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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 17, 2024 12:40pm-1:01pm MSK

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minsk'. the beginning of the fifties, the spacious , green streets of the belarusian capital, its main avenue, solemn, unique, in the beauty of the pompous buildings built here, new buses on the routes, people rushing about their business.
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it was in the first post-war years that the basis for further increasing the economic potential of the bssr was created. why is minsk such a beautiful city and so correct? and why are the sidewalks so wide? few people think about this. grandmother said that two women should go with a stroller, and someone else should be sitting on the bench at this moment. it turns out that they were already thinking about people, my grandmother said that they sat down with panomarenko, with members of the commando and directly drew the street. the republic entered the new decade with new plans, among the priorities was the construction of enterprises and fundamentally new industries. a period was coming in the ussr economy. which will later be called
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a period of grandiose achievements of scientific discoveries. at the twentieth congress of the communist party of belarus , the results of the development of belarus over the past post-war period and directives were adopted for the further development of the republic’s economy, including the creation of new knowledge-intensive industries. there was a very difficult choice, either to restore and try to return people to normal life, or to think about the future, and this was probably the first post-war five-year plan, and further development, further plans that were created, they were aimed at the future.
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on july 4, 1954 in minsk, a grandiose event in the center of the belarusian capital was the grand opening of the victory monument. it was dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. a holy date for every resident.
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the majestic victory monument became a symbol of the great victory; it also became a symbol of the great labor feat of the belarusian people in the first post-war years. the pssr was entering a new, unique period in its history of achievements and outstanding discoveries. achievements in all spheres of the national economy during the period of creation.
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tv channel belarus 24 broadcasts for you around the clock. don't switch! our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country beyond abroad. more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch projects from our tv channel. so what is belarus like? business and developing. hospitable, bright and festival-like,
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generous, picturesque and monumental! sports and team. we tell you not only about significant events, we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for... its development, belarus can be different, to understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello dear tv viewers on the belarus24 tv channel, watch us every day, because we are making
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belarus closer. hello, everything is clear with you about the project with marina karaman, let's talk about complex things in simple language. today we’re talking about how much a square meter of overhaul costs, who collects money for it, and what does a business look like based on membership fees? go! the housing code in belarus will soon change. the draft law with amendments has already been adopted in the first reading by the national house of representatives.
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formation of the housing code will occur in that part of it that regulates the rules for maintaining multi-storey buildings. the greatest resonance in the media space was caused by information that some owners' associations may lose their status, as well as the right of residents to collect money from their own bank accounts for major repairs of houses. according to the new rules, these funds will have to be deposited into the accounts of local executive bodies, as government housing and communal services organizations do. not everyone liked this prospect. people thought that they wanted to take away their right to be charged on additional utilities, that they will be prohibited from deciding for themselves how many times a week they will have their entrance cleaned or will not be allowed to collectively purchase new year’s garlands for the facade. there have even been
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statements online that changes to the housing code will worsen the living conditions of people who do not use the services of standard housing. and now about how it will actually happen, but in order. in belarus. we are inhabited by 180 million square meters of apartments in high-rise buildings and for them there are currently two main housing management option. the first is through state housing and communal services organizations. they are in every region of the country. these are complexes where people responsible for supplying drinking water, heating, repairing entrances and benches, servicing elevators, removing garbage, planting bushes, flowers, and so on work. there are 150 such organizations in the country: considering that we have 118 district, plus the administrations of large cities are enough to manage the life of high-rise buildings, especially since for this purpose, each housing and communal services organization has subordinate contractors, zhesy, zheki, zheu and other performers to whom we come for help in the event of a domestic disaster. which
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house to attach to which housing and communal services organization is decided by the local executive committee. residents of the house simply receive a group of specialists who are responsible for the well-being of their lives. the bill for... the services of this group of specialists, affectionately called by the residents, is paid every month. the second option for apartment owners is to get the whole house together and decide together that they will manage their lives themselves... almost without the help of the state, if at a general house meeting the majority of residents vote for this option, they create an owners’ association, elect a board for it , and a chairman, and decide all the everyday problems of their home themselves. the owners' association is registered in the unified state register of legal entities, and the residents of the house pay two allowances every month. the first is the same as for residents of houses on the housing and communal services balance sheet. the second contains the price of up to ... utilities, which are not included in the standard package, plus contributions for the salary of the chairman and accountant,
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without which such an organization has no right to work, while those who choose self-government are forced to hire participants, plumbers, electricians to carry out the work, and everyday issues take larger sums out of their pockets than those who pay according to the standard, but they can jointly provide for themselves more comfortable living conditions, more often repairing entrances, changing doors and porches. clear the snow at least every day, install barriers, and equip playgrounds. no one is going to take away the right of homeowners manage your everyday life, it’s just that recently there have been too many complaints about this form of management. we have already said above that there are 180 million square meters of apartment housing in the country, 120 million are served by state housing and communal services organizations, 60 million square meters are apartments, the tenants look after their living space themselves, through an association of owners. we have 10,500 of them,
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and 44% of them exist only on paper. they have not performed their functions for a long time, so as not to leave people without public goods, they were forced to take on their responsibilities government agencies, and the legal entities of these partnerships simply appear in the unified state register, because it is much more difficult to liquidate such an entity than to create it. for some of those... that have not stopped working, there is also a flurry of complaints from people, either they are announced to collect money for services that none of the residents asked for, then general money is used for the private interests of one of the board members, or due to debt they do not repairing the roof or water supply, they do not turn on the heating, people need immediate help, there is no time to deal with their private management structures and a government agency, at the collective request of residents, has to transfer the high-rise building to one of the housing and communal services departments and decide. problem. this has been happening for many years, and the new edition of the housing code will simply allow
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frozen legal entities to be liquidated according to a simplified scheme. if the partnership does not operate for 3 months, the executive committee notifies the tax authorities of all interested parties, and then initiates liquidation. the fact is that not all residents of high-rise buildings themselves chose to manage their housing stock through an owners' association. many were not asked at all. partnership created. even at the stage of building houses, developers presented residents with a fait accompli when moving in. in this house, here’s the scheme: here’s the chairman, love, pay. the chairmanship has been turned into a business. one person can occupy this position in five or even ten high-rise buildings at once. being a chairman does not mean sitting somewhere. a person in this position must organize meetings of residents, votes, find contractors to carry out the decisions of these votes, and enter into contracts with them. expenses, it's all a huge burden, and about them people, formulate income estimates and
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, of course, the chairman of the boards in ten houses does not have time to fulfill his duties for any of them, and people, faced with a mess in their own homes, go for help to the executive committees, the ministry of housing and communal services and the presidential administration . therefore , the updated housing code will contain a rule that will limit the number of houses where one person can be the chairman of the owners’ association. there were proposals to set a limit of one house per person, but there are the partnerships are so small that they cannot afford to pay a decent salary every month for the entire chairman; he must raise somewhere else to reach an adequate amount of earnings. everything stated above concerns only the spcs of their analogues, which actually do not work or work with violations, those that regularly perform their functions and provide for people. comfort allows them to expand the horizon of their communal paradise, no one will touch it. on the contrary,
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government contractors are always ready to carry out utility bills at reasonable prices. work in high-rise buildings, the residents of which took control of everyday processes. and for the future, our legislators are building a system that will allow private companies to organize the maintenance and operation of residential buildings and at the same time will not allow this area to be turned into a business. profit. for the organizers unprofitable for ordinary citizens. in the future, we will have three options for managing everyday issues of residential development, through state housing and communal services organizations, through a partnership. owners and through private management companies. changes in the scheme of deductions for capital repairs, they rinsed online especially actively. now the owners' association is collecting funds for this expense item and storing them in their bank accounts. housing and communal services organizations take residents of their high-rise buildings for major repairs for 21 kopecks. per
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square meter of housing per month they are transferred to the general account of the locals. organs. twice a year, in spring and autumn, all apartment buildings in the country are inspected by a commission that decides whether it is time to overhaul the building or not. usually the first major overhaul is needed in a house 40 years after construction. at the same time, they inspect all houses without exception, both those where the housing and communal services are in charge, and those that live under the management of the owners’ association. and situations often arise when a house with a private control system needs repairs, on the accounts where they should be. the money for it turns out to be empty, they didn’t collect enough, didn’t collect it at all, and used it for other needs. the state cannot leave people in a building that is uninhabitable. we also consider charging them the full cost of reconstruction. unacceptable, because funds for major repairs are taken from a common boiler into which residents of houses under the wing of the housing and communal services dumped. the new edition of the housing code will oblige
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the owners' association to transfer money for major repairs to the same accounts where they accumulate their funds. houses managed by housing and communal services organizations. by the way, many of them have been doing this for a long time and voluntarily, so the upcoming changes in the housing code did not arouse any emotions in them. both categories of payers will be charged at the same rate when the during the time of major renovations, for the renovation of houses with a private control system, you won’t have to collect the bottom line, and then fill the gaps in the accounts from the budget. overhaul of one square meter of housing now. the rest is paid by the state, that is, the amount per square meter consists of 40% of the tenant’s contributions and 60% of budget funds; the updated housing code will work to ensure that this imbalance does not become even more pronounced. look at
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new laws more broadly, they are always aimed. to protect some group of society, it’s just that this time you’re not in it, so you don’t feel the need for change, do not take on more than you can bear. the institution of hiring workers was created precisely in order to divide labor; if you take on 10 tasks, you will not succeed in any of them, and not to waste time on meaningless experiences, which the communal paradise of the 21st century has freed us from everyday problems, especially if these experiences are dictated by lack of information. about new laws, i’m marina karaman, and what will change for residents of belarusian high-rise buildings, we figured it out, everything is clear, see you!
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this is news now in olga medved's studio. hello. the state pays close attention to the development of regions. this was stated by the speaker of the upper house of parliament natalya kachanova during a meeting with the chairmen of regional village councils of deputies. in total , about 100 participants arrived from all regions of the country; on the agenda are things that really concern the population, on which the quality of life of local residents depends, such as the availability of jobs, road repairs, and landscaping.


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