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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 17, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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with international conflictology, it should also be noted that all specialties that are open in institutions of higher education, institutions of secondary specialized education, they are subject to or are undergoing constant modernization, improvement, curricula are revised, and new academic disciplines are added, if necessary. new socially significant facilities in the minsk region are expected to have a big premiere this year in derzhinsk; a sports and recreation center is being built in this city. complex, where there will be two swimming pools, as well as multifunctional hall for team sports. the arena will also be able to host competitions. if the derzhinsky fok is designed , among other things, for sports of great achievements, then the new building in fannipol is for health improvement. this is the aquamarine sports and recreation complex, which opened in the fall and immediately became popular among city residents. our swimming pool operates on a paid basis, there are groups for children, swimming lessons from 6 years old, and groups for adults that... know how to
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swim, but really want to learn it, we also have classes in the pool aqua aerobics, on the second floor of our complex we have two identical rooms, we gave one to the general physical training hall in which we are now located, here we conduct group fitness training, total body 700 calories, we also conduct group training in dynamic pilates, the number of people wishing to plunge into the baptismal font is growing, so throughout belarus this season they will specially equip places with a flat bottom without vegetation, experts check them for the absence underground sources, whirlpools and currents of more than half a meter per second. only in minsk there are three open swimming pools, the rescue stations tsnyyanskoye, drozdy and komsomolskoye ozero. the ministry of emergency situations, osvod and doctors will be on duty at each post; heated changing rooms and food points will be installed next to the swimming areas. how saints help
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believers with their invisible power. the saint himself is not the source, he is the conductor of our prayers. he is an intercessor with god. why do people change their lifestyle go to a monastery? something in my heart sounded like it was necessary to leave this social life, just like... the grand duchess at one time left a luxurious, rich social life and devoted herself to nightly work, just as faith gives strength and supports in difficult times. our prayer requests to the lord, the mother of god and saints should be aimed at acquiring spiritual virtues and saving the soul, even when we ask for everyday needs. what do they teach?
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on the tv channel belarus 24. everything that lives the questions in spiritual and educational projects modern belarus today, watch on the belarus24 tv channel. this is news from a foreign country. broadcasts of particularly important events, broadcasts from the scene,
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current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq. kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up a satellite dish azer space-1 satellite. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus. hello, the program is on air.
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i am authorized to say, its presenter nadezhda sas, i greet you. let me remind you that this program is for those who want to better understand what is happening and understand how these processes, events, people will affect the life of the country of each of us. technologies and color revolutions create new scenarios for the defeat of sovereign states. let's talk about it immediately after the key events of this week. polish police detained former interior minister mariusz kaminski. and his deputy maciej wonsik at the presidential palace in warsaw. they were present there at the ceremony of appointing advisers to president andrzej duda at his invitation. in march 2015, the warsaw district court sentenced kaminski and wonsik to three years in prison on charges of abuse of power
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and illegal operational activities during the 2007 land scandal. president andrzej duda pardoned kaminski and wonsik in 2015. however, in june last year, criminal. the chamber of the supreme court, after cassation appeals, overturned the decision to dismiss the case against the former heads of the anti-corruption bureau. the case was returned to the court. on january 8 , the warsaw district court announced that it had issued arrest warrants for kaminski and wonsik. france appointed a new prime minister, thirty-four-year-old gabriel attal. before this, such a young politician had never been appointed to this post. the opposition has already criticized. macron, calling the new prime minister the president's press secretary. the heads of the ministry of internal affairs and the ministry of finance also considered otal to be too inexperienced a leader. the new head of the cabinet of ministers replaced elizabeth bourne in this post. macron accepted her resignation on january 8. she was criticized after carrying out an unpopular
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pension reform among the population. the new prime minister is openly gay. his marriage partner was the leader of the presidential renaissance party. all this has already forced the name macron’s team. minions, similar to the king’s entourage france and poland of henry iv, who surrounded himself with handsome young people. indian film stars, athletes and politicians have called on their fellow citizens not to visit the maldives for tourism purposes in protest against insults against prime minister narendra modi by some maldivian officials. they recommended discovering the indian islands. the lakshadvib archipelago, located next to the village. the scandal between the maldives and india began after three deputy ministers in the ministry youth empowerment, information and arts the island nation published derogatory comments about the indian prime minister. despite the fact that the maldivian authorities immediately
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dismissed the three officials who wrote the comments, india's ministry of defense summoned the island nation's ambassador on monday to protest against the remarks. highest number of foreign tourists visiting. the maldives comes from india, which also remains the archipelago's most important economic partner. quarrel with new delhi threatens the island state with serious problems. in 2006, in an interview with expert magazine ukraine, the then curator of the cis in the russian presidential administration, pallet technologist modest kolerov said: “if great powers solve their geopolitical problems on your territory, then they always do it for you.” count, and then we were talking about the first ukrainian maidan in 2004. the majority of ukrainians did not listen to the moscow intellectual, and the result is known. but the west does not stop solving its geopolitical problems with the help of people of color
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revolutions now. the latest such experience in serbia and how to resist the modernized version of sharpe’s training manual will be discussed in today’s program. i am glad to welcome you to ours. feldman, candidate of political sciences, associate professor of the academy of labor and social relations, russian federation, greetings i am glad to welcome pavel yakovlevich , hello, according to tradition, we begin our program, our discussion with a quick question, was this an attempt at another color revolution or something else, andrey petrovich? for that, in order to maintain calm in the state , it is, of course, necessary, first of all, to maintain a balance of interests of the individual, society and the state, when it is respected, then, in principle, in this state
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it is very very difficult to disrupt some system-forming, system-forming political formation when this is not observed, then of course there will always be an attempt to overthrow this system. there will be an attempt at a coup d'etat and various color revolutions, so let's just go with you today let's look at what is happening in serbia, what is essentially...
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the basis of the explanation of the causes of the color revolutions in one of your materials you write that there are two versions, this is the version about their spontaneity and the version about their stagedness, that is about randomness and non-randomness, if you can tell our viewers about this in a little more detail and extrapolate this current situation in belgrade, well... when it comes to the nature of color revolutions, there are still debates about this, both between
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theorists, well and partly by practices, and at the same time, the debate suddenly unfolds around two opposing points of view, supporters of the first point of view believe that light revolutions are spontaneous protests, they express the desire of the people from whom power was taken away, usurped, to return this power by force, the second point of view is based on... the fact that all color revolutions are as similar to each other as two peas in a pod, and these are actually not revolutions at all, but technologies for organizing coups d'etat, successfully masquerading as some spontaneous manifestations of protest, here i am a supporter of the second point of view, because color revolutions really are not revolutions of any kind, they are technologies for organizing coups d'etat, in belgrade we see exactly this situation, there are protests that the opposition is trying to treat as spontaneous and is trying to pass off as a kind of manifestation of the anger
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of the people, but in fact we see a clear organization there, we see that these people who gathered for several days in the square and the very people who tried to storm rick to occupy it, they most likely would not have come to this square, if someone had not specifically brought them by the hand, and i ask my colleagues, you... found the funds to carry out a coup in the usa. the serbia opposition movement against violence receives funding from washington. but this fact, as expected, worries few people, with the exception of a number of countries. protests in belgrade began after the victory of the party of current president aleksandar vucic in the parliamentary elections. observers did not record any violations
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that could cast doubt on the results. however, after their announcement, pro-western parties accused the government of falsification. and organized protests on the streets of the capital. on november 1, the president of serbia announced the dissolution of the single-member national parliament and set a date for early elections. the government made a similar proposal to the head of state, among the arguments of ensuring a higher degree of democracy and reducing tensions between opposing forces in society, but the good intentions in the west were used against the people. the protesters themselves are sure that... it depends on us who will remain on the streets, whether we stay on the streets and how long we persist, this also depends on the clear, unambiguous point of view of the opposition. in war, all means are good , they believe in the west, where they used the tragedy that happened in belgrade on may 3 as a lever of pressure on people,
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when at least nine people died as a result of a shooting at a school, the opposition took people out into the streets. under the pretext that the authorities allegedly cannot ensure the safety of citizens. vocic already announced an attempt to carry out a color revolution, but for six months ago and today, the attack on the country's sovereignty failed. aleksandar vucic stressed that he will not allow a violent change of power in serbia. according to him, all political processes in the country will be carried out legally and democratically. alexander lukashenko, formerly the head of the serbian state, congratulated vucic’s coalition on the victory of the leader in the elections. expressed hope for the visit of the president of belarus to serbia. you see, andrei petrovich, absolute cynics, a political force, an absolutely globalist structure - serbia is against violence, and is the initiators of the revolution, the coup d'etat, what they started from, what served as the basis for this active political activity,
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was the use of the tragedy at school that happened in may, that is, a slightly different methodology. system in many states of the post-soviet space of the post-socialist bloc, but today, as in the continuation of everything, it was correctly said that today we live in the age of just these color revolutions, a priori they are not revolutions, since there is no change in these formations, but what is happening just a change of elites, elites, which,
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as you said at the beginning of the program, are paid for by the people who are there today in... revolutions, which were written by the american political scientist gene sharp. he has been accused more than once of managing popular unrest and directly participating in attempts to illegally overthrow regimes. the founder of the albert einstein institute, sharp collected similarly described methods of nonviolent struggle. among them are the launch of a petition and the distribution of samyzdat, as well as boycotts and refusal to participate in elections in
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sharpe became famous in the post-soviet space due to the orange revolution in ukraine in 2004. the researcher himself believed that his role in political processes in the world was exaggerated. the political scientist died in 2018 at the age of 90. and dmitry vasiletsk, the head of the banned ukrainian political party derzhava, joins our broadcast. dmitry, i am glad to welcome you to our studio. hello. please tell me, in your opinion, is mr. sharp’s role in the political process exaggerated? i think that this is not about personnel, and specifically the methodology of work of western intelligence services, in principle, if we take the technology of color coups. then we can observe in practice that it is successful, it is being implemented, it is applied, it works, this is really the worst thing, because
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- here we must understand that in fact sovereign countries are regularly subjected to similar aggressions and we have seen that in many countries they have tried apply this, and there were also successful cases when the leaders of countries were still able to resist targets. all these attacks and attempts at color coups, but also in the case of ukraine, there is a clearly unsuccessful case, when western countries managed, in fact, in a hybrid way to gain control over an entire state, since the fourteenth year we have observed virtually complete control of western countries over unfortunately, we saw that the key processes in ukraine were neither civil society nor various political instruments. after western intelligence agencies already gain control over key processes in the country, that is, it is already very unlikely to return everything , in fact, all this sovereignty, which
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was then actually confiscated, to put it mildly, without much bloodshed, but if we speak for specifics, if we speak for serbia, then we see that serbia is in a much worse position than - here is ukraine in 2014, because serbia now, as we know, is there with the destruction of yugoslavia... and it was deprived of access to the sea, as we know, now, in essence, serbia is in such a situation big cauldron around the eu country, then there are actually hostile aggressive countries around the nato bloc, and the information space has no sovereignty, because facebook and other other clearly aggressive social networks are there and there is no alternative, and of course, when we see such protests in serbia . then , of course, the pressure from the countries of the european union is colossal and local politicians need to give them their due, they are doing everything necessary in order to maintain sovereignty
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and still dodge this kind of thing hybrid aggression, which, of course , is hitting serbia, such a classic scenario took place in serbia, when there were students, rallies, disagreements with elections, attempts to free these fixable people from prison. called, which today we actually see the use of tragedies shaking, shaking society for political purposes, we will remember the death of floyd in the united states of america, and shootings in schools, which contribute to a new wave of protests. what do you think, pavel, how should a leader react? states in such extremely complex and largely uncontrollable processes. well, to close the topic of sharpe, it was not for nothing that he named his book 190 methods of nonviolent resistance, he was not a great russophist, not a conventional brzezinski, he developed his
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methods of resistance, first of all, so that they would be used by forces that, from his point of view, should to fight for democratic ideals, well, by the way , he had no silver, he wore the same gymnast until he was 90 years old, but soros and izhi instrumentalized sharp’s ideas and directed it led them to what led them against unwanted states and societies. you quite rightly asked the question about counteraction, yes, for any force there is a force that can resist it. and in this case , the legitimate leader of the state, who wants to protect his country, faces a very difficult dilemma, because he needs to use force. and i am sincerely convinced that the use of force in this case is historically justified if he believes that he is saving his state. unfortunately, very often provocateurs deliberately try present the situation in such a way that the conditional berkut or the law enforcement agencies of the republic of serbia are forced to use
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force, batons, rubber bullets, and sometimes firearms, but if the authorities decide to use force, the most important thing is that they do not doubt and follow this matter to the end . in general, there are several common recipes for countering this kind of phenomenon. the first is to cut off the channel. western funding from ngos that are rocking the situation in society, the second is to cut off their media and channels communications. third, the government should not remain naked in a situation of instability, any democratically elected leader has a support group, public organizations, patriotic movements, the army, trade unions, it often happens that the leader simply does not dare to call out, guys who are for me, come out show that we are the power here,
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well, there are a lot of signs that allow us to distinguish color revolutions from real revolutions, well, firstly, in real revolutions or in true protests there are always leaders of these protests, because we know from the history of revolutionary movements that what motivates people, ideas, firstly, and leaders who are for these ideas...
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there is a crowd there, that is, in the initial stages they gather a large number of protesters somewhere in one place , as a rule, they set up a maidan there, a permanent camp, then these people begin to stew in this society that arises on this maidan, gradually turning into a crowd and losing their independence, becoming part of this elements, then when the crowd has formed , it is pumped up with aggression, and after the crowd is already... excited and it has the need to throw this aggression at someone, the crowd points the finger of a literal enemy and the crowd goes to destroy everything, that is, uh , well, starting from such moments , they distinguish a color revolution from real revolutions, in color revolutions there are also leaders, but they are of a technical nature, they are pseudo-leaders, as a rule, they play
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a decorative role. but further, a color revolution is always prepared in advance, always protest movements are always prepared in a networked manner with the help of networks, an incident always occurs that gives a signal for the transition of this color revolution, as was the case, for example, on the maidan in ukraine. dmitry, you remember those dramatic events very well, so it seems to me that there is this resentment of ukrainian society. at the former president of ukraine viktor yanukovych for not resisting, running away, if he had stayed, as the president of the republic of belarus alexander lukashenko went to the end, pointed to the rapper points to retreat there is nowhere left, the citizens and the integrity of the state are behind, it seems to me that we would see a completely different picture today, indeed this is so, but history does not tolerate
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adjuncts. therefore, yanukovych is already, in principle, designated in the history of the ukrainian people as a traitor, who still ran away at the most crucial moment instead of leading people and defending the independence of his state, and as for the definition, to what extent is this a scenario or a technology? color coup or not, this is a very good one marker, these are the actions of the american embassy, ​​the embassies of the g7 countries, the so-called, because yes, we saw that it was western diplomats who provided informational, diplomatic support and pressure on, including the security forces, that is, they were directly involved in this matter, also diplomats, for example polish ones, were specifically engaged in distributing cash to the protesters, so -called, because the protesters, as we know, with such technologies they don’t work for free, to put it mildly,
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their activism is very, very expensive, because their work is so-called risky, in this regard, of course, in order to preserve the state, it is necessary, as happened in belarus, for example in iran , to suppress these protests very harshly and methodically , using all constitutional methods, and this includes law enforcement agencies, and of course restrictions on the media and so on, that is, this is a classic scenario of how you still need to resist. these color technologies and we see that in the example of belarus and iran the same thing, it works very well, then it is possible to preserve the country, sovereignty, and, in principle, in the future, as we see in the example of ukraine and the world. andrey viktorovich, will you allow me to quote you, your material, here is pavel, let me quote, russia, based on the ukrainian experience, needs to prepare for the fact that it will become the next
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target on the list. and not having a safety net in the form of civil society, what kind of vaccine could there be, how to counteract people of color revolutions, when the west today is ready to resort to any methods, even the most pitiful and terrifying ones, because you know, i remember the mood in society, always, naturally, there are no ideal states , there are no ideal forms of government, there are no ideal leaders, but in what -that’s the moment...
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because the verkhovna rada turned away from him, his party turned away from him, he deserved it, berkut ultimately turned away from him, the ukrainian security forces simply no longer wanted to shed their blood defending the power of this man. in russia with political with the elite , fortunately, the situation is qualitatively better, but we also cannot relax, all the recipes that we voiced today in the studio, they are used in practice, look at the law on foreign agents, at how they
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feel in russia today the leaders of the non-systemic opposition feel bad, they deserve it through their past actions, so we have the possibility of this kind of development scenario.
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doubts, this person is not only respected today, today they are ready to follow him, then, oh what pavel said, what my colleagues said, is that it is not enough just to be ready to use force, the most important thing is that this force is used legally, because in this situation, in any case, no matter how it happens, but the one who stands there still represents part of our common society, and then i consolidation of the balance of power , which i said was very important to maintain, but after 2020 we found ourselves with... a lot of different shortcomings associated with our legislation, after this, you look, we have changes in the constitution , we have changes, now we are preparing a concept of national security, preparing a military doctrine, preparing a lot of documents,
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a lot of documents related to the law of the armed forces have been prepared, on the state response system, on defense, where these are precisely these aspects , which did not allow us to fully use legally armed forces, today these aspects are... look, the united states recently adopted its new national security strategy, then the newest strategy was adopted by the nato bloc, what are they talking about there, they clearly state the united states in its own right, three fundamental directions of its hegemony in the world. first. this is the military component, that is, today, they must be completely hegemons in military terms, capable of conducting any military actions against any states, economics,
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economic aspect, in the economic aspect, hegemony is a red line there, associated specifically with sanctions pressure , and the third thing, which is very important, is an ideological or value aspect that is specifically stated in the national security strategy. that everywhere the primacy of ideology, the american ideology, must be shown, the primacy of the fact that today it is the interests of the united states, they do not just add up.
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it turns out to overthrow the government or change
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some kind of political structure in the state, force is necessarily used there, and this use of force is carried out precisely for the purpose of showing or changing this structure, as for example, it was in ukraine, everything is clear, that is, it was not just a change of elites within the state, it was a change of the national elite, it was replaced by a transnational elite, whose interests are now...
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indeed, people are being pushed to participate in protests, using manipulative technologies, because a normal person will not go - to protest, that is, to participate in some kind of risky action, to expose himself, his health, maybe there are some friends whom he will take with him, he needs to be convinced, but convince him - he will take part in such a thing sort of dubious events are difficult, therefore , as a rule, they do not... convince anyone, but use technologies of deception, that
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is, deliberate misleading, in this regard , people or try to mislead people about what is happening, stimulating various kinds of semi-panic reactions, which lead to people in search of salvation from a threat that may be hypertrophied or non-existent on the street, and there they are already picked up by activists, or they are trying to captivate people with emotionally charged appeals. and slogans, emotionally appealing join ours against not ours , oppose, therefore, everything bad, for everything good, vote, otherwise you will lose, well , this type, all these techniques are quite primitive, but they do not become very dangerous when it is not just activists who are doing this there are people running down the street shouting or throwing leaflets, it becomes very dangerous when a protest movement is being prepared online.
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believed that all arabs are the same and they all look the same, here the question is moral and ethical in the first place, technology can be applied, but what are coups d'etat, it is a violent seizure and retention of power, and those who consider their mission of international relations to be the fight for truth and justice, in principle they cannot use these tools, and russia acts...
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supposedly there in large numbers from belarus, although according to in fact, there are several dozen traitors from belarus, everyone else, they will, of course, use nato personnel to achieve their goals, here we will most likely be talking about creating some kind of bridgehead on the territory of belarus
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by military means, an attempt to somehow expand this bridgehead, hoping for some kind of support from the belarusian people. and here you need to understand that exactly such a scenario is now being prepared, because we see that now belarusian mercenaries are not particularly used on the front line, that is , the pentagon, when planning its operations against the russian army on the territory of ukraine, we see that these units are protecting , that is, if they are taking care of it, then these units already have a specific role assigned, thank you very much, i was in touch with us, i i think... you paid attention to the event that took place in kiev at the end of 2023, the kalinovsky regiment, the ukrainian government, some soros structures, all in one ecstasy are going to liberate belarus, as they naturally present it, so tell me, please , it can be noted that
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for almost 2 years of a special military operation, ukraine was very afraid, afraid that the republic of belarus would enter into this. well, let's look at the west's attitude towards color revolutions, how they view it, they view it precisely in the context democratization, well, conventionally democratization, we all understand what has long stood behind this word, and... and the russian federation, the republic of belarus together, we consider color revolutions precisely only from the point of view of interference in our internal affairs
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by the relevant western countries and no other way, so we will not now be able to organize the same kind of color revolutions, unfortunately, neither in the united states nor in other states, we are only talking about our elections, and with each election we are already beginning to prepare for judging ours as such a permanent war, but we forget that... now elections will be held in poland, in lithuania, in the same united states, well, they are absolutely not worried about this, that some kind of color revolution will change their domestic or foreign policy significantly, we are constantly trying to say, now trump will replace biden there, wow, we’ll live, but we won’t, essentially nothing will change in foreign policy, well, it won’t change for the better , by the way, do you remember what hunting for the witch war began in the united states of america after the victory. trump was looking for a russian trace , where are these russian agents, how many millions
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of taxpayer dollars did the mueller commission spend on this investigation, and how did it end, nothing, so when we talked at the beginning of the program not about facts, but about development trends, and here’s how since dmitry raised this question, what is the trend, that is, we said before that there was an attempt at this woman’s revolt or whatever they called it, i don’t know how the revolution is in our country it was called there in the twentieth year, this is conditional. but nevertheless, we saw that it was essentially peaceful, bloodshed was avoided, this is the most important thing, and this is the merit, of course, of the military organization of the state, of all our people, who supported the legally elected head of state, in essence it was a failure this coup d'etat, then today the trend is such that those who are preparing for the kharugvi, these kolenovsky regiments, the pursuit of everything else is already, this is actually the... trend that could traced already starting from 2020 , our president speaks about this, the minister of defense speaks about this, and
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the chairman of the state security committee tertel recently spoke about this, and that in fact their main, their main training base is far from being located on the territory of ukraine, how correctly you say, because this will be a reason for azus belli in relation to belarus in relation to ukraine, and ukraine is afraid of this, yes, it represents a platform, but today it is aggression. afraid to untie our relationship, that’s exactly the polish one today the elite that is there is dancing to the tune of the west and trying to restore three seas there, the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, four or something else, yes, they have a clear idea, until this belarusian balcony is cut off, there is a clear understanding in the geostrategic plan that it will not be possible to break russia, all this makes us understand that this is nothing more than a clash of one civilization with another civilization, and this is already a civilizational approach, and they will never leave us behind, there is
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a clear understanding that civilization east, relatively speaking, the fact that today we again fall under the concept of the russian world, the second is the civilization of the west, which constantly faces opposition from just one component, this is with russia, or today it is with our union state, where we really stand side by side.
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and the right to freedom must be earned, firstly with your intellect, and secondly, with your work, this western liberal idea that freedom, the ability to act as you
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want, is given to a person by definition, it beautiful, she is beautiful. its future, he has to limit the freedom of those who wish this country to perish, and sometimes without even realizing it, they come out under beautiful banners, stand up for justice, for democracy, for equality of opportunity, and ultimately serve as a destructor. serving the interests of third states, moreover, hostile to both russia and belarus. in this regard, i was very impressed at one time by the gesture of alexander grigorievich when he picked up a machine gun. it was at that moment that everything became clear that he was spending his life places on the altar of the future fatherland. and he understood the risk he was taking, and realized what would happen if this crazy crowd broke into his residence. this is what a man does. i
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don't want to at all right now. as a self-confident, courageous person who loves his country, ready to take responsibility and risk his life for the sake of this country, he understood what kind of negativity the west was bringing upon himself, he understood that part of the belarusian society would not accept such a position and would feel disadvantaged, but he i did it simply because that he understood. and what will happen to belarus if a color revolution happens in it, we talked about their characteristic features, but we didn’t have time to mention one, not a single color revolution ended in happiness and prosperity for the people, the country in which it occurred. alexander grigorievich, without exaggeration , saved his fatherland, but i will add that at this existential fateful moment he
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relied on the reliable shoulder of a comrade from the russian federation and... the csto today is not turning into an analogue of nato, which is trying to engage in expansion, constant expansion, imposing something on someone. no, the csto is, first of all, a tool for maintaining internal political stability in the post-soviet space, look how it worked perfectly in kazakhstan at one time, because there, with the hands of russia and belarus , an attempt at a color revolution was actually nipped in the bud, so if suddenly, i’m almost sure the fact is that there is nothing like that ...
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the key component is that the elites, the ukrainian elites, part of viktor yanukovych’s team at some point turned their backs on him, how difficult it is today to form a team when, indeed , in such turbulent times, it really is a kind of filter, it discards unnecessary people, it tries to show the faces of traitors, because naturally, rats are fleeing a sinking ship, in
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what is being carried out today in our state, we have our 2024 election campaign has already started, the elections and the 2025 presidential elections are ahead of us, and we clearly and perfectly understand that the same ones of our once western partners are, of course, poland, the baltic countries, they are not sleeping and they are dozing, they are preparing the government there for exile, they are preparing non-recognition of our everything else, so i repeatedly say, we will stop taking a purely defensive position, that’s how it is with us. will relate , we need to learn to attack, and the first thing we need to do is to correctly assess the elections that are taking place in our neighboring states, precisely the assessment, the first one we will give, let it be timid, let it be timid, but it will , and as in the case of the csto, why did we get this operation, a peacekeeping operation, for one simple reason that no one expected it,
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everyone believed that there was one military bloc. on the one hand , i was taken aback, on the other hand, they didn’t understand , a real force is emerging that is capable of transforming this monopolar world into something else, where there will be no constant exploitation and pressure of this golden billion, which is already beginning to forget that it is the golden billion and is doing the right thing, so i will leave the pressure of the golden billion on the entire globe, this pressure is already real today filled everything up, thank you very much at the end... to the historian modest kollerov. back in 2005, in one of his interviews, he was asked why, unlike the west, moscow does not support opposition movements in
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belarus? his answer is revealing and relevant today: russia cannot and should not lead any discontent, because it respects national sovereignty. we can sincerely sympathize and wish our neighbors every success. but there is a reality, each country has its own pace of life, our own civilization, and i don’t see any opportunities for a revolutionary dragging of peoples to happiness, there will be no such happiness, the revolution does not give happiness, thank you, this was a program with the authority to declare, the failure of the maidan in serbia does not put an end to the technology of the colored revolution. together with the tv channel belarus 24, we will plunge into
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the cultural life of our country, now they would say the opera and ballet theater, because look, our stage is quite high, you see the bars below, but from there an artist could unexpectedly come out and say: hello, there is still something to play. mogilev is a city where people live harmoniously. the rich history and bright present-day life are repaying and good. let's remember folk traditions. there was an outstanding garadian tradition here: skin day, and every day, behind the eyes of the dancing people, the sounds of belarusian fanfare were heard. geta is a trumpeter, like all the people of grodzen, who are so good and calm. let's talk about the past. all this theatrical pabudova, adzinaya in belarus. z 19 stagodzya, who was greedy for these hours, this statute of the vyalika principality of lithuania, this aryginal, this sapraudy aryginal, just the great good zahavanastsi, and from the fact that we now have in belarus, this is the oldest
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asoobnik, the viewer in the right place, the cultural heritage burn.


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