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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 12, 2024 4:20pm-5:01pm MSK

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feelings, about my youth, this is a question about my first crush, about how i first fell in love with a girl, this question, let it be the best, let's find the author of this question, please introduce yourself, my name is dasha, and i study at secondary school number 111 in minsk. according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift from our guest, go to the site. well, here’s my gift to you, it’s so symbolic, there are products here, symbols with the party that i lead, and beautiful book, i think that a book is the best gift, it is a book about war, thank you very much, i will definitely read this book, you have
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the opportunity to ask the children three questions. my first question is: what is love? i think that to love is to help a person worry about him, and never contradict him. loving is when you are ready to do everything for the sake of a person that is possible, even what turns out to be impossible for you, when you see a person not like everyone else, perhaps even if you don’t even notice some of his shortcomings, and if they if you notice, you help. he can cope with them, i believe that to love means to live for this person, to give up with all my soul for him. i have a second question: do you believe that if you dream hard, then any dream will come true. it seems to me that when you dream, it’s already embedded in your head, and it becomes not just a dream, but more of a goal. i think you can dream about a lot. but in fact,
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if you just dream, then, unfortunately, this dream will not come true, for any dream you need to do something, i believe that a dream can give a huge impetus to the advancement of a person, i believe that every person should dream, should love, everyone can do it, the main thing is to have your own goal, you are all great, and dream, a person is alive as long as he dreams, no matter how old he is, 100 or 16, and i have a third question, i ’m a politician, so... my third question is political: which country is the best in the world and why? a country for the development of which you make every effort and try to work to make it better, you help the people who live in it, you you love these people, and the country in which you were born, that is, the one you love, our belarus. yes, yes, there are no better countries, all countries are good in their own way, each has its pros and cons, each country has its own.
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i believe that our guest spoke sincerely, because you cannot invent life stories if you have not lived it, he tried to be honest, he himself said that only honesty gives him such motivation to answer, i saw that our guest was frank, because from his behavior, from his feelings it was clear that that the voice was firm, you can immediately see the politician in it. i suppose there is no point in the hero lying to children.
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we have this rule: the hero always has the last word, sum up the conversation that took place, there should be more such dialogues throughout the country, because everyone will be truthful and honest in front of the children, so thank you for this program, for this conversation. chairman of the liberal democratic party, member of the parliament of the national assembly of the republic of belarus, oleg gaidukevich was a guest today on the 100 questions program to an adult. see you in a week.
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a new year's miracle at the hands of our fellow countrymen,
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a belarusian factory of christmas tree decorations, where christmas masterpieces are created that delight more than one generation of belarusians, from a collector and creator. runner, mosaic, the most complex stained glass technique, which is created by the artist, lada ledeneva, gives emotions and joy in the new year. on the eve of the new year, in an ordinary shopping center you can find yourself in our christmas fairy tale, my collection, which i have been collecting probably all my life, and it so
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happens that this is probably the largest collection of christmas tree decorations in the world, well , at least no one told me that they saw somewhere more than this collection, i travel a lot. some bring magnets, some bring plates, and i brought christmas tree toys, well, the idea was that you can decorate the christmas tree at home, remembering, let’s say, the places you’ve been, but there were a lot of toys, so the idea arose to put them up and show them off people, i was not at all connected with any museum activities, but i was involved in telecommunications, design, construction, that is, this is such it was quite different, the direction was different. so my team and i created an exhibition at the national historical museum. we did not expect such success,
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30,000 people came, this is literally a month and a half. we made this exhibition in such a european manner, when people were leaving the museum. we passed through a store, in this store we sold toys that i think were brought from ukraine, so everyone asked, in general, where are the belarusian toys? that's when the idea to create it was born. toy factory, well, the one that is now functioning supplies new year's joy to the store of the republic of belarus and not only. the name is grai, and i believed that the factory should be called, the name should be meaningful, but aichina’s honourishami, it seems to me, so to speak, an abbreviated and branched name, this is exactly what reflects the whole essence of our production, that is, the products that you want be proud. well, here we go directly into the workshop. where christmas decorations are painted, where artists sit who finish, let’s say, these
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here are some lovely artifacts already at the final stage, we probably have about 15 artists who, during the calendar year, allow us to make products that we sell only in december, so that belarusians can enjoy belarusian christmas tree decorations, holiday: all year round you and it’s a holiday at work when you make a toy with your hands, yes, then directly, of course, you put your soul into this process, and then it’s a keen interest, well, every day you work with your favorite material, that is, for someone, let’s say it’s there paint, yes, someone a painter at heart, for some it is plaster, because he dreamed of becoming a sculptor, well for me it is glass, that is, this is my element, this is what i love, it teaches me every day, it makes me... think and analyze and learn from him, so
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this is also a colossal experience, everything is loved with the soul, because they are all your children, it is you who live some kind of life with them, well , we draw this product completely by hand , probably 10-15 balls are obtained draw a day, so it’s quite monotonous painstaking work that turns into beautiful after a certain amount of time. toys for the dynaminsk hockey club, we made skates, decorated toys and helmets, every year we update our collections, we try to release somewhere, probably 10-20 items, different products, if we take these are just drawn balls, then 20 new balls with new stories it seems like they come out every year, of course there are some tops that are always sold, for example, balloons with bullfinches, we try to diversify the process, as if, well, first of all, for artists... it’s interesting to draw some new things every time, they learn from some kind of new technology, on the one hand, the bottom, on
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the other hand, so that the consumer can enjoy the variety of christmas tree decorations on their christmas tree. in fact, this is like a cunning technology, and the tashar is drawn in two layers, first the first layer is applied, then the second, but it turns out as if it was drawn from the inside, these are balls, such a relief technique, some call it 3d, this is how it goes soft padding. which on the one hand weighs down the ball, on the other side is our know-how, well, for example , in frankfurt i didn’t find such balls, so we still have, let’s say, a few years until some chinese copy them, conquer, conquer the market for christmas tree decorations, that’s it here is the modeling mass from which the relief moldings are directly made, well, it is very calming, you know, in general, you can come to the office, from the office here, as if to production like this... kneading it a little, as if to calm your nerves after complex working day. another trend
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in new year's decorations is cats. these are these red-haired cuties, made of glass , using fusing technology, this year we are releasing, you know, the hit of the season, that is, the most interesting thing is, for some reason this is exactly the color, this is fusing, this is such a technology in general artel workers or as... artisans, we tried to put it in a new way, probably the first toys that are sold in belarus are made using this technology, the technology is known to me by tiffany, this is glass soldering, some mosaic things, but we have a technologist who said that there is such an option as fusing, well, we tried it, i liked it, many journalists ask, what are the belarusian trends? like new year's tree decorations and so on, but in fact they don't exist, we create them ourselves,
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toys with some kind of belarusian theme are increasingly sold out here, on the one hand, a few years ago, a little fearfully, we made such a trend of toys with belarusian embroidered shirt, and frankly speaking, we were afraid that people would not perceive them as new year's gifts, but everything went with a bang, we make different patterns on the pshara, well, which with... let's say, one way or another historically similar to certain symbols, but people don't buy these patterns, the name that is written under them, then there are best-selling balls - this is wealth, family. these are patterns with swaying , with love, and i myself was wondering if there were straw toys in our country, let’s say, a long time ago, and we talked to museums with different ones and with some historical figures there who could confirm these or those and didn't have we have straw toys in belarus, no one
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told me that they were somewhere, for example, you had straw toys on the christmas tree, well, that’s it, that’s the whole answer. and as i have already repeated and said, we are trying to make belarusian christmas tree decorations fashionable, we have placed an emphasis on manual labor, which, well, let’s say, is more valued in western europe, america, and i think that this trend will soon return to our country, when, well, let’s say, people move on to purchasing some of these good soulful new year's artifacts that can, let's say... then be some kind of i don't know collection in the family and passed on like old toys from generation to generation.
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belarus is a country with a rich and interesting history, behind there is a wall in the belarusian language, in russian, in english, a little description that...
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and the soul of the blue eye is people, and well, it’s basically like these fire shows, but here these yes this is a fire show, maybe someone will grow up in a fire show, you can just turn it in parallel so as not to hit yourself, and for now, travel with us on the tv channel. belarus 24, we are the only ones in the world, you and i, who stand up to our full height, to say, no, it is the role of the teacher that comes to the fore, it is the teacher who must study, practice the material and convey to the children the main thing, people who risk everything can
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stand up to their full height against the huge... conglomerate of the west - these are people whom only those who have never experienced anything serious and terrible in their lives can disrespect. fascist foundations, they are very deeply incorporated into the very spirit of western civilization. that system that is collapsing, it included us in the mechanism of the robbery, but in the end i am convinced that we will win. project. tell me not to be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel,
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i draw. since childhood, that is, this is some kind of natural state for me , to draw all the time, i began to collaborate with various publishing houses as a designer, printing products, and worked like that for 15 years, my books even took prizes in the belarusian book competition , i had to work with such very interesting, deep authors, and this was such an additional stress, that is, i seemed to love the work, everything worked out for me, but... well, i began to look for some options for myself, how, in line with the same kind of visual creativity, and some kind of visual creativity, to find some kind of slightly more commercial, so to speak,
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way out for yourself. it was just at this moment that stained glass paints appeared on our market, it was 12 years ago, maybe 13, stained glass materials, at that time practically no one did stained glass works like this, that is , batik was popular, there m... decoupage, yes, there they somehow worked with leather, with stained glass materials, as if no one i was doing my own illustrations at that time, some of my own images that i drew on paper, came up with, i just started transferring them to glass, painting them with these stained glass paints and making something like souvenirs.
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and it started to turn out very impressive, people really liked it, and this is really how it is it would bring me income when i do this, i’m passionate about it, i’m happy about it. 13 years ago, i was actually the first who actively brought stained glass paints here, from kiev from... with such an artist from kiev vyacheslav rode, who had a whole school of stained glass painting in kiev, i went, just about 12 years ago i went to kiev, met him, realized that in... in kiev it is so popular, so developed, so relevant that people decorate interiors directly, that is, they paint windows, hanging
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ceilings, doors in this technique, and the technique is also interesting because it is an alternative to classic stained glass, classic stained glass, it is fashionable, popular, but very expensive, because it is vein, it is glass, it is very expensive. and i wanted to organize this whole thing in minsk too, so that all this would be in demand in minsk in the same way, so i conducted a lot of master classes on the basis of hobbyland, that is, i tried to kind of develop this whole thing here too with what i'm doing - it's an imitation of a stained glass window, as it were, that is, it also turns out impressive, but much cheaper, we just need to do this to understand what we can sell.
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quite by accident, through a broken watch, i came across this kind of original mosaic, as they say, that is, i either use some broken products of my own, or i make it myself, that is, i directly cut the glass into squares, there are some... then i paint these myself in the colors that interest me. so i’m making this author’s mosaic; by the way, some broken cups, old ones, are also used, yes, some kind of ceramic products, or broken
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ones, or i even specially bought myself these tongs to make some kind of , so to speak, shape, special tongs for mosaics, you see, but you can only bite ceramics with them, you can’t bite glass with them, you can bite ceramics with them, you can make some kind of shape... which i like, like this, such things, then i started to pick up some other things, for example, i buy a tile, this small one, these are mosaic tiles, discounted tiles, they are inexpensive, but for mine, so to speak, they are also very good, for my goals, that is, the entrance is, in fact, everything that resembles a mosaic, or this is what i manually do myself, it turns out this interesting effect on... and then
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i coat the whole thing on top with gypsum plaster, the same can be done fugue, well, in general , with some kind of building materials that you have on hand, this creates such an interesting effect, my customers, they like my work, precisely because they add, well, such a bright spot that- something positive this is, so to speak, decor specifically for the interior, i want to be... all over the world, as it were, and so that people would appreciate it, and i also want to make such very beautiful interior decor, to decorate the walls, that is , how to say, a little do more scale, that is, scale up not some small souvenirs or something, but do some large interior work, do some kind of large mosaic, that is, closer to
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something monumental. because i really am such a broad person, and it’s high time for me to go to large formats, and i i feel that i will feel even more free, high, that is, i want to go into monumental painting, that’s when you realize that you are creating... something so original, something so unique and that resonates, well i ’m still there from time to time, even if i retire there, i post there all the time on instagram, and i see people’s reactions, this is this, when this exchange is going on, what did you come up with, and what the effect is cool, i show it, and you see that people immediately react, also like that, wow, how cool, this is such an exchange of energy, which
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right there... well, pushes you to come up with something else, but in general, for artists to break out of the state that they need to listen to the customer’s taste all the time - this is happiness, and now that i ’m doing what i like it, just my collection, and then i just kind of show people what i’ve done, buy it or take my taste there, look, this kind of freedom is a great happiness, thanks to the fact that i’m a creative person.. i'm not bored with life, this is the most important thing, probably this is the motif that runs through my life, i’m never bored, just one chance to show my strength, who wrote the poem about the russian man?
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from the street by the pool, what family was the last owner of the world castle, demonstrate your intellectual potential to the whole country, the main thing is, of course, your knowledge, well , how savvy our participants are, we’ll find out right now what the hockey expression means to take off the chaps, maxim, the players are preparing for a fight , mikhail sanata, sanata, sanata, specify, sanata.
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we do not have the moral right to live only for ourselves, we must look beyond the horizon, we do not have and will not have another home. african countries, as well as the arab world, latin america and asia, why are they ready and willing to work with belarus, because the leaders of these countries have deep respect not only for belarus. as in the country, but also personal respect for alexander lukashenko. belarus forced nato to hear itself as an instrument that is very clear to this north atlantic aggressor. reproaches about the placement in our country of russian, tactical nuclear weapons are absurd. we are simply learning diplomatic, so -called etiquette, from those who made the language of force a global trend. we have a new
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political line... only supporters of the state line should get into parliament for the first time, only those for whom the words “belarus, unity, sovereignty, family and peace” have a decisive meaning. go to the side and don’t interfere, no one is forcing you to do anything, for one simple reason, we are already the absolute majority. propaganda project, watch on tv channel belarus 24. in general, the collection probably started with my childhood toys. christmas tree decorations that san trisoli got, no matter how trivial it may sound, this red star, which was hung instead of a top on the tree, is probably my favorite toy, it’s probably where this
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passion for collecting came from, then many, well, there were many countries, many different purchases, you can’t remember, let’s just say, this is where which toy was purchased, but each of them has its own history, each in their... countries, they are not dear to everyone, as one, regardless of the price that i paid for the toy, a svenska ball, the end of the 19th, beginning of the 20th century, in fact, this is the most valuable exhibit that we have, was purchased by me at the bluish market in budapest, well, you need to understand that now, probably, no one blows such large balls, because... next to it there are balls, and those presented to pope john paul i are listed in the guinness book of records , like the largest balls issued by hand, that is, this turns out a ball, this is a machine blown ball, this is one of the balls
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that has a marking on it, it was made in vienna, in austria, and for this brand i tried to find a pair for it, let’s say, so that i could display them, let’s say, in pairs or make some -the branches of museums, you know, none of the well-known online auctions... did not find a companion for it, perhaps this is the last ball in the world, in general the collection numbers several thousand artifacts, every year it is replenished, or i bring some new one an exotic country a couple of toys, or my friends who know about this hobby give it to me, and sometimes ordinary citizens come to the museum with some old, especially soviet toys, and they offer... some of these are kind of nice, because they come across very interesting things, because this is a museum not only of toys, there are also new year’s traditions, soviet artifacts, in fact , we also tell us about new year’s stamps and
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postcards, here visitors receive, they go on such an excursion in the new year in almost all countries of the world , that's why we we try to make sure that people here get into the new year's spirit and leave our museum joyful, cheerful, happy. do good and be happy in the new year.
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every week we review the main topics that aroused the greatest interest of our viewers and followers on social networks. we offer you to learn the belarusian language while walking with our tv guides. we also introduce you to
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amazing people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. broadcast 24/7. a project that everyone should see. watch us every friday on the belarus24 tv channel.
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the dish that the slavs prepare for the festive table is what i saw, it looks very tasty and i really like it. there is a difference between the new year, which is celebrated in iran and here. for us, each new year comes at a different time, sometimes we celebrate it in the morning, sometimes at night. it depends on where the earth is in relation to the sun.
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this is also considered a very important holiday in iran. we know exactly how to start the morning right. pasta with mussels, peas, but this is a truly wonderful start to the day. it seems to me that any person. this way it will feel. super happy, together we will prepare a delicious breakfast, nastya , today you are in command in the kitchen, so give instructions, we are girls, we won’t cry, that’s for sure, it’s true, and i love garlic very much, it doesn’t bother me at all, but let’s say for breakfast eat garlic, and we’ll get the boost of energy we need, okay, then i’ll be crafty, you do the dough, and i’ll do the turkey. so that's it, put the whole
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thing in the oven until ready, uh-huh, uh-huh, watch the champion's breakfast on the belarus 24 tv channel. on the air news is now with you elizaveta. hotka, hello, let's begin.


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