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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 12, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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they communicate with teachers with interest, even despite some, let’s say, language barriers, yes, there are, let’s say, opportunities, thanks to modern technical devices, to communicate, so students study scientific and technical subjects at a high level, well , i wonder what further, as cooperation with universities develops further, i would still like to develop this direction further. the first direction is, of course, interaction in the field of education; this aspect is very important for us joint educational programs, the second direction is holding joint conferences, a conference on new horizons for our youth is being held at our base, this is a very interesting event when representatives of the embassy and representatives of the chinese belarusian come.
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smalensk, chernigov and turvopin principalities. unique architectural monuments await you. the famous russian art critic georgy lukomsky wrote in 1913: this is one of the richest estates in russia.
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growth in trade turnover and new projects in all spheres, belarus and russia are intensifying regional cooperation. in a stable position, belarus is the leader among the cis countries in the ranking of achievement of sustainable development goals. the resource base is about a million tons.
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our oil workers discovered a new deposit of black gold in the gomel region. and it is not only belarusian scientists who are conducting genomic developments for medicine.
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in any case, next year’s basic task is to increase belarusian exports in general to russia by 8%, we consider the pskov region as one of the growth points. corelia is famous in with its forests, paper production in the region they even make unique paper suits, which, despite not being for long.
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the trade turnover with the arkhangelsk region is still modest, just over 40 million dollars, but sanctions not only stimulate the work of domestic production, but also develop regional ties, so in the twenty-first year a business mission from the arkhangelsk region is planned to belarus, the participants will discuss the development of forests, the opening joint production of forestry equipment, supply of belarusian buses and even the construction of cable cars. your belarusian entrepreneurs came to me, who are for...
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technology, and then cooperation in assembly, in addition to industry, mechanical engineering , agriculture is one of the most pleasant topics in the development of tourism. the belarusian direction is one of the most popular today. popular among russians , a month before the new year , all tickets for trains and high-speed trains were purchased, and today one of the important issues is the opening of new flights, the launch of additional high-speed trains. belarus is the leader among the cis countries in the achievement rating sustainable development goals. such data
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is contained in the analytical report on the implementation of priorities until 2035. what are the key indicators? despite the change in the geo-economic situation in belarus , last year we managed to achieve a gdp growth of 103.8%. this figure has increased per capita by almost $5.00 over 3 years. in the twentieth year it was 20,000, now, according to preliminary estimates, it will exceed $25,000. but gross external debt relative to gdp, on the contrary, decreased. according to the report, belarus has one of the lowest indicators of the level of poverty among the cis countries. in the twenty-second year its value was 3.9. which means that the target for reducing the level of poverty in the population to 4% in 2035 has already been achieved. in general, belarus is included in the group of countries with a high level of human development. we are on the sixtieth line, with a total of 191 states on the ranking list. belarusian
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oil workers have discovered a new flood of black gold, from where to expect oil replenishment. the promising site is located on gartsevsky field, which covers khoiniki and...
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which were previously considered unpromising. jobs are being created and development is taking place. as a result, the territories and infrastructure have received a new life. during the year, the domestic company produced record volumes of natural resources for 28 years, more than 1,870 thousand tons of oil. the announced results of the business year of entrepreneurs in belarus are increasing, what do the numbers say? in our country. 35,000 small medium-sized businesses, including the result of state support for the private sector of the economy. the development bank makes a significant contribution. during the year , 950 projects were financed with an amount exceeding 300 million rubles. the majority are in industry and agriculture. the results impress even us in many respects, such as revenue growth and the increase in the number of employees involved in this activity by ten. 15 to 20, even up to 40%. we are glad that public money brings
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such benefits. the ministry has planned a number of tasks with the bank, there are four of them for the next year, one of the main ones is the start of work on creating a system integrator that allows smes to receive informational financial support in one place, at one point in the process, this is a digital product. on the eve of the holidays, the development bank summed up the results of supporting small medium-sized businesses. and also noted the most active partners. thank you, the review was prepared by olesya vysotskaya. more news from the economic sphere not only on the website of our tv channel belarusian pediatric cardiac surgery is known not only in our country, but also far beyond its borders for its unique operations. it’s hard to imagine that just a couple of decades ago they themselves learned from foreign colleagues. about how the domestic nursery is developing today. surgery, what unique operations are performed by belarusian doctors, we will ask the director of the republican scientific and practical center for pediatric surgery, konstantin
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drazdovsky, hello, konstantin, if we sum up the results of last year at the republican scientific and practical center, how many operations have been performed, a total of 5,650 operations have been performed, and if you look at the dynamics, is this a lot or a little , because the number itself will not say much, you know, the number is not paradoxically remains approximately the same, despite the fact that the birth rate varies from year to year. but the number of sick children who need help remains approximately the same, yeah, what operations are most often performed at the center, well, we help all children with pediatric surgical pathologies, we operate on all congenital defects, development of the heart, chest, and intestines, abdominal cavity, we provide full emergency care to children in minsk with abdominal diseases, appendicitis. hernias, all emergency surgical pathologies, come to us over the past year, about 47,000 children applied
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, this is about 130 children a day, we accept, not all of them, naturally, they stay with us, we often exclude surgical pathology, send to other hospitals or simply go home for treatment, but about 7,500 of them are treated with us, and of these 7,500, 5,650 were operated on, that is , what are the most complex operations? the most difficult thing is, of course, operations on newborns, both on the heart, the chest, and in the abdominal cavity, and most often on premature newborns, in our country the system, so to speak , the in vitro fertilization program, is very highly developed , and the result of this is a fairly large number of newborns with low body weight, and of course, like in the normal population, they get sick, they are born with defects, we have to treat them, if 10-15 years ago we started treating children
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weighing somewhere around 3, 3.5 kg, yes, newborns, now very often we treat detox, 200 kilograms, 500 kilograms, 900 g. what other operations can be called unique ? unique are those operations that are high-tech, we have 25% of all operations in the center, that is , every fourth operation, yes, well, we are the head center, of course, the most complex operations in all of belarus. flock to us, all heart surgeries are performed only by us, we are one center that helps children surgically - according to their hearts. if we talk about the complexity of the operation , then of course, the operation on the heart is very...
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again we don’t have a shortage now, and a child , any child who is sick with something, who needs help in our center, he will receive it absolutely in a timely manner, be it today, in an hour, in two, if necessary in a day or there in 2 weeks, and foreign patients come to your clinic, yes, foreign patients come to us, since we often travel abroad, they
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know our clinic quite well, we have such constant programs, let’s say with... to us, that is, patients come to us, our teams go to kyrgyzstan, well , in recent years we have had a very serious program with uzbekistan, you probably heard that there was a belarusian-uzbek forum - at the end of last year, i took part in it, before that we our erigada, not only ours, but adult cardiac surgeons, oncologists, pediatric oncohematologists, were in uzbekistan, and -
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we were not in tashkent, in regional centers, here is our team, we were in... to see the system, to see how they operate, but then to come to your place and not understand how to apply all this here, when in 1996 for the first time such a team came to us, who taught us how to operate on the heart, when they come to us at our base with our patients in our conditions, they show us how to operate, then it's worth a lot, that's it
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roughly the same thing is happening now with uzbekistan, we understand that some kind of material base there is insufficient. but we come and show that it is possible to treat severely ill children under these conditions, including periodically reading the news and hearing that unique operations are being carried out with specialists from europe. does this mean that, despite all the political turbulence, medicine is outside of politics, well, medicine should always be out of politics, but i would like it to be like sports and many other things, but unfortunately this is a utopia, because anyway we are all people, we are here. in society and to be absolutely apolitical is not possible anywhere , neither here, nor in europe, nor in other countries, but the medical community, naturally, is quite friendly, it cannot be said that you, for example, have reached some heights, you are already operating on everything is at a very high level , you have nothing to learn, this is a lie in any field of medicine, always, every year, every month
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new technologies appear, new operations, literally 10 years ago one cardiac surgeon from... to the studio in a few minutes, this is a program events on belarus 24, we continue:
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clinical trials of the domestic vaccine against covid-19 have been completed in belarus. when the drug arrives at the medical facility, we’ll ask our columnist vladislav bondyr. it is planned to provide the population with the drug by september of this year, about 2 million doses will be created. first of all , people from risk groups and those at risk should be vaccinated. the project was implemented by the ministry of health in accordance with the instructions of the president and was developed for 2 and a half years. eight institutions took part. third phase according to clinical tests, it was successful, our vaccine, in any case, i will not get ahead of ourselves, but it is no less effective than the vaccines that were used in our republic and are used outside the republic of belarus. this has been proven not only scientifically, but also experimentally. gomel state medical university.
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this is medicine. medical genetics helps solve a number of problems from making a diagnosis to creating drugs. special attention of scientists of the academy of sciences to oncological diseases cardiovascular system and how to choose the right treatment to combat them. in practical medicine, this allows you to select the dose and the desired active substance with mathematical precision, while avoiding side effects. well, the entire metabolism of drugs, we all perfectly understand that it takes place in our liver and kidneys. therefore, if there are some genetic features that cause a malfunction in the liver enzyme system, then it is clear that the patient needs to start with minimal doses, yes, that is, select him
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very carefully, now a number of operations are not even carried out in the russian orthodox church of cardiology without genetic testing, genomic developments are used not only in medicine, but in forensics, for the introduction of innovative dna technologies, a team of scientists from nank belarus and russian colleagues worked together, awarded. union state prize. what is the essence of the method: if the biological materials of the criminal collected at the crime scene are not in the database, it is very difficult to identify him. well, using dna you can determine your probable age with an error from 3 to 5 years, eye color, hair color, and even ethnic origin. based on the results of these studies, methods, software and information systems were developed, which were later implemented - in the scientific and practical center of the state forensic examinations committee. and accordingly , at the moment they are already working, that is , those tested by criminologists are used in some real cases when investigating real
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criminal cases. research continues, today scientists can identify over 100 variations of various genes and more than thirty diseases. currently they work in the sports field, studying the effect of various substances on the body of athletes. pinsk will host the regional winter festival peresteyskie sleigh. what kind of tradition is this? the alberta sled was held for the first time in brest in 2022. the event aroused great interest among residents and guests of the regional center. they decided to make it traditional and hold it in different parts of the region. baranovich took over the baton last january. now the guests of the large-scale winter holiday are being prepared surprise ancient pinsk. the festival will take place on january 20. organizers expect at least 200,000 people to attend. one of the highlights of the holiday will be the creation of a book of records for berestey sleighs. we will have.
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a procession along the main street, very interesting, it will be a walrus swim, we plan that the length of the shopping rows will be about 500 m, order will be organized. seats, the program provides for competitions, promotions, and tastings. perhaps the most spectacular event will be the parade of enterprises. participants, about thirty, will present themselves as colorfully and effectively as possible, with sound and musical accompaniment. creative groups of performers from pinsk and brest regions are responsible for the cultural part, more than 1,200 artists in total. among the guests of the festival, the variety theater from pinza will conclude the holiday with the beristi saniya. fireworks and concert. thank you, the review was prepared by vladislav bondar. traditionally, winter is a time of holidays and
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warm meetings. it is worth remembering the tradition of celebrating kolyat. initially it was a pagan holiday dedicated to the beginning of a new years, but with the adoption of christianity it began to be closely intertwined with christmas. how did our ancestors celebrate the holiday, what kind of modern carols are they? let's ask dmitry sporchevsky, candidate of historical sciences. hello dmitry. hello! today i want to ask you about carol traditions, let’s dive a little into history, what kind of holiday this is and how it has come down to this day. carols are perhaps one of the most interesting, most meaningful holidays in our tradition. in general , this is not even one holiday, it’s several holidays that are united into a single cycle, it used to be celebrated in conjunction with the day of winter, usually stretched over 12 days, evenings, so they were called holy evenings, or crooked evenings, and as you correctly noted, it combines with you like the old mythological traditions, and newer christian elements, but they do not
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contradict each other, they are organic... intertwined, in general, in the folk tradition we can see both some elements and others, that is, they do not conflict, on the contrary organically complement each other, there are three main holidays in this cycle, the so-called three koldas or three kutia, each of them also has its own name, well, we will probably be more interested in the generous evening, depending on the calendar style is celebrated either from december 31 to january 1, that is, essentially our new year, or the so-called old new year from january 13 to january 14, why exactly... i highlight this day, because it was on it that most of the decisions were made walk carolers, they traditionally study the rituals, again there are masks, if we talk about carol traditions, but very often they also pay attention to the lyrics of the songs, so what was the meaning there? there are no carols without songs . according to its song tradition, carols are also perhaps one of the brightest holidays, that is, there are a lot of songs with very different texts, very different
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plots. essentially with a variety of genres, but they have a meaning, of course, each of them has its own meaning, the first, well, i would conditionally call it the first - this is the meaning cosmogonic, that is, about the creation of the world, because carols, at their core, if we take the old mythology, is the birthday of our world, yes, that is, the day of its appearance, renewal, so in carol songs you can often find these motifs of creation updates, besides this , of course, there is such a large layer of songs, this is what the carolers themselves sang, that’s what they called them. songs that were dedicated to the owner, his wife, his children, his family, where the obligatory elements were wishes for good, prosperity, health, this is what always worried people at all times and what is still relevant today, so in this regard, of course, carol songs do not lose their meaning, do not lose their relevance, and this , in my opinion, is one of the reasons why carols are like this although it is an archaic holiday, it is the carols of our days that have also survived very well, because they tell us about the main thing, what is interesting to everyone, what everyone needs and what is
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relevant to everyone, this is the form in which the carols have reached ours days, have they changed much? the question here is of course ambiguous, on the one hand, yes, carols, like any holiday, any tradition , are not some kind of frozen museum phenomenon, an exhibit; carols, as a living tradition , are influenced from outside, from within, so they change, new carol characters appear, new carol heroes, taking into account, well , the realities of the time, but nevertheless, in its essence, the holiday remains the same as it was, that is... this is again a period of world renewal, when, let’s say, we program our next year so that everything will be fine, so that everything will be safe, yes , to obtain a good share, that’s essentially who the magicians are, these are guests from a distant land, from right under heaven, sent from god, so they bring a share to people, so the person’s task is to accept the magicians, give them gifts, and in return receive a happy share for the next year , that is, this essence, it does not change, various external forms change, but
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nevertheless, essential moments. they remain unchanged, but, of course, yes, many traditions that we already know from ethnographic records , we unfortunately cannot see today, but on the other hand on the other hand, we also know a number of regions where you can still see rituals, traditions, carols in the form they were in the same regions, where to go in order to be 100% immersed in this tradition, exactly those times, to be 100%, it’s a difficult question to be 100%. january in the village of osovo and the neighboring village of rok oligorsky district, an original tradition, unique, with its own masks, the most interesting thing is the grandfather’s mask, made of birch bark, like a birch bark helmet, like this there are no masks anywhere else, plus there is generally
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a very wide range there. the heroes are a horse, a busel, and of course a goat, but the goat there is also unusual, usually it is a person in disguise, and there in a casing in a mask, then there it is not, there it is not alive - there it is specially made such as stuffed animals, where elements of the once- then live goats, for example, with real horns, it ’s with this kind of goat that the magicians go from house to house, that is , it’s very interesting, but this is of course not the only one -


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