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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 14, 2024 7:55pm-8:51pm MSK

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an absolutely pro-western and rationally organized belarus would never have been accepted anywhere , they would have torn it apart because it is belarus, and negotiated to the end because it is a country of fierce resistance to nazism, that’s why they tore apart yugoslavia, that’s why they bombed serbia, because... from the depths world history, a well-known nazi, now global submarine surfaces, it rises, and we look into its eyes, and civilians who believed in the world of consumption still cannot fully understand this, as someone like that said the director is kubrick, not... for now they are still looking at
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the world with their eyes wide shut, so these eyes should gradually open, and if so, then what does the new ukrainian doctrine mean in relation to russia? ukraine will defend itself, do not think that in the end someone will not give it money, they will give it all the money once, and russian money will be expropriated, divided, and this money too...
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using the only available means, macro-terrorist acts that will be named the legitimate and noble struggle of the ukrainian people against the russian aggressor, and we already see that in these, as it were, military operations, which are obviously terrorist attacks, putin... all the time says that
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everything is boiling for him, yes, but he cannot start hitting the civilian population, he will hit military factories and so on, here they hit a skating rink, like a shopping complex , for whatever reason, yes, they call it a legitimate war of the noble ukrainian people with the monstrous russian aggressor, an orc, a non-human god knows who, while we already see that in this war will be increasingly used... nato assets, primarily space, but not only, and that the operators carrying out these strikes will be western specialists who will not only deliver these weapons, crap, i’m sorry, problem, deliver 100 missiles for 5 million dollars, not only will deliver this is a weapon, but they will...
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use it, not only will they accompany it from space, but will also use it, we will enter the stage of terrorist acts, which will not be carried out by chechens, as was the case during the second chechen war, but will be carried out, calling these noble actions, the combined power, well, not of small ukraine, is colossal. the west, which will not carry out any offensive operations for which it has the guts of a tank, but will strike selectively, with the sole purpose of causing maximum damage to the russians’ sense of self, their psychological stability, as the terrorists there from the red brigades said, blowing up some supermarkets , they said: let... the horrors of vietnam be experienced by the western
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man in the street, yes, it will be said here that we want to destabilize the man in the street so that he i realized what a terrible... life putin is providing for him, whether these people will be able to ensure this operation, what exactly will be the answer to it, what kind of power can be quickly deployed today in air defense and not only in counter-terrorism operations of the state, which nevertheless hoped, that it... will live peacefully and will be part of the west. i don’t know, but i know for sure that the enemy is preparing this in relation to russia. this is a developed plan, there is a similar plan in relation to belarus, but it will be implemented by even more internal
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subversive actions. sergei ivanovich, i would like to clarify one more topic from those that you touched on a little higher, in december. watching the serbian maidan attempt and talking on air with political scientists from belgrade , we heard from them about sharp’s old, very bad method. so we from minsk compared , of course, many elements with our twenties just like a carbon copy. and they say, it was interesting for us to hear that lukashenko’s determination then inspires vucic today, and this, in general, looks like a terrible dream for the anglo-saxons, because lukashenko, who was destroyed for years by sanctions, not only survived, but also began...
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to give birth to leaders of our peoples, no one knows in what way, yes, she is the most terrible thing for the west, suddenly there are leaders, who knows
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from where those who emerged from the depths of despair and insignificance, into which they plunged, who begin this work. great in the rise of its people somewhere, and the main thing was how lukashenko and his son with a machine gun went to die at a moment when it seemed that everything already on the brink, this is determination, the main thing is that gorbachev turned away from the baltic states and ordered troops there in a few days, and acted like this everywhere. and putin , as we see, displays diametrically opposed qualities, the main thing is that, having sensed this, the peoples who have these leaders begin to behave
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not according to the laws of perestroika, perestroika nonentity, but somehow a little differently, because if they behaved according to these... they begin to feel something organically serbian and understand that they cannot give it away it is necessary, and he, realizing that these others feel it, responds to it. sergei ravanovich, thank you very much for this conversation, taking
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this opportunity to bring prosperity to you, personally, and your loved ones in the new year, all the best in your wonderful country. thanks a lot. the adventure of foreigners in belarus, and this is also unclear. no, i don’t take these , i don’t take mushrooms that i don’t know, well, we probably have enough for tomorrow, enough for breakfast, you have yu, and you sell yoka, in linga, a guy from ecuador lives here for 8 years and travels through our towns and villages, delicious, and cold, hot, tasty, very, but who knows when it’s ready with pleasure. she tells us about the most colorful places in the country, here, because it’s close to the city,
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that is, you can easily drive, she said 40 minutes, and in fact, here there is everything you need to live comfortably, somehow the village doesn’t forget in ecuador, i i don’t know why even the internet doesn’t like it there, nature is out of its own here, it’s so cool, because i look at the palm trees, i haven’t seen such palm trees here in belarus for a long time, belarusian people are good, they always treat us to something.
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cook, all the ingredients , if you don’t like them, he says, you don’t know how, they are present in this or that kitchen, and they have their own cooking technology, a real artist needs to be in good shape, be constantly in sight, be in shape, train on himself , grow above yourself and never stop at...
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we continue and do this with this parting word that was heard on christmas in the orthodox church. this year will be very difficult, very difficult, we will be train. and we need to survive, they will train for future presidential elections. and we need to pay special attention to young people. which did not see difficult times during the soviet period, and after the collapse of the soviet union, they did not experience what the middle and older generation experienced, they need to be told about it, they need to be shown so that they value what we have acquired through our labor, we need to do everything so that we live this year with dignity and...
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the pictures are next to it, then we would really see that the contribution we have made if we now showed two like this , it’s simply huge, we have something to be proud of, and this is not patriotism, this is quality, this is the comfort of life, this is what ordinary life consists of. since you touched on this topic, then i will continue it , you probably noticed that the president also spoke at christmas in the church about the upcoming change of generations, including at the very top in the country’s leadership and in general in probably all areas of our activity, and we understand perfectly well that with a change of generations in any state, it is always
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exam for the state and for the people, so we are ready for it today, what do you think, and we conducted research in... bc, we do not have an intergenerational gap, so we were pleased to learn this, because we continue to have the practice of having children without at the age of 40 for the first time, and for now at 25, 30, we have pushed it back a little, so we don’t have this huge intergenerational gap, our youth, even teenagers aged 14-16, they consider the main value, just like the 50 generation -60 years, this is the world, this is this, this is our common platform. nobody will give we can live in peace, the president is absolutely right, no one can forgive us for pursuing an independent sovereign policy, when we talk about young people, about how they should be educated, what to explain, talk about the price of sovereignty, why? because look, the ukrainians don’t want to fight, but no one will ask them, the state is not sovereign, ordinary lithuanians don’t want sanctions
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against belarus, they want the klaipka port to work, they want the enterprises that they had on their territory to work, do you really think the question is that again the teaching, ordinary poles want this, no, no one asks, today we are why we live in the world, the president spoke about this at the presentation of the award for spiritual revival, including because we work , we have an independent policy , sovereignty, everything we do is aimed at strengthening statehood, the union with russia strengthens statehood, our economic policy,
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which is being pursued today by the republic of belarus, strengthens sovereignty, independence, international... relations for why are we building them? start a war? no, we want peace, why? because a sovereign state wants to live and trade normally. now why won't they leave behind? the west will never lag behind us, and even more so in 2025, in 2020, the west lost on the territory of belarus, for the first time in the post-soviet space, perhaps they failed to invest millions of dollars to make a coup here. now, after these years, we understand why this was done. the war in ukraine was already being prepared then and... of course, they dreamed of including belarus in this front, no matter how wonderful it would be for nato, now in the west they would rejoice if not only ukraine, but belarus were forced to fight with russia, because if in... the power changed, sovereignty was taken away, who would ask, would be here a civil war , accordingly, all this would spread to the territory of russia, then the war with russia is not over and will not end yet, and belarus
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has geopolitical significance, it is only growing, there will be attempts to destroy us, of course, and what is the best year for them, twenty fourth, nothing will ever work out for them in the twenty-fourth year, the twenty-fifth won’t work out either, but we’re betting on the presidential campaign in the twenty-fifth year, these are the most important elections for any country. will be made again, this is where our mistake would be, if we sat down and said: no, that’s it, there are no risks in ’25, there is no need to worry, and the worst thing is if we said this to the youth, our population, our citizens, everyone must understand, the twenty-fifth year exam is again for the country, this is again tests, these are again attempts to shake things up and , as always, they will try from the inside , but the methods will be more radical , today no one will call you to a rally, today it will be an element, people understand everything... they are smart, here is terrorism, extremism, attempts at more serious provocations, even provocations at the border, this is quite
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natural in 1925. i will support my colleagues, the next 2 years will be very difficult for belarusians. it’s enough to even look at the addresses that world leaders addressed and made on the eve of the new year, experts analyzed these. speeches and noticed that the level of militarization in each of them was such as never before, these are the leaders of these leading countries of the world, western countries, and even china, india, and other large states, this indicates that militarization continues on the planet , and we are now, if we draw parallels, with how we often spend there now in the forty -first, forty-fifth year, somewhere we are in the late thirties now, that is, from my point of view, unfortunately, the forty-first still ahead, this is the first point, but the second
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point, olga igorevna very correctly said that for continuity, better continuity, for the promotion of ideological narratives, it is necessary to conduct a comparative analysis, and of course, we experts can carry out some kind of figures then, but... most of all, most of all, this analysis would go through the sphere of culture, that is , let's specify that these are specifically series for our youth, as recently one russian popular series came in, this was some kind of comparison, it became, yes, yes, it was it has become, that is, here the workers of cinema culture should already take up the baton, so to speak, why, because it is precisely these visual means, yes, they most of all ... influence young people, we, unfortunately, can only operate with numbers, this is necessary to back up everything to show what was, became
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, yes, and what they could have lost, and so on , with just such works of art, from my point of view, this is a very important point, because young people now, when using some kind of technology, can be directed in any direction, here they are, they have a clique thinking, and... i will stand up for young people , i will say that in the twentieth year i saw a lot of people who had long since left the status of youth, and who behaved much worse and much more imprudently than young people did, so i it seems that it wouldn’t be a bad idea for older people to use their brains in 2020, of course, we need to be very vigilant, and even those people who already understand everything perfectly well, and we have a lot of them, that is, belarusians, probably throughout the post-soviet space
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one of... this is news, because we have already learned to check, now technology has reached the point that in my voice or in the voice of oleg sergeevich, anything can be done, not only in voice, and actions can be done by all of you, but besides all this , of course, politics is important, how we prepare for certain events, let’s take the elections of 204, which we will have a single voting day, that’s the main goal we had, so that the fifth column, the external factor, is minimalistic, only the belarusian people should.. .decide who is the local deputy council, parliament, now we have already made a decision, absolutely correctly, we refrained from inviting the osce mission to these elections, but again there was a howl, so what to watch?
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there won’t be any people watching the elections, there will be people , we won’t invite those who are pursuing unfriendly policies towards our countries, but at the same time, as a deputy, i want to inform you that there will be observers not only from the cis countries, not only from the middle east, not only the distant arc, where we have millions of friends, and excuse me, 80% of the world, by the way, will be from the european union, deputies of parliament, leading parties who are in european parliaments, only those who arrive.
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the entire world population will participate in regional elections, elect presidents and parliaments this year, so we really see russia in march, the usa in november, this saturday.
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sees its future, because now we see its contours, and after the elections it will be like a new point of reference in these crisis conditions, completely new, in which russia and belarus find themselves, this is important for us and for the whole world, including , because the russian federation in the twenty -second year it did not launch a special military operation, it asked questions of global significance to everyone, and what it is striving for today is the answer.
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is that they will show zelensky that power still does not belong to him, that it is still american, which means... 70% more than in the previous year, that is, it turns out that who is at war, who is their own mother, the second point is much more alarming, that ukraine will no longer be the same, will there be a ukraine at all, because a country is a people, in first of all, according to un data.
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the office of the high commissioner for refugees said that only 14% of the 6 million ukrainian migrants who left for europe plan to return home in the near future, and for some reason they did not count the ukrainians who left. europeans were talking about this, it all started much earlier, remember, maidan, the most important achievement of maidan, which was applauded by the kiev authorities, was visa-free, in fact, if you look at this visa-free
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subjectivity, we lost statehood, we the union, after all, why was all this done, instead of developing your territory, your country, creating jobs, preserving enterprises, retaining young people so that they work, so that your country develops, what is easier to do? without visas, go wherever you want, let's get the lowest paid job in the european union, a good specialist for a good job, but the country is losing, the authorities arranged it, but they applauded this achievement of the maidan, but it has come to this today that those who then left , will not return, those who fled now during the war will not return, and 14% is a lot , an inflated figure, someone was embarrassed to say that they will not return, someone said, well , something will end, i will return , he himself has long ago understood that there is no future.
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today the iraqis are driving them out of there, kicking them out, that’s it, it’s sickening that the american military responds that they say that we lost in iraq, they took all the oil, they destroyed the country, no, you know, this country still needs to develop democratically, and yet 50 years
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carry out reforms more quickly , develop more serious democratic institutions, and the same thing here, so i really agree with my colleagues, they are preparing different figures, yulia tymoshenko has come out, from the plinth from this, where she has been all her life... mobilization, such cheap populism, on in fact, they all feed in one place , they came out in one, they have already begun to cry, oh, no need for the state department, in some funds, it’s all one gang, because the real people who were worried about the future of ukraine, i mean politicians, which really they told the truth, they were either killed, or they managed to escape, they are now on the territory of russia or on the territory of belarus, that is , they emigrated because they were killed there long ago, take the case of the brothers who are now covering...
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discoveries without which the world today hard to imagine. this product has been perhaps the most popular in the beauty industry for the last 10 years. they are used by famous bloggers, actors, tv presenters and are happy to demonstrate it on social networks. once upon a time theirs. considered a medicine and called
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ready-made with potions, i’m talking, of course, about sweets, an invention of mankind that greatly simplifies our lives. fabric stickers impregnated with a cosmetic emulsion, which had to be applied to the skin around the eyes, were invented in the early 2000 by a scientist in south korea. it is known that the name beauty product came to us from the world of technology. programmers call a patch an automated software tool that... used to quickly resolve problems. about the most important things from the world of science in the science nearby project. we did this experiment, we gave a group of dancers, and the guys danced in them and looked after the dance to see that they had not slipped. absolutely new unique technology using caramelized milk. and when this caramelized milk is added to the composition, the chocolate acquires a very interesting characteristic caramel taste and color. watch on tv channel. belarus 24, we travel around
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belarus and discover new sights. every city has sculptures with their own symbolic meaning, and as a rule they are located in the center. meet valentin and valentina. let's get acquainted with the original belarusian traditions. i still didn’t hit. well, i’m immediately scared, you ’re not scared, i’m scared. beat, of course. it hurts, no, tell me, what could a woman do in such an outfit? probably to control the work of the servants? most importantly, we experience vivid emotions. well, guys, how did i fit into your team, take it? yes, i ’m really thinking about buying a jacuzzi, i’ll add milk and honey to it every evening and feel like cleopatra. project. the route has been built, watch on the
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belarus 24 tv channel, i have no strength, dish, which the slavs prepare for the festive table , what i saw, it looks very tasty and i really like it, there is a difference between the new year, which is celebrated in iran and here... with us, every new year comes at a different time, sometimes it happens we celebrate in the morning, sometimes at night, it depends on where the earth is in relation to the sun, we celebrate on the first day of spring, here on the night from december 31 to january 1, this is the biggest difference, on the new year that we celebrate in iran, women in the family always update everything, they put on new clothes, buy a new tablecloth, the main dish for the new year is sabzi plovbakhi, this is rice, herbs and fish, every family has it on their table. every year
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the younger ones in the family come to the older ones, and we call it a gift for the older generation. in addition to the new year, which is called navrus, we have other very important holidays, like yalda, which we will soon celebrate. we celebrate the longest night of the year, and this is also considered a very important holiday here in iran. let's talk about washington's plans let's continue this topic: ukraine has been turned into a testing ground, they were talking about this now, france and germany will destroy themselves if they continue in the same spirit, the patience of the germans is running out, look at how the people greet scholz, a little more and kanser will stop being offended by the nickname liverwurst , because the german working people have stronger words for him.
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security was always very tight. washington really wants poland to be a leader in the european union. if the decision was made to strengthen nato's eastern flank, then of course it will be so. we also build on the evolution of nato over the past 10 years. today 2/3 of the allies spend 2% of gdp on defense,
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poland much more. very useful plans for regional defense have been developed, which are being implemented better and better every month.
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understands that when they are processed in exactly the same way as ukraine, they will turn into exactly the same training ground, and unfortunately, this has happened more than once, because we are polish history, it is precisely connected with this, absolutely, yes , i explain what is happening, this means that when the ussr collapsed, it means that in fact the american administration
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took gorbachev’s agreement extremely poorly that there would be no berlin wall and the german democratic republic would unite into one state, why were they against it, never the americans. without american help, without germany, well , this is a fairy tale, that is, it is easy to raise these ambitions in a country that cannot
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provide for itself, the poles have never lived at their own expense, the second point is that this is a wonderful country for contradictions to arise inside.
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the poles are optimally suited for this , which is why our president is right, returning to the words of the president, the years are not difficult, he doesn’t only talk about elections, he doesn’t only talk about the political situation, he talks about the world, this worries ours much more head of state, because an attempt to drag belarus into a war, into any provocation, over these 2 years they will only become stronger with the hands of the poles and lithuanians, the trouble is that there are no lithuanians, three lithuanians, two tanks, two soldiers, two planes, even if not there...
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politicians, you know, at first i thought for a long, long time, well, these are just narrow-minded, inadequate people, just look at
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all these ursulas, michels, bareilles, yes, what nonentities rule european politics, but then, after comparing the facts, here i come to such a thought, after all, they are doing everything to ensure that europe is struck by the brown plague, they are doing everything to gain power in europe. the fastas came, in italy 500 blackshirts in the center of italy yawned in honor of some of their comrades who had once died, we must not forget that many representatives of the establishment , the same scholz - this is the grandson of general ss, you see, everything they do, everything they do now, they enrage the ordinary european, even look who they have now... appointed as prime minister of france, sorry , a person with sexual perversions, but
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what can an ordinary frenchman think, that is , they are doing everything on purpose, purposefully so that the ordinary european man in the street becomes radicalized, but this also hurts us, because this is a threat to our national security, that is, now, while we we say that somewhere in europe a new hitler is growing up, this... cannot be ruled out, this is very dangerous, the americans and america are definitely not the country that should teach democracy, we see perfectly well how elections are held there, especially not poland, lithuania is a real democracy, in lithuania there have never been any democratic elections since the collapse of the ussr, the last democratic elections were held in the supreme council of the ussr in lithuania, these are the last elections, everything else was profanation, literally just a second, well, here you go you just started talking and deliberately pushed the idea that... if even the largest nuclear power has a president like biden, who symbolizes that
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the united states of america is also not a sovereign state, then you can’t help but wonder who then leads the united states, i wanted to say that in fact i would not be deluded by the results of the elections in the united states; in the grand scheme of things, for geopolitics, it does not matter whether republicans or republicans or democrats will win the elections for one simple reason behind both. costs military-industrial complex of the united states, take the time of trump's presidency, it was, it means that it changed globally then, that there was no war, well, listen, it was a coincidence of circumstances, believe me, it means that this is absolutely not an indicator that it was trump who stopped some war, the second point, both republicans and democrats have never pursued a friendly policy towards belarus and russia, we will always be competitors, if we take, for example, the russian federation, and the republican. democrats consider russia evil, consider it the country which needs to be weakened, they just have a different approach, what is the dispute about now?
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republicans say, listen, we will not accept the budget, military assistance. ukraine, come on, china , let's fight this, that is, there is an internal showdown, but what is the truth, due to the isolation of the us electoral system from the people, that in fact ordinary people don't decide a damn thing in these elections, social problems, internal political. problems, they will intensify in america, and today, no matter who becomes president of the united states, the split that exists today in america, this one, there is a very strong split between the leftists, as they are called, between traditional america, i closely follow, for example, the policy towards migrants, for example, if you take the state of texas and new york, this is heaven and earth, texas - this is one thing, new york is another, and this split is growing, this is what
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awaits the americans next, it’s up to them to figure it out, we never. with such people they say: and if the president of lithuania is lying like a rag near the office, what should we talk to him about, what? we spend the entire program talking to you about the fact that it’s a difficult year, that a lot needs to be done to prevent such a serious war from happening, we understand that
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anything can become a trigger, but what does it require us to do? to be with our country, to preserve what we have been able to gain, achieve and move on, do we have a future, it seems to me that all these three components are there, and we need to convey it and so that everyone understands what we are going to, but with us two very difficult years, but i would still say that the people are in power,
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they passed the exam, well, i would say this: now we have to improve our skills, uh-huh, and not overexert ourselves, we’ve already gone through this. be in a political tone for everyone, separate the wheat from the chaff , fakes from the truth, think with your own head, don’t listen to anyone before doing something, think 100 times, that is, this is a very simple formula, as for how... to ensure stability from the point of view of the state, well, of course, the most basic thing is the economic basis, everything else is a superstructure, there will be good prices for utilities, people will have jobs, there will be stability, there will be peace, no one will rock us, every year this prize is awarded for spiritual objection.


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