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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 17, 2024 9:30am-9:51am MSK

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this is an area of ​​interest, we continue, now about exchange rates, the russian ruble has risen in price, the dollar and yuan have fallen in price. so, the american dollar costs 3 rubles 15 kopecks. the euro is now 3.43 at the national bank rate, for 10 yum they are asking 4.35 and 100 russian. in belarus, changes have been made to the management and operation of the housing stock; they are reflected in the relevant presidential law. the innovation concerns major repairs, or rather the transfer of funds for these purposes. it was decided to change the mechanism. now money will be accumulated on special accounts. it is also envisaged to increase the responsibility of the chairmen of the boards of partnerships and owners; there are many complaints about their work, the ministry of housing and communal services notes. people complain about activities. managers in
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general and for misuse of residents' funds. the new law is designed to solve these problems, as olga onishchenko addressed all questions to the relevant ministry. andrey valerievich, perhaps the main innovation in the legislation is a different mechanism for transferring money to copper repairs are now exclusively special accounts of executive committees. why was this decision made? what is his background in refusing to accumulate funds in the accounts of owners' associations, as was the case before? until the new year, the owners' association had the right to transfer these funds either to the accounts of local executive bodies or to their own accounts, and then use them for the purpose of major repairs. and as practice shows, the funds that citizens contribute are actually not enough to carry out full... capital repairs and
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the state system for organizing capital repairs suggests that this is a more effective method of carrying out repairs of the housing stock today, since today about 60% of the state participates in financing the capital repairs of the housing stock. in addition, a number of violations were identified when the chairmen of the board of the owners' association either used these funds for other purposes than for their intended purpose, or... or, well, these funds somehow disappeared, and there were simply some cases when recently citizens who were owners of residential premises in housing construction cooperatives of the seventies, which were built in soviet times, applied to local executive and administrative bodies, and in fact they made deductions there, made deductions, well, today, when necessary carry out repairs, come to the authorities, but it turns out there are no funds, no payments... as if not,
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it is very difficult to restore, and well, all citizens of the republic of belarus, and of course, local executive and distribution bodies made decisions to carry out major repairs, including with the participation of budgetary funds in these residential buildings, so a decision was made on a unified mechanism for disbursing funds for major repairs for owner associations. is this the right or obligation to transfer funds to special accounts from the floor? today this is already an exclusive obligation, that is, all deductions made by citizens of the republic of belarus for major repairs in multi-apartment residential buildings must be accrued to local accounts executive and administrative bodies. when we talk about the state system, the funds contributed by citizens today are used to carry out major repairs of other houses that are in the program this particular year. in the expectation that
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in the future, yes, also all consumers of housing and communal services will pay for major repairs, major repairs will be carried out in those houses in which it is necessary... at this particular moment, the law has also strengthened the responsibility of managers, partnerships, owners, why did they take such a step? is it just a matter of residents’ complaints? what areas of work will managers now look at more closely? today, local executive and administrative bodies have the right, in the event of repeated violations by the chairman of the owners’ association of the current legislation or requirements for the operation and maintenance of the building, to revoke the certificate. the legislation clearly states that the violation is repeated; repeated means two or more times, that is, if the chairman of the board of the owners' association violates the requirements of the law more than twice a year regarding
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the maintenance and operation of the common property of a joint household, preparing the housing stock for the heating season, and so on and so forth, or also repeatedly fails to comply more than twice. legal requirements of local executive administrative bodies regarding the elimination of these comments, then the local executive administrative body today can make a decision and cancel this certificate. this is all the information for today, good luck with your transactions and productivity in your business. we are on air every tuesday, wednesday and thursday for the most prominent news in the economy. see you.
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just like you were holding the book in your hands, you were picking up one piece after another, sniffing at the words on your skin. from all of us, the most important creative works, the most valuable and useful ones, are these books. the books contain the thoughts of the past. the galas of people are clear and expressive. everything that chalavetstva made, he hogged on old books, blah blah blah. enchantment. read the chalavek experience stagodzi. reading closer to the heat. we appreciate the past for our today.
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belarus 24. hello viewer, my name is igor, this is my propaganda. let's begin. last week for journalists from the presidential pool and beyond was decorated with our traditional reception on behalf of the president for the old new year. may my beloved wife not be offended by me, nor may the wives and husbands of my colleagues be offended either. to be honest, this day truly marks the beginning of a new working year for us. i'll speak for myself: new year's eve for me there is time for a quiet family holiday. christmas is the day when we, either in church together with alexander grigorievich, or in the office, prepare materials about alexander grigorievich for broadcast in the same church. but the reception is an official reason for us to relax and why are we
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people partying too. here i immediately wrote that this is the only day of the year when we absolutely do not work, but then i deleted it, because even at holiday tables we are still a priority. are ready to listen to what the president has to say to us, and most the main thing is to hear. the head of state on friday reminded us, all of us, of course, of the main thing. this year will be very difficult, with all its events, it should be very noisy, but we must do everything to make it quiet and calm. today it is already the border of the atlantic indian ocean, the houthis and others are carrying out demonstrative bombings just for the sake of it.
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the best audience, you are looking for it yourself in the part that interests me, in my opinion, not the most social networks, there is something there. another beautiful event of the past week was, of course, the presentation of awards for spiritual rebirth. arts and awards belarusian sports olympus. this is gratitude from the president to those who devote themselves to service, to society, not only to those who received an award from the president on the stage of the palace of the republic, but to everyone in general. there really are a lot of such people in belarus. we are shaping the future of belarus by preserving our cultural heritage, reviving ancient traditions of folk art in festivals and holidays. giving new life with a masterpiece of high art, welcoming the first
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babies born into the world, raising the younger generation on primordial spiritual values. their work is especially important now, when there is war right next to us, and in general it feels like the world is sliding somewhere into chaos, where everyone is yelling at each other, swearing, spitting projectiles at each other, to enjoy a calm and measured life in such an atmosphere . objectively it’s a little more complicated and we want to be distracted by something without alternative, kind, pure and bright, by those who do something for us with all their hearts, with high quality, professionally creative, believe me, the price this is very high, as can be said, for example, by the relatives and friends of the honored people awarded on tuesday, my mother, from the creative field, worked all her life in culture, in my humble opinion she gave and gives all of herself to people, i’m not complaining now, i’m proud now, as an adult, i understand everything, my entire childhood. and mom hurried to people, to small children who needed to organize a christmas tree and santa claus, to old people
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who asked either for concerts or for their participation in them, then she simply hurried to people, for of whom any holiday is a time that you want to spend fun and interesting, and someone should give it to them, such a person , first in the village of pervomaisky, then in lida, was my mother, she remains such a person to this day, this is a wild schedule , because everyone wants to self-realize spiritually and creatively, mostly on weekends, and since someone... has to organize all this, then weekends and holidays become the most stressful weekdays for them. it’s not that i grew up with attention deficit disorder from my mother, on the contrary, having become a father i realized that it’s generally i was very surprised where she had so much strength, energy and moral-volitional qualities to rush to work with constant desire and responsibility, to create for people, and to rush home to create for her children and husband. and in general, it’s amazing how such creative professionals manage to do it effectively. to accommodate these difficultly compatible two different lives for people and for families. i remember well that my mother,
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all my 17 years of life in my father’s house, it is unclear when she slept, a catastrophic early rise to cook for the children pack breakfast for school, but the main thing is to have time to give them love, then to work with people always until late, and late in the evening housekeeping chores, such as cleaning and cooking, the end of her working day was always the same: to come kiss the sleeping children, i did not always sleep , when mom left with... i looked at the clock, it was usually somewhere around 2:00 a.m., at 6:00 she already got up, when every year i look at those who are awarded the prize for spiritual rebirth, i frankly speaking , i’m a little more happy for them than for all the other awardees of the year, because i know for sure that these beautiful, bright, smiling people on stage have the other side of the coin and their success, which few people see, almost no one will understand, but these are the people, in my opinion, who live not for themselves, but for others, creating, this is us belarusians.
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there was no war, today they no longer laugh, because if the war is all about any culture, no production, quality, there can be no talk, by the way, to those who do not listen or even listen, but inattentively, lukashenko, here you are doing this in vain, there is infinity a lot of evidence, another of which happened just last week, that’s how many times alexander grigorievich said that washington. a couple with london will try to create pockets of armed confrontation throughout the planet, sow chaos of death, from
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which they make politics and business, he said this very often. on friday night , another anglo-saxon intervention suddenly began, the united states and great britain struck yemen without any un sanctions. for those who don’t know, this is a state in the south of the arabian peninsula, below saudi arabia arabia, with which washington, by the way, has recently had extremely tense relations, but were once very... different, so it is very likely that this is partly also pressure on arriad, but let’s return to yemen: the capital of this state sana and the city of khadeira on the red sea were subjected to massive bombing and... rocket fire, strikes were carried out from planes, ships and submarines, in fact they hit from everything possible, well, minus ground troops. why did it start? in yemen , power is held by the houthis, who are in washington are called a paramilitary group, that is, once again the united states is finding a formal reason to attack the country under the guise of supposedly fighting terrorism. a standard manual,
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the devastating consequences that many countries in the world have experienced. and the most. interestingly, the hussites, according to the united states, support iran with financial weapons, that is , strikes on yemen are the beginning of a covert american military operation against iran, and this sharply increases the temperature in the region. but war is a business that runs on the american economy, so as they set it on fire, they will light it up again again and again, as alexander lukashenko said, didn’t he, and the united states will not ask anyone for permission to go to war, neither from the un, nor even from its own congress, which on friday morning he said that biden should have at least notified them of the impending aggression, but since this did not happen, then the us government is violating their supposedly sacred constitution and even its very first article. but most of all, of course, vladimir was stunned by the anglo-saxon intervention in yemen aleksandrovich zelensky, who at first was very disappointed with the reduction in arms supplies to ukraine from nato, then
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became upset when all the world’s attention, along with the financing of despair, turned from kiev to the arab-israeli conflict, and it, too, has not yet been finally resolved on the planet, now it’s even worse - that's yemen. yemen himself is, of course, secondary for zelensky, as well as for the united states and great britain. but if washington supports israel in the confrontation no longer with palestine, with a coalition of arab states in the region, but will also become involved into a conflict with iran around yemen, and probably in the foreseeable future, and not necessarily something else somewhere else will be set on fire, then things are very bad for ukraine, because... they are throwing, once again, what will happen exactly like this, he said many times publicly , alexander lukashenko said this personally to zelensky at the very beginning of the svo, but zelensky did not listen, and the piquancy of this situation is that a few hours before the attack on yemen, the coordinator for strategic communications of the white house national security council, john kirby, came to told reporters the following:
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answering the question about the supply of weapons to ukraine, we issued the last package from the available reserves for the support of which we have.
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missed, peace is negotiated when the forces of the warring parties are more or less comparable, now when the anglo-saxons are switching their attention, money and weapons from ukraine to israel and yemen, that’s what i don’t quite understand why russia would sit down at the negotiating table with a dying without support of the allies, the kiev regime. it is clear that the russians do not want the deaths of the fraternal people, i understand perfectly well that the zelensky regime grabs everyone and throws them to the front. these are the people in moscow.
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into the criminal code, but with regards to the president’s policy and its understanding, this is just form, not content. i'll start with an example: the minister of internal affairs proposes amnesty for mothers of many children who have committed serious crimes, including murder. there are only 10 such women in the country, but the fact is that amnesty is traditionally not applied to those who have been imprisoned for serious and especially serious crimes. no one ever grants amnesty to murderers, but in belarus it is proposed to make an exception for mothers of many children, but...


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