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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 13, 2024 8:05pm-9:00pm MSK

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yes, an amnesty can be applied, so this issue will be further explored, if we really see this sincerity, that people repent, why not, this is possible on an individual basis, well, as the head of state noted, work with everyone personally, yes, exactly. in the twenty-third year, we achieved high growth rates in gross agricultural production, and this is a resource for the processing industry. for 11 months of the twenty-third year, the rate of production and processing volumes amounted to 105.3%. increased.
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the volume of production of dairy and meat products is, of course, a resource that allows us to increase the volume of export sales; accordingly, production volumes and demand for belarusian quality goods have allowed us to maintain our position as a major exporter of dairy products, and in terms of butter we occupy the third position, according to cheeses fourth position, in the twenty-third year we expanded the geography of our export sales of dairy products.
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what did 2023 show? is it possible to sum up the results of the year? in twenty-three we we increased the physical volume of export supplies, again, with regard to exports, both finished products and raw materials, you have already noted that new markets also appeared last year, but which of them are the most promising for us? if we speak for our closest partners, then this is , of course, the market of the russian federation, and we occupy a significant position there.
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dairy products, ice cream, of course, the volumes are small, so today there are plans to increase volume supplies, well, in general, expand export horizons such a task, at the expense of what? and of course, the task is to increase supply volumes, this is primarily due to an increase in finished dairy meat products, these are our main product items that occupy a significant share in export sales, here is 2024. we often talk about this;
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the year of quality has been declared, but what kind of work will you do in this direction? well, our belarusian goods, they are known to be of high quality, because they are manufactured according to soviet standards, but there is certainly something to strive for, and this is to improve production technologies, packaging and work to reduce costs, and this will primarily lead to increased competitiveness of our products, both in the domestic and foreign markets.
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good evening. good evening. the patched voice of belarus. people's artist anastasia moskvina. professor of the academy of music, state prize laureate. and now. present a special award of the president of the republic of belarus to cultural and cultural workers in 2023. maskvina
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nastasia igorana, people's artists of belarus for outstanding awards in galina musical-theatrical mastery. i know that your path to the stage was not strewn with roses, and a new peak. so do you think it's early, late, or right time. thank you very much for such a wonderful question. just now you were talking about me, i’m sitting, thinking , is it really me, is this all happening to me, like in a dream, this is such a christmas gift, because the prize is awarded on such a bright holiday, the nativity of christ, one of our main holidays , after all, this award
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is called for spiritual revival, that’s it this is a concept, the people who receive, apparently make a certain contribution to the spiritual revival of their country, their nation, i... i hope that i also make some certain contribution - with my activities i make, i think that all the prizes and all the encouragements , everything good that happens to us in life, it happens exactly when it should happen, sooner or later - only the lord god knows when, what should happen to us, but for an artist it is very important to receive all these awards during his lifetime , this is the first time when he... is in the very in the prime of his life, when he goes on stage , i got a people’s artist at 44 years old, this is considered quite early, and you go out and you understand that you can still sing for 10 years, delight the audience with your performance and be
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a people’s artist not retired, when you can’t do anything anymore, it’s when you go out on stage and bring good, bright things to people, i invented, a starry country, i dreamed of it from a long time ago , from the very beginning it came to me, i express it, right behind the pier, fucking bug. i am very grateful to everything that has happened to me in my life, i hope it will happen again. for an artist it is very important, encouragement, a very important system
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of stroking, that you are great, that you are good, creative people, because we perform and think, how did we do it, did we sing well, did we dance well, did we do well? my country and my president always support me, i am very grateful, and this is from the period when i was a student at the academy of music and until now, when i move to the academy of music as a student, i was even
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once at some meeting, and you know, there are a lot of awards, a lot of medals, which are today i’m wearing such a beautiful flower, but i could actually wear all the medals, you know, like this... in the soviet union , our honored people went to the parade and wore everything, in fact , this is very important, because they are all stored, lying somewhere i have them in boxes at home, and no one knows that they exist, and this... i ’m proud that i have such awards, i wore all these medals at the conservatory, went out to the students, and said: you know, guys , i am a living example of how in belarus you can happily and professionally make career and become a professional, receive all the awards worthy and not leave anywhere , remain faithful to your homeland, your country , get everything, realize yourself as a performer and be supported at the level of the people and the state. therefore, i wish everyone who loves their country to make their career here and not leave anywhere. listen, what’s more difficult?
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should you triumphantly go on stage at the big theater and perform the part all evening, or silently go on stage and receive an award from the hands of the president? and you know, i'm leaving the stage every day, it is always very difficult, of course, because you are always waiting for a meeting with your audience. there is always a certain amount of excitement, trepidation, because the stage is a holy place where we go out, the artists go out like onto a calvary stage, and we need to open our soul and heart to the viewer, so that the viewer will return the next evening again to our theater, because only in in our theater they received the emotion they came for, so you need to give them this emotion, it’s quite difficult, but... of course, it’s more difficult to go on stage when rewards or congratulates you, or generally
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comes close to the head of our state, because this happens very rarely in a person’s life, for some it happens once in a lifetime, i had such an experience, i received several awards from the hands of alexander grigorvich, honored artist, people's artist, and sovereign laureate. when alexander grigorievich has colossal energy, when
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you approach him, you understand that you are simply swept away by a wave, very positive, very strong, very powerful, that’s all i decided to say, i forgot all the words, everything that i rehearsed, everything that i came up with, that it is important for me to say, that is, i forgot what i should say, because communicating with him is being next to such an amazing great man, i i think that he... when he told me, well, nastya, well done , she achieved everything she wanted, i was simply
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amazed, because the communication was so easy, everything was very simple, as if we were friends, as if we communicate every day, i actually got a lump in my throat when i was speaking, after that, here are my colleagues who were also there at the awards said, well, you’re an actress, well, you played, shed a tear, i say, i actually got so excited that tears came to my eyes, and my voice trembled, so we work with our voices, it seems okay it shouldn’t have happened, i actually felt my voice trembling, this is the answer to your question, how difficult is it, it’s very difficult, by the way, yes, you first felt the president’s care at the very beginning of your career, yes, 24 years back put as a special scholarship presidential fund for the support of talented youth, huh? can this be called the first step on the path to the title of folk? for me, the title of “people” implies that
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the whole people really knows the person, this applies to you 100%, even for those who, say, are far from the art of opera, but they know you, i can confirm this from personal communication, so that's how much? yes, this is really the first step, of course, then i didn’t think that i would one day become a people’s people and not even... and the conservatory of the belarusian academy music, participated, took part in international vocal competitions , in which i won three times, such students can become scholarship recipients of the presidential fund for the support of talented youth, and of course for me this was a very important special award, being a student,
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and yes, i think that you are right, this was the first step towards climbing to this olympus. the sky will be covered with dust particles of stars, and the sacred elasticity will be bent, i think i will hear a thousand messages, we are long.
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i was also listened to in kindergarten at the age of 5 they said that i have perfect pitch and that they are taking me to the violin, in the violin class, great, my parents were shocked because they said, what about the violin, everyone plays the piano, why does she play the violin, they say, everyone plays the piano they can play the violin, not everyone passes through us, so i took violin class from the age of 5, for 7 years, well, starting from the age of five, i just went to the teacher’s home, the music school didn’t want to lose me and... the second music school named after alladov, there is such a school at the car plant, this one of the oldest schools in our minsk , uh, he said, this is a good girl, let her study with a teacher for some period, at the age of 6.5 i already came to her music school, my dad took me there, everyone constantly took me there every week , brought, took to music school, there was a period when i
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, of course, wanted to leave it, like many children, because it is difficult, learning to play a musical instrument is difficult, you need to...
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there is such a thing when the voice is formed , when the mutation ends, purely physiologically, girls and boys have such a period when it is impossible to engage in professional singing, voice training, it is after this period that real training begins, classical voice training, this is after 18 years, when many young people are already studying and graduating from some educational institutions, then vocalists are just... starting training in this regard, so a little later all this happens for us, because we need to wait until we can put such loads on the voice, when the vocal cords have already formed. and so as not to harm the voice, because many children they sing, study in various studios , sing in a choir, i also sang in a choir, but this is not professional voice training, these are not
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future opera performers, therefore, starting from the age of 18, this is a music school for 4 years, then an academy of music, maybe a master's degree , by the period after 26-27 years we get such a ready-made, so to speak, specialist, vocalist for the theater, who comes to the theater much later than some other guys with higher education, because even the same instrumentalists, because these are many years of training, very careful, very careful, because the voice is such a delicate instrument that in order not to break it, well , you said that the soviet school was good, and in terms of selection, you often call the belarusian school advanced.
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we opened a big theater, a lot of singers came to us from russia, from the former soviet union, there were castings, and this is such a mixture of different schools, these people later taught everything at the academy of music, so the uniqueness is probably our tolerance, and this applies to professional education, well, i can say more the uniqueness, of course, is that in belarus there is an excellent school of composition, we have...
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how enormous the interest was , how irritated our viewers were because the film was interrupted by advertising, it’s literally, we were simply inundated with such questions, we are the only ones in the world, we you who stood up to your full height. will say, no, it is the role of the teacher that comes to the fore, it is the teacher who must, as it were, study, digest the material and convey to the children the main thing, people
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who, risking everything, can. robbery mechanism, but ultimately i i’m convinced that we will win, tell the project, don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus24 tv channel. we do not have the moral right to live only for ourselves, we must look beyond the horizon, we do not have and will not have another home, african countries, as well as the arab world, latin america and asia,
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why are they ready? and they want to work with belarus, because the leaders of these countries have deep respect not only for belarus as a country, but also personal respect for alexander lukashenko. belarus forced nato to hear itself as an instrument that is very understandable to this north atlantic aggressor. reproaches about the deployment of russian tactical nuclear weapons in our country are absurd. we are simply learning diplomatic, so-called etiquette, from those. the truth has made the language of power a global trend, we have a new political line for the first campaign: only supporters of the state line should get into parliament, only those for whom the words belarus, unity, sovereignty, family and peace are of decisive importance, step aside and do not interfere , no one is forcing anyone to do anything, one simple thing reason, we are already the absolute majority, a propaganda project, watch on tv channel
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belarus 24. anastasia, with a mixture of surprise and delight i observe an interesting phenomenon: after the western abolition of russians and belarusians, right? at the end of twenty-three , everything russian burst into world fashion: fur hats, fur coats, red caviar, red.
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which is good, it will still make its way, it will still make its way, because if we talk about classical music, in almost all theaters belarusian slavic is a quality, otherwise in europe there are russian singers, classical, because they sing very well, they are not very good performers, russian operas are performed everywhere, we have two state languages ​​in belarus: and russian is belarusian; our repertoire of our theater is russian, belarusian operas, amazing classics, of course, italian, german, french , because everything that is good, we will show everything, we will play everything, and this does not depend on fashion, at the moment, in russian or italian, on politics, because it is an eternal classic, it is the property of the whole world, and i agree, cheykovsky is impossible
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viewers not only opera classics, but also romance songs of our modern belarusian authors, which we discover both for ourselves and for our viewers, and we have such friendship with the belarusian union of composers, with elena viktorovna atrashkevich, they kindly provide us with free of charge, without royalties, no royalties, their works, they say: “just sing, just play.” we have composed wonderful works of our modern ones. and composers, songwriters, to great happiness - we started with you and those wonderful awards that i have been awarded, there are also presidential grants
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, which several of our artists received this year, last year and already in the twenty- fourth year, who was also awarded a presidential grant for the development of belarusian music, if we talk with...
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this does not cut out a source of talents write beautiful music, and there are these composers and authors, and we perform them, when opera singers come to perform, this is both an acquaintance with us and an acquaintance with belarusian music, and we bring not only opera, but also a repertoire that is more understandable for them, and thus they will then come to our theater, they will come to minsk to see our belarusian opera, russian opera, italian opera, because they saw that it was interesting. “we came to them, we met them, yes, they will actually know us, and this is also such attention and encouragement to musicians, these grants from the president, my
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dear land,
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i think that we need to travel, because that not everyone can get to minsk, and that’s what we do, we travel with our projects, as far as stage conditions allow. we don’t always bring opera or ballet, we do mini-concerts with this way we introduce our audiences, that is, we don’t have many halls where there are orchestra pits, there are practically none to seat an orchestra, but if there is a large stage, we we put the orchestra on stage and give concerts, and audiences in other cities of belarus perceive us so warmly, because they do not have the opportunity to go to the theater often. they go to the names, they go to the names, they, well, most
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importantly, they go to the name of the big theater belarus, this is a brand, they know that they will come and get a high-quality, amazing concert or performance, uh, ballet travels a lot, opera travels more - well, ballet travels often because there is a phonogram, by opera i mean an orchestral phonogram, opera, only a live orchestra, this is the only option we have, but we have chamber concerts. on the street of the paris commune, yes, why
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did it never occur to normal belarusians to sort people into first, second, third based on the same linguistic criteria? variety, that is, our own, others, patriots or not, why is this not inherent in our gene, thank you very much, this is a very interesting question, but it seems to me that this is due to our tolerance as a nation, i think that this has historically developed because... the stories are revolutionary, but the voice is
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the main weapon of an opera singer, and the voice, the voice is one of the main components, i think, of course, the soul and intellect, an opera singer must be very smart, you know, you're begging the question, because intelligence and voice in support of the country are very strongly connected, very important in the twentieth thing, why didn’t your voice sit down at that moment, unlike some. i think it’s because i have a professionally trained voice, but seriously, i was talking to my mother once, the twentieth year is difficult for me, i’ll tell you honestly, i was among the few cultural figures who defended their position, i didn’t even have any doubts; i didn’t understand why everyone else. people around me don't think the same way i, this - i asked my mother, my mother says
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why i think so, but they don’t, she says: you know, there were no traitors in our family, and this is really an important point, because my grandfather reached before berlin, my mother ’s father, my second grandfather, my father’s father, he came from moscow, he was the first director of the minsk auto mechanical college, he raised minsk after the war. there was the construction of maz, he trained specialists for maz, that is, these are the people who created belarus, who were patriots. i think that a lot comes from family, these roots, which we have, these real ones, they support us very much, and they do not allow us, it seems to me, to go in a completely different direction, because the truth, it is one, you know, such an absolutely simple and obvious explanation, right? well
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, it’s true, your roots don’t allow you to do anything differently, there was no traitor in your family , it’s cool, really, but at the same time you did another interesting analysis of the artistic environment, well, an artist is a vulnerable creative person, yes, but at the same time he’s used to obeying, well, there’s the director, the artistic director, and why then, in your opinion, did some of the artists choose, well, let’s say so, the wrong directors in your life? it seems to me that an artist is, well, this is our profession, but this is not our whole life, we chose, so i became a singer, yes, but the human qualities that i have are ... brought up by family, school, state, no matter what profession i do, i can be an artist, i can be a salesman, i can be a kindergarten teacher or work on a combine harvester, but this does not depend on my profession, my views, i
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think so, just art and i think that and television, athletes, these are people, which are in sight. and the position of this particular group of people was especially clearly visible, but this does not mean that all the people in this particular part turned out to be professional, i think that everywhere there were people who were against, but we just didn’t see them, we are shown by television, we go on stage and we are people through whom you can broadcast these ideas and forces that would...
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to your family and state and regardless of profession and appreciate everything that is given to you in life, because life is very short , and only you make the right choice, by which path should you take, that’s what our president said, creation cannot happen without peace, and peace is the most important indicator that should exist on earth, now it must be appreciated.
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then you can get by in principle, but i always remember the parable of maxim bogdanovich about cornflowers, and the idea there was that when christ descended, everyone was waiting for the coming, he descended specifically to the belarusian land, he came, everyone worked, everyone plowed, everyone sowed crops, one musician was sitting and
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doing nothing, and he saw christ, and he says: “i’m not doing anything, i’m poor, unhappy man, woe is me." he says: no, you are not poor, unhappy, they cannot live without your songs, they constantly sing, they sing on all holidays, on birthdays, on weddings, on funerals, they always call you, they cannot live without you, you are a very important person in their life, to which the apostles say to christ, well, they earn their bread with blood and then, and he just writes some songs, how can this work be compared, christ then told parable that a man sowed a field and came ... hace sarvat іtsі vasilki , even since childhood, the beauty of their beauty has come to me and my soul, there i will not tear them out with punishment, like every good plant, let them grow and rejoice, like my father’s childhood, and good luck to the kolas,
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and good luck the one, the one i was pressed by vasilko, because on what kalas, kali nyama vasilko, this is ours..." the mission of cultural figures and musicians, to bring this beautiful and good to everyone, beautiful, truly beautiful. anastasia, here is another, another one of your favorite roles yaroslavna from prince igor , slavic warrior, right hand of her husband, during troubling events, strong, wise and faithful, yes, this somehow correlates with anastasia moskvina. life, yes, i think it’s me, and moskina is your real last name or is it the last name of my ex.
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they made their main repertoire based on folk songs, these beautiful, folk songs, simply well-arranged, and
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indeed they became unique, because no one had ever done this before, probably on stage, but by the way, you touched on the topic of what is in the repertoire our big one has our two national operas, yes, the king's wild hunt stakha and a gray-haired legend, but is this enough or is it still necessary to have more of our belarusians, the main thing? qualitatively , in a year of quality, i can say that there should be a varied repertoire, there should be belarusian and russian and french and italian operas, because opera is mainly russian opera, classical, italian, classical, german, french and belarusian are represented , it is necessary to have a repertoire for different categories of spectators, our theater is national, therefore the national repertoire is one of the main ones, we also have... national ballets, i really love performing operas in the belarusian language, these roots
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that we talked about resonate with me, here they are right away, i feel that this is my native language, at school, when i was studying, we taught and studied belarusian, although i don’t speak belarusian, but it resonates with me very reverently, the opera hoary legend is important to me, we received a state award for the production team and...
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in the theater we expect that composers with good musical materials will come to us we will welcome both ballet and opera with pleasure, there is hope, because there are talents in belarus and we are waiting for them to come to us. anastasia, unfortunately, i have to ask one last, near-philosophical question: i know that before performances you are always silent, silence is golden, your voice is a great gift, and you often talk about the need to preserve it. then you go out and hit high notes, but how to hit high notes not only on stage, but in life, in your family, in your country.
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indeed, a very interesting question, i i think you need to love what you do, be honest about everything you do. starting from the age of twenty, one of the main points for me is to be a patriot of my country, and this is honest. belarus is a rich country.
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and such unusual cymbals are only available here , i’ll try to play them too. played by victoria popletchenkova. and the soul of the blueneck is people, and well, it’s based on the same principle as these fire shows, yes, these yes, this is what a fire show is, maybe someone will grow up in a fire show, you can just twist at the same time so as not to hit yourself , but for now, travel with us on
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the belarus 24 tv channel. we know exactly how to start the morning correctly, pasta with mussels, with peas, but this is just a wonderful start to the day, it seems to me that any person would have breakfast in this way he will feel super happy, together with you we will prepare a delicious breakfast, nastya, today you are in command in the kitchen, so give instructions, we girls will not cry, for sure, this is true, and garlic, i really love me. doesn’t bother me at all, but let’s say breakfast is garlic, and we’ll get the boost of energy we need, okay, then i’ll be crafty, you do the dough, and i’ll do the turkey, so that’s it, throw the whole thing in the oven until ready, uh-huh, uh-huh,
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breakfast of a champion, look at tv channel belarus 24.
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