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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 15, 2024 7:25pm-9:00pm MSK

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geta is my wife, olesya is dana’s sister. we attend film school and study film acting. unpredictable questions. ceramics, my first question for your team. please tell us to which part of the bicycle the wheels, pedals, saddle and handlebars are attached. more than 100 tons of the fruit are used in the famous annual spanish culinary festival on the last wednesday of august. the ancient greek goddess of justice, phimis, is always depicted alone.
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belarusian winter, all its little things, all the details, some are so beautiful that they take your breath away, some are awkward, but together they are one whole, not harmony; looking at them, you feel aesthetic pleasure, you feel that belarus is closer.
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of course, it is impossible to trace the entire future life and activity of your student, in any case, at least at this stage you need to try to lay down all the best that you can do and what is considered valuable in human understanding, this will manifest itself in the future. my name is sergei mikhailovich shaminsky, i work at the dovskaya school.
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art teacher for 33 years year, every year i participate in various competitions, now i became teacher of the year, but i want to say the following, winning this competition drew the attention of many people to the fact that such a competition exists, exists and lives, and most importantly, that the teaching profession is still relevant and in demand. that’s how i went to school in 1972, and i still go to it. hello zakhar, how are you, fine. yes, i am truly
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a native of dovsk, i was born in this village, this place, this nature, these people who surround me here, this is very valuable concept, and the school is one of those places that attracts residents from other villages and breathes life into our locality. hello guys, hello. i welcome you, sit down, everyone is prepared, well done, here i am, when i came to school, naturally i wanted to create a new teaching methodology or something else, in the 90s, while teaching the subject of fine arts, i managed to attract those ideas into this subject , which i was immersed in in a good sense then. and
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note that only maple leaves have coloring of the whole warm color range, here are the leaves of birch, they are painted only yellow, green, and the leaves of maple are colored... sometimes children in drawing lessons ask the question: why should we depict it in art? you know, such a question can sometimes be perplexing, really, but what is it for? art actually teaches what? kindness, that is, if a person recognizes the beauty of the world around him, believe me, i would like to believe, in any case, that this person will not break a tree branch. he won't destroy insect, he will not trample the flower, because he will see beauty in it. my favorite subject is drawing, he doesn’t use textbooks at all in class, he says everything himself, shows it with chalk on the blackboard. at those stages
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of the lesson, if a textbook is needed somewhere, we resort to it, but in general, of course, this all goes through the teacher, then the teacher adapts the textbook. on the board in your explanations of the material, if the children see that you master what you teach them, of course, for them this will be the first incentive to learn it too, we like it because that he is kind, doesn’t swear, explains well, if a mistake is no big deal, we can just do it or... he will somehow correct us for work done incorrectly, how can you scold this, if a person came to learn, of course he will do it wrong, that’s why you exist here, to teach him
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to help him approach, even to show him in his work, we take live paint, so be sure to apply it without water, so that it doesn’t have time to dry, do you understand? i always explain to children that the most important thing is the knowledge that you get it, but the mark is secondary, but in no case should you punish students with a mark, you will not achieve anything by doing this, you will achieve the fact that this child will stop preparing and doing something altogether, great, great, and what beautiful divorces we got , paints, wow. you cannot compare the work of all students and say: look: how well this one did, how well this one did. everyone succeeded at the level at which he can do it, but this level can be developed further. and therefore , each job must be characterized find the best moments in it. even if it
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is all painted over with brown paint, you need to find that stroke or that line from which you can start in this work and find something positive. this is a masterpiece. attention, please call. great. an ordinary digital camera, i always carry it with me everywhere in class, when the children do work, i photograph everything. when creating exhibitions, i myself print photographs of the process that took place during club classes. moreover, this photographic material complements the exhibition decorates it. sergei mikhailovich, this is a reminder for you, i’m moving. irisha, where are you moving to? sloven, evil? is this
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the last lesson? dear child, don’t be upset, you will also have a good teacher there, don’t worry, there will be good drawing classes, right?
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art in primary grades, domestic and world artistic culture - grades 5-9, technical work for boys in grades 5-9 and drawing in tenth grade, but there is also a club. to which children of different ages come, for one circle, it’s called association of interests: young artist. it is very important to convey to children the layer of culture that was before us, which, unfortunately, is no longer present, that the names of these artists are lost in obscurity, for example, one of these artists, on holiday, mainly for the new year, performed a series of: beautiful, congratulatory new year's postcards, vladimir zarubin, exhibitions are held after studying
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each topic, i draw such a poster, then the whole composition is built to this poster. this is the object that will become ours today new year's toy. only if you become interested yourself, you need to find those paths with help. one has only to transform the task, it will correspond to the program, but it
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will be done in a completely different way, more interesting for children in demand. look at what a handsome man stas made, well done, he flushed his cheeks, showed his smile and showed his teeth. the practical process, it takes place in such a living rhythm, in a living state, this is the golden age here. which needs to be appreciated and given the opportunity to make a splash here, it will pass by itself, believe me, by the eighth, ninth grade they will calm down and become quiet, don’t rush to stop them, let them make noise, attention, oops, and the new year’s toy is ready, happy new year,
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editors’ club, what distinguishes a national leader from a politician, what the leader thinks about the next generations, and not the end of their tenure and the united.
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in front of you is an ordinary box, yes, but if you look at this box in a different way, then this particular box is the basis of the type of building that was given to... greek architecture, the modern generation
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it’s harder to get interested when computers came in the early 2000s, we partially began to lose children, the telephone actually stole our children from school, and of course, when you have virtually the whole world in one flat model, that ’s what there is probably an advantage, but the problem is different: this information absorbs a person so much that it is no longer he who owns the phone, but the phone that owns him. no, i’m not against modern technology, i’m quite happy with this kind of phone, phone created in order to make a call , that's it, there are no more functions here at the moment for me anyway, with students, when they ask, showing off their phones and so on, i say, very simply, i say, look, guys, you can to have a simple telephone and to be a modern, educated person,
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architects sometimes replaced them with columns... hello, roma, are you already there, hello, dear, how are you? everything is fine, everything is excellent, i’m ready to complete the task, this is the third year i’ve been working with a student in a special way program, we spend 2 hours separately with him and four lessons as part of the class. a special program
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usually involves repair work in butu, because this child needs to prepare for the next after school on his own. life and generally master the use of any tool, like students in all other classes, but what is the difference between a screw and a nail? we hammer in a nail, we tighten a screw, absolutely right, smart guy, he’s the same as everyone else, features of psychophysical development - this is probably, i don’t know, such a characteristic, yes it exists, but if you treat a person as an equal to yourself, then these features fade into the background, believe me. a person appears in the foreground for you, because we each actually have some kind of special needs, take any person, yes, so then we should all be labeled as beings, we all have special needs in psychophysical development, when he came to us from another school , he didn’t have this initial knowledge, he had to start practically from scratch, well , methodically, from lesson to lesson, creating for him
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such a fundamental basis is obviously progressing well. there is a generation of those children whom i taught in the nineties, in the two thousand years, many students, having graduated from school, meeting me somewhere on the street, thank me to this day and say: thank you, sergei mikhailovich, for the knowledge that you invested in me , because this knowledge now helps me earn money, at first i had such a sketch, then it moved here, yeah, sasha is a talented
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graphic artist at school, he was already distinguished by a high-ranking graphic drawing, but he even went to...
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i still know everyone, this is the middle way to increase it, is it just me, it can’t be, if you have ever heard words of gratitude from your students, believe me that the profession you chose turned out to be right, therefore, this is not praise, it is most likely an assessment of the activities of this little person whom you are teaching and...
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this year the name of our village dovsk was announced, i am very happy about this, that now our settlement is known throughout belarus, in this competition, which it's called a competition pedagogical excellence, in short, teacher of the year, i am already participating. the competition consisted, i counted over a year of more than 32 different competitive events, this is the preparation and development of night lessons and then conducting them in various cities of our republic, this is a performance in front of the public, at universities, in institutes, this is subject testing, and various others competitive events. 200,568 people began to participate in this competition. it all started with this figurine, which was received at the regional stage, this is the first award in this competition was, well, in the future, of course
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, at each next stage these statuettes began to arrive, out of 56 people, those who had already arrived in minsk, only eight super-finalists remained, one person from each nomination with different items from different areas.
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yes, he also lost weight during the competition, sleeps 5-6 hours only a day , doesn’t take anything on the internet at all, everything he gives birth to is all in his head, my conscience guided me through this competition, my conscience didn’t let me i have peace of mind, you see, she forced me into everything about this participate conscientiously and prepare for everything with full dedication , so conscience seemed to lead to this, that the final reward was in this... lecture , a bonus to this victory was a car, the family, of course, is happy with this gift, we will now have to learn a new one a form of art
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for herself, and of course, someday she will have to take her license, but the eldest daughter has her license, so she can enter this time. the eldest daughter graduated from school about 7 years ago, she already has an independent life. well, my youngest daughter has already entered the tenth grade, she will also be out of school for another year or two, she will be out of school like chicks fly out of a nest, i happened to go on maternity leave with my youngest daughter, but that time spent with the child is golden years, it's a pity that it flew by quickly, this is a very memorable moment in life, which i would advise every man to go through, give you...
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that time. all children dream of being someone, this is a very big thing, i am very grateful to my childhood, i collected children's books and drew with them cartoons, then i thought that i would grow up and become an artist, a cartoonist, i would. draw cartoons for children, and will illustrate children's books. as a child, our club often showed films with gojka mitic about venetuvazhda about paciya. at an older age, i returned to indian themes and began to draw movie posters for the films i saw as a child, but to come up with my own versions. i have a lot of friends, they had the chance to meet goyk mitic, here he is, by the way, yes, tell me about my hobby.
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this is such a childhood house , you know, which used to be just a utility room, over time, of course, i renovated it, restored it from the inside out, well, this is my childhood room, in which i actually spent my childhood, now it’s like nostalgia for past times , where i sometimes spend time too, it allows me to return. in those distant years, which, of course, will never be returned, i kept many things from childhood, people give a lot, these are the ones who know that i guardian of the old times, in childhood, when we went to the village to visit my grandparents , where my mother lived, they had such a rug hanging on the wall, it was so imprinted on me from childhood, especially this plot, but i found it in
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bobruisk in one of the stores , found, and now, as it were, restored this composition here. a child’s childhood is filled with bright, broad strokes, and this is very memorable; in childhood a person is more open, naturally sincere. but i am not at all ashamed of this feeling and these emotions that are inside of me. a small child still lives inside me, it is a great happiness that he is preserved in me, because this child allows me to open myself and discover the feelings and emotions of children. there is a common phrase: the main thing is that the suit fits. you know, i paraphrased this phrase differently, the main thing is to have a hairstyle, this is very
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important to me. and the children parody me in a good way, oh, guys, please, unfortunately, over the years, life changes us, maybe i even mentally traumatize someone, the colors of life change their color tone, completely the other is such a gloomy tone. therefore, i would like to advise people, if they still have this childishness in them, take care of it, because it is of great value, especially for people who work with children.
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we follow the sporting life of our country. shakhtar advanced to the top division of the russian basketball championship 3:3; in the second stage, which took place in arkhangelsk, the belarusian contender tandem won all matches. and we were allowed to participate in the licensed world championship, and we hoped and believed that after all we we will be able to perform at the olympic games and this cannot but please us. we are reviewing.
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nayvyaliksha master. neil elevich. the president of belarus proposes to intensify cooperation between official
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minsk and dushanbe. alexander lukashenko received the ambassador of tajikistan at the palace of independence. diplomatic relations between the countries were established 28 years ago. all this time, the parties maintain relations in the political field, working meetings. in the state regularly takes place as part of integration events in the economy, but work here needs to be strengthened. as for the numbers trade in goods last year from january to november was $67 million. belarus supplies tajikistan with petroleum products, timber, stationery, large machines, tractors, truck tractors, some of which are assembled in the gessar region of tajikistan. there is also an assembly of belarusian elevators produced in mogilev. according to the ambassador, belarus is one of tajikistan’s priority partners. the countries are discussing the development of cooperation in all areas, to intensify relations, the diplomat proposes to create a multifunctional shopping complex in minsk, it will serve as a focal point for representatives from both countries. an important stage of the election
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campaign, the nomination of candidates for deputies, has ended in belarus. political parties, public associations, labor collectives and citizens could nominate their candidate. for several weeks, initiative groups collected signatures during the period. until january 30, the registration procedure and the issuance of certificates to candidates will take place; the upcoming election campaign will be the largest in the history of independent belarus. 25 february deputies of the house of representatives and local councils will have to be elected. belarusian industrial enterprises plan to open eight multi-brand centers in russia this year. these will be both points of sale and service for a wide range of products. the plans were discussed at the ministry of industry with the participation of agricultural machinery manufacturers. the creation of trading houses and multi-brand centers with belarusian capital, one of the president’s instructions, to eliminate unfair intermediation of sales losses. demand for
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belarusian products is growing. for the last year the volume of supplies from the ministry of industry to the russian market increased by a third. now there is a special emphasis on improving the quality of equipment service in new centers. everything should be as complete as possible. nomenclature and line of equipment, any type of power, any layout, any design, it is desirable that everything is also aggregated with appropriate mechanisms, then using the example of the ministry of industry, using the example of large mechanical engineering, the passenger segment, we will offer the same alternative strategy to others to our departments: woodworking and light industry. in belarus, the implementation of the concept of one region, one project, locations in delivery continues. a local dairy has been selected. a line for the production of cottage cheese will be launched here and more than a dozen jobs will be created. the project will reach the finish line by 2025. in addition, other industrial enterprises, as well as the agro-industrial sector
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and the social sphere, continue to develop in the supply chain. there is a lot of construction going on. every year we introduce about 6.5-7 m2 of housing. these are individual construction and public construction. industrial enterprises are being built. the foundation, the new facility was built from scratch, everything was assembled on site, like a construction kit , and it took 4 months to fill it, 400
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patients will be served here, including from three nearby villages. we have two of these faps of the modular type. we agreed with our enterprise, we agreed, they went. and their price was on average somewhere around 120,000, if we take the rest of the buildings, then some we moved to new buildings, carried out renovations there, some were simply renovated. with the opening of a new modular medical center in the borisov region have completely completed the modernization of medicine in rural areas, and are now working on the construction of a blood transfusion station in the regional center. the results of the student of the year competition have been summed up in the minsk region. 21 schoolchildren received honorary titles in seven categories, including sports. public creative activity, the guys presented themselves in the form of a video business card, presented advanced ideas and developments, awards were received by the winners of the online vote, parents and teachers, noted college students who last year we won international
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professional skills competitions. future specialists conducted master classes for guests. author's works using the technique of weaving, delicate sewing, and glass painting are presented at the exhibition of decorative and applied arts in pushkinskaya. well, yes, for me, not for him, it’s enough
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to behave at a party, like the host of the show, like at home , where this time we rushed, and i think in a new fairy tale, two foreign students will discover belarusian customs. well, kai, are you ready? yes, of course, let's go, well wait, where are you rushing, let's take photos first.
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music, dj, hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come out to us who will answer all your questions. andrey dmitrievich, why do you think children ask strange questions? children ask strange questions, primarily because they still have a lot of their own and... so much of someone else’s. why is it more difficult with children than with adults? because they are spontaneous. are you ready to come out to your children? yes, definitely. well, then i wish you a successful conversation. so, today our guest is the rector of the belarusian state university andrey dmitrievich king. andrey dmitrievich , i want to warn you, according to the rules of our
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program, you have the right to refuse to answer a question three times, and be attentive to the questions, at the end of our conversation you will need to choose the best one, now, according to tradition, tell us what you think is necessary about yourself , you have 1 minute, time has passed, i am the person who teaches asking questions, more than giving answers to them, the one who teaches... tries to at least do this, ignorance, because ignorance is the most important knowledge, i try to teach silence as creation, by the age of 50 i wrote about 50 books, one of these life mottos is, you need to think fruitfully, love, create, everything, great, you did it in one minute, we have 100 children in our studio, everyone has their own question: let's see how fast you can answer. so, first question: red
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sector. hello, my name is nastya, what ritual does your working day as a rector not go by without? there are many rituals, many, many meetings, but perhaps one of the main rituals is this always listen to different points of view on the same issue. what is the most unusual thing in your office? it depends on who they are. from anatomical drawings in english back when i was a teacher for foreign students in the subject of medical biophysics, he has always accompanied me for about twenty years now, then the purple sector, hello, my name is,
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hello, is it true that now higher education is already does not matter as much as it used to become more important than a diploma, i would say that there is always something always changes, but in relation to education, i would say that it is always that investment in yourself, which is the most reliable, even in comparison with the most reliable banks, higher education is always something that, with a very sincere, inner desire to learn, master knowledge,
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hello, my name is. elizaveta, i am interested in the following question: if you look at the national scale, is bsu the best university among others, as is the case in world rankings? the fact is that in every rating, the belarusian the state university participates in twelve world rankings, each ranking has its own criteria, for example, the number of publications that scientists publish in a variety of journals per year, the number of the highest-rated publications, the number of students who ... at the university, the number of nobel laureates who read lectures and much, much, much more, the reputation of the university through the eyes of foreign experts, there are about a million of them around the world, there are english-speaking, russian-speaking employers, it even has its own rating, so based on the totality of parameters that a university
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accumulates throughout the year and is built, its place is ranked, but ratings are actually a very, very crafty thing, because many of the parameters are taken based on the vision that the founder himself forms rankings, so i really like the point of view that in rankings, in general , those who create them for themselves are in the lead, as they say, how to make a belarusian state university take first place, well, create your own ranking, i already answered this question.
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i think this is not only at our university, a whole system has been developed to support those students who need it, and these are different levels of support, and of course, a lot still depends on how the student himself perceives his condition , if he understands that this is the beginning of his path, and
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he will value much more that part of the time that he spends on... well, on the other hand, this also destroys itself a little, so how does the school assessment system differ from the university one? well
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of course, there are their own points, their own scales, but in general, a school student, already at a higher level of the first stage of higher education, the second stage of higher education, a master's degree student, of course, he must pro... at the university he becomes, can become a good student or even an average student ? an example
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of a typical school excellent student who absorbs everything that is given to him on the record, so, to some extent, he learns to think and think according to a template, but life is not template, at the university teachers try to structure the learning process in this way, so that it would not be easy for a student...
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and the regulations were such that they still had to wait quite a long time before dinner, and two classmates were sent to get food, and it was impossible to simply leave the room, moreover, if if they catch you, stop you, then that’s minus one day from your vacation, it was called goodbye vacation, and yet we went and bought black buns for the whole group, still warm, i remember it well, it was really a very big risk, but nevertheless everything is fine it was resolved, everyone was happy and we did not
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lose or suffer any sanctions. next, the red sector is on your right. my name is sofia, you speak very calmly and quietly, what can make you angry? well, i’m a living person, sometimes emotions are also characteristic of me, i can... and somewhere even, so to speak, somewhere, emotionally flare up, although this, well, it can rarely happen to me, so some of those irritants , which do not leave me indifferent, but can you raise your voice at your subordinate students? once with me there was a case, i taught physics in the seventh grade, it was back in ninety-seven. i really reacted very, let’s say, somehow emotionally to
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the student’s uncompleted assignment, but it’s true that i later apologized in front of the class, of course, i try to behave in the same way with my subordinates, but sometimes you have to raise your voice, it’s true, but you can now take it and shout loudly like this and... and applause, we move to the yellow sector, this is on your right andrey dmitrievich, there is an opinion that the students are from the periphery achieve greater success than the guys from the capital, why is this happening, our contemporary, he is really many years old, a very famous world psychologist, he conducted a study on whether there is a connection between a big and a small city and... there are seconds to
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pay at the checkout how long does it take to cross a pedestrian crossing? naturally, the rhythm of time turned out to be higher in big cities, but the ability to help other people, that is, the same kindness, it turned out to be lower in big cities than in smaller cities, so, probably, who is more kind, concluding, who is able to help other people, he is able to achieve more.
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traditions of scientific, student research , there is also internal competition between students, so as not to end up underachieving , not to end up somewhere at the tail of the whole group, so all this together makes a more responsible approach to learning, and accordingly, those who graduate from the university, they, well recognized experts, which faculty currently has the highest passing scores? faculty of international relations, faculty of law. you are the first rector who did not graduate from bsu. why did you decide to go to another university after school? but the fact is that after school i wanted to be either a military doctor or a military
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engineer, since i have doctors and military men in my family, and... i chose one of the best military schools in the soviet union, very serious and well-known from the point of view of both the diploma and the competence at the exit, but life turned out so that in the ninety-first year the soviet union collapsed and i , like many others, was forced to leave for gardening from there from riga, go to my hometown, grodno, i was born there, there was an opportunity simply... to transfer without additional payment to the budget, subject to passing the difference, the academic difference in the second year, which, in fact, i managed, so that’s all, but i had no special plans at all to become a rector, not even close. i heard the following words: students live happily from session to session, but how did you live when you were a student? i will say this, in
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the interval between sessions, and during the session we also lived. fun, fun - that doesn't mean that we recklessly, recklessly spent every day, not thinking about anything that was happening around, even in the student anthem it is written, yes, have fun while you are young, because life goes by very quickly, i am against stereotypes here, there are those who study every day, it gives pleasure and it’s also fun, i approach the session completely without any concerns -
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in the first year i took higher mathematics, mathematical analysis, i liked this discipline, i studied almost perfectly, but before the exam itself during the session i had an outfit, i couldn’t prepare for a day , i went without reading just one section, of course i came across a question on this section, so since i answered the first question well, i solved the practical part there, but it was clear that i was swimming in general. .. exam and it was kind of not very pleasant. it's no secret that students cheat very often, and what do you think is the best place to hide a cheat sheet? in
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my personal practice, as... as a teacher, i then began my journey at the university, at the medical university, was example, when they were handing in final assignments , students had a colloquium and... i couldn’t understand for a long time, he was cheating, he was cheating, i saw that they understood that he was cheating, so in the end i understood what was going on, one student was cheating, and it was rude work, without any bombs, prepared crib sheets, it was just a textbook, a textbook of physics, medical biological physics by remizov, she somehow bent over like that, the book came out forward, she copied, when she saw danger, she straightened the book... disappeared under i liked the robe, well let’s say, two things: the device itself, the device, the
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way it was done, the second is the impudence with which it was done, and in your student years you used cheat sheets, well , i used it twice, and you think you’re good do you know how to copy, no, i think it’s bad, and i’m an amateur compared to those who... do it regularly, as in general in any other craft. let's move on to the purple sector, it's on your right. hello, i’m ivan, belarusian education is often somehow underestimated, they say that it is not focused on
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practice. give your reasons for why belarusian education will be more promising than foreign ones? firstly, great attention and attention to quality is paid to education. and standards, curricula, textbooks themselves, we do not follow some seven-minute trend, fashion, which many countries later abandon, in general, we have retained this progressiveness, let’s say the evolutionary development of education , fundamentalism, that is, today we really have in universities a specialist, if he...
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i would say that he doesn’t like doing what which does not bring real results, well , for example, sometimes there are such forms of meetings when they talk and talk, but
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there is no result as such, i’ll give an example, i have lunch for about 3 to 5 minutes, this is already an established habit, that is, well this doesn’t mean that someone is chasing me, i simply don’t like wasting time on things that don’t need to be spent on. i’d rather put it to good use, the most important resource in a person’s life on something else. the next question is from the red sector. who is your ideal student? describe his portrait. hair color, eyes, height, no, i'm kidding. for me, the ideal student is one who tries to get to the bottom of things on his own, using different means. there are few such students, but the ideal is also not what exists in reality. uh, another question: who do you consider the best graduate of bsu? this is about 180,000
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graduates, but many of these graduates, they are really familiar, familiar to people who are far from education, from science, these are famous scientists, these are well-known public figures, graduates,
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say, here is the cost of education, let’s 100,000 rubles, of course not, the cost of training includes the salary of the teacher, the teacher who teaches students, the material and technical equipment also has a great influence, for example, when conducting classes in natural sciences, educational disciplines, be it chemistry , biology, physics, expensive equipment is required , it was spent... on its purchase, operation, consumables, money is spent, so they are also taken into account when calculating this one the cost of education, therefore it cannot be the same, precisely because different funds are invested there in order for the student to receive an education. there are faculties where there is no budget recruitment at all, why does this happen? the fact is that, as a rule, all budget places are strictly regulated.
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has the right to finance and provide training in a particular specialty so that in the future this specialist will then enter the public sphere, the public sector of the economy. why are there fewer budget places every year? well, i i wouldn’t say that there is such a direct dependence in some specialty; on the contrary, we are expanding the budgetary form of training, and there is, for example, this.
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variety as a targeted form of education, when individual government agencies, ministries , committees are interested in , for example, the faculty there of the belarusian state university training specialists who in the future will be assigned to them and work for them, and it is natural that we from the point of view of our existing obligations, we are preparing and bring it to release. people who want to see. the black sector is distinguished by amazing curiosity, what does bsu have that no other university has? a very good question, there are those things that make a student involved in not just what surrounds him, involved in his
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family, that later in life he very often turns with pride and says: i am a graduate of the belarusian state university, not a single a university in our country, for example, does not have such a track record for its children, so to speak, then there are those universities, those institutes that the belarusian state university gave birth to, like a parent, for example, at the turn...
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i’m not even talking about the structure, the structure of the university includes six, for example, research institutes, these are, for example, those technologies in the field of radiophysics, which today allow us to develop our own satellites, nanosatellites and launch them for educational and scientific purposes, in the world, for example, there are no more than 100 universities in total that can say that they have developed their own satellite from a to z, here bsu one of them, so bsu is much more than just that. university, a leading university, a certain patriarch who , in general, can say that he does this, that, and that, which no one else does, hello, hello, they often write on the internet that you are the most open rector in communicating
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with your students, it is true that you respond to all messages from students on social networks, i would say that openness does not mean... presence on social networks, although i actually have accounts since 2009-10 on facebook, vkontakte, and sometimes i conduct classes there, so i always want to, in general, somewhere and well, go to the level of communication beyond the purely businesslike, this is a completely logical platform for, in general - to communicate with...
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i dreamed that he needed to do this, that and that, so he wrote to me a second time, thanked me and said that i did this, that’s how it works for me it didn’t work out, that is , we started a certain conversation with him, so, but i was surprised on the one hand by the seriousness of this student, on the other hand a certain kind of other kind of, well, defenselessness or something, childishness, which was read behind his - the meaning of the messages being conveyed, so this is what i remember, there are also business proposals, sometimes they come there, say, from publishing houses, this is a common normal practice, i have a question for you: more often than not, it is the parents who choose the university, not
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the child himself; how do you make such a difficult decision about your future profession? well, first of all , you need to really clearly ask yourself and still try to answer essentially the most important question is, what do i want , this is probably the first step of the algorithm, the second is to see how parents, of course, those people who are, well, the closest people to the applicant, look at it, and whose opinion, even if... but somewhere it’s impartial and he should trust, if only because these are the people who love him, of course, we need to collect information, so to speak, from his immediate circle, friends, girlfriends and others and others, this is take everything together and then decide alone with yourself what
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i want more, because there are cases when, unfortunately, already being a university student, a young man, well, changes his trajectory. takes documents, goes to another university, for example, there are many such examples , i myself, when i was a group supervisor, had a case when a girl in her first year, well, doesn’t study and doesn’t study, and doesn’t study and doesn’t study, like i wouldn’t be stupid, when you start communicating, my parents were, especially my dad, very directive, he said, you will go here there, in the end, of course, she finished her studies, but through overcoming himself, although a person initially could probably realize himself more effectively, with a greater efficiency, in another specialty, at another university. we are moving to the black sector, to your right.
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how do you feel about grades? are grades an indicator of intelligence? i am, of course, a supporter of having an assessment system. another thing is, what is it supported by? what's included? only what we see, for example, if we take a student, very often testing is used, testing is checked, the level of knowledge, in fact,
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hello, my name is masha, and i believe that a person who is closely associated with science has a fairly serious character, and you can call yourself a romantic, a romantic person, well, it’s hard for me to say, but i still consider myself not a romantic, but realistic, because often when i... some things, how i feel about it, i answer simply as a fact, there are no offenses, there is information, but do you have an act that you consider the most romantic? are such actions enough? give an example, for example, recognition in love, which i once did, in general, this is a romantic act. not romantic i think romantic i think yes, do you
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approach love from a scientific point of view or is it something more? a very deep question, by the way, despite its apparent simplicity , in fact, love and falling in love are different things, here falling in love is like a slightly lighter form, but tied here now it is quite... from the formula of love, which i once read from a very famous sociologist,
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philosopher ericho froma, what is love? love is a huge work, it is knowledge, it is responsibility, it is an act, uh, this is what answers the question why, while science answers the question how, and what or who do you love most? well, your relatives? loved ones, your favorite thing, a lot of things. next, the purple sector is to your left. hello, my name is roma and i don’t know where i should go, what direction or specialty i should choose, this is what you think, which professions will be most in demand and promising in the future, and which ones will probably disappear altogether? the world is becoming different due to the fact that the speed is increasing.
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we are moving to the red sector, it is on your right. tell me, how much free time does the rector have? you know, in mathematics there is such a thing as the limit of a function, yes, in the limit, it tends to zero, in fact very little, so, answering the question, one of the previous ones about the profession, yes, the future, i believe that one future professions, however, maybe...
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swimming, but the most important thing is not to absorb tens of megabytes of information in the form of someone else's data, some cases, to completely get away from this informational, not even noise, scream, in which we all live and turn somewhere to our own, well , primary sources, just even relax, lie down, do nothing. all students are afraid of the placement process, what’s scary about it and who should be afraid of it? distribution, some and those who are afraid are perceived by a number of students, by some students, as, in general, some kind of duty, yes, which he must fulfill,
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as a rule, these are those students who do not they have their own inner one. let's say, goal setting, when a person understands what he wants in life, and already at this age by 22-23 years, of course, a person understands what he wants, a normal person perceives distribution as a way to improve his skills, because there is again i repeat, the list of conditions that protect the young specialist from all vicissitudes, i heard that paying students will also be distributed after graduation. university, is this true? in fact, work is constantly underway to to make the learning process optimal and most, well, useful for the student. and i already said earlier that a fee-paying student, he is very conditionally a fee-paying student, why? because
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the tuition fee is many times less than what they pay, for example, in countries, even in neighboring countries for the same specialty, what does this mean? not because we somehow value education cheaply, because the state, on the contrary, invests its funds in order to support a person who studies at the so-called paid form of education. if the state has its own, relatively speaking, stake in the training of paid workers, then why shouldn’t it have certain rights? logical, here is your answer.
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and this is due to the fact that then , again, for a paying student there , there is no opportunity to gain their professional skills, i don’t see, in principle, a single advantage. someone who believes that this is beneficial for him , please, what questions, but this did not happen en masse, and i hope that this will not happen, but the fact that there are some individual preferences among students, well, once again i repeat, there is the right to choose, no one prohibits this, i hope there will not be such a ban, everyone bears responsibility for their actions, for their decisions independently. what comes first for you, family or career? well, of course , family always comes first for any person, i would
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say so, but the question is that today the world is such that, for example, my wife, she is also no less busy than me, well, maybe she may be less busy, but at least she’s not sitting at home and waiting. husband, when will he return, that’s when this will be , this huge work of communication, because in order not to put my interests ahead of the whole planet, to take into account the interests of the person close to me, that’s when this work will be, then that’s love, and there’s mutual understanding, and if your wife asked to leave her job at the university, would you agree to this, i know that she will not ask for this, otherwise she would not be my wife. to your right, red sector, the question from there: what is your most cherished dream? i, in fact, maybe sometimes i dream, but never my own
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i don’t write down my dreams on a piece of paper , i don’t let them go anywhere, my dreams, uh, turn into goals that i write down and which i implement, well, something like this, time for questions , heroes and glass, andrei dmitrievich, you should choose: best question now, so what question stuck with you the most today? there were a lot of questions, so i already noted the question that the young man alexey formulated for me, i then said that this question is quite very, very deep, but please remind me that there is bsu, which no other university has, so perhaps i would probably single it out. this question, great , according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question is you, alexey, receives a special gift from our guest, go out onto the site, this is a thermal mug with the bsu logo,
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and these are two books from the author, which i think will be useful , some of them are heuristic tales. despite the fact that these are fairy tales, people read them until the age of 20 ; i hope that i will see them as a student at bsu. andrey dmitrievich, now you have opportunity to ask the audience your questions. and what is the superpower of today, well, time, well, for me, this is probably a superpower. a person’s attention and his understanding of how he reacts to things, that is, well, maybe he ’ll give some advice somewhere, won’t swear anymore, will make a remark, well, it seems to me that the
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most important thing now is that a superpower is the fulfillment of your dreams, or something, an interesting thought , and if i don’t have, for example, a dream, then that means i don’t have a superpower, yes, i need to find it, i need to find it, okay, i’ll start. after the show, those were great questions very interesting answers, bsu rector andrei dmitrievich king, today we are visiting the program with 100 questions for adults, i’m waiting for you at the entrance to the site, thank you guys, well , here i’ll ask you to stay, tell me, which of the children’s questions puzzled you?
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eight questions, tell me, if they call you again, will you agree to come? yes, with great pleasure, well, now i turn to our audience, do you think that our hero was with today? are you honest, whoever thinks so, raise your hand, i think that he answered honestly, because there were a lot of specifics and details, he answered questions in detail and seemed to give us some advice, and this is the rector of the belarusian state university, who told us about any details of studying at this university, because
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many people would like to go there. i was very glad to listen to a little more of his life than was written, say, on the internet. and who thinks that andrei dmitrievich was a little disingenuous and did not tell you the whole truth? i think that in many moments when they asked about personal life or about situations that happened over many years of experience, they told us in general terms, but did not tell us the situation itself.
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which is what it sounded like in general today , probably one of the main dominant moments in the content time is the main resource, now i’m already starting after this meeting to think that the main resource is sincerity and emotions during communication, which you and reveals and enriches. to the rector of the belarusian state university, andrei korol was in guests of the program 100 questions for an adult before the meeting. in a week, look in the next issue, we meet honored artist of the republic of belarus ruslan alekhno, you were born in belarus and live in russia, which country do you consider yourself an artist of, and what is
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more important to you? audience recognition or financial side? what do you like more : being a contestant in a vocal show or being a member of the jury? do you have a song called guilty, forgive me, do you often apologize at all in life? have you ever wanted to give up and try everything? yourself in something completely new? my extraordinary one! 100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of them has a question for an adult. why do you think children ask strange questions? a person is always scared by something new.
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what scared you when you were offered to become the rector of bsu? whatever you could never forgive, well, for example, a loved one, as it is written in the gospel, if you forgive and continue to forgive people for their sins, then the heavenly father will forgive you, everything. the heroes of the program will have to open up to spectators. the main task is to honestly answer all the original, and sometimes inconvenient ones. what does bsu have that no other university has? a very good question: the flakes are flying upward, there is magic light everywhere, in your time in such an interesting, modern way, the music that you listen to, the music that you like, probably it should sound. see the project 100 questions for adults. on
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the belarus 24 tv channel. we will take a tour of the main enterprises of our country. there are a number of locking positions, automatic the control system will stop the workshop if there are any deviations in the technician’s work. we carry out 100% control to ensure that these products comply with technical regulations and correspond to the sample. let's learn the history of production development. thaleum hydride production no longer exists in belarus. in 1974 , management decided, as they say, to build and run. this workshop, 70-80% of our products are exported, and of course, let’s talk about the achievements and results of our work. the difference between our equipment is that they have there are very great opportunities, this is knitting
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in a regular way, these are wide resin opportunities. we are the only enterprise on the ip market that carries out the deepest processing of raw materials. from what we produce in talevangidrida we produce with... resins, resins we produce the final pigmented paint varnishes, about belarusian organizations about the people who work there in the quality mark project, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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