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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 13, 2024 2:40pm-3:01pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] for a long time, the main technique for forming glass products was blowing. the molten mass is collected at the end of a long hollow tube, through which air from the master’s lungs is supplied into the glass portion. the result is balls of different volumes, hollow inside, which can already be shaped, flattened, compressed and stretched. the master uses a special set of tools for shaping the product, tongs or pliers, a smoothing iron, and a bipod. a metal mower, wire cutters for cutting glass, scissors of various shapes, this is how the name stuck profession glass blower or master blower. the key point in this process is when a product is born from a burning mass; the craftsman has only a few seconds to shape it, otherwise the glass will harden or crack. in this action is the variability of matter and the value
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of the moment. glassmaking for the most part involves the production of utilitarian products, but some craftsmen specialize exclusively in artistic glassmaking. artists create a variety of plastic types and forms of works: sculptures, decorative vessels, jewelry, souvenirs, dishes and many others. it is the blowing technology that allows you to create dishes of complex, unique shapes. currently, glassblowing art has emerged as an independent type of artistic creativity, at the same time it remains a traditional type of folk art. today , the skills and qualifications of glassblowers have significantly increased, and the development of the glass industry has led to the spread of interesting creative directions. lamphorque is one of them. in translation, working with a lamp. key the tool is a gas burner that
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heats the glass up to a thousand. 200°c. the work uses so-called soft glass. the complexity of the product depends only on the skill of the author’s idea. this is what gives lampwork a special charm and the uniqueness of each product. the work often uses glass containing precious metals - silver and gold. and you can get extraordinary shades by mixing glass with different enamels. many people wonder how safe it is to wear glass jewelry. masters they assure that it is absolutely safe, if the technology is followed, the so-called stress is removed from the product, that is, it is annealed, then it turns out strong. over time , they do not peel off, do not change color or shape. now miniature lemfork products are gaining popularity. jewelry made from such glass beads can be modest, from one exquisite bead, or voluminous, eye-catching
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necklaces, rings, beads, earrings, brooches, and bracelets. miniature interior figurines. mechanization has made glass one of the cheapest ordinary materials, but artistic glassmaking came to a new heyday. for 140 years now , the only enterprise with centuries-old glassmaking traditions has been operating in the republic of belarus, where manual production has been preserved and hereditary master blowers work. sharp engraving, etching, sandblasting, painting, enamel, decal, crackle and others. types of decoration combine harmony of beauty and grace, modern design and classic forms. tourists from many countries come to belarus specifically to purchase unique works of art, watch how masters blow glass, visit a museum where products of incredible beauty are collected. the museum's halls display exhibits dating back to 1910 and original compositions by contemporary artists. famous
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milky, smoky glass, noble. is secret in all glass factories in the world, this is a hall where the works of artists for a certain time are collected for a year or two, which is expected to be launched in subsequent production, that is, this is the experimental base of the plant, where more and more new moves are being developed to develop new types of products, all the factories in the world are hunting each other for secrets, so we don’t really let anyone into such halls, so to speak,
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here is the future, the future, and the future. production, and what decoration methods do you use? decorating methods are endless, starting with the fact that you can dip glass in cold water, it will crack, blow it out, it will turn out. pattern of cracks, you can dip it in colored glass chips, you get a color, you can use several crumbs, different colors, you can dip it in corrugated shape and inflate, you get corrugated glass, everything you can come up with, as i often tell, the artist at the factory torn pockets, because we go and pick up on the go, here an iron shavings, here a rag, here a stick, all this can be used in glass when working and you will get completely unexpected effects, this is how ideas are born, this is how ideas are born. they say that glass sounds, tell me what this means, why do you need to listen to the glass? listen, well first of all, when you buy glass, you can take glass knock, if it rattles, it means it is not
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whole, really, in a good way, but this is the case with crystal glass. it doesn’t ring like that, but the crystal rings because there is some metal lead present, it gives the same thing that rings in bells, the same thing in crystal. the concept of glass aesthetics - fragility , eternity, purity of form, soft contours , silky shades, elegance and grace, lyricism and sensuality, all this is glass, all that remains is to consider, complex works of art, traditional for... large audiences and collection interest. crystal production is considered the pinnacle of glass craft. glass is like weightless splashes and hard edges, transparent as air, filled with tight color. the possibilities for its creative
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interpretation are almost limitless. amazing people of our country, i noticed that there is such a, you know , request for friends of such a belarusian thing, with belarusian images, some belarusian landscapes, some belarusian ornaments, well , which people don’t have enough of and which people want to hang themselves actually for your new year's trees, and we fulfilled this request, their calling is to bring enlightenment and spiritual development. monumental art is never fashionable. because if you take the renaissance era, it is eternal, so what is connected with me , i don’t just rely on, i want to stand firmly on the basis of national culture, craftsmanship, the belarusian project, when my child already has
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a big christmas tree, it will decorate this christmas tree with these toys, will find these notes, will understand what dad was thinking about at one time or another in her life, i would like to wish that they appreciate what made in our country, this is the greatest value, and people on this, and children will all grow up and love. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel . currently, the world produces about 20 billion tons of glass per year, when this glass falls into the capable hands of masters , real masterpieces are born. there is a studio in minsk that specializes in the production of exclusive glass products, icons, paintings, flowers and much more. here you can bring to life any creative ideas
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of your imagination. the studio was founded in 2014. head of the studio diana skachko. during its work, the creative team managed to collect more than 2,000 projects in its portfolio. and one of the main missions of the studio is the preservation of cultural heritage, namely the creative reproduction and broadcast of material and spiritual values. they know a lot about the production of luxury glass gifts, but we’ll find out whether this is true right now. diana, my eye falls on this beauty that is now on the table, these are plates, boxes, tell me what is more difficult in terms of technology all because of. the most difficult thing is these boxes, the newest development , the newest form, it is wildly complex, because it would seem that it is like this, but it combines four glass technologies, firstly,
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it all starts with the fact that this is the bottom, it is completely cast and it is first poured, for this a long period of time, before you see the product, it would seem that this is a herringbone, the shape is first developed. a model is made, then a lot of test copies are made, then the form should it should be free to go out, go in, it should be, well, you put it on the table, there shouldn’t be any gaps. and boxes are generally our pain, because now the shape is very complex, and initially the glass is poured into this box like this. in order for everything to be good in this box, it was even, it then freely came out of this mold, we tested it and went to our scientists from the academy of sciences for 6 months. then there are other glass technologies, you see, then here comes fusing, and lenfork, each of these balls originally done on the mountain.
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each one, like a sculptor, she modulates every detail, puts it on the burners, like this by hand , a ray, this is a piece of sheet glass, that is, when you see the lid, it seems so beautiful and how easy, in fact, there is a person behind the production of this lid a very long way, but sometimes it takes up to a week to make such a product, since glass is such a material, it is actually very sensitive, and it does not... rely on you heating it, cooling it, everything was fine with it it's good certain technological processes, which, if you can’t stand it, then you heated the part, it quickly cooled down or it suddenly became cold, it cracked, then you start doing everything all over again, so working with glass, it is so very scrupulous and very delicate, you cannot to be hysterical, you must be calm, concentrated , you must do everything carefully, clearly, for example, in
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our products , for every movement, heat up this glass, dip it somewhere, press with a press, you squeeze it out so that you can see, every the petal looked like it was alive, but then you get such beautiful products, and then it all goes into the oven, is annealed and can be used. there are different types of glass, frosted, colored, i even read that there is smart glass somewhere, which one do you use in your creativity? uh, we use colored glass , which is intended specifically for fusing,
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stained glass, window glass, bottle glass - this is not about us, although it can also be used, as soon as i walked into your workshop, i noticed this rack with multi-colored jars, tell us what kind of jars they are, and these are crumbs, glass, frita, can also be called, uh, when a sheet of glass is simply broken and then sifted. different fractions are obtained, from coarse to small, for everything down to dust, depending on the needs of the artistic design , such crumbs are used, this enriches the work, this makes it possible not to use only cut glass, but somehow make more transitions, more texture, there is a technique but there is technology, and no matter how you bypass the technology, if you know that well, if you take poke the glass... into your finger, it will cut you
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, so it needs to be done carefully, and the same goes for other processes, if you put the wrong program, then something bad will happen to the glass, but there is technology, and there is technology, this how a master, how an artist manages his work process, this already has its own skill, its own talent, and this is what distinguishes the work of each artist,
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because the principle is not... our christmas tree will be baked in the oven for
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14 hours, we send on its way, if a piece of glass breaks, it is more likely to you can’t glue it together anymore, just send it. can be recycled. glass is one of the few materials that can be 100% recycled. at the same time, it does not lose its quality while the period of its decomposition reaches 1 million years. there is also the thickest and most incredibly durable glass in the world. it is located in the sydney aquarium, its thickness is 26 cm, and the screen dimensions are 7x4 m. however, for larger aquariums a panel is used. made of acrylic, the largest acrylic panel, which was included in the guinness book of records, installed in an aquarium in dubai, has the size 8x32 and a thickness of 75 cm. glass is simply everywhere, it takes on different types and shapes, and its scale is sometimes amazing.
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modern designers and masters of glass art never cease to amaze us with new creative products. and luxurious interior items. we do not have the moral right to live only for ourselves, we must look beyond the horizon, we do not have and will not have another home. african countries, as well as the arab world, latin america and asia, why are they ready and willing to work with belarus? because
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the leaders of these countries have deep respect not only for belarus as a country, but also personal respect for alexander lukashenko. belarus forced nato. to hear yourself as an instrument that is very clear to this north atlantic aggressor. accusations about the deployment of russian tactical nuclear weapons in our country are absurd, we are simply learning diplomatic, so -called etiquette, from those who made the language of force a global trend. we have a new political line for the first campaign: only supporters should get into parliament state line, only those. for whom the words belarus, unity, sovereignty, family and peace are of decisive importance, step aside and do not interfere, no one is forcing anyone to do anything, for one simple reason, we are already the absolute majority. propaganda project, watch on
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the belarus 24 tv channel. regarding the new year, we have a traditional holiday in kazakhstan, it ’s called naury. it comes when the day of the vernal equinox comes, this is the month of march, it is celebrated very widely in kazakhstan, it is celebrated not only in kazakhstan, in many countries it is very popular, they love it very much, and it is usually celebrated for three days , it is traditionally prepared for nauryz, there is such a dish, it is called nauryz kozhe, and it is always prepared for the celebration of nauryz and it includes all... ingredients, grain crops , milk salt, something from fat, i cook for urys, it turns out very tasty, guests always come to me, i
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