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tv   100  BELARUSTV  January 13, 2024 1:15pm-2:11pm MSK

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stop, the boat is yours, no, are you a fool or something, why, clearly, tulip, tulip, i'm taking it, urgently group the bridge, wait, no need for the crooked bridge, wait, okay, okay , listen, what are you but we have a stupid birch, i’m an artist, i serve as a policeman, and you, as a representative of the authorities, would better help save the bag, the police are not obliged to save it. bags made of water, and what’s interesting in general is the police supposed to do here, i’ll explain the department, come on, let’s go, that’s it, now they’re going to kill me, i’ve got 100,000 worth of drugs in there, right? that, i call death, i cannot bear to see, dignity.
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in general, my memory for faces is professional, not my head, a computer, but with a glitch, once i saw it, i remembered it for the rest of my life, but how do you know, in the morning on the embankment in the car, remember, they also told you that your friend kicked you out of the house, well, remember , and that she doesn’t want to marry you, because she doesn’t want to change her last name, blakin goosebumps, okay, okay, okay, that’s it, okay, i remembered, yes, everything you’re worth, open it, come on, uh-huh, uh-huh, glass, wait, maybe your wife kicked you out, not me...
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i want to tell you about your husband, he doesn’t love you, and it’s true, who does he love, maybe you, it doesn’t matter, what’s important is something else, sooner or later evgeniy nikolaevich will leave you anyway, and you don’t dare keep him , but i don’t hold back.
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valyusha, come to me, i feel so bad. got ready, music, dj. applause,
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in exactly a minute a hero will come out to us who will answer everything, but first, according to tradition, our questions to the hero. hello, sergey, we have such a tradition in our program, if for some reason you don’t
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you may or may not want to answer, you have the right to refuse to answer a question three times, and be attentive to the questions, at the end of the conversation you will need to choose the best question, well, now you have exactly one minute. to tell about yourself what you think is necessary , time has passed, hello, dear guys , my name is sergei rutenko, i am a former athlete, played handball - played for the national team of the republic of belarus of our country, was its captain, uh, also played - in clubs abroad, i think you all know, barcelona football club, uh, now i am retired, a sports pension, today i am the head of the tennis federation of the republic of belarus, by my example i hope i was able to show you that nothing is impossible, i hope that you, as young
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citizens of our country, will see it, recognize it and strive for it heights in various areas of life, i wish you good luck, thank you, you got it done. world, what does this title mean to you? i have already spoken on this topic many times, in addition to this title, as you said, i also have one. a large number of other titles, but unfortunately, and talking about money, they always interrupt the titles of the present, the most expensive, it was a kind of assessment of my work, the level of my handball playing for clubs,
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the barcelona football club just paid the most money for me, it was at that time the most expensive transfer from one club to another. i was probably pleased to understand that i was valued so much, well, nothing more, let’s turn 180°, the next question is from the purple sector, my name is vanya, it’s very nice, you can call yourself a rich person, but for me wealth - it’s still not finances, probably, but others - achievements, a mental state, too, the fact that i am surrounded by my family, friends, of course i consider myself rich, but i emphasize once again, not in financial terms, then what is the most expensive thing in your house? in my house, the most expensive thing is my family, this is the most precious thing i have, my children, my, my wife, my parents, this is what
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is in my house, this is the most precious thing to me. sergey, we turn left to the yellow sector. hello, my name is. at i have the following question for you: did you accidentally end up in handball and how did you even come to this sport? yes, i ended up by accident , i was engaged in wrestling before handball, the sport was sambo, and there were some successes, i really liked this sport, but unfortunately, then it turned out that the section was closed, i really wanted to continue playing sports, but what am i - for a period... of time i couldn’t find myself, uh, in other sports, i tried a lot, football, basketball and other sports, and they suggested one school to me, uh, i called there and asked if they had a basketball section, they said no, but
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there is a handball section, to my great shame, i didn’t know what kind of sport this was, although in belarus our country has a very strong tradition of this sports, many olympic champions. khadians from belarus, the skaminsk club was one of the best in europe. and they tell me: come, try. i came, uh, at the first training session by accident, uh, or maybe i broke my nose. i either broke the nose of a guy there, i got scared, i thought, now the coach is me he will scold me strongly, but he says: it’s okay, it’s such a sport, it’s all good, at that moment i realized that this is my sport, and i loved it with all my heart, i stayed in this sport , i connected my entire sports career with handball, what would you do if not handball? as a child, i dreamed of becoming a sailor, my uncle was a sailor, that’s why it’s hard for me to say, i’m somehow on the inside.
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school, attend school, fully engage in this, i think that this is exactly
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what the guys who can go to school all the time have this opinion follows, but i’ll tell you honestly , they often think and say this about me, i don’t quite agree with it, but at the same time, when i talk to young athletes, i constantly tell them that you must study well, you must realize that studying is very important, because if you fail at something in sports, you can always do it. have a profession, in my opinion, i will probably help, well, at least, if not break this stereotype, then at least break it, you were an obedient child in childhood or a bully? i very often had bad behavior at school, i was reprimanded in my diary, and my parents certainly fought me, so... probably, so that my children would not hear, i would have to say that i was obedient, but again i will emphasize
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, today we are having an honest conversation, so more often i had bad behavior, again sport helped me in this regard, helped discipline me, thank you for your frank answer and let’s move on to the purple sector, hello sergey, my name is daria, i have this is a question, please tell me what sacrifices did you make for the sake of sports at the beginning of your career? i think high school students will understand me, i had no life, except, in principle, school and training, that is, with us, even i was not able to fully, fully celebrate my graduation from school, i did not have a student life, and well, of course, i have somewhere... then from the seventh grade, in principle, i no longer had the life that ordinary children live, that is , after school, go out somewhere for a walk with friends. to go somewhere, to go somewhere, i no longer had this, i had school, training and competitions, it was such
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a constant rhythm, we had two training sessions every day, this was probably the biggest sacrifice, i have a surprise for you, is it possible it will be very nice to give you a graduate ribbon, thank you, now you are still a graduate, thank you very much, now i am also a graduate, well, you see. we can catch up, thank you very much, we move on to the next question, yellow sector, remember your first victory, what kind of victories did you have then? feelings, the first victory, but it wasn’t , it probably wasn’t a medal, just like that, we had a very serious selection for the sports class, we had 20 people in the class, plus or minus one and a half. thousands of people , we had training there, uh, and we all understood, with the guys, we talked, uh, which of us would get into
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the sports class, that is, for all of us it was such a dream, to get there, i dreamed of getting into sports - cool, uh, but everyone told me that ah, you won’t get in, there will be someone else to play there, then it turned out that from the whole team, in the school where we studied, only i got into the shabans, and this was a great joy for me, uh, such a big... incentive for further, that is, when i got into the sports class, i didn’t think about that everything, i already have everything, i have achieved everything, and i realized that for me this is only proof that i am on the right path. and i need to move forward, and if victory ceases to be significant, does this mean that i need to leave the sport? well, i’ll be honest, i don’t know a single athlete who would treat medals as insignificant, here there may be various factors, injuries may affect, some other factors may affect, someone wants to play for as long as he
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has strength, someone wants to leave the sport at the peak of their power. form or there, well, not at his peak , probably, but there in such a state close to peak form, so that people would not see him already barely running there and say, he used to play well, now he has become weak, so this is not related to the significance of the competition, a more significant factor is age and injury, we move on to black sector, in one of the... interviews you said that grigory leps played an important role in ending your sports career, please tell us about this story? i already understood that my career had passed the peak due to age, i’ll be honest, i was afraid of what would happen to me after sports, my contract with barça was ending, i was thinking what would happen next , where to go, move, stay, well, there
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are a lot of such thoughts , by that time i already had a daughter, these thoughts were constantly somehow spinning, spinning, spinning in my head, and in one of the days i washed my face in the morning , shaved, i had music playing, i think this happens to many people, when you are in your thoughts, music can play, but we don’t hear it, leps has a song, go away gracefully and live happily , here he sings, i listen to it, and it comes right in parallel. thoughts, leave or don’t leave, as if he was answering me, leave beautifully and live happily, then something clicked for me, i just came out of my wife’s shower, i say, you know, i probably made a decision, like this coincidence or is it fate, probably, but in my head i decided for myself, well, you can
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say to this song, then one more question, do you believe in signs of fate? in principle , i would probably say that i am not a superstitious person, but i certainly pay attention to two numbers that often haunt me, these are 14 and 22, i always came across them, i never chose numbers on t-shirts there, well, these are always the numbers come across, i have two children, even children were born on these dates, my daughter was born on the fourteenth, my son on the twenty- second, that’s why, of course, well, on of course, i pay attention to such moments. qualifications for qualifying for the european championship and
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the match turned out to be difficult, we played with the latvian national team at the end of the match they awarded a penalty and... i understood that this was all, well, figuratively, the last 10 seconds of my game there as part of the national team, the belarusian national team, i i looked at the guys, i said who will take the penalty, i wanted to give them the opportunity, because if we win, the team goes to the championship, the european championship, and i understand that that’s it, i won’t go with the team anymore, i was then in the status captain of the national team, well, the guys said: sergey, you should do this, i was nervous. i scored this penalty, the team moved on, left, i said goodbye to them, and the most important thing is that my conscience was clear in front of the fans, in front of the teams where i played, in front of our national team, because i understood what i did, i did my best of his efforts in order to achieve maximum results, how does an athlete feel when he ends his career?
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well, in my case it was some kind of, i say peace, when you are still here here... i had to reassure, even if you saw someone's last match of federer, there was nadal, djokovic, they were all crying because federr was ending his career, this is a man. probably, it depends,
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the belarusian police of our president alexander lukashenko have always advocated peace negotiations between russia. boris johnson arrived in kiev and said that we will not sign anything with them at all, and let’s just fight, although this may be different, sanctions, blackmail, inciting ethnic hatred, dirty tricks used western political strategists against economic political allies, the united states of america or
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the anglo-saxon corporation have always been european companies, how to destroy any economy, make incoming resources extremely expensive. but with russia and belarus, everything is completely complicated in the west; they are stubborn, independent, and rebellious.
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i’m ready to ask a question, hello, sergey, my name is danila, and i heard that you used to have problems with being overweight, can you advise me how to lose weight? well, during,
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during sports, i had no problems, i they appeared just after sports, because the metabolism changes, the load on the body changes, uh, the number of trainings was reduced to almost zero in the first year, but... how to deal with this, nutrition, in principle , you can eat everything, but you have to in moderation, you need to understand that if you overeat there today, tomorrow you need to eat a little less, and some kind of physical activity, again, i emphasize again, is adequate, so a little movement, one might say, physical education and careful eating, something like that , and how exactly did you lose weight, ate less, ran more. i heard that big sport is not about health, do you agree with this? i absolutely agree, there are a lot of injuries, uh, very high
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competition, uh, and well, plus my, in particular my sport, it is very contact, very traumatic, so of course, yes, this is for pros, if we talk about health, then this physical training. it strengthens, it tones the body, because you are better, you feel more energized throughout the day, but if we are talking about professional sports, of course, this is definitely not about health, completely with this i agree, but what is big sport about then? big sport is about victory , first of all, over oneself, as i already said, a very difficult path, interesting, thanks to great... sport, i learned four languages, i have friends all over the world, plus, all the athletes are very nice this is what they strive for.
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to compete at international competitions to defend the honor of the country, to show that i am a belarusian, when once you stand on the pedestal, in first place, they hang a gold medal on you, you understand the feelings that overwhelm you, the feelings of those people, for whom, who are rooting for you, this just covers everything, this is a big sport, probably just about these feelings and about victory over oneself. let's turn around, at school you dyed your hair green and red, why? you are very well informed, well, i think that at this age, we are all a little rebellious and like that, we want to show ourselves somehow, to distinguish ourselves
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somehow, it was probably this... such youthful, probably, maximalism and just the desire, probably, to stand out, and of course, there’s a big one there made a splash when i came to get my certificate at school, purple sector, good afternoon, my name is varvara. in your biography it says that your parents divorced when you were a teenager, my parents are also divorcing, how to get over this? well, of course, these are difficult moments in life, but if i look back and remember the feelings that i certainly have, i think every
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child in such a situation has. i have a grudge against one of my parents, the only thing i would say, remembering this situation me, what was happening, try to understand my parents and don’t not cross out or get angry at any of them, time to put everything in its place in the future, i hope, god willing, that it turns out that there will still be at least communication with... with each of the parents, where does the love go? where does she go? i don’t know the exact address , unfortunately, when people meet and fall in love with each other, this is the first impulse, it is probably the most powerful, it is so strong, very often people in love can do some things that would normally
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condition he would never have done. water moms, moms and dads, how do i know that you lived with your mom, did you communicate with your dad? unfortunately, my life turned out in such a way that our ties were severed and there was no communication, but why didn’t you make peace with him? i tried, but unfortunately it didn’t work, why is it difficult for me to say, i wish that no one, of course, would fall into such situations and not survive. such moments
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, but unfortunately, this is probably a utopia, and at the very least i wish that communication with parents remained, because for children , both the opinion of the mother and the opinion of the father are important, but for me, unfortunately, it happened this way, i tried to make peace, but why it didn’t work out , it’s hard for me to say, hello, my name is vlad, they say that without a male upbringing , children become sons of the moment, is this true? my upbringing was probably mostly done by professional sports, and these were my first coaches that i had, they replaced me - in principle , this is often what happens to parents in professional sports, children spend more time with the coach than with their parents , and since i was a team sport, of course, sports also educated me in terms of
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how to live. in a team, how to communicate, how to communicate with teammates, but he gave me a lot of friends, comrades, in my opinion, this is more of a prejudice, it’s not necessary. well, dad, he can be strict - well, i don’t really consider him a strict strict father
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. dad knows how to make us laugh in some sad moments. dad, as if usually tired, comes to him, unfortunately , he has a lot of work, so we... try as if not to touch him so that he can rest, because it’s like a person there works from morning to night, plows to feed us all this, and egor, tell me what your dad is like, and he can scold me, but he can still be kind if i listen to him, you love your dad, i love my dad very much, i think that he... i have the best, because my dad gave me everything, and i respect him very much, i love him very much, he is a successful person, uh, and i am for him i’m very happy and proud of him, and i also love dad very much - because
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he’s very kind to mom, but, but they can quarrel, of course, but... this only says that sergei, you have a wonderful, absolutely ordinary, simple, human, happy family. thank you. we are moving to the purple sector. how did you propose to your wife? in an unusual way over the phone. at that time, uh, i was in slovenia, playing for a slovenian club, and she had just... finished her studies and was living in minsk at that time, so we both understood that we wanted to be together, but there are bureaucratic issues such as visas everything else, so taking into account all such aspects, i
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i told her that i’m saying, we need to sign and get married, live together, marry me, she says: okay, come, let’s get married, that ’s it, that’s how it happened. how do you know if you are ready to live with a person for the rest of your life? well, it was probably a little easier for me, since we lived far from each other, i thought about her all the time, i thought all the time that i wanted us to be together, probably, well, in our case it was distance that played a role , the fact that we were exactly far from each other, and this... gave us the realization turn 180°. in one of our ways, we want to be together. let's move on to the red sector. sergei will have to interview you, you said that handball is a genetically close sport to belarusians. how is that?
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handball is a team sport. belarusians, in principle, by nature, are kind people who are always responsive and help each other, that is, this is just it. one of the most important qualities for a good team, and we have a lot of strong guys who are exactly needed in handball, and historically it has already happened that we have there are a lot of olympic champions still in the national team of the soviet union, namely from belarus, and the fact that the backbone of the union team were belarusians, just says that we have very good roots, very good traditions of this sport, of course this is with every. generation this only intensifies, because new guys who come to handball, they recognize those who played before and what successes they had, for him this is an additional kind of motivation, confidence, when they say belarusians play handball well, well
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naturally, everyone is already thinking, yeah, that means i can do it too, we move on to the yellow sector, hello, my name is yaroslav, i know that you have a brother, i have one too, in childhood we quarreled with him very often. competed or fought, our mother scolded us for this, and i would like to know, in your childhood there were times when you and your brotherhood competed or fought when we were? this happened to us all the time when we were children, we constantly fought, quarreled, now that i have children myself, i constantly say, stop swearing, well, this is inevitable , this is a human factor, this is normal in my opinion, at the moment, what kind of relationship do you have, there are some omissions, well, we communicate with him, the circumstances and life have turned out that everyone somehow... he’s busy with his own affairs and doesn’t get to see each other so often , there’s a lot of work , he’s busy... providing for his family, i’m doing the same thing, so normal human
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relationships, what do you consider a healthy lifestyle in your opinion, sports taught me feel my body and healthy image life is when... tell me, what bad habits do you have?
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are you sure? and i have the opportunity not to answer the question, i’ll probably take advantage of it, how curious it is to know what you’re hiding, but nevertheless you took the opportunity, the rule is the rule, mr. presenter, i, uh, think that it’s probably not worth it for children know about my bad habits, i don’t hide it, but in my opinion, after all, guys, guys, well, at least i shouldn’t talk about it - it was voiced, you have every right to do this, you are the first to refuse to answer a question, let's turn to the red sector, turn 180°, hello, sergey, my name is ksenia, i have the following question for you: you have such an interesting life, why don’t you have an instagram account, well, since i’m a little older. uh, i lived in a time when there were no instagrams, there were no social networks, when
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all this began to gain popularity, we had young guys on our team, i remembered such an interesting moment, and a guy confessed his love to his girlfriend via instagram, i’m sitting here in the locker room, i see he’s worried, he sits on the phone, i say what happened to you, and he tells me: i just confessed to my girlfriend. i say, how did you admit it? i say, why didn’t you want to see her eyes, see her reaction, see and feel in the end how she will react to this, maybe tears of joy will appear in her eyes, these are the emotions, no instagram, no, no social network won’t tell me, and he could n’t answer me, he says: i don’t know, i was worried, i decided like this, i say, you will never be able to survive these... emotions, and social networks, in my opinion, take away these emotions, they do not allow you to fully,
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fully, fully feel these emotions. let's move on to the yellow sector, now you are the head of the tennis federation, how are handball and tennis similar? the most common misconception is when people think that the head of the federation in my case should, for example... be able to play or there, if it’s tennis, then it should only be a tennis player, i always give an example, the president of the international olympic committee, he is a faker , i always ask a question, i say, how if you go by this logic, why do you think that a faker can lead other sports, in fact this is a misconception, why working in the handball federation, as a deputy chairman,
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there are a large number of people behind a tennis player, a tennis player will not go on the court if his cleaning lady is good won’t clean up or if they don’t incorrectly draw up a training plan for him, a schedule, organizing trips, organizing tournaments and so on, it’s always a team, i always tell children especially: guys, you
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must treat everyone with respect, eh, because this is exactly the same team, it may not be visible, but it works to make you successful. and you play tennis well, that’s how from the moment i headed the federation, when i was elected, from that moment i started playing, and to be honest, i’m very happy about it, it got me very involved, i try to play about two or three times a week, i run straight to every training game with great pleasure, the purple sector is to your right, please raise your hand if you are ready to ask a question, i heard that you are not... purely political the sanctions affected the least of all, is this true ? i don’t agree with this point, they think so, because our tennis players can perform in international competitions, but figuratively the same football players of ours also play
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in international competitions, there are some sports that are now allowed, our tennis players are allowed to play by professional associations. they understand that if they forbid ours to play, it’s money for them, but in turn, the international federation suspended us, this hit us hard children's tennis, because there are no team competitions now, but we are fighting, if we succeed, then we will be able to again give our youngest tennis players the opportunity to compete in all international competitions. it says on the internet that you have a factory, but what do you need to do to open your own factory?
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well, you need a certain capital, and you probably need a great desire, but i understood that after sports i would have to do something, they tell me: you can become a good coach, i say, i don’t see myself in this roles, for me, as an athlete , the worst thing was always to sit on the bench , i say, and the coach constantly sits on it, i say, so i was looking, trying to find myself, but internally i was always drawn to production, so so gradually i came to the conclusion that i got this...
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it was passing, what exactly, probably, was precisely that a lot of some life moments passed me by, there were concerts, figuratively there with friends, a wedding, someone... then there’s an anniversary, something else, due to such a very busy schedule, i couldn’t tell the coach that i wouldn’t come to training because it was my friend ’s birthday, i didn’t have the right to do this, so many of these everyday moments passed me by that... i could and still i’ve been doing this for a while now, making up for my pension, and you lived and worked in many countries of the world, but still returned to belarus, and why, because this is my homeland, people live here who are close to me by my
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nature, by my mentality, and these are not some pompous words, when... you are in another society, in another world, where people, due to the fact that we are different, think differently, at first this may not be very noticeable, but over a long period of time it is - everyone who lives abroad will understand me, throughout my career i have always come to minsk, on vacation i always spent my entire vacation here, with the exception of two vacations, and... they are sitting in this room, these two vacations, because they were both born in the summer, we only didn’t go home then, i’m from here , and this is my homeland, all my relatives live here, these two are like that... i’m afraid of growing up,
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it seems to me that time flies very quickly, as they are not afraid of their age, fondorin has a very good novel on this topic, there the main character had a servant, this servant was. his philosophy was that he looked at his age as the fact that he was improving, he was getting better with age, because - with age we all learn something, we experience something new, so everything will be fine, don’t worry, just forward, with your head held high with your ears spread wide apart, to absorb all the information , good luck, thank you, this signal means questions at that time... thank you very much everyone for your questions, i experienced a very interesting feeling
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today on the program, which i have not experienced for a long time, and it’s all thanks to you and your questions, about personal life , the questions were interesting, it was an interesting moment with my children, quite emotional, but i ’ll probably be a little unbiased here, because after all... here’s a young man in a jacket who stands out, it was immediately clear that he’s an athlete, i chose his question, he chose me made me now experience the emotions that i experienced during the end of my career, and to be honest, i had already somehow forgotten them, but he brought out a very interesting fact of my biography, which, in principle, few people know, especially on this topic it wasn’t not advertised, but this question touched me, it touched me in a good way, so thank you. let's get to know each other better, what's your name? my name is gleb gonko, i’m 10 years old, i’ve been training at
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the dynamo hockey school for 5 years, are you a striker or a goalkeeper? i'm a striker, you can see that right away. well that, according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift from the guest, go to the site. gleb, thank you very much for your question. i hope that in the future in 10 years i will be able to. sergey, now you have the opportunity to ask the children your three questions, your three questions, here you certainly caught me, well, by the way, i also liked the question on social networks, so... i’m wondering if you realize that social networks are we being robbed of our emotions, are they stealing
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the emotional part of our lives? i believe that social networks can be used, but not all the time and not everywhere, and even if you are talking to a person live, you should turn off your phone, put it on silent mode, perhaps even on air, simply because of emotions. in person are truthful, real and sincere, and none of us will get that on social networks. i used to spend quite a lot of time on social networks, but then my eyesight began to deteriorate, somehow i began to spend less time on my phone, and now, well, i realized how important communication is in real life, and i agree that social networks are stealing our ... emotions because, well, there were a lot of emotions, when i started to sit on social networks, there, well , the emotions slowly became different, they
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went away, now i sit much less often, emotions, well , i already have more, because i didn’t experience anything then , when i was talking to my friends, i was talking there, there were no emotions either, no laughter, no joy, now it’s me who’s actually experiencing all this laughter and joy, are you ready? ask the next question, yes, i'm wondering how - you are at your age, now, today, uh, look into the future and how do you choose, uh , a profession, i choose my future profession because i like it best, for example, i have, well, several options, they are completely different, the same chemist, biologist, and me i can’t decide between all of this, because i like it all... very much, and i listen to what my dad, mom, and friends tell me, i’m now
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leaning towards what is most dear to me and i imagine... who i will study for, what subjects i have for this moment, it’s best to take out, so to speak, so, probably, i’m most inclined towards a lawyer or programming, at the moment i see myself as a hockey player, because in principle i ’m good at it, but if hockey is the most , probably one of the most serious of these types of injury-prone sports, if there is an injury, then most likely i will go to law school. and i see myself as a hockey player, guys, it’s very important, regardless of the profession, regardless of who you want to become, it’s very important to understand whether you will get first of all, personal satisfaction from what you do, because only in this case will you be able to do your job as well as possible, having done it as well as possible, you
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will be in demand by your society, your country, he is like that, probably a little, maybe even and philosophical , when i was raised by older guys and adults in sports, they passed on their knowledge to me, what do you think, and are those principles, those foundations, how to grow up a good person, properly passed on to you from the older generation, i study at school and... ours the teaching staff are all professionals, and the ideas that, for example , i consider basic, are the idea that a person should be useful, benefit not only himself, but also society, and also the idea of ​​love for his own country, this everything is passed on to us, so i think that our education is good, and
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high-quality knowledge is given, the time has come. world, today i’m visiting the program 100 questions for adults, i’m waiting for you at the entrance to the site. sergey, here, i ask you to stay. sergey, tell me, is it difficult to communicate with a young person? generations. i personally liked the conversation, and i was once again convinced.
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well, i really enjoyed the conversation, so i’m not leaving. i turn to our audience: do you think that the hero was as frank as possible with you today? yes, whoever thinks so, raise your hands. well, now explain why you think so? it seems to me that sergei was very frank with us, he shared with us his life situations, his life experience, of course, someone from those present could take it. into my life, it seems to me that he answered very frankly, shared his moments of life since childhood, and he also described the most difficult moments of life very well, it seems to me that he answered, well, he didn’t hide, well, he didn’t hide the truth, because he understands that this can help us in the future, that we are interested in who thinks that a hero is something?


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