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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 16, 2024 9:00pm-9:46pm MSK

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live panorama in the studio elena nasacheva, hello, when the world is on the brink, belarus must have an up-to-date action plan for any case, issues of ensuring national security were discussed at the security council with the participation of the president. a new stage of the election campaign has started in the country today, the registration of candidates for deputies. we will tell you who is applying for the opportunity to participate in the elections. and the winner of the special prize of president ivan zhiga on the eternal slavic values ​​of this.
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geopolitical situation, and also this systematic work following the referendum and the adoption of a new constitution. both documents are as open as possible; anyone can read them. the concept of national security has undergone wide public discussion in work collectives, organizations, and among the youth of the scientific community, which corresponds to the main requirement of the head of state not to hide anything and to be completely open. just like it was when we worked on the constitution. by the way, taking into account the new basic... law, two documents should be approved by the all-belarusian people's assembly. ilona krosudskaya will continue the topic. military doctrine and concept of national security. the country's president devotes the first sofbes this year to two key documents, essentially the most important ones after the constitution. a clear, specific plan for how, by whom, and in what areas the country’s sovereignty is ensured and the response to its encroachments. all this is a response to new threats and challenges, increasing militarization, growing armament, and constant training near our borders. you know.
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please note that threats to use nuclear weapons were voiced almost immediately after the escalation of the conflict. and as it usually happens, there were no sanctions from the civilized west. a routine statement, as if nothing had happened. unfortunately, we have returned to a time when military force became the main argument in building interstate relations. relations,
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the ukrainian conflict, the situation in the middle east, taiwan, the mood of protest in europe, amid dissatisfaction with the policies being pursued there. in addition to dozens of smoldering conflicts in the world, the aggressive policy of our neighbors. nato plans to deploy hundreds of thousands of troops to the borders of belarus to so-called repel a hypothetical russian attack. poland is increasing supplies of armored personnel carriers and purchasing equipment for the production of firearms, while simultaneously asking the united states to place nuclear weapons on its territory. in such an unstable situation, belarus must have an up-to-date action plan taking into account all possible scenarios for the development of events. the situation in the world is very complex, and the situation around us is equally complex. belarus. we know that military forces are coming to ukraine.
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technologies and methods of conducting hybrid wars are constantly being improved, so it is important to be proactive. the new military doctrine speaks directly and openly about our priorities: multi-vector, peace-loving policy, but, as our president always emphasizes, this is not equal sacrifice. yes, we do not threaten anyone, but in the event of any aggression, the response will be
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immediate and adequate. we clearly emphasize that the republic of belarus does not consider any people as its enemy, despite the actions of their government. here. this is, so to speak, the key message. we have clearly formulated what government agencies should do, what functions to perform in response to possible threats to the military security of our country, we have clearly defined and communicated the views of the republic of belarus on the use of tactical nuclear weapons stationed on our territory. as part of the response, we divided the threats into both internal and external.
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conditions, individual states, small medium-sized states cannot survive alone, why? because those blocs that have already been formed, military-political blocs, first of all, this is the nato bloc, it,
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naturally, with its economic, military, political machine, can destroy a separate state, and this must be admitted openly, and of course, preserving the independence of the state and ensuring its socio-economic development can only be achieved by being in some kind of unity, in some kind of integration with other states, experienceb, the experience of ensuring security in the post-soviet space has shown that the new integration associations make it possible to quickly make decisions.
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to please or benefit our opponents. one of the most serious questions that has emerged over the past, so to speak, months of discussion is uh. paying attention to the nuclear component, ensuring nuclear safety and understanding that there are countries in the world that do not consider the possibility of using nuclear weapons, before there was less of this, today they talk about it openly, therefore introducing this point into the concept of national security and our response to data in this area is an important component. for a number of countries, including post-soviet ones, the concept is on... russia and china, we
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don’t call anyone that, but we did not hide our priorities or reaction in the event of interference in internal affairs or an attempt at aggression. according to experts, the new military doctrine has updated approaches to determining the nature of modern military conflicts in the interests of developing adequate response measures for...
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discussion platforms took place in all offers. people care today before the draft document went to the people. 70 regions of the country and people contributed to their peace, stability, and security. therefore, within the framework of the outbreak of military conflicts, within the framework of the processes taking place today in the geopolitical arena and the emergence of a conflict with the use of nuclear weapons, a statement by some politicians, what we heard, most recently during the conflict in the middle east, a statement, unfortunately, by our neighbors, in particular poland, their requests for the deployment of american nuclear weapons on polish territory
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weapons, of course, we have strengthened the concept of the risk of conflicts involving the use of nuclear weapons, because look, today in europe there are already 150 american nuclear warheads deployed on european territory, not counting the nuclear weapons of france and great britain, and some countries are also asking to be deployed on their territory , it’s clear why, given their militaristic nature, their aggressiveness... statements regarding, including our country, of course, had to be strengthened, and people proposed this, it did not come from us, many innovations in the concept of national security arose not only taking into account global trends, but our internal changes, the new constitution, further legislative activity, it was necessary to take this into account: the law on citizenship, on the foundations of civil society, the concept of legal policy, where it is black and white about priorities country, a strong president, an influential parliament, a proactive government with a connecting role of the supreme national assembly. all this is about the development of the country, by the way, this principle is also enshrined in the national security concept: security
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through development, when the government relies on the opinion of the people, this, firstly, allows it to pursue popular policy, rely on the opinion of the people, which is extremely important, the most important issue related to the survival of the state, its security. with its security on a huge range of other problems, so that everything is brought to the attention of the people, so that the authorities consult with the people, therefore, this case is truly unprecedented, the military doctrine and the concept of national security , both documents complement each other, they are literally not only about peace and quiet, but also the task is exclusively for the commander-in-chief of the entire power bloc of the country, but also about the social and economic spheres, the topic concerns everyone, because...
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from the west, here are some surgical interventions for gender reassignment and so on. during communication with trade union organizations , a proposal was made to strengthen the social responsibility of business. this is also reflected in the draft document of the national security concept, and also so that there is no gap between small settlements and large cities, therefore preventing this urbanization was also one of the points made. today the head of state instructed to finalize the draft military doctrine, the position of the concept of national security will continue to be heard in society, experts will inform about
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the political situation and innovations, subsequently both documents will be submitted to the all-belarusian people's assembly, according to the new constitution, this body... of democracy must approve key provisions in the field of security. such a shock in the history of a sovereign country as the twentieth year may seem like a thing of the past for ordinary people, but certainly not everything is so for those who are really immersed in the situation. there are still plenty of people who want to repeat something similar; there are two campaigns ahead: we have to elect deputies at all levels, and then presidential elections. the head of state has already said more than once that the year will be very difficult, in the context of ongoing global processes, belarus cannot isolate itself, which is why the coordinated work of everyone and their hand is so important. on tuesday night iran launched ballistic missiles strikes on eight us and israeli targets in iraqi kurdistan, including the american base at erbil airport and
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the us consulate. according to some media reports , four people died, others claim. that there were no casualties. a few days earlier , iranian supreme leader khaminii called on the shuid resistance front in various arab countries to strike the enemy wherever he was. the attacks on irbil were carried out in response to the january 3 terrorist attack in the city of kirman in southeastern iran, in which 89 people were killed in explosions during a mourning ceremony. processions in connection with the anniversary of the death of general sulaymaniyah. according to experts, the incident should also be considered a reaction to the actions of the united states and israel in the gas sector. and a massive missile attack on the houthis by america and britain. tensions remain in the red sea region. the yemeni houthis said they would attack all american ships in coastal waters, both military and commercial ships, and published a threatening video.
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the belarusian military doctrine does not contain threats, but is aimed at maintaining its own security, its mechanisms are being strengthened by our military at training grounds, in the sky and even under the ice, and the army will increase its efficiency due to those growth points that contribute to efficiency while guaranteeing the preservation of the lives of personnel . about innovations on the battlefield with an emphasis on high standards in the disposition project. on the air disposition this is gagarin, let's go quality in the army, this concept of defying the president's demands regarding the annual installation was perceived as an order. there is no other way. and we are not talking about the indicators that it is necessary to achieve, but also to competently report.
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you will have to roll up your sleeves not to achieve first-class shine in the barracks, an exemplary military step of increase. certified specialists , quality is, first of all, about the ability to fight at the highest level, which is certainly not easy, threats have recently been consolidated, and once they are consolidated, then only the system can resist them, but an established system is also quality, and the system, of course, does not static, capable of changing depending on conditions, here is a subtle place, conflicts change the forms of effective action almost monthly. according to the principle, a new method is an instant countermeasure , which is why javelins, baraktars, and pantsirhaupitze 2000 were left off the agenda, they simply learned to resist, hence the conclusion: there should always be a variety of techniques in the arsenal, not only in the minds of military leaders, but in every soldier. versatility today is not a dispersal of forces, but a vital necessity,
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a criterion of quality, so every fighter is also a machine gunner, grenade launcher, and sniper. military personnel are trained according to the principle interchangeability, so that in battle they can not just look at a rifle lying next to it, which they have never used, but take any weapon that is available from the group and perform tasks with it. today in the west you cannot become a politician if you do not speak from the podium about ammunition, about the need to transfer it to israel or ukraine, and something is still wrong with the quality of the process. in belarus, it seems, they took the nuance into account in advance. with us, quantity continues to turn into results. on the main army stand and training grounds, the roar does not stop. well, it’s loud at the training grounds, quiet at borders, such a policy. in case of war they must be ready at any time, in any weather conditions, they must be ready to carry out any tasks, including not
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only training ones, if necessary, there is always enough ammunition, few people before ukraine imagined the difficulties associated with overcoming water obstacles, and in general weather conditions and geography sometimes play a role during combat operations, the belarusian paratroopers are not satisfied with this approach, like now... frost and ice, how can you miss this? of course, it's time to train, quality check the characteristics of the aquatic environment. divers train from an underwater position, prepare explosive charges for the formation of a mine and then reach the surface. this is a method of work of special- purpose diving units, when the diving unit goes under water, under ice, and can produce. exit to a place unexpected for the enemy in the future to continue carrying out the task there to carry out special events, but the most important thing, perhaps, for the troops
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is to understand that quality beats quantity, you just need to spin faster and in the right direction with high efficiency, it is extremely difficult to teach this to all soldiers and officers, but otherwise, everything else will not matter. she became the first woman in serbia to return the tradition of celebrating victory day , stood up to defend belarus when information bombs were flying into our country from all over the world, she is called jeanne of the dark serbian people. representative of the zhigan acting dynasty, theater and film actress, screenwriter and director of documentaries, public figure ivana zhigan, tonight in the news interview. feat and citizenship are synonymous with her life, a beauty who.
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art will tell you today what eternal values ​​the slavs should defend, why they no longer believe in democracy and consider belarus a country of truth? to accept from the hands of alexander grigorievich, who in general stands, above all others, in the defense of slavic values, this is for me the highest, highest award, these same slavic values, on which your president stood most of all, they will go on to form the basis of the new world that is before our eyes born, have you ever experienced difficulties due to political views, how they affected the emotional... see today in the current interview immediately after the panorama.
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biden's nightmare. former us president donald trump won a landslide victory following a meeting of republican activists in iowa. with 100% of the votes counted, trump received 51%. in second place is florida governor ron dissantis, followed by former us post-president prion nicky haley. another candidate viva kromaswamy withdrew from the presidential race and supported donald trump. the newly-minted leader of the race himself of his victory speech, again drew voters' attention to the ukrainian issue. we want peace through strength. russia would never have attacked ukraine, would never have done that. putin and i get along great, we get along very well and that’s good, not bad.
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just 28% believe president biden will retain sufficient clarity of mind for a second term. 28% of americans gave credit to their president's brain function, 69 did not . however, according to information, the us bloomberg agency is about to demand that zelensky switch to defense in the armed forces of ukraine, but the kiev the leader must remind washington that ukraine is capable of defending itself only if the west guarantees it the necessary means for this. when billions are being traded, human lives become bargaining chips. a scandal that the western media,
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human rights activists and politicians prefer to remain silent about is illegal. maria petrashko is even aware of the theft of babies from european maternity hospitals. why did european officials go on a hunt for ukrainian children? hello everyone, i'm maria petrashko, tv news agency. eat countries with more marketing than reality. politics, you don’t have to go far, most of the countries of the european union, a promoted, beautiful picture, but what in reality, not small taxes on everything possible, expensive electricity, heating and food, and the economic crisis has not yet reached its climax, they invited through the mouth of merkel into the supposedly paradise jungle of cheap slaves, but they refused to work, due to historical justice, they became a real problem for the old world, the gene pool is changing dramatically, which is
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especially true for the political elite... irritant. until the problem reaches st. moritz courchevel , there are, of course, no radical methods in sight, here are the europeans themselves, a dying nation, what to do, where to get this cheapest labor and gene pool? and here washington’s plan to destroy ukraine arrived. refugees have become a long-awaited source of cheap labor for the european union, and ukrainian children have become easy prey. they allegedly said that she used drugs there and took her away. the child directly from the maternity hospital, that is, children of different ages are taken away for different circumstances, this is done very massively, this is done illegally, again i say, because especially if you came just to hide from the war, they can’t do this with mothers, again, you know, this all looks like some kind of unreal, incomprehensible surreal thing, this looks like something that cannot exist, if...
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i was told about this before, i would say, i won’t use this word, yes, that is, i would say that this is some kind of nonsense that this cannot be, that this simply should not happen, yes, this should not happen, and yes, thank god, if this did not happen to you , but unfortunately, in ukraine, indeed, if a child is taken away, they take him away for some reason, in a country when you are in europe, and so on, the child is taken away just like that, for no reason, what is happening, why is it possible to do this, well, what kind of simply absurd lawlessness is this? this is the story of a ukrainian woman who has not seen her child for many months, everything has been done so that the children forget about their parents, in the event of the removal of children, ukrainian refugees are not only not isolated, literally put on stream. in europe , children are being taken away from ukrainian women en masse, there are already more than 400 cases throughout europe, in poland, germany, italy, france and britain, and these are
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just the cases that have become known. known, but no one really knows how many there are. european juvenile services pick up children of ukrainian mothers in sandboxes, maternity hospitals, in hotels, selected chats are sent to shelters or foster families, and mothers who are trying to fight the system are prescribed psychiatric examinations. do you think any of the ukrainian women had their children returned? when asked why did european officials organize such a hunt? what is the main reason for such cases? in informal communication , representatives of various bodies say that the reason is the desire of europeans to refresh the gene pool, which has serious problems, and in general europeans do not want to have children, so ukrainian children in europe are very appropriate. well, if it’s just a matter of the gene pool, facts of the sale of ukrainian children to pedophiles have become known. the price of one child can reach up to 150 thousand dollars. there is a whole secret network of these
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accomplices who support children. in slavery. children always suffer because of the infantile attitude of adults. yes, it is infantile to believe in a fairy tale that the west needs you just like that, and that western countries, turning an entire state into ruins, will save you from corrupt officials of sloppiness, and not siphon off resources. only the consequences of this fabulous gullibility are not childish at all. even more mature discussions and real news in our telegram channels. the same. the west is trying to measure belarus, but evenly, our country continues to provide comprehensive support to families evacuated from the gas sector in november. today , presidential assistant, inspector for the grodno region yuri karaev met with representatives of two large families who came to their small homeland of volkovysk. people expressed gratitude to the country's leadership for the opportunity to escape from the zone of military conflict and for solving all everyday issues in their new place of residence. during the meeting
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, possible employment options for parents were discussed as well. requests to earn money ourselves, so as not to sit on anyone’s neck, and the most important thing is to continue educating children, their problems will not go unattended, it’s very nice when you live and feel that someone remembers you, someone remembers you thinks that someone is calm about your future, your future children, they helped us get settled , helped us, that we each had some kind of holiday, let’s say it was, they called us too, invited us to... during the meeting, large families were given gifts from the presidential sports club, children received soft toys and football swords.
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mass protests by agricultural producers continue in europe. romanian farmers brought 4,500 tractors onto the streets, several national routes , urban roads and checkpoints on the borders with ukraine, moldova and serbia were blocked. farmers are outraged by low grain prices and delays in subsidy payments. another factor is the import of ukrainian grain into the country. because of it, the time of checks at borders increases, not to mention unfair competition, which local authorities cannot cope with. products. in berlin, about 10 thousand striking farmers went to the brandenburg gate and brought 6.00 tractors. the protesters no longer believe the promises of the government, the minister of finance, who tried to explain the difficult situation in the country.
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cut off healthy parts of the body one by one, such a government must resign, activists say. it becomes clear that the germans are less and less interested in the initiatives of the traffic light government; their patience is coming to an end. the question of the resignation of scholz and his team is increasingly being raised, and the rating the ruling coalition is trending downward, reaching a historic low. it’s all about their anti-state policy, where the interests of the germans are relegated to the background, ukraine is a priority,
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i think, the most serious problems. there's no one on the horizon to say, okay, i get it, we're doing it differently. such people will become victims of cancel culture in germany. how ukrainian fighters for independence remained hostage to
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their own officials. two have been detained, the third is indignant about why the presidential palace in poland has become a haven for criminals, where germany will be led by farmers tired of their chancellor. andrey sych, together with analysts and experts, will understand the trends. of the modern world, see the trends project, tomorrow after the panorama. the procedure for registering candidates for deputies of the house
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of representatives of the national assembly of belarus of the eighth convocation and deputies of local councils of deputies of the twenty-ninth convocation has started in belarus today. 298 candidates have been nominated to the house of representatives. this is how the picture looks in cross section. countries majority falls on the city of minsk, followed by the gomel region, an equal amount in the grodno and minsk regions. more than half used one of the three nomination methods. thus, the lion's share comes from nominations from political parties, almost 40%. slightly more than 30% of applicants were nominated by citizens by collecting signatures, and 30% were nominated by labor collectives. in terms of political parties that were active in this election campaign, the picture is as follows: without small, 24% of all nominees from political parties come from the belarusian party bela rus, over. 18% are liberal democrats,
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almost 12.5% ​​are representatives of the communist party and 7% are nominees of the republican justice labor party. the cec also calculated that a third of the contenders for the title of candidates for deputies of the house of representatives are women. deputies of the current convocation are also running for a new term; they account for almost 7.5% of applicants, and 3% more applicants from the ranks. local councils, it is also known that 4% of applicants are young people under the age of 31. the same number of youth representatives are vying for the title of candidate for deputies of local councils, throughout the country, at all levels. below the house of representatives , 18,996 candidates nominated themselves. from january 16 to january 30, members of territorial and district election commissions will check the received documents. in the nomination of candidates for deputies for compliance with the requirements of the electoral
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code and will decide on the registration of candidates. at this stage, the tsantrasberkom may connect only in case of appealing decisions of lower commissions. already this friday, christians will celebrate one of the important holidays of the religious calendar, baptism. before the celebration, it is customary to prepare a festive table for them, for others it is a reason to go to church services, and still others do not miss the moment to plunge into an ice hole with cold water, only in minsk several fonts will be equipped, at each post the ministry of emergency situations will be on duty, asvod and doctors, heated changing rooms and food outlets will be installed next to the swimming areas, how to make winter ones is bathing safe for health and who should refuse the ritual, reporting by elizaveta sinyak. gone, guys, gone, faster, faster
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, everyone here, everyone here, oh, there, yura, yura, there, mom, yura, there, everyone probably remembers these chilling shots, russia, leningrad region, 2 years ago , the sacred holiday turned into a tragedy for several families at once, a woman jumped under the water and disappeared, the reason was an unequipped font, a strong current, a consequence, the children were left without a mother, out of... human stupidity or carelessness, and maybe everything at once, this is not the first time, this is why it is important to choose the right place and prepare for ice rituals, excellent temperature, excellent water and a great place, what else can you say? pavel ratkevich determined safe hardening recipes for himself 10 years ago, he started with a regular contrast shower in the warm season, with the right approach this...
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you can’t do it on an empty stomach before plunging, and the third thing is to do a warm-up, i’m a candidate master of sports in rowing boydarki, for me, well, it’s primarily about health improvement, on the shore dozens of ice drive enthusiasts gather at the tsnyansky reservoir; the minsk walrus club has about 200 participants; neither experience nor age matters.
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for baptism is growing, so this year throughout belarus there will be specially equipped fonts with a flat bottom without vegetation. specialists check places for the absence of underground sources, whirlpools and currents of more than half a meter per second, only in minsk three sites are organized: drozdy, komsomolskaya and tsnyanskaya from 18:00, january 18 to 0:00 on january 19, are being installed heated warm locker rooms, the descent area is organized, and there will also
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be outbound sales. the first thing you should always remember is safety, and this applies not only to properly equipped places. doctors do not advise those who have it to take risks. chronic diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems also do not recommend diving for pregnant women and children under 6 years of age. elizaveta senyak, dmitry chumak, tv news agency. an atypical sight: camels bathing in the desert, residents could watch saudi arabia. different parts of the planet continue to face natural anomalies. for the second time in 2 months, severe floods covered the hail and al-qassim deserts. the most defenseless against the elements were the ships of the desert, the unfortunate camels. they were literally carried away by streams of water, local experts note that since the spring of last year, the climate in saudi arabia has been rapidly changing,
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and they cannot get used to such a dramatic onslaught of large waters. and now is the time for our project , a place to live. today we offer go to the north of belarus to the urban village of ushachi. during the great patriotic war, powerful partisan resistance operated on the territory of ushachi and neighboring areas. today ushachi is a cozy and comfortable village with a modern sports complex for a children's art school. young professionals stay here to build houses. an example of this is alexandra stukalova, a graduate of vitebsk state university named after mashirov. having received a law degree, she came to ushache on assignment. fell in love with this corner. belarusian land left live. a word to our heroine.
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i used to. i had never been here and knew nothing about this settlement in the vitebsk region. life in a small urban village seemed boring to me, but over time i fell in love with the work, i found friends here, activities i liked, and shachi charmed me with its rich history, natural beauty and comfort. ushachi is the heart of partisan belarus. in 1942. the partisans liberated part of the region's territory and held it until the arrival of the red army. the soviet government was operating behind enemy lines, a school was operating and printing house. retreating, the nazis decided to destroy the partisan republic. the forces of the regular army were gathered here. just
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imagine, the fascist army of sixty thousand was opposed by only 17,000 partisans. they made a decision. to break through the fiery enemy ring, this happened on the night of may 5, 1944, then they managed to remove 15,000 civilians from encirclement. in memory of the feat, not far from ushach, a memorial complex was erected, which is called the breakthrough. historical memory is carefully preserved in the museum of military glory named after the hero. soviet union vladimir lobank, history and courage lessons are held here for our schoolchildren. by the way, the name of one of the participants in the partisan resistance in the post-war life of the artist dimyan krupeni is named after the ushachi children's
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art school. 3 years ago she moved to a new building, and now develops in bright, comfortable classrooms. young residents of ushucha, which is more than 350 children, show their creative abilities. choreographic, choral, pop, fine arts and music departments are open here. ushachi has unique functionality.


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