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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 12, 2024 8:00pm-8:50pm MSK

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this is a panorama, a live broadcast, i, sergei lugovsky, will tell you about the main events of friday, january 12, hello, the tradition of christmas days, a new year's reception is being held in minsk on behalf of the president, alexander lukashenko personally presented awards and thanks. the red sea is becoming a sea of ​​blood, the usa and britain launched massive attacks on yemen, the civilized world is silent again, there is great cooperation. nizhny novgorod
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has become a city of belarusian trams and electric buses, and it was decided to move forward only together. see also in our issue. thanks for their hard work and undeniable talents, today the president presented awards to doctors and journalists. the traditional reception on behalf of the head of state for the old new year is taking place at these moments. congratulations to our colleagues on the air of the panorama. history of the issue let's remember together how the warmest new year's tradition was born: our children. the path to the heart through innovation in the grodno cardiocenter for the first time performed a unique operation on aortic valve replacement, about the high-tech development of regional medicine, we will tell you in our story. the super final is just a stone's throw away, factorby fans are waiting for the climax. the sixth live broadcast,
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the most touching of the season, they will sing hit songs , why you should stock up on scarves, they found out on the sidelines. today we begin the panorama with another good tradition of these new year and christmas days. for many years now, on the eve of the old new year , it has been customary in belarus to honor those who reached professional heights in the past year. to the reception on behalf of. our president invited people from the world of media, art culture, statesmen, athletes, teachers, doctors. all of them are the support and pride of the state. alexander lukashenko always personally presents awards and thanks. 2023 has become history, but we remember its lessons. there is a time of new achievements ahead. it requires maximum effort from everyone. recent years have added more ill-wishers to us on the international stage, but belarusians. responds to these attacks
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with unity and order on his land, the president is convinced that the planet will be far from calm tomorrow, they will try us, as before, but our people don’t care the strength to overcome any obstacles with your creative work. today, dear friends, the world is very turbulent, but we must do everything to make the souls of belarusians feel bright and comfortable.
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it should be very noisy, but we must do everything to make it quiet and calm. facts indicate that the world is unsettled, or will continue to be. none of the powers that be, especially the americans, want this multipolarity; they want to rule the whole world, as it was after the collapse of the soviet union. ukraine, middle east, today already border. “the atlantic indian ocean , the houthis and so on are carrying out demonstrative bombings just for the sake of the upcoming elections in america, we need to show our heroism, how tough i am, i’m afraid that this arc will continue across the indian ocean to taiwan, the whole planet may burst into flames, this cannot be allowed , but our task is one:
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peace. tranquility in our state , i repeat for the twenty-fifth time, there will be an economy, there will be peace , there will be peace, naturally, from you, from the government, and from all of us. this largely depends on what we must do and what we did, naturally, behind all this there is a personal contribution of each of those present, first of all, each of those present, because here is not just the elite, here is the top of our state, the entire leadership, and the people who bring the truth to society, fight for this truth . the difficult work of our doctors was especially noted; it is their calling to save lives. high professionalism and personal contribution to the protection of our health are noted at the highest level. the president's gratitude was announced to olga, the head physician of the city clinical hospital for emergency medical care. svetliskaya, as well as the deputy head physician
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of the republican clinical medical center , presidential administration manager, yuri slobodin, a famous surgeon, who performed one of the first liver transplants. among the recipients was the center's epidemiologist, maria alekseeva. they did not give up during the most difficult periods of the pandemic, and they fight for every patient to the end even today. this year, among those who received gratitude from the head of state, there are many of our colleagues, which is especially pleasant, the television news agency of the bel tv and radio company is keeping its mark. many years in profession gleb gorbatenko. information picture of the day in our evening and final sunday broadcast. this is largely his doing , what will be the panorama, the main broadcast, our project around the planet, the audience will see only the most important, here’s how to make it so that the viewer cannot take his eyes off the television screen, the director of the tv news agency sergei boranovsky knows for sure, he is trusted by the most
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significant projects, special reports, documentaries, important interviews and celebrations, as my colleagues say, you always feel the hand of a professional. last years i got great pleasure from the fact that the news was broadcast, what is called online, the real trick was to give it out, what is called up to date, that is, right here now, and this is very important, because a person watches the news, at the same time, his favorite sport is on on another channel, he switches, forgets about it, we pick up this broadcast, transmit the picture to ourselves in the news and we have the result... the score of the match, that is, the person sees it already in the news, working on television is generally in principle, a lifestyle, yes in our profession , but in principle, as in any profession, you must always keep up with the times, be in the trend, so to speak, somewhere you can spy, somewhere you can hear something, see something , you don’t have to repeat
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it, you need to add something a little of your own, our work is on television, it is a lifestyle, so this is creativity, it can suddenly come at any moment, it ’s independent, it’s not just coming to work and.. you’re doing something, you come home and you’re also thinking about the project, about your work. today our colleagues from the ont and stv television channels and the interstate television and radio company mir received gratitude from the hands of the president. once again, we sincerely congratulate all the awardees. and also about the traditions of sovereign belarus, giving warmth, care and attention to those who need it most. the campaign has been going on in the country for almost a month. our children, with special sporting enthusiasm , today congratulated the children from
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the capital's orphanage number 7 , called family, on the new year and christmas holidays. together with santa claus, they spent the day with the snow maiden and other fairy-tale characters on a mobile skating rink at the national stadium. dynamo , unexpected meetings with surprises took place, the head of the athletics federation, ivan tihan, arrived with gifts, along with the management of the arena itself and representatives of our country’s football champion club, dynamo minsk. we must remember that children are waiting for a miracle, a miracle that is brought by father frost, the snow maiden, fairy-tale heroes, and of course we must also participate in this miracle, so we meet, give them joy, emotions, and, well, you yourself understand perfectly well what sport is. this is a load, this is a physical activity, but in the winter, not going skating is something that we must provide for them as adults, every year we either come to visit them somewhere, or recently we have invited them here to congratulate them, again, to through such actions, we also introduce them to sports, especially since we
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are three sports organizations and we will be very glad if these are future players, or athletes in athletics or football, well, at the same time, these are also our fans, most importantly , class, i achieved everything i wanted, i also met, well, dynamics, but i call him tosha, i started studying well, i have new friends, the new year is special because there are a lot of fairy-tale characters, well, it’s good in itself, cheerful mood. a lot of gifts, because he is magical, makes all dreams come true,
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as a gift the guys received championship towels from the football dynamo, as well as the necessary household appliances from the athletics federation and the national stadium. charity event our children is held in our country, for more than 20 years, it began on the initiative and with the constant support of our president. right now i propose to plunge into our modern history. we'll show you how one decision laid the foundation for a tradition without which it's hard to imagine the new year's holiday season. for your attention, the premiere issue in panorama, we are launching a new section: history of the issue. today the focus is on the republican action our children. the entire event is under the patronage of the president, and specific orphanages have their own bosses. today. no need for announcements and appeals, belarusians they know that there are our children, and we must
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help them, it’s hard to imagine, but it’s a fact, in the early nineties people were obliged to look into children’s eyes. the ministry of education and science tried to introduce a system, but few thought about boarding schools or small patients in hospitals. the collapse of the union, life on coupons, here you can feed yourself. in april ninety -five, the president of belarus decides not only political and economic issues, he... for decades predetermines the fate of boys and girls who were let down by adults, so that to help all of you, to support the younger generation, we have developed a large, adult program “children of belarus”, for you , for your guys, protection from injustice and evil, a law has been adopted in our country today, which is called, on the rights of the child, on your rights, i want you to know that despite any difficulties, we will always protect and support you. in april
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1995, alexander lukashenko approved a national action plan to improve the situation of children and protect their rights for a five-year period. creation of a national adoption center, a bank for orphans, completing the construction of children's villages in kobrin and boravlyany, expanding the network of rehabilitation centers, and holding our children's action there. at the end of ninety-five, the top officials of ministries and enterprises visited orphanages and boarding schools, and at the same time the presidential tree debuted. i want to give you a happy, prosperous childhood so that you grow up as healthy, honest, smart and hardworking people. i want you, your family and friends, to be calm about tomorrow. that's when the president gave i kept my word, the main christmas tree will be an event. annual and from the belstate circus, where it started in ninety-five, was transferred
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to the palace of the republic so that as many children as possible could attend it, grandfather, help us, so that we also thank all those who are standing on stage today, who created this fairy tale that we we will all take our hearts and souls from here with us, help, thank you. thank you, now less than one and a half thousand children, including those with disabilities, live in boarding homes, and how many new year holidays are celebrated in hospitals, to each of them santa claus is coming today. i ask you, never upset your loved ones, never do anything that can cause harm in your country and your land. campaign our children. in the 23-24 season it started on december 15 and lasted exactly a month, of course, the most important
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thing for them is faith in a miracle, a sweet gift, but adults, who today do not need to be led by the hand, bring much more, playgrounds, sensory boards for learning , sports equipment, furniture, kitchen appliances, i’m in a good mood because i came to minsk for the christmas tree, it’s fun, new year's mood lifts, new year is a holiday. when santa claus gives you gifts, and not only in this one month , to protect and give promotions, today this is the brightest belarusian tradition, which, among other things, has become even larger. with the presentation of gifts at the palace of independence, there are no other people’s children, so we call ours not only belarusians by place of birth or passport. we are doing everything to ensure that those children who today do not have the opportunity to gather in a beautiful hall to talk with their president,
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came to us and felt at home. there shouldn't be children. tatyana nikolaevna korpechenko from the agricultural town of alexandria, shklovsky district, today accepts congratulations on her centenary anniversary. she is a home front worker during the great patriotic war. in her native arkhangelsk, she helped save people with a medical education. afterwards she graduated from the pedagogical institute and dedicated 40 years to her noble profession. in particular, after
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moving to belarus, she taught mathematics in a rural school. our country became for her. second home, here she was cool alexander lukashenko was the leader from fifth to eighth grade, it was the president who was the first to congratulate the veteran, flowers, letters of gratitude, including from youth organizations of the region and district, and of course a lot of kind words. with such visits you support us and inspire us, we still want to live in our beautiful belarus, such a life has never happened before. whatever you want, and thanks to our government, our president, we live in such a beautiful country, these are the golden people of our country, so many thanks to them for what they did, for the fact that they contributed to
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the development of our country, and naturally, we, as young people, will try to do everything in order to maintain... good health, good spirits. tatyana nikolaevna is the last war veteran for the shkolovsky district. this is a most unique person. these are truly heroes of our time. such people really show by their example what it means to truly love your homeland. such people show what patriotism is. information about tatyana gorpechenko’s career path, as well as photographs from president, now in a place of honor in the school-museum where the head of state studied. warm words of gratitude and recognition.
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to tell young people about this the truth of heroism , the restoration of our destroyed cities, burned towns and villages, older people like me, the main thing is that the administration, the leadership remembers, does not forget us and we are naturally pleased to be in this regard, to communicate with colleagues, so... pleasant emotions, what they convey, they share their knowledge with the younger generation about how to live, what one should be a person, a patriot, a citizen, this is very important, and we draw a lot from these meetings, and today, of course, both the younger generation and representatives of various public organizations participate in these meetings, who, communicating with our
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respected veterans of labor and war, they , of course, they draw a lot for themselves and... i think it’s useful for all of us. on these holidays, representatives of authorities, public associations, deputies, students, visiting social institutions of the hospital, share their warmth with elderly people, special attention to veterans, heroes of socialist labor and centenarians. as part of the event, new year's balls, concerts, and festive performances are held. new war of the anglo-saxons in the world. the united states and britain launched massive strikes on yemen last night. more than 100 missiles were fired. moreover, in london they even announced that it was himself. officially, the target of the attack was the targets of a rebel group that periodically attacks merchant ships in the red sea.
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thousands of people have been demonstrating in yemen for several hours now, condemn the aggression of the anglo-saxons. protesters filled the squares and main streets of all the administrative centers of the country, but what ’s the wildest thing is that the rest of the supposedly civilized world is silent again, while the red sea is already becoming thinner. sea ​​of ​​blood. olga davidovich will talk about how the united states has even more actively pushed the middle east to the brink of a new war. a bright glow in the night sky, thunderclaps, a picture so familiar, unfortunately, to the middle east. this time emen sings. us-led international coalition attacks targets in the capital sani and other major cities of the country. combat aircraft, ships and even a nuclear submarine are involved. the air defense system will cope with such a massive attack. maybe the entire us, uk, with the support of australia, the netherlands, bahrain and canada, launched several dozen strikes on
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the houthi positions, they in turn responded with surface-to-surface missiles, they promised the direction of the american ships that the attackers would pay a high price, they even announced strikes on the american and british bases. we are without hesitation, we will do everything in our power, and any american aggression will never go unnoticed. could lead to a violation of the fragile regime
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experts note that the actions of the western coalition ceasefire in yemen, and in the worst scenario, iran and saudi arabia will be drawn into the conflict. tehran has already called the massive strike arbitrary and a violation of international law. riyadh calls. restraint, russia convenes an urgent meeting of the un security council. our fears that the us position in the council were confirmed un security over the red sea is just a pretext for further escalation of tensions in the region. we strongly condemn these irresponsible actions by the united states and its allies. however, the consequences are already making themselves felt. world oil prices rose by 2.5% amid the american attack. the cost of transporting black gold. by about 40%. the skies over yemen are closed to aviation, and the ships that are now in the red sea, of which there are more than two hundred, may also fall under the hot hand. at the same time, the united states does not intend
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stop, they promise to continue attacks if necessary. there is an opinion that the shelling of yemen was staged for pr of the american leader, but it turned out more like black pr. biden is not only stupid and incompetent, i believe he is completely insane. he is delusional, crazy with his extremely dangerous. using federal agencies as a political weapon, he is a mental disaster that is leading our country to hell, causing world war iii for no reason. democratic congressmen accused biden of abuse of power, they say he violated the first article of the constitution by not contacting congress before the attack. and on the streets of washington and new york there are the first rallies against american aggression. olga davidovich, mikhail drugakov, television news agency. well, in poland, rallies threaten to develop into civil confrontation. if previously the opposition led by tusk was responsible for the angry polish hearts, now the people are bringing
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pis to the barricades. a march of completely free, in quotation marks, poles took place in warsaw, whom the polish regime manipulates like puppets to serve their interests. and everything is according to the 2020 manual, a complete substitution of concepts. closing corrupt media. calls the elimination of freedom of speech and global censorship, the real criminals were immediately renamed into political media. we do not have free media, we do not have the truth, we oppose, first of all, the destruction of the foundations of the constitution and the undermining of the idea of ​​the rule of law. there is a substitution of concepts and confusion, democracy is being destroyed. supporters of law and justice and other right-wing parties are accused of...
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representatives of the regime dictators duda announced super-enormous number of participants, about 3000, but the official authorities counted 10 times less. however, for pis, fibbing, although a completely different word is suitable, is a common thing; they were the ones who counted hundreds of thousands on the streets of minsk in the 1920s. so, what is the whole point of what is happening in poland? everything is extremely simple. kaczynski and the company simply cannot recognize their... expression, therefore, at every opportunity they shout about dictatorship, totalitarianism, infringement of rights and freedoms. i wonder when the american cookie distributors will show up. disagreements between parties in warsaw are on the verge of the law, according to polish political scientist and representative of the poland-east society, alexander jacyk. and the power of the media plays a big role in the struggle for power. this confrontation has existed in poland for many
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years. true, over the past 8 years, the victory was for right-wing justice and kadzhinsky, in principle, ruled poland without paying attention to the opposition. now this agenda has changed and it is indeed very difficult for right-wing justice to agree with this, that they have lost power, but on the other hand, they have foreseen this in recent years, they have adopted many laws and organized a lot. enterprises, in order to retain this power even after losing the elections, now, in order for them to approve this power, for example, to take away the state media space, the satuska and the new new government are coming to play on the brink of the right, we have elections to the european parliament in june, so that it is very important here who will have influence on the belgian
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space. because the media provides an opportunity to win these elections, because such a tough, sharp fight on the brink of the law, but on the brink, even, if not so to speak, of war. the protest wave in germany is not abating. the action of train drivers led to serious disruptions to railway transportation throughout the country. at the same time, the tractor blockade continues on the roads. the head of government traditionally tries to remain silent; several hundred protesting farmers arrived specially for scholz’s arrival at the local plant and greeted him, as expected, with all the love of the people. the politician himself was afraid to appear in front of the strikers, entrusting this mission to a party colleague, but
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scholz needs an answer. will hold on, because the situation is already out of control, new participants will definitely join the protesters in the near future, because the german energy company will double electricity tariffs in a few days. and against this background, the blooming eurogarden has somehow already moved overseas. the united states continues to siphon resources from the european union, all this is hidden behind the screen of yet another militarization. there is a crisis in poland, a recession in lithuania, and... germany is economically, experts and guests of the club editors in the new issue are discussing how the actions of civil disobedience in poland will end, which, by the way , our president has long predicted. political warriors of western neighbors, in the editors' club. the polish political field has been cleared, there is no democracy, there are no elections , in fact there is a confrontation between two political forces, some of which are completely
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pro-american, others. there are two steps to the super final. factorby fans are waiting for the culmination of the talent show. the winner of the third season will be determined on january 26. well, for now there are only a few minutes left before the live broadcast of the show. today, again, one of the five finalists will be excluded from the project. what songs will they fight for life, to whose stellar accompaniment? we will choose
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the best. during voting. lydia zablotskaya, our cultural observer at the epicenter of the most talented watchable show in the country, knows all the details. yes, sergey, this season the factor b stage has not yet absorbed so many tears, today one has the status of a place for confession, the whole point is that the five finalists will sing about the most precious thing in in their lives, in our lives with you, these are certainly parents, this evening is dedicated to them. i think that it’s all about the repertoire and it’s not for nothing that this broadcast is called one of the most touching, because the revelations that were previously heard from vaenga will be heard.
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we will hear our legendary kolhanka in secret, all this will certainly be in new rankings , we will have to see how the participants will cope, well, for now we will choose the best, of course, domestic duets are waiting for us, the stars that you yourself once chose, this is nastya kravchenko and nikita belko, winner of last season factorby ivan dzeatlov , honored artist of the republic of belarus victoria oleshko, as well as ours. factorby mentor ruslan alekhno and he will sing in a duet with the winner of factorby 60+ galina kochalova , this is the lineup of stars today, and of course there will be no exceptions, after all , one of the finalists will leave this broadcast, but i’ll remind you
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that our male mentors have literally one chance of winning, so diva olga buzova continues to fight at two paces at once, but someone probably from this five you have to leave, it's up to you to decide. the first prosthetic operation in the regions , enjoy the show and root for your favorites. the aortic valve was performed by grodno cardiologists. an innovative technique involves using the patient’s own tissues for the prosthesis. the cardio center uses minimally invasive methods for treating heart diseases when everything is manipulated.
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talk, that's why i'm very, very grateful to this hospital. a unique operation for aortic valve replacement for grodno cardiologists has become a real challenge, doctors used an innovative technique, cutting out new valve flaps from the patient’s own tissues. the new valve flaps are made using the original method, and no synthetic ones are used. materials and, accordingly, in the early postoperative period , patients undergoing this procedure may not take the blood thinners they are required to take for standard cardiac surgery.
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the body does not reject its own tissues, but this is one hundred percent survival rate. similar operations have been carried out in the capital for several years, but at the regional level, this is the first experience. in grodno, it became possible thanks to the highly qualified doctors;
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the emergency department is planned to be fully operational in the fall of this year. the intensive emergency room will be equipped with modern equipment, and personnel selection is actively underway. baka, telenews agency. the country continues to modernize rural medicine. a modular first aid station was opened in the village of zhitkova near borisov. the building itself, a wall with windows, doors and even electrical equipment, was manufactured at a local automotive and tractor electrical equipment plant. they assembled it on site like a construction set for the foundation. the new fap was built from scratch in just four months. it will serve 400 patients, including from three nearby villages.
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we agreed, they agreed, and their price came out on average somewhere around 120,000, if we take the rest of the plans, then we moved some to new buildings, carried out renovations there, and some we simply renovated. happy opening of the new modular first aid station in the borisov region , the modernization of rural medicine has been completely completed. they are currently working on the construction of a blood transfusion station in the regional center. justice must permeate all criminal law and practice. its application , do the penalties correspond to the gravity
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of the crime and the danger that people pose to society? upcoming amnesty. the minister of internal affairs of belarus will tell you who can count on a pardon and how security will be ensured during the election campaign. ivan kubrakov. watch tomorrow at 7 pm in the project question number one. let's talk about safety first.
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mas, the new automobile plant will start operating in a year. this will include electric transport, diesel buses, trolleybuses, and electric buses. all technical developments of the minsk automobile plant will be here. flats from the initial production of the frame to the production of the finished finished bus will be produced indoors, this will improve the quality of the equipment, in 2023 we have made 1800 units passenger vehicles, 3,000 capacity plan for this construction project. today, the minsk automobile plant is developing production at its new site in zhodino. up to 300 units of electric vehicles can be produced here. per year, a significant part is exported to
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russian regions. well, the quality of our transport was appreciated in nizhny novgorod. today it is the russian city of belarusian trams and electric buses. we are putting these cars together, and the new joint project has grown literally from scratch. the governor of the nizhny novgorod region arrived in belarus saw the possibilities of our enterprise. afterwards, the region bought several trams. they showed themselves great. that's why. they decided to produce the rest in nizhny, so when you arrive in nizhny novgorod, you will definitely see new beautiful and environmentally friendly cars, about great cooperation, svetlana lukinyuk. minsk and nizhny novgorod, today they are connected directly by air and railway connections. the decision to travel non-stop was spurred on by both business and tourists. two cities, now there is nowhere closer.
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the first tram here on the streets of nizhny appeared back in 1896, it was from these all tram traffic in russia originates from places, so the citizens have a special attitude towards this transport, the tram is popular, convenient, environmentally friendly, we have a lot of very tram tracks. now the tram fleet is being updated, here are the old models, there are still many of them in the city, well, here is our new joint meeting, the name of two cities is minsk and nizhny.
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they fly on fifteen routes, with two dozen already in common, but this year the fleet will grow significantly. yes, today we are solving one of the city’s problems in terms of updating transport, we plan to release at least 105 one-piece ones, and i think we’ll build a reserve for two-piece ones. we looked at the production itself, this is vorsma, a small town in the nizhny novgorod region, where minins are assembled. belarus's russian operation is in action. we get almost all of our electrical equipment from belarus, the rest and frames. the external body kit and glass are all russian. we produce the external body kit and external plastic ourselves, using all composite materials. it takes
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two weeks to assemble one tram; from two to seven people. the most difficult and time-consuming thing, they say, is electrical work. all actions with... strictly according to the schemes, and all stages of assembly are adopted from the belarusians. my specialists , together with me, underwent training at bkm for 4 months, that is, we constantly changed, first some guys went, then others, that is, we gradually learned all the processes. this tram is convenient for passengers, charging gadgets during the trip is not a problem, it is also less noisy than its predecessors, and...
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cooperation for 3 years, including agricultural technology the two cities have signed a large program from assembly to service, joint production of aircraft, together we are already building a school, residential buildings will follow, and of course tourism. over 20 thousand belarusians have already visited nizhny novgorod and the flow is increasing. about a third every year, well, that’s all i have, right now it’s time for the most rated watchable show in the country, factor byy, so sit back, we’re starting, have a pleasant
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tv evening in belarus alone.
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we know exactly how to start the morning right:
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pasta with mussels and peas, but this is just a wonderful start to the day, it seems to me that anyone who has breakfast this way will feel super happy. we will prepare a delicious breakfast with you. nastya, today you are in command in the kitchen, so give instructions. we are girls. we won’t cry, for sure, it’s true, and i love garlic very much, it doesn’t bother me at all, but let’s say we have garlic for breakfast, and we’ll get the boost of energy we need, okay, then i’ll be crafty, you do the dough, and i’ll do the turkey, so that's it, send this whole thing into the oven until done, uh-huh, uh-huh. watch the breakfast of the champion on the belarus 24 tv channel
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, i don’t know people at all who are happy about the fact that this war seems to be going on, no one is happy, we ourselves have given the opportunity to our enemies, as if yes, not only to dismember us, but also to force to fight with each other, behind the lines they all rub their hands like this, they, so to speak, the slavs, kind of forced us to kill each other, and we... they had enough inner wisdom to avoid this, in war you already understand that there is nothing more important than a person, you , despite the fact that you have no resources, are built on maximum justice, justice is not what is trending now, but in our state our people have a demand for justice, including in the international arena , as soon as you become the same beasts as your enemies, you have lost, even if you won, if we stop being human, we will lose even if we technically win. this is our success, this is the fact that we are still holding on to this. project markov is nothing personal. watch on tv channel
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belarus 24. dear customers, our store is closing. dear passengers, the minsk metro
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wishes you a merry christmas and a happy new year.


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