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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 17, 2024 2:00am-3:10am MSK

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this is the initial stage, we even start the working day with this, at the beginning we carry out an incoming inspection of the water itself, which we collect in a container, we receive only consumables that have passed quality control for production , and after that we begin producing products. we are now in a microbiological laboratory, each batch of manufactured products is subject to microbiological control, in particular. this is to determine the bacteria of the group escherichia coli, this is mineral water and the general califorms, the general ones there are thermotolerant bacteria that is exposed to drinking water. this analysis is carried out daily, in each batch of products. this analysis is very important; it shows our purity. water
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for both drinking and mineral water, it is mandatory. more than 20 control analyzes are carried out daily at the enterprise. coming to work every day, we set ourselves the task of producing high-quality products, our friendly team contributes to this and tries to fulfill all the indicators that are provided by state regulations, sanitary standards, and to the buyer.
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we pay close attention to every moment and request from our employees to ensure that the quality of the products is always at the high level that we have today. next year, the company promises to please its consumers with a new, tasty and healthy product. under such patronage as the living force of nature, the work of the team and the product cannot be other than with a sign of quality. pride in what we... produce, stimulates, sets us up for even better results, my work for me it’s pleasure, for me it’s life, it’s pride, pride in front of my children, in front of my family, they are proud of me, proud that my mother is responsible, responsible not only to herself, but also to people for her work, my work for me is...
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my life, that is, it is family, work, and from this the most basic thing is formed: mood, health and the desire to create something daily, hourly.
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hello, first issue of the new year, thank you for being with us and let’s get started, especially since we are in contact with the studio right now such a guest, political scientist, leader of the essence of time movement, sergei kruginyan, sergei ivanovich, hello, first of all, hello, hello. why should belarus and lukashenko care about all this western madness and so on? not to become, i don’t
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know what, slovakia or hungary or some such very, very good western country, what of what lukashenko did contradicted this? i answer, nothing, you understand, nothing, except one thing, this is belarus, you are to blame for the fact that you are belarus, nothing else, the slavic christian world, the first question, the second question, do you see how much, as it were , what kind of indignation is happening about the fact that the israelis are exceeding some... white glove war limits in relation to gas and hamas, yes you see it, the indignation is huge, the americans are demanding that these the israelis restrained themselves, they are taught to live, they are told about the second two states, palestinian and
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israeli, which will be destroyed by them, but they do everything wonderfully, i’m not saying that the americans act well or the israelis , everything is a mess, but you see with what force says:
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because this is a country of fierce resistance to nazism, that’s why yugoslavia was torn apart, that’s why serbia was bombed, because in fact, from the depths of world history, the well -known nazi, now global submarine, is emerging, it is rising. and we look into her eyes, and peaceful citizens who believed in the world of consumption still cannot fully understand this, as the director kubrick said, they are still looking at the world
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with eyes wide shut, so these eyes should gradually open, and if so what does new mean? ukrainian doctrine in relation to russia? ukraine will defend itself, don’t think that in the end someone won’t give it money, they will give it all the money, and russian money will be expropriated, divided, and this money will also partly go to ukraine, and partly by the robber himself, this is a lot of money frozen, two: everything will happen, but not now, she will still go on the defensive, yes, but from the inside. this defense, it will be more and more heavy missiles, i won’t even list which ones, not just omak, hymers, and others, non-nuclear, non-nuclear, strikes on russian territory
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, despite the fact that i don’t want to criticize this, but i am amazed that despite this, we are still talking about a special operation, it’s somehow strange to conduct a special operation, russia before the elections with the help of the only available means of macro-terrorist acts, which will be called the legitimate and noble struggle of the ukrainian people against the russian aggressor, and we already see that in these, as it were, military operations, which are obviously... terrorist attacks, putin keeps saying that he has everything seethes, yes, but he can’t start hitting
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the civilian population, he will hit military factories and so on, here they are hitting a skating rink, like a shopping complex, for whatever reason, yes, they call it a legitimate war of the noble ukrainian people with the monstrous russian an aggressor, an orc, a non-human god knows who , while we already see... that in this war nato assets will be used more and more directly, primarily space ones, but not only, and that the operators delivering these strikes will be western specialists, which not only will they deliver these weapons , crap, i'm sorry, problem, deliver 100 missiles at 5 million dollars each, not only will they... these weapons, but they will use them, not only
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will they accompany them from space, but they will also use them, we will enter the stage of terrorist acts, which will not be carried out by the chechens, as was the case during the second chechen war, but will be carried out, calling them noble actions, by the combined power of, well, not... a rather large ukraine and the colossal west, which will not carry out any then offensive operations, on which he has the guts of a tank. upholster selectively, with the sole purpose of causing maximum damage to the russians’ sense of self, their psychological stability, as the terrorists there from the red brigades said. blowing up some supermarkets, they said: let the western
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average person experience the horrors of vietnam, yes, it will be said here, we want to destabilize the average person, so that he understands what a terrible life putin is providing for him, will these people be able to ensure this operation, what exactly will happen answer? there on it, what kind of power can quickly today deploy in air defense and not only in counter-terrorism operations of a state that, nevertheless, hoped that it would live peacefully and be part of the west, i don’t know, but that the enemy is preparing this in relation to russia, i know for sure, this is a developed plan, such there is a plan... in relation to belarus, but it will be carried out by even more internal
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subversive actions. sergei ivanovich, i would like to clarify one more topic from those that you touched on a little higher, in december we all followed the attempt of the serbian maidan and while communicating on air with political scientists from belgrade , we heard from them about sharp’s old, very unkind method. so we from minsk compared, of course, many elements with our twenties just like a carbon copy. they say it was interesting for us to hear that lukashenko’s determination then inspires vucic today, and this, in general, looks like a bad dream for the anglo-saxons, because lukashenko, who was destroyed by sanctions for years, not only survived, but became an example for europeans, that's how it happened, how they got to this point life? i remember the phrases of heydrich, a nazi criminal, not very stupid. a person who, in my opinion, schelenberg quoted in his memoirs, that like these russians
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are all slavs, it’s almost crap in general, but they have one ability, they know how to give birth to leaders, when they give birth to them, they then follow them they are coming, then great power arises, that’s why heydrich said, is it necessary... it means that this ability of our peoples to give birth to leaders, in an unknown way, yes, it is the most terrible thing for the west, suddenly leaders appear, from god knows where emerging from the depths, despair and insignificance
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in which they were plunged. who are starting this great work of raising their people somewhere, and the main thing was how lukashenko and his son with a machine gun went to die at a moment when it seemed that everything was already on the brink, this is determination, the main thing is that gorbachev , turning away from the baltic states, giving the order to send troops there in a few days. and acted this way everywhere, and putin, as we see, shows diametrically opposite qualities, the main thing is that, having sensed this, the peoples which these leaders are, begin to behave not according to the laws of perestroika post
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-perestroika nonentity, but somehow a little differently, and...
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thank you very much, we continue and do this with the kind of parting words that were heard on christmas in the orthodox church. this year will be very difficult, very difficult, they will train on us. and we need to survive, they will train for future presidential elections. and we need to turn. special attention to young people who did not see difficult times during the soviet period and after the collapse of the soviet union, they did not experience what the middle and older generations experienced, they need to be told about it, they need to be shown so that they value what we have acquired through our labor,
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we need to do everything so that we can live with dignity. this year and approaching the main event of next year, we have worthily shown ourselves that we are the masters of this land, we are the belarusian people, who have suffered in their history and have the right to live according to their own laws. olga egirovna, this is what needs to be told first of all and, most importantly, how to do it correctly in order to firstly, we heard, and secondly,
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when we make commercials, we show only the current moment, what we have achieved, but everything is always learned in comparison, because to be proud of your country is what we made it ourselves , compared to what happened, for example, in the nineties, if we now showed two pictures side by side like this, then we would really see that the contribution that we have made is simply huge, we have something to be proud of, and this is not patriotism, this is quality, this is the comfort of life. noticed that the president also spoke at christmas in the church about the upcoming change of generations,
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including at the very top in the leadership of the country and in general, probably in all areas of our activity, and we understand perfectly well that with a change of generations in any state, this is always an exam for state and for the people, so we are ready for it today, what do you think, huh? we conducted research at abc, we do not have an intergenerational gap, so we were pleased to learn this, because we continue to have the practice of giving birth to children before the age of 40 for the first time, but for now at 25, 30, we have pushed back a little, so we don’t have this huge intergenerational gap, and they consider our youth, even teenagers at 14-16 years old, to be the main value, just like the generation 50-60 years is the world. uh-huh, this, this is our common platform, no one will let us live in peace, the president is absolutely right, no one can forgive us for pursuing an independent sovereign policy, that’s
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when we talk about young people, about how they should be educated what to explain, what to say about the price of sovereignty , why, because look, the ukrainians don’t want to fight, but no one will ask them, the state is not sovereign, ordinary lithuanians don’t want sanctions against belarus, they want the klaipka port to work, they want the enterprises that were ... .on their territory, so that they can work , do you really think that at least one lithuanian came to the plant and said, yes, close it, the main thing is that russia and belarus should feel bad, i won’t work for this, i don’t want anything, i won’t feed my family, the main thing is so that they are there belarus also suffered in russia, that is, no , but there is no independent government, again everything is to the detriment of the people, we take poland, do 90% of the ordinary poles really want militarization on the border, they want to be forced to serve too, they already have legislation oozing out there , the question is about who is in the army. go , the question is that sanctions , the question is that again the teachings, ordinary poles want this, no, no one asks, today we are why we live in the world, the president spoke about this at the presentation of the prize for spiritual
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revival, in also because we work, we have an independent policy, sovereignty, everything we do is aimed at strengthening statehood, an alliance with russia strengthens statehood, our economic policy, which is being pursued today by the republic of belarus in... ukraine, was being prepared even then, and of course , they dreamed of including belarus in this front , how wonderful it would be in nato, now in the west they would rejoice if not only ukraine, but
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belarus were forced to fight with russia, because if the government had changed, sovereignty was taken away, whoever asked would be here a civil war, accordingly, all this would spread to the territory of russia, then the war with russia is not over and will not end yet, and belarus has geopolitical significance, it is only growing. of course, there will be attempts to destroy us, but what is the best year for them? twenty-four , nothing will ever work out for them in the twenty -fourth year, the twenty-fifth won’t work out either, but the bet on the presidential campaign in the twenty-fifth year, these are the most important elections for any country, will be made again, this is where our mistake would be if would we they sat down and said: not everything, there are no risks in 2025, there is no need to worry, and the worst thing is that if we told the youth, our population, our citizens, everyone should understand, it’s 25... an exam again for the country, these are again tests, these are again attempts to shake things up, and as always they will try from within, but the methods will be more radical, today
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no one will call you to a rally, today already... experts analyzed these speeches and noticed that the level of militarization in each of them was like never before before, these are the leaders of these leading countries of the world, western countries, and even china, india, other large states, this suggests that militarization continues on the planet, and we are now, if we draw
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parallels, yes with...
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visual , yes, they have the greatest influence on young people, we, unfortunately, can only operate with numbers, we need to back it all up by showing it, it was, it was, yes, and what they could have lost, and so on, with just such works of art, from my point of view, this a very important point, because young people now, when using some kind of technology, it can be directed in any direction, they have a click...
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in the entire post-soviet space, one of the most advanced in terms of why is the main factor why and because our media, our journalists in the last 3 years , brilliant stories including ont, have revealed all the ins and outs of all these atal sobering , of course, the second point is the ukrainian factor, so now any person, any belarusian, is watching. but the first one doesn’t check is this news fake, because we have already learned to check, now technology has reached the point that in my voice or in the voice of oleg sergeevich, anything can be done not only by voices and actions, but besides all this, politics is of course important , how we prepare for certain events, let’s take the elections of 24, which we will have a single voting day, that’s
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our main goal, so that the fifth column, the external factor... is minimalistic, only the belarusian people should decide, who is the deputy local council, parliament, we have already made a decision, absolutely correctly, we refrained from inviting the osce mission to these elections, but again there was a howl, so they will not observe the elections, there will be, only who, we will not invite those who conduct unfriendly policy towards our countries, but at the same time, as a deputy , i want to inform you that observers will be not only from the cis countries, not only from the middle east. not only the distant arc, where we have millions of friends, and this, excuse me, is 80% of the world, by the way, but they will be from the european union, deputies of parliament, leading parties who are in european parliaments, only those who come are those who advocate that relations between our countries should be without pressure, without sanctions, without interference in internal affairs, this is probably correct, and i also think how deputy, we
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still have some western missions left, but here... someone is sitting, but if he gets out of this, it means the house that we kindly provided for him, instead of strengthening economic relations, culture, friendship between countries, why does the ambassador come?
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how russia will further develop, how it will see its future, because now we see its contours, and after the elections, it will be like a new starting point, in these crisis conditions, completely new, in which russia and belarus find themselves, so for this is important for us and for the whole world, including, because the russian federation in the twenty -second year did not launch a special military operation, it asked questions of global significance to everyone, and that’s what it is for today.
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hold presidential elections this year, but we remember that earlier zelensky said: “there is a war going on, what elections,” trying in this way, well, probably, to turn a blind eye to how rapidly his rating is falling, with such a rating there is really nothing to do in the elections, but with all the same, he has support within the state , propaganda works there too, seriously , in addition, his partners in the west say that in general it’s somehow ugly to refuse presidential elections, they’ll put the squeeze on him , what do you think, i think that’s the topic elections -
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let's try to look at this situation from the inside two two news: the first ukraavtoprom reports that in 2023 almost 61 thousand new cars were registered in ukraine, which is almost 70% more than in
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the previous year, that is, it turns out that who cares for war, who cares for their mother, the second point is much more alarming , that’s the fact that ukraine will no longer be the same, will there be a ukraine at all, because a country is a people, first of all, they say yes... the un. the office of the high commissioner for refugees said that only 14% of the 6 million ukrainian migrants who went to europe is planning to return home soon . and for some reason. we haven’t yet counted the ukrainians who left for russia, and well , they are going to stay there, and there is a high probability that they will not return to ukraine, plus we keep in mind the mobilization of everyone, including the disabled, and according to the un, 62% ukrainian refugees in europe are women and girls, every second child refugee from ukraine was not enrolled in schools in host countries, and about half of ukrainian refugees of working age don't have a job.
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who is guilty? zelensky is to blame, he didn’t hold elections, he has corruption, which means there is no democracy, they always have someone to blame, but it’s not them, they didn’t supposedly start the war, although in reality they will blame everything on them, they won’t admit it, that they lost, why did they leave afghanistan, what did they say, that we lost in afghanistan, they didn’t appreciate our efforts there, that’s bad, we installed our administration there, they failed, it was necessary to carry out democratic reforms more seriously, in iraq, what? happens, you you see what’s happening in iraq, today
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the iraqis are driving them out of there, they’re driving them out of everything, it’s sickening that the american military responds that they say that we lost in iraq, they took the oil, they destroyed the whole country, no, you know, this country needs democratic institutions still have to develop, for another 50 years, reforms must be carried out more quickly, democratic institutions must be developed more seriously, and here it’s the same, so i really agree with my colleagues, they are preparing different figures, yulia tymoshenko has come out. from the plinth, from this, where she had been betraying all her life, she crawled out, she had already cried out, oh, no need for mobilization, such cheap populism, in fact, they all feed in one place, in the same state department, in the same funds, all this is one gang, because i have real people who were worried about the future of ukraine in view of the politicians who really spoke the truth, they were either killed, or they managed to escape, are now on the territory of russia or on the territory of belarus, that is, they emigrated because they were killed there a long time ago, take the matter...
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the second moment they will bite him here with your lips aristovich and the same politicians, so that he does not become arrogant and knows his place to bite with his lips, but not with his teeth, that is, this also conveys the nature of these relationships, yes. what impression does a person have
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when visiting our country? oh, i remember these scales, these roads, these beautiful stalin buildings that were built, architectural monuments that are in minsk, somehow it happened that until now, even though i already live here, every time i always smile and think how beautiful minsk is. what is belarus? i'm interested i always tell you that it’s a beautiful country, a very beautiful country. there’s a lot to see here and, of course, to live here, it ’s very interesting to live here, watch the project “a look at belarus” on our tv channel. the mechanical engineering industry in belarus is showing good results; which enterprises have grown in volume? the gomselsh holding has good performance. this year , 3,000 units of self-propelled vehicles rolled off the production lines, increasing revenue by 122% compared to last year. more than 411 thousand eu residents
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visited belarus last year without a visa. more than half are citizens of lithuania, latvians are in second place, then poles. our neighbors will continue to be able to use it freely. belarusian hospitality. the visa-free regime has been extended for this year. the initiative of the ministry of foreign affairs was supported by the president. belarusian scientific breeders, the results of whose work we see on the shelves of our stores, have summed up the results of the year. what are you ready to please? resistant to frost and heat, beautiful, large, juicy. this is what scientists call their harvest results. despite the drought, this year is excellent, for example, domestic varieties of cherries have proven themselves. also among the popular ones. duk, well, in general, active work is going on across thirty crops at once. news, analytics, expert comments and interesting facts. watch the program events on thursdays on the belarus 24 tv channel
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about washington’s plans, let’s continue this topic: ukraine has been turned into a testing ground, we talked about this now, france and germany will destroy themselves if they continue in the same spirit. the patience of the germans is running out, look how the people greet scholz, a little more and the chancellor will stop being offended by the nickname liverwurst, because the german working people have stronger words for it. that is, the session.
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a challenge for us is the publication of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth from an interview with us deputy secretary of state for european affairs obrian. security cooperation between the united states and poland has always been very close. washington really wants poland to be a leader in the european union. if a decision was made to strengthen nato's eastern flank, then of course it will be so. we also rely on evolution nato over the past 10 years. today, 2/3 of allies spend 2% of gdp on defense. poland is much larger, very useful regional defense plans have been developed, which are being implemented better and better every month. olga igorevna, i think we need to remind the audience that the wonderful plans that are being implemented better and better are plans to create the largest army in europe, all the exercises that we see on our borders from
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the polish side are of an exclusively offensive nature, these are so beautiful our plans are under control, the poles are one of the most...
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which i said and the resource base, it can just replace it so that the level of exorbitant pride among polish politicians, that they do not understand that when they are worked in exactly the same way like ukraine, they will turn into exactly the same testing ground, but unfortunately, this has happened more than once, because we are polish history, it is precisely connected with this, absolutely, yes, i explain what is happening, it means when the ussr collapsed , which means that in fact the american administration was received extremely poorly. wonderful, but here is the union of germany and russia, a strong europe, after that, for them it was a terrible dream, how it was to be destroyed, which means
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they should rely on germany, no, germany at that time, if you remember, after the collapse of the ussr, also 2000, pursued a policy aimed at an alliance with russia, despite the pressure of the americans, and this means the gas pipelines that were being built, and economic relations, moreover, germany was the locomotive of the european union, the future also depended on it. those countries that joined the european union would have placed their bets on someone, poland. why? two reasons: poland is not economically independent, insolvent, without american help, without germany, this, well , this is a fairy tale, that is, it is easy to raise these ambitions in a country that cannot provide for itself, the poles have never lived at their own expense. the second point is that this is a great country for contradictions to arise within the european union. and now when we got an interview with him, he... he
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will, it’s impossible, just drive knows very well that poland is the leader of europe not according to austria, italy, listen to the austrians, germans, italians, how do they feel about poland, which leader? but splitting europe, weakening it is the first task, the second war, i agree, why? ukraine russia? will never lose, this is a fairy tale, neither nato will lose, that is, nato will not defeat russia , never, this is a fairy tale, the goal is not to defeat russia, the goal is not to capture moscow, this will not happen, the whole world will be destroyed, this is impossible , the goal is different, so that europe bleeds for decades, not we will continue ukraine, the americans say, to the end, as long as we can, well, another conflict would be nice, the poles are optimally suited for this, that’s why our president. i return to the words of the president, the years are not difficult, he not only talks about elections , he not only talks about the political situation, he talks about peace, this
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worries him much more about our head of state, because the attempt to drag belarus into a war, in any provocation, they would only get stronger over these 2 years with the hands of the poles and lithuanians, the trouble is that there are no lithuanians, three lithuanians, two tanks, two soldiers, two planes, even if the germans were there now and the germans came - the military command to see where they would set up a base there, and this will not help the lithuanians, no one will ever seize lithuania if if it took 3 hours it would have been captured, but it will never happen, no one needs it, no one needs it, look, meanwhile, the usa, which is preparing for elections, well, since we talk about them so much, but they can’t be called the standard of a democratic electoral system, here they are you can’t exactly call it that, and he criticizes whoever is not too lazy, it has almost become a habit, here is elon musk, i quote in the usa.
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him in charge, no, you wouldn’t do that, would you trust him to manage the store, i don’t think anyone would, the question is, could you trust the president of the united states with your store, but he simply couldn’t handle it, these elections - our last chance to save america, like this, absolutely.
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thoughts, after all, they are doing everything so that europe is struck by the brown plague, they are doing everything
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so that the nazis come to power in europe, in italy has 500... excuse me, there is a person with sexual perversions, but what can an ordinary frenchman think? that is, they are doing everything specifically purposefully so that the ordinary european man in the street becomes radicalized, but this also hurts us, because it is a threat to our national security, that is, right now , as we speak, a new hitler is growing up somewhere in europe, this cannot be ruled out, so it is
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very dangerous. americans and america are definitely not the country that should teach democracy, we see very well how elections are held there, especially not poland-lithuania in real democracy, in lithuania there have never been any democratic elections since the collapse of the ussr, the last democratic elections were held by the supreme council of the ussr in lithuania, these are the last elections, everything else was profanity, literally, well, here you are they just started talking, they pushed that even if the largest nuclear power...
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as they are called, between traditional america, i closely monitor, for example, the policy towards migrants, for example, if you take the state of texas and new york, this is the sky and earth.
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as they are now talking to lukashenko, everyone says why they love him, no, they respect him and know where they love him, this is the middle east, friends, where ours are, and europe is already saying why, they respect him, they only respect strength and sovereignty, because he will knock on the table, he will say, let's get out of here , we will do as we see fit , these are the people they talk to, and if the president of lithuania is lying like a rag near the office, what should we talk to him about, what, we are talking to you the whole program that it’s a hard year, that... a lot is needed to ensure that such a serious war does not happen, we understand that anything can become a trigger. what does the coming year require of us? i think that this year requires some kind of specific phrase that we must tell ourselves, everyone must define it for themselves. for young people, i would say the following: we had
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such a wonderful film, time chose us.
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yes, well, of course, the most basic thing is the economic basis, everything else is a superstructure, there will be good prices for utilities, people will have jobs, there will be stability , there will be peace, no one will rock us, every year there is a prize, this one, when it is awarded for spiritual revival, it takes pride in the country that we do not have material values, the most important thing is who earned how much money there, but... indeed, when people work so that the spirituality of the country grows, the president personally rewards them, these are the words of the president yesterday, they are the answer to this question: why is there peace in the country, why crises can be survived,
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everyone can work at their own workplace, do their job, that's when we have me i remember this heart of a dog movie based on the bulgaks, when they sing songs in the house, but the water supply doesn’t work, they stand there singing hymns all day long, so do your work, defend your country, don’t listen... understand the fairy tales there, what only we can do your country stronger, work, toil , and most importantly, love your homeland, and to love your homeland is to love your family, children, wife, grandparents, do at least something for them, you will do the same for the country, then it really is a country will strengthen. well, thank you very much for participating in the program, well in this case, we will put the point in this issue this way: there is a lot of talk about war , times are like this, but peace is not a dream, as our experts said today, every day...
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listen to this , give them such a chance, and for this we have everything, everything depends on us, it wouldn’t hurt to do it once, and then think about how this applies to bring us to our knees, we don’t owe each of us, that’s all for today, thank you for being with us, happy.
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ensuring national security is the task of every citizen of belarus. strategic documents were reviewed today at a meeting with the president, the country is improving the concept of national security and military doctrine, they will be approved at the all-belarusian people's assembly, the documents must correspond to the modern realities of the development of the situation in the world and the country. tension on the border, sanctions pressure, provocations and conflicts and the deterioration of the situation inside belarus are growing. with the emergence of new threats, society must be more consolidated. the task of all involved is to propose adequate response measures to protect the country in preparation for a new concepts according to the commander in chief.
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the estimates and forecasts contained there are already coming true. look what's happening in the middle east. this is a terrible humanitarian disaster. note. that threats to use nuclear weapons were made almost immediately after the escalation of the conflict, and as usually happens, no sanctions followed from the civilized west. a routine statement, as if nothing had happened. unfortunately, we have returned to a time when military force became the main argument in building interstate relations.
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the national security concept and military doctrine are the most important strategic planning documents. their approval will be one of the first decisions for the vns, in its new legal status. the next stage of the election campaign has started in belarus; registration of a candidate for deputy has begun today. it will last until january 30th. during this period, members of territorial district election commissions will check the received documents for compliance with the requirements of the electoral code and make a decision on registration of candidates for deputies. they will be issued a certificate within two days after registration. next, an active campaign will begin. in total, on february 25, on a single voting day, belarusians will elect 110 deputies to the house of representatives and more than 12,500 to local councils. international observers will join in monitoring the election campaign. the mission from the cis will be headed by the secretary general of the commonwealth sergei lebedev. free economic zones of belarus confirm the status of centers of attraction of capital and investments. at the end of last year
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, 26 new enterprises became residents, eight of them from ss-minsk, one of the leading industrial clusters in belarus. this free economic zone alone attracted about $250 million, which is 20% more than last year. the minsk ss sites are also located in molodechno -borisov zhodino. at the same time, the priority point of economic growth will be the development of the territory of the city of fannepol, where the infrastructure is currently being improved. we are planning this year in the center. the site itself to build a distribution substation that will supply our residents with electricity, it is planned to build another road this year, and we are already carrying out pre-design preparations for drainage, water supply, large investors, the same amkador, and furniture production will be organized in this territory. tax preferences are provided for residents of free economic zones. fss
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minsk is active and the beginning of the year. two companies joined the resident team. bsu scientists create a unique device medical purposes. the new product is being developed by a team from the faculty of radiophysics and computer technologies. the device will evaluate the condition of small arterial vessels. this way, cardiovascular diseases can be identified in the early stages and treatment can be prescribed in time. the system consists of three components: a software package, a microcircuit, and data processing technology. now everything is in digital format and on mock-ups, but the process of creating a physical model is in full swing. in the future, they plan to introduce the technology in the scientific and practical center of cardiology. the project will reduce the time for medical examinations, in particular non-invasive studies. periodical illustrative book publications from the great patriotic war are presented in the national library of belarus. the exhibition is dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the country's liberation from the nazi invaders. the exhibition presented for the first time refers to the cycle of the dawn of liberation. over
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belarus, this is a joint project with the national archive, the purpose of which is to show the chronicle of liberation and the importance of this event for the belarusian population, the formation of historical consciousness and the education of patriotism among contemporaries. on january 23, the opening of the second part of the project in the series dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the great victory will take place. additional motivation and financial support. the central council of the presidential sports club approved the list of scholarship recipients. these are 349 promising athletes, as well as coaches. traitors. 40 athletes from among the scholarship recipients became prize-winners of the world and european championships in their age categories. such results there could have been more, but so far representatives of only eight sports have competed on the international stage, including wrestling, samba, boxing, tennis and others, so in addition to the result, when determining the scholarship recipients , the opinion of the federation and other departmental organizations was also taken into account. the average annual scholarship is 8,600 belarusian rubles. a special category of scholarship holders are young people. trainers who have recently
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graduated from an educational institution and have been working in their specialty for no more than 5 years, this is 105 people, among whom there are also those who previously received scholarships as athletes. we follow the sporting life of our country. shakhtar reached the top division of the russian basketball championship 3:3; in the second stage, which took place in arkhangelsk, in tandem the belarusian contenders won all of them. we were allowed to participate in the licensed world championship, and we hoped and believed that we would still be able to perform at the olympic games, this cannot but rejoice, we are reviewing the most interesting event of the day. the belarusian cycling federation summed up the results of the year, which, despite the ban, turned out to be intensely fruitful. sports of a new reality. the second stage of the republican tournament on digital banking of the game of the future has ended in minsk. we listen to the opinions of competent specialists.
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there must be a stronger player in some position. now we have signed a big one, because we feel that we are a little lacking under the ring. at least it's a tough game, i would say carnage. showed that we have a team, and it was not in vain that we worked for a whole year, so to speak, all this in sports projects at tv channel belarus 24, we are the only ones in the world, you and i, who stood up to our full height, to say, no, it is the role of the teacher that comes to the fore, it is the teacher who must study, practice the material and convey the main thing to the children. people who, risking everything, can stand up to their full height against the huge conglomerate of the west, these are people whom only those who have never
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experienced anything serious and terrible in their lives can disrespect. fascist foundations, they are very deeply incorporated into the very spirit of western civilization, the system that is collapsing, it put us in the gears of a heist, but in the end i'm convinced we'll win. tell me the project, don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus24 tv channel.


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