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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 12, 2024 4:20am-4:51am MSK

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i don’t even know what they sell , so it’s better to come to the nursery if you want to be guaranteed to get a flowering reed island of a certain variety, everything came, bought, came, brought, yes, took it out of the pot, dug a planting hole, that’s how the reed was sitting in the pot , yes, this bush is at this same level, it needs to be planted in the ground, not deepening and not higher, evenly sprinkled on this, and watered, scorched abundantly, and in general the most important rule in order for all plants to survive without exception is abundant watering , so that... there will be a feeding system, that's all, and once a year, then prune, and once a year, cut back, let's return to the house for a while to warm up and talk. katya thought about her husband so often that it became clear that for her this was not just her husband, the father of their children, but someone more. how did you meet your husband? enchanting. it was at a disco in the village, not very far from here, by the way, and his friend wanted to invite me to a slow dance, and he told me something at some point, i decided that i didn’t want
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to dance with him and i decided to babank go and i invited the first guy i came across, well, it turned out to be my husband, that’s how we met , we invited, they say, invited, so invited, at a disco, because at that time you were still living somewhere there, yes, that is, it was an ordinary disco or did you go there on purpose, it was a disco at my grandmother’s in the village, i was born and raised in minsk, but i came to my grandmother, or rather not even to my grandmother, to my great-grandmother, well, they came there, here are the new guys. la-la-la, we, of course, yes, right there, and they too, they’re like, they were they local, or did they also come to their grandmothers? my husband came there from his village, let’s say, he is not a city resident, he was born and raised in the village, so, they came there just to a disco, what role does your husband play in your life now, can you say that here he is such, well, the ideological inspirer of everything that we see here, yes, absolutely, you know, speaking seriously, we even talk to each other, on... i
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tell him that oleg, you need to take care of yourself, you, if that you will grow up to have three children, i hardly or, well, of course, probably the most important one, he is now a support for me, and a friend, and a girlfriend, when necessary, he plays a huge role in my life, of course, everything is clear with you, landscape design, love and passion of all life, what my husband is doing now, what he lives, what he lives in, he designs houses, yeah. instructions , designs furniture, makes furniture, well , he’s such a well-rounded person, he’s into cars, he likes to take them apart, put them together like a lego set, change some kind of engine, but this is more of a hobby for himself, that is, he also has a garage in which he goes on weekends, but what a garage, it’s a whole garage in the yard, clearly, if it weren’t for this husband, your life would have turned out the same way it is now, 100% no, i would never in my life risk building a house alone.
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in the best case, probably in my apartment , that’s in the best case, but i definitely wouldn’t have decided to move out of town and live outside the city, if there had been a story with landscape design, or it would have been some completely different sphere and a different life, with landscaping i think that there could still be a story, because i always liked it since childhood there, because i remember very well how all my girlfriends, while at my grandmother’s in the village, were going to a disco, putting on makeup, dressing up, and i was elbow to the ground , and it was a good thing i couldn’t be pulled out of there, it was already getting dark, and i was still there, that is, at that disco where you invited your future husband, you were up to your elbows in the ground, well , i washed myself off, we’ll get back to talking later, but for now i want to continue getting acquainted with the interesting places of katya’s garden, i so i understand that this is some kind of complicated tree, since we ended up here, oh, for us this tree is actually a relict, it’s... our tree
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that appeared on our site, that is , in fact, it all started with it, we bought this little one , tiny , in some kind of nursery, i don’t remember which one, in a pot, we planted it as our first tree, now we will have it as a christmas tree, we will decorate it for the new year, and an accent tree, so it’s the same itself, there it is highlighted in the tree trunk circle, now it’s not visible under the snow, but this is our first christmas tree, it’s a spruce, the hoopsie variety, it’s considered one of the bluest spruces, right? well, the truth is, the color really looks like it’s artificial, as if you just took the whole thing from a spray and painted it like this, and what is this? by the way, this, this is the stick holder, this was originally tied to this to this christmas tree of ours, so that it grows evenly, because it didn’t break now, no, no, everything is fine, it should have been disposed of a long time ago, i’ll return it stay away, you never know, what if this tree was held up only thanks to this stick, it ’s unlikely, i trim it a little, it has this property, it can twist it a little on one side.
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my husband, as i understand it, well, he goes to work , in the sense of ho, well, in the sense, he you say, he deals with furniture, he does some repairs there, he designs houses, but that’s right, that is, he most likely goes to some objects, well , that is, he goes to work yes, she may not be in some office, she is constantly on the move , but she is there, and there are three children, they are all different age, let's say it again as
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15 years, the difference is 3 years, it turned out that this was not a specially planned action, well , respectively, 15, 11 and 9, i calculated correctly, yes, that is, in principle, well, that is, in principle already . the guys are quite old, that’s right, all of them are already school age, but they go to the same school, yes, it’s convenient, that is, they need to be taken there somehow, picked up from there , how inconvenient it is, how it happens with you, like with us is happening, well, first of all, our transport links are not the worst, but different since some regular buses don’t even come to us, this is such a huge stone in their garden, they simply may not come, unfortunately, that’s why there must be a car, and by the way, it was for us. a revelation that when moving out of town you should have two cars, yeah, a woman and a man have to be mobile, especially if there are children, well , somehow we team up with our neighbors, sometimes the neighbor drives, sometimes i drive, well, we help each other out, and to be honest, also when we moved to the village, i realized the value
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of having good neighbors, this is really for it’s so important to live in the city, and it’s so nice when you’re lucky with them, we’re very lucky, i’m very happy about all of our neighbors. while we were talking, i saw in the window a building of a very interesting shape and origin; naturally, such a find could not remain without my attention. so, if they hadn’t told me that we were here on the territory of a landscape designer, i would have thought that some kind of football fan lived here, but because what is this? well, these are our greenhouses, this is a greenhouse, we call them hemispheres, yes, not half-balls, but hemispheres, this is a greenhouse, i have a very cold , windy area, north-west winds, so i’ll use this field. we have it all the time both in winter and in summer, so i could n’t even grow enough cucumbers on my plot for us to have enough salad, it was negligible, so the greenhouses we have on our plot are a necessary measure, by the way, i just noticed how beautiful they are snowflakes, yes, this is a necessary measure so that we
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all have our vegetables katya, usually on the plots of some gardening partnerships and other things we find greenhouses that are created from what was, so i molded it from what was, and then what was... i fell in love, and some transoms, windows from trolleybuses, from dachas, from everything, here, well, it’s obvious that you don’t need to make from what was, why such a form? well, because this is at least unusual, because we don’t want to use what was, we had enough of it at one time, my husband is at his parents’, i am at my grandmother’s, we wanted to make greenhouses, that means to make them some kind of well at least interesting, attractive, and i really don’t care i wanted our garden area to look like this. it’s just like in the classic idea of ​​a vegetable garden, but i don’t want it, i’ve already had enough of it, i’ve seen enough of it, like everyone else, that’s probably why i wanted something interesting. katya , having already talked with you, i understand that probably your worst nightmare is that you wake up in the morning, leave the house with a cup of coffee, for example, and see an absolutely
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flat, leveled area, after that, like this you wake up in a cold sweat, go outside and realize what you have colossal difference, how much meh? no, this is not our path, firstly , the area itself, this one, it is located on the hills, so well , i definitely think it’s not worth turning something back, we are people, after all, we probably have to somehow we should probably take into account the local reliefs a little bit, too. to obey, well , at least not to break something, that’s what is initially good and beautiful, why? our tour of the garden is coming to an end, now we can continue our conversation without a twinge of conscience in a cozy, warm house, sitting on the sofa. well, what do you think, after all , children have no restrictions regarding if
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they live in the city, in addition to school friends, they may also have friends in the yard, friends in the area, i don’t know, friends in some section , a mug or something else, it turns out here. well, again, i could be wrong , correct me if i’m not, but they are limited, that is, all they can be friends with are just people from school who live here. i would, i would say that here the boundaries of the zone, and of this communication, are being expanded a little, that is, if there our guys are friends, let’s say in the city from the yard, here from the villages, conditionally, from the towns, but geographically they are more scattered, but nevertheless they want to communicate, they are drawn to each other for this communication, they take theirs, well a child will visit another child not for 5 minutes, but for 20-15, no big deal, it’s good if he’s visiting the eldest, the daughter... who’s 15, i understand correctly, in 3-4 years a guy from a neighboring village will come, half a mile away earth, but she won’t
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want to dance with his friend and will take the bull by the horns, as they say, she will invite this guy herself, they will go somewhere, how will you react to this? well, i will miss you, but it will be her choice, in any case, this is her life. 3 years ago were you still living in the city? yes, 3 years ago you were a full-fledged, such an inveterate city resident, you are a husband, family, children, everything. yes, but 3 years ago this situation changed, but what are you like now, so you looked back at these 3 years ago, when you were a city resident, what has changed and what kind of person have you become, what kind of person have you become? you know the first what did i catch myself doing when i started analyzing life in the city and life in the village, i realized for myself that i was here, living in the village i began to truly live, yes , i took off my heels, i put on dumplings, galoshes and... . ok, i see nature now, i see sunrises, i see sunsets, i see how
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spring, yes, is coming, then summer gives way, in the city i somehow didn’t notice this, first of all there are walls, walls, walls, walls endless, there is some very compressed space, people scurrying endlessly, cars, some kind of there is irritability, here it’s completely different, here life just slows down, and you live, you enjoy every minute, you seize every moment, that’s how it is. probably, in order to understand this, you need to try it, you need to move and feel it. well, my husband is as happy as you, yes, of course, well, it was a little easier for him, because he knew what he was doing, since he himself was born and raised in the village, for me it was something like that, like that that’s interesting, i never thought about where i would live in the city or in village, it just somehow happened that way, we made a decision at one time that, well , given the mood of the children, it’s unlikely that we would suddenly buy an apartment that would have enough space for everyone, so we...
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what we would like is good , what i would like, i would like to have a well-functioning transport connection, yeah, i would like the buses to arrive on schedule. thank you very much for this day, for the invitation, for the experience, for the emotions that i experienced here with you. may everything be fine, thank you very much, i wish you the same, and i wish that your program
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flourishes and grows, that you find interesting people, popularize them, we have a lot of interesting people, and i think that everything will work out for us, thank you very much, thank you very much for spending the day with our today ’s heroine, it becomes clear that three children is not a death sentence; if you wish, you can always find time for yourself and your hobbies, katya is very... a sweet, bright and kind person, may everything be fine with her family.
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and belarus is alive and well, our beloved mother, belarus is alive and well
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stormy hailstorms for centuries, we are destroyed. and generations of peoples, and i will be ill with myself, my forgotten pen, the words of the earth, our bright, glory to the people of the true faith. union, our beloved, matsi, give birth, our forever belarus, our beloved, matsi, wound, eternally alive belarus,
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suddenly. our people, the strength of the people, our poor, evil paths, since our changing clear i will be a country, perhaps, joyful blessings, say our land. the words of the people of the ancestral union are going brightly, our beloved mother, belarus, our beloved
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mother, races. good evening, panorama is live, ekaterina tikhomirova is with you and about the main events of this thursday. should there be an amnesty in belarus, what principles should underlie criminal policy? the president's agenda includes improving legislation on criminal liability. 5,500 polling stations, more than 12 thousand electoral districts, a month and a half
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until the single voting day. we will tell you about the progress of preparations, and whether there will be international observations. how will the confrontation between tusk and duda end? my colleagues will complete the picture of the day. who can count on an amnesty in the anniversary year of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders and upcoming changes to the criminal code, alternative types of punishment. the legislative innovation was discussed at a meeting with the president. details in a couple of minutes in the panorama. a prison break that turned into an internal gunman. conflict, the bosses of two powerful ecuadorian clans dared to challenge the authorities against the drug cartels, who will get the state in south america, details in the
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periodic table. individual priority approach to helping those who need it most. the prosecutor's office has strengthened control over the implementation of legislation in the field of fire prevention. together with the prosecutors, we learned in detail how people feel about personal safety and what violations were identified using the example of the klichevsky district. festive balls were organized for ladies of the silver age in all regions of belarus. who was united and what was given this time by the action with all my heart? let's share the details. upcoming amnesty
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changes to the criminal code with current legal issues. today our president held a discussion meeting at the independence palace. this year the amnesty will coincide with the anniversary of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus. german fascist invaders. invariably, the president's key demands are fairness and an individual approach. only those who have sincerely repented, have made full compensation for the damage and do not pose a threat to the country can count on pardon. each such case will be considered individually by the pardon commission. one more question, upcoming changes to the criminal code, we are talking about the proportionality of punishment for crimes committed, and here... the principle of justice must be the basis of everything. it is planned to review sanctions for less serious crimes. ilana krasudskaya
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will tell you in more detail about all the proposed innovations. two high-profile documents, but at the moment the most anticipated, both for the convicted and their relatives, is the amnesty bill. even at the beginning of the meeting, it sounded like a possibility, but in the process it became clear that it was a chance to change your future. those convicted will receive it this year. someone will be released. someone will have their sentence reduced by a year, so for whom on what terms will things be different this time? the first question, which is very important for us, traditionally, is the issue of amnesty: this year we will celebrate the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders, and if we make a positive decision, then , taking into account the specifics of the date, the amnesty should have... differences : it will be necessary to look more carefully at women and children, at
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women with children, other categories of convicts, we need to approach the issue of amnesty in a non-traditional way, it is clear that in parliament the bill will also be discussed and analyzed from all sides, especially since a new composition of people with a fresh look, ideas, and certain ambitions will have to work take into account: the crime situation in society, pay attention to the shortcomings of previous amnesties so as not to repeat them. humanity is also about the very gesture of the state to hold an amnesty on the most significant dates of events, about how they will determine who can count on it, our president always focuses on fairness and an individual approach in this matter. if you, comrade president , decide to prepare a draft amnesty law, it is proposed to base it on the structure of the amnesty law 2 the first, unconditional release from all types of punishment, as well as the termination of preliminary investigations in criminal cases in relation to persons who have committed
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a crime, is not representing big public danger or belonging to the less severe category of the following categories of persons: minors, pregnant women, women, single men, with children under the age of 18, persons of retirement age, disabled people of the first and second group. by the way, right during the meeting, its participants proposed expanding the category of those who could apply for amnesty, which the president supported. cases in life are different, someone stumbled, there is such a factor as
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a coincidence. so there must be a chance. one of the innovations we offer is for discussion, comrade president , is a proposal to reduce the sentence by 1 year for women with many children, who have three or more dependent children, under the age of 18, who have not been deprived of parental rights, who have been convicted of committing murder or causing grievous bodily harm resulting in death without aggravating responsibility signs. supposed. apply this initiative to approximately ten convicted women, a total of 20. this proposal is of a socially humane nature and is aimed primarily at the speedy reuniting mothers with their children. let me give you one example. convicted tarasenko is serving a sentence of 6 years in prison for the murder of her husband. before the conviction, her character was satisfactory, she worked as a cafe administrator, has a higher education, and has
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three young children. she has not been deprived of parental rights, the children are in the care of her grandfather, she committed the crime during a quarrel based on hostile relations with her husband, inflicting one blow on him with a knife in the chest area. on the day of the crime, the victim grabbed his wife by the clothes, fell to the floor, broke her head, snatched the phone out of her hands, and did not allow her to make calls to seek help from leaving the apartment. after committing the crime, she called an ambulance herself, and before her arrival she provided first aid to her husband. the principle of justice is generally a guideline for all government agencies and managers when making decisions. our policy is unchanged - the main thing is the person. therefore, the president always demands a careful approach to people’s
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problems, be it a reception of citizens or...
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maybe these alternatives have been introduced sanctions. the upcoming amnesty will take place in the year of the election campaign on february 25 on a single voting day. we will elect deputies at all levels. there are presidential elections ahead of us. alexander lukashenko has already indicated that the year will not be easy. there are enough people wishing to shake up the situation from all sides. people naturally have questions about the amnesty. will this have a negative impact on our internal crime situation? today's forecast for the development of the crime situation.


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