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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 12, 2024 9:00am-9:10am MSK

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morning news live on belarus 1 and belarus 24 in the studio pavel lazovik, hello, watch this episode. state support for families with many children in belarus has increased the size of family capital. will lead to increased instability in the region. the world community's reaction to the night strikes by the united states and britain on yemen.
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the principle of justice should underlie the work of all government agencies, this applies to criminal policy; proportionality of punishment to crimes is important to observe in laws and practice. the president demands this alexander lukashenko. at the palace of independence the day before, the improvement of criminal legislation was discussed. one of the current topics is the upcoming amnesty; the president supported its implementation. this act of mercy is resorted to in the country on the eve of important holidays. the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from fascism is ahead. and this is a reason to revisit this topic. the president's position on amnesty should be approached in a non-traditional manner, taking into account. the punishment must correspond to
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the gravity of the crime. on my instructions the presidential administration analyzed a number of articles of the criminal code and their implementation. in this regard, questions arise, look at the process, who we detain, who we convict, whether the punishment imposed corresponds to the gravity of the crimes and the danger.
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those for which no other punishment other than restriction of freedom is possible, an alternative will be offered for such cases. a special working group will be created in the near future. regarding the amnesty, special attention will be paid to minors, as well as women who have there are children and mothers with many children. but the amnesty will not affect those convicted under articles of terrorism and extremism. the us and britain launched a military operation against the houthis in yeman. night strikes
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were carried out on movement bases in several cities, including the capital of the country. the attacks were carried out with the support of australia, bahrain, canada and the netherlands. israeli media reports that the houthi and yemeni movements are retaliating with surface-to-surface missiles. and as a result of hits from a yemeni missile , an american ship was sunk. before white home in washington and in time square in new york, protesters have already gathered against the attack on facilities in yemen. they demand to stop bombing. the country to complete the operation in the gas sector. and the reaction of the world community to the night's events. us and british strikes on yeman will only lead to increased instability in the region, says the iranian foreign ministry. the department calls the attack arbitrary and a violation of the territorial integrity of yemen. saudi arabia calls for restraint as the volatile situation in the red sea is closely watched by the chinese authorities, reports the general customs administration of the people's republic of china, noting that. what is happening
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may become an obstacle to the successful development of trade in the coming year. biden's decision to attack the houthis is criticized in washington. a number of democratic lawmakers are against it. in an operation that did not receive approval in congress, and some congressmen call biden’s actions unconstitutional. in poland, a new procedure for pardoning mariusz kominski and maciej wonsik after a rally of supporters of the right to justice party. the organizers took advantage of the arrest of former heads of the ministry of internal affairs to organize a protest. at the same time, they brought in people who were outraged by the new government’s attempts to take control.
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the government assures that the reform will reduce bureaucracy in universities,
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strengthen self-government, and promote international cooperation and research, but students fear that changes in legislation will deprive many of the right to higher education, because it will become... available only to wealthy citizens. state support for large families. almost 134.00 deposit accounts open for families with many children in belarus. more than 78,000 parents wished to dispose of family capital ahead of schedule. funds can be used to resolve housing issues, obtain medical services, education, and purchase goods for the disabled. let me remind you that the program is assigned at birth , adoption of the third or. subsequent child. as of january 1, 2024 , there are 123,500 large families living in the country, and this number is largely contributed by family capital. family capital can be used early from 2020
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of the year. and during this period, 78,000 large families took advantage of this right. basically , family capital is used to solve housing issues, that is, buying a home, reconstructing a home, and building. housing, repayment of loans issued for the construction or purchase of housing, since this year the family capital has increased by 5%, almost 31,500 rubles. in this amount it is due to families at the birth or adoption of a child during the period from january 1 to december 31 of the twenty-fourth year. trade unions accept appeals temperature violations in the workplace . the technical labor inspectorate began conducting monitoring in mid-autumn. in most of the organizations visited , employers provided the necessary working conditions during periods of low temperatures, but
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there are cases of non-compliance with the law. calls came from office buildings, primarily from workers complaining that their premises were cold. the reason that landlords did not provide temperature control was due to questions about the fact that emergency repair work, there was no heating for two days, but at the same time the employer provided everyone with kettles and the workers had the opportunity to drink hot tea to warm up, last year there were emergency shutdowns in belize on maz, they quickly fixed everything, the heating rooms were functioning and so on, repaired breaks were immediately introduced, technical inspectors will continue to monitor working conditions in all regions of the country, report violations of the temperature regime, as well as other labor protection requirements, you can hot line of the federation of trade unions. conquer snow slopes on tubing only in specially equipped places.
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gi employees remind us of the importance of following the rules. patrols are on duty at popular locations. more than fifty slides equipped with special fences have been organized in minsk. skating on spontaneous slopes leads to the creation of emergency situations and injuries, and for those who prefer skating, 29 ice rinks are open in minsk, large-scale and local near the institution. inventory can be taken from yourself on many


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