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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 12, 2024 10:50pm-11:31pm MSK

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yuri, please comment on what is happening, what this is connected with and in general , how interesting this situation is to us from a political point of view, well, the situation is really very curious, two former high-ranking leaders of the ministry of internal affairs fled, tried to escape from justice, hiding in the presidential residence, well, this is an escape for them...
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such states where this would be possible, poland positions itself as such a stronghold of democracy and values, but this is simply how much image damage the system in general the statehood of poland and the immediate current head of state, but they actually facilitate, among other things, our information work, because even if we couldn’t come up with such a thing, two criminals are hiding from a court decision in the presidential residence. you know, this reminded me of how at a certain moment our fugitives tried to hide on the territory of the embassies of different states, on the territory of belarus, then they were taken out in trunks without any documentation, plus or minus the same situation, only here, probably, it was in the plans withdraw from this residence, andrze duda, these officials in the trunk already somewhere, i don’t know, towards germany, but it’s also unlikely, after they ruined all relations, it’s not even clear where to take these two characters. well, probably, they really
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planned to hide them from justice more deeply after duda returned from a meeting with representatives of the fugitive belarusian opposition, but this did not happen, in general, everything that happened now and what happened before shows that poland, excuse me, from democracy, human rights, constitutional legality, well, she is as close to them as the moon, we are much closer to this, if not in...
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well, it is clearly recorded, the same duda won the elections, in my opinion, by a margin of his own, well candidate, second, with a difference of 3%, if i’m not mistaken, this figure somehow haunts the polish state, the fugitive opposition, and so over the course of these eight years, polish society, it has grouped into two approximately equal parts of society that go to such a tough confrontation. friend with another, lech walenza, during the election campaign to the sejm , has repeatedly said that poland is on the verge of a civil war, what do you think about this, can it come to such a confrontation, because the forces at the moment are, well, approximately equal in one part of polish society, followed by the president, who
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represents, continues to represent , the very ruling party of law and justice, this is the once opposition structure headed at the moment by donald tusk, and... the threat of civil confrontation, we observe that just yesterday in the center of italy hundreds of people in black shirts gathered, zigging and glorifying nazi leaders with nazi slogans, and at an officially authorized rally. why does
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this all happen? because europeans and poles in this case, the polish authorities, i mean, do not listen to their people. a, a b, got too carried away under the influence of their american, british curators, brussels curators, foreign policy, instead of engaging domestic political agenda, they are engaged in participating, directly participating in military conflicts of other countries, as a result of what the poles are observing, well, for example, such a paradox as... the transport industry of poland is being destroyed, polish truckers are being persecuted, and at the same time truckers of ukraine, green the light is open, all restrictions, all permits have been lifted, they are calmly moving, dumping, destroying,
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so to speak, the transport industry of poland, as you can call it a crime, but why is this, why did the polish government agree to this, because they urgently asked... the ocean partners to make, to provide preferences, we see the same preferences for grain, for agricultural products, that is, paradoxically, they are destroying their own industry.
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performing some one-time acquisition of polish events in poland provides only if the special services, but look why we mention them, look how they behave in some similar situations or in situations that are critical for freedom of speech, human rights, they are seizing the state television, silence, they kick out opponents there deputies from this. silence, they seized , broke into the palace of the president of poland, now
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he called it a challenge to polish statehood, tomorrow they are gathering some kind of maidan near the walls of the polish sejm, silence, why don’t they express their position, do you publicly support or condemn this or that the other side, because they are supported, they are kept women, supported by funds that...
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and the most interesting and revealing thing is what i noticed, in the video that the belarusian border guards publish, there is this a man of arab appearance frozen to death in a light summer jacket, that is, we can assume that this man either entered the territory of poland during some warm period, but clearly he did not come from somewhere in a light jacket and walked through the forest towards the polish border, conditionally, or again, this is a person who... got to poland generally legally, because the investigation into this visa scandal was recently completed, according to which
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the polish state officially sold visas to africa, asia, refugees, i don’t remember, the cost for one visa was about 500 dollars, in my opinion about 300,000 such documents were sold, that is, these people could officially enter the territory of poland using their official documents, at the moment they are just you...
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they must understand that fate can also deal with them, she is such an interesting, ironic fate, lady, she can do the same thing, just watch. how calmly, how people are dying in our swamps, forests, cold, border ones, this is monstrous, this is already a manifestation and the beginnings of nazism, you know, it should be noted here that the polish border guards themselves are treated no better than animals, because today they publish quite a lot of videos where
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, well, actually, the video shows the conditions in which they are at this border... in fact , a 2x2 meter booth with a wooden door was made from these cubes of sand, there they are, like angry dogs , there are polish border guards, i would not be surprised that such an animal attitude towards their own representatives of the paramilitary structure is what it causes in these people kind of angry. that it is because of you , because of the refugees, that we are here in such inhuman dog-like conditions, so maybe such a beast is acting against these people, so they no longer begin to perceive them as people, but really treat them like animals, because well, they are treated approximately the same, not much better than the same refugees. well, everything is very simple, but the fish rots
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from the head, in belarus power belongs to the people, in poland power does not belong...
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civil blockade, they will soon come actions of civil arrest, that is, when certain groups of the polish people, for example, truck drivers or farmers, are forced to defend their rights, by the way, we see this, we are already seeing it in germany, because the politicians to whom they entrusted their votes do not defend their rights, despite some progressive slogans, as soon as they are elected, the same thing happens. well , just regarding scholz - his resignation is now being actively discussed in germany, and many political scientists openly say that before scholz may not see out the end of his term, this protest of farmers, which has now unfolded, is being joined by more and more representatives of other professions, from today, as far as i know, railway workers are joining
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- in this action, in germany, if possible someone doesn’t know, and so in general it’s quite difficult... the situation, we’re used to the fact that if a train is written that it will arrive at 12:30, then it will be at peron at 12:30, that is, already there 10-20 minutes before departure, in germany you can arrive at this time, but leave by four in the evening, because the disruptions due to these increasingly frequent protests, the difficulty in general, with the provision of the railway, resources, qualified personnel, and so on, are practically unprecedented, so this action: the protest of farmers, it is really colossal , you watch a video where , it seems to me, tens of thousands of tractors are driving out , when they turn on these flashing lights, especially at night, it feels like the floor of germany is shining at this moment, and people are quite determined, plus the german government and law enforcement agencies say that this peaceful
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protest action, it is truly peaceful, the farmers do not want any radical actions, but people with quite radical views are trying to integrate into this peaceful protest action, all this can develop into quite a serious confrontation, including with security forces. what do you think about this? i think the shadow of civil war is looming over the european union, very clearly evident. we have already given the example of this italian gathering, yesterday’s nazis. we see the results of voting for far- right radical parties, these numbers are getting higher and higher from election to election, and of course this is a reaction.
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is filled with rage, watching, observing what is happening, in connection with this, these conflicts will escalate, they will escalate
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, including because the five million army of migrants, at least, has settled in the same germany, with its own orders, with its own rules, with with their demands, unfortunately, the european authorities are in...
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stability, which means this is our most important task, we can’t fit in anywhere, and through these all ice floes, foreign policy,
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geopolitical, will float calmly, providing our people, our pensioners, with a stable, calm life. the situation is really extremely complicated, i probably two or three years ago, as part of a television news agency , published my column regarding the revelry and rise of... right-wing populists in the european union, i want to say that this is the situation with the black shirts in italy , she’s not the only one, in spain they go to similar marches because there is also a cult certain leaders, right-wing views in spain, germany, france, that is , old europe, especially people of conservative views, they find in these ideas a certain outlet, as it seems to me, this is such a you already know... an outburst of those emotions that people accumulate against this lgbt imposition, against the fact that people are forced, it’s absurd when at
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the legislative level they come to you and say that if you refuse to finance your child’s transition from a boy to a girl, then you will be subject to criminal charges persecution, how absurd must the situation in the state be for you to have criminal liability for something like this? i liked it, by the way, i also recently watched a video of a russian-speaking german who said: i don’t allow my 4-year-old child to choose whether he will eat sausage or porridge for breakfast, well, because i’m parents, that’s what i can conditionally give him there or what i consider useful for him, then he will eat, conditionally, when a child at 5 years old says that dad, i want to become girl, well, at the legislative level you must ensure this transition for him, and what next in canada is fixed for today? subsequently they are faced with severe
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psychological trauma, when after 2-3 years the realization comes to you that some of your social issues have not been resolved, some opportunity to get a mate there, and so on, then nature begins to take its toll, and people understand that, well, that’s it, probably the only way out of this situation is either to commit suicide, or those who still continue to maintain some kind of common sense, they go into right-wing radical ideas and... see a solution to this imposed problem through the formation of such subcultural ideological coalitions within their community in order to fight what is being imposed on them, again he repeatedly spoke on air on our radio on their tv channels , that colleagues have repeatedly filmed stories about how europeans with conservative views come to belarus and try to find their life here; these are spaniards, germans,
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italians. quite an interesting trend for many years we for some reason believed that we were still associated, but somehow baltarusia , well, some part of the russian federation, today people even in europe have begun to actively figure out which states of the eurasian space would be more interesting for them to move to in order, firstly , to raise their children, and secondly, in the second case, to meet their old age in some kind of conservative society to which they are accustomed, especially if... this is talking about the germans, in general one must generally understand that europeans, by and large, they are no different from us in their conservative views, if today they started imposing some kind of lgbt agenda in belarus, well, definitely some people would think about where to move to raise their children, well in some normal conditions, there is no complaint against the european citizens themselves, because they were left no choice, they only have one door to go into this radicalism.
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because everything that is imposed, and it contradicts human, moral, spiritual foundations, because the great german , polish, spanish culture, it does not imply all these perversions, well , plus in addition to this agenda of dehumanization, to the agenda of dehumanization, because you need to understand why they are lobbying for all this, so that we become dehumanized. multiplied, that’s where this propaganda of all these outrages comes from , so that we don’t multiply, that’s their goal, those who lobby for it, that’s it, but plus to this is added a war against certain groups of the population, against their own economy, how can you explain that the polish government is destroying its
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truck drivers, the german one. the government is destroying its farmers, the german government is destroying its economy, allowing the explosion of gas pipelines, which ensured the receipt of cheap gas, which means the french government is destroying the education of its teachers, they are actually going to war against this european population, very good, very... good that we have some people who left belarus, some of them they come back, someone is not yet ripe for this, yes, they should take a sip of european values ​​to see what it’s like to be on maternity leave for six months and not 3 years, or make an appointment with a therapist or pediatrician and
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receive this appointment after 2 months. but we are squeezing out of our economy, from our government, everything we can to survive, the principle of social justice, first of all, we have a billion dollars a year spent on child benefits alone, and where can we get them if we don’t have any oil? , no gas, but we take it, and the president takes it, gets this money, both the government and the parliament, that is, we work, so to speak, with all our might for the benefit of the people, well, of course, we are not a resource
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state and... as super good as in the most developed countries of europe, we have not yet come to this, but we make an amendment, but life is super good there.
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i told you that there is even a smell in the city, the smell of this grass, everyone who comes there knows that there is the smell of drugs, so, now you will encounter, even at the smallest level, the horrors of the so-called civilized west, only if you there is money for an elite school, for life in some elite ghetto, then you can feel like a full-fledged person there, and you will always feel like that...
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tolog and i, host andrey sych. see you. 100 brave guys gathered in our studio. each of them has a question for an adult: is the takeoff of a rocket similar to the takeoff of an airplane? who is more scary for you: launch or landing? well, i probably, either unfortunately or fortunately, was not present at the time when they flew
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to the moon, but at least alexey arkhievich leonov said that yes, they had a flight, they visited there. the heroes of the program will have to open up to the audience. what is strength for you? well... the common expression is that there is strength in truth, i will say that there is strength in justice. the main task is to honestly answer all the original, and sometimes awkward questions, do you want to show a valid technique that can help someone from above, and then i throw the person, and just like that, what advice can you give to modern youth, based on your own experience, to love? that the land where you were born, see the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel . the television news agency is open access, we have no secrets from our
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people. in the same month, back in 1067, the sticks of the prince of kiev left the troops of the polatsky prince usyaslav, they knew a battle, but not that battle , but how to take care of the burning of the roof, the melon of the city no, no, there is a great palace for sports, a business card of a sunny guy minsk. adsul, here we are in minsk, we ’ll take a walk through the christmas town. what about holy without fun, partying and fun? the park named gorka has its own saber exhibition of young masters. the piles of samadze sculptures are being loosened. shchyray caress
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the sagrava of your family radzima. may peaceful skies fall on a happy earth. not bastards, as much as our city zakazhanyh. and you know this, the elders of minsk for maskva, leningrad, ryga. for my history , minsk will sort it out this time. at the exchange bureau , they told us that there was no way for those who were greedy to move to minsk. geta is not a metro. it seems that the metro in minsk is about to begin, when the population of kali yago travels for miles, it is the first underground passage. i am familiar with the letapis. the capital cities are all over belarus.
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palaces of sports - urachystae pasyadzhenne prysvechanae 900-godju minsk. the state came here from... the city of hero potriot!
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