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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 12, 2024 2:05pm-3:01pm MSK

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competitors will take advantage of this idea and get ahead of us, yes, only together by strengthening all these strengths that exist in this or that enterprise, showing on the outer contour their advantage and scale, among other things, after all, this is the same financial fortress or after all large-scale business will be perceived differently in the market, so due to this we can win, what do you think, igor vasilyevich, are there any shortcomings in this strategy?
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especially in difficult times, yes, they used such a principle as talaqa, yes, that’s why what both tatyana alekseevna and dear colleagues said, yes, this is actually our focus on the future, multi-branding, and the elimination of interdepartmental disunity is very important, and most importantly, mutual assistance, mutual support, summarizing our conversation, dear. experts, how do you see our country’s commodity distribution network in the future and what do we all need to do for this? probably, first of all , as recognizable as our recognizable country brands, that is, the buyer, perhaps, like us sometimes we joke, an excellent marketer, an excellent salesman is the one who came to buy a tractor, and left with a combine harvester, lubricant and left on his bus, the future, the future for the most diverse.
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and don’t be lazy, but work for results , then we will succeed, because the tasks were set correctly by the president and the government, we all appreciated today that we understand them correctly, we just need to run together, thank you for your opinion, thank you for finding opportunity in your busy schedule, come to our studio tv and radio company on makaonka 9, we thank our guests, say goodbye to you, expand your capabilities, conquer the new. tires, together for the benefit of our country, then the economic environment will be favorable for all of us, goodbye.
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primakola, we violate, yes, maliciously, we violate sports discipline, hello, raman stepanovich. so wait, what do you understand , i’m asking you, we agreed on everything, lucy , what should you do now, instead, what, not instead, but before, well, i can’t help but train, this is like the main instinct, instinct, you should have little love, like any healthy woman of productive age, rie productive, don’t interrupt the coach, a coach for an athlete, like god, well, if god says, control and multiply, exactly, that means you need to focus on this, time goes away, you know, the clock is beeping, you remember, but i remember the wrong word, i already dream about them at night, i can’t even fall asleep, so i decided to go
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for a run, calm down, tell me, but there’s no other way except to make circles, i can still roofs shoot, they also say it calms the nerves great, it’s funny, you yourself say that the most important thing for a biathlete is strong nerves. lyusya, i said, but even though richka is three times pregnant, there’s nothing to do at the games, so maybe i’ll practice, okay, then i’ll talk about how much more you need, well, at least a couple more circles, then in 20 minutes i’ll be waiting for you at your house, and we’ll discuss it there if you're sick, please give me the keys. there is no lemon, the sugar has run out, how are you living, it’s fun, tell me, for example, you have a toothache or your car has broken down, who are you to go to?
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you go to a dentist and a car mechanic, to a professional, and what’s his height, do you know, what’s his weight, what’s the shape of his ears? it doesn’t matter, the main condition is professionalism, don’t you agree? so why , frankly speaking, in our difficult conditions , are we focusing on some amateur enthusiasts, like your lyokha. so you yourself tell me this, we ourselves do this. lucy, there is an option, the guy, i’ll tell you, is handsome, but to your taste, sporty, and most importantly, lucy, a professional. what? this very thing, i understood you correctly, on you, he is a donor, well the donor, lyusya, is so in demand, but you can get close to him, and the intermediaries, you know how much they charge, and for this money you can
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buy skis for the whole team, but i went directly and can arrange everything almost for free, listen, there’s really no sugar, on no lemon, no sugar, lyusya, you have to decide, however, at your age they don’t throw away years, time has passed, think,
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oh, lyoshka, how lucky, will you give me a ride? i, well , i’ll give you a ride now, then will it all start all over again? maybe stop sulking, i, for example, have already forgotten everything, you quickly everything you forget, memory, how long you go through this, they are not interested in my memory, they are mine. i’m interested in physical data , please, just don’t frown, okay , then there will be wrinkles, but you’re not interested in my physical data, not at all, yes, i’m young, yes, cool, uh-huh, beautiful, thank you, find yourself someone else, eh hmm, maybe we can talk on the way, not this time, lyosha,
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wait, you’re suggesting that i ride on the train like this, everyone will stare at me, and i want only you to stare at me, and before i’m completely free to play, listen, i’m old and angry, let me call you a taxi, but i don’t want to, let’s go, oh, yanochka, skirts with heels, well, nymph, get in, i’ll give you a ride. otherwise you’ll freeze your butt off on the train, oh, that ’s agreed, goodbye, goodbye , let’s go, uh, be careful, come on, i haven’t run into repairs yet, thank you very much for your help, comrade captain, it couldn’t have happened without you, you do not like it? come on, let's go to the station, i have some spare pants with fleece, give them to me, don't slam the door,
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what did you decide? tell me, what’s the point of knitting, then unravel , then again, it would be better, i don’t know, i didn’t knit it with a sweater, i knit to develop motor skills, i can buy a sweater for you in the store, i can do it myself in the store, i decided that okay, give me the phone number, i’ll call your elite manufacturer, i’ve already made an agreement with him for today, what? well, if
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you want the job done, do it yourself, maybe then you’ll give birth for me, i would give birth if it would help you escape, nikia’s average life expectancy is 2-3 years, semyon, you hear so much about people that they write, lego, threshold, forecast, so, ah, 2-3 months after making a diagnosis. semyon, 1:0 in your favor, yes,
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hello, people, hello, listen, i wanted to ask, when will you pick up semyon? what semyon, what do i have? there was a man named semyon, i left him somewhere, with your hamster, which your fans gave you, but well, he’s not semyon, he’s simon, they named him after simon fourcade, he’s a french biathlete, well, that’s who named him, so let him take care, mom, well, i can’t do anything right now, well , i have absolutely no time, okay, bye, but you and i have simen. time, a whole carriage, 3 months, oh, what kind of mysterious admirer
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are you going on a date with, don’t ask, okay, mom, yes, mom, masha, take simon, who, what simon, hamster, wait, that’s what you call a human rat in the french manner, semyon ? what, take it, how can you take it? no, mom, that’s out of the question, tyomka might develop an allergy, maybe yours has already started, no, well, take it, why? i'm tired, mom, i'm sorry, i can't talk now, i'm busy, i 'll call you back later, okay, that's it, come on, bye, she just called me, what's up what happened to that hamster there , yes, what could have happened to her, she probably watched a report about killer hamsters that come out of the cage at night and grab a woman’s heels,
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well, in the end, she doesn’t have to mess with him, mash why do you say that as if it were my rat? well, okay, i’ll figure out where to put it, say thank you to your fans, at the same time i’ll thank you that they didn’t give you a crocodile, yes, i feel like a fairy godmother , and i really want to be cinderella, yes, but i thought everything was fine with you, family, happiness, well, yes, but you know, i think i’m getting dumber at home, maybe i should get a job, i’m wondering, what am i hearing, what kind of job? who will feed? well, yes, i’m already on my way , i’m on my way, that’s it, it’s freezing, good, well, wait, i’m not finished yet, thank you, of course, but it’s not worth it, well, please, i’ll go as is.
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max, i want to go to work , can you hear me, uh-huh, maxim, i’m talking to you, you’re at work all day, i don’t see you, i miss you, and you come to your computer, mash, i can relax a little after work, and i also want to work, i also want come home in the evening and relax, well, yes.
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“i meant, i won’t let anyone near you, no one will look at you, i understood what you wanted to say, wow, that’s enough, someone else in your place would sit at home and be happy, someone else , i wonder, another one who wouldn’t throw hysterics out of nowhere, out of nowhere, which means i ’m already an empty place for you, great, why are you even with me then, hello, hello, who is this? dairy kitchen, how about a break in working mother's everyday life, a good evening for in order to chat with a like-minded person, thank you for calling, and you know, we
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really need a new milk formula, we are ready to move to the next level. it’s already approaching midnight, and herman is still not there, so every other time he asks, i need this, he ’ll be late all his life, that’s also not a problem, it’s worse if you come earlier one day, oh, contact me. thank you, coffee, coffee, well, you ’re chilled, my name is german, lyudmila, that same lyudmila, damn, i’m lucky today. approached a cute, chilled girl to buy her coffee, and you are the one, lyudmila, my task today, well , yes, it’s really a miracle, we’re going somewhere, you and i are adults, we know why
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we met today, we’re going to an exhibition of landscape photography, i ’ll meet someone there for 10 minutes, and you look exposure, it goes, well, yes, good. yes, yes, that’s it, we agreed, bye , are you going somewhere, i’ll go and get some air, alone, alone, where, on kudykina mountain, i can’t get work done yet, in a bad place? i still don’t want to turn into a dressing gown at home, what’s the solution? try to pretend that i live normally life, okay, don’t worry about the tour, i ’ll be there soon, what’s wrong? you want
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to see the calls, right? well, look, oh well, i believe you, i’ll be there soon. well, all the issues have been resolved, i am completely at your disposal, please, have you found anything interesting for yourself? yes, of course, everything here is interesting to me, i was at the exhibition, you were still at school in the seventh grade, also landscape photography, no, i was there. exhibition of stuffed animals in the biological museum, tell me, what do you think, did we recognize
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each other correctly, maybe i’m somehow wrong, lyudmila, no, you are the same lyudmila, hello, dmitry, hello again, this is masha. am i having trouble getting out today?
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yeah me too. well, see you next time. goodbye. and you know, people, there are rooms in which the bed appears directly from the wall, not an eyesore, but as if hinting, absolutely right, tell me, you are also embarrassed, yes, to be honest, i am very embarrassed, but i know one way: how can we both relax, let’s start with this, well, perhaps we
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won’t watch this, there’s a better idea, here you go, i’m really into i'm counting on you, you shoot well.
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something is wrong, right, very true, this is actually the best date of my life, let’s not spoil it, max, mashunya, it’s not that simple. but it happened, look what kind of unit they brought to us, well, of course it’s less expensive than the first one, but the engine of the beast was supposed to be delivered tomorrow, and the driver turned out to be a neighbor, in the hope of a mogorych, waving, waving, waving, what are you, waving,
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i want to cry, women, there is a reason i didn’t like it, i liked it, i just want to cry, we are crying, there is no reason, we are again we’re crying, there’s such a reason, well now everything will be fine, our hands will stop being dry, masha, come on, smile. i can’t, mash, everything, everything, everything, everything, listen , she has a lot of schedules, yes, here’s max, girl, sorry, you’ve already closed, i know, i know, tell me, is ruslan here, i’m telling you that this doesn’t work, ruslan, here we are, hi, hi, ler, you go home, i
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’ll close everything here myself. yes, okay, bye, bye, goodbye, what will you eat, such and such , well, stupid question, what will i cook, let’s go, i understand, you’re an athlete and all that, but why did you have to run away so quickly, last time, you know, someone also screwed up, only the miraculous heels sparkled. and with my money and, most importantly, with my lucky t-shirt, yes, that’s what i’m saying, i suggest we don’t run away from each other anymore, otherwise we’ll never get to know each other, thank you here, give them a drink of mercy, oh well, here’s a dinner, ready to forgive the debt, but not sudoku, how is she
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doing by the way? but there’s no way, it didn’t survive the wash, i threw it away like i threw it away, are you completely stunned or what, why am i, who are you? like, how dare you, i’m wearing this t-shirt of my youth, you know, i won the first medal for me, give it back to me, i’m sorry, i’m sorry, i’m just sorry, what should i do now, shoot myself or something, you should have been cast in the role take the talisman's panties, i would never wear them. i’m not sure, a fetishist, i’m a fetishist , i’m killing for a piece of my mother, you don’t understand anything about sports, of course, but ordinary people, they don’t understand sports at all, sport is some kind of deeply internal story, only athletes need it about sporty sticky, stuck, millions go in for sports, millions train until they die, they ruin their health for medals and records, but who needs these records, like who do
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you really? you just don’t understand what it means to be first, people want to be happy, not first, there are people who are happy only when they are first, then it’s their personal cockroach in their head, it’s not your fault, people, you’re just all brainwashed there, convinced that higher and faster stronger is our everything, but
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life is more complicated, it consists not only from... kilometers, medals, targets, uh-huh, pots, pans, this is it, that's it, yes, i didn't miss anything, but maybe the dinner you're eating now, and enjoy your dinner. what sports definitely taught me was stubbornness. roman stepanovich, well, he’s one of his own, from the team, what if he spills the beans, who? yes, he is a grave, not in a good way , he owes me personally, i once
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pulled him out of a shitty vocational school, and if anything goes wrong, i’ll take him back to the vocational school, in general , don’t worry about that, okay, about everything else the rest too, he’s a good guy, well, maybe not very good, but normal, well, he ’s normal, but i still can’t... i can’t, he knows me like crazy, and that’s a plus, less stress, roman stepanovich, well understand, he’s like a brother, a cousin to me, liu, don’t be capricious, but we agreed, agreed, agreed.
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gurskaya, please, kurskaya, forget the beks. vanya, hi, people, i’m here now, listen , thank you, actually, if it weren’t for you, i do n’t know who romych would have matched for me, he says that this is my last, and so say, decisive chance, are you here? and yes, yes, just a second, listen, well, in the end , we are adults, and we can consider that this is an ordinary massage, well, in general, i think that
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we are the ones working in order, who have lost something , flowers, lyudmila, so... the moment i thought, when romanovich called me , i didn’t sleep that night, i thought , i’ve always liked you, and i gave you not a standard massage, but an extended one, so go ahead, go ahead, thank you , let's assume that this is a massage, only a particularly prolonged one, this good idea, start with repetition, and ... end with new material, well, take off your clothes, i haven’t heard of stone therapy, massage
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with stones, they look like pebbles, but they stand, and i even bought a heating stove, it’s not hot , and will there be more? van, maybe we can move on to new material, but yes, yes, now i am, first close the door, yes, first the door, no, first the stones, yeah, well... “your ski track, ask me, captain, or better finish off, you can’t wait, what did you think, that i’m just a sight for sore eyes as a hero-lover, yes okay, don’t go with anyone, no one
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else, in general, i brought you to the doctor, which means i myself, okay, i have a lot to do, i’ll go, well, thank you for bringing me, i’m sorry that this happened, svila , well, well, more precisely, that it didn’t work out , but forget it, well, how are you now..." with this with your problem, and this is not my problem, this is my coach’s problem, well, come here, hello, is it possible, there’s a client coming to you, it’s like he’s himself, it’s... it wasn’t you who caressed him with a pebble, roman stepanovich, how can you, am i a monster, then why on my leg? in case, she would have hit him in the head. okay, let's think about it, see you later. wow, fiskult, hello, rama stepanovich, not a farat for you either. oh, just don’t look at me like that, it’s not my fault that everything turned out this way, who’s to blame? why are we shouting? it’s okay stepanovich, well , the circumstances turned out that way, the circumstances, i tried. yes, yes, yes, yes, i know how hard you tried. your circumstances are also well known to me, don’t interfere with your studies, why do they
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come to the gym more often, you need to maintain your shape, you’ve grown a belly, it’s all from the nerves, it’s from the nerves my belly is getting smaller, i’m losing weight, that’s why i eat a lot, what’s incomprehensible about this puffiness? "hello, hi, last time they said that they wouldn’t let you into your house without washing machines, well, i had to buy a counter-brand, and we already have a washing machine, and besides, even if we didn’t have one, i would never i didn’t accept such an expensive gift, i’m married, well, yes, yes, yes, everyone has their own shortcomings, well, maybe, but i still won’t let you in, my shortcoming will soon return and oh well, as they say..." receive it and sign , oh, i told you, i already
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signed with someone. come on, such a gift does not oblige you to anything. goodbye, masha. well, i’ve been dreaming for a long time that my wife would greet me with flowers, don’t be happy, it ’s a coincidence, i ordered it online, the courier delivered it, i like it, yeah, but you’re bigger. as usual, sporty, that there are options
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, of course, with a new haircut you wanted to look more respectable or younger, who would refuse youth, i’ll probably surprise you, but many women prefer experience and wisdom to the naive charm of youth, you think, i’m convinced , a wise man knows to to win a lady, it is enough to simply surprise the boys. no, that’s just me, well, i’m ready to listen to another plan to save my sports career.
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lyudmila, there is nowhere to retreat, we have tried everything, there remains option b, the last one, which means pension, and this option is in front of you. i understand, it looks straight , let’s say, but as they say, the game will be forgotten, the result will remain, for the sake of the result, i’m ready to fulfill my coaching duty, roman stepanovich, don’t get too excited, you’re like a father to me, like a mother, this relationship is for me the truth is more important than medals. even gold , you understand, i had to offer, well
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, i understand that i was preparing, i went to the gym once, to the hairdresser, hello, lyudochka, don’t worry, he told me everything, what an old fool, i’ll tell you i wanted to say thank you, that well, in general , oh well, i understand that we are in despair, and, in general, so am i, roman stepanovich, he doesn’t let me train, he says that i
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spent all my free time your personal life, it’s not working out for you, don’t listen to my husband, he’s a sportsman. v life, and i should listen to myself, as soon as you meet a person from whom you should give birth, you will feel, and if it’s too late, and then i may not feel it, i know myself, there are things that don’t happen according to our order, whether we like it or not, so you and roman planned, tried, but what’s wrong, or maybe there ’s something wrong with me... nonsense, i still haven’t had enough to blame myself, there’s no one to blame in this matter at all, so it’s time it hasn’t come yet, well, it hasn’t come yet, the games are literally about to begin people will end, but the child will be with you for life, you understand, well, you are also planned to give birth, from a loved one,
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not from the first person you meet, listen, with lyosha, you lived well, maybe with lyosha, in general, i love you i'll thank you. primakov, did you get it? people, okay , i’ll do it, well, sell me your other half of the headset, why do you need this old stuff, or did you read something in petra, there’s no diamond there , well, that’s my personal business, well, will you sell it or not, not until you tell me, why, yes, i just thought, if you and i are not together, well, let it be at least our chairs are next to each other, what
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are you laughing at, i stood near the mirror for 2 hours rehearsing, everything came out so touching, i didn’t believe it, okay, the attempt was counted, four with... for originality, well, i’ll drop by today for furniture, well, come by, to be honest, but i’m really very sorry that this happened, oh, linochka, hello, i know you, can i have an autograph, please, yes, of course, what’s your name? natasha, thank you very much, we don’t like worms, yes, oh, we don’t, but i’ll talk to you like this, so calmly, come on, play it, take it off,
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well, oh, yes, i see someone has prepared, well, you never know, they might come in handy. no, they won’t be useful today, but why, well, i’m tired of being prudent, yes, yes, who the hell have they brought, we’re waiting for someone, i have no idea, i don’t know. you don’t know, well then god be with them, no, you have to open it, what if it’s mom, who ’s mom, she’ll come in anyway, she has the keys, wait, well, damn, whoa
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lives in the little house, luda, i hear you, luda, open up, i bought you a new happy t-shirt, the saleswoman said twice as happy, i really, i don’t know why he’s mom, mom, no , what is this, what are you doing to me, are you bothering me, or something, because you’re a little girl the size of a mattress, what are you doing, no, i don’t even understand why he’s here , listen, don’t play a fool on me, okay, i’m still on the phone, i think you’re wrong? i couldn’t understand where they were throwing me, the fool believed it on his own head, that’s it, yeah, come in, come in next, come on, come on, look, i scared you away, right? maybe a cup of tea, ruslan? yes, of course, why not? well come in, thank you. well, what
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did the devils bring you? i don’t know, i wanted you something nice to do. you did it? try. my personal development came up when i was working as a bartender. the cocktail is called a perforator. after the second sip it will be easier. not enough gin. in general, of course, the cocktail is insidious and overwhelming. complex and stimulates this libido, or libido, libido, or libido , in general, this thing, and if you drink three of these, then in the morning you have a complete feeling that a hole has been dug in your head, that’s why the name is a perforator, and how it works, well, i mean complexes of this libido, libido, on me, uh-huh, no, but i never had any complexes anyway, i came to an agreement with libido libido a long time ago, i liked you before the cocktail and after the cocktail - i like you, by the way, i remembered why i came, return the money, and there’s a happy t-shirt, one thing, wear it and
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be happy, by the way , i paid for the last one, now i’ll start pestering you, something’s wrong, i’ll come now, wait, okay, okay, why do i need all this? lord,
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i'm cornered, not sideways, yes. i'm backed into a corner, not to the side, not forward, i can't escape, and i'm not trying, lord, good evening, good evening, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing , don’t worry, how do you feel, how is your hand, hand great, best of all, listen,
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you know what, let me take you, and you ’ll tell me everything, let me go, let's go, let's go, i touch the cold tiles with my heart, i keep beating myself like a fish, the ice and my legs can't hold up and my hands are trembling, trembling , stupid pictures keep flashing in my eyes, it's comfortable, like heels in a holey shoe, not fate.
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at the thirty-eighth minute of waiting , a shadowy thought occurred to me: maybe you want that's why you don't go out to be alone, just in case i disappear, good night, ruslan, postscript, this time i didn't steal anything, you don't have to check, so come on petya? petya, it’s a shame you didn’t tell your daughters anything, but they also have enough problems of their own, then,
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well, as soon as i tell them, here i am. “i ’m afraid to admit to myself, you’re afraid in vain, in vain, firstly, nothing is known yet, so, and secondly, you know what stories happen with these diagnoses, i also had an injury, a verdict, money was collected for the funeral i'm already sitting i’m talking to you now, you’re telling me everything inappropriately, just to support me.” what are you doing, nikolai? my god, why did you run over like that? who could it be, and hi, mom, hi, sorry for
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not calling "listen, i wanted to talk to you, i feel very bad, but hello, hello, meet me, this is nikolai dmitrievich, nikolai dmitrievich, my neighbor, this is not at all what you thought, well, what difference does it make what i thought, the main thing is that everything is fine with you, wait, did you want to"? goodbye nikolai dmitrovich, it was nice to meet you, all the best to each other, lyuda, you wanted to talk, mommy, but next time we’ll talk, bye,
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everyone has love. now, now, oh, luda , well, don’t be tormented, it worked out, no, it didn’t work out, and it won’t work out , i’m tired of everything, i’m tired of hanging on to men, and getting a child by hook or by crook, i’m tired of it too, tomorrow i’ll start training , and come what may, you understand me, come what may. i changed my mind, oh, listen, oleg, but i also wanted to tell you this thing, it seems to me that you have the same problem as me, you are a real workaholic, you work day and night , so you rushed immediately at the first call from your heroine, it’s probably difficult to live like that in your other half, are you talking about this, no, i
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’m not alone in the wolf. i have a significant other who also works in television, so i'm lucky. yes, indeed, you are lucky.


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