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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 17, 2024 1:05pm-2:06pm MSK

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was formed based on the most frequently occurring injuries at work. the transition period is similar to the transition period for first aid kits for equipping vehicles. the doors of belarus are open. this year , visa-free travel for citizens of latvia, lithuania and poland has been extended. guests at eva see discrepancies with what western propaganda shows about our country. so a new video went viral online. in it, a latvian citizen is amazed at the variety of products in a belarusian store. former us president donald trump during speeches to his supporters in the state of new hampshire, he said that the states were ruled by fools. biden called the current head of the white house the most corrupt in the history of the country, as well as the most incompetent president you can meet. trump. also blamed sleepy joz
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for regular beach holidays, i’ve never seen a guy who visits the beach so often, it’s probably hard for him to lift his highchair and walk on the sand because it’s heavy. trump also mocked biden, posting on his social network, a video where the white house is presented as a nursing home, a voice-over talks about the living conditions, as well as what the guests are fed, and also says: logan, that the white house is a place where pensioners feel like presidents. and i have all the news by this hour. my colleagues will have more information at 15:00. with this i say goodbye to you. have a good day.
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hello, the program is on air. sas is authorized to announce, its presenter nadezhda sas, i greet you. let me remind you that this program is for those who want to better understand what is happening and understand how these processes, events, people will affect the life of the country of each of us. technologies of color revolutions create new scenarios for the defeat of sovereign states. we'll talk about this right after the digest of this week's key events. polish police detained former interior minister mariusz kaminski. and
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his deputy maciej wonsik at the presidential palace in warsaw. they attended the ceremony of appointing advisers to president andrzej duda at his invitation. in march 2015 in 2007, the warsaw district court sentenced kaminski and wonsik to three years in prison on charges of abuse of power and illegal operational activities during the land scandal in 2007. president andrzej duda pardoned kaminski and wonsik in 2015. however, in june last year, criminal. the chamber of the supreme court, after cassation appeals, overturned the decision to dismiss the case against the former heads of the anti-corruption bureau. the case was returned to the court. on january 8 , the warsaw district court announced that it had issued arrest warrants kaminsky and vonsik. france appointed a new prime minister, thirty-four-year-old gabriel attal. before this, such a young politician had never been appointed to this post. the opposition has already criticized. macron's decision, calling
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the new prime minister the president's press secretary. the heads of the ministry of internal affairs and the ministry of finance also considered otal to be too inexperienced a leader. the new head of the cabinet of ministers replaced elizabeth bourne in this post. macron accepted her resignation on january 8. she was criticized after carrying out an unpopular pension reform among the population. new the prime minister is openly gay. his marriage partner was the leader of the presidential revival party. all this has already forced us to call the team macro. minions, by analogy with the entourage of the king of france and poland, henry iv, who surrounded himself with handsome young people. indian movie stars, sportsmen and politicians called on their fellow citizens not to visit the maldives for tourism purposes in protest against insults towards prime minister narendra mode by some maldivian officials. they recommended to discover the indian islands. the lakshadvib archipelago, located next to the village. maldives.
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the row between the maldives and india began after three deputy ministers in the island nation's ministry of youth empowerment, information and the arts took action on january 7. published derogatory comments about the indian prime minister. despite the fact that the maldivian authorities immediately dismissed the three officials who wrote the comments. india's ministry of foreign affairs summoned the island nation's ambassador on monday protested to him in connection with these statements. the largest number of foreign tourists visiting the maldives come from india, which also remains the archipelago's most important economic partner. the quarrel with new delhi threatens the island state with serious problems. in 2006 year. in an interview with expert ukraine magazine, the then curator of the cis in the russian presidential administration, political strategist modest kolyarov said: “if great powers solve their geopolitical problems on your territory, then they always do it at your expense.” and speech
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then they were talking about the first ukrainian maidan in 2004. the majority of ukrainians did not listen to the moscow intellectual, and the result is known. but the west does not stop solving its geopolitical problems with the help of color revolutions now. the latest such experience in serbia and how to resist the modernized version of sharpe’s training manual will be discussed in today’s program. i am glad to welcome andrei petrovich bogadel, deputy head of the faculty of the general staff of the armed forces of belarus, to our studio, candidate of military sciences. hello. hello. i am pleased to welcome pavel yakovlevich feldman, candidate. political sciences, associate professor at the academy of labor and social relations, russian federation, greetings, hello, according to tradition, we begin our program, our discussion with the blitz question, was it an attempt at another color revolution or something else, andrei petrovich. in
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order to maintain calm in the state, it is necessary, of course, first of all to maintain a balance of interests of the individual, society and state, when it is observed, in principle , in this state it is very very difficult to disrupt some system-forming system-forming political formation, when this is not observed, then of course there will always be an attempt to overthrow this system , there will always be an attempt at a coup d'etat, carrying out various color revolutions, so let’s just take a look today at what’s happening in serbia, what is essentially...
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protesters from whom you can turn into a full-fledged aggressive political crowd, therefore, apparently they were reconciling to something , the task was to scare vučić
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, perhaps to blackmail him, at the same time, the protests were not spontaneous, this must also be understood, that is, they were very well organized, there were activists there who, just like in all the latter... that if you are an activist, if you are an oppositionist, then bring three people with you to the maidan, and, accordingly, the slogans that were put forward at the same time, they are also a sign of those very color revolutions, andrei viktorovich, i will clarify, yes, yes, yes, just a minute, i’ll clarify, in one of your materials you write that the explanation of the causes of color revolutions is based on two versions, these are...
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around two opposing points of view: supporters of the first point of view believe that color revolutions - these are spontaneous protests, they express the desire of the people from whom power was taken away, usurped, to return this power - by force. the second point of view is based on the fact that all color revolutions are as similar to each other as two peas in a pod, and these are actually not revolutions at all, but technologies for organizing coups d'etat, successfully masquerading as someone. spontaneous manifestations of protest, so i am a supporter of the second point of view, because color revolutions
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really are not revolutions of any kind, they are technologies for organizing coups d'etat, in belgrade we see exactly this situation, there are protests that the opposition is trying to subvert as spontaneous and is trying to subvert as a kind of manifestation of the anger of the people, but in fact we see a clear organization there, we see that these people... who had been gathering in the square for several days and the very people who tried to storm rick to occupy it, they most likely would not have come to this square if someone had not specially led them by the hand. and i ask my colleagues to put our story on the screen, it is in it that we will recall in detail the chronology of events and discuss the studios: the pro-western opposition came out to protests in belgrade, interested in shaking up the countries... they found funds to carry out a coup in the usa. serbia's opposition movement against violence
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receives funding from washington, but this fact, as expected, worries few people, with the exception of a number of countries. protests in belgrade began after the victory of the party of current president aleksandar vucic in the parliamentary elections. observers did not record any violations that could cast doubt on the results. however, after their announcement, pro-western parties accused the government of falsification. and organized protests on the streets of the capital. on november 1, the president of serbia announced the dissolution of the single-member national parliament and set a date for early elections. with similar the government approached the head of state with a proposal, among the arguments for ensuring a higher degree of democracy and reducing tensions between opposing forces in society, but the good intentions in the west were used against the people. the protesters themselves are sure that. a scenario planned in advance is their initiative, their decision.
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it depends on us who will remain on the streets, whether we will remain on the streets and how long we will persist, it also depends on the clear, unambiguous point of view of the opposition. in the war all means are good, they think in the west. there, the tragedy that happened in belgrade on may 3 was used as a lever of pressure on people. at least nine people were killed in a school shooting. the opposition brought people out onto... the street under the pretext that the authorities allegedly could not ensure the safety of citizens. vucic already then announced an attempt to carry out a color revolution, but six months ago and today the attack on the country’s sovereignty failed. aleksandar vucic stressed that he will not allow a violent change of power in serbia. according to him according to him, all political processes in the country will be carried out legally and democratically. alexander lukashenko, and previously the head of the serbian
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state, congratulated vucic’s coalition on the victory of the coalition in the elections, the leader, how it will happen, that is, we well remember the bourgeois revolutions that were and we well remember the socialist revolutions and vice versa the counter-revolutions that later called velvet revolutions, yes, where the social system essentially changed in many post-soviet states space of the post-socialist bloc
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, but today, as a continuation of everything, it was correctly said that today we live in the age of just these... color revolutions, a priori they are not revolutions, since there is no change in these formations, but only a change elites, elites, which , as you said at the beginning of the program, is paid for by the people who are supposedly fighting for some bright ideas in this state today, the fact that every time we talk about this sharpe’s manual hackneyed from all sides already 198 fundamentals.
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then we can observe in practice that it is successful, it is being implemented, it is applied, it works, this is really the worst thing, because here we must understand that in fact sovereign countries are regularly subjected to similar aggressions and we have seen that many countries have tried this apply, there were also successful cases when the leaders of the target countries were able to resist.
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resistance primarily in order to be used by forces that, from his point of view, should have fought for democratic ideals, well, by the way, a silverless man , he wore the same gymnast until he was 90 years old, but soros and izhi with him instrumentalized sharpe’s ideas, directed them against unwanted states and societies, this led to what led, you absolutely rightly asked the question about counteraction, yes, for any force there is a force capable of resisting it, this is...
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force, batons, rubber bullets, sometimes firearms, but if the government decides to use force, the most important thing is that it does not i had my doubts and went through with this until the end. in general, there are several common recipes for countering this kind of phenomenon: first, cut off the channels of western funding from ngos that are rocking the situation in society, second, cut off their media and communication channels. third, power should not remain naked.
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well, there are a lot of signs that make it possible to distinguish color revolutions from real revolutions, well, firstly, in real revolutions or in true protests there are always leaders of these protests, because we know from the history of revolutionary movements what motivates people, ideas, firstly, and the leaders who are for these ideas. e are ready to give their lives and who are ready to lead others, and the need to sacrifice their lives to these revolutionary ideas, the leader must
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show them by his example and explain this to those people whom he carries with him. and this is important when we are talking about human communication, but it does not matter at all when we are talking about the use of social management technology, this is what color revolutions are , in color revolutions there are no... leaders, there is a crowd, that is, at the initial stages a large number of protesters gather somewhere in one place, as a rule, they set up a maidan there, a permanent camp, then these people begin to stew in this society that arises on this maidan, gradually turning into a crowd and losing their independence, remaining part of this element, then, when the crowd has formed, it is pumped up with aggression, and after the crowd is already excited and it there is a need to throw this aggression at someone to the crowd, the finger is literally pointed at the enemy and the crowd goes to destroy everything,
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that is, well, starting from such moments , a color revolution is distinguished from real revolutions, in color revolutions there are also leaders, but they are of a technical nature, they are pseudo-leaders and, as a rule, play a decorative role. well, further, a color revolution is always prepared in advance, protest movements are always prepared in a networked manner with the help of networks, an incident always occurs that gives a signal for the translation of this color revolution, as it happened, for example, on the maidan in ukraine. dmitry, you remember those dramatic events very well, so it seems to me that there is this resentment of ukrainian society.
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and defend the independence of their state, and as for determining whether this is a scenario or technology of a color coup or not, here a very good marker is the actions of the american embassy, ​​the embassies of the g7 countries , the so-called, because we saw that exactly informational, diplomatic it was western diplomats who provided support and pressure on, among other things, the security forces, that is, they were directly involved
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in this matter, right? diplomats, for example, polish ones, were specifically engaged in distributing cash to protesters, so-called, because protesters, as we know, with such technologies, they do not work for free, well, to put it mildly, their activism is very expensive, because their work is so -called risky, in this regard, of course, they are here in order to preserve a state is needed, as happened in belarus, as, for example , happened in iran. to suppress these protests very harshly and methodically, using all constitutional methods, and this includes law enforcement agencies, these are, of course, restrictions on the media and so on, that is, this is a classic scenario of how we still need to counteract these color technologies and we see that in the example of belarus and iran the same thing, it works very well, then it is possible to preserve the country, sovereignty, in
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principle, in the future... we see in the example in ukraine and the world. andrei viktorovich , will you allow me to quote you, your material, here is pavel, let me quote: russia, relying on the ukrainian experience, needs to prepare for the fact that it will become the next on the list of targets of the anglo-saxon color revolutions, tested as in traditional conditions societies of the eastern type, so in the conditions of a super-centralized state built on a vertical principle.
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it is very easy for a person to become a target, to become something that is extremely easy to manipulate, that is, you entered this crowd in this process, get out this is incredibly difficult. we were on the verge of these events in the eleventh and twelfth years, we experienced it all ourselves, and , as andrei viktorovich said many times , the trigger is elections, always during the electoral period the state becomes vulnerable; in this sense, we cannot relax, even taking into account what the election results are.
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in russia, fortunately , the situation with the political elite is qualitatively better, but we also cannot relax, all the recipes that we voiced today in studios, they are used in practice here, look at the law on foreign agents , at how the leaders of the non-systemic opposition feel in russia today, the hint is that they feel bad, they deserved it through their past actions, so we have the likelihood of this kind of scenario...
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i think that it is fundamental, what is the priest, what is the parish, yes, what is the president, so is the state, so i think we have built the state quite strongly, and this was the answer, well, if not predictable, then we expect that the head of state is the commander in chief became at the head of his military organization of the state, there is no doubt, this person is not only respected today, today they are ready to follow him, what pavel spoke about, what my colleagues spoke about, that it is not enough just to take and be ready to use force , the most important thing is that... this force was used legally, because in this situation , in any case, no matter how it was, but the one who stands there still represents part of our common society, and that consolidation is about balance the forces that i told you are very important to observe, after 2020
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year we had a lot of different shortcomings related to our legislation, after that you look, we have changes in the constitution, we have changes, now we are preparing the concept of national security and we recently adopted our new national security strategy, the same the newest strategy was adopted by the nato bloc, what are they talking about there, they clearly define the united states as having three fundamental directions of its hegemony in the world.
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the first is the military component, that is the fact that today they should be completely hegemons in military terms, capable of conducting any military... actions against any states, the economy, the economic aspect, in the economic aspect , the hegemony associated precisely with sanctions pressure is the red line. and the third, which is very important, is the ideological or value aspect, which is stated precisely in the national security strategy, that the primacy of ideology, american ideology, the primacy of what today it is precisely the interests of the united states, they do not simply consist of... economics, politics, the military component, but the fact that everyone should understand the way they propose to think in the united states, precisely in response to this strategy, and are prepared today, relevant documents, including the concept of national security of the republic
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of belarus, where our national interests are revealed, where exactly it says how these national interests should be protected both from internal and from external threats, and most importantly, how all this can be neutralized from: to protect your state, this is very important, why i say this, because today any person, absolutely anyone, can be convinced by some individual facts, that is, it is possible somewhere to take something out of context, somewhere to bring it as a general fact or, on the contrary, to narrow this fact to some minimum, or in general this fact will turn out to be an ordinary fake? today the main thing for us to understand is trends, what depends on these trends, then we are able to really look at this world much more broadly.
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where it is not possible to overthrow the government or change some kind of political structure in the state, force is necessarily used, and this use of force is carried out precisely for the purpose of showing or changing this structure, as for example, it was in ukraine, everything is clear, then there was not just a change of elites within the state, this change of the national elite was replaced by a transnational elite, whose interests?
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gina is the key and seems to be from everyone iron, we hear about mr. sharpe, about color revolutions, about how easy it is to manipulate consciousness, but it’s still just another rake. comes with the same ease, although today is an incredible time for the production of fakes and unreliable information? well, here on the one hand they appear and humanity is on their side, everything is extremely simple, on the other hand it’s quite complicated, people are really pushed to participate in protests using manipulative technologies, because a normal person will not go to protest, that is, to participate in some kind of risky action, exposed.
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stimulating various kinds of semi-panic reactions, which lead people out in search of salvation from a threat that may be hypertrophied or non-existent on the street, and there they are already picked up by activists, or they try to captivate people with emotionally charged calls and slogans, calling on them to emotionally join ours against not ours , to speak out against everything that is bad, for everything that is good, vote. otherwise you will lose, well, this type, all these techniques are quite
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primitive, but they do not become very dangerous, when this is not just done by activists who are running down the street shouting or throwing leaflets, it becomes very dangerous when a protest movement is prepared by a network structure, when these activists prepare in advance abroad and then return to large cities to settle and wait for the moment, creating sleeper cells, this is exactly the modern technology of color revolutions, although we practically did not observe this in the events in belgrade, but by and large the protest potential that the opponents prepared we also haven’t seen the current government in serbia in full, fully, because they showed only the tip of this iceberg, who knows what kind of underground is there now, where are these activists who will now be left without work because of the protests. .. in belgrade there is obviously a decline, where will they go later
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, maybe they will spread to the republika srpska and there they will try to implement the same scenario on a more compact platform, then there is a threat for dodik too, that’s why here we need to listen carefully to where are you going they want to involve you in what they are calling you to do, if we are talking about an appeal to feelings, and not to reason, then the panic button should immediately turn on and the person should immediately... understand that they are trying to take advantage of him, andrey viktorovich, but please tell me, here in your opinion, is it not worth destroying the enemy using his own methods? we know that behind the color revolutions in a number of states, their number is actually only increasing, the united states of america, so could the russian federation enter this game and is worth whether, but the technology of the organization coups d'etat, which are called color revolutions, they...
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parliamentary and presidential elections will take place, in your opinion, how to fight back the technologies of state destruction, here you need to understand that... the classic technology of a color revolution in belarus failed, now we see that nato countries, they are now preparing precisely for a military scenario, and that is why they are creating various gangs of militants on the territory of ukraine, who are supposedly there in large numbers
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from belarus, although in fact they are from belarus there are several dozen traitors, of course they will use all the rest in nato personnel...
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and the russian federation, the republic of belarus together, we consider color revolutions only from the point of view of interference in our internal affairs by the relevant western countries and nothing else, therefore we will not now be able to organize the same kind of color revolutions, unfortunately, neither in the united states nor in other countries, we are only talking about our elections, and we do every election we are already beginning to prepare in court for our own permanent war, but we forget about that. that now elections will be held in poland, in lithuania, in the same united states, well, they are absolutely not worried about this, that some kind of color revolution will change their domestic or foreign policy significantly, we are constantly trying to say, right now there biden will be replaced by trump, wow, we’ll live, but we won’t live
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, essentially nothing will change in foreign policy, but it certainly won’t change for the better, by the way, do you remember what a hunt for the witch war began in the united states of america after... here, but nevertheless, we saw that it took place in an essentially peaceful way, bloodshed was avoided, this is the most important thing, and this is the merit, of course, of the military organization of the state, everything of our people , who supported the legally elected head of state, in essence, the failure of this coup d'etat took place, then today the trend is such that those who
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are preparing for the banner of these kolinovsky regiments, chasing everything else is already, this is in fact ... a trend that could be traced already starting in 2020, our president speaks about this, the minister of defense speaks about this, and the chairman of the state security committee tertel spoke about this recently, and that in fact their main, their main training base is far away not on the territory of ukraine, as you correctly say, because this will be a reason for kazusbeli in relation to belarus in relation to ukraine, and ukraine is afraid of this, yes, it represents a platform, but aggression today. afraid to untie our relationship, is it precisely the polish elite today, which is dancing to the tune of the west and trying to restore there three seas, the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, four or something else? yes, they have a clear idea, until this belarusian balcony is cut off, there is a clear understanding, precisely in geostrategic terms, that
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it will not be possible to tear russia apart, all this makes us understand that this is nothing more than a clash of one civilization with another civilization, and this is already a civilizational approach, and i will never leave us, there is a clear understanding of that the civilization of the east, relatively speaking, is... that today we again fall under the concept of the russian world, the second is the civilization from the west, which constantly faces opposition from just one component, this is with russia, or today it is with our union state, where we truly stand side by side. you know, and pavel, before - i’ll give you the floor, let’s hear alexander lukashenko’s opinion about the current circumstances and events.
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and what will happen to belarus if it happens color revolution? so we talked about their characteristic features, but we didn’t have time
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to mention one, not a single color revolution ended in happiness and prosperity for the people, the country in which it occurred. alexander grigorievich, without exaggeration , saved his fatherland, but i will add that at this existential fateful moment he relied on the reliable shoulder of a comrade from the russian federation. and the csto today is not turning into an analogue of nato, which is trying to engage in expansion, constant expansion, and imposing something on someone. no, the csto is, first of all, a tool for maintaining internal political stability in the post-soviet space; look how it worked perfectly in kazakhstan at one time, because there, with the hands of russia and belarus , an attempt at a color revolution was actually nipped in the bud. so, if suddenly, i ’m almost sure that nothing like that...
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happened in the twenties, it probably had to be invented, because in the world that we have plunged into today, where you say that this turbulence really is , which in essence is off scale, here , without a doubt, it was necessary not just to assemble and select a team, here it was necessary to really mobilize the entire society as a whole, which is being carried out today in our state, we have already started our election campaign of 2024, ahead of us both the elections and the president of 2025 are awaiting , and we are clearly and wonderfully...
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on the one hand, we were taken aback, on the other hand, we didn’t understand, a real force is emerging that is capable of transforming this monopolar world into something else, where there will be no constant exploitation and the pressure of this golden billion, which is already beginning to forget that it is a golden billion and is doing the right thing, this is the pressure of the golden billion on the rest of the globe, this pressure has really
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overwhelmed everything today, thank you very much in conclusion to... historian modest kollerov . back in 2005, in one of his interviews, he was asked why, unlike the west, moscow does not support opposition movements in belarus? his answer is indicative and relevant today: russia cannot and should not lead any discontent because it respects national sovereignty. we can truly sympathize and wish our neighbors well. success, but there is reality, each country has its own pace of life, its own civilization, and i don’t see any opportunities for revolutionary dragging peoples to happiness, there will be no such happiness, the revolution does not give happiness, thank you, this was the program sas is authorized to declare, the failure of the maidan in serbia does not put an end to the technology of color revolutions. we will introduce you to
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belarusians who deliberately exchanged the city for the village, about 10 years old, just, just a country house, one fine day, just in the winter, they came to minsk, stayed for 2 weeks and realized that it was very noisy, well, that’s how the circumstances developed, we already lived here, well that is , we already came here, we liked it, despite the fact that our apartment was on fire, they believed in themselves, their strengths and achieved results in their favorite business. the main goal of our farm is not to earn money, but to provide ourselves with good quality products, how to build a house and not get a divorce, that's what helped? probably, there is still a desire to be together, and it’s a miracle that the leader from the capital will have to experience all
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the delights of rural life, it’s clear. a tv presenter with experience in construction work, well , i have a wife, i have a mother-in-law, i think, as a man, you understand what it smells like, it’s still so mocking, i don’t know. you can’t see it, they stick their noses out from there, they look, and the city guy cleans up after us well, the project, i’m from the villages, watch the belarusian winter on tv channel belarus24, all its little things, all the details, some are so beautiful that they take your breath away. some are awkward, but together they are one whole, together, they are harmony; looking at them,
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you feel aesthetic pleasure, you feel that belarus is closer.
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we do not have the moral right to live only for
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ourselves, we must look beyond the horizon, we do not and will not have another home, african countries, as well as the arab world, latin america and asia, why are they ready and willing to work with belarus, because leaders of these... countries have deep respect not only for belarus as a country, but also personal respect for alexander lukashenko. belarus forced nato to hear itself as an instrument that is very clear to this north atlantic aggressor. the accusations about the deployment of russian tactical nuclear weapons in our country are absurd. we are simply learning diplomatic, so -called etiquette, from those who made the language of force a global trend. we have a new political line for the first campaign: only supporters of the state line should get into parliament, only those for whom the words belarus, unity, sovereignty, family and peace are of decisive importance,
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step aside and do not interfere , no one is forcing anyone to do anything, for one simple reason, we are already the absolute majority, the propaganda project, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. everything that modern belarus lives today, look at tv channel belarus 24. this is news from foreign countries.


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