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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 17, 2024 4:50am-5:46am MSK

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let us with you, we forget ourselves first, hail our land, our bright name, hail the people of the orthodox union.
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our beloved mother, yes, our forever belarus, our beloved motherland, live forever in belarus, friendship of the people. the strength of our people is poor, owl's way, proudly bright, probable, joyful, the words of our bright land. we salute the peoples
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of the krasnoyarsk union, our beloved matsi, ours and belarus, our beloved matsi, millet, all ours.
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when the world is on the brink, belarus must have an up-to-date action plan for any eventuality, issues of ensuring national security were discussed at the security council with the participation of the president. a new stage of the election campaign has started in the country today, the registration of candidates for deputies. we will tell you who is applying for the opportunity to participate in the elections. and the winner of the special prize of president ivan žig on eternal slovenian values ​​today in a topical interview. my colleagues will complete the picture of the day. new concept of national security of belarus and military doctrine. strategic documents were discussed today at the security council, and innovations will be discussed in more detail in a couple of days minutes in panorama. a year of quality for the army. and most importantly, how will they increase and strengthen the military in the twenty-fourth. we'll talk about this in the disposition project. belarusians are preparing for the religious calendar holiday of baptism. three sites for immersion in the kupel will be equipped in minsk. how to prepare. why does ukraine silently watch
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as europe steals its children, while calling russia and belarus guilty? about this in today's program. cozy and comfortable heart of partisan belarus. ushache, an urban village with a unique atmosphere and convenient infrastructure. this is the best place to live. we offer you to verify this in the panorama broadcast. a big conversation at the independence palace was devoted to issues of ensuring national security today. alexander lukashenko went crazy. the country has updated strategic documents, the concept of national security and military doctrine. time demands this, given the difficult geopolitical situation. and also this is systematic work in the wake of the referendum and...
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how, by whom, in what areas the country’s sovereignty is ensured and the reaction to its encroachments, all this is a response to new threats and challenges, increasing militarization, growth of armament, constant training near our borders. you know the situation around belarus as well as i do; the key directions
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for transforming modern risks and challenges in the sphere of national security are set out in some detail in the concept and military doctrine.
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work ahead in the new military doctrine, be direct and open about our priorities, multi-vector, peaceful policy , but as our president always emphasizes , this is not the same as sacrifice, and we do not threaten anyone, but in the event of any aggression, the response will be immediate and adequate, we clearly emphasize that the republic of belarus
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does not consider any people as its enemy, despite the actions of their government, this is the key message, so to speak, we clearly formulated what should be done... government agencies, which functions to perform in response to possible threats to the military security of our country, we clearly we have identified and communicated the views of the republic of belarus on the use of tactical nuclear weapons stationed on our territory, as part of the reaction we have divided the threats into both internal and external, if we understand the external as an external enemy, the internal is...
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the allied obligations of the military doctrine have been defined, a new chapter has appeared, where belarus, in its preparation, took into account the experience of kazakhstan, where at the very beginning of the twenty-second year a coup attempt was made, we moved away from the old gradation. military conflicts, if earlier divided into regional, local and so on, now these are interstate and inter-coalition, that is, depending on the number of their participants , the appropriate reaction of the state will depend. in modern conditions, individual states and small medium-sized states cannot survive alone. why? because those blocs that have already been formed are primarily military-political blocs. nato bloc, it, naturally, with its economic, military, political machine
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, can destroy an individual state, and this it is necessary to admit openly, and of course , to preserve the independence of the state , to ensure its socio-economic development, it is only possible by being in some kind of unity, in some kind of integration with other states, the experience of the adkb, the experience of national security, to be able to quickly
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identify threats and suppress them and not allow , and this is precisely reflected in the concept of escalation of the situation to please or in the interests of our opponents. one of the most serious issues that has emerged over the past, so to speak, months of discussion is the appeal attention to the nuclear component and support. nuclear safety and the understanding that there are countries in the world that do not consider the possibility of using nuclear weapons, before there was less of this, today they talk about it openly, so the inclusion of this item in the concept of national security and our response to data in this area is important component. for a number of countries, including post-soviet countries, the concept of national security is closed, but for nato, aggression shows right on paper without any diplomatic.
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ensuring national security is our common task for every citizen
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of belarus. the concept of national security is truly a people's document. scientific and expert communities participated in its development. yes, we first looked at similar documents in other countries, including unfriendly ones. nothing was copied; first of all, our realities, national interests and analysis of the global international situation and the conduct of conflicts over the past decade were taken into account. draft document went to the people. 70 discussion platforms took place in all of them. unfortunately, our neighbors, in particular poland, asked them to be located on the territory of poland...
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and people proposed this, it did not come from us, many innovations in the concept of national security arose not only taking into account global trends, but our internal changes, the new constitution , further legislative.
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pursue popular policy, rely on the opinion of the people, which is extremely important, the most important issue related to the survival of the state, its security, its security on a huge range of other problems, so that everything is brought to the attention of the people, so that the authorities consult with the people, so this case is truly unprecedented. on national security, both documents complement each other; they are literally not only about peace and tranquility, as a task exclusively for the commander-in-chief of the entire power bloc of the country, but also about the social and economic spheres, the topic concerns everyone, which is why the whole country discussed it. by the way, another innovation of the concept is the mandatory consideration of public opinion. in similar foreign there is nothing close to that in the documents, that is, at the national security level we
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prioritize the opinions of people’s moods. we have strengthened the concept with such a position as the world. protection and preservation of the institution of the traditional belarusian family, as a union between a woman and a man by birth, this excludes various gender approaches, what is advertised today in the west, such as some kind of surgical interventions to change gender, and so on. during communication with trade union organizations , a proposal was made to strengthen social responsibility of business, this is also reflected in the draft document, the concept of national security. and also so that there is no gap between small settlements and large cities, so preventing this urbanization, this was also one of the provisions, today the head of state instructed to finalize the draft military doctrine, the position of the national security concept will continue to be heard in society, experts will inform about political situation and novelties, both documents will subsequently be submitted to all-belarusian people's assembly, according
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to the new constitution, this body of the people's power must approve key provisions in the field of security, such a shock... of a sovereign country as the twentieth year for ordinary people may seem like a thing of the past, but certainly not everything is so for those who really immersed in the situation. there are still plenty of people who want to repeat something similar, there are two campaigns ahead: we have to elect deputies at all levels, and then presidential elections. the head of state has said more than once that will be very difficult and in the context of the ongoing world processes, belarus cannot isolate itself, because the coordinated work of everyone, both the leadership of the country and society, is so important, the primary task is our peace and this is also for...
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called on the shuid resistance front in various arab countries to strike against the enemy, no matter where he is. the attacks on irbil were carried out in response to the january 3 terrorist attack in the city of kirman in southeastern iran, when 89 people were killed in explosions during a funeral procession on the anniversary of the death of the general sulaymaniyah. according to experts, the incident should also be considered a reaction to the actions of the united states and israel in the gas sector and the massive missile attack on the houthis by america and great britain. tensions remain in the red sea region. the yemeni houthis said they would attack all american ships in coastal waters, both military and commercial ships, and published a threatening video.
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the belarusian military doctrine does not contain. grew, but is aimed at maintaining its own security, its mechanisms are our military strengthened at training grounds, in the sky and even under ice, and the army will increase its efficiency due to those growth points that contribute to efficiency while guaranteeing the preservation of the lives of personnel . about innovation on the battlefield with an emphasis on high standards in the disposition project. disposition is on the air, this is gagarin. go. quality. in the army, this concept of defiance of the president’s requirements regarding the annual installation is perceived as an order. there is no other way. we are not talking about indicators here it is necessary to achieve, but also to competently report: you will have to roll up your sleeves not to achieve first-class brilliance in the barracks, an exemplary
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step in increasing the number of certified specialists. quality is, first of all, about the ability to fight at the highest level, which is certainly not easy: threats have been consolidated lately, and once they are consolidated, then only the system can resist them, well, an established system is what quality is, and the system, of course, is not static , capable of changing depending on conditions, here here is a delicate point, conflicts change the forms of effective actions almost monthly, according to the principle, a new method is an instant countermeasure, which is why javilins, baraktars, panzerhaupitz 2000 have left the agenda, they have simply learned to resist, hence the conclusion: there should always be a variety of techniques in the arsenal , not only in...
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check the quality characteristics of the aquatic environment. divers train from an underwater position, prepare explosive charges to form mines, and then reach the surface. this is a way of working special purpose diving units, when the diving unit goes under water, under ice and can make an exit in a place unexpected for the enemy and then continue.
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the tradition of celebrating victory day came to the defense of belarus when information bombs were flying into our country from all over the world, it is called zhanna dark of the serbian people. representative of the zhigan acting dynasty, theater and film actress, screenwriter and director of documentaries, public figure ivana zhigan tonight in the news interview. feat and citizenship are synonymous with her life. a beauty who is tired of the embrasure of art to resist nato and the eu. the owner of six. statuettes of the international slavic arts forum , golden knight, winner of a special presidential prize for cultural and artistic figures , will tell you today what eternal values ​​the slavs should defend, why he no longer
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believes in democracy and considers belarus a country of truth? to accept from the hands of alexander grigorievich, who generally stands above all others in the defense of slavic values. biden's nightmare, former us president donald trump won a landslide victory following
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a meeting of activists, republic. russia would never have attacked ukraine, would never have done that. putin and i get along great, we get along very well and that’s good, not bad. if fake news became real and honest news, 90% of our problems in this country would be solved. donald trump, if he wins the upcoming elections, again promised to stop the bloodshed in
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ukraine as soon as possible. against this background, the chances of one of... according to our poll, just 28% believe president biden will remain sufficiently clear-headed for a second term. 28% of americans gave credit to their president's brain function, 69 did not. however, according to bloomberg usa. is about to demand that zelensky move to vysa to defend himself, and the kiev leader must remind washington that ukraine is capable of defending itself only if the west guarantees it the necessary means for this. when billions of dollars are traded, human lives become bargaining chips in cents. a scandal that the western media, human rights activists and politicians prefer to remain silent about is the illegal seizure of children and families of ukrainian refugees. cases have been recorded
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throughout europe. put on stream are accompanied by false accusations against ukrainian mothers, saying that they are either drug addicts or allegedly psychopaths, it is even known about the theft of babies from european maternity hospitals, why european officials started a hunt for ukrainian children, maria petrashko looked into it. hello everyone, i'm maria petrashko, tv news agency. there are countries where there are more marketing than real social policy, you don’t have to go far, most countries of the european union. beautiful picture , but what in reality, rather large taxes on everything possible, expensive electricity, heating and food, and the economic crisis has not yet reached its climax, merkel invited cheap slaves into the supposedly paradise jungle, but they refused to work due to historical justice became a real problem for the old world. the gene pool is changing dramatically, which is an irritant for the political elite. while the problem has not
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reached saint moritz courchevel, radical methods, of course. not to be seen, here are the europeans themselves , a dying nation, what to do, where to get this cheapest labor and gene pool, and here the washington plan to destroy ukraine arrived, refugees became the long-awaited cheap labor force for the european union, and ukrainian children were easy prey, allegedly they said that she used drugs there, they took the child straight from the maternity hospital, that is, they take children of different ages at different rates. circumstances, this is done very massively, this is being done illegally , again i say, because especially if you came just to hide from the war, they can’t do this with mothers, again, you know, this all looks like it’s unreal, some kind of incomprehensible surreal, this it looks like something that cannot be, if they had told me about it before, i would have said it,
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i won’t use that word, right? that is , i would say that this is some kind of nonsense, that this cannot be, that this simply should not happen, yes, this should not happen, and yes, thank god, if this did not happen to you , but unfortunately, in ukraine, indeed, if a child is taken away, they take him away for some reason, in a country when you are in europe, and so on, the child is taken away just like that, without a reason, what is happening, why is it possible to do this, well, what is this simple? absurd lawlessness, this is the story of a ukrainian woman who has not seen her child for many months, everything has been done so that the children forget about their parents, in the event of the removal of children, ukrainian refugees are not just isolated, literally put on stream. in europe, in ukraine, children are being taken away en masse, there are already more than 400 cases throughout europe, in poland , germany, italy, france and britain, and these are only those cases that have become known, and no one actually knows how many there are.
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european. psychiatric examinations. do you think any of the ukrainian women had their children returned? to the question, why did european officials organize such a hunt? what is the main reason for such cases? why do europeans need ukrainian children? in informal communication, representatives of different authorities say that the reason is the desire of europeans to refresh the gene pool, which has serious problems, and in general europeans do not want to give birth to children, so ukrainian children in europe are very appropriate. it's good if it's just a matter of gene background. the facts of the sale of ukrainian children to pedophiles have become known; the price of one child can reach up to 150 thousand dollars; in ukraine there is a whole secret network of these accomplices who keep children in slavery. because of the infantile position
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of adults, children always suffer, yes, it is the infantile one who believes in the fairy tale that you are in the west you are needed just like that and that the western countries , which are turning an entire state into ruins, will save you from corrupt officials of sloppiness. and not to siphon off resources, only the consequences of this fabulous gullibility are not at all childish. even more mature discussions and real news in our telegram channels. the west is trying to measure belarus with the same yardstick, but evenly. our country continues to provide comprehensive support to families evacuated from the gas sector in november. today, assistant to the president, inspector of the pogrodno region, yuri karaev met with representatives of two large families who came to their small homeland in volkovysk. people expressed gratitude to the country's leadership for the opportunity to escape from the zone of military conflict and for solving all everyday issues in their new place of residence. during the meeting , they discussed possible employment options for parents, as well as the continuation of their children’s education at school at the university. when people have escaped
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from danger, when the danger of life itself has already passed, they already want to live, so , of course, they themselves have requests to earn money so as not to sit on anyone’s neck, and most of all... it’s very pleasant. during the meeting, large families were presented with gifts from the presidential sports club, children received soft toys and football swords. mass protests by agricultural producers continue in europe. romanian farmers
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brought 4,500 tractors to the streets. several national highways, city roads and checkpoints on the borders with ukraine, moldova and serbia are closed. farmers are outraged by low grain prices and delays in subsidy payments. another factor - the import of ukrainian grain into the country. because of it, the time of checks at borders increases, not to mention unfair competition, which local products cannot cope with. in berlin, about 10 thousand striking farmers came to the brandenburg gate and brought in 6.00 tractors. protesters no longer believe the government's promises. the minister of finance, who tried to explain the difficult situation in the country by the ukrainian conflicts, was simply booed. and so berlin residents meet protesting farmers, whom the authorities call
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provocateurs agents of moscow, the compromise proposed by the german elite by the striking agrarian in the form of gradual cuts in subsidies is similar to the idea of ​​cutting off healthy parts of the body one by one, such a government is obliged to resign... activists say. it is becoming clear that the germans are less and less interested in the initiatives of the traffic light government; their patience is coming to an end. the question of the resignation of scholz and his team is increasingly being raised, and the ratings of the ruling coalition are trending downward, reaching a historic low. it's all about their anti-state politics, where the interests of the germans are relegated to the background, the priority is ukraine, sanctions, intimidation of threats from the east, in general , geopolitical narratives from the white house. this is due to the political elites literally raised by washington, its foundations and ngos. this opinion was expressed by german journalist dirk pohlmann on the trends program. one way or another, big developments in the economy will occur in the east in the pacific
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region. this is clear to everyone. and the us unipolar world is coming to an end. one way or another, this will be the beginning of the end. so we stick to it, all the elites stick to it, and that's one of our, i think, biggest problems. there is no one on the horizon who would say, okay, i understand what it is, we do it differently, such people will become victims of cancel culture in germany. how ukrainian fighters for independence remained hostage to their own officials. two were detained, the third is indignant at why the presidential palace
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in poland has become a haven for criminals , where farmers tired of their chancellor will lead germany. andrey sych together with analysts and experts, will understand the trends of the modern world. watch the trends project, tomorrow after the panorama. the procedure for registering candidates for deputies of the house of representatives of the national assembly has started in belarus today.
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gomel region, an equal number in the grodno and minsk regions. more than half used one of the three nomination methods. thus, the lion's share comes from nominations from political parties, almost. these are representatives of the communist party and
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7% nominees from the republican party of labor justice. the cec also calculated that a third of the contenders for the title of candidate for the house of representatives are women. deputies of the current convocation are also running for a new term, they account for almost 7.5% of applicants, 3% more applicants from the ranks of local councils, it is also known that 4% of applicants are young people. under the age of 31. the same number of youth representatives are applying for the title of candidate for deputies of local councils. total for the country at all levels. below the house of representatives nominated their candidates 18.96 applicants. from january 16 to january 30, members of territorial and district election commissions will check received documents for nomination as deputy candidates for compliance with the requirements of the electoral code. and will decide on the registration of candidates. at this stage, the central commission can
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only become involved in the event of an appeal against decisions of lower commissions. already this friday, christians will celebrate one of the important holidays of the religious calendar, baptism. before a celebration, for some it is customary to prepare a festive table, for others it is an occasion go to a service in... and the third , they don’t miss the moment to plunge into an ice hole with cold water, only in minsk several swimming pools will be equipped, the ministry of emergency situations, emergency services and doctors will be on duty at each post, heated changing rooms and points will be installed next to the swimming areas nutrition, how to make winter swimming safe for health and who should refuse the ritual, report by elizaveta sinyak. she's gone, guys, she's gone, quickly, quickly, everyone here. everyone here, there,
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yura, yura, there, there, everyone probably remembers these chilling shots, russia, leningrad region, 2 years ago , a sacred holiday turned into a tragedy for several families at once, a woman jumped under the water and disappeared, the reason was an unequipped font, a strong current, a consequence, children were left without a mother, due to human stupidity or carelessness, or maybe all at once , this is not the first time, namely... it is important to choose the right place and prepare for ice rituals. great temperature. great water and great location, what else can you say? pavel radkevich determined safe hardening recipes for himself 10 years ago, he started from the usual contrast shower in the warm season, with the right approach, this has grown into a way of life, now a man plunges into the font almost every week, with health benefits. three times a week i go to the gym, and here too, if i came to
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logoisk once every 10 days, that is, i dunk consistently, it’s just a habit and a way of life, because you need to dabble throughout the year, and not just on calendar holidays . oh, what a thrill! great! and veronika moiseeva and her son, lovers of contrasts and professional walruses, are fond of running and winter swimming, have been practicing ice baths for more than 5 years. it is imperative to insulate your head. the second life hack is that you should not eat on an empty stomach before diving, and the third is to do a warm-up. i am a candidate master of sports in rowing. for me. but this is primarily health improvement. dozens of ice drive enthusiasts gather on the shore of the tsnyansky reservoir. the minsk walrus club has about 200 participants. neither experience nor age matter, the main thing is desire and proper preparation. i started studying in the summer of twenty-three, in general, you fly, youth in the soul is
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renewed, both internal and external. my experience, hardening. 3 years. i like the thrill when you come out of the water. i’m also not sick, if your body is healthy, then you can take a dip, it’s better to take a cold shower for a week or two , there’s a positive attitude in your head, every year the number of people who want to take a dip for baptism is growing, so throughout belarus this year there will be specially equipped fonts with a flat bottom without vegetation, experts are checking space for the absence of underground sources, whirlpools and currents more than half a meter in second, three sites will be organized in minsk alone. blackbirds. momolskaya and tsinyanskaya from 18:00 on january 18 to 0:00 on january 19, heated warm changing rooms are installed, the descent site is organized, and there will also be outbound sales. the first thing you should always remember is safety, and this applies not only to
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properly equipped places. doctors do not advise those who have chronic diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems to take risks; they also do not recommend diving. residents of saudi arabia. different corners of the planet continue to face natural anomalies. for the second time in 2 months , severe floods covered the deserts of hael and al qassim. the ships of the desert turned out to be the most defenseless against the elements. the unfortunate camels were literally carried away by streams of water. local media note that since the spring of last year, the climate in saudi arabia has been rapidly changing, and they cannot
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get used to such a dramatic onset of high water. and now is the time for our project , a place to live. today we propose to go to the north of belarus in the city ushachi village. during the great patriotic war , powerful partisan resistance operated on the territory of ushachi and neighboring areas. today ushachi is a cozy and comfortable village with a modern sports complex for a children's art school. young professionals stay here to build houses. an example of this is a graduate of vitebsk state university named after mashirov, alexandra stukalova. having received a law degree, she came to ushache on assignment. i fell in love with this corner of the belarusian land and i just have to live. a word to our heroine.
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i've never been here before and nothing knew about this settlement, after all. ushachi is the heart of partisan belarus. in 1942, the partisans liberated part of the territory of the region and held it until...
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in memory of the feat , a memorial complex, which is called the breakthrough, was erected near ushachi. the historical memory is carefully preserved in the museum of military glory named after hero of the soviet union vladimir labank. history and courage lessons are taught here for our schoolchildren. by the way, the name of one of the participants in the partisan resistance. artist's military life dimjan krupeni is worn by the ushachi children's art school. 3 years ago she moved to a new
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building. and now young usha residents are developing their creative abilities in bright, cozy classrooms. and this is more than 350 guys. there are choreographic, choral, pop, fine arts and music departments here. in ushachi there is a unique physical culture and health complex, a swimming pool with four lanes and water simulators, with the possibility of children's swimming training for people with disabilities, a universal gym with an area of ​​800 m2 with stands for fans, a wrestling hall, a gym, a shaping and gymnastics hall, a climbing wall. not only guests come here every year. from different cities of belarus, but also from neighboring countries, so now a spacious hotel is being built opposite fok. ushachiye is not only
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a convenient town for living, but also a very beautiful one. they have been known since the 15th century; in 1758 the town received magdeburg law. the main architectural attraction is the ushach monument. the beginning of the 20th century is the church of st. lawrence. it was built in 1913 year in the negothic style. tall arched windows give a musical appearance to the entire structure. it is in such ancient modern buildings, cozy quiet streets and noisy school corridors, in monuments and military graves that the soul of ushach, a cozy, comfortable town created for life, lives.
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belarusian balcony. it is the most important for western countries, they will not leave us alone, so we need to prepare, consolidate within the state, hold our elections, and most importantly, understand that with regard to external vectors, the elections are still our western ones countries are not recognized, in the twenty -fourth year we are electing people who will largely determine the future of the country for decades, these are truly popular elections, belarus is a beacon, it has for me a more mature, wiser tradition, more
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like ... sustrakae belarus of the shepherds of all the peoples of the world, pride in our city, everything that you have always called upon the siabrs has been crushed by the hands of the people for the past. delegates from guinea, kenya and ryvan visited minsk. udzelniki semaga suvetnaga festival youth and students, government officials and graduates of the belarusian capital. delegates from africa took an excursion to kalgas on the 17th of april.
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gostsі, udzelniki mastatskaya samadzeinasti. the kenyan national ensemble bamas performs. dzyarzhava, who lived in lenin’s teachings, in syabrowsk expanded the doors of the institute’s auditory and laboratory. i’m studying here in minsk in architectural and construction engineering, this is my specialty, so we really need these specialties , so we actually got acquainted with the new constitution, we got acquainted with the rights, here are the rights
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at work. the information picture of tuesday will be complemented by sports day, hello, let's start with tennis, victoria zarenka started
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at the australian open with a hard victory in the first round of the grand slam tournament, the second racket. belarus was opposed by camilla giorgi from italy. elena grelchik will tell you the details of the meeting, as well as other notable events on the courts in melbourne. second round of the astralian open and two personal bests. victoria azarenka faced 53 racketcamira camille giorgi at the start of the grand slam tournament. before the match in melbourne, the score in the personal confrontation between the two tennis players was equal to 2:2. therefore, it could be assumed that this meeting.


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