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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 15, 2024 11:00am-11:36am MSK

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watch in the program of the city of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. on this holiday, everyone can become a wizard, for this you need to do very little good, because the warmth of the hands of people who do good. cases are transferred to those who
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receive them. do good and be happy in the new year.
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who do we detain, who do we condemn, the president raised the issue of justice in the world. criminal punishment, the activities of government agencies and public institutions should be based solely on the principle of justice, this applies to criminal policy. do the punishments correspond to the severity of the crimes and the danger that people, by the will of fate, pose to society when they fall into the hands of law enforcement officers? justice should permeate the entire criminal law and the practice of its application, but is this the case in reality? we have a criminogenic situation.
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president and one of the current topics is the proposed amnesty. the state gives an opportunity to those who have taken the path of correction. well, as alexander lukashenko noted, when discussing amnesty issues, it is necessary to take into account the crime situation in society the experience of past years, so as not to make
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mistakes. today is question number one for the minister of internal affairs of our country, ivan kubrakov. ivan vladimirovich, hello. interview immediately after the meeting with the head of state, the perfection of legislation is important both for the state and for society, taking into account the tasks set in the palace, what will you pay attention to first? the head of state said verbatim that the operational situation today is normal, it allows us to revise the legislation, including the criminal code, in order, perhaps, to soften punishments somewhere for those who do not quite work today, the head of state was also appointed. the task is that this should not just be done in a general manner, but that it is mandatory to take an individual approach to each article, to each situation, to analyze, and the internal affairs bodies were given a special task to analyze, since it is the employees of the internal affairs body who detain offenders, we work and
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regarding drug detection, also corruption crimes, and other criminal offenses, now i’m talking about... literally in grodno , a foreign terrorist brought to us was neutralized, the special services worked brilliantly, they seized an entire arsenal of explosive weapons intended for high-profile terrorist attacks against citizens and government officials , how
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to follow this thread here, how to work out this direction, i completely agree with you, as for the threat specifically, we have approved a complex of cooperative-accumulative... events, we work not only preventively , but operationally, our internet intelligence unit is working, because if you noticed, especially at the beginning of the election campaign, they are trying to influence leaders, officials somewhere, there are insults, there are threats to today , but they all think that they are abroad, it is impossible to get them from there, and you can do this, in fact, today...
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and they will come too, the most important thing that i would like to draw attention to is not to succumb to provocations our citizens, who live, the parents explained to the children , because exactly... who was already born in the modern republic of belarus, they haven’t seen, they don’t know what it is, a lot has been said about this, but - probably not going through certain circumstances, it’s difficult to understand, what could this be, and indeed our youth today, how is it so , there is nothing in the stores, and there were times when there was nothing in the stores, we must appreciate what we have today, today we will do everything to ensure safety was provided with forces of means today, including and... in operational terms, there is enough interaction with our colleagues in the security bloc at
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the highest level, all together we will definitely ensure security in our republic of belarus. the new electoral campaign will take place in 2024, it was stated that it will be held on a large scale, the ministry of internal affairs has probably already begun to prepare for this. what will your work be like these days? as for the electoral campaign, i want to say that. we started preparing a very long time ago, starting in 2020, when the situation was really very tense, we we have worked on the mistakes , we have analyzed the situation, the 2022 referendum already ensured security at polling stations in a completely different way, that is why tactics and strategy have already been developed, we are preparing our personnel, because personnel must be ready to act in any situation, including...
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polling stations, then we are also ready for this, each polling station will be examined, alarm buttons will be installed , already today in all regions, in the adjacent territory where there were previously polling stations , a video surveillance system has been installed, i’ll give the example of the city of minsk, they have already allocated a special room where at least 50 people will work, each polling station will be monitored at...
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they did a good job on the legislation and the threats that were there today , legislation allows us to ensure the protection of public order and work somewhere ahead of the curve, i want to tell everyone, including those who are watching us from abroad, the same as it was in 2020, when we walked, blocked streets, beat benches, destroyed infrastructure, there will be no, the slightest violation of the current legislation, the reaction will be instantaneous, so there will be no excesses, but order will be ensured, order on the streets will be ensured, and how will the ministry of internal affairs work
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in the region, still do not give up hope, but opponents of the authorities influence the minds of our people , as for the legislation, criminal liability is already provided for the dissemination of personal data, today we will be able to protect and provide for those people who will work during electoral campaign, these are the chairmen. i would also like to say to internet intelligence that we monitor every publication
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today and provide a mandatory legal assessment, if someone abroad thinks that we do not know their plans, we know everything perfectly well, we have full control, today, as for professionalism, including our employees who are engaged specifically in internet intelligence, in technical terms of training, then... officials, threatens someone, it will not go unnoticed, and we will definitely give a legal assessment. ivan vladimirovich, in the internal troops, for example, 2024 has been declared the year of professional growth, are we talking about the creation of new special forces? 2024 has been declared the year of quality in the republic
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of belarus by our president, and naturally, the year of quality in the internal affairs bodies. for today. day, professional training is the main component of the readiness of internal affairs bodies to counter crime ; as for the internal troops, 2023 was the year of the creation of special units, development of special units , in 2023, nine special units were created, they were created for a reason, that these are elite troops, elite units, we analyzed the operational component both on the territory...
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of course, as regards professional training, and as regards instructors, we we involved not only our specialists who we have in the internal troops, in the internal affairs bodies, in the special almaz unit, but you also know very well that we involved instructors from pmc wagner, who have combat experience, on the practical side we are already training our fighters, i want to say right away that the level of training has increased, one might say, significantly, especially when performing special tasks. i’m not talking about protecting public order now, because we have gained a certain amount of experience here, including the experience of 2020, but i’m now talking about the combat missions that internal troops carry out. do they work autonomously or are they part of a maneuver group together with the armed forces, there, for example, with
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the border guards, no, they work independently, internal troops, i also supplied all units. task, because the most important thing is practice, it is impossible to gain certain experience without having practical experience, so the task has been set, all the young units that have been created in the internal troops, they are necessarily used by the internal affairs bodies for force support, force support is precisely during detention especially dangerous criminals, armed criminals, that is, where the equipment of arming simple units does not allow operatives...
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these are young people who know very well, work, but still not only give their last to the scammers, but also try to get loans from banks, to get into debt in order to give it to the scammers. yes, i understand that there is a certain psychological processing going on, but we already have step-by-step manuals where we explained what needs to be done, how
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if you don’t need to get involved in a conversation somewhere, just immediately put down the phone and call the internal authorities . a false report of danger comes from minors, that’s exactly how called matchmaking, when children... seem to be playing, they don’t understand what’s happening , that because of their pranks , organizations and enterprises are stopped, sometimes traffic has to be blocked, and so on,
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what damage is caused, again, this work is carried out according to in all directions, absolutely, we are also taking measures in technical terms to block such false messages and prevent them from entering the territory of the republic of belarus, also today...
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to destabilize the situation in our country, they have already tried many times, they did not succeed, and i am sure it will not work. ivan vladimirovich, you are informed of the operational situation every day. listening to reports, and your employees, what do you pay attention to, as if you know, mark the emphasis, yes, work it out, make a comment, there is a category of events that happens that i pay attention to, this, starting from fires,
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a proposal, if , for example, report to me as an analyst at a certain intersection, whether there were similar accidents there before, that is, i set a lot of tasks.
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well, at first glance, perhaps there are some articles in the criminal code that are dead and don’t work, but in principle they exist, but is there something like that? the same article , human trafficking, today there is no longer a big problem in society, it used to be, but in the middle of 2000, and it was necessary to tighten the legislation in this regard, today, we practically, well, not practically, but there are very few such crimes , so maybe we need to reconsider.
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i want to say that if we talk about relapse, then out of 5,500 citizens who would, to whom an amnesty was applied , 274 people re-offended, this is about 4% , that is, this is a small percentage, that is, people perfectly understand and appreciate the chance that the country gave them, that is, they retreated, but the country gave them a chance, they are given this chance took advantage of the proposal for
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amni 2024, basically we made a proposal, this is in relation to a special category of citizens, women with minor children who are raised by women, also those men who are being raised by minor children, special attention was paid to mothers of many children, the president generally approved the proposal that... was reported by me, but the task was set to work out each proposal individually. the innovation that was proposed was to apply an amnesty to persons who were convicted of particularly serious crimes, including murder and serious bodily injury resulting in death. well, at the same time , the president draws attention to the fact that these people who were given a chance, who received an amnesty, come forward
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freedom, they... to say that the amnesty of 2022 there were no complications in the operational situation, and we do not expect from this amnesty of 2024, but nevertheless , we will keep everyone who is released from prison under control. as for persons convicted of extremism and terrorism, our proposal was clear that this category of citizens should not be subject to amnesty.
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a lot of chances were given, starting from an application to appeal to the head of state for a pardon, the most important decision on the application of amnesty is, so that people realize what they have done and corrected themselves, but we see a certain category of people, they did not realize what they did, that they broke human destinies, including those who are today. abroad, because in fact they broke a lot of destinies, including those who are serving their sentences today, they succumbed to the promises of the puppeteers who are abroad and so on, so today we can clearly see that there is order in our country - guaranteed, the world is in order only because today we work and we control all areas regarding extremism, well, you understand everything perfectly
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well, so this issue will be further explored, if we really see this sincerity, that people repent, why not, on an individual basis this is possible, well, as the head of state noted, work with everyone personally, yes, yes, exactly like that.
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every. for a week we review the main topics that aroused the greatest interest among our viewers and subscribers on social networks, we offer to learn the belarusian language while walking with our tv guides, and we also introduce you to amazing people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. broadcast 24:7 is a project that everyone should see. watch us every friday on the belarus tv channel. the television news agency presents it in the public domain. we have no secrets from our people. on the same
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month, from 1067...
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only four mothers of germania are in minsk, but the new statistics are not fallen, as far as our city is concerned. and you know this, the elders of minsk for maskva, leningrad, ryga. for the pile i’ll sort out the history of minsk this time. at the exchange office, they unfortunately told us that there is no way for those who are greedy to move to minsk. geta is not a metro. it seems that the metro in minsk will begin to work, and the population will travel for miles, and the first underground passages will begin. according to the chronicle , svislach was the most popular route in kalis. stolny cities, vitae.


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