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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 16, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm MSK

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representatives of only eight sports, including wrestling, sambo, boxing, tennis and others, so in addition to the result, when determining the scholarship recipients, the opinion of the federation and other departmental organizations was also taken into account. the average annual scholarship is 8,600 belarusian rubles. a special category of scholarship holders are young coaches who have recently graduated from an educational institution and have been working in their specialty for no more than 5 years. this is 105 people, among whom there are also those who previously received scholarships as athletes. we follow the sporting life of our country. the miner reached the top division of the russian basketball championship 3:3, in the second stage, which took place in arkhangelsk, in tandem with the challenger belarus winning all matches. and we were allowed to participate in the licensed world championship, and we hoped and believed that we would still be able to compete at the olympic games, and this cannot but rejoice. let's look at the most interesting things. events the other day, the belarusian
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cycling federation summed up the results of the year, which, despite the ban, turned out to be eventful and fruitful, the sport of a new reality, the second stage of the republican tournament on digital pankration of the game of the future has ended in minsk, we are listening to the opinion of competent specialists , there should be a stronger player in some position, now we have signed a big one, because we feel that we are missing a little under the ring, at least it's a hard game.
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this is about belarus and china. main topics on the main broadcast. watch on belarus24 tv channel.
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hello, first issue of the new year, thank you for being with us and let’s get started, especially since we are in contact with the studio right now such a guest, political scientist, leader of the essence of time movement, sergei kruginyan, sergei ivanovich, hello, first of all, happy holidays to you, hello. thank you for taking
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the time, twenty-four is the presidential election in russia, the parliamentary election in belarus, and we can already see how our opponents work, what kind of bet they place on election campaigns, specifically in this regard, this is what you expect, how they will play their cards here, okay, i’ll start a little, well, literally five phrases from afar, so that it’s clear what i’m getting at, please tell me, why belarus and lukashenko before all this western madness?
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first question, second question, you see how much, how, what kind of indignation passes over what the israelis are exceeding. some white glove war limits in relation to gaza and hamas, yes you see it, the indignation is huge, the americans demand that these israelis restrain themselves, they are taught to live, they are told about the second two states , palestinian, israeli, which will come to them, yes this they're doing great, i i’m not saying that the americans are acting well or the israelis, it’s all a mess, but you see with what force...
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with conventional bombing they destroyed more than herosimi and nagasaki, which means that the only thing for which condolences will never be expressed, on the contrary it will be said: “that’s right.” ukrainian gentlemen did it, this
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is the slavic world, this is not the islamic world, you hear me, not islamic, there will be tsirlikh-manirlikhs about it, this is the slavic, orthodox world in the form of belarus and russia, it is he who has been sentenced, he is now in charge the enemy, the edge is concentrated on him, this is why an absolutely pro-western and rationally structured belarus would never be accepted anywhere, they would tear it apart, because it is belarus and... to the end, because it is a country of fierce resistance to nazism, that is why they tore yugoslavia that’s why they bombed serbia, because in fact
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, from the depths of world history , a well-known nazi, now global submarine emerges, it’s under... and we look into its eyes, and civilians who believed in the world of consumption still cannot fully understand it , as such director kubrick said, they still look at the world with eyes wide shut, so these eyes should gradually open, and if so, then what does the new ukrainian doctrine mean in relation to... in relation to russia, ukraine will defend itself, do not think that someone in the end won’t give her the money, they’ll give her all the money, once, and the russian money will be expropriated, divided, and part of this money will also go to ukraine, and partly
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by the robber himself, this big money is frozen, two, everything will be, but not now, she will still go on the defensive, yes, but... from within this defense, it will strike russian territory with increasingly heavier missiles, i won’t even list which ones, not just maks, hymers and others, non-nuclear, non-nuclear, despite the fact that i don’t want to criticize this, but i am amazed that despite this, we are still talking about a special operation, it’s somehow strange to carry out... so, all the pre-election months, these will be attempts by the west to destabilize russia before the elections, using the only available means,
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macro-terrorist acts, to be called a legitimate and noble struggle. of the ukrainian people against the russian aggressor, and we already see that in these, as it were, military operations, which... we already see that in this war nato assets will be used more and more directly,
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primarily space ones, but not only, and that the operators carrying out these strikes will be western specialists who will not only deliver these weapons, crap, i’m sorry , problem, deliver 100 missiles for 5 million dollars each, not only... will deliver these weapons, but they will to use, they will not only accompany it from space, but they will also use it, we will enter the stage of terrorist acts, which will not be carried out by the chechens, as was the case during the second chechen war, but will be carried out, calling it noble actions, by the combined power. well, not small ukraine and the colossal west, which will not
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carry out any offensive operations, in which it has the guts of a tank, but will strike selectively with the sole purpose of causing maximum damage to the russians’ sense of self, their psychological stability, as they said terrorists there from the red... brigades, blowing up some supermarkets, they said: let the western average person experience the horrors of vietnam, yes, it will be said here, we want to destabilize the average person so that he understands what a terrible life putin is providing for him, will they be able to these people will ensure this operation, what exactly will be the response to it, what kind of power can be quickly
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deployed today in air defense and not only in counter-terrorism operations of a state that nevertheless hoped that it would live peacefully and be part of the west. i don't know, but that the enemy is preparing this in relation to russia, i know for sure, this is a developed plan, the same. there is a plan in relation to belarus, but it will be carried out by even more internal subversive actions. sergei ivanovich, i would like to clarify one more topic from those that you touched on a little higher, in december we all followed the attempt of the serbian maidan and while talking on air with political scientists from belgrade, we heard from them about sharp’s old, very bad method. here we from minsk compared, of course, with our twentieth year, many elements simply like a carbon copy. and they say, it was interesting for us to hear that lukashenko’s determination then inspires vucic today, and
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this, in general, looks like a bad dream for the anglo-saxons, because lukashenko, who was destroyed by sanctions for years, not only survived, but also became an example for europeans, this is how it happened, how did they come to such a life? i remember the phrases of heydrich, the nazi criminal. a very not stupid person who, in my opinion, schelenberg quoted in his memoirs, that like these russians are all slavs, this is so in general almost bracho, but they have one ability , they know how to give birth to leaders, when they give birth to them, they then follow them, then great power arises, that’s why gade said:
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suddenly there are leaders, who knows where , emerging from the depths of despair and insignificance, in which... they immersed, who are starting this great work of raising their people somewhere, and the main thing was how lukashenko and his son with a machine gun went to die at the moment when it seemed that everything was already on the brink, this is determination , the main thing is that
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gorbachev, turning away from the baltic states, gave the order to send troops there through. for several days and acted like this everywhere, and putin shows, as we see, diametrically opposite qualities, the main thing is that, sensing this, the people who have these leaders begin to behave not according to the laws of perestroika post-perestroika nonentity, but somehow a little differently . for if they behaved according to these laws, then it would be as if there would be polish power in belarus, yes, and russia would already be dismembered, but this is not the case, and it is completely clear that then from the bowels something is also beginning
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to stir among the serbian people, and how doubtful this leader is, right? whom they want to overthrow, but they begin to feel something organically serbian in him, they understand that they don’t need to give him up, and he, realizing that these others feel it, responds to it. sergei ravanovich, thank you very much for this conversation, i take this opportunity for prosperity to you personally, your loved ones in the new year, all the best, yours is wonderful. country, thank you very much, we continue and do it with this parting word that sounded on christmas in orthodox church, this year will be very difficult, very difficult, they will train on us, we need to survive, they will
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train for the future presidential elections, we... need to pay special attention to young people who did not see difficult times during the soviet period and after the collapse soviet union, they did not experience what the middle and older generations experienced, they need to be told about it, they need to be shown so that they value what we have acquired through our labor, we need to do everything to make ourselves worthy...
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and secondly understood correctly, i think, before than to tell, we need to decide for ourselves what task we set for ourselves, and for me today the main task for young people is that we must convey that they learn to be proud of their country, because for young people this is very important, they we are on an informational trip, it seems to me that you are putting the word proud in this case into something more than, let’s say in a philistine way, proud, that hurray for patriotism, i’m proud of the country, of course not.
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really those are the people who, young people, who were born in 2000, they don’t remember at all what our country was like in the nineties, eighties, well, i remember, well, it’s natural that they don’t remember.
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at christmas in the church we also noticed about the upcoming one that the president spoke about a change of generations, including at the very top in the leadership of the country and in general in probably all areas of our activity, and we understand perfectly well that with a change of generations in any state, this is always an exam for the state and for the people, so we are ready for it today, what do you think? we spent research in abc, we do not have an intergenerational gap , so we were pleased to learn this, because we continue to have the practice of having children not at 40
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for the first time, but for now at 25, 30, we have pushed it back a little, so this huge intergenerational we don’t have a gap, our youth, even teenagers of 14-16 years old, they consider the main value, just like the generation of 50,
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who should join the army, there is a question about sanctions, there is a question about what again are exercises, simple poles want this, no, no one asks, today we are why we live in the world, the president spoke about this at the presentation of the award for spiritual revival, including because we work, we have an independent policy, sovereignty, everything we do is aimed at strengthening statehood, an alliance with russia strengthens statehood, economic our policy, which is being carried out today.
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there are growing attempts to destroy us, of course there will be, but what is the best year for them? twenty -four, nothing will ever work out for them in the twenty-fourth year, the twenty-fifth won’t work out either, but the bet on the twenty-fifth year is on
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presidential campaign, these are the most important elections for any country, they will be held again , this is where our mistake would be, if we sat down and said: not everything, there are no risks in 25, there is no need to worry, and the worst thing is if we this was said to the youth, to our population, to our citizens , everyone must understand: the twenty-fifth year of the exam is again for the country, these are again tests, these are again attempts to shake things up and, as always, they will try from within, but the methods will be more radical, today no one will call you to a rally , today it's already there will be an element, everyone understands, people are already smart, here is terrorism, extremism, attempts at more serious provocations, including provocations on the border, this is quite natural in 25, yuri valivich, i will support my colleagues, the next 2 years... will be very difficult, it’s enough to even look at the addresses that
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world leaders made in the run-up to it. experts analyzed these speeches and noted that the level of militarization in each of them was such as never before. this leaders of these leading countries of the world, western countries, even china, india, and other large states. this suggests that militarization continues on the planet, and where we are now, if we draw parallels, yes.
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now we have already made the decision absolutely correctly, we refrained from inviting the osce mission to these elections, but again there was a howl, so they will not observe the elections, there will be people, we will not invite those who are pursuing an unfriendly policy towards our countries , but at the same time already now as a deputy, i want to inform you that observers will
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be not only from the cis countries, not only... the middle east, not only the far arc, where we have millions of friends, and this, excuse me, is 80% of the world, by the way, but they will be from the european union, deputies of parliament, leading parties who are in european parliaments, only those who come are those who advocate that relations between our countries should be without pressure, without sanctions, without interference in internal affairs, this is probably correct, and i also think how deputy, here we have there are still some western missions left.
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in march in the usa, in november, this saturday already in taiwan, which elections are the most interesting to the world, what will receive the most attention? the greatest attention will be focused on the elections in russia, after all, on russia , no matter how the americans push the agenda, but still we notice that there will be more interest in russia, and for us it is much more important - these are the elections in russia, here we are not talking about who exactly will be elected, but... but about how russia will further develop, how she will see her future, because now we see its contours, and after the elections, it will be like a new starting point, in these crisis conditions, completely new, in which russia and belarus find themselves,
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this is important for us and for the whole world including because the russian federation did not launch a special military operation in the twenty-second year, it asked questions of global significance to everyone, and what... it is striving for today is answers to these questions, and these questions were heard by the world community , behind for 2 years we have seen that feedback from most countries, so they talk about the global majority, it exists, indeed, they heard questions and thought about how we live and how we can get out of this situation, how we can build a truly fairer world, although this word is probably idealistic. ukraine was supposed to hold presidential elections this year, but we remember that earlier zelensky said: “there’s a war going on, what kind of elections,” trying in this way, well, probably, to close the eyes of many people considering how rapidly his rating is falling , there is really nothing to be done with such a rating in the elections, but despite all this
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, he has support within the state, propaganda works there too, seriously, in addition, his partners in the west say that, in general, it’s somehow ugly to refuse the presidential elections, they will finish it off, what do you think, i think the topic
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... let’s try to look at this situation from the inside two two news: the first ukraavtoprom reports that in 2023 almost 61 thousand were registered in ukraine new cars, which is almost 70% more than in the previous year, that is, it turns out that who is at war, who is their mother, the second point is much more alarming, that ukraine will no longer be the same, will there be ukraine at all, because the country is
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these are the people in... this is a tragedy and this suggests that ukraine has lost its subjectivity, lost its statehood, we talked about this, it all started much earlier, remember the maidan was the most important achievement of the maidan, which was applauded by the kiev authorities, this is visa-free, in fact, if you look at this visa-free regime with the european union, after all, what was all this done for, instead of developing your territory, your country, creating jobs, preserving enterprises, retaining young people, so that... they work, so that their country develops, it’s easier what to do, without
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visas, go wherever you want, let’s get the lowest paid job in the european union, a good specialist for a good job, but the country is losing, the authorities arranged it, but they applauded this achievement of the maidan, but it came that’s what it means today, that those who left then will not return, those who fled now during the war will not return, and 14% is a lot, an inflated figure, someone was embarrassed to say that they will not return, someone... then he said , well, something will end, i’ll come back, he himself already... a long time ago understood that there is no future in ukraine, and now about the elections, which we talked about a little earlier, to the united states of america and the collective west, we we know and see this, we don’t care about democracy and freedom of elections, we don’t care about everything else, the main thing is achieving our geopolitical goals. why did the conversation about elections come up at all? because the americans are not fools, they are preparing their society, the world community, for what, how to justify it, that it’s nothing. it didn’t work out in ukraine, who’s to blame? zelensky
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is to blame, he didn’t hold elections, he has corruption, which means there is no democracy, they always have someone to blame, but it’s not them, they didn’t supposedly start the war, although in reality they will blame everything on them, they won’t admit it, what did they lose, why did they leave afghanistan, what did they say that we lost in afghanistan, they didn’t appreciate our efforts there, that’s bad, we’re there they set up their own administration, they failed, it was necessary to carry out democratic reforms more seriously. in iraq , what is happening, you see what is happening in iraq, today the iraqis are driving them out of there , expelling them, that’s all, it’s sickening that the american military responds, they say that we lost in iraq, they took all the oil, destroyed the country , no, you know, this country still needs to develop democratically, for another 50 years, carry out reforms more quickly, develop democratic institutions more seriously, and the same thing here, therefore i really agree with my colleagues, they are preparing different figures, yulia got out. tymoshenko , splintus, from this, where she
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betrayed her whole life, she got out, she has already started crying, oh, no need for mobilization, such cheap populism, in fact, they all feed in one place, in the same state department, in the same funds, it’s all one gang-lake, because real people who were worried about the future of ukraine, i mean politicians who really told the truth, they were either killed or they managed to escape, are now in the territory russia or on the territory of belarus, that is , they emigrated because they have been there for a long time...
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we ourselves just talked about this. france and germany will finish themselves off. if he continues in the same spirit, the patience of the germans is running out, look at how the people greet scholz, a little more and kanser will stop being offended by the nickname liverwurst, because the german working people have stronger words for him.
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security cooperation between the united states and poland has always been very close. washington really wants poland to be leader in the european union. if a decision was made to strengthen nato's eastern flank. then, of course, it will be so. we also build on the evolution of nato over the past 10 years. today 2/3 of the allies spend 2% of gdp on defense, poland much more. very useful plans for regional defense have been developed, which are being implemented better and better every month. olga igorevna, i
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think we need to remind the audience that the wonderful plans that are being implemented better and better are plans to create the largest army in europe, yeah. this role of poland was not assigned to her by herself and not today, this was done around the beginning of 2000, there are works that give forecasts until 2040 and even then poland is mentioned in exactly this capacity, so i think they just shook off the dust,
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they took out these textbooks and are now voicing what was done a long time ago, but for poland the situation is really very difficult, ukraine. i’m explaining what’s happening, it means that when the ussr collapsed, it means that, in fact, the american administration took gorbachev’s agreement extremely poorly to there was no berlin wall, and the gdr, west germany united into one state, why were they against it, the americans never wanted a strong europe, to weaken the ussr, to collapse the ussr
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is great, but the union of germany and russia, a strong europe, after that, for them it is it was a terrible dream. how was it to be destroyed? so, should we set the target for germany? no. germany at that time, if you remember, after the collapse of the ussr, even in 2000, pursued a policy aimed at a union with russia, despite pressure from the americans, and therefore gas pipelines, which were built, and economic relations. moreover, germany was the locomotive of the european union; the future of those countries that joined the european union depended on it; the bet would have been on poland. why? two reasons. poland.
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situation, he talks about peace, this worries him much more about our head of state, because an attempt to drag belarus into a war, into any provocation, over these 2 years they will only be strengthened by the hands of the poles and lithuanians, the trouble is that there are no lithuanians , three lithuanians, two tanks, two a soldier, two planes, even if the germans are there now, the german military command has already come to see where they will set up a base there, and this will not help the lithuanians, no one will ever capture lithuania, if it were necessary... it would have been captured in 3 hours , but this will never happen, no one needs it, no one needs it, look, meanwhile, the united states, which is preparing for elections, well, since we talk about them so much, they... cannot be called the standard of a democratic electoral system, you can’t exactly call them that, and they criticize who no laziness, it’s almost become a habit, here’s elon
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musk, i quote: in the usa you don’t need an id to vote, you can send your ballot by mail, this is crazy, musk concludes. well, trump says that the americans have one last chance, this is of course him, but in the end it’s not biden who trusts the country, let’s listen. we're leading by 11. 11 is a lot, but my friend asked how can you be ahead by that much? your opponent cannot put two sentences together. this person is incompetent if if you had a store and wanted to take a week's vacation, i'm sure you wouldn't leave him in charge. no, you won't do that, you would trust him to run the store, i don't think anyone would. question: could you trust the president of the united states with yours?
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so that biden wins again, god bless him, because this is actually the reincarnation of gorbachev, he will do everything with his own hands, and we see the horror of what is happening now in american politics, but even greater horror, of course, we see from european politicians, you you know, at first i thought for a long time, well, these are just narrow-minded, inadequate people, just look... at all these ursulas, michels, bareilles, yes, what nonentities rule european politics,
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but then, after comparing the facts, i came to this thoughts, after all, they are doing everything so that europe is struck by the brown plague, they are doing everything so that the fastas come to power in europe, in italy 500 blackshirts in the center of italy yawned in honor of some of their dead there, like... these are comrades-in-arms. and we must not forget that many representatives of the establishment, the same scholz, is the grandson of an ss general. and, you see, everything they do, everything they do now, they enrage the ordinary european. even look who they have now appointed as prime minister of france. there, excuse me, a person with sexual perversions. but what can an ordinary frenchman think? that is? they are doing everything specifically purposefully so that the ordinary european man in the street becomes radicalized, but this also hurts us,
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because it is a threat to our national security, that is, now, while we we say that somewhere in europe a new hitler is growing up, this cannot be ruled out, this is very dangerous, the americans and america are definitely not the country that should teach democracy, we see very well what is happening there.
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the course of circumstances, believe me, means that this is absolutely not an indicator that it was trump who stopped some kind of war. the second point is that the republicans and democrats have never pursued a friendly policy towards belarus and russia, we will always be competitors, if we take, for example, the russian federation, and the republicans and democrats consider russia evil, they consider it a country that needs to be weakened, they just have a different approach, what is the debate about now? the republicans say, listen , we won’t accept the budget, military aid to ukraine, we need to deal with internal problems, china is the main enemy, let ’s deal with the mexicans, let’s
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deal with the migrants, let’s deal with this, the democrats say, you’re right, but... migrants - this is our electorate, we cannot strangle them, ukraine, come on, china, let’s fight this, that is, there is an internal showdown, but what true, due to the isolation of the us electoral system from the people, the fact that in fact ordinary people do not decide a damn thing in these elections, social problems, internal political problems, they will intensify in america, and today, no matter who becomes president of the united states , the split that exists in america today, this one, it is a very strong split between.
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hope that someone will win the elections there tomorrow everything will be fine, we will be weak, trump will crush us, we will be weak, biden is asking, they will be strong, they will talk to us, as they are now talking to lukashenko, everyone, why they say they love him, no, they respect him and know where they love him, this is the middle east, friends, where ours are, and europe is already saying why, they respect him, they only respect strength and sovereignty, because he’ll hit the table and say, get out of here, we’ll do as we see fit, with these guys. that a lot needs to be done to prevent such a serious war from happening, we understand that triggers can take anything. what does the coming year require of us? i think this year
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requires some specific phrase that we must say to ourselves. everyone must define it for themselves, but for young people i would say the following: we had such a wonderful film, time chose us, yeah, i would consider this phrase very important, because we really have entered a period when we need to make a choice, be with our country, preserve what we have managed to gain, achieve and move on if we have a future and so... it seems to me that all three of these components are there, and we need to convey and so that everyone understands what we are going to, we have two very difficult years, but i would still say that the government, the people, passed the exam, well, i would say this, now we must improve our qualifications , yeah, and don’t overexert yourself, we’ve already gone through this,
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yurievich. be in a political tone for everyone, separate the wheat from the chaff, fakes from the truth, think with your own head, don’t listen to anyone before doing something, think 100 times, that is, this is a very simple formula, as for how to ensure stability from the point of view from the point of view of the state, well, of course, the most basic thing is the economic basis, everything else is the superstructure.
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your own, and to love your homeland is to love your family, children, wife, grandmother, grandfather; if you do at least something for them, you will do the same for the country, then the country will really become stronger. well, thank you very much for participating in the program, but in this case we will put an end to this issue like this: there is a lot of talk about war, these are the times, but peace is not a dream, as our experts said today, everyday work, that’s the recipe , but once again
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i repeat, there will be no war if we... as this applies to each of us. that's all for today, thank you for being with us, happy.
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