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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 16, 2024 12:00pm-12:11pm MSK

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there is 1 noon news in belarus. in the studio vladislav bunder. hello, that's what we'll talk about in the episode. draft national security concept and new military doctrine. strategic documents are being reviewed by you at the independence palace. iranian missile attacks on iraqi territory. explosions occurred near the us consulate near the airport and the apartments of israeli intelligence. restore customs duties on ukrainian grain, the demands of the european commission were put forward by five countries, they trusted telephone scammers and almost lost apartment, the minsk pensioner suspected something was wrong only when money was written off from her account. record holder for length, but not the youngest. the bridge over the pripyat in mozyr, as large-scale reconstruction is taking place.
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the concept of national security is being improved in belarus; the document was presented to the head of state today at a meeting of the security council. the draft of the new edition was approved almost a year ago, but the president ordered it to be submitted for wide public discussion. about seventy discussion platforms were held throughout the country. the document reflects new challenges: growing tension at the border, sanctions pressure, provocation of conflicts and deterioration of the situation within the country. with the emergence of new threats, society must be more.
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and threats in the sphere of national security are set out in some detail in the concept and military doctrine, and many of the assessments and forecasts contained therein are already coming true. look what's happening in the middle east. this is a terrible humanitarian disaster. please note that threats to use nuclear weapons were made almost immediately after escalation of the conflict. and as it usually happens, there were no sanctions from the civilized west. a routine statement, as if nothing had happened. unfortunately, we have returned to a time when military force became the main argument in building interstate relations. the national security concept and military doctrine are the most important strategic planning documents. they must be approved by
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the all-belarusian people's assembly. this decision will be one of the first for the vns in its new legal status. a new round of escalation on middle east. at night, iran launched ballistic strikes on the iraqi city of erbil. it is known that the explosions occurred in the area of ​​the us consulate at the airport, as well as the headquarters of israeli intelligence. iran's islamic revolutionary guard corps said the strikes were in response to recent terrorist attacks. destroyed spy headquarters. accurate information about no injuries. the white house called the shelling of iraq four people, others claim that no one was injured, according to some media reports, the deaths were reckless and inaccurate, baghdad said that the aggression that occurred was against the sovereignty and security of the country. in germany, every day there is a new reason for protests. more than 10 thousand people took to the streets of two cities at a rally against the right-wing alternative for germany party, the very one that is using it. with
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precedent-setting popular support, according to recent polls it is the second most popular in the country, but people’s heads are easy to be fooled. in essan , almost 700 people were drawn to participate in the demonstration . demanded that the european commission restore customs duties on ukrainian agricultural products, so they are called to adhere to the standards accepted in the european union market. in the corresponding letter , officials noted that their countries produce significantly more wheat and corn than they need themselves. this is of key importance for
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european food security and the eu's strategic sovereignty. but cheap ukrainian grain continues to displace european products from their traditional export markets. a. warsaw is completely against all trade benefits that the european commission is promoting for ukraine, reports a european news site. according to the deputy minister of agriculture of poland, in the current conditions, this idea threatens their local farmers, and the country now prioritizes its own profitable production and food security. the publications note that the operation of the so-called corridors of solidarity with ukraine has caused an uncontrolled influx of a number of agricultural products, including grain, poultry, eggs, fruits and even apples. to neighboring countries, this led to a fall in demand prices for products produced by members of the bloc. fraudsters deceive under the guise of mobile operators; in minsk, a pensioner believed the scammers who called and almost lost her apartment; her messenger received a call from supposedly representatives of the provider, who
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reported a large debt on her number. we were talking about 17 thousand rubles. to resolve the issue, it was necessary to temporarily transfer all savings to the specified details. the woman deposited over 20,000 rubles. i received a call from a mobile operator and was told that my phone would no longer be serviced because i owed more than 17,000 rub. that i made a purchase on the kufor online platform. the next day , they reported that scammers were selling her apartment at a shadow online auction, and offered to participate in a special operation to capture the criminal. and put her home up for sale, the pensioner agreed, suspecting something was wrong only after she learned that money in the amount of $8.00 had been debited from her account. the police remind that bank employees, law enforcement officers, and mobile network operators do not call via messenger and do not ask for transfers.
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money. a criminal case has been opened for fraud. blizzards and strong winds are forecast for today in belarus; heavy snowfalls have complicated the situation on the roads over the past 24 hours. more than 200 accidents occurred, mostly without serious consequences. at night the m6 ​​highway grodno-minsk was heavily snowed. internet users share videos on telegram. the speed was no more than 60 km/h. bmw and minibus collided this morning in orsha on tekstilshchikov avenue. according to preliminary information , the driver of the car failed to cope. flew out towards him, where he crashed into a minibus. the passengers were not injured, but the driver was. another minibus flew into a ditch and lay on its side the day before near mogilev. according to the traffic police, the fifty-two-year-old driver also failed to control the car on the snowy road. paramedics
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treated the fifty-one-year-old passenger without serious injuries. the traffic police added that the car had winter tires on them, which were suitable. the technical condition of the minibus meets the requirements. rules according to weather forecasters, by this evening will freeze. dry conditions are expected on the roads. squally winds will also complicate the situation. gi organized round-the-clock monitoring. traffic police crews provide assistance to road users. drivers are advised to avoid any sudden movements and maneuvers, especially near pedestrian crossings on turns. the department urges not only drivers, but also pedestrians to be careful on winter roads. road bridge across pripyat in trash. is undergoing global reconstruction, the record holder for the longest length in the country is almost kilometer in terms of service life is not the youngest. the current overhaul began in october last year, according to the schedule they plan to complete it in 2 years. the preparatory stage is behind organized technological sites, work goes on
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around the clock. now they are moving communications and dismantling one of the spans; work on the metal structure itself is next. if we are talking about dismantling metal. span structure, otherwise for it, for the implementation of this venture , two technological bridges will be built along this metal fabric structure on which it will be based. heavy tracked vehicles, and on these same vehicles there will be special support devices, onto which the load of this counter-structure will then be transferred for subsequent - element- by-element dismantling. in total, by the end of the year in the gomel region it is planned to complete the reconstruction of twenty-one bridges, the most iconic ones across sosh in the branches and across the dnieper in the rechesky district. the broadcast will continue with sports news, but we will update the information at one o'clock in the afternoon. stay on the first button.
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victoria zalenko made it to the second round of the first grand slam tournament of the season , australian open. at the start of the major, the belarusian met with camilla george from italy, fifty-third in the world ranking. in the first game, azarenka won a landslide victory 6:1, and in the second game her opponent took revenge - 6:4. in the decisive set, everything was decided by one break in execution. our victoria 6:3. azaringa will play clara tauson from denmark in the second round. and sabalenka.


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