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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 17, 2024 2:05pm-3:01pm MSK

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campaign, only those for whom the words belarus, unity, sovereignty, family and peace have meaning should get into parliament. we have a new political line. step aside and don’t interfere, no one is forcing you to do anything, for one simple reason, we are already the absolute majority. the propaganda project, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel . watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from a foreign country.
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broadcasts of particularly important events, live inclusions from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries, azerbaijan. kazakhstan , turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia , turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up the azer space-1 satellite dish. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day. day every day.
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be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. not necessary, i can put a newspaper under the door . yes, open it, please, i can slip it completely. what newspaper
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with a note about our girl, the biathlon stars are burning, it doesn’t fit , you’ll have to look on the internet yourself, but there’s no wi-fi there anyway, in my opinion, but i know everything, they’re haunted by my test, dasha, you see with me, well, now this pack will attack me, and i can’t think of anything on an empty stomach, of course, thank you, here she comes, hurry up, get the camera, turn it on camera, hurry up, let's work, work , no comments, all the information is in the commission, dari, it's true that your husband filed for divorce, it's because of your pregnancy, you yourself admitted to cheating on him, and how did you react? your husband will find out that the child is not
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his, he knows that the real father is the child, could you share this information with your fans, sorry, no, do you think your husband will be able to forgive you, move away, daria, what are you doing now? intend to do, she’ll take a rifle now, she will start shooting you all, and i will help her with this. frodik, oh, here you are, well, you’ll just hide from everyone, but it’s better here than with the girls. oh, yes, you’re completely unstuck,
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dasha, what are you, you’re a fighter, you ’re a fighter in sports, the harder the better, but here, well, you still can’t do that. and what to do if these journalists pounced, like , what do you care about journalists here, all they have is one-day news, tomorrow you will take the gold, they will quickly forget how they hounded you, i don’t know, except that you will be happy for me, and listen, and you i actually thought how will you live after the games, what will happen after the games? there will be childbirth, after all, suddenly you have to give up sports, well, they live differently, well, they live without metals, without money, what can they live on? i have some
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savings there, i have it for the first time, then i’ll sell the car as a reward, but in general i’ll come up with something. get up, well, i'm sorry , they only send you for death, they didn't bring death, just beshteh with fried potatoes, as requested, that's another matter, i'll join you, but no, i'll go to my place, sit down, well, i can't eat alone. why are you so animated? and here you are, don’t you understand how lucky you are? with what? with nothing with anyone, with your friend, if it weren’t for dasha’s scandal, the journalists would not have left you behind, people, will you tell me
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who the lucky guy is, or don’t you know? what are you, romantic, you’re completely crazy, who are you accepting me, this is ruslan, okay, the cook? nice guy, he offered me something extra the other day, that is, you approve, yes , well, of course he’s younger than you, it’s okay, he’ll become a father, he’ll grow up quickly, but i’m not going to talk to them about the child, people , what’s this, the cooking is delicious, not like these coaches, you can’t chew the meat, try it, so what should i get for a free supplement, or should i get married , then no, it’s a pity, he’s a good guy. no, no, i don’t insist, as you say, although i would say, yes , you eat, eat, eat, but i would say, max, oh, tyoma and i were invited to go on television, to
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audition for a commercial, we... well, this is an advertisement, but they will pay money, maybe not bad, masha, well, i understand that i earn a little, but is there ever any money? were you superfluous? well, you know, in life in general there is a lot of unnecessary and unnecessary things, but you have to choose the main thing, so when i found out you were pregnant, i almost ran away. i ran away with nothing, but now my family is the main thing for me, you are for me too, i just don’t understand why give up everything new and interesting, and for you i’m already old and uninteresting, well, you’re my best, you’re my
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kindest and generous. go to your set, where is dasha? oh, if she’s smart, she’ll be the last one to come out, so as not to run into fans and journalists. oh, you 're dating here alone, what do you say? i already know, congratulations. it’s like everyone else with bronze, thank you, i missed such a moment.
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i'm immediately off my feet. she said no. i thought you missed me, well, of course i missed you, regime , yes, wow, that you’re overdosing a protein shake or preparing a place for a medal, so little guy, come on, okay, i was joking, no, really, i’ll call you quickly, come on, come on, let me call you, none of your business. that my body, well, sugar is normal,
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hemoglobin is slightly low, i need to adjust my diet, well, exercise, clearly, we don’t reduce the load, and we don’t increase it, we distribute the strength, take vitamins and control the weight, but we work underground, the press is everywhere, in connection with this, we will have to hold back your pregnancy a little, in the sense, no, do less. we won’t advertise it, but wait a minute, is this because of the traffic? yes, in connection with the scandal about her pregnancy, yours may turn out to be negative in the press, and it’s good that you are not married to us yet, lucky, yes, well, on the other hand, a happy married couple could decorate our image, what child, did you all talk or something? well, i’m not asking out of idle curiosity, primakhov, i should know, just in case, who the child is from, after all, from björ dahlin.
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joke, how great it is here, so interesting, i like it so much, well, i’m glad you like it, words, kudos, hello, well, here’s a wonderful model for you, so work on it, ours, ours, yeah, it’s a pity, that it all ended so quickly, well , nothing, we can continue, misha, in my opinion, you were looking for an admin, well, he’s wonderful. candidate, smart , handsome, grasps literally everything, take a look, yes,
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we need positive personnel, you know what, come on monday, and we will arrange everything, yes, yeah, thank you, how, it’s that simple, yeah, what are you talking about i, i’m going to work here, well , yes, that’s right, it’s like in a fairy tale, thank you very much, topic, we’ll work here with you, that’s it
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, hello, yeah, hello, yes, it’s me, listen , are you busy? no, can i come by, well, come if you want, listen, and i’m already here, so, well , i hope you came alone or with cook, alone, yeah, that's a good thing. surprise, one south african athlete confused his girlfriend with a bandit just like that, so he thought it was a thief and shot her, well, maybe nude, then i finally called and warned him , you can come in, yes, take off your clothes, listen, lech, i here
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is your help... will you help me, take off my jacket, or run around like a carrot again? no, here, in general , it would be necessary to get someone away from me, after all, i got a nasty admirer, well, yes, something like that, well, in general, we need to act out, as if our relationship had begun again, well, there’s love, carrots, everything's up, can you help? giveaways, yeah, i love giveaways, but i’m more interested in sports giveaways, for example, the draw of a set of awards is very interesting to me, for which, by the way, i’m intensively preparing , unlike you, if you noticed, i’m also exclusively for the sake of sports, exclusively, he you know, it interferes with my preparation, uh-huh,
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you know, uh-huh. oh, he’s in the way, you can help, he’s in the way, that is, solely for the sake of sport, exclusively. ok, then let's go, like right now or what? well, why bother? at it’s not every day that i have a free evening, finish eating, let’s go, but you don’t have to finish eating, we’ll go to a cafe, the cook is still there, okay, i’ll change clothes then, but the cook, you
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can’t imagine how much he liked it there on camera . in general, zero attention, he laughed, smiled at everyone, he was full of witches, well, in general, several visits to the allergist, do you think his allergies will break out? well , i hope not, it’s time to sleep for 9 hours, okay, you go to bed here, and i’ll go sit on the computer, okay, well, man, bye bye! i want to go to work, so it will be so.
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max, i understand that it’s not the time to start such a conversation at night, next week i go to work, yeah. i decided it’s useless to argue, and there’s no need to tell me anything, mash, well, i wanted to say that artyom is small, it’s okay he’ll grow up, so i may not have a second chance to get on television, but what if we don’t cope? mom will help, she will only be happy, to sit with dark once again, that’s all, and i don’t need to tell me anything else, nothing at all, at all it’s okay, you can’t congratulate either, so you don’t
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mind, but what can we eat here? now i ’ll tell you, give me some advice, good evening, hello, it’s you, me, girl, please, don’t tell ruslan, okay, won’t you? well , yes, thanks, but what's going on? now i’ll tell you, yeah, now he’ll definitely
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say, yes, i can see right away, you are the healer of human souls, okay, varina, what to eat, something salty , i want meat, i want meat, hug me, quickly, hug me, hug me quickly , well, well, hugged, that’s it, you’ll talk, well, blah blah blah, well blah blah blah, it’s great what you’re doing, what i ’m doing, in a public place in general, that’s right, at home it wouldn’t have happened to me , that’s right, but here we are in a public place, you have nowhere to go, everyone is watching, yes, that’s how we this has already been achieved, it seems.
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exactly, as if they were deprived of sweets, yes, hello, it’s good to fool around, let’s go home, well, let’s go home, the waitress has hatched, she’s looking at us, tomorrow they’ll tell the boss everything. but we don’t want to waste time, let’s go home and
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take a tour of our main enterprises.
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they work there in the project, a quality mark, about belarusian organizations about the people you watch on the belarus24 tv channel.
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good morning, roman stepanovich, what happened so early, what happened? in short, it was a false start, i asked lyokha to get ruslan away from me, lyoshka to get ruslan away, and why did they fight? in short, lyokha portrayed him as a lover. not a bad role for an ex-husband. yes, but only he got into this role so much that now, now you have another gentleman instead of one? no, now i have two of them, because ruslan realized that it was blev who was harassing me with text messages. you're a bad swindler. al lyokha what are you doing? well, alyokha came in the morning and already fixed the fan, coffee grinder, scales and hairdryer, i overslept here, no, no, san, do you have a decent guy in mind, otherwise lucy only has two of them, of course, it’s all funny, but they now they won’t let me train, this is serious, what are we going to do, that’s what i came for, save me, oh, my dear, i
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don’t even chase sonya’s admirers. but what won’t you do to win? really beautiful? uh, did something happen? where did you get it? i arrived early in the morning, what's the catch? nothing, here's a snowball i brought it for you, yeah, i still want to pick it up, why is this? do you remember when i was a child i had a guinea pig? i remember. only i always cleaned the cage, because you and your father were never at home, well, because i trained all the time, in fact, mommy, i always missed you, i don’t understand why we spent so little time with each other, because girls need a mother so much, well, because for some girls their mother was replaced by a father, and then a coach, and why did you suddenly remember about childhood, drag in a pig, do you think i your hamster is not enough, well, because it’s time...
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i care about someone, yes, simon, that’s right, we need to switch from hamsters to children, but, as far as i understand, you closed the topic of pregnancy, and if you didn’t, how did you you think, what kind of mother will i be, can i give my child everything i should, but the children don’t ask, they themselves take what they need, and then leave, always disappoint their parents, yes, i disappointed you too, well... because you are moving away from me , it is impossible to have a heart-to-heart talk with you. mom, what am i doing now, well, we can’t please you, yeah if you leave him, he’d rather give him a new year’s card, but they don’t congratulate you in advance, well, actually, this card is for popova from her son, listen, i even somehow envy her, sometimes it seems to me that it’s not me, but she’s your mother , that is
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why. i can’t stand these heart-to-heart conversations, let’s go to kindergarten, we’re already late, come on, tell the teacher, let her dress him warmly for the street, i understand, you dress for the street, it’s warm, yes, hello, hello, who are you, you yuri, yes , and you, my name is lyudmila, i am a beathlete, like your mother, i sometimes i’m visiting, she sent you , no one sent it to me, i found the address from this postcard, and you also stole a postcard from my mother, they didn’t tell you that stealing is wrong, they didn’t tell you that you need to take care of your mother, so it’s none of your business , goodbye, wait, well, there’s no one to take care of her, girl, i help her financially when she asks for it, well, mother, i shouldn’t ask for anything, girl, what do you allow yourself, you don’t care you don’t know them, mom, dad, who is it, it’s auntie, she came to daddy’s, she’s already leaves, yes, listen, your mother is completely alone, girl, i was also completely alone,
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all my childhood. while my mother was doing her sport, so what are you doing, or what? this doesn’t concern you, let’s go, you’re tired of it, wait, how can you wait for a postcard like this from your son someday, when you’re not a very young, not a very healthy person, think about it, bye, well, what , let's go, let's go cowboy, let's go! stop with the abs, it’s more important for you to put stress on your legs, what’s wrong with her abs, i pumped up an extra cube, or something, or oh well, and you got pregnant too, girls, we’re not just having a training session here, but a training course
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for young mothers. dash, i wanted to talk to you separately about this topic, but since it happened, everyone’s attention, in connection with the current situation in the media, primakova accepts the captaincy of the national team, the issue is not discussed, sales, sorry. dash, i ’m hearing this for the first time, cool, you hooked me up, well done, but i really didn’t know anything, here it is, real female friendship, which the national team is so famous for, that’s it, keep quiet, turn on the pedals, my captain, let's take a picture, oleg, otherwise it
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will rush away, only snow dust will remain, not for the camera yet, tell me, what are your personal... feelings from winning the bronze medal at the russian biathlon championship? feel? as if i was a bronze medalist at the russian biathlon championship? and what happened there during the doping control? hormonal disbalance? alesh, well , you understand everything yourself, the first test gave a positive result, i had to do a second one, in fact, what happened? in fact, i took the capsule into...
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listen, olesh, you’re a real pro, and we also pros, we all work for results, so we ask you, don’t make a sensation out of this, why? well, because the whole pregnancy story cost dasha the captain’s nerves, do you want me to be next or something, all our efforts are in vain. i don’t mind the training schedule, because the press will follow her around the pits, listen, any athlete dreams of being in the center of journalistic attention, but i have a different situation, i don’t know anything about the father of the child,
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it’s clear, you put yourself in his place, well, you would be pleased if you talked about it i found out not from my girlfriend but from the newspapers, i wouldn’t want to be in her place, that’s what i ’m talking about, so put yourself in our situation, take a break, until i tell him myself, listen, well, it’s the same for me deadlines , well, luda is not going to drag her feet either, give it a week , okay, one week, yes, marina gennadievna, yes, i visited your son, yes, they didn’t ask me, i told him about it, well, forgive me, even to let you down, thank you, you are a true friend, lesh, i know that now
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it is fashionable among athletes to have children, but you are married were 5 years old, but no children, this is a kind of tribute to sports. yes, well, yes, you can say that, well, or you just don’t chase fashion, yes, but you still train with ludo, and i know that you compete side by side, but you’re not jealous of anyone, well, the athletes, to the service staff, to the cook, for example, oleg, and if you could pour some anti-freeze into my car, it’s like, oleg, i’ll pour some anti-freeze into your car, but it’s better to pour it where, we already promised to remain silent, but what i mean, i don’t tell anything about pregnancy, like you in general, well, evaluate my director’s instincts , i still found these two candidates,
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only two, and what’s so little, we still don’t reach the top three, well, i’m on the right track, yes lyosha, cook, just a second nina . nikolai dmitrievich, two spoons of sugar for you, i’m not sweet tea, but i remember, i’m just looking for reasons to talk, antonina andreevna. and hello, are you coming to me, no, no, hello, i have a new one to install here, yes, that is, no, i thought you were on business, yes, important, but tell me, nikolai, uh , are you married, no, uh-huh, that's okay, ha. and cheeks i don’t need it, i already have it, goodbye,
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so you want it with or without sugar with lemon, nin , uh-huh, marnadie, well, forgive me, well, i don’t know, i saw this postcard and so i wanted to teach your son some sense, and how i succeeded, but no, of course, i was just once again convinced that raising children is a thankless job.
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why do you look up to me? don't look up to me. it’s all my own fault, and now i’m making it up to you. you will have everything. is this like with my mother? why is it necessary to take someone as a model? well, because children are always repeating someone else's program. and why is she so bad? my mother never supported me, unlike my father, by the way. but your father died early, and what after that? no support, no, it seems, it was she who, by the way, insisted that i not give up sports after his death, you see what happens, i’m also ungrateful, my mother and i are with you, so i came to ask for your apology, and you gave me console me, by the way, it’s time for me to run, where are we running, to establish family ties, my mother and sister prepared a surprise for me, you see, thank you, marin gennadi, that’s it, don’t see me off, fiskult, hello, hello, fiskult!
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olezhek, yes ki, you have that file of some kind that can be closed, and this is an interview with lyuda, yes, close it, with lyuda, your lyuda is with us, even in bed, i will soon start to be jealous, there is no need to be jealous, athletes have their own personal life is such an intricacy, people are already pregnant, pregnant, before the games, she will get out of the national team, no... pregnancy increases the hormone, the indicators are different, well , in short, legal doping, wait, that is , a contractual pregnancy, yeah, listen, well this is a scandal, yes, that's the point, we are with roman stepanovich is hiding all this from the mass media there, well wait, well, you are the mass media, that’s the point, you know, listen... “i’m so hungry, me too, will you make
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me a sandwich, a small one, well, please, please, okay, with what, with sausage, with cheese, with this and that, come on, listen, but you didn’t want to use it in any other way, white or black bread, i’ll pass it on, mom, masha, where are you? hello, bronze
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party, the text is not mine, i just drew the letters. lyusya, where is the medal? well, i didn’t bring it, that is, why are we now, let's have a drink, yeah. i can’t drink, but with the priest it’s okay, we have a regime, well, i’m going to the kitchen, and i have a phone, mom, huh? mommy , don’t be offended by me, in general, forgive me, i told you something recently, that’s it , we drove by, i just saw the priest’s son, i thought, well, i’m better than that, which means you’re worried about her, but no , mommy , everything, everything for, for, well, why did you
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organize all this if you have no time for us, only for your own... ice juice, yeah, thank you, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations, “thank you, family, luda, i know that you pregnant, where did you get the idea, i have a reliable
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source, and i know that this is a contractual pregnancy, material about the so-called legal doping, which two russian biathletes decided to do, appeared today." well, where did they hide the remote control, here it is, so , arranged pregnancy of biathlete lyudmila primakova, we talked above,
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they were like this before, i actually turn it on quickly, but a scandal is a scandal. the town was called to hello, hello, are you okay, what’s wrong, i saw my story on the news , and there could only be one way there, oh well, yes, yes, i did it, why, then, that you yourself would never have decided, would have filmed your imperishable film, by the time it went on air, the topic would have cooled down, which means cooled down, but what about my idea about
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fate, about that, when fate gives the last chance to an athlete, oleshka, you understand that this is a lot of money, i thought about you and now i know you, everyone, what kind of money, you, you can’t even imagine what the athlete sacrifices, and how i will now look at them in eyes, it’s wrong to become attached to the material to its heroes, and you’ve already become on their side, you’re already in their team, but there should be an objective , detached look, but intelligence, honor, conscience, these are already empty words, i want to comply with ethical standards, well, what standards, oleshka, you violated the main commandment of a journalist, you got too close to your heroine, well, that’s it. bye,
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bor, hello, and i, listen, thank you very much, you! i’m not fit to be not only a mother, but also a grandmother , mom, what are you saying, you’re always doing everything in secret, you’re creating unnecessary problems for everyone, i’m creating problems for everyone, because at least someone has thought about how hard it is for me now , lyusya, motherhood is... happiness , i wonder why none of you congratulated me on this happiness, no one except his neighbor, and by chance he is not, no, he is not the father of my child, a stranger, and the only one
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, who supported me, i love you, well, we are so happy, well , we were worried, we were waiting, finally, my girl will be, my family, finally you will have, my girl, what, again, am i not allowed to be with my family now or something? meet, well , let's go, well, let's get out of here. it didn’t crash, no, it’s normal, it’s a pity, look, lucy, otherwise he he’ll also sue you, just let him try, i’ll organize a counter-suit for him for harassment, flogging unfinished business, come in, whatever the journalist will do, for the sake of the truth of life, we’re working. although he is deaf, but a lie, good, there is a shooting range, oh, what
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silence, where did you find this place, an old friend suggested, there is generally ice, only dogs can get here, so no one will disturb you, train until the world cup, sleep off maneyk, gain strength, thank you, this is really what i need now i need fresh air, snow, silence. and a little heavy equipment and who did this hard work bring? is it not easy or is it your doing? what are you talking about, people, i have no idea where he came from anyway, it’s time for me to go to the city, you’re not the only one with me, yeah.
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oh, roman stepanovich, where are you from here? so, i’m visiting friends, at the dacha, barbecue, bathhouse, everything . come on, well, it’s good to fill it up, my dear, i sharpened my ski stick, yes, well, and if so, how did you know where she was? well, the world is a small place, and not without good people, your wife suggested, well, you have to, huh? i forgot to warn my wife, i’m an old stump, it happens, roman stepanovich
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, besides the old stump i see you are also engaged in pimping, yes, why are you throwing people at this ruslan, ruslan just helps people improve the result, oh you, what’s this with pies she’s fed up, but he ’s not in the subject at all, he may not be in the subject, but he somehow has a good influence on her, yeah. her athletic performance, so how did we manage to find out all this? well what? i looked at her previous achievements, compared them with her current ones, are you satisfied with this answer? completely, completely, that is, as always , he decided everything for everyone, and that’s right, but do people know? but i didn’t ask luda, and rightly so, my task is victory, i’m going to it the shortest way, and you, lyosha, don’t get involved in the process! “i forgot to ask you, roman stepanovich, oh,
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you don’t understand, i’m telling you, don’t interfere, i’ll definitely think about your words, roman stepanovich, definitely, you ’ll be lonely here alone.” oh, rusik, i need to train, let’s do it this way, today you ’ll start here, and tomorrow you’ll go home, angel, like that that, home, yeah, no, i can even take you, well, maybe there will be a kind person who will do it for me, okay, you bastard, on the floors, on! come here, well done,
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well done. fruitful constant training certainly leads to victory, but i didn’t know that snowballs have become an official sport in our country, well, hello, hello, throw a snowball, she will turn out to be not only in biathlon, she is also a champion in love, kruglova performed great, here you go ! will you give your cuckold husband a souvenir? thank you! yana, yana, can i have an autograph, please? dash, i didn’t think that you were on is capable of this, why, in fact, is she not capable? are we not people, or what? you are athletes, but what if you don’t think about your fans? we think, but we are not christmas trees, which everyone likes. but you will have to, you are in full view of the whole country. what are you saying? and therefore you are obliged to share your personal
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life with the entire power. are you capable of this yourself? for example, you, girl, can we all do it now? talk about your sexual partners, no, but you, young man, come on, share your victories in bed, weakly, that’s what i have to do with it, that we are the same people as you, only we run faster and shoot better, take it away, even, forgive me.
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live news in the studio elizaveta lokotko, good afternoon, in this episode there are holiday gifts for a million children and thousands of elderly people, the new year's marathon of goodness has finished its march across the country. everything your heart desires on the shelves of belarusian stores, emotions from the variety of goods in the video of a foreign guest. listen.


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