , in winter, tubing, snowballs , clearing the snow near the house, ice skating, this year this is the first outing of this kind, because while we were on vacation, the weather was good, we spent it at sea, now yes,
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we go out and i also plan to spend the weekend like this, my family is very supportive, my husband is very he is proud when i have some achievements; when there was a question about retraining for this 4-month period of being away from the family, he staunchly supported me, for which i am very grateful to him. beloved, affectionate, cooks deliciously, kind to animals, cuddles, be kind, beautiful. and behave well, but would you like to nurse like your mother? but why? because she has a very cool job, my mother helps me a lot, this is something, she can sometimes support, sometimes punish,
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she is very kind, purposeful, i love her very much, i know her from the outside, how loving wife,
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hello, the program say don’t be silent is on air, tatyana cherbina and svetlana smolonskaya are in the studio. and today our guest is our colleague, head of the main directorate of internet broadcasting of beltelerokpania, television journalist alexander khorovets. hello, alexander. hello colleagues. we are glad to see you in our studio. alexander, you are a graduate, i’m not afraid of this word agency. news, where you went from a person who accidentally ended up on television, you talked a lot about this, who went to the editing room for 3 years, that is, well essentially he was an editor, fall, don’t interfere, work. correspondent, and then the head of the reporters department
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, i personally took the appointment of you, a 100% information specialist to the position of head of the internet broadcasting directorate , unexpectedly, it seemed to me that television is yours, yours, you will never leave it, but how did you react to such a turn of fate? oh, listen, this is a very interesting story, i still have a picture before my eyes of how - chairman ivan michael chaismand invited him to his office, looks at me with such cunning. in lenin’s way, yes, in lenin’s way, and he says, sasha, i have an idea, i don’t know how you’ll react to this, but i want to offer you something new for you. and when he announced that there was a vacant position in the internet broadcasting directorate, i saw there...
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in advance today i will say that at that time it was primarily a challenge for me, i can’t, but when i come, bring it come on, don’t bother the boy, go to the tv news agency, well, that was a long time ago, that was a long time ago, yes, well, i feel exactly the same way i put it in the place when ivan mikhailovich suggested it to me, why not, well, i have to try it, come on, it’s clear that for me it was a dense lestmakani and i didn’t understand what it was at all. well, did you figure it out in the end? in the end, well, it seems to me that there is still a lot that i need to learn,
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of course, but the desire to learn, it is present, well, the thing is that some of our colleagues, and in principle any ordinary person, have an idea of , what is it, there is a directorate of internet broadcasting, well, what is it, there is website, let’s say, yes, the website broadcasts online, say, tv channel belarus 1, everything, what are you doing there anyway?
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viewing, but the views did not go away, on the contrary, our new readers came to us, visitors who know our site are looking for information there,
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in addition to all this, naturally, the most important button of the country is located there : belarus one online broadcasting, then belarus 2, belarus 3 , belarus 24, ntv, belarus, all these buttons are included, let’s say, in a single internet resource, where viewers can watch tv on the internet. this is the first thing that exists yes, well, of course, the site is constantly filled with news, at least 100 news a day on our tvr news feed, yeah, and this, if we are only talking about the tvr website, in addition to news materials, there are all the projects of the belarus 1 tv channel, agencies news teller, all the projects there are presented very widely, we describe the whole thing, it was all there. always just now we have changed a little the concept of presenting information that goes on tv to the website, by the way, i noticed
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a recent trend, what if before were placed in
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the link answers, yes, in general, you outlined a very wide range of work and the most important task is that the tv audience and the internet audience are two different audiences, and this, of course, is the first thing i had to understand when i came to the main internet directorate broadcasting, and accordingly , information there needs to be presented in a completely
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different way, unlike tv, yeah. somehow we agreed that this is a video hosting with elements of a social network, video hosting, a social network, well, we since there are comments and people communicate with each other, but it is clear that the belty radio company has the largest youtube channel - this is a television news agency, where today there are already more than a million 80 thousand subscribers, i note that these are all real subscribers, there is not a single
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cheat, here if we take instagram for example. there people watch more videos and pictures, yes, if we take the vk or ok audiences, people there still read more. by the way, do you know how many subscribers we have on insta in belarus, this is one of the largest networks in belarus, there are about 3 million, in tiktok there are 3.5 million, in odnoklassniki there are 2.5 million, in vk there are also 2.8 million, but the first place is taken by youtube, there are also more than 3.5 million, well, interestingly, of which there are more than a million on the youtube channel, you understand that on the youtube channel it’s not only belarusians, there are also russians there, alexander, but you said that the audience is television and the internet, it is different, so even if we take the tv channel belarus 1, we know , that we, well, let’s say, even the audience of our project is 50 plus, and some more
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time ago just ah... at the start of the new television season , the chairman of belteleradiocompany ivan mikhailovich eismand was our guest , he said that even in the conditions of a tough blocking fight, our internet platforms, in general, show good results with millions subscribers and views. let's listen to what the chairman said. recently, there has been development
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of the website, and of the television and radio company, of all the projects that we post on the internet. blocked, like blocked, it was written that recently on one of the platforms they created a channel , their own page, and posted a certain number of video files, they were all well, we are not blocking you, but they can watch you , well, here is one of the most recent examples, we are only your subscribers, this was done right away, with us there are four subscribers , that’s how it works, the same with the youtube channel, for example, of agencies, i know where there are already subscribers and people from abroad complain that they cannot download videos from there, they don’t throw them away trends and so on, well, there is a tough fight going on, but despite this we have wonderful results, the company
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has 2.5 million subscribers on our platforms, 5 million views of our videos every week, this is almost comparable to television broadcasting, we recently created a sports website sport 5by, already 600 each. thousands of visits weekly, this is a wonderful result for a portal that has just been created, this is just the beginning, we will continue to develop, there will be more surprises for our opponents, as for our main site, everything is still in progress, well, the numbers you have already voiced some, we hit all our numbers by the end of the year, and the company currently has more than 3 million subscribers on all social networks. this is not only the main directorate of internet broadcasting, but also belarus 2, belarus 3, belarusian radio, by the way, they also work very well there, there are a lot of subscribers and international radio belarus, by the way, also with good numbers, especially they
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began to translate their the material is very good , subscribers and views go there, so yes this is really all true, you are still faced with blocking, yes, constantly, constantly we are faced with blocking, well , it won’t be a big secret, this is the last time we were blocked.
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and then he said the same thing as putin said, if we are not on this internet, then why do we need such an internet, if we are not on this internet, then why do we need such an internet, answer us as specialists, so we will
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create our own sovereign internet, let's let's dream, think about whether this could happen in the near future, whether this is necessary part of me i don’t agree with ivan mikhailovich, i’ll explain why to create your own internet... firstly, it costs a colossal amount of money, it’s just trillions of dollars, yes, but we’re not talking about the cost now, yes, let’s say we have it, and we we create this internet, and...


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