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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 17, 2024 4:45pm-5:01pm MSK

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today was an incredibly spectacular, emotional game, each of you overcame yourself and became even stronger than before. the denouement is near, we are looking forward to the big finale. this is a hero reboot, the fight continues. final game - battle
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of survival, are you ready for it? welcome to the world where everything is real. tv news agency presents: in the public domain, we have no secrets from our people. yakov mikhailovich sverdlov. on lenin’s instructions, on behalf of the russian federation, he handed over to the first all-belarusian congress.
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congress of the communist party of belarus. the congress adopted a declaration on the establishment of federal ties with the rsfsr, approved the constitution, state coat of arms and flag of the belarusian ussr. during the days of the first all-belarus congress of soviets, the versailles conference was held not far from paris. officially , “peace with germany” is on the agenda. unofficially
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on the sidelines there was a conspiracy about war against the soviet republics. this time, imperialism is betting on the bourgeoisie of poland. more recently, pelsudsky fought against the entente, on the side of germany. today the americans handed over he has 20 thousand machine guns, 300 aircraft, more than 200 tanks.
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these photographs were taken in kazan, from here, by order of lenin, the most modern equipment that the soviet country had was sent to the western front. we had few planes, literally only a few, but they went to belarus. the young soviet republics fought for their freedom and independence under difficult conditions. on the 1st student of 1919, the day of the creation of our republic, a special manifesto was published. let's remember belarus, which has endured bondage and slavery in every way and here, and now the free belarusian republic of belarus, we promise to all the world, that at this time of peace in belarus, only the savets belong. and
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it doesn’t matter what you do, if you love the profession you have chosen, you will work and be happy. i have been working on the farm for 30 years already, for the thirty-first year, i graduated from lyakhovichi, then still a state farm technical school , with a degree in engineering, was a plant breeder, was the head of the complex, for 5 years now i have been working as a deputy director, an open joint-stock company zherebkovichi society today occupies more than 1300 hectares... the village composition of the farm includes two schools, podleska and zherebkovichi, there are kindergartens, three stores on the balance sheet of the farm, a canteen,
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today there are 570 workers on the farm, all employees young average age 42 years, of which 97 people are under 30 years old. people, this is very good for the economy, because the younger the team, the better the economy develops, it lives, this is the future of our economy, so we we do everything for young people, so that not only their workdays are busy, but so that they have fun, we organize trips and weekend tours, it probably seems to me that 24x7 people still work, because how many...
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take something from an animal , you need to give it, give it what it eats, give it your affection, care, the essence of the work of ideologists, well , first of all, probably, communication with people, seeing their mood, some difficulties, sometimes to advise something, sometimes to direct on the path that needs to be taken, maybe someone has some... these are concerns, a woman, if she doesn’t always come to a male leader and say, there are some difficulties in life, she usually comes to women, so you try to listen to everyone, you try to help everyone, of course , i’m probably lucky
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, lucky with the men i work with, they feel that i ’m a woman, they will always help and come to the rescue in any situation, and several times, if i’m busy with some serious work, then they they'll call you a few times if anything happens. you have to say, that's why i'm lucky, i can't to say that i have such a thing, that i ’m so heavily loaded with work, no, men always support me, always, this is our woman of the year, our woman of lyakhovism, she is so - in fact, with her activity, she energizes others and discipline in work as well , therefore, when she does her job... she is excellent, her subordinates cannot do the job differently, there are a lot of trips, you have to be in all of them, the farm is very large, we have five dairy farms, three
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cattle feeding complexes , four workshops, so there are a lot of people , sometimes if you stop by, you can drive the whole day, because you have to go everywhere with... here you go in this direction, here are the zherebkovichi, grooms, there is such space here, especially when you are driving along the lyakhovichi road you look at kletsk, when the fields turn green, it’s green here, it’s just plowed here, rapeseed blooms here, the beautiful yellow sea, it’s such space, such beauty that your soul just rejoices, you stop by. they are kind, they are well-groomed, everything is beautiful, people smile, it’s very beautiful, it’s very makes a person happy, for example, me very much
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, i live on a farm, there are well-fed animals there, they are in the village, i have a husband, i have a son, he is 28 years old, he really has not spent his life in agriculture, he is a military man, today, he is the head of the border guard, a major, so... my husband works as a manager of a production site, he is an agronomist by training , believe me, the work of an agronomist is in the field, and if seasonal work is spring-field work, this is a harvesting company, this is autumn work, autumn-field work, then he morning to evening, so we understand each other perfectly: it’s necessary, it means it’s necessary, our life consists... of the fact that, probably, there’s no hunting or fishing like that, we don’t have such hobbies, except maybe
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some flowers at home, mostly it ’s work, work is mine hobi, the main thing is that there is kindness in the house, do not bring official matters into the house, so that everyone stays outside the house, and only your own people are here. family, that’s how it is with us, we never solve official issues at home, we even have this principle, we live peacefully, soul to soul, you can build a house, buy a car, but you know this, here today you built a house or bought a car, yes it is, but tomorrow what will you do, and if you work... for your homeland, which is always with you, and you work for your people who surround you, for yourself it’s very much
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so significant. a belarusian superwoman is a woman who is happy, happy where she lives, happy where she works, happy with the people she communicates with, happy. as a mother, as a worker, as a woman and, probably, as a belarusian.
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i don't know any people who are happy about the fact that this war seems to be going on, no one is happy, and no one is happy, we ourselves have given the opportunity to our enemies, as if yes, not only to dismember us, but also to force us to fight with each other, there they are rubbing behind everyone behind the lines so these hands, they, so to speak, slavs, forced us to kill each other, but we didn’t have enough.
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justice is not something that is trending now, but in our state, our people have a demand for justice, including in the international arena. once you become the same beasts as yours enemies, you lost, even if you won, if we stop being human, we will lose, even if we formally win, precisely in this. on air news now, elizaveta lokotko is with you. hello. the our children campaign brought a holiday to a million children across
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the country. today we summed up the results of the good marathon. throughout the month, representatives of more than 150 republican organizations. visited hospitals, shelters, orphanages, boarding schools, large and low-income families. the children were given not only sweet gifts, but also equipment, toys, books, and most importantly, not a single child was left without attention or warmth of care. the event has been held in the country for more than 25 years, and every year it gains something new. so, for example, this year the promotion starts.


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