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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 15, 2024 2:05pm-2:41pm MSK

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we went out, studied the facility , prepared to eliminate emergency situations directly at the facility, this was achieved through hard, stubborn work, we have been achieving this for a very long time, our fire-emergency-rescue team is, of course, primarily designed to ensure fire safety at the belarusian nuclear power plant, and of course we go out to eliminate emergency situations.
2:06 pm
tortures and atrocities of the nazis from the lips of witnesses in honor of the sons tanned and the wife would have started crying in two hours, oh, but that smell is not only there was heard, that smell could have been heard from a distance, lard, as they say, meat, it burns and smells terrible hidden, it was ordered to destroy the murder of civilians, part of the state policy of the third reich, for now
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the bell in ale tolls. 1758 shot and burned people, known and unknown victims, wehrmacht soldiers. germany still believes that wermuch did not commit a crime. in the occupied territories, ala's documentary, ashes of genocide, watch right now,
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the ensemble appeared here relatively recently in 2020 in memory of the village destroyed by the nazis. on january 14, 1944 , 1,758 people (950), of whom were children, were shot and burned here in a few hours. we saw the shadow of the village, that is, the shadow of life , which was and is not, because of wars , because of human stupidity, cruelty, it felt like it was silent, silence, and silence is not typical for the forest, despite the fact that... .
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rests in a mass grave, so they brought flowers to the memorial not only in memory of the liberators, but in memory of their relatives, i tanned you and my wife, and he jumped out, father, when he came to vale, when you say that you were looking for a grave , it was hard for him to appear there, he cried a lot, before the war there were 34 houses in vale and 168 people lived, the figure is inaccurate, although it is found in many information sources, the report...
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for several years the number of residents could change, because children were born in families , old people died , with the beginning of the great patriotic war, men went to the front, so it is possible to say how many people lived in ala, but it is known for sure that during the occupation the village became a salvation for thousands people, it was deep in the forest, getting here was extremely difficult. difficult , except for the swamps, the ala river, it gave the name of the village, in winter, when there was severe frost, the river froze without problems, you could come to the local residents, old people, women and children from the settlements of the parichsky and streshensky districts flocked here, plowed
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they asked to go there from them, from the germans , and they had small houses, so the yans asked the huts, the people to live, well... we lived there, we threw straw, we lived, there were two, three families living there, richly. in every house 50-60 old people, women and children huddled together. all outbuildings were occupied by people . in january 1944 , there were about 2 thousand people in ala. by this time, many settlements in the south of belarus were already living a peaceful life, but here the front stopped. the swampy forest area became a serious obstacle for the army of the third reich. vermakt gives the order to build a powerful line of defense, for this purpose houses in nearby villages are dismantled, some settlements are completely destroyed, often with civilians around terrible battles, the earth shook from shells,
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soviet troops recaptured every meter. people were waiting for liberation, because back on november 27 , 1943, the red army entered into chaos, today it is the city of svetlogorsk. and she was pregnant, she needs to give birth, he asked , let’s go into the forest, the nazis can kill the family , you, no, it’s not difficult for me, she ’s giving birth at this time, so they come into this house, this little child is raised on bayonets, they
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were all being shot, they were in the forest, they were so hungry, they ate buds from the trees, they ate bark from trees to find something pine... they went into the alu to find some kind of frozen potato, some frozen source of cabbage. on january 8, 1944 , the kalinkovichi-mozor offensive operation began under the command of rakosovsky. the 61st and 65th soviet armies were opposed by the center army group of the second german army. on january 11 , the yelsky region was liberated, the front was approaching kola. the village in the front line was still surrounded by german troops. two.
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noses and mouths began to pull the remains out of all the underground floors in a row, blackened bones, charred scraps of clothing were mixed
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up, it was impossible to count how many corpses were found, this is probably how death came , people were tightly packed into every house, the nazis set them on fire, jumping out meant getting hit by machine gun bullets, and the unfortunate ones hid in the underground, having piled... on each other, they died, most likely by suffocating from the smoke, and then the fire got to the dead. people somehow stood like pillars, for some reason they didn’t get hit, even here...
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where german soldiers were searching the forest, they looked for old people, women and children, and sent
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them to a remote forest village. perhaps the soldiers in the rear units of the german army knew about the upcoming massacre of the civilian population. it’s just that no one here has ever studied this story, so deeply, in order to put all the dots on what happened to this village. the problem is quite possible that they collected, so collection points were created, including o since the autumn of forty-three, wehrmacht units began to create dozens of collection or distribution points where they were driven civilian population. young, healthy people are sent to germany for forced labor, old people, women and children, like unnecessary poisons, must still serve the wehrmacht before their liquidation. it was a general technique, that is, therefore, the creation of any obstacles for the rapid advance of the red army, so any methods were suitable. they did everything, the front was close, and how to use it for cover, in order to escape under
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the cover of civilians, it was in their style, they drove people around their grandmother and family, i i don’t know if they wanted them to germany or if they were taking them to azararichi. january of forty-four for the army of the third revolution became a kind of belarusian stalingrad, in the polesie swamps, as well as on the volga, the wehrmacht had an order not to take a step back, to independently leave the positions loyal to them, hitler’s soldiers. could not, after a failed attempt to use chemical weapons at the front, nazi germany is implementing a plan to use bacteriological tools. the reich publishes a special brochure manual, which contains detailed information on the points describe an algorithm of actions, how to deport civilians, how to infect defenseless people with typhus, why young children are the most reliable shield against the advancing units of the red army. in places. the wehrmacht strictly followed the training manual, indicative from the point of view of reliability was to be
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the azararichi death camp, atol, about 30 kilometers away. the civilian population is concentrated either in villages or in specially created areas, and a dozen typhus patients are placed there in order to infect the rest. war on extermination, the main goal of organizing a death camp. we were already there with typhus.
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eight people, this is the official figure included in modern historiography. the basis for the data was a document dated april 10, 1945, an act of the extraordinary state commission of the parichi region about the atrocities of the nazi invaders, it says. quote. at 8:00 a.m. on january 14 , 1944, a group of german soldiers, unknown in number and military unit, broke into the village of ala, where the population was rounded up. other settlements village councils, blocking the village, set fire and shot people of any age, the corpses of those shot were burned, citizens were caught and thrown alive into a carriage. during the day of the atrocities committed in the village of alla on january 14, 1944 , only 1,758 people were shot and burned alive, of which 100 were men, 58 women,
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950 children, 200 old people. here's how the little ones are wearing little blankets on their hands, how's the rake in the galave, how's everything already standing, so i think, that's it alive, that is, everything is black, so eight and so, as it was scratched, so it was with rashes, a tsapne, so it was sent, and so all the time the hets inflated the yats of the dusters.
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the ancient village, consisting of thirty courtyards, was completely destroyed by the german occupiers, both residential and outbuildings. 20 people were evacuated from the population. the german monsters brutally tortured 1,200 people. in addition, 500 people were imprisoned alive; in total , 1,700 people were killed by the invaders in the village of alla. after the war, investigative authorities were looking for people who miraculously survived the fire of ala. their memories are the argument against it. distortions of historical truth. punitive detachments raided the village of ola, surrounded them, drove everyone out into the street, lined them up in a column, then began to split them into groups of about 50-70 people and lock them up in the building. afterwards, when everyone was locked up, they
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opened fire on the buildings, began throwing grenades at the windows and setting houses on fire. in the country where i was with my family. the german machine gun failed, at that time we broke through the door to the construction site and rushed to run, my family nine souls and their relatives died. on january 14, in the village of alla, the germans gathered up to 200 civilians, children, women, old people, they locked everyone in a barn in riga and began to shoot. i, with my family, five children and a husband, ended up in the same barn with other residents. all 30 people who were in the barn were shot, including my relatives, with the exception of me and the child vitaly, who was wounded. at the moment of the execution, i sat down, my husband and children standing in front of me fell on me, under the corpses i remained alive, then with my she ran away as a wounded child, and after the execution the village was burned. who was there nearby,
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so... the unit was attracted by police units, it is likely that there was an ss unit, thugs in black uniforms were particularly cruel,
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they surrounded them with machine guns and with machine guns, a whole brigade of some kind arrived, but they said it was russian, then they said that they were volunteers, they... in the region tried to escape into the forest, it was very close, but only a few managed to escape, they shot at people, they set dogs on children, there there was a cousin, a villager named semyon from
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the village of sdodich, they were in the last house, from this house they all rushed to run into the forest, and the germans chained up a shepherd dog, and he was the youngest, the last one runs, the shepherd dog catches up with him, jumps up, pushes him in the back, he falls, plunges into the snow , is picked up, he wants to live, he runs further , again the cup catches up with him, again he falls into the snow, and so on several times... one of the versions of the reason for the liquidation of the civilian population in ale, the wehrmacht blamed the dead soldier bridge over the ala river, here in december 1943, two young men killed a german postal service worker. the village was a few hundred meters around the bend. the nazis did not forgive the murder of the soldier and carried out massacres against the residents.
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a story about a woman who had two girls, well , one of them is 5-6 years old, the other is 7-8,
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like that, one after another, and a grandmother, a neighbor, was walking nearby, she said to this grandmother: you look after my children, and i’ll return home, and she came up to the most ardent fascist and said, i... i’ll go to my house and i will burn there with him, i laughed , doused him with gasoline, threw a match with fire, yana went to her house like a torch, on the outskirts of the village behind the houses there was a large collective farm barn, it became a mass grave for most people, old people, women and children were driven here , many were in light clothing and barefoot. during the punitive action, the nazis provided entertainment for the officer; he watched from the sidelines as they drove people to kill, but apparently there was not enough drama, at his command.
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stepped aside, he threw a grenade into the crowd of victims, he was amused by explosions, screams and moans of people. and the burnt woman became a symbol of the burned village; her name was aksinya kurlovich, the wife of a collective farm accountant. the grandmother to whom aksinya entrusted the children is alexandra dekun, the oldest resident of aly. at the time of the tragedy, she was 110 years old. historians have a guess.
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during the construction of a memorial to soldiers and officers of the 45th and 707th divisions, on january 14, 1944 , all residents of the village of ala were herded into barns and set on fire. 1118 innocent villagers of alla died. can you give an account of your cruel actions? in the declaration, signed by roosevelt, stalin and churchel, the responsibility of hitler's fascists for the unthinkable cruelty committed was stated;
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the perpetrators will be found. former commander of the rear district of the second tank, then the ninth infantry army, and major general adolf gammann, former military commandant of the cities of orel, bryansko and bobruisk, chief.
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yes, the defeated or the march of captured germans, which took place on july 17, 1944 in moscow. and in 1945, gamon, berngart, stein and lemler stood trial in bryansk. he went down in history under the name bryansk nurmer, in as a witness at the trial. one of the eyewitnesses, artyom ustimenko, spoke. on january 14 , 1944, german units and the gendarmerie arrived in our village of ola, surrounded the village, this was at 8:00 in the morning, they began to set the village on fire, the population was driven into courtyards and shot with machine guns, and they also threw grenades at people. in my yard, up to 100 people were shot, civilians, including my relatives, the germans threw all those killed into...
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the fire, when my house began to burn, i managed to escape into the forest. december 30, 1945 at 11 am the verdict was announced in bryanski. steim, sentenced to 20 years of hard labor, bernhard hammann lemrler, to death by hanging. the sentence was not subject to appeal and was carried out just a few hours later. the execution took place at 15:00 in the city square of bryansk. years will pass in the world's only cemetery for the burned. houses, but interestingly, not on the old foundations, on the site of those that burned down, no construction was carried out, the boys say.
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the figure is not accidental, this is the number of villages whose inhabitants died in ale, and those who were not killed by horror bells when peaceful life here they
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resemble fruit trees, apple trees of the alla variety, crimson fruits against a snowy background, like drops of the blood of dead people, only at the moment of tragedy, because of the blood, the ground was not visible. the snow melted from the flames, the blood froze like puddles. at the memorial in alla we see the names of the dead red army soldiers, but not a single name of a civilian. we do not know the names of the children who were not destined to become adults, the women who did not become mothers, and the men who never heard the laughter of their sons. research work continues, seven empty steles at the entrance, the place where the names of those shot and burned will be engraved. 1758 taken lives will forever be inscribed in the history of the genocide of the belarusian people, this page has yet to be written by our generation,
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the former village, the burning tola, the nights are crying, gala-gala, some angels are crying, some are all crying. and souls fly to heaven on the wings, remember people, remember us, remember the names of eternal children, we were not destined to grow up, don’t let the war happen again.
2:39 pm
we have one of the most modern from the cis countries production, a unique enterprise. just the very best, people work here, real professionals. leading manufacturers of nuclear, space, automotive, medical and other important products are interested in close cooperation with this enterprise. this
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enterprise works clearly and technologically, harmoniously and efficiently. unique. it is this definition that characterizes it most accurately. and this is the only famous microelectronics production enterprise in the country. integral. in belarus, this is generally unique the only enterprise that is engaged in the production, development, of integrated circuits and semiconductor devices, in general, microelectronics, in general. here, you cannot see whether you have tightened the nuts or not. here you don’t see at all what you are creating, you can generally control what you have done, after about 500-600 operations, from start to finish, yes, here. on the five hundredth operation, for example, you can check whether the first, tenth, twentieth, hundredth operation was done correctly or not, in order to make quality products in a huge number of pieces, you need to have it in your head...


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