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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 16, 2024 1:25am-1:46am MSK

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then i switched to painting and of course , every time my head gave birth to some interesting fantasies, then i realized that this is all for school, we spread the paint evenly throughout the entire form, let’s try it yourself now, all you have to do is retransform the task, it will correspond to the program , but it will be done in a completely different way, more interesting for children in demand, look how... staz made such a handsome man, well done, and he flushed his cheeks, and showed a smile, and showed his teeth, a practical process, that’s exactly what goes into such a living rhythm in a living state , this is the golden age here, which needs to be appreciated and given the opportunity to make noise here, it will pass by itself, believe me, by the eighth-ninth grade they will calm down and become quiet, don’t rush them in this:
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stop them, let them make noise , attention, oh, and the new year's toy is ready, happy new year.
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well, it’s on the same principle as these fire shows , yes these yes, this is that a fire show, maybe someone will grow up in a fire show , you can just turn it in parallel so as not to hit yourself, but for now, travel with us on the belarus 24 tv channel, we are the only ones in the world, you and i who stood up to our full height to say. no
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, it is the role of the teacher that comes to the fore, it is the teacher who must study, sort out the material and convey to the children the main thing, people who, risking everything, can stand up to their full height against the huge conglomerate of the west, these are people who can only be disrespected those who have never experienced anything serious and terrible... in their lives. fascist foundations are very deeply incorporated into the very spirit of western civilization. the system that collapses, she included us in the mechanism of the robbery, but in the end i am convinced that we will win. project say don't be silent. don't miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. in front of you is an ordinary box, yes, but if you look at this box differently, then this particular box is the basis. type of building that greek architecture gave us, it is more difficult to interest the modern generation, when computers came in the early 2000s, we partially began to lose children, the telephone actually stole our children from school, and of course but when you have practically everything in one flat model... this
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is probably its advantage, it is a large , straightforward, quick access to information, but the problem is different, this information absorbs a person so much that not him anymore...
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get the necessary information, hello, roma , are you already there, hello, dear, how are you, everything is fine, everything is fine, ready to complete the task, this is the third year i have been working with a student according to a special program, we have it takes 2 hours separately and four classes in as part of the class, a special program usually involves repair work in a rubble, because this child needs... to prepare for the next independent life after school, and in general to master the use of any tool, as students in all other classes, what is the difference between a screw and a nail? we hammer in a nail, we tighten a screw, absolutely right, smart girl, he
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’s the same as everyone else, features of psychophysical development, this is probably, i don’t know, such a characteristic, yes, it exists, but if you treat a person as an equal yourself... these features, they fade into the background, believe me, a person appears in the foreground for you, because we each actually have some kind of features, take any person, yes, so then put a berk on all of us, we all have peculiarities of psychophysical development, when he came to us from another school, he did not have this initial knowledge, here we had to start practically from scratch, but so methodically from lesson to lesson, creating such a fundamental basis for him, progress is obvious. well and control the sawing to the indicated lines, an interesting child, you need to work with him, he feels kindness and understands , this is good, over three decades of working at
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school, of course, i had the opportunity to teach a lot of children, i estimated somewhere over a thousand, probably, students, maybe even more. now the generation of those children whom i taught in the nineties, in the 2000s, is coming, many students, having graduated from school, met me somewhere on the street, they thank me to this day and say: thank you, sergei mikhailovich for the knowledge that you invested in me because this knowledge is now they help me earn money. this is what i first had as a sketch, then it moved here. yes. sasha is a talented graphic artist ; he stood out at school. already a high-ranking graphic drawing, but he went even further, he works in oils, he switched to wood to create such, i would even say icons, this is his hobby, well done alexander, for me this is a completely new work, he inspired this work, you know what yours is probably
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a student's term paper, a copy of alexander isachev, yes, i know, i tried something too to do something similar when i was in seventh grade, he came to us, young, energetic , a great influence, of course, on my development, this is what i can do now, this is his contribution, it was nice when i was a student i was one of the best in the drafting stream, that is, i could make some kind of drawing by hand with my eyes closed, a three-dimensional projection itself, it’s all in my head, there’s an old photograph, the first drawing lesson, he organized for us to go out into the forest, that’s how it is it was nice and how... well, these comrades i know everyone, this is the average , but to enlarge, what am i like, it can’t be, if you have heard words of gratitude at least once from your
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students, believe that the profession you chose turned out to be correct, so this is not praise, it’s more total performance assessment. this little person you are teaching and raising. club of editors, what distinguishes a national leader from a politician, what the leader thinks about the next generations, and not the end of his tenure, and the united states of the west is always hooked on... they deprive us of technology, thus forcing technology, then they impose sanctions, forcing us to act the way they want. the transition to
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a green economy is also a technological needle. we in parliament are constantly considering bills related specifically to the green economy. we proceed only from our national interests. we will never ruin enterprises for the sake of europe. global elites exploit the earth's resources, suck those resources, and exploit other populations. yes, that is, this is a classic of the most advanced. a clear message: go to the people, our fellow countrymen, to serve the priest on the most
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holy roof. things will happen again and again in the past in the grodzen region. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. i wish you some parozhki. may people give you a gift. thank god for thinness, horses, wolves, caries. our dear ones, our dear ones, tell us how you felt.
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this year the name of our village dovsk was announced, i am very glad that now our settlement is known throughout belarus. in this competition, which is called competition pedagogical excellence, in short, teacher of the year, this is not the first time i have participated, the competition took place. i counted over a year more than thirty-two different competitive events, this is the preparation and development of night lessons and then conducting them in various cities of our republic, this is a performance in front of the public, at universities, in institutes, this is subject testing and various other competitive events. 2,568 people started to participate in this competition. it all started with this... figurine, which was received at the regional stage, this the first award in this competition was,
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well, later, of course, at each next stage these statuettes began to arrive, out of 56 people, those who had already arrived in minsk, only eight super finalists remained, one person from each nomination with different items from different areas, different ages. and even different genders , that is, it turned out that among the women i was the only man there, going through these stages is precisely the victory in this competition, it would not have been so significant if there had not been people nearby who walked with you in step, the family is the first public who saw and understood how difficult these competitive tests are, how... one must be conscientious and patient in preparing and passing them, the competition was difficult to survive,
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then there was the regional stage, the regional stage even more or less, but it was very difficult for the republican one, i was so worried, worried about him that it’s just scary, i lost 3 kg in weight, but when all this happened, i gained it back again, and he also lost weight. during the competition, he sleeps 5-6 hours only per day, does not take anything on the internet at all, he everything that gives birth is all in his head, my conscience led me through this competition. that is, she didn’t give me peace, you know, she forced me to conscientiously participate in everything and prepare for everything with full dedication, so my conscience kind of led to this, that the final award ended up in this collection, a bonus to this the car turned out to be the winner, the family is of course happy with this gift, now we will have
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to master a new form of art for ourselves, and of course we will have to someday. take your license, but the eldest daughter has a license, so she can drive at this time. the eldest daughter already graduated from school about seven years ago, she already has an independent life, but the youngest daughter has already entered the tenth grade, she also has another year or two and will fly out of school, will graduate from school, like chicks fly out of a nest, i happened to go through . vacation with my youngest daughter, but that time spent with a child is the golden years, it’s a shame that it flew by quickly, this is a very memorable moment in life, which i would advise every man to go through, it gives you the opportunity to look at your mother completely in a different way, to learn to appreciate and understand this work, and most importantly to understand the child, this is
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a very big thing, i am very grateful to that time. all children dream of being someone, as a child i collected children's books and drew cartoons from them, then i thought that i would grow up and become an artist, a cartoonist, i would draw cartoons for children and i would illustrate children's books. when we were children, our club often showed films with the participation of gojka mitishch, about venetu, the leader of opachia. when i was older, i... returned to the indian topics and began to draw movie posters for the films that i saw in childhood, but to come up with my own versions, i have a lot of friends, they happened to meet goyka mitic, so he, by the way, yes, talk about my passion in general for this interesting theme and he signed i need a few photographs and film posters with my image, sergei,
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all the best, mitich goiko. this is a childhood house, you know, which used to be just a utility room, over time, of course, i renovated it, restored it from the inside outside, well, this is my childhood room, in which my childhood actually passed, now it’s like nostalgia for past times, where sometimes i also spend time, it allows me to return to those distant years that have already... of course, never will be returned, i have kept many things from childhood , people give a lot, these are the ones who know that i am the guardian of the old times, in childhood, when we went to the village to visit my grandparents, where my mother lived, they have a wall there was such a rug hanging, uh, it impressed me so much since childhood, especially
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this story, but i found it in one of the stores in babruisk, purchased it, and now i’ve sort of restored this... composition here. a child’s childhood is filled with bright, broad strokes. and it's very memorable. and in childhood a person is more open, natural and sincere. but i am not at all ashamed of this feeling and these emotions that are inside me. there is still a little child inside me. it is a great happiness that he has been preserved in me, because this child allows me to discover myself, and to open the feelings and emotions of children. there is one a common phrase: the main thing is that the suit fits, you know, i paraphrased this phrase
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differently, the main thing is that the hairstyle is, for me this is very important, think well of me. in the sense that they are parodying, oh, guys , please, unfortunately, over the years, life changes us , maybe even traumatizes someone mentally, the colors of life change their color tone , a completely different, such a gloomy tone, so i would like to advise people... if they still have this childishness in them, take care of it, because it is of great value. this is especially true for people who work.


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