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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 16, 2024 1:05pm-2:06pm MSK

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in a current interview. feat and citizenship are synonymous with her life. a beauty who stepped into the embrasure of art to resist nato and the eu. she is the first woman in serbia to return the tradition of celebrating victory day and stood up for belarus when information bombs were flying into our country from all over the world. winner of six statuettes at the international slavic art forum zolotoy vityaz. winner of a special presidential award for a cultural and artistic figure. today he will tell you what eternal values ​​should be.
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will we go again to the new world that is being born before our eyes, did you have to experience difficulties due to political views, how did the bombings in serbia affect the emotional and physical health of the nation. watch the detailed interview with actress and director ivana zhigan today in the current interview, immediately after the panorama. and by this moment , my colleagues will continue all the news at 3:00 in the afternoon. stay on the first button. hello, first issue of the new year, thank you. you are with us and let’s get started,
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especially since right now we have connections with the studio such a guest, political scientist, leader of the movement the essence of time, sergei kruginyan, sergei ivanovich, hello, first of all, happy holiday to you, thank you for taking the time, the twenty-fourth year is the presidential elections in russia, parliamentary elections in belarus, and we have already we see how our opponents work, what kind of bet they make on election campaigns, specifically in this regard, this is what you expect, how they will play their card here, okay, i’ll start a little, well, literally.
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except for one thing, this is belarus, it’s your fault by the fact that you are belarus, nothing more , the slavic christian world, the first question, the second question, you see how much, what kind of indignation is happening about the fact that the israelis are exceeding some limits of white glove warfare in relation to gaza and hamas. you see this, the indignation is huge, the americans demand that these israelis restrain themselves, they are taught to live, they are told about the second two states, palestinian, israeli, which will come to them, but they do it all wonderfully, i’m not saying that americans act well or israelis, it’s all a mess, but do you see with what force they say hands off hamas, hands off gaza, who says it?
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soros foundations, what is the soros foundation, is it the cia, yes, that means the game is very twisted, someone expressed minimal condolences about belgorod, someone, when in peaceful lugansk there was some kind of civil resistance in donetsk, in lugansk more there was nothing, they bombed heavily.
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for which condolences will never be expressed, on the contrary it will be said: the ukrainian gentlemen did the right thing, this is the slavic... world, this is not the islamic world, you hear me, not islamic, there will be syrlikhs and manirlikhs about it, this is the slavic orthodox world in the form of belarus and russia, it is he who has been sentenced, he is now in charge the enemy, the edge is concentrated on him, is therefore absolutely pro-western. and a rationally structured belarus would never be accepted anywhere, but would be torn apart, because it is belarus, and reaching the end, because it is a country of fierce resistance to nazism, because
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they tore apart yugoslavia, that's why they bombed serbia, because in fact... from the depths of world history, a well-known nazi, now global submarine emerges, it rises, and we look into its eyes, and the peaceful citizens who believed in the world of consumption still they cannot fully understand this, as the director kubrick said, they are still looking at the world. eyes closed, so these eyes should gradually open, and if so, then what does the new ukrainian doctrine mean in relation to russia, ukraine will defend itself, do not think that someone in the end will not give her the money, they will give her
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all the money, since the russian money will be expropriated and divided, and part of this money will also go to ukraine, and part... to the territory, despite the fact that i don’t want to criticize this, but i i’m amazed that despite this, we are still talking about a special operation, it’s somehow strange to carry out a special operation on our own territory, which means that all the pre-election months,
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these will be attempts by the west to destabilize russia before the elections using the only available... means of macro-terrorism acts that will be called the legitimate and noble struggle of the ukrainian people against the russian aggressor, and we already see that in these military operations, which are obviously terrorist attacks. putin always says that everything is in full swing for him, right? but he cannot start hitting the civilian population, he will hit military factories and so on, here they are hitting a skating rink, like a shopping complex, for whatever reason, yes, they call it a legitimate war of the noble ukrainian people with the monstrous russian
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aggressor, an orc, non-human god knows who, at the same time, we already see that in this war they will be used more and more directly. nato assets, primarily space, but not only, and that the operators carrying out these strikes will be western specialists who will not only deliver these weapons, crap, i’m sorry, the problem is, delivering 100 missiles for 5 million dollars each, not they will only deliver these weapons, but they will use them, not only will they... accompany them from space, but they will also use them, we will enter the stage of terrorist acts that will will not be carried out by the chechens, as was the case during the second chechen war, but will be carried out
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, calling it noble actions, by the combined power, well, not of small ukraine and the colossal west, which... will not carry out any offensive operations, for which he has the guts of a tank , and hit selectively, with the sole purpose of inflicting as much as possible. damage to the self-perception of russians, their psychological stability, as the terrorists there from the red brigades said, blowing up some supermarkets, they said, let the westerners experience the horrors of vietnam the average person, yes, it will be said here , we want to destabilize the average person, so that he understands what a terrible life is being provided for him, will these people be able to ensure this operation,
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what exactly will be the answer to it, what kind of power can quickly be deployed in air defense today and not only in counter-terrorism operations of a state that nevertheless hoped that it would live peacefully and be part of the west. i don’t know, but that the enemy is preparing this in relation to russia, i know for sure, this is a developed plan, there is a similar plan for towards belarus, but it will be carried out by even more internal subversive actions. sergei ivanovich, i would like to clarify one more topic from those that you touched on a little higher, in december we all followed the attempt of the serbian maidan and... while communicating on air with political scientists from belgrade, we heard from them about an old, very bad training manual sharp, we from minsk
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compared, of course, with our twenties, many elements are just like a carbon copy, and they say, it was interesting for us to hear that lukashenko’s determination then inspires vucic today, and this, in general , looks like a bad dream for the anglo-saxons, because lukashenko, who was destroyed by sanctions for years, not only survived, but became an example for europeans, that’s how it happened, how... when they they give birth, they then follow them, then great power arises, which is why
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heydrich said, we must deprive them of the ability to give birth to leaders. this was said in 1941, in my opinion, if my memory serves me right, but what was said, i say exactly. so, this is the ability of our peoples
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manifests, as we see, diametrically opposed qualities, the main thing is that, having sensed this, the peoples who have these leaders begin to behave not according to the laws of perestroika, perestroika nonentity, but somehow a little differently, because if they behaved according to these laws, then...
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they are organically serbian and understand that there is no need to give him away, but he, realizing that these others feel this, responds to this. thank you very much for this conversation, i take this opportunity to wish you and your loved ones well in the new year, all the best in to your wonderful country, thank you very much , we continue and do this with this
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parting message that was heard on christmas in the orthodox church, this year will be very difficult, very... and we need to pay special attention to young people who have not seen difficult times, in the soviet period, and after the collapse of the soviet union, they did not experience what the middle and older generations experienced. and... we need to tell about this, we need to show them so that they value what we have acquired through our labor, we need to do everything so that we live this year with dignity, and approaching to the main event of next year, we have worthily shown ourselves that we are the masters of this land,
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we are the belarusian people, who have suffered in our history, have the right to live on our own.
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you probably noticed that the president also spoke at christmas in the church about the upcoming change of generations, including at the very top in the leadership of the country and in general in probably all areas of our activity, and we understand perfectly well that with a change of generations in any state, this is always an exam for the state and for the people, here we are are you ready for it today, what do you think? and we
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did research in bc, we don't have intergenerational. look, the ukrainians don’t want to fight, but no one will ask them, the state is not sovereign, ordinary lithuanians don’t want sanctions against belarus, they want the klaipka port to work, they want the enterprises that
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they had on their territory to work, are you really do you think at least one lithuanian came to the plant and said, close it, the main thing is that russia and belarus should feel bad, i won’t work for this, i don’t want anything, i won’t feed my family, the main thing is that they suffer there in russia and belarus, that is, no, but there is no independent government, again everything is to the detriment of the people, poland. let's take it, do 90% of ordinary poles really want militarization on the border, they want to be forced to serve, they already have legislation there, there is a question about who to join the army, there is a question about sanctions, there is a question about the fact that there are teachings again, ordinary poles want this, no, no one asks, today we are why we live in peace, the president is talking about this spoke at the presentation of the prize for spiritual revival, including because we work independently.
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for the first time in the post-soviet space , perhaps it was not possible to invest millions of dollars so that there would be a coup d’état here, now after these years we understand why this was done, the war in ukraine was being prepared even then, and of course, they dreamed of including belarus in this front, how it would be great for nato, now in the west they would be happy if not only ukraine, but belarus were forced to fight with russia, because if the power changed, sovereignty was taken away, who would have asked. here there is a civil war, accordingly, all this would spread to the territory of russia , then the war with russia is not over and will not end yet, and belarus has geopolitical significance, it is only growing
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, there will be attempts to destroy us, of course, and what is the best for them year twenty-four, nothing will ever work out for them in year twenty-four, year twenty-five won’t work out either, but the bet on the presidential campaign in year twenty-five, these are the most important elections for any country, will be made again, this is where our mistake would have been, an exam again for the country, this is again a test, this is again an attempt to shake things up and, as always, they will try from within, but the methods will be more radical , today no one will call you to a rally, today it will be an element, everyone understands, people are already smart, here is terrorism, extremism...
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that the level of militarization in each of them was such as never before, these are the leaders of these leading countries of the world, western countries, and even china, india, other large states, this speaks of what's on the planet militarization continues, and we are now, if we draw parallels, but with how we often spend there now in the forty -first, forty-fifth year, somewhere we find...
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went through the sphere of culture, that is , let's specify what exactly it is series for our youth, as recently one popular russian series came out, this was some kind of comparison, yes it was, it was, that is, here the workers of cinema culture should take up the baton, so to speak , why, because these are the means visual, yes, they have the greatest influence on young people, we... unfortunately, can only operate with numbers, we need to back it all up, show it, it was, became, yes, and what they could have lost, and so on, just like that
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from my point of view. to turn on your brains in 1925 , of course, you need to be very vigilant, and even those people who already understand everything perfectly, and we have a lot of them, that is , belarusians, are probably one of the most advanced in the entire post-soviet space, and why, that’s the main factor, why, but because our media, our journalists over the last 3 years have produced brilliant stories, including ont
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... politics, how do we prepare for certain events? let’s take the elections of 24 , which we will have a single voting day, that’s the main goal we had, so that the fifth column of the external factor is minimalist, only the belarusian people should decide who is a member of the local council, parliament, now we have already made a decision, absolutely that's right, we refrained from inviting the osce mission to these elections, but again there was a howl, so they won’t watch the elections, they will, but
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who? we will not invite those who pursue a friendly policy towards our countries, but at the same time, as a deputy , i want to inform you: observers will be not only from the cis countries, not only the middle east, not only the far arc, where we have millions of friends, but excuse me, 80% of the world, by the way, but there will be from the european union, members of parliament, leading parties that are in european parliaments, only those who are in favor of relations... between our countries were without pressure, without sanctions, without interference in internal affairs, this is probably correct, and i also think, as a deputy, that we still have some western missions, but here, someone... then he sits, but if he gets out of this, it means in the house that we kindly provided him, instead of strengthening economic relations, culture, friendship between countries, for which the ambassador comes, you open your mouth, you start discussing elections, interfering, mingling, need to drive
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and we will drive.
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he would have been extradited to ukraine at the click of a button, taking into account the criminal case opened against him by the kiev regime, but he is not extradited, allowing him to be criticized in a way that is not always even criticized in the russian media, this suggests that they
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will show zelensky that the authorities are still it still doesn’t belong to him, which is still american, which means this is patronage, it is... that is, it turns out, who is at war, who is his own mother? the second point is much more alarming, that ukraine will no longer be the same, will ukraine even exist, because the country - it is the people, first of all, according to un data. the office of the high commissioner for refugees said that only 14% of the 6
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million ukrainian migrants who left for europe plan to return home in the near future, and for some reason they have not yet counted the ukrainians who left for russia, and well, they are going there stay. there is a high probability that they will not return to ukraine, plus we keep in mind the mobilization of everyone, including the disabled, and according to the un, 62% of ukrainian refugees in europe are women and girls, every second a refugee child from ukraine was not enrolled in schools in host countries, and about half of ukrainian refugees of working age do not have jobs, this is a tragedy and this suggests that ukraine has lost its subjectivity, has lost its statehood, we talked about this. it all started much earlier, remember the maidan was the most important achievement of the maidan, which was applauded by the kiev authorities - this is visa-free, in fact, if you look at this visa-free regime with the european union, because what was it all done for?
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instead of developing your territory, your country, creating jobs, preserving enterprises, retaining young people so that they work, so that your country develops, it’s easier what to do, without visas, go wherever you want, let’s go to the lowest level. the united states of america and the collective west, we know and see this, don’t care about democracy and freedom of elections for everything else, the main achievement of their geopolitical goals. why did the conversation about elections come up at all? because americans
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are not fools, they are preparing their society, the world community, why, how to justify that nothing worked out in ukraine, who is to blame? they said that we lost in afghanistan, they didn’t appreciate our efforts there, that’s bad, we installed our own administration there, they failed, it was necessary to carry out democratic reforms more seriously, in iraq, what’s happening, you see what’s happening in iraq, today the iraqis are driving them out of there , kicking them out, that’s it, it’s sickening that the american military responds that they say that we lost in iraq, they took all the oil, they destroyed the country, no, you know, we need this the country still has 50 more to develop democratically...
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but let’s continue this topic about washington’s plans: ukraine has been turned into a testing ground, we were talking about this now, france and germany will destroy themselves if they continue in the same spirit. the patience of the germans is running out, look at how the people greet scholz, a little more and the chancellor will stop being offended by the nickname liverwurst, because the german working people have stronger words for him.
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then disposes of: who will take the place, that’s who? and this is another challenge for us, edition speeches of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth from an interview with us undersecretary of state for european affairs brian. security cooperation between the united states and poland has always been very close. washington really wants poland to be a leader in the european union. if the decision was made to strengthen nato's eastern flank, then, of course, that will be the case. we also build on the evolution of nato over the past 10 years.
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after all, we are polish history, it is precisely connected with this, i absolutely explain what is happening, which means when the ussr collapsed, which means, in fact, the american administration
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i took gorbachev’s agreement extremely poorly that there would be no berlin wall and that the gdr and the federal republic of germany would unite into one state, why were they against it? americans never wanted a strong europe, weakening the ussr, destroying the ussr is great, but the union of germany and russia , a strong europe, after that it was a bad dream for them. how was it to be destroyed? so, should we bet on germany? no. germany at that time, if you remember, after the collapse of the ussr, even in 2000, pursued a policy aimed at a union with russia, despite american pressure means the gas pipelines that were being built, and economic relations, moreover, germany. was the locomotive of the european union, the future of those countries that joined the european union depended on it. the bet would be on someone, poland. why? two reasons: poland is economically dependent, insolvent, without american help, without germany, this is a fairy tale, that is, it is easy to raise these ambitions in a country that
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cannot provide for itself, the poles have never lived at their own expense. second moment - this is a wonderful country in which to arise. task, second war, i agree, why? ukraine, russia will never lose, this is a fairy tale, neither will nato lose, that is, nato will never defeat russia, this is a fairy tale. the goal is not victory over russia, the goal is not, that means not, to capture moscow, this will not happen , the whole world will be destroyed, this is impossible, the goal is different
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, so that europe bleeds for decades to come, we will continue ukraine, the americans say, to the end, as long as we can, well, another conflict would be nice. poles are suitable for this optimal, that’s why our president is right , returning to the words of the president, the years are not difficult, he’s not only talking about elections, he’s not only talking about the political situation, he’s talking about the world, this worries him much more about our head of state, because that the attempt to drag belarus into a war, into any provocation, they would only intensify over these 2 years with the hands of the poles and lithuanians, the trouble is that there are no lithuanians, three lithuanians, two tanks, two soldiers, two planes. even if the germans were there now, and the germans were already arriving the military command will see where they will put a base there and this will not help the lithuanians, no one will ever capture lithuania, if it took 3 hours it would have been captured, but it will never happen, no one needs it, no one needs it, look between those of the united states that are preparing for elections, well, since we talk about them so much, and
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they cannot be called the standard of a democratic electoral system, you definitely can’t call them that, and they criticize anyone... not too lazy, it’s almost become a habit, here elon musk, i quote, in the usa you don’t need id to vote and you can mail your ballot, that's crazy, musk concludes. well, trump says that the americans have one last chance, this is of course him, but in the end it’s not biden who can trust the country, let’s listen. we are leading by 11. 11 is a lot, but my friend asked. if you had a store and you wanted to take a week's vacation, i'm sure you wouldn't leave him in charge, no, you wouldn't, you'd trust him to run the store, i don't think anyone would,
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question: could you trust the president of the united states with your store, but he simply wouldn’t be able to handle it, this election is our last chance. he will do everything with his own hands and we see that we are experiencing the horror of what is happening now in american politics, but of course we are seeing even greater horror.
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now they have appointed the prime minister of france, excuse me, a person with sexual perversions,
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but what can an ordinary frenchman think, that is , they are doing everything specifically purposefully so that the ordinary european man in the street becomes radicalized, but this also hurts us, because that this is a threat to our national security, that is, now, as we speak, a new hitler is growing up somewhere in europe.
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both republicans and democrats consider russia evil, they consider it a country that needs to be weakened, they just have a different approach,
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what is the dispute about now? republicans say , listen, we won’t accept the budget, we won’t help military ukraine, we need to deal with internal problems, china is the main enemy, let’s deal with the mexicans, let’s deal with the migrants, let’s deal with this. democrats say: you are right, but - migrants - this is our electorate, we cannot strangle them, ukraine, come on, china, come on. to fight this, that is, there is an internal showdown, but what is the truth, due to the isolation of the us electoral system from the people, that in fact ordinary people are not solving a damn thing in these elections, social problems , internal political problems, they are in america will intensify, and today, no matter who becomes president of the united states, the split that exists in america today is this, it is a very strong split between the leftists, as they are called, between traditional america, i closely follow, for example, the policy regarding...
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being with our country, preserving what we have been able to gain, achieve and move on, do we have a future, it seems to me that all three of these components are there, and we need to convey and so that everyone understands what we are going to, we have two very difficult years, but i would still say that the people are in power,
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they passed the exam, okay, i would separate the wheat from the chaff, fakes from the truth, think with your own head, don’t listen to anyone before doing something, think 100 times, that is, this is a very simple formula that...
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the most important thing is who earned how much money there, and indeed, when people work so that the spirituality of the country grows, the president personally rewards them, these are the words of the president yesterday, they are the answer to this question , why there is peace in the country, why crises can be survived, everyone can work at their own workplace, do their work, that’s when we have, i remember this in a dog’s heart , a film based on the populists, when songs are sung in the house, and the water supply does not work, they stand there are hymns for... all day long, to do work , to defend your country, not to listen to fairy tales, to understand that only we can make our country stronger, to work, toil, and most importantly to love your homeland, and to love your homeland is to love your family, children, wife, grandmother, grandfather, do at least something for them, you will do the same for the country, then the country will really strengthen. well, thank you very much for participating in the program, but in this case we will end this episode with this: there is a lot of
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talk about the war, these are the times. but the world is this is not a dream, as our experts said today, everyday work, this is the recipe, but i repeat once again, there will be no war if we each do what we are obliged to do in our place, if our economy works, war will almost never happen begin by escalating the situation and attacking the country from the outside, our... friends, enemies, let's say frankly, choose an opportune moment to bring us to our knees. we should not give them such a chance, and for this we have everything, everything depends on us. it wouldn't hurt to listen to this again, and then think about how this applies
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to each of us. that's all for today, thank you for being with us, happy.
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let's go on a trip to belarus, dear friends, welcome to novostarobensk, few people know, but this is how it used to be. the city was called soligorsk, now only the inscription on this stone reminds of this, which symbolizes the beginning of the construction of the city. with us you will receive a charge of positive emotions, i have been to a variety of master classes, very different, but honestly, this is the first time in my life that i have seen something like this similar, i even tensed up for a moment, because our mishka fedor began to crawl right into the cage, under his paw. visit the vibrant sights of our country. there are two museums with amazing exhibits here. agree, such rarities can now be seen only in soviet films. girls love to decorate the world
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around them, and i am no exception, so we will have such a painted candle. look in the program. the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel. we are setting off on an expedition through the corners of our country. behind the windows there is school and manhood, there is a low, heavy gloom in the sky, and there is a clear message for us: let the people, our fellow countrymen, work to serve as priest on the most holy roof. what happened again and again in the past in the grodzen region, let us follow the history and myastsovye abrasions. i would like to send you some couples, so that people would give you a gift. god bless you, your thinness, horses, hair, horses.
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